objective name advanced proficient progressing

Point of View
The purpose of this assignment is to see how well you demonstrate your understanding
of how a source or a particular point of view can impact the information presented.
Choose between the two assignments below to demonstrate your understanding of
point of view:
Aunt Alexandra’s Admirable Advice Column: Obviously, Aunt Alexandra
feels that her judgment is impeccable and worthy of admiration. Pretend
that Aunt Alexandra has an advice column in the local newspaper. Create
a letter from a citizen expressing a concern that someone of that time
might have. Write the response you think Aunt Alexandra would have to
that question or concern.
Calpurnia’s Letter to the Editor: Calpurnia is an interesting woman who
has the opportunity to see life from two very different vantage points.
Write a “letter to the editor” from Cal which addresses a concern about
people treating others well no matter the color of their skin. Make sure you
clearly communicate all sides of the story that Cal might be likely to
Learner can identify point of view
Learner can identify the point of view
and type of source as well as offer a (1st, 2nd, 3rd person) or type
Leaner attempts to define the
Learner can define the point of view point of view or type of a source.
complex explanation of how that
(primary/secondary) of a source and or type of a source. Leaner may offer Learner may not be able to
point of view impacts or shapes the
explain how that point of view impacts a basic explanation of how that point explain how that point of view
information presented. Learner can the information presented. Learner
of view impacts the information
impacts the information presented.
make meaningful and poignant use of can make meaningful use of
presented. Learner can make use of Learner attempts to make use of
understanding of point of view of a
understanding of point of view of a
understanding of point of view of a
understanding of point of view of a
Dear Editor,
Americans should be concerned about
the competitive edge that our tax
system gives foreign manufacturers. We
should no longer allow the income tax to
make foreign-produced goods more
competitive than our own.
DEAR ABBY: My husband, kids and I moved out
of state seven years ago, leaving behind our
extended families. Now, whenever we plan a
vacation in our home state, we encounter the
same issues. The first is trying to accommodate
everyone's schedule into our own. The second is
dividing our time between my family and my
husband's. (His family is smaller than mine.)
Is it fair to divide the time in half -- half for his
family and half for mine -- even though I have so
many more relatives on my list? Or should we
divide our time by the number of households we
need to see? These issues cause my husband
and me to argue, and it makes what is supposed
to be a vacation very unpleasant. I already feel
like canceling the trip. -- VACATION ISSUES
DEAR VACATION ISSUES: A solution would be to
have two large family get-togethers -- one for
your family and another for his -- during your
visit. Then, if you want to visit with the relatives
from the two branches of the families
individually, you can "divide and conquer." He
can spend as much time as he wishes with his
relatives, and you can spend time with yours.
Replacing the income tax with the
FairTax, a highly progressive federal
consumption tax, will end this practice
and make American products 20% to
30% more competitive, both at home
and abroad. What a break for U.S.
producers and consumers as well!
Getting rid of the income tax will
dramatically lower production costs in
this country. And competition will ensure
that these cost savings will flow not only
manufacturers who will be able to create
more and better-paying jobs, but also to
the pockets of American consumers who
will be able to buy more, save more,
and invest more.
It's time to give American producers and
consumers a break by passing the
FairTax into law. I would encourage your
readers to visit the Americans for Fair
Taxation website at www.fairtax.org.