!"#$"$! Dr. Frances Stetson, Ph.D. !"#$%&" '$&%"()"*$+,"+-"#./0$(+)- 123"45637$(+83"9)7":3+-83-(+)-"+-";630+$,"#./0$(+)Presenter: Dr. Frances Stetson, Ph.D. President of Stetson & Associates, Inc. Moderator: Clay Whitehead Co-CEO and Co-Founder, PresenceLearning %&'()*+,-. May 21, 2015 / '0,12.,345675 &4,4163585 *11692-4,1:5;39<:5 1=,92->2?23@5235 1A==60423@51B14,C159+-3@,523519+66>1 / (D,9A42E,5)20,94605-3.51=63160576054+,5;39>A12E,5&9+66>15 F,4G60H5-3.5G,I124,54+-45677,05 70,,50,16A09,1:5I>6@1:5-3.5 -0429>,15635,C,0@23@546=2915235,.A9-4263<5 / '0,E26A1>B:5J,D-15(.A9-42635*@,39B5-..0,1123@54+,53,,.15 675 14A.,3415G24+596@3242E,59+->>,3@,1 / K63.A94,.50,1,-09+5-3.53-4263->[email protected],9+329->5 -11214-39,576054+,5L&5),=-04C,345675 (.A9-4263<5 / M-15)20,94605675KA0029A>AC5-3.5;3140A94263576054+,5 ,.A9-426351,0E29,59,34,05235N6A1463< %&'()*+,-. Special Agents of Change Spring 2015 Webinar Series W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE Tu e sd a y JUN 16 Trip Hawkins & Janice Toben, M.Ed. How Games Can Help Children with Special Needs Develop Critical L ife Skills Dr. Shari Robertson How to Become a Change Agent for Better Readers W ith Early Collaborative Dr. Martha Burns The New Science of L earning: Effective Approaches for Older Students Partnerships with Autism & Attention Disorders Dr. Frances Stetson Five Easy W ays to Fail in Education Dr. Barry Prizant Uniquely Human: A Different W ay of Seeing Autism for Parents, Educators & All Humans Watch the webinars at plearn.co/change-2015 5 EASY WAYS TO FAIL IN EDUCATION The Imperative for Reinvention in Special Education !"#$%&#'%()*+,#-.+.,/) %&'()*+,-. I H A V E 3 R U L E S F OR K E Y N OT E S 5 E A S Y W A Y S T O F A I L I N E D U C A T I ON ! O61,54+,5 P21263 Original SelfDisclose Keep it Brief! % " &46=5 O,-0323@ *.C20,54+,5 '06I>,C $ ;16>-4,5 R6A01,>7 # *E62.5Q,-0 $ !"#$"$! L OS E T H E V I S I ON Challenge g #1 Where there is no vision, the people perish. LO SE T HE VISIO N —Proverbs L OS E T H E V I S I ON We know what we want Yet some of us… ! Shared ownership ! Lose it ! Every student is a general education student ! Fail to convey it ! General education classroom and curriculum as our reference point ! Create confusion with our organizational charts ! Fade supports ! Keep it a secret – Pursue Exits! ! Authentic partnerships (One faculty not several camps!) ! Offer inconsistent information ! Develop it in a vacuum ! Fail to identify non-negotiables ! Confuse compliance with vision W E C A N A L M OS T B E E X C U S E D 2014 Shifts in student population 1997 1975 IDEA, FAPE, LRE, IEP What are these? 1964 Christmas in Purgatory by Burton Blatt Limited models in public schools Institutional Model Pull-out the norm Limited to No Access – No Equity – No Rights Compliance O rientation Access & O pportunity to succeed in the general curriculum! Impact of RTI Inclusion Confusion Accountability Inclusive Practices # !"#$"$! Christmas in Purgatory W E C A N A L M OS T B E E X C U S E D 2014 Shifts in student population 1997 Access & O pportunity 1975 IDEA, FAPE, LRE, IEP What are these? 1964 by Burton Blatt Limited models in public schools Institutional Model Pull-out the norm Limited to No Access – Compliance Christmas in Purgatory No Equity – No Rights O rientation to succeed in the general curriculum! Impact of RTI Inclusion Confusion Accountability Inclusive Practices What, if anything, is special about special education? "The quality of care furnished by State institutions varies widely, but from the standpoint of wellqualified and adequate personnel and the availability and use of professional services and modern, progressive programs, the general level must be regarded as low. In large State institutions the normal problems of administration and care are compounded by overcrowding, staff shortages, and frequently by inadequate budgets." The President.s Panel on Mental Retardation 12 TREND: A CHANGING STUDENT POPULATION SHRINKI N G INCREA SI NG ! Lear ning disabilities from 6.1% to 4.9% of all students nationwide ! Autism and OHI quadrupled from 1.5% to 5.8% ! Intellectual disabilities from 1.3% to 0.9% ! Em otional Distur bance from 1.0% to 0.8% SPECIAL EDUCATION POPULATION BY DISABILITY WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? *A421C ! Creates re-conceptualization of “what special education is all about” ),E,>6=C,34->5),>-B ! Increases student diversity under the general education umbrella X4+,05N,->4+5;C=-20C,34 ! Forces new attention to research re: effective practices (C64263->5 )214A0I-39, ! A shift in teacher comfort zone – more PD/Coaching ;34,>>,94A->5 )21-I2>24B #T ST !T !T UT ##T $VT &=,927295O,-0323@5)21-I2>24B &=,,9+5605O-3@A-@,5;C=-20C,34 W!T X4+,05)21-I2>242,1 "&&& 2009 '"&&! – 2010 RE-IMAGINE SERVICES ! What is the role of general education for increasingly diverse students? ! What is so special about special education today? Challenge g #2 ADMIRE T HE PRO BLEM S !"#$"$! D E F I N I T I ON OF T W O K E Y T E R M S ACCOMO DA TIO N MODIFICATI O N A change in HOW procedures A change in WHAT the student for teaching or testing are done, in order to provide a student with access to information and to is expected to learn and/or demonstrate. While a student may be working on modified course create an equal opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills. content, the subject area remains the same as the rest of the class. HOW Include discussion box linked to FIE We have been admiring this problem for decades! WHAT S Y S T E M S L E V E L S OL U T I ON S Eliminate checklists of accomms. A D M I R E T H E P R OB L E M S Y S T E M S L E V E L S OL U T I ON S Use FIE to effectively determine functional impact of student Determine need for continuing existing accomms disability/needs. and for revising or deleting them. From admiring to systems level solutions! S Y S T E M L E V E L S OL U T I ON S !Include the student in discussions and decisions re: preferences for accom-modations. !Design an Initial Assessment Team process. Promote the Martha message: A versus A for accommodations. From admiring to systems level solutions! A D M I R E T H E P R OB L E M !Use IEP meetings as coaching opportunities re: effective selection and use of accommodations. !Use a Documentation Log to track use of accommodations !Expand knowledge base of the range of accommodations through coaching, online newsletters, etc. !Build meta-cognitive strategies into the curriculum at every grade level. What other “intractable” challenges do we face in education that a systemlevel approach would solve? W !"#$"$! A PRACTICING MODEL FOR CRI YFXM5KZ; Challenge g #3 AVO ID F EAR YFXM5&JL)(FJ& YFXM5&(OQ FRAMEWORK FOR CULTURAL PROFICIENCY P r o fi c i en c y U N D E R S T AN D IN G WH I T E P RI VLE GE E m p a th y & L e a r ni n g privilege is like “ White an invisible weightless Competence knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks. Pre-Competence ” Blindness !"##$%&'()*+, -.%/01213%4 -5*"% 675859"#"%:);%<:9"%675859"#"=%>% 6"7, +):9%:''+?)*%+@%'+<5)#%*+%, ""% '+77", 6+);")'"%*-7+?#- A+7B%5)% A+<")C, %, *?;5", D Incapacity Destructiveness W H I T E P R IV LEGE UNPACKING THE INVISIBLE BACKPACK E$%!"##$%&'()*+,- C o n fl i c t & B l a m e TAKE 1 STEP FORWARD IF YOU: ! ;75 ;5 1+6A>.53,,.5465C6E,:5;59-35I,5=0,44B51A0,56750,3423@5605=A09+-123@5 +6A123@5235-35-0,-5G+29+5;59-35-7760.5-3.5235G+29+5;5G6A>.5G-345465>2E,< ! ;5 9-35I,5=0,44B51A0,54+-45CB53,2@+I60152351A9+5-5>69-42635G2>>5I,53,A40->555 605=>,-1-345465C,< ! ;5 9-35@651+6==23@5->63,5C61456754+,542C,:5=0,44B5G,>>5-11A0,.54+-45;5G2>>5 3645I,576>>6G,.5605+-0-11,.< ! ;5 9-354A0356354+,54,>,E2126356056=,354654+,5706345=-@,56754+,5=-=,05-3.555 1,,5=,6=>,5675CB50-9,5G2.,>B50,=0,1,34,.< ! M+,35;5-C546>.5-I6A456A053-4263->5+,024-@,5605-I6A45[92E2>2?-4263:\5;5-C5 1+6G354+-45=,6=>,5675CB596>605C-.,5245G+-4524521< ! ;5 9-35I,51A0,54+-45CB59+2>.0,35G2>>5I,5@2E,359A0029A>-05C-4,02->154+-4555 4,1427B54654+,5,D214,39,56754+,2050-9,< ! !"#$"$! WHITE PRIVILEGE – ROBERT JENSEN WHITE PRIVILEGE – ROBERT JENSEN 4 -5*"%!75859"#"D%J, ,")*5:9%7":;5)#,%+)%*-"%+*-"7%, 5;"%+@%7:'5,<D%K+*-")H"7#.%!:?9:%MD%!:#",%0NOI0N2D 4 -5*"%!75859"#"D%J, ,")*5:9%7":;5)#,%+)%*-"%+*-"7%, 5;"%+@%7:'5,<D%K+*-")H"7#.%!:?9:%MD%!:#",%0NOI0N2D On average, whites are more likely than members of racial/ethnic minorities to: On average, whites are more likely than members of racial/ethnic minorities to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– ROBERT JENSEN ! M6");%:%,<:99"7%6"7'")*:#"%+@%-+?,"-+9;%5)'+<"%+)%-+?,5)# ! G:8"%?)5<6";";%:''",,%*+%-+<"%<+7*#:#"%9+:),%:);%-+<"%+A)"7,-56 ! QA)%,*+'B,.%<?*?:9%@?);,% :);%(K>%:''+?)*, ! R:5)%:%,?H,*:)*5:9% )"*%A+7*- W H I T E P R IV LEGE 4 -5*"%!75859"#"D%J, ,")*5:9%7":;5)#,%+)%*-"%+*-"7%, 5;"%+@%7:'5,<D%K+*-")H"7#.%!:?9:%MD%!:#",%0NOI0N2D On many measures, closing the achievement gap between black and white is decades or centuries away: ! At the slow rate that the black-white poverty gap has been narrowing since 1968, it would take 150 years until 2152 to close. ! Developing feelings of worthlessness ! Achieving less in school ! Lowering aspirations for the future ! Increasing likelihood of school drop-out drop ! For every dollar of white per-capita income, African Americans had $0.55 in 1968 and only $0.57 in 2001. At this pace, it would take blacks 581 years to get the remaining $0.43. ! Although white home-ownership has jumped from 65% to 75% since 1970, black home-ownership has only risen from 42% to 48%. At this rate, it would take 1,664 years to close the gap, after 55 generations. DEBRIEFING WHITE PRIVILEGE ! M+-45 -0,54+,563^@623@:5 9ACA>-42E,5 ,77,9415675G+24,5 =02E2>,@,5 760514A.,341_ ! N6G59-35G,596A34,0-945 4+,1,5 ,77,94152354+,59>-11066C_5 A V OI D F E A R FE A R " " " " I have a thimble- ful l of knowledge. Will my word choice offend? What are my real motives ? Will I create more problems or misunders tandi ngs ? ] !"#$"$! A V OI D F E A R W H I C H D O Y OU C H OOS E ? “Now I have something to say to my daughters” Avoid Fear? Embrace Fear? What other issues in education require courage to discuss? Challenge g #4 ISO LAT E YO URSELF ADULT CHOICE Isolate CULINARY ARTS TEACHER Collaborate ` !"#$"$! I S OL A T I ON SIGNALS IMPACT ! Avoid collaborative planning opportunities ! Reduces effectiveness and impact of services ! Invoke higher value or knowledge ! Reinforces a dual system ! Focus on adult issues and Personal Preferences Challenge g #5 ST O P LEARNING ! Losses for Students STATES OF GROWTH OF INDIVIDUALS STATES OF GROWTH OF INDIVIDUALS Gourmet Omnivores Active Consumers Passive Consumers Reticent Consumers (10-15%) (20%) (50%) (10-15%) S+$'".%ED%T%U:9-+?).%JD%/NV0V3D%&+;"9, %+@%67+@", , 5+):9%;"8"9+6<")*=%>%'"9"H7:*5+)%+@%";?':*+7, D%U+7A5)%!7",,D I S OL A T I ON Gourmet Omnivores Active Consumers Passive Consumers Reticent Consumers (10-15%) (20%) (50%) (10-15%) )65 4+,1,5 =,09,34-@,15 C-49+5 B6A05 6G35 ,D=,02,39,5 46.-B_5 M+-45 -0,5 4+,5 >63@^4,0C5 ,77,9415 6754+2157605 19+66>1_ !"#$%"&'( http://plearn.co/stetson-downloads WHAT TO DO… ! Subscribe to two or more professional journals ! Read professional journals ! Subscribe to one or more education research sites ! Follow five or more authors of education texts ! Research your topics before a speech before the board or parents ! Recognize that there are millions of practical experts with valid concepts and conclusions ! Purchase a minimum of 10 professional books each year ! Recognize that personal opinions are not as valid or compelling as juried research studies ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! *996CC6.-426315ZAI029 &=,92->5(.A9-42635),=-04C,345'>-3323@5X=42631 K6>>-I60-42E,5'>-3323@57605(D4,03->5&A==6041 &-C=>,5)69AC,34-42635O6@5706C5)-B4635;&) &-C=>,5&40-4,@295'>-3323@5Q60C-4 ;3140A94263->5),12@35J66> KA>4A0->>B5Z,1=6312E,5;3140A942635&A@@,14,.5Z,-.23@ KA>4A0->>B5Z,1=6312E,5;3140A942635Q0,aA,34>B5*1H,.5bA,142631 K+,9H>21457605cA2>.23@5*A4+,34295Z,>-42631+2=1 &4A.,345O,-0323@5;3E,3460B5d(>,C,34-0Be &4A.,345O,-0323@5;3E,3460B5d&,963.-0Be J,-9+,05M60H23@5&4B>,5fA2., K6>>-I60-42E,5J,-9+23@5XI1,0E-42635J66> U !"#$"$! Free Webinar Wednesday May 27th Register Now At: plearn.co/go-indep %&'()*+,-. What to Expect Next Special Agents of Change Spring 2015 Webinar Series W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE W ATCH W E BINAR ONLINE Tu e sd a y JUN 16 PresenceLearning will email you in the next 48 hours: # Certificate of Attendance for all attendees # Link to the recording of the webinar & follow-up materials Trip Hawkins & Janice Toben, M.Ed. How Games Can Help Children with Special Needs Develop Critical L ife Skills Dr. Shari Robertson How to Become a Change Agent for Better Readers W ith Early Collaborative Dr. Martha Burns The New Science of L earning: Effective Approaches for Older Students Partnerships with Autism & Attention Disorders Dr. Frances Stetson Five Easy W ays to Fail in Education Dr. Barry Prizant Uniquely Human: A Different W ay of Seeing Autism for Parents, Educators & All Humans Watch the webinars at plearn.co/change-2015 %&'()*+,-. For ASHA CEU credit, PresenceLearning will submit: # Webinar participation information to ASHA for people who have provided valid ASHA membership ID & contact info # CEUs may take 4-6 weeks to show up in your ASHA account # No further action required on your part! # Send CEU questions to [email protected] For a demo or quote for PresenceLearning services # Email us at [email protected] %&'()*+,-. May 21, 2015 PresenceLearning.com PresenceLearn PresenceLearning %&'()*+,-. May 21, 2015 g
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