Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 21 119941446 North-Holland MONEY IN A THEORY OF FINANCE Robert E. Lucas, Jr.* The University INTRODUCTION I. The title of (1960) monograph constructing the attainment for future about the problem the reader of at objective it is easier either (1935) regarded must as part be something did not see or did to identify this difficulty exactly this to rapid recent progress This mutually distinct) lation that further theoretical This revealed paper the Fisherian review of economics. *I am the in Section relationship grateful to Allan the contingent- (1964) and Oebreu the frameworks, terms, unity and Modigliani-Miller discovered but within all differ- three have and it was this reformuset the stage II with a review of a simple of real capital A central Kupferman, re- for each of the three pillars theory, theoretical essential within by Arrow in which is largely for many advances. begins model and to Theoretical finance. markets--was in contingent-claim their theory, entirely statement, of efficient since been reformulated of introduced theory--portfolio and the theory (and theory almost framework is not an historical financial modern Theorem, as monetary in the is now conducted equilibrium not ade- it. fails in finance of an adifficult it was in 1960 to identify general of "Suggestion." today than (1959). Arthur that the objective of finance search ent writers there Gurley/Shaw is an old one, one that Hicks's is still that the theory claim of from the If respects due J.R. is an attempt offer one way of dealing with course, and finance since suggests that earlier of at the outset of money least this research This paper face. is taken, theory theorists genda quately essay to remind a unified has challenged That this of Chicago of feature Nancy Stokey Meltzer, theory this model in contingent-claim to various aspects of this model is that alI trading for an Bennett criticism McCallum. of earlier and Manuel draft Sanchez. and version terms of financial occurs for of and a in a ccmments by centralized sition market, of each agent the market over goods the fact over other curities trading, that, I do not its market of money, III Lucas and Stokey of market market in which securities a device (1983), money which in reality, theoretical is to poor has say preference," money value all is to has a relative in centralized model must se- place agents How, as a matter pricing that is in of modeling from the barter testing. agents securities in model that to the and system, versions Here a simplified to the point where and various simple by Clower market barter operational central version theory reviewed differ are in re- in important to much to the objectives alternative of the model are fully to recent em- IV. fiscal of Section one can begin to see what a full analysis examples goods (1967). of monetary to the theory of finance, under to if not continu- modifications subjected been in Section securities admits a theory of securi- that have equilibria a decentralized formulas peripheral two different Subsequent regularly, in and is ,assumed subject so that pricing These are reviewed monetary agents (1982), attend are exchanged. standard fully Section V turns to the question, for constructing between all (implicitly) securities close though traditionally they formu- introduced Townsend alternate period, alternative model (1982), of the form suggested this interesting for a monetary with of at least some goods in a centralized Yet II. of in Lucas trade constraint assumption used Each agents experience now, but the monetary in which the purchase the cash-in-advance regimes. the his wealth, any one claim or of "liquidity enough and other trading, trade have question situations. in which The we this employs kinds theory value, in excess of its relative a successful believe Section pirical The command at least some of the time. to answer Section by number: might this best be done? lations markets he owns. in some situations goods then such situations, ways described such a setting, In by a single "liquid." command strategy, present. is fully described is fully capture quired agents the point of a theory If ties all value of all the claims claims are equally ously, with "solved." Section of methods and monetary III is studied would involve, contains con- understood, con- VI cluding comments. II. The theory of finance, THE THEORY OF FINANCE as the term 10 is now generally sists of various specializations tingent-claim formulation ating time, through rizing several considering to stochastic of the main results (St), where might an economy any consumption full history this setting is known of shocks simplified activity as a function of the good to be exchanged t contingent on the occurrence here to two leisure, xt. The defined over each individual stances. consumption sequence all consumer's time t. a possible histories shocks, prior st. A commodity I will confine produced st, provides ft the or good in denotes or produced) at date attention good, of functions for all dates, to to denote the value of which nonstorable, [c+,,xt} of pairs consumption knowledge the joint density (or consumed of the history goods: elements, given stochastic st is public ct(st), the quantity and also for version. Use st = (~1 ,...,st) up to and including is idealized of finance, oper- for summa- to include monetary in t and where to all agents. con- for an economy As background to exogenously of the vector or production (Sl,..., St) shocks. in the theory subject the realization of the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium be extended to state a highly We consider of subject how this theory it will be useful and applications of a competitive ct, ct(st), and x+,(st), a catalogue under all possible of an circum- 1 Consumers will be taken to maximize expected utility: m z Bt I U(c&), t=o xt(st))ft(st)dst. The shorthand m z 6 t I U(ct,xt)f t ds t (2.1) t=o is taken to mean are assumed the same thing and will be used repeatedly below. Ct + gt + kt+1 = F(k$-x& ‘Here and elementary provided detail, below aspects , it and Firms to have a technology: would phases I am simply of be various like setting models. necessary “defined (2.2) to out If specify over a a the all notation useful for discussing mathematically-rigorous commodity possible replacement. 11 space histories” technically- exposition and functions would need were defined elaboration to in be more or describing the consumption produced the combinations goods gt, of and when beginning-of-period shock history different is consumers st. Questions At but of government the to possibility levy deficit debt obligations to formulate quite the a definition but in general traditions Debreu, finance, the trading different, standard of scenario, highly financial all agents theory and are taken of contingent contingent ct(st) is sequence history the many to con- [gt) will be has Let at t. the To admit goods-denominated to these agents, to keep scenarios, to convene shocks, claims one In on so that, for mt(st)ct(st) and the and hence in mind two of which is closer first, at time 0, knowing to trade 'in a complete In this on goods. consumption claim st, product be on consumers.* initial, theory. leisure of a contingent shock stream and the other of which monetary of the consider that government it is useful complementary (ct,xt] -nxt(st) could taxes open of equilibrium, price of can by government. equilibrium the that on subscripts of consumers possibilities of sequences nt(st) one by assuming let 60 denote f1,f2 ,... of future the distributions level lump-sum tax obligations owed consumers To describe c+_, government kt+I are kt, labor is 1-xt, and of the expenditure the paper, distortion-free, contingent of stocks formal goods stocks it will economize finance here and throughout denote capital many) of each. kept simple, ability consumption capital this and firms, sider one ("representing" et(st) private end-of-period claim xt(st) example, the ct(st) the are both dated the present ArrowSO and range trading and is to the price functions value of the value of an claim entire (ct] is3 m z I &)ct(st)dst t=o Here prices are quoted in an abstract unit-of-account, so a normalization like no = 1 is permitted. In this (nt,nXt), 2 See Lucas of government 3 Here setting, firms choose (ct + gt, l-xt, kt+I), given k. and to maximize and finance and below, Stokay when (1983) all for taxes a normative analysis. in a context distort. the normalization /ds t_ - I, all t, 12 is assumed. similar to this one, - m (2.3) ~[~,(st)(ct(st)+gt(st))-nx,(st)(l-xt(st))~dst, 1 t=o subject Call the value of this maximized to (2.2) for all t, st. function n. period, Consumers they outstanding are are liable government for endowed taxes, with they one own debt, so their budget unit of the firms, constraint objective labor-leisure per and they the hold is: m rl$st)(ct(st) + e&H - z t=o - nxt(st)(I-xt(st))]dst Consumers choose (ct,xt}, (2.4) < n + ,,oBo given (nt,nXt), [et],", and BO, to maximize (2.1) subject to (2.4). This scenario, in which at time 0, conflicts in reality trading production "large" with though number the second, t, original date, Then these with It also pre- equally fully, sheds reinterpretation superficial, above that is much scenario some of a that and activities. is are set consumption The next, alternative, objection sketched that will (nt(st) established for goods to these and prices the observation concurrent observation a with light a deals on the contingent-claim closer to traditional theory. all dated markets agents claims Arrow-Oebreu, prices the price or permits the sort that prior this securities. in contingent complication than quantities superficially) all the time, observation imagine in the very believe in general of trading traded rather I and monetary First, on of traded first and equilibrium capital goes of goods supposes, all equilibrium (though of time shortly above) meet at the beginning exactly 0 market. be and, T contingent on the character utilizing let ~Ot(~O,O~t) in general, simply same Then, dropped, at the time-t-market, at t > 0 are the of every period as denote use nt.T(st,tsT) if st has occurred history redundant, those a notational the to denote up to that tsT from t+l through for arbitrage will T. en- force = over all dates and ~O,tbO’OST) “t,rbtyST) histories, and future trades agreed to at t = 0. 13 trading (2.5) will simply reconfirm In this one nomy, "sequence is free, of prices economy" without like ~~,~(s~,~s'), or rationally t market the history prices as being formally st be realized. established at each other prices terpretation evidently one to economize assumed as will be seen Arrow-Debreu it will permits to be traded technology, scenario be useful will be used The first-order as permit still follows, the formalism to generate of for the consumer's rein- assumptions further equilibrium rational This on the variety Special often system with rational conditions light drastically to think of these equilibrium of a competitive in be set later. to keep this alternative-sequence and, where possible, the evolution In what date, will at any one date. and shocks below. eco- to think That is, one thinks of certain as to how certain preferences, an Arrow-Debreu of equilibria, (as of t = 0) to be set in the time- expected expectations of securities of the analysis T > t not as being set at time 0 but rather being correctly should reinterpretation affecting of the timeless conditions, interpretation conditions on economies, but in mind as describing expectations. problem: maximize (2.1) subject to (2.4) include: 0 = 2 Uc(ct,xt)ft -Xnt, 0 = 2 Ux(ct,xt)ft - x lVxt all t, st where the number x is the multiplier The first-order conditions , (2.6) , all t, st associated for the (2.7) with (2.4). firm's problem: maximize subject to (2.2) include: 0 = nt - pt , all t, st , (2.8) utFx(kt,l-xt,st), 0 = nxt - o= Fk(ktJ-+&St all t, st (2.9) and I,I~ - %-1 ’ all t 2 1, st-l, 14 (2.10) (2.3) where the functions constraints boundary (2.2). implicitly are In (2.2) define are addition, or transversality Equations that U+, = pt(st) conditions and th e multipliers under "at infinity" (2.6)-(2.10) the set of stochastic equilibria for and (2.7), equilibrium this economy. prices suitable associated the certain are also necessary. together with processes for quantities Eliminating boundary conditions and prices multipliers from (2.6) are given by: U,(ct+) “xt with restrictions, (2.11) T=U,(ct’xt) and (2.12) Eliminating prices as well from (2.6) (2.10), equilibrium quantities must satisfy: Ux(ct+) m Fx(ktJ-xt,st) = c Ct’xt “&-1.xt_l) 6 I where Uc(ct,xt)Fk(kt,l-xt,st)F:_l dst. Equations suitable librium (St} t:. is the interpretations (2.12) to prices Brock = f:_1 5 ft/ft-l marginal of resource and intimate connection can allocation they are the Much (2.13) (2.14) conditions (1982) for a useful finance. density of st - (2.14) (2.14) conditional ,t-1 on and their connections The . (2.11) - are familiar. (2.13) boundary : (2.13) , together sometimes Capital technology given t:o, together Asset theory 15 the Model of the is a collection and the equishocks of the system. with an exposition Pricing of finance (2.2) to construct Euler equations" illustration to the the be used (ct.xt.kt+Q "stochastic of the existing with See of their theory of of obser- vations from based which theory, on these they are in the remainder these observations theorems" nature category on the budget value the of a claim firm. simply consumers are same. This on is firm the between "Ricardian be of the various this R,, with consumer's of this to divide The sequences stream, stream and the budget of the the form of n value The proof (2.4): if government can consumer's definition (2.3) of the firm's value II. It is: be the justly-celebrated claims budget must component Theorem receipts gives the arbi- a power, in appli- of its proof. of government The values the that given the simplicity from in the constraint these proof fact theorem" R = (Rt(st)), that "i"i = II . of contingent reasoning.4 derived systems side of (2.4) is II or ~i"i, and the Modigliani-Miller same price "equivalence "iRi = R, each with choices, (1966) Theorem. equivalence the market these Hirshleifer's (1958) underlying of of the model elements be convenient net receipts RI,.... that may not be apparent, The main of equilibrium the right-hand Ri can be arbitrary application it will II~,...,~,,, it is evident indifferent Modigliani-Miller cations, the observation trage reasoning the Thus, the value II of (2.3) is the equi- to the entire can choose whether if they streams sets. streams prices) an basic properties consists linearity Should to the receipts (at equilibrium section, of results rest say, of is of this of consumers' librium that or on more In reviewing into three categories. One important claims conditions obtained. finance is another constraint constraint facing (2.4) the and the m ToBo = Clearly, for the debt equilibrium budget prices constraint Let the time 0 deficit noBo B1(sl). 4See infinitely-lived Bo, [et) and sets for consumers, and quantities, more frequently be financed by the (1979) household for references device used appears from the "stock" Bi, hence be and hence be issue as of new, contingent for prmf in the literform no(gO - eo) plus retirement Then, for all realizations Barn patterns imply the same budget same in a "flow" form that can be derived follows. (2.15) economically. The government ature et)dst - any two debt-tax gt, (2.15) will with "equivalent" .I-$gt L given that satisfy consistent t=O (2.15) as of outstanding one-period debt of s1 well here. 16 as a that does not rely on the nB 1 must hold, 1 ,!, _I-Qgt = analogously and subtracting to etMlst) - (2.15). Integrating new states that a current debt. The literature "flow than does that the latter Notice that consequences these librium. of consider goods above, is "lost" when results of the results (2.6)-(2.10). do be clear than does not depend system is involves way. of pricing the information preferences. for granted the They the involving terms equiof the existence of the technology of contingent-goods the remaining detailed are simply manipulation taking but in any in competitive claims, and in terms of (Z j T T=t prices ntT defined In terms of the sequence economy t. in but it should more similarly be an arbitrary sequence frequently (2.15) is differenced. or consumer that more (2.15). and contains and quantities the problem this price, Q,(z) say, is Q,(z) The = time-0 normalization i IntTzTd($) T=t prices mt on sequence r_t ntr are (2.18) . given economy prices UC(CTJT)fT = 6 U&+$ Since spect must be offset by net issues of appears in an essential (zt)t10 at time to s1 (2.17) constraint" hypothesis category prices preferences Let respect , deficit equivalence conditions equilibrium and/or the = 0 (2.17) fundamental of technology A second first-order the "stock condition on the nature account constraint" is more (2.17): a boundary way (2.16) with from (2.15) gives: no(go - eo) + xOBO - +Bldsl which (2.16) by (2.12). the prices Q,(z) all t, Tzt., sT the (2.19) . on s t , integrating operator (2.19) into (2.18) gives the pricing = zt + using ’ fT/ft is the density of tS~ conditional to this density involves applying the inserting Similarly, mtt = 1, (2.6) implies: Tzf+l~‘-’ Etl+$$$ zT1 . 17 Et(.). with re- Therefore, formula: (2.20) The formula (2.20) implies, uc(ct+)(Qt(4-zt) = 6EtlUc(ct+l,xt+l)Qt+l~z~l If marginal utility linear or because is near one, "dividend" in turn, Uc is roughly consumption as would be basis for Et(.) is conditional tests the duced of specific on property of Perhaps recently crucially follows even tests reasoning it has on from not, the discount the prices that formed Since shock the history in (2.22), without lasting importance, more in which underlying the operator st, a vast so these efficiency stringency stochastic precedent they elements the hypothesis, to a relationship measured is a statistical cations not (2.22). A number Fama the from accuracy of observed of studies n or weaker motivated in intro- were as opposed into by deterministic easily the early survey (1965). 18 virtues conditions be made original a (2.21) as and its it stands into one, with efficiency literature that or as a parame- this idea in a variety of not which zero can be parameterized Hence, do under whether any value or treated function than two be measured, time ,series. can these narrow can have pursued valuable, that the Dividends can be assigned hypothesis for recognized and the utility appreciably (1970) been (2.21). factor ter to be estimated, See a if no arguments. (2.22) 5 of empirical of of statistical depend arguments and to is implicit of being added as an afterthought More is factor is short, efficiency."5 components all degree to the economic theoretical if the discount unit of securities "market predictions a utility (2.22) tests research. a class trinsic if the time because . early introduced economic case (2.21) either does not vary much, the This is the famous Martingale variety constant, zt is paid in t, (2.21) reduces 9, = Et(Qt+l) . impli- hypothesis of econo- begins with Fama metrically sophisticated It should an example perhaps of stream (zt} ways. There for of is arbitrary are many all. Finally, and similar the equivalence nor the efficiency solving the model for given the behavior solutions that specified) has but as the an from of than prices, of resolved, See, must be hold in many based separately, Et(.) is separately on the firm's and for each type for in Mehra and example, the Prescott the one-consumer, Hall exception l1978), of (1983). barter model Hall's strongly reviewed category consists though (and reject the in this Shiller paper, (1981), of for much is as a solution for marginal of one can exploit the homogeneous the former by dy- solution for the (1982), and a method Hansen reported their for an exchange heterogeneous tests implications section. 19 the to of methods (again, with of calculating and original of finance designed solutions. hence accumulation, with as results, of equilibria (2.20) as an operational Grossman of For of existence allocations allocations fully its usefulness in practice. quantities the systems theories In Lucas and Stokey optimal even vacuous (2.20) can be regarded and capital to view not that from for a class of models section, the question security. variables, of the theory monetary theorem the possibility methods price require follow and characterizing tested and equilibrium with that A third policies, in this of of conditions from of view to an existence not been linearity is typically follow ones. the point agents for constructing With they importance behavior an arbitrary (1983). implications of alternative has the marginal in practice and discussed on on economically-determined simply (which production together namic programming 6 streams return kinds or even the verification of, constructing, of optimal consumers) are and the formula the With equivalence of of various from homogeneous utilities). behavior essential the one given of based internally-consistent solutions with trivially provided model (1972) provides calculating economy theorems equilibrium, the existence Bewley broader (2.22) well firm based They the consequences verifying price the less interest obviously evaluate as for each tests of shocks exist. hypothesis perhaps could is merely The of the set on which consumers, tests (2.10). systems easily to observed specifications many (2.22) hypotheses. good. Neither such the hypothesis similar be matched can with conditions that conceptually possible Moreover, first-order of capital be emphasized a variety conditioned. 6 ways. and in these particular is consumers, Singleton papers, as versions of but with the environment Mehra and Prescott adapted for stationarity test on United States From gained restricted (1983) uses the in rates of in restricting view its internal data on sets purely of this line lateable, of output, such negative necessarily having Since condition there will application of models I think have that such as with conditions effort or rich program has, in a that pursuit to obtain the potential that lead us to be interested is carrying a research it is clear in the that condition all models is no doubt first-order adjunct nothing or solutions to spell out each model be rejected, Yet a useful "false" light on the questions If a first-order for a prices. testing, that have solutions without paper by version, as the basis one can view as rejected possibilities. is at best hypothesis to models consistency. any inexhaustible sense, classical as an implication, verify of growth or simulated. and rejected, enough based of attention that can be characterized this equality A recent of an exchange-economy time series of output and securities point (2.22) is tested to be deterministic. simulations simu- for shedding in monetary theory in the first place. III. Insofar as the the main features to illustrate model model the theory markets section and those suggested least are carried some trades in centralized below, trading, seems to in the Introduction once, advance constraint money can be used to effect section theory. at time 0, or succeeds advantage as the main Whether out repeatedly, cannot me consistent I will from centralized This trades and no the cash-in- markets, interpretation, with the many earlier 20 all the idea that at that other securities, effect. in this trading, interpret (1967) as capturing away purchases difficulty trading over any other. following, by Clower in capturing it is surely well-suited with all agents simultaneously security can enjoy a "liquidity" In this preceding with monetary as occurring occur in centralized OF FINANCE theory of finance, I identified that is viewed of of the modern what in integrating MONEY IN A THEORY so that equally valued elaborated applications on of this The present constraint.' applying only, the treatment cash-in-advance permitting the possibility holding of money without As tween in Section the terms of securities--the full trading say day, production workers from of current selling contact with a particular with firm think sellers ‘See Kohn (1980), at tomorrow's The and advance securities those on The types. that it See do not By I view see any this way does the question fiat of each is concluded, out in the remainder scattered, to a specific of its specific and/or with location, purchasing for in advance, structure goods location. evidence sellers at each Equivalently, assumed invoices, of lo- under here, one may or trade credit, In either case, the relein the competitive constraint Younes with shoppers market. finance is (1973); that for of at traced Foley and to securities Robertson Hellwig judging not particular as closed in the same and timing by general which involve (1940) (1975); Lucas of Clover-type at the 21 utilizing example, agents are Comparison of the of between the Grossman always their equilibrium cash-inand engaged results depend in with critically conventions. of these out approach present synchronously of For some time. Samuelson working ways markets. which (195.9) equilibrium description alternate many incomplete introduced a useful traders of characteristics rules the one models the trading all only with agents within (1980) that pursuing all models issues Wallace questions and is made that is examine clear assumed monetary paper situations never makes the this (1982) intergenerational f i nance. I of e and markets study but above nature in Rotemberg trading analyzing which to of together in in (1982). adopted and cited the Townsend idea Grandmont decentralized constraint (1982) the also of trade spatially going issuing securities Think trading then taking place. determination where See convention centralized Weiss , (1980) and are buyers transactions be- inter- the beginning to go to information in general. fashion. firm obliged exchange in these (1956). (1982); that by II is carried labor, presented and the vant price and quantity Tsiang of similarly the indicated expectations and buyers is simply to be cleared firms to a particular other rational of Section and labor have been contracted contracts cation, I mean labor the it is easier to think securities goods against back and forth period. I think of as a decentralized in goods sequence-economy currency--at After a.m. its each in substitute to shift (1983) consumption consumption of money, on future of can and meeting considered claims 9:00-9:15 Insofar as goods such range "decentralized' BY losing the introduction and exchange the day, in what against scenario of markets, and contingent Lucas and Stokey a subset be convenient Arrow-Debreu a sequence currency substituting To motivate pretation. follow to that consumers II, it will timeless will constraint time. provide framework recent will prove implications used in context the for theory of developments. approaches the another used here. of I do not most useful for theories of both mean to suggest market, with only the actual execution In thought the of economic much as executed activity analytical as arrived of complete-markets in this as occurring simplicity circumstances way, so that the buyer either if purchased at all, must different times period of in somewhat, shocks s2t until securities is known prior issued to a portfolio any period be is acquired assumed in securi- Such goods, in advance: at to take at t, the information public in goods closed. structure and let the prior to all (sit, s2t), where trading labor, agents of partia; the density (st-', sit), and fZt z ft/fi the conditional place As before, knowledge Hence, on the basis to denote a subset in earlier St, be the pair trading t decisions exchanged later. to the last section. decision Use ft as before goods t's shock, for of much is lost, and so that the latter known prior to any securities to trading in trading Let period as be or earlier. (sI,...,st_I) and publicly where mation. = think section, of to be discharged and relative st-I t trading. sit is realized themselves a given within thought claims can of all economic be paid for with currency securities one may way, nothing to the seller, as payment market of that morning, is complicated history to accept all exchange In this be is unknown or to issue trade credit trading while market. goods"--will is unwilling With II, by thinking ties trading the securities taking place elsewhere. Section in a decentralized centralized goods--"cash where of is gained, at in a single, consumption of trades model in t and but unknown must commit current infor- of st, fl the density density of given (St-'. cIt, and credit goods, of s2t, sit)' Let preferences distinguish between cash goods, c2t, as follows: m et~U(cIt,c2t,xt)f20ftds20dst I: (3.1) t=o The technology is assumed unchanged from Section II: = F(kt,l-xt,st). c1t + c2t + gt + kt+1 It remains objective to formulate function nario sketched households 1,2,... under budget firm constraints in a way of consistent the with household the and trading the sce- above. It is most and the of the (3.2) convenient, at 9:00 a.m. as in Section at t=O, all contingencies II, to begin reviewing s20, sI,s2,..., 22 the by picturing possibilities for firms t=O, with sIo being known and k0 Let us begin with the firm. being given. In terms firms wishes of c2t(st)+gt(st)), expression price the un-normalized, to choose labor (2.3). of goods unit-of-account history-contingent input and capital [l-xt(st)}. For the monetary in t and Wt(st) prices (rt,mxt), plans for total output economy, [kt+l(st)} let pt(st) be the dollar to maximize be the dollar spot wage. the (clt(st) + Then, spot net dollar inflow in t is Pt(c1t + c2t + gt) - Wt(l-xt). These dollar curities labor receipts trading bought) balances, are in period in t for or for Jqt+ldsl This distribution with as dividends is true whether which is carried payment on (st-l,slt). due at Since of st but not of sl,t+l, Then, , t+1 * mize: for goods into t+l t+l. of se- are sold (or as overnight At this point, Let qt(st-l ,slt) be the price at 0 of a claim to one t, contingent is a function t+l. currency, credit, (st,sl t+l) is known. dollar'at available in time-0 this net-receipts each dollar dollars, the firm's is valued expression at time 0 at objective is to maxi- m z /Jqt+ldsl,t+l[pt(clt t=o - wt(l-xt)lds20dst subject the firm to be [nt,nXt) or at the dollar Iqt+ldsl must hold. Clearly, claims Iqt+ldsl as price prices between [qt,pt,Wt), contracting in the proportionality one may conditions claims think of firms as trading to dollars. Similarly, - pt as a future price at 0 for goods expectation at (3.5) interchangeably or trading advance (3.4) * Wt = VTxt in advance Jqt+ldsl,t+l pt(st) indifferent , t+1 * Pt = ““t Iqt+ldsl,t+l view = vn to (3.2). For goods (3.3) + C2t + gt) rationally I t+l as the price at 0 of one 23 held at 0 about dollar at t+1, one may in t, or prices real in t, contingent view and on (St-1,qt). The household, cash and on trade in contrast, credit is not indifferent between as it is, by convention, obliged purchasing for to acquire cash in advance: t-1 pt(st)clt(st) 5 M&s ‘Sit) where Mt(st-',slt) in t and ptclt is currency is cash holdings goods to cover cash goods spending relevant way (suggested to me by Edwin Burmeister demand To develop to this spending sources of dollars as of 9:00 of dollars at t+l include The time-0 price is Jqt+ldsl,t+l * in t, ptc2t, later. on The third, qt+l These sl,t+l) time-0 to securities trading debt, that if text), equation (1983) individual committing himself $_I the agents for agent to money know equilibrium (5.16) a t+l and its uses of dollars. wages earned items, accrued Mt+l first of during on for (s~~,s~), for goods in t, ptet, items t, Wt(l- over unspent, contingent cash two derived apply to all times at 0), i government Svennson an is one the household's in t and carried two for taxes the consider at t+l include payment the firm, with value summing up and collecting See of these of and uses owns 6 in period (I assume) acquisitions price the household Though This formulation and Robert Flood) of introducing and spending bought (possibly in is Iqt+ldsl,t+l; t+l or of the . sources nominated a.m. Uses of dollars on trade contingent (3.6) is to say that money in advance of the realization held for cash good purchases credit trading This constraint decision. budget constraint, Sources Mt - ptc1t. t. for cash balances.8 the household's xt) and dollars during of the shock szt, which of information precautionary at the close of securities purchases must hold for all realizations must be acquired (3.6) sZt and These UK, initial In addition, . initial holdings considerations cash (prior of dollar motivate, de- after terms, the budget constraint: a useful would, in holdings, at the resource below, (say), BO. t=0,1,2,... at G of development this it same al location in which the is the time case as wil of be Set-up, I Sit not decomposition 24 scme aspects willing (as to Marianne (as opposed be affected. of St into of pay to Baxter to later, This (s,~,s~~) this formulation. observe szt before pointed out to assumed in as is clear is from immaterial. me) the the m E + c2t + et) - Wt(l-xt) - Mtl ~uqt+lsl,t+llpt(xlt t=o + qtMtlds20ds The Lagrangean associated straints with (3.6). t < VII + M + B. for (3.7) the and (3.7) . consumer's problem multipliers pt(st) involves associated a multiplier with the con- It is: m L = L @t ,U(ct,xt)f20ftds20dst t=o + Bol + z ht[Mt-Ptcltld~20dst t=o m +x[un + M The first-order conditions t t - xptlqt+ldsl,t+l 0 = 6 Ut(ct.xt)f20f t include, then, (3.8) - XptJqt+ldsl,t+l, all t,st,s20, 0 = 6 Ux(ct+)f20f problem - utpt, all t,st,s20, 0 = stu2(ct+)f20ft . for the household's t (3.9) - xWt+.+ldsl,t+ls (3.10) all t,st,s20, 0 = XJq t+1ds2 tds1 t+1 - Xqt + /+ds2 1' , , , (3.11) all t,st-1,slt,s20, M+_ L ptclt, with equality all t,st,s20 if pt > 0, (3.12) . 25 x Here (3.11) reflecting sets to zero the derivative of L with the fact that Mt is a function The firm's first-order 0 = ptFx(kt,l-xt,st) conditions - Wt , to Mt. t include (3.13) )dst-lqtdsltpt_l, (3.14) all t 2 1, s~,s~~ together with suitable librium condition As obtain in Section tution, transversality II, one may An conditions. is given by the technology eliminate additional equi- (3.2). multipliers from familiar relationships among marginal of transformation, and relative prices. Thus, various, its form t), not (~20,s~). , all t,st,s20 P t Fk (kt J-xt,s ' = "qt+l.dsl,t+l respect of (s~O,S~-~,S~ (3.8)-(3.14) rates from to of substi- (3.9). (3.10). and (3.13), ux+q -) 2 Ct'xt analogous between (3.15) to (2.11) and (2.13), and from (3.9) and (3.14): u2(ct_1,xt_l) analogous Wt = p t = Fx(kt,l-xt,st) to These (2.14). credit (3.16) = 6 J u2(ct,xt)Fk(kt&xt&f:_ldst, goods margins at different between dates credit goods are not disturbed and leisure and by the addition of money. The monetary margin between considerations. U2(CtJt) cash and credit first is, of course, affected by From (3.8) and (3.9), ++ldsl,t+l U1(ct.xt) = Wt+ldsl,t+l Consider goods the case in which + ut all uncertainty 26 (3.17) in t is resolved prior to securities Xt' Then trading, so that st = sit and Ixtdszt = xt for any variable (3.11) gives: = iqt - Xlqt+ldst+l 9 and (3.17) becomes where rt U2(cyxt) Iqt+ldst+l U1(ct'xt)= qt is the nominal benefit to holding nominal bond rate cash price, = (l+r t )- latter (3.18) , of interest. is determined so the 1 Here the marginal-transactions simultaneously measures with the exactly the one-period relative price of cash and credit goods. More nominal generally, interest in the presence rate at t is given of a precautionary motive in terms of the time-0 ~2~' bond prices the qt by -1 = %+ldSZtdSl,t+l (l+r t 1 Then dividing (3.8) and to szt, and substituting (l+r Roughly t )- 1 = Section for Iutds2t by pt, integrating both with respect from (3.11); (3.20) . IPt -1’Jl(ct,xt)f2tds2t nominal speaking, exactly. (3.9) through % -l’J2(ct.xt)f2tds2t marginal-transactions money-holding (3.19) . % decision Further interest benefit must uses of be rates holding made must cash before of these marginal be in these conditions equated to an situations benefits will can expected where be the known be considered in IV and V. In addition households and to these first-order the government (3.7), the government must conditions, hold budget constraint 27 is the budget constraints in equilibrium. Using (3.3) of and m M + BO = i :04t(qt-iqt+ldsl,t+l) t=o Ptfqt+ldsl,t+l(gt-3t))d520dst - or: initial fiscal government surpluses, liabilities et - gt, plus i + BO must equal the present (3.21) the present value of value of seigniorage profits, :'t(qt - Iqt+ldsl,t+l). A flow version observation playing that of (3.21), condition analogous (3.21) the role of M for t > 0. must That to (2.17), can be derived hold for all t, st, from the with Mt_l is, for all t, st: m qt(Mt_l+Bt) = -P, Now updating z I(‘$(q, - fqT+ldsl,r+l) T=t (fqT+ldsl,T+l(gT(3.22) from sl,t+l, and subtracting t to gT)!ds2td(tst) . t+l, integrating (3.22) with respect to s2t and from (3.22) gives: (3.23) - ‘I& = ~8t+l%+lds2tdsl,t+l That is, a current fiscal deficit, + qt(Mt-Mt_l) exclusive of debt service, must be fi- nanced by net issues of new debt or by issues of money. For prior the case, discussed to the close of securities interest rate is defined trading in (3.18) Bt+l%+l 1 (l+r )- p (g -9 ) = I t t t t qt in which above, all uncertainty (that is, sit z st), the nominal and (3.23) becomes: dst+l 28 is resolved - Bt + Mt - M t-1 * If, in addition, one-period government -1 1 (l+r t )- p t (gt -e t ) = (l+rt) general, In tures gt with that Bt+l - Bt + Mt - Mt_l the government depend on debt is uncontingent, assumed involve szt . to buy on trade the implicit credit, expendi- issue of s2t-contingent "bonds." IMPLICATIONS FOR THE THEORY OF FINANCE IV. The incorporation as carried theorems" out of in private The applications. The so that also equivalence sequences If satisfying (3.21), then the second policy. follows from question does not alter budget Notice the that policy-change general, As the of this same that [Mt) Theory and on which its they complications. public finance Government if requires policy taxes, and money policy (gt,e;,Mt) modi- consists supply: in this is another sense, policy equilibrium is associated with the the of given prices theorem, the policy of this proof change in sets. argument as well Mt paths and/or prices, "equivalence version at equivalence involves the systems for a given and barter observation different quantities with price expenditures, holds, on Modigliani-Miller as follows. is an equilibrium (3.21) effect of monetary theorem setting, in particular no equilibrium of government there into the real theory of finance has the i.e., of by the addition Ricardian (gtrat.Mt). elements section finance: in a monetary contingent last linearity rest is not altered fication of monetary the will as does (et}, be associated and the seigniorage not (gt) go being with through held different if fixed. the In equilibrium term m I: t=o IMtht on the right-side tax. theorem operations. real into Jqt+ldsI ,t+P2& of (3.21) will One way to interpret valence of - or trading is The path government withdrawn as not represent this monetary "irrelevance an [Mt) matters, consumption, from the is of no independent the proceeds amendment theorem" in this economy, but the route system, importance. 29 changes from a lump-sum to the Ricardian about as does the path by which money in or (et), equi- open-market in (gt) is injected securities Though minor, these for barter economies announcements what the second change as term be taxes, in the to future processes and, but policy second, and fiscal processes fore be changes the arbitrary to goods-in-general) value, goods of the remaining and, using or is that something In the barter One are, other system, could first, than analyzing the must system, it could catalogue futility changes in changes in of policy in monetary II also require a monetary claims to economy. credit Let {ztl as be- goods be the price significant (and hence, in terms in of time-t Then c Ip,lqT+ldsl,t+l.zrds(t’T) T=t (3.10), m Q,(Z) = zt + z r=t+1 which exactly Et(.) is within for of 1~~1 rzt. ,-1 Q,(z) = btNt+ldsl,t+l deficit (3.21) of Section and let Q,(z) terms simply In a rational-expectations changes. of theorem being of each other. formulas sequence deficits, In the monetary terms impossibility independently technically (3.21). lessons in are in the current of that main or reinterpretation an right policy the The securities-pricing modification by a change [gt) or [et). monetary economy reading of the equivalence that government sum on the is either assess monetary terms so as to maintain possibilities, trying a do not matter. is "announced" "something" well for a popular to the effect in subsequent various reverse of future equilibrium, this modifications they completely no replicates longer period Ct J The 2 Ct'xt (2.20) useful t.) U2kTPT) u( with because z,ft4$) UC (4.1) replaced uncertainty analogues to (2.21) by U2. (The is resolved and (2.22) at then notation two points follow from (4.1) as from (2.?0). The marginal marginal utility WltJlt utility U2 of credit of goods-in-general + c2t’xt) absence in the monetary of a precautionary can be interpreted V is defined if the function as the by: g wlyc2yq so (4.1) and (2.20) are very close. ties differ goods The arguments and real cases, motive of these marginal however. (sit : St), clt = 30 For example, M+ Pt utiliin the in equilibrium, and U2(cyxt) so that both real balances consumption. Clearly a separable Mt = V2(pt’ clt+c*& = v2(cltJlt+c2yxt) and leisure one would function of clt affect the marginal utility not wish to impose the hypothesis and clt + c2t. so this of total that V is is not an inessential amendment. Perhaps in general an equity ble at more fundamentally, be claims share the to streams beginning let function of st, of the including period function information the t. events in We of the stochastic Since of real goods. (Z,) be an arbitrary curities-trading trading, in a monetary economy For example, in the firm has title to a stream of dollar general, of securities the dollars after dollar ~2~ that wish to find (st-l,slt) receipts and the at time m T=t while only as of securities-trading (4.2) ~-1pr-16~U2(cr,x,)f20fT from (3.8) and (3.10). qt = Substituting Apt -’ ‘Jl(ct,xt)f20ftds2t . these values Rt(Z) = into (4.2) gives: UP, -1U2(cr,x,)Zrlst-1,sltl E ,r-t T=t E[pt +J1(ct.xt)I st-l,sltl From the interest-rate definition (3.20), 31 a . qt-l 1q,+lZlds2td(ts~)dsl,,+1 = as securities-- From (3.9), IqT+ldsl,T+l of se- Rt(Z), t In Zt is a time ~+l, RtU) = .z paya- earned. that price Zt+l(st+l),... available are at the time dollar not the owner of receipts, assume are unknown available stream Zt(st), ZT become these stream, will (4.3) is equivalent (4.3) to at E[U2(cT,xr) 1 S%ltl ; B'-~ (l+r t )- 1 r=t Elpt +J2(ct,xt)I In general, will 2 T Rt(Z) = not be the case as given that it is clear by (4.4). ties-pricing that The if zt Q,(z) in a monetary in (4.1) as given natural to the is identified by deflations world (4.4) st-lJltl (4.1) will do not pricing Pt nominal real , it ‘Rto match reduce of zt p+ with securi- securities in a barter world. Obviously, duces the predictions into it elements observations "barter" do model applications not from which amount to to a monetary of financial to the good judgment cations aside. is not could The that it be otherwise?) testable Viewed the introducing affect successful from monetary theorists so these application of a empirical complications in leaving such compli- monetary complications the predictions of the as done theory (how but to show that they do so in a fully operational, of constructed IMPLICATIONS as examples such testing shocks of they abstracted, of On the contrary, that abstracts if one intro- way. V. models world. theory criticism of financial virtue to show the original serious theory testify here of any theory will be altered as that or prototypes sketched first-order and FOR THE THEORY OF MONEY in conditions characterized, to the system. This of monetary III Section as in given section theories, is whether assumed uses not their behavior simple our interest so much solutions for examples in in direct can the be various to address this issue. Constructive III Section proofs are even exchange economies (1982). With that equilibria equilibrium production as illustrated by Bewley (1972) and Heller (1982) prices but without obtained, istence exist less well-developed below. are easily capital, Townsend allocations exploiting is not the (1974) to sketch link available between in monetary 32 as discussed obtained, less trivial as a quite in results III. general Lucas can be proof work of ex- The device used by Brock optimally-planned systems, in For pure (1982) has built on earlier for a model close to that in Section of for models than for barter systems. and in general, equilibria because of the "wedge" which substitution in the inflation cash and tax introduces credit goods between and their the marginal unit marginal rate of rate of transformation. In this excluding section, capital C1t where C2t + the model goods, + gt follow (Stdit a Markov process III will that the shocks . ..) with transition is, the joint density density 5 s'Ist = SI ft(sI,...,st) p(s',s) given by . (5.2) takes the form: ft(st) = ft-I(st-')p(st,st_l) Finally, the money-supply the current process (5.3) is assumed given by a fixed function (5.4) these additional assumptions, and J, such that the allocations balances m of state: Mt = m(sJ Mt_l . Under by (1) to the form (5.1) of St, and (3) assuming = Pr{st+I be specialized the technology 9 other variables Is' p(u,s)du That Cl-Xt)St = Et is a component St = of Section (2) restricting e(st) = Mt/pt with an equilibrium rate function equilibrium satisfy in this rt = r(st) I will ct = (clt,c2t) (3.14)-(3.16) for all stationary sense similar recursive and first = c(st), will seek functions t, st. Associated be a nominal expressions for interestall other prices. As a useful intermediate step, define the functions v(s) and w(s) v(s) = S(S)U2(C(S)J(S)) (5.5) v(s) + w(s) = s(s)uI(c(s),x(s)) (5.6) and SO that from c,x xt = x(st) and real (3.8) and (3.9): 33 by V(St) = ++ldsl,t+lMt (5.7) stf*Oft and V(St) + et) We are headed = ~~~t+ldsl,t+lMt+~tMt (5.8) Btf*Oft for a functional equation in this function From (3.9) and (3.10), an additional equilibrium v(s). condition is: U2(c(s),x(s) j= c (5.9) From (5.4), (3.12) and the definition u(s) > cl(s) For given with equality s = St, then, "equations" in the of w(s) and c(s), if w(s) > 0 (5.1), (5.5), six "unknowns" . (5.10) (5.6). (5.9). and>(5.10) provide c~(s),c~(s), x(s),o(s),w(s), Alternatively, for given v(s) and (5,s) we can think of solving for cl,c2,x,$, and w as functions where for the constraint (c1,c2,x) as given by (5.6). the condition tained from (5.10) functions is binding, of Ul(c,x) = U,(c,x) (5.6). and denote w(s) = h(v(s),c,g) (5.1),(5.5), (v(s),s), For values where (5.5) or solved uniquely, of (v,c,g) or of (v(s),s). b(s) equals and are solved Let us assume the solution for for w in particular and w(s) (5.1),(5.9), static Then J, is ob- by an equilibrium. Next, note that from (5.7), v(st_l) = i+QtdsltMt_l (5.12) ,t-lft-l From (3.11). integrated with respect to sit. 34 is and system can be (5.11) = h(v(s),s) This is the first step toward constructing (5.9) are solved (c~,c~,x). that this v(s). this system For s-values cl(s), (5.10) is slack, w(s)=O, and five xlqtdslt = mt+ldsltds2tdsl , t+l tt = j- s-v(st)ds, + tt ,r =w(s,)dst the second equality (5.13) % % where J+dSltdS2t + follows from (5.7) and (5.8). Inserting from (5.13) into (5.12): %-1 = BJ"Mt V(S& Since this nitions derivation holds for all states (5.11), = BJ- w p(s',s)ds' in the ditional St-l, we have, using the defi- (5.15) goods (5.15) . (5.15) becomes: v(s) = aJ v Equation (5.14) * of m(s) and p(s',s), I,(S) Using ft -ft-l dst (v(st)+w(st)) arises market dollar p(s',s)ds' from the marginal in state on credit balancing s, deciding whether The utility goods. . (5.16) undertaken or not by an agent to spend of this marginal an ad- expenditure is 1 Pt The utility u 2 (c x ) = t' t foregone That is, a dollar (5.16) is . is, from (5.15), V(St+l)+W(St+l) & EC t %+A for spending j$v(st) t s ) = sE[ 1 pt+l Ul(ct+l’xt+l t spent on credit goods a functional equation today involves a dollar unavailable Since m is a given function, on cash goods tomorrow. in 35 the single unknown equation function v(s). Solving it is the second step toward constructing Third constraint and (3.21). the function side finally, of Given m(s), (3.21) an equilibrium initial values and the functions is determined. must an equilibrium. satisfy the government SO of St, the transitions c,x,$,w and v just Substituting from solved, (5.7) and budget p(s',s), the right (5.8) into (3.21) gives x(M + Bo) = L a j(w(s,)-v(s,) t=o From (5.7), the multiplier lv(so)f20ds20 A = Molqlds20dsll Policies (gt,et], cations only satisfy (5.17). The Bo, if the just the simplest, is constant. and implied construction begin with m(s)) A is l+ro J ( )f ds = T v so 20 20 M, (5.17) ~Jf20ftds20dst. m(st) values sketched consider (5.18) - are associated of w,v,$ can be and with equilibrium A, calculated illustrated the deterministic allo- as above, by examples. case where To s (and hence Then (5.15) becomes mv = a(v + w) so that (5.5) and (5.6) give t$(c*x) _ m (5.19) .m-B (provided and m t a). Then, (5.1) are solved with for (s,g) constant (c,x) as functions are equal to cl, and the equilibrium clU2(c,x) and (i - l)cllJ2(c,x) . values as well as m, (5.17). of (z,c,g) of v and w are, The constant nominal (5.9), Real balances . $ respectively, rate of interest r is, from (3.18) and (5.19), given by (l+r) -1 This completes this deterministic w,v,g,e =i (5.20) . the first case. two steps For the in constructing third, insert the an equilibrium constant and JI into (5.17) and use (5.18) and (5.20) to get: 36 values for of M + B. 9-e=!!! * With 1 - p-6) - 6 That monetary = BO 6g + r* A is, tax receipts real vention level taxes . must debt. that interest (MO = i and m = 1), the price policy at $-I i and (5.21) implies: 66 original - Mo a noninflationary is constant (5.21) - equal (That and government purchases e and g are discounted government spending plus service by B reflects are carried of the the con- out on credit, and is due in cash.) Treating arbitrary MO as a open-market debt is initially free parameter operation "monetized," amounts before pursuing MO = i + B to permitting an the policy m. initial, Thus, if all , (5.21) gives g - e = @(m-l) so that real seigniorage maximum deficits revenues seigniorage In general, fining the equilibrium cally shocks, constant (ct,gt). k. from with s2t of s2t, shock Then c,x,$ = - financed by real e + J, (i - l), the and with government From and fiscal with given m,g,M,MO [St1 be with deficits (5.16) That identimonetary is, in each are traded, real shocks or surpluses in this and w are functions and determining at 8. and B, or system. independent sit et constant securities policies (5.21) may be read as de- of the monetary-fiscal shocks is realized, k + h(k,s2) m(s 1) interest g Equation (ct,gt), The value of k is implicit The nominal perpetually (5.21) that monetary let the is concluded. k = BE{ be MO -c -, way. "free parameter" (necessitating trading can tax rate e consistent example, independent a monetary realized and some other a second e As in an unrestricted distributed, period - for given m. it is clear be set As g b(m-1). revenue cannot as fixing of case, on trade v(s) credit), : k for of k and the real shocks in (5.22) 1 . rate is, from (3.20),(5.5), 37 and (5.6): are some s2t = 11 + r(s,)l k = k + Ih(k,sl)p2(s2)ds2 Applying (5.22) to the numerator (1 + r) -1 As a variation pendence but Nominal I1 + which varies to (5.20). that again, interest (5.23) on this assume Then and cancelling: = a+-~) which may be compared trading. ’ last example, shocks all v(s) retain are is constant at the assumptions realized prior a value to of indesecurities k satisfying (5.22). is now given by r(s)l-1= with k htk + g) 5 , the real shock ( , (f,,g). The formula comparable to (5.20) is, in this case. [l + r(s)]-' = BE($) vw Inserting this information [I + must be constant - with coincidentally, the for this case. With tically makes required circumstances. MO 9t - e - r(st) + m respect conclusion taxes the determined, the into (5.20) one finds that the magnitude M + B. r(s,)l value (5.24) Since to St. is that, this condition in general, fixed at e and government fact that equality A compensating interest (3.20) tax rates impossible or open-market will hold only no equilibrium spending vary with gt stochasreal to maintain policy exists shocks under is required all for internal consistency. These (5.16) three examples it is clear that, all involve in general, serially v(st) will 38 independent vary with shocks. From st due solely to the extent sponding st conveys that Equation (5.25) real nominal from other is consistent the with variables: the fact pages that any kind rational-expectations from the financial from about future for the one-period Jv(s)p2(s2's1)ds2 -1 111 = f(v(s) + w(s))p2(s2,sl)ds2 [l+r(s and information expression "general" of corre- rate is: (5.25) of interest single-equation and, rates vacuity and the transition and familiar in the case of interest The content of any newspaper. both r(st) interest ’ co-movements models The shocks. nominal rates, in (5.25) must come function p(st+I,st) are, at least in part, observable. The plete examples analysis for pricing must await theory the another on This paper in this which as the enterprise securities well as centralized iS was motivated theories valued I think money. the will sense exchanges, higher that than this in situations Ultimately, however, ent objectives, and identify strong forces theory. The real capital two distinct however goods are directed idea that model the traded in Sections theoretical sense theory of these ("money") grounds in most in markets outside market at success "efficient" is present and monetary alone. writing on III-V. have "unity" quite may differ- be, one can to pull apart these two bodies of theory reviewed toward increasing 39 and that conditions at least one security forms, that will continue directions: in a single where desirable research in centralized it was proposed financial familiar case, stochastic and by the to be on efficient in various One way of developing reproduce to that under analysis that an operational will to earlier capturing and priced it "ought" however, implications That economy. REMARKS and finance other its a com- inadequate. by reference in which constitute and of a theory predictions CONCLUDING involve idea, (5.16) specialized is plainly of money are traded such when to make theory VI. "unifying" that theory do not in a monetary They do suggest, (5.16), deterministic conventional certainly equation allocation can be extended for which through functional occasion. be based from its scope of worked and resource can results just in Section II can be modified generality in its in assumptions about technology, needed to demography, permit the empirical failures cate that increased of first-order ficiency of the generality monetary theory, duction necessarily of monetary renders solution optimality methods inapplicable to produce The models indi- success in the sense descendants is not difficult simulatable the associated exploit and requires III and V of this paper outline models, of the ef- to obtain, and an objective central direction. The in the opposite with that specificity methods. work in this direction. pulls elements, the consumer" the modern Such generality of designing toward solution "representative can pass Fruitful or constructive is required that tests of Finance. I expect much additional preferences of simplest conditions The objective and application the intro- "wedge" of inefficiency, links between new analytical one possible to equilibrium approaches. approach and Sections and pursue it to the point where one can begin to get some idea of its potential. If I am economics right that is not, even the case that there in applications in finance, is much will to be gained the reduction the more the theory of "goods" finance as had "debt" and corporate capital indifference curves budget Miller to showed to be spurious Postulating other "goods" debt necessary of preferences is no more a particular and flexibility some of by this its of money approach axioms as the by would that over still tangency picture If are claims. preferences textbooks "real points be of Modigliani convention, and beyond whether questions as applied so, the merits capable it I have for is that money is of the power also else) will revealed approach be judged of giving reliable that lead us to be interested in mone- JO seems point, of a particular of anything with a demand in this paper, some aspects in doing it this together it is, exactly, to illustrate and, balances" than postulating To get Ultimately, than to the study of de- assets unique about what (as to the theory answers to the substantive demands to postulate for corporation. specifically its limitations. to the theory less of on or demands I have tried one way to do this. in the of this framework in 1958. 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