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SEAA General Chair
Jose Silva Matos (University of Porto, PT)
SEAA Steering Committee
Michel Chaudron (Chalmers & Gothenburg U, SE)
Onur Demirörs (Middle East Tech. Univ., TR)
Stefan Biffl (Vienna University of Technology, AT)
Rick Rabiser (Johannes Kepler University, AT)
SEAA Program Chairs
Dietmar Winkler (Vienna U of Technology, AT)
Emilia Mendes (Blekinge Inst. of Tech., SE)
SEAA Publication Chair
Amund Skavhaug (Norwegian U of Science and
Technology, NO)
SEAA Publicity Chair
Maria Teresa Baldassarre (University of Bari, IT)
TET-DEC Session Chairs
Erwin Schoitsch (AIT Austrian Inst. of Tech., AT)
Amund Skavhaug (Norwegian U of Science and
Technology, NO)
Special Session on
Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded and
Cyberphysical Systems (TET-DEC)
Embedded systems are everywhere – may they be visible or integrated into every day devices.
Comfort, health, services, safety and security of people depend increasingly on them. In
combination and close interaction with the (somehow unpredictable) real-world environment
and humans, they become so-called “Cyber-physical Systems”, acting independently, cooperative or as “systems-of-systems” (including legacy systems). The impact on society as a
whole is tremendous – thus dependability (safety, reliability, availability, security,
maintainability etc.) in a holistic manner becomes an important issue, including resilience,
robustness, sustainability, despite emergent behaviors and interdependencies.
Demanding challenges have to be met by research, engineering and education. Smart
(embedded) systems are regarded as the most important business driver for European
industry. They are a targeted research area for European Research Programmes in Horizon
2020 and in the EU ECSEL Joint Technology Initiative which comprises of the European
Technology Platforms ARTEMIS, EPoSS and ENIAC. Their application is not only in the
traditional areas of aerospace, railways, automotive, or process industry and manufacturing,
but also in robotics and services of all kind, home appliances (smart homes, ambient assisted
living) and health care.
There is tremendous investment in research and innovation – but is this complemented
comparably in education and training as well? Particular issues of safety, security,
dependability, risk, hazard and vulnerability analysis and the corresponding requirements for
system design, development, operations and maintenance have to be properly trained and be
part of basic university education as well as of “life-long learning”. Obviously there are gaps.
Therefore, we will again ask:
“How should we educate and train our current and future engineers and researchers?
This special workshop allows reports on on-going work aiming at hopefully fruitful discussions
and exchange of ideas, to present best practices, examples and experience reports, and analysis
of the challenges with recommendations for a sustainable future.
SEAA 2015 encourages the submission of full and short research papers and experience
reports. Full research papers must contain original unpublished work, describe significant
novel contributions, and provide evidence on the validation of results. In particular, reports on
industrial applications are welcome.
CPS, Conference Publishing Services, publishes the SEAA Proceedings (submitted for ISI
indexing), submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The SEAA conference will also provide best papers awards.
Authors of best papers will be invited to revise and re-submit an extended version of the
papers for publication in the Special Section on “Advanced Applications in IT” in the
Springer Software Quality Journal.
Abstract & Paper
Submission (EXTENDED):
Mar 8, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: April 27, 2015
Camera-ready Paper Due:
May 29, 2015
Aug. 26-28,
All information about the various calls can be found at
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair:
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