Course Syllabus

Diploma in youth and campus leadership.!
Course Catalogue.!
Pais Catalogue
Diploma in Pais Youth And Campus Leadership.!
This catalogue details the various courses that combine to offer a religious diploma in
Pais Youth and Campus Leadership. It is designed to offer a brief overview of the
seminars and projects necessary to graduate with this diploma. Students who sign up to
the Pais Institute and are accepted onto a Pais apprenticeship year will receive a
detailed breakdown of the course requirements.
▪ Equip and educate students with the necessary skills and ability to interpret,
apply and teach scriptures.
▪ Equip and educate students with the necessary skills and ability to run a
successful youth ministry program within a church setting.
▪ Equip and educate students with the necessary skills and ability to run a
successful campus ministry program.
▪ Equip and educate students with the necessary skills and ability to run a
successful integration program between church and schools.
▪ Provide the opportunity for the practical application of all skills acquired.
▪ Provide biblical understanding and practical application for an approach to
mission that goes beyond attraction to application.
▪ Provide biblical understanding and practical application for an approach to
discipleship that goes beyond education to experience.
▪ Provide biblical understanding and practical application for an approach to study
that goes beyond curriculum to culture.
Cost: $450
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Biblical Tools in Campus Ministry
Explore a comprehensive approach to biblical ministry in schools and learn to
implement small group bible studies with students.
• Equip students to develop a comprehensive methodology for biblical study and its
application in a campus setting.
• Equip students for biblical self education.
• Equip students with the necessary skills to develop a successful devotional life.
• Equip students with the necessary skills for biblical outreach on campus.
Sessions Taught
Haverim: Intended Meaning
Haverim: Implied Meaning
Haverim: Interpreted Meaning
Haverim: Inspired Meaning
Study Ideas 1
Study Ideas 2
Study Ideas 3
Haverim Devotion Study Pack
Haverim Devotion Leadership Group
Daily Haverim Group
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Campus Ministry Essentials
Explore how to partner with public educational institutions and develop a
comprehensive plan to campus ministry. This course combines the philosophy behind
campus ministry with the practical skills to excel at it.
• Equip students with the necessary skills for biblical outreach on campus.
• Equip students to develop a comprehensive approach to youth ministry.
• Equip students to develop a successful discipleship program.
• Equip students to develop a comprehensive approach to campus ministry.
Sessions Taught
The Spirit Of A Pioneer
The 3 Distinctives
Talmidim Flow
The Concept Of Mentoring
How To Mentor
Mosaics and EPIC
Discipleship Ideas Part
Discipleship Ideas Part
Discipleship Ideas Part
Youth Culture Part 1
Youth Culture Part 2
Schools: Doors
Schools: Delivery Part 1
Schools: Delivery Part 2
Schools: Discussion
Schools: Divinity
Questions And Questions
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Sessions Taught [Cont]
Lesson Planning 1
Lesson Planning 2
Lesson Planning 3
Lesson Planning 4
Discipleship Documentation
Schools Portfolio
Because You’re Loved Mission 1
Because You're Loved Mission 2
Because You're Loved Mission 3
Ministry Presentation Pack
Personal Ministry Assessment
Event Promotion
Creative Lesson Plan
Biblical Service
Goal Setting And Targets
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Introduction To Missions
This course introduces the concept of mission. It discusses the necessity in balancing
the spiritual, emotional and physical life of a missionary
• Equip students with an understanding of successful missions opportunity
• Equip students to develop a holistic and healthy approach to missions.
• Equip students to develop a comprehensive approach to local mission.
Sessions Taught
Being Refreshed Spiritually
Being Refreshed Physically
Being Refreshed Emotionally
Adjusting To Culture
Missions & Social Media
Missional Community Ideas Part 1
Missional Community Ideas Part 2
Missional Community Ideas Part 3
Social Media Projects/Blogs
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Church Ministry
Summary: A brief introduction to ministry with a partner church. It addresses local
church vision, child protection, working with pastors and practical preaching skills.
• Equip apprentices to create a successful working relationship with local church
• Equip apprentices with the basic skills necessary to deliver a successful preaching
• Equip apprentices with a comprehensive understanding of child protection laws within
their nation.
Sessions Taught
Introduction To Preaching Part 1
Introduction To Preaching Part 2
Preaching Practical Part 1
Preaching Practical Part 2
Preaching Practical Part 3
Mistakes & Lessons In Ministry
Local Church Vision
Child Protection
Event Promotion
Appraisals From Minister
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Introduction To Spiritual Leadership
A brief introduction to the full “Spiritual Leadership” course. This focusses on coaching
and evaluations to provide the student with a basic understanding of spiritual
• Equip students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of spiritual leadership.
• Equip students with an understanding of the interpersonal and management skills
necessary for successful leadership.
Positional Leadership
Permissional Leadership
Productional Leadership
People Development Leadership
Personhood Leadership
Lead & Evaluate A Schools Ministry Team
Appraisal Of Personal Leadership When Leading A
Schools Ministry Team
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Spiritual And Personal Development
Addresses a comprehensive approach to principles of Biblical character and lifestyle.
• Equip apprentices to make Kingdom minded decisions.
• Equip apprentices to understand a Christ centered identity.
• Equip apprentices to apply biblical principles to ministry decisions.
Sessions taught
Intro to Kingdom Principles
Seek First
Judge And Be Judged
Use It Or Lose It
Reaping And Sowing
Rubbish In Rubbish Out
Humbling & Exalting
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.
Pais Catalogue
Additional Resources:
These teaching sessions are supplemented with an additional 30 hours of teaching
throughout the Pais year, taking place in weekly one hour video sessions referred to as
Livewire is designed to equip apprentices with the tools to implement their training in the
campuses and churches of their community. It also provides an opportunity for team
development and refresher courses of key concepts discussed during the rest of Pais
NOTICE: The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) could not provide oversight to Biblical and Theological higher education in the State of Texas. Until this ruling, only schools that were certified by the THECB and accredited by the Department of Education Approved Accrediting Agency were authorized to confer degrees. Due to the Texas Supreme Court ruling, the Pais Institute is now able to confer certificates, diplomas and degrees.