The Billinghay Times & Advertiser Issue No 02/15 March / April 2015 Billinghay Parish Office 01526 861845 [email protected] The Old Vicarage Cottage, Church Street, Billinghay LN4 4HN This publication is also available on In an Emergency Serious Incidents CALL 999 Samaritans 08457 909090 Lincs Police 01522 532222 Local Police 101 DOG FOULING We make no apologies for raising this vexed subject yet again. We have made numerous requests in previous Newsletters for Owners to support their dogs and pick up their "deposits" and bin them. Most owners do!!! We know from: Residents reporting incidents to the Parish Office Local social media comment Reports from our litter lady that the situation shows no signs of improving. The courses of action open to the Parish Council are limited and can have a significant cost implication for all Council Tax payers not just dog owners. These include: Obtain the services of a dog warden with the power to impose fines up to £1000. The cost is not cheap and very few people end up being prosecuted as the offence often happens at night Provide more bins which involves capital outlay as well as fees for emptying - will they be used any more than the existing ones? Often items are found in close proximity to existing bins. Ordinary litter bins can be used. Obtain stencils and print anti-fouling notices in the areas most affected again at a cost and needing work to place in location and maintain. One extremely concerned resident has asked that we publish a poster in this issue that people can cut out and display in a prominent place to try and deter those few inconsiderate owners who are letting their dogs down. This is shown on Page 13. If you feel strongly about this matter, please the display the notice. 1 PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS Where: Billinghay Village Hall When: 1st Monday of month Time: 7.00pm All are welcome! (except Bank Holidays) See Parish Notice Boards for Planning Committee Meetings PARISH OFFICE OPENING HOURS OPEN Mon/Tue/Fri 9.15am-3.00pm CLOSED Wed/Thurs/Sat/Sunday BILLINGHAY PARISH COUNCIL TEAM Chairman: Wendy Liles Vice Chairman: Ron Chatten Clerk: C Willingham Parish Councillors: Geoff Long, Roger Miller, Kathryn Locke, Steve Harper, Terry Richards, Shelley Underwood, Jane Ball & Charles Kirk District Council Members: Mr M Powell, Mrs G Ogden County Council Member: Mrs P Bradwell Office Assistant & Newsletter Co-ordinator: Lou Hird Editor: Billinghay Parish Council COUNCIL MEETING REPORTS DECEMBER 2014 Public Session Simon York, Divisional Commander of the Fire Brigade for our area addressed the meeting. He explained the set-up for Billinghay and the surrounding areas and the wide range of activities where they were involved. He revealed that the Billinghay Fire Station was in urgent need of recruits to maintain an efficient service. This shortage was particularly problematical between 8.00am and 5.00pm. In 2011, the station was able to respond to 80% of all calls but in 2014 this had reduced by at least 5%. This means that an incident in Billinghay may need to dealt with by a Fire Brigade from elsewhere which would obviously result in a delay. The answer is the recruitment of local residents to provide the necessary cover for the periods where currently less people were available. Simon wanted the Council to actively encourage local people to sign up. Certain fitness and education levels are required but these are not onerous and you get paid. He confirmed that there would be a training program for recruits and that physical requirements did not preclude females. In fact females were thought more likely to be in a position to provide the cover for the problem period. The Chair thanked him for coming to the meeting and agreed that the Council should make every effort to support recruitment. It was agreed to display a copy of their recruitment poster in a prominent position in the next Newsletter. A local resident who was currently running the booking system for the I Play equipment in the village advised that he was having to turn away bookings as the Unit was currently non-operational. He had arranged for Engineers to attend to fix the faults and it was anticipated that this would occur in the next couple of weeks. NKDC have arranged an annual maintenance contract and he was checking when the last maintenance had been carried out. Bookings were being requested for weekends throughout the winter months. He was also looking for someone who had a little knowledge of websites to take over the booking system and he was willing to offer training on how to do this. It was agreed to ask for a volunteer to do this in the next issue of the Newsletter. Chairman's Remarks The Chair thanked those Councillors who had given their time to collect, erect and decorate the Christmas tree and reminded everyone when the Blessing and Illumination Ceremony took place. Councillor Vacancy Jane Ball was co-opted onto the Council by unanimous agreement and was welcomed 2 by the Chair. County & District Councillors Reports and updates Our County Councillor commented on the recently announced plans for Highways unveiled by the Central Government which did not greatly impact on current plans for Lincolnshire. She did however mention that extra money had been allocated for pothole repairs which would impact on the area. The District Councillors confirmed that NKDC were starting their budget consultations in December. Clerks Report The Speed Indicator Device has been stolen from Chapel Hill. NKPC in process of claiming Insurance and replacing. Highways - Salt/Grit was requested for Ringmoor and a local resident would put it down to make it safer for residents. LCC will not supply bin as area does not meet criteria because it is not on a gradient, but will deliver a 1 ton bag to Village Hall. Any other bags needed in village would be about £100. Grit bins should have been filled during the summer. The PCC had queried if we maintain path in Churchyard. The Council have to do this as it is a closed yard. They were asked to establish if a faculty is needed for us to do the work. Also, PCC asked about headstones around churchyard wall. Saturday Bus Service - Posters and flyers have been put around the village. Comment was made on the Salt/Grit item, and the Council established that if they wanted a lockable grit bin they would have to purchase it. The clerk was asked to look into the cost of this. It was pointed out that she had the power to spend up to £300 but, if in excess of this, the finance would need to be agreed at the next meeting. The location of the proposed defibrillator was also queried as some residents had suggested to Councillors that it be sited at the Medical Centre and not the Children's Centre. Councillors were asked to canvass opinion so a decision could be made at the next meeting. Financial Matters Donation to CAB Councillors were made aware that in previous years we had given a donation to the CAB because of the amount of work that they carried out on behalf of local residents. Their request for a grant had come too late for the Finance Meeting and the Clerk was asked to remind them to submit an application by October for future years. However Council agreed that they were a deserving concern. It was, therefore, agreed unanimously that they be given £500. I Play - To agree to pay costs of website for bookings Although the I Play was for the benefit of the entire village, the cost of the website for the Booking System had been paid by a local resident. As the system is essential for the smooth running of the operation, it was agreed unanimously that the cost be reimbursed. To consider paying annual subs for Clerk's SLCC Membership The Clerk advised that the free trial membership that she had received had proved very useful for gaining relevant information, good advice and discounts on essential literature. It was agreed unanimously that full membership be purchased. Lafford Fund Council were asked to consider distributing the funds remaining in the Lafford Fund to Village Groups on a shared basis to cut out the administration and as a goodwill gesture. There was a lot of discussion where different views were expressed. No decision was made and Councillors were asked to consider which organisations would be eligible to benefit if it was split on an equal basis bearing in mind the agreed rules for the fund. Planning Matters Permissions Granted 14/1278/FUL Jordan's Yard, West Street erection of 2 dwellings Permissions Refused 14/1361/PNDEM Demolition of 45 High Street Venue for Parish Council Meetings During the winter months it was felt by some Councillors that the Village Hall heating and location was not the best and a more comfortable location could be found. Several views were expressed and it was agreed that an item be placed on the next agenda so a decision could be reached. Meanwhile the Clerk was asked to check on the availability of alternative venues. Community Plan The Council were updated on the current position with the Community Plan and where the up latest details could be found. The actual application form needs completing to 3 M & T Brommell Ltd Painters & Decorators Funeral Directors Serving the area over 25 years Fast Friendly Service Tele: 01526 860069 Mobile: 07721347634 Or Email: [email protected] The Area’s Independent Family Funeral Directors serving the Billinghay Area for the past 70 years providing a complete personal 24 hour service with ultimate care and dignity 68 Main Street, Anwick, Sleaford, Lincs NG34 9SU Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors Wayne Markham Plastering For all your plastering needs With many years experience and no job too small why not ring for a free no obligation quotation 01526 861165 or 07968 307052 [email protected] 4 define the area to be covered. Other adjoining Councils had been approached but only North Kyme had so far expressed an interest. The next step was to identify the main areas for investigation although it was felt that the Fen Road (Lafford) development was likely be a principal topic. Highways Matters Some items had already been covered but several Councillors raised the question of the light at Donner's Corner on the A153. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways again and it was suggested that Councillors used the "fixmystreet" website to report it. Burial & Allotment Matters The Parochial Church Council had reported problems with the footpath leading to the Church and asked the Parish Council to take remedial action. Some Councillors had already inspected the area in question and thought it may be fixed without relaying the whole path. However it was thought that the work could not be done in Winter and that it needed to be deferred to April. The Clerk has begun to check if a faculty will be required. The vicar had asked if the headstones around the cemetery wall could be securely fixed. The Clerk has explained to him that these were from the Old Cemetery and not originally in the Churchyard. We do have drawings provided by the Church Architect suggesting a secure method of fixing. It was felt that more investigation was required and the Burials Committee were asked to check on safety and make recommendations. Reports from Councillors Trees were reported to be growing on burial plots in the Walcott Road Cemetery. Rubbish was still being tipped into the ditches bordering Walcott Road just beyond where the new planter is situate. The Clerk was asked to report this to NKDC as fly tipping. An incident of dangerous driving (across the paved area of the Market Place) was reported. Police have been carrying out speed checks on Walcott Road. The condition of two Notice Boards were discussed and it was agreed that the Handyman should deal with them separately as they needed removing to a dry environment to dry out before the remedial work could be done. The Newsletter will contain a questionnaire regarding the Village Hall and Councillors were asked to encourage as many people as possible to respond. An initiative to help aged people was mentioned by one Councillor who agreed to pass details for insertion in the Newsletter. The Clerk was asked if a letter had been sent regarding the condition of Mill Lane, reconsideration of speed limit and suitable signage warning of the undulating road. The Clerk said this had not been done as Highways were asked to comment when the Planning Application for the new houses there was submitted. She was asked to send a letter now as the situation was worsening. JANUARY 2015 Chairman's Remarks The Chair thanked relevant members for erecting the Christmas tree. The lighting ceremony was well attended and has become a tradition in Billinghay over recent years. She also noted that 3 events held in December helped to raise over £3000 for various charities and the organisers were to be congratulated. County & District Councillors Reports and updates The County Councillor reported that the school safety zone was under review. Responses from affected residents had mentioned concerns about the parking problems just moving to locations further along if a zone was put in place. LCC Highways will update once the matter has been considered. LCC Council Tax contributions will have to increase for the first time in 4 years Nine million has been made available to LCC from Central Government to help with road repairs in Lincolnshire Road works at Canwick Hill was causing delays but would improve traffic problems once completed later in the year. Clerks Report The Clerk indicated that LCC and NKDC have not implemented any change to street lighting with regards to turning off or dimming at night! We deal with many reports of lights not working and the frosty weather lately possibly has contributed to a few more than usual causing problems. We will report the faulty ones for attention. 5 Dog fouling seems to have been worse lately. Again we see a rise each year in the bad weather of people not picking up. Along with our street cleaner being on leave for some days, a run of bad weather, visiting dogs and lazy, uncaring dog owners it has been a problem reported by social media for attention over the festive season. Financial Matters Precept request for 2015/2016 The clerk had circulated information and calculators from NKDC to help with coming to a suggested precept figure. Final meetings at NKDC to agree the amount to be paid in grant funding to parishes were to be held later in January and so a final figure could not be agreed until the February meeting. More info would be circulated. To agree investment in CCLL Public Sector Deposit Fund The clerk had circulated information regarding the fund and asked Cllrs to consider if they wished to proceed with investing funds with this account. It was important to note that this was investment and not a current account. Clerk would send the information again for Cllrs to consider To agree new 3 year term and pay insurance of £628.07 to Came & Co It was unanimously agreed to continue to insure with Came and Co for 3yrs which would take the cover to February 2018 To consider Grants for the Village Hall and Bowls Club The Bowls Club secretary had advised the clerk that a quotation would be sent directly for fence panels - to date this had not come. The Clerk was asked to contact her and inform that no decision could be made without the information. Village Hall Committee had sent accounts information. Cllrs were still unclear about Income from events held at the hall. It was felt that as audited accounts had not been lodged with the Charity Commission no auditors opinion was able to be taken into account. Cllrs requested that the accounts should be audited before a grant was considered. It was discussed that any applications in 2015 that were incomplete would not be considered as the admin time was not cost effective. Item to be included on the next agenda. To consider distributing Lafford Fund to Village Groups After discussion it was agreed unanimously that the remaining Lafford Funds should be given towards a children's party. Details to be agreed later in the year. To agree cost of Market Place planting Expenditure had previously been agreed for the cultivation of this area but cost of planting needed to be agreed which was £35. An invoice had been received for this item. It was agreed unanimously that the invoice should be paid. Planning Matters New Applications: 14/1554/OUT Outline Request Mill Lane Employment Site Venue for Parish Council Meetings After discussion about members of the public not attending as the hall is too cold in the winter, and Cllrs feeling cold also, it agreed that PC meetings should be held at the Community Rooms for February and March. The vote was 5 in favour with 2 abstentions. The Clerk was asked to book the rooms. To agree the site for the defibrillator It was agreed that the defibrillator should be placed on the outside wall at the Children's Centre. The vote was 5 for and 2 against. The Clerk would obtain a quotation for the electrical work needed and arrange for purchase of machine and fitting at Children's Centre. Burial & Allotment Matters The gravedigger was asked to top up a grave that needed topsoil. No other updates at this time the clerk would update once information was available regarding Allotment matters. Reports from Councillors and future agenda items: info only A Councillor asked if narrow road signs could be placed to help motorists with the bridge at Mill Lane. Clerk would pass request to LCC Highways. The Chair advised that British Legion Ladies would be having some defibrillator training at a forthcoming meeting. It was reported that a small tree growing in a grave in the cemetery. This was noted for future maintenance. 6. BILLINGHAY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Welcome! We are now well into Term 3 and nearly half way through another academic year at school. Between now and Easter the children in Years 5/6 will be taking part in their residential visit to PGL at Caythorpe. Those in Year 1 are visiting Tattershall Castle and those in Year 4 to 6 are visiting a school in Leicester that we are building links with to enable our children to gain a better understanding of multicultural Britain. Looking back at the school’s results for last year and after discussion with the Local Authority with regard to the attainment and achievement of our pupils, I am pleased to announce that we were graded as good in all areas and outstanding in some. Through Key Stage 1 (from the beginning of Year 1 to the end of Year 2), pupils make at least good progress, with many making outstanding learning gains. As a result, attainment is high and above national averages. At Key Stage 2 (Year 6) the percentage of our pupils making expected progress is above the national average in all areas. In the Foundation Stage, the percentage of our pupils making what is termed a ‘Good Level of Development’ is again significantly above the national average. This has been achieved by the school having ‘aspects of outstanding teaching and learning’ a quote from external moderation of our school. Please can I remind parents who have children born between 01/09/2010 and 31/08/2011 who will be eligible to start school in September 2015, that the closing date for applications has passed. You can however still apply for places through School Admissions at Lincolnshire County Council. For those parents who have chosen us as their first preference we look forward to working with you from September and we will be contacting you to arrange for visits to our Foundation Stage in the summer term. You will be informed of the place you have been offered on 16th April by School Admissions. Currently we have a number of after school and lunch time school sports clubs operating, ranging from handball to hockey to high 5 netball. Two of our classes are accessing dance provision from NK Dance on a Friday morning this term. Our children have enjoyed representing the school in football, hockey, aqua splash and high 5 netball competitions this term and are looking forward to more opportunities. The Friends of the School are hosting Easter Bingo at school on 20th March 2015 with chocolate as prizes. All are welcome. Doors will open at 6.00pm. We look forward to continued success in the remainder of the Spring Term and the lead up to Easter. With best wishes Mr Richard Allen Headteacher 7. LPG and Natural Gas Plumbing and Heating Specialists Offering a full plumbing & heating service from changing a washer to installing a central heating system. For a no obligation quote with competitive pricing and discounts for OAPs, serving and ex HM Forces, call or email today Mobile: 07903812094, Landline: 01526 860715 Email: [email protected] Web: 561608 WHIST EVENINGS Every third Thursday of the month a Whist evening is held in the Community Centre at The Whyche. Entry is just one pound and proceeds are donated to charity (such as the Royal British Legion and other worthwhile causes). Why not join us for a pleasant evening to meet others and enjoy a friendly game of cards. Definitely no previous experience is required. Future dates are: 19th March, 16th April 21st May & 18th June 8. Stan Tomlinson OBITUARIES Stan Tomlinson, who passed away aged 88, was born at North Kyme Drove. He was the second child of a family of five, having three sisters and one brother. After leaving Billinghay C of E school at 14 he went to work for his father on the family farm. He loved farming it was all he ever wanted to do. It was his work, his leisure and his hobby. He had a tremendous work ethic, so much so that he was still driving corn carts at 82. He met his wife Gwen in 1949 and married five years later, moving to a house in Billinghay. They celebrated their diamond wedding last year with family and friends and received a card from the Queen congratulating them on 60 years of marriage. They were blessed with three children Susan, Helen and Ian and they later became proud and loving grandparents to four grandchildren and one great grandson. Stan enjoyed holidaying, Canada being his favourite place. He took up skiing for the first time at the age of 60 and went for three consecutive years. He loved it, it was probably helped by his days of ice skating on the frozen Skirth in his youth. Stan was always a very sociable person, he loved chatting to people wherever he went. He had a very kind and happy temperament. He always had a smile on his face. Stan will be sadly missed by all his family and many friends. His funeral was at Boston Crematorium followed by a memorial service at St Michaels and All Angels Church Billinghay which was conducted by the Rev. Mike Rose. Sue Dring Mrs Pauline Bird Pauline Bird sadly passed away at home on Sunday 25th January 2015, aged 65. Born in Billinghay, she was the daughter of Frank and Iris Allen and the sister of Michael. Pauline attended Billinghay Primary School and onto the Lafford. She was a member of the Brownies and Girl Guides. Pauline married David in 1969 and they moved to Swarby for a short time before returning to Billinghay, where their two children, Teresa and Simon were born. For several years she worked at `Barry`s, both in the shop and on the van, before leaving to start her true love in the caring profession. Pauline did a great deal of voluntary work for the village, serving on several committees, including the swimming pool and the village hall. She was a proud Gran of Maddy, Jack and Roxanne. Pauline will be sadly missed by her husband of 45 years David, daughter Teresa, son-in-law Kevin, son Simon, daughter-in-law Kay, and grandchildren Maddy, Jack and Roxanne. After a private cremation at Boston, a memorial service was held at St. Michaels and All Angels Church, the service conducted by Rev. Beth Weston. 9 BILLINGHAY EVENTS DIARY It is great to see so many events being organised in the village. So much so that sometimes they clash and we poor souls who would like to go to both are left in a quandary. Can we ask all those people who are arranging an event to check the Billinghay Event Facebook page to avoid any clashes where possible. They can also add their event to the calendar. 10 BILLINGHAY AREA POLICE TEAM NEWS Dear Residents, In some parts of rural Lincolnshire there have been incidents of thefts from vehicles and from sheds and garages. Worryingly, these have mainly been from INSECURE vehicles and properties. Locking your cars and sheds makes them much less vulnerable to thieves, and you should make sure you don’t leave valuables – sat navs, phones and handbags – on show, as this will reduce the risk of your car being broken into. Police can give you packs with which you can mark some of your property with Ultra violet pen, and stickers for your doors. We have a supply of timers so you can make your lights go on and off when you’re not there, keeping people guessing as to whether or not you’re at home, and making them much less likely to try and break in. What’s even better is they’re absolutely free! Anyone at the Neighbourhood Policing Team can supply you with one and they’ll even show you how to use it. We can also supply you with shed alarms, bicycle locks or special bicycle identification kits and transponders, but as these are quite expensive to buy we ask that you make a contribution towards them. Keep a look out for people at your door purporting to be from the gas or water board, collecting for charity or selling items door to door – if they’re legitimate they will have identification and won’t mind showing it to you so don’t be afraid to ask. If anyone at your door refuses to identify themselves or claims they have mislaid their ID card then shut the door and ring the Police. Due to the global fall in oil prices there are fewer and fewer reports of heating oil thefts, but remain vigilant, and keep your tanks secure, as most people will have their tanks topped up to keep them warm on the cold nights and an easy target might be too tempting for anyone looking to make a fast buck. If anyone witnesses any suspicious activity please call the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. PCSO Kennedy has left the Sleaford team and moved onto pastures new. PC Martin Green will be returning to the team in March after his 6 monthly attachment to the Op Galileo hare coursing team. The Sleaford Rural North Neighbourhood Policing Team can be contacted on 01529 308658 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. Many thanks PCSO Nic Page 11 BILLINGHAY PARISH OFFICE NEWS As you are aware, the Parish Office has to deal with a wide range of issues and the staff try their very best to be helpful. Varying topics are raised and we intend publishing information where we can offer help, point you in the right direction or where we need your help. PARISH OFFICE CONTACT DETAILS: Telephone: 01526 861845 Email: [email protected] Address: Mrs C Willingham (Parish Clerk) The Old Vicarage Cottage, Church Street, Billinghay, Lincs LN4 4HN WALCOTT ROAD CEMETERY OPENING TIMES Summer Winter 8.00am to 9.00am to 8.00pm 5.00pm MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE Just to clarify the visiting times and locations for the Mobile Library Service, we are setting out details below: The van visits Billinghay on Thursdays and can be found as below: Stop 1 Stop 2 Library Site in the High Street Spar Shop Car Park Princess Square 11.30am 2.30pm to to 2.15pm 4.30pm For enquiries and renewals, please ring 01522 782010 BILLINGHAY MEDICAL PRACTICE Please note that the Contact Numbers for the Billinghay Medical Practice are: 0844 412 0050 Proprietor: 01526 860490 Ms Tracy Firth 12 13. Mick Onyon Walcott Plumbing & Heating Your local Plumbing & Heating Engineer Gas/LPG Heating Installation, Repair & Servicing All types of general plumbing repairs and installations – from taps to toilets Gas Safe Registered – No 509368 Tel: 01526 269208 or 07826 742928 CT Therapies Therapeutic & Holistic Massage for Stress, Tension, & Relaxation Sports Injury, Deep Tissue Reflexology Hopi Ear Candles Reiki Treatments & Training Relaxation & Meditation Waxing Specialist Experience Counts Please call for details Contact Wendy Reiki Master-Teacher, UKRFTM, CMT, CIBTAC, ISA, CNHC 01526 861826 01526 861385 07759 119135 REIKI The Subliminal way to relax Please call for details 14. BILLINGHAY SWIMMING POOL Ask not what your swimming pool can do for you - ask what you can do for your swimming pool!!! Ever since the Billinghay Swimming Pool was opened, it has been a source of pride to the village and rightly so. Not many villages the size of Billinghay have such an asset. We need to make sure that it stays open for many years to come. The extract below is from the unaudited accounts for 2014 shoiws the major financial items. Income Ticket Sales Shop/Refreshment Sales Donations and Fund Raising Income from School Parish Council Grant £12622 £ 2782 £ 5826 £ 1400 £ 543 Expenditure Electricity Water Authority Heating Oil Lifeguards Repairs & Maintenance Insurance Equipment & Stock purchases £ 3387 £ 2981 £ 4491 £ 3196 £ 7644 £ 1598 £ 2990 In 2014 the pool will have run at a loss of £5224 and cannot sustain such a loss for very long. Throughout the years, the Pool has been run, maintained and more importantly kept open by a willing set of volunteers some of whom have been putting in enormous effort over numerous years. They believe that it is time for new blood to take over or at least augment the current Committee. Once again, there is a serious danger that without new members on the Committee or volunteer workers, the pool might not open this year. Full details of the Annual General Meeting are given on page 16 of this issue of the Newsletter. Please make every effort to attend and offer whatever help that you can. DO NOT LET OUR POOL CLOSE 15. BILLINGHAY & DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FRIDAY 20th MARCH 2015 at THE COMMUNITY ROOMS, BILLINGHAY 6.30 pm START IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN KEEPING YOUR SWIMMING POOL OPEN—BE THERE!!!!!!! TAKE THE PLUNGE WE NEED A NEW COMMITTEE FORMING INCLUDING A CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR, TREASURER, SECRETARY AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS. THE FUTURE OF THE POOL IS AT RISK IF WE DO NOT GET A NEW COMMITTEE AND MORE MEMBERS/HELPERS—IT WILL NOT OPEN. IF YOU FEEL YOU CAN HELP BUT DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE, PLEASE CONTACT BRONWYN STAINSBY OR CATH WOOD. AS A COMMITTEE WE ARE WELL SUPPORTED BY THYE SAME FEW PEOPLE EACH YEAR AND WE NEED NEW BLOOD WITH NEW IDEAS. YOU CAN EMAIL US ON [email protected] DO NOT LET YOUR SWIMMING POOL CLOSE DUE TO LACK OF SUPPORTTHE VILLAGE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE ONE OF ITS MAJOR ASSETS. SO PLEASE COME TO THE MEETING, FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP AND SECURE THE FUTURE OF THE SWIMMING POOL. 16. 1st BILLINGHAY GIRL GUIDES Joining 1st Billinghay Girl Guides is a great opportunity for girls aged 10 14 years old to make new friends and learn new skills in a safe environment. Having enjoyed the Christmas and New Year break our Guides started back in January refreshed and ready to start working towards the Performing Arts badge. We want to say a huge thank you to the Parish Council who provided us with a grant to pay for Rhubarb Theatre to join us for a drama workshop. During the evening we learnt all about how to use our body shape to get into character playing teenagers, older people and posh ladies. We also learnt how to make hand puppets out of everyday household items, including paper. Have a go yourself…. It really is a cheap, fun way to entertain children. We ended the night exploring the skills of miming with expression masks. Check out the photograph to see how many expressions we had to play with. Learning about body shape really helped the Guides to show off their acting skills….. some are destined for Broadway! We also used our grant to purchase face paints and had another fun evening designing and painting on our faces. Our Guides truly showed off their artistic talents with some amazing designs and practical application of makeup! Apologies to all for how long it took to wash off before bed! All our Guides love animals…. So we spent an evening at Pets At Home, Boston getting acquainted with the snakes, geckos, guinea pigs, rabbits and even the chinchillas. The snakes weren’t as popular as the fluffy bunnies but one did make us laugh when it went to the toilet on Emma’s arm… I never knew they could be so messy!! Pets need a lot of care and attention… begging a parent will not get you one! We wish our Guide Annie and the cast of BADAss all the best for the pantomime. We know it will be a great performance and we look forward to watching. Maybe it will inspire our Performing Arts Guides to get involved in amateur dramatics….. Drama Queens!! We would also like to thank Shapes Hairdressers for their donation towards Guides. We hope to use the money towards a future activity. We have a Facebook site to show Guiding members our unit achievements and to disseminate information – members only site so please ask for details. If you would like to join, our Guides meet on a Wednesday night from 6.45pm to 8.30pm. Contact Jackie on 07535077717 for more details or check out the Girlguiding website 17. PICKS BUTCHERS LTD 89 MAIN STREET, DORRINGTON LOCAL BEEF, LAMB, PORK AND POULTRY TRADITIONAL LINCOLNSHIRE SAUSAGE A SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS, PORK PIE, HASLET AND READY MADE MEALS All prepared and cooked on the premises OPEN Monday to Friday 7.00am to 5.00pm CLOSED Saturday Sunday Tel 01526 830831 Come along to our Coffee mornings Third Monday in the month 10-12 o’clock Rick Lonsdale Heating & Plumbing OFTEC REGISTERED HEATING ENGINEER For plumbing, boiler/oil tank fitting, commissioning, service, repairs, & bathroom/kitchen fitting. Come along for coffee and a chat, or just coffee At the Baptist Chapel /770171 Coffee is free! Contact point: Ann Hall 01205 365689 Just off Skirth Road, Billinghay Mobile: 07847 483998 Call now to help increase the life and efficiency of your boiler 18 SWIMMING POOL Work week at the Billinghay Swimming Pool YES IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! ASSUMING THAT THE POOL REMAINS OPEN AFTER THE AGM, THE WORK WEEK WILL BE FROM TUESDAY 7TH APRIL TO FRIDAY 10TH APRIL (10.00AM START) THE MAIN JOBS REQUIRING ATTENTION ARE: PAINTING BENCHES AND FENCES GARDENING AND WEEDING CLEANING GENERAL TIDY UP JUST TURN UP FOR WORK ANY TIME AND FOR ANY DURATION—WE NEED YOU 100 CLUB RESULTS The winners for 4th December to 22nd January inclusive were: 4th December 11th December 18th December 25th December Xmas Bonus 1st January 8th January 15th January 22nd January Janice Keay Joyce Gordon Brenda Greatorex Christine Biggadyke Hazel Agnew Suzanne Rose Helena Rea Pauline Rea Hayley Rear Joan Gilbert Quet King Claire Markham Lou Hird Val Beckett Pauline Willows Christine Biggadyke Quet King Gemma Dring Each of the winners received £5 each. We still have room for new people to join and win. If you fancy a 19 Tabbi Bannister F.M.A.A.T & A.T.T Local Accountant and Tax Specialist Account Preparation Limited Company Advice Tax Returns VAT Returns Book Keeping Payroll Services No accountancy problem too big or too small. Call for a free quote and initial consultation. Tele. Number: 01526342834 Mobile Number: 07876023357 Email: [email protected] 20 NOW OPEN The Old Butchers Tea Room and Coffee Shop Serving the very best in Teas, Coffees, Cakes, Breakfasts and Light Lunches Takeaways are also available Available for parties Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 4.00pm Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm 9 Victoria Street BILLINGHAY, Lincs LN4 4HQ Telephone No: 01526 869090 Email: [email protected] 21. Thank you to all of you who took the time to complete the questionnaires to decide which areas of Billinghay the committee should concentrate on. 1,000 questionnaires were distributed to homes around the village and also to the school, children’s centre, medical centre, Twell’s Garage, the Co-op and the Spa shop, and the questionnaire was also available on the Billinghay Facebook page. The results have been collated and the top three answers are: 1) 2) 3) Facilities - leisure and medical Transport and Safety Planning/Fen Road Three working groups have been formed to explore and plan for these areas. However, without the views of the residents, businesses, clubs and societies there will be no Community Plan, so please engage where possible: this is your village and its future really is in your hands. BCP has been successful in gaining direct support from Locality to help the members set up the plan. Hannah Barter from the locality team will be attending the next BCP meeting on 18th February to hold a workshop to support the members in moving the plan forward. Lincolnshire County Council are keen to know what the community would like to see on the Fen Road site, so please be prepared to share your ideas and views. There are two sites to consider here - the brown field site on the footprint of the former secondary school and the green site behind which was the playing field. On the map opposite is a suggestion of what could be built on the site. This is only an idea! As you will be aware from the previous newsletter, Billinghay has been designated as a growth village, and although at present it is unclear what plans are afoot for the village, there are plans in place for the possible building of further properties on Mill Lane and 132 new homes beside West Street. Community Planning can have an input into what sort of properties should be built and in what style and also looks at the facilities and infrastructure needed to ensure that the village remains vibrant, safe and sustainable. Apparently Billinghay is seen as having good facilities with a Co-op, health centre, hairdressers and pubs etc., but concerns have been voiced about the infrastructure, such as the sewers and poor transport links. BCP works closely with the Parish Council to ensure that these matters are fully investigated. Full minutes and agendas for BCP can be found on our Facebook page – Billinghay Community Plan, or please email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list or Drop Box. In addition, copies are also held at the Parish Office. Meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7pm at the Coach and Horses and everyone is welcome to join as either a member of the committee or as a guest to see what happens at these meetings and to take part. BCP dates for your diary: March 18th, April 15th, May 20th & June 17th This is your village and your vision so make your voice count - come and be part of the plan! Kathryn Locke, Chair 22. PLAN SHOWING POSSIBLE USE OF THE FEN ROAD SITE (FORMERLY THE LAFFORD) Please note that this is not part of an application but an insight into what could be done. 23. Billinghay Children’s Centre ACTIVITY TIMETABLE *TODDLER PEEP (1-2½yrs) ~ MONDAY ~ 10.00 – 11.15am – booking required please ~ Term Time Only *BIG PEEP (2½yrs+) ~ MONDAY ~ 1.00 – 2.15pm – booking required please ~ Term Time Only CHILDMINDERS HUB ~ TUESDAY ~ 9.30am to 11.30am NURSERY NURSE CLINICS ~ 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAY of each month – PLEASE NOTE THAT BOOKINGS ARE NOW REQUIRED FOR THE CLINIC – PLEASE CALL 01529 306089 FOR AN APPOINTMENT MUSIC & MESS ~ (Parent Led Group) WEDNESDAY 1.00 – 2.30pm TWINS GROUP – WEDNESDAY 11th March & 15th April ~ 10 – 11.30am *JELLY BEANS MUSIC – WEDNESDAY’S 9.45-10.30am & 10.45-11.30am £27 for 6 weeks (discount for siblings). Booking required please call Elizabeth on 01529 413747 – Term Time only HOMESTART ~ THURSDAY’s 10am – 12 noon GROWING TALK FOR BABIES ~ THURSDAY’S 1.00-1.30pm ~ booking required please ~ Term Time Only GROWING TALK FOR UNDER 3's ~ THURSDAY’S 1.45-2.30pm ~ booking required please Term Time Only LITTLE EXPLORERS ~ FRIDAY’S ~ 9.30 – 10.30am ~ Limited spaces booking required please *BABY PEEP (0-12 months) ~ FRIDAY’S ~ 1.00 - 2.00pm - Term Time Only - booking required please CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU – Free confidential advice for families with children. Appointments necessary. Home visits by arrangement. Please call the CAB directly on 01529 308423 and ask for an appointment at Billinghay Children's Centre with Janette. ESCO drop-in appointment – 19th March & 20th April – if you are a parent or carer of a child with a disability please call 01522 782111 if you would like to book a 1 hour session with a skilled professional for a free confidential consultation to assist in offering support, advice and signposting services. ADULT LEARNING – Building Self Confidence and Self Esteem Course - Tuesdays 24th & 31st March – 12 – 3pm Please contact the centre if you would like further details or to make a booking. A crèche is available – booking is essential. HEALTH WALKS ~ Setting out from the Children’s Centre at 10.00am on Mondays ~ no need to book just drop in The above is our regular timetable of activities taking place at the Centre and may be subject to change. Please ring or call for the latest information or visit The Centre is open from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday-Wednesday and 9.00am to 4.30pm Thursday/Friday. You can also email us at [email protected]. Our Parent Forum has set up a Facebook page where you can chat to other Centre users ~ find us on “Billinghay Parents’ Group” If you would like to attend the next meeting of the Parent Forum this will be held on Tuesday 13 th January from 9.30am – 11.30am – we would be very pleased to see you and if you require a crèche place for the morning, please let us know as soon as possible. 24 Teaky’s Sports & Social Column TENNIS At the time of writing these notes Billinghay Tennis Club had two more matches to play, these were against Boston A and Spilsby. Their penultimate game on their fixture list had been cancelled owing to Woodhall Spa having to drop out of the league. All Club members are looking forward to the new season now that the courts are looking in immaculate condition, with no sign of moss anywhere. The Club now have a Facebook site, so if anyone needs to know anything concerning tennis in our village, just google Billinghay Tennis Club on your laptop. FOOTBALL Billinghay Athletic First Team continue to move up the league after their usual poor start to their season; at present they are lying fifth in the table They are unbeaten in 2015, with five wins and one draw; these include a 4-0 away win against neighbours Ruskington and a 3-1 home victory with third placed Fishtoft. During the same time, the club have reached the quarter finals of both the Sports Cup and the Willoughby Cup. The Reserves have also had an upward surge in form, since the Christmas period, with only one loss during this time. I noticed in their commendable 2-2 draw against Spalding Harriers that both Billinghay goals were scored by Matthew Bean. Does this mean that Mr. Bean has come to their rescue!!! With both teams finding form, everyone connected with the Club are looking forward to the second half of the season. If anyone is interested in joining the Club as a player or committee member or just as a volunteer, please contact Terry on 01526 860169. The Club have organised a Race Night for the 21st March at the Golden Cross. Everyone welcome. 8pm start. Please come along and support your local Club. GOLF Golf news is very brief this time, as I believe recently, some of the South Kyme golfing fraternity have preferred the ski slopes to the fairways, but congratulations are in order for two Billinghay golfers. Phil Brunt won the 1st and 2nd Team Fairways and Greens Competition while the Seniors Winter League 14 hole Stableford Division 2, was won by that well known elderly gentleman Colin Underwood . Colin Underwood must go down as the most amazing local sportsman our village has ever produced. Although he has now passed his four score years, he still plays regularly, all the year round, at South Kyme Golf Club. He also plays bowls for Billinghay Bowls Club in the Summer months while in the Winter, along with wife Janet, he bowls at Sleaford and District Indoor Bowls Club. In his younger days he played football for the village team for many years, helping the team win many trophies and has often been considered to be the best winger ever to play for our village. Colin was also an opening batsman and wicket keeper, when the village had a cricket team and while his best friend would not describe him as an exciting or hard hitting batsman, it was nearly impossible to get him out.. PLEASE SEND NEXT SPORTS NEWS BY 10th APRIL to [email protected] or POST IT THROUGH MY LETTERBOX AT 11, MEADOW WAY. 25. BOWLS Billinghay Bowls Club held their Annual General Meeting on 1st November 2014. A good number of members were in attendance and the Chairman opened the proceedings. Reports were received from Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, each giving a resume of the last season from their perspective. Officers of the Club were then elected with Mr. Eric South carrying on as Club President, Mike Carr Chairman, Jenny Blades Secretary and Janis Keay Treasurer. Alan Lawson also agreed to carry on the sterling work as green-keeper, with the assistance of his team of helpers. A debate was then started with regards to which leagues should be entered for the forthcoming 2015 outdoor season. It was certainly a fact that problems had been encountered during the previous year in raising a team to play in the City of Lincoln 2 Wood League, with the Captain of the team, on many occasions facing a problem to field 12 players. A proposal was eventually put forward that the club should resign from this league and apply to join the Boston and District 3 Wood League; this competition only requires 9 players instead of 12. The proposal was seconded and after a vote agreed. Therefore for the 2015 season the Club will be competing in the following leagues:Sleaford and District 2 Wood EBF League --- Captain: Monica Law ASC Metals 3 Wood, EBA Lincoln and District League --- Captain: Tony Carter Boston and District 3 Wood EBF League --- Captain: Mick Faulkner Coningsby and District 2 Wood EBF League --- Captain Mike Carr Woodhall Spa and District 2 Wood, EBF Friendly League--- Captain: Alan Lawson As always, we are in need of more members to boost our numbers. Please don`t think you have to be an expert bowler to join us as there are opportunities in our teams for members of all abilities and ages, and free coaching can be given to complete beginners. If you have recently moved to the village, or have lived here for years, but have never thought of bowling, don`t be shy, get in touch. Bowling is a fantastic sport that everyone can participate in. Call Mike Carr, our Club Chairman on 01526 342448, for further details. DARTS The Golden Cross team are riding high in Division 1 of the Coningsby and District Darts League. With just three more games to play, they are four points ahead of Crown A in second place. League Table Division 1 Played Won Lost Legs For Legs Ag. 140`s 180`s Hi Fin ish Points Golden Cross A 9 9 0 56 25 29 3 108 18 Crown A 9 7 2 55 26 28 5 119 14 Black Swan(Horn) 10 6 4 53 37 26 6 107 12 Black Swan(Con) 9 5 4 48 33 45 2 113 10 Crown B 9 3 6 35 46 21 1 120 6 Packet Inn B 9 2 7 22 59 20 2 112 2 Royal Oak, M.L.F 9 0 9 19 62 22 1 116 0 Golden Cross B are 4th in Division 2 with 10 points from 9 games Golden Cross C are 4th in Division 3 with 8 points from 10 games. 26 LETTER PAGE If you wish to reply to any views expressed in these letters or wish to get anything else ‘off your chest' , please write to LOU`S LIVELY LETTER PAGE or e-mail [email protected] or post it through the Parish Office letter box by 10th August 2014 Please note that the views expressed in the letters pages do not necessarily reflect those of the Parish Council and are only published where the Name and Address of the Contributor is given (but not necessarily published - we will pass on correspondence where applicable). Once again we have an epic set of letters, wisdom and folklore from our regular contributor, Teaky and we would point out that these are his personal views. If you wish to take issue with the topics raised, we would be pleased to print your comments. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Best wishes to Cllr. Kathryn Locke and her committee who are giving a great deal of their time and effort in trying to formulate a Neighbourhood Plan. It is encouraging that some of our younger residents and also business people, are getting involved. I do hope these good people are not thwarted by the County or District Councils as they don`t have a very good reputation for listening to the opinions of local people. The Sleaford Regeneration scheme is an example as they would not even consider the alternative route proposed by Sleaford Town Council while Billinghay Parish Councillors have been frustrated over the years when NKDC were reluctant to listen to any of their comments and advice on planning matters. This was after our councillors had spent a great deal of time studying the detailed plans. Improvements can no doubt be made to the village without spending a great deal of money which is just as well. When libraries are being closed, our county police cut down to the bare bones and our roads in a dreadful state, I cannot see the Government funding anything that is not essential but please don`t listen to cynical old fellows like myself as nothing will ever change if you do. HIGH STREET I hear many moans from drivers, after they have weaved their way along Billinghay High Street, owing to residents parking their cars outside their homes, on each side of the road. Some people advocated having double yellow lines along one side of the road but if this took place, where would the residents on this side of the road park their cars. These terraced houses were built in the horse and cart age and it would be hard to find a satisfactory solution. The only advantage of cars parking both sides of the street is that it has a traffic calming effect. Nobody would want vehicles to travel along High Street at the speed some do, when travelling on the `Walcott Road Racetrack`. If anyone wishes to have a frightening experience, then walk on the footpath opposite the Mill Lane junction. On this bend in the road, there is no grass verge between the path and oncoming traffic for over 65 yards and one has to walk within two feet of cars being driven by some, who try to emulate the cornering skills of Hamilton or Button. When I speak to friends in other villages, they agree that there are more disagreements between neighbours, over the parking of vehicles, than for any other reason and I don`t believe our village is any better or worse than the rest. The sad part of it is, in most cases these situations could be resolved quite easily. SAVED It was great news for the Sleaford High Street shops when Tesco decided not to build their new store, as it would have been a disaster for them if Tesco had carried on with their plans. If the Sleaford Target is to be believed the only people who thought the project would help the High Street were the `Lady Herself` and one or two of her supporters, but this is not the only strange statement they have made about their Regeneration Scheme. If anyone needed proof that party politics is not always a good thing in local government, then North Kesteven District Council would be a prime example. When one party on a 27. a council has a large majority, then it can become very undemocratic. I could never understand Tesco wishing to build a larger store when more and more customers now order on line and have their provisions delivered. This means they only need a large warehouse for these people. Many question whether Sleaford really needed a larger supermarket as, besides Tesco`s present store, the town already have Sainsbury, Iceland, Aldi, Lidl and the Co-op. W.W. 1 Although I attended the candlelight vigil at the Billinghay War Memorial, in respect of the brave village lads who gave their lives, I did not agree with B.B.C`s continual coverage of the commemoration of the start of World War 1, as it was probably the most unnecessary and brutal war, in the history of mankind, with the millions of young lives lost on both sides. My father and several of my uncles fought in this war but not one of them would ever talk about it as they wished to erase the terrible events from their minds. One of my uncles lost an arm, another was left profoundly deaf for the rest of his life while my father was wounded in his arm and leg. My brother and four of my cousins fought in the Second World War but this was a different matter, as Hitler`s fascist ideology and continued aggression had to be stopped at all costs. WORST PRESENTS There was some discussion amongst us around Christmas, as to the worst present one could buy a wife or partner. Most poor males like myself have struggled over the years to buy something that will suit our nearest and dearest but I do believe some men really ask for trouble by buying the wrong present. If ones partner has begun to `run to seed` and putting on quite a bit of weight, I suppose it is rather insensitive to buy her some bathroom scales. Another fatal thing to do is thinking you are able to buy clothes for a woman without their knowledge, as there is so much that can go wrong. There is every chance they are too big or too small, too long or too short or we are asked, `do you want me to look as old fashioned as your mother` or `would you really want me to look as common as Mrs. Mulagatawny at the end of the street`. I have been told that another no-go area is anything for the kitchen, as it reminds her of work. This was proved true a few years ago when a good friend of mine bought his wife a frying pan for Christmas, it was appreciated to the extent that she threatened to hit him over the head with it. I can`t say whether one gentleman was joking when he stated that the worst present he receives each year is when his mother in law arrives on Christmas Eve and the best one is when she goes home a week later. GENEROUS BILLINGHAY PEOPLE I never cease to be amazed how generous Billinghay people are, whenever there is an event in support of a good cause. This was proved to me when we were collecting for the replacement headstone last year. This generosity was proved once again just before Christmas, when the Christmas Market was held at the Coach and Horses, raising £1001 for new play equipment on the Playing Field. On the following day, Emma and the ladies at Shapes Hairdressers held their annual fundraising event for various good causes, raising over £1300. OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE?? According to a new E.U. rule, anyone who is obese can now be classified as disabled but nobody can tell me when one moves from being overweight to being obese. I was told recently that the best way to find if one is the correct weight, you multiply your waist measurement by two and that should be the same as your height. I am afraid something must be wrong, as it means I should be 6 feet 4 inches. DID YOU HEAR? Did you hear about the young bride who after a month of marriage arrived at her Mother`s house in tears. She explained that while her new husband had been wonderful on holiday, since arriving home, he had started using terrible four letter words. `That is awful `said her Mother, `please tell me, what four letter words`? She replied `DUST, COOK, WASH, IRON`. 28 BILLINGHAY METHODIST CHURCH I would like to report on our Shoebox Dedication Service back in November, we were once again joined by the Primary School parents, friends and families, all who had played some part in the massive result of 354 boxes to go to underprivileged children in Romania. We have started packing boxes already for collection this year and have fixed dates for our coffee mornings to raise monies for transportation costs. These are all on Tuesday between 10.00 and 11.30 am, the first one being: February 21st followed on by April 28th, June 2nd and September 1st. Everyone is welcome to drop in and have a coffee and chat and maybe pick up a bargain from our bric-a-brac stall. We have so much support from family, friends and villagers now an any item, however small is always gratefully received. We aim to pack a few more each year but this last collection will take some beating, thanks to all the boxes the school children brought along. A big thanks goes to them and the staff for their interest and encouragement. Any one wanting more information can contact me on 01526 860614 or just call in at a coffee morning. Then to finish the year it was our turn to host the United Village Carol Service. We invited readers from various village organisations to take part and the support they brought with them made it an enjoyable evening and hopefully we can continue in this manner (also avoid printing errors next time) Val Beckett RATES TO USE THIS NEWSLETTER FOR ADVERTISING SIXTH OF PAGE QUARTER OF PAGE HALF PAGE FULL PAGE FLYERS “ONE OFF” ANNUAL (6 EDITIONS) “ONE OFF” ANNUAL (6 EDITIONS) “ONE-OFF” ANNUAL (6 EDITIONS) “ONE-OFF” ANNUAL (6 EDITIONS) £10.00 £25.00 £15.00 £38.00 £20.00 £65.00 £25.00 £90.00 INSERT YOUR OWN INSERTED BY US £10.00 £20.00 PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR OTHER SIZES 29 This term we are learning about the Girl Guiding Association in India, and we have been painting pictures ready for our joint meeting with Guides and Brownies when we will have an Indian theme for Thinking Day 2015, when we think about guiding members in other countries. Later this term we have some activities planned for Mother’s Day and Easter. Rainbows is a pre-Brownies group for 5-7 year old girls organised by the Girl Guiding Association, and is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. We meet in Billinghay on Tuesday evenings in term time from 5.30-6.30pm. If you have a daughter who would like to join us, then please contact me on 01526 861746, or you can find out more information about Rainbows, Brownies and Girl Guides on the website If you have a hobby or interest which you would like to talk to the girls about, then I would love to hear from you. We are also always looking for more helpers, so please contact me if you would like to help at our sessions once or twice a term, or more regularly. Thanks very much to my fellow leaders Emma Beck (Violet) and Bev Carter (Blue) and helper Jade. Suzanne Rose (Purple) BILLINGHAY AND DISTRICT TWINNING ASSOCIATION The Association’s plans for the forthcoming visit next year of our French “twins” from Ballon are now at an advanced stage. This will take place between the 13th and 16th May, 2015. We combining aspects of English History and traditional activities as well as samples of our often underestimated food and beer. Currently planned are visits to Southwell to see the Workhouse and the Minster as well as a day in Hull at the Deep to experience how life was for the fishermen. If you are interested in becoming a member come along to one of our Open Meetings or one of the events organised for the forthcoming visit. You will get a flavour of the twinning and this will let you see if it for you. You do not have to speak French as a very basic vocabulary and a French Phrase Book should help you get by (at least it does most of us). We look forward to seeing you along with our old members in the near future. 30 LONDON ROAD, SLEAFORD (NEXT TO R W MARSH) 01529 307878 MATTHEW FRY B.V. Sc (1988) MRCVS FACILITIES EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED STAFF ULTRASOUND SCANNING RADIOGRAPHY / AUTOMATIC PROCESSOR FULL SURGICAL FACILITIES DENTAL SCALING AND POLISHING ELECTRONIC MICROCHIPPING AMPLE UNDERCOVER PARKING IN HOUSE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 31. We are now formulating our programme of events for the coming months and the next few are detailed below: 30th Mar 27th April 18th May 20th July Lincolnshire VCs - Tony Stubbs Navenby Archaeological Group - Ian Cox The Wandering Poor - Ann Cole Herbs Medicine Magic & Murder - Lynda Hotchkiss You do not have to be a member to attend and there is only a minimal charge per person to help defray costs. For details contact Lou Hird on 01526 869086 or just turn up for the presentation—you will be most welcome PETER CROSS PAINTER & DECORATOR Interior Exterior Domestic Commercial Friendly Reliable Service over 25 years experience For a FREE quote ring Tel: Mob: ALL TYPES OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Hedge cutting, grass cutting, block paving/ cleaning, fencing, tree felling, shed erecting, digger work etc. RG GROUNDWORK SERVICES Call Richard on 07931169402 or 01526 830544 01526 833913 07855526035 32. It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was last sitting down to write an update on the activities of the Scouts. This year has started with a refresh of the program from HQ and we have spent some time looking at the new requirements for achieving the Chief Scouts Gold Award, this is the highest award available to the Scouts and will take them most of the four years they are in the section to complete. This term we have been working towards the astronomer badge. This has involved learning about different constellations, and where they can be found in the night sky. We have looked at the phases of the moon and how the moon affects the tides, and have spent some time discussing various space missions. We have been out most Thursday evenings observing the night sky through binoculars and a small telescope. We have seen Jupiter and Mars, and identified stars such as Polaris, Sirius and Betelgeuse as well as finding the Orion nebula and the Pleiades. We will complete this badge with a visit to the Observatory in Lincoln in March. In addition to all this star gazing we have been brushing up on our map reading skills in preparation for the annual Elephant Yomp. This is a competition hike organised by the Explorer Unit in Horncastle, and takes the form of a 10 – 12 mile hike which includes a series of checkpoints at which the Scouts have to carry out a variety of tasks for which they gain points. The team with the most points at the end is declared the winner. Last year we managed second place, and are hoping to do as well again this year, although we will have a substantially different team this year. We are now very much looking forward to better weather and lighter evenings so that we can spend more time enjoying the outdoors. Penny Bedford 33 BELATED THANK YOUS Due to the Christmas Holidays, the last issue of the Newsletter had to be sent for printing much earlier than normal. This meant that some items were not included but we feel that it is important to give thanks where it is due, hence the items below: THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION A big thank you to the collectors and people of Billinghay, North Kyme, South Kyme and Walcott for their generous help and donations to the 2014 Poppy Appeal, we collected £2652.20. Mrs Quet King, Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator. DARBY AND JOAN Around 50 Members and Guests enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch, which was held in the Community Hall and cooked on the premises. Roast turkey was served with all the trimmings, Christmas pudding, apple or lemon meringue pie followed by cheese and biscuits washed down by liberal amounts of wine or fruit juice, whichever one preferred. Sweets, crisps and nuts were then placed on the table along with tea and coffee. It was certainly a great day for slimmers!!!! The only blip throughout the day was when one or two of the guest couldn`t keep up with the bingo caller (surely this was not another role for Teaky!!). This was blamed on the fact that they had not played bingo for over sixty years but a better explanation could be, that they had eaten too much. Special thanks must go to Mrs. Shirley Rushby for organising the event and working tirelessly to make the day a success. She was ably assisted, on the day and in the preparation, by a small group of hostesses, who kept everyone fed and `watered` throughout the day. It is not only on this particular day that Shirley and the other ladies need our thanks as a lot of work is involved organising the monthly meetings and the popular coach trips to various places. One of the highlights of each meeting is the lovely tea which is prepared and served by the hostesses. BILLINGHAY FOOTBALL CLUB RESERVES Billinghay Football Club Reserves would like to thank: The Coach & Horses Shapes Twells of Billinghay Everyone that bought tickets for supporting their recent raffle to raise funs for the Club. An amount of £300 was raised in total and the winners were: 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Garry McMullan Hayley from Shapes Andy Louth 34 County Councillor Patricia Bradwell Billinghay Primary School – Proposed School Safety Zone As many residents will be aware the County Council has recently carried out a consultation proposing a school safety zone on Fen road adjacent to the Primary School. You may wonder why these proposals are being put forward now, but over the last couple of years I have received complaints from parents and residents regarding inappropriate parking on Fen Road outside the school and I know that the Highways Officers and the Parish Council have received similar complaints. The majority of schools in Lincolnshire have a school safety zone outside the school premises and evidence shows that this helps to keep children safe whilst they are going to and from school. The feedback from the consultation has been positive but there were a few concerns about car parking availability. I felt it was important to explain where we are with a way forward. At the moment it isn’t possible to provide more suitable parking area on the land adjacent to the Children’s Centre. However, there will be an opportunity to develop some parking in the near future when the land is re developed. Alongside providing parking there will need to be a drop off/lay by for the school bus and taxis developed. I know the Billinghay Community Planning Group are considering how the land, which was formerly the Lafford site can be re developed for the benefit of the village and your views are very important. If you would like to give me any further feedback on the school safety zone proposals then please email me at [email protected] or my phone number is 01526 352842. PAUL TURNER BLACKSMITH AND ENGINEER Ironwork Repairs Welding Sharpening Lawnmowers and Garden Machinery Serviced and repaired Free local collection and delivery (for mower servicing) Agricultural Repairs Machinery Sales FREE Estimates Telephone No: 01526832118 18 Main Street, Dorrington, Lincoln LN4 3PX 35. Community Activities, Interests & Opportunities in Billinghay Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Bethel Baptist Chapel Billinghay CEP School Billinghay Tuesday Club Bowls Club British Legion Women British Legion Brownies (2nd Billinghay) Children’s Centre Coffee Morning Community Rooms Daisy Chain Darby & Joan Girl Guides Line Dancing L.I.V.E.S Methodist Church Methodist Church Past Times Rainbows (Girls 5 to 7) Scout Group St Michael’s and All Angels Church Tennis Club Twinning Association Village Hall Voluntary Car Service Young People’s Fellowship Tuesdays 5.30-9.15pm Scout Hut Roger Miller 860539 Sundays 10.30am & 6pm Tuesdays 7pm Pastor James Mansfield 861439 Breakfast Club 8 to 9am Every School day in School Hall 1st Tuesday of the month 7.30pm Ruth Allen 860136 Indoor Bowls start October 2009 Mondays (last-every month) 7.00pm SureStart Centre 01526 861344 Wednesdays (1st in month - January, April, July & October) 8pm in the Coach & Horses Terry Richards 860346 Wednesdays 5.30 to 7.00pm Dawn Tulley 834324 Fen Road 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday 869248 or 869271 3rd Monday of month 10-12 Baptist Chapel, Ann Hall 01205 365689 Bookings Jayne Pannell 01526 861382 Pre-school Mon-Fri 9.00am to 3.00pm Billinghay CofE School 07799 091281 Tuesdays (every 4 weeks) 2-5pm Shirley 860732 Wednesdays 6.45pm Contact Jackie 07535077717 Thursdays 6.00pm to 8.00pm Walcott Village Hall Barbara Grice 861465 – to volunteer time as a First Responder / Helper Bookings Sally Robinson 860930 Caretaker 860682 Schoolroom available with kitchen facilities £15 for 3 hours Sundays 10am Rev. Ann Lett 830192, Val 860614, Ray 861505 History Group Mondays (last in month) Coach & Horses Lou Hird 869086 Tuesdays (Term Time) 5.30pm to 6.30pm Suzanne 861746 Mobile 07748 982128 email: [email protected] 1st Billinghay Roger Miller (Scout Leader) 860539 1st/2nd Sundays 9.30am Morning Prayer & Sunday Club 3rd Sunday 9.30am Communion & Sunday Club 4th Sunday 11.00am Family Service 5th Sunday United Service - please ring to check place of worship. Church open from 9.00am to 3.00pm weekdays Vicar Rev Mike Rose 861746 Contact Tina or Mick on 860069 or [email protected] Chairman John Toulson 01526 860262 Secretary Marjorie Richards 860346 Website Bookings Kate Lamb 869163 [email protected] Office Hours 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 10.00am to 1.00pm Friday Tel 01507 609535 (also 24hr Emergency) YPF Fridays 6.30pm-8.00pm at Baptist Chapel, (7-13yo) 36. WHAT’S ON IN BILLINGHAY DARBY & JOAN CLUB Forthcoming Meetings: 24th March 21st April 19th May 3 March Lincoln - Coach leaves 10am returns 3.30pm 5 May Oxford 2 June Coach to Pickering and then ride on North Moor train to Whitby If non-members would like to join us for any outings, please contact Shirley on 860732 BILLINGHAY TUESDAY CLUB Forthcoming events: 3rd March 7th April The Town Crier A Bit of Fun with Ann’s Antiques Karen Crow Ann Barnes METHODIST CHURCH LENDING LIBRARY Every second Tuesday each Month 2.00 to 3.30pm Everyone is welcome to call in for free cuppa and browse our books, jigsaws and DVDs. If you would like to borrow any item, all we ask is a small donation of 25p. BINGO Every Monday 1.30pm start Regular Bingo Sessions The Whyche Community Rooms Refreshments available. Why not come along and make some new friends. GOLDEN CROSS 1st Friday of the Month Mick’s Quiz Last Friday of the Month Darts Competition 7.30pm start The Cross Golf Society - contact the pub or Paul Fortune for details COACH & HORSES Sundays Quiz Night starts 8.30pm 1st & 3rd Monday every month Wolds Bikers Meetings 8.00pm start (approx) See for details 37 CAR DYKE PARISH GROUP WORSHIP TIMETABLE - MARCH & APRIL DATE PARISH TIME SERVICE Wednesdays Walcott 12 Noon Holy Communion Sunday 1st Mar South Kyme Billinghay Martin 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am Holy Communion Morning Prayer Family Service Sunday 8th Mar Timberland Billinghay North Kyme 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Saturday 14th Mar Community Hall Billinghay 4.00pm Vision—Informal Service Sunday 15th Mar Billinghay Martin South Kyme 9.30am 11.00am 11.00am Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service Sunday 22nd Mar Walcott Billinghay North Kyme 9.30am 11.00am 11.00am Holy Communion Said Eucharist Morning Prayer Sunday 29th Mar Martin 10.00am Palm Sunday Group Service Sunday 5th Apr South Kyme Billinghay Martin 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am Holy Communion Morning Prayer Family Service Saturday 11th Apr Community Hall Billinghay 4.00pm Vision—Informal Service Sunday 12th Apr Timberland Billinghay North Kyme 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Sunday 19th Apr Billinghay Martin South Kyme 9.30am 11.00am 11.00am Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service Sunday 26th Apr Walcott Billinghay North Kyme 9.30am 11.00am 11.00am Holy Communion Said Eucharist Morning Prayer GENERAL Meditation Courses Learn to Relax, daytime or evenings to suit. Telephone 0775 911 9135 for details Reiki to Relax Courses run monthly in the village, starting with Level One. Telephone 0775 911 9135 for details of how to learn to Relax the Reiki Way 38. THE QUIZ Below are the singer(s) names and the initial letters of the song titles. Can you name the song. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Guy Mitchell David Whitfield Conway Twitty Del Shannon Walker Brothers T Rex Afam and the Ants Whigfield Teletubbies 10. Scissor Sisters SWRF AM IOMB R MIEOY MG SAD SN TSE-O IDFLD ………………………………… ………………………………... ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ............................................... ............................................... ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… The answers will be in the next issue of the Newsletter. Answers to January/February Quiz: 1. Secret Love 2. The Man from Laramie 3. Running Bear 4. Nut Rocker 5. Albatross 6. Maggie May 7. Devil Gate Drive 8. Don’t you want me 9. A Groovy Kind of Love 10. My Heart Will Go On South Kyme Golf Club Your local friendly Golf Club Fantastic Membership Offers Come and play unlimited golf 2 months Trial Membership from only £45 Ladies Introductory Membership 12 months for only £249 Free Under 16s Junior Membership Terms and conditions apply _________________________ For details on any of the above or for your free membership pack please contact us on 01526 861113 or email [email protected] Visit KEEP FIT BILLINGHAY VILLAGE HALL Tuesday 6.30pm to 7.30pm Get fit and keep fit in a relaxed fun class Cardio and toning exercises for a good workout Lower impact options available making this class suitable for a wide range of fitness levels. GO ON GIVE IT A TRY COST £4 per session Just turn up or contact Dean for more information on 01526 860893 or 07857 846841 39. Bygone Days We are grateful to Geoff Hodson for the picture below showing members of the Junior Guild at the Methodist Church in 1963. Are you pictured there? If you can supply the names of those who are, we would be very grateful. 40. MORE BYGONES After our appeal for more photographs for this feature, we are pleased to say we received numerous worthy of inclusion. The one displayed underneath was supplied by Joan Gilbert along with some names - do you know who the ladies are? Additionally we received from Teaky this photograph of a Farmers meeting in 1970 - there will be a full story of the ensuing action in the next issue - watch this space 41. 42. Stuart & Sally welcome you all to the Coach & Horses Billinghay Open 12 noon to 12 midnight 7 days a week Food served 12 noon to 8.00pm Restaurant and bar menus featuring Chef’s BBQ rack of ribs, Homemade Pies & More Traditional Sunday Lunch Use our facilities for all occasions including our 2 acre show field for Club Meetings and Shows Overnight, short stay or long stay available for Motor Homes and Caravans Telephone: 01526 860250 Email: [email protected] Internet: or find us on Facebook Congratulations to: Neil and Loraine Gilbert, from Park Avenue, who celebrate their Sapphire Wedding Anniversary(45 years) on the 7th March David and Pauline Wells, Skirth Road, whose Golden Wedding Anniversary(50 years) is on the 13th March. 43. NEXT MAR/APR 2015 – DEADLINE DATE – 8 FEBRUARY 44.
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