Child’s Name: DOB: Authorization for Emergency Medical Attention, Emergency Contacts & Medical Information 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Please complete these forms online using Adobe Reader, and then print and sign them. You may also print a blank copy and complete it by hand. Note that you cannot save a filled-out version of this form. Please return a hard copy or email a scan of this packet to Angela Burris, Parish School Nurse, [email protected]. Childʼs Full Name: Childʼs Primary Address: Street City Motherʼs Full Name: State Zip DOB: Primary E-mail Address: Cell: Home: Work: Fatherʼs Full Name: DOB: Primary E-mail Address: Cell: Home: Work: It is required to list two (2) persons The Parish School may contact (other than a parent) in the event the staff cannot reach you and to whom you give permission to pick up your child: Contact 1: DL # & State: Phone: Relationship: Contact 2: DL # & State: Phone: Relationship: In the event that I/we cannot be reached to make arrangements for emergency medical attention, I/we authorize a designated Parish School staff member to contact EMS to take my/our child to the nearest hospital or to the following: Child’s Physician: Phone: Address: We give our consent for any and all necessary treatment. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date Revised 5/7/15 Form A-1 – Contact and Medical Form Child’s Name: DOB: Authorization for Emergency Medical Attention, Emergency Contacts & Medical Information 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year I/we give permission for The Parish School to administer the following over-the-counter medications (or their generic equivalent) to my/our child if necessary. Dosages will be administered according to package directions: ☐ Advil or Motrin (Ibuprofen) ☐ Aleve (Naproxen Sodium) ☐ Benadryl ☐ Topical Benadryl ☐ Calamine Lotion ☐ Cough Drops ☐ Hydrocortisone Cream ☐ Insect Repellant – must be nonaerosol and provided by parent ☐ Midol/Pamprin ☐ Sunscreen – must be non-aerosol and provided by parent ☐ Throat Lozenges ☐ Tylenol (Acetaminophen) My/our child has the following medical concerns: Chronic Medical Conditions: Allergies: Dietary Restrictions (i.e. Gluten/Casein Free: My/our child takes the following medications regularly. (Include prescription, over-the-counter medications, and supplements. Please keep the school updated on any changes - See Pages 7 and 8.) Medication Revised 5/7/15 Dosage Form A-2 – Contact and Medical Form Child’s Name: DOB: Demographic Form 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Childʼs Full Name: Sex: ☐ Male ☐ Female Languages Spoken at Home: Ethnicity: ☐ Asian/Pacific Islander ☐ Black ☐ Hispanic ☐ Native American ☐ White ☐ Other Childʼs Primary Address: Street City State Zip State Zip Child’s Home School District: Who initially referred your family to The Parish School? Mother’s Information: Motherʼs Full Name: DOB: Primary E-mail Address: Cell: Home: Home Address: (if different) Work: Street Ethnicity: ☐ Asian/Pacific Islander City ☐ Black ☐ Hispanic ☐ Native American ☐ White ☐ Other Marital Status: ☐ Married to Child’s Father ☐ Single ☐ Divorced ☐ Remarried ☐ Widowed ☐ Partnered Occupation: Work Address: Employer: Street City State Zip Education: ☐ High School ☐ Some college ☐ Bachelor’s degree ☐ Master’s degree ☐ Doctorate Father’s Information: Fatherʼs Full Name: DOB: Primary E-mail Address: Cell: Home Address: (if different) Home: Work: Street Ethnicity: ☐ Asian/Pacific Islander ☐ Black City ☐ Hispanic ☐ Native American State ☐ White Zip ☐ Other Marital Status: ☐ Married to Child’s Mother ☐ Single ☐ Divorced ☐ Remarried ☐ Widowed ☐ Partnered Revised 5/7/15 Demographic-1 Child’s Name: DOB: Demographic Form, continued 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Father’s Information, Continued: Occupation: Work Address: Employer: Street City State Zip Education: ☐ High School ☐ Some college ☐ Bachelor’s degree ☐ Master’s degree ☐ Doctorate Maternal Grandmother’s Name: Home Address: Street E-mail Address: City State Zip City State Zip City State Zip City State Zip Phone: Maternal Grandfather’s Name: Home Address: (if different) Street E-mail Address: Phone: Paternal Grandmother’s Name: Home Address: Street E-mail Address: Phone: Paternal Grandfather’s Name: Home Address: (if different) E-mail Address: Street Phone: The Parish School does not discriminate based on race, color, national, religious, or ethnic origin. Revised 5/7/15 Demographic-2 Child’s Name: DOB: Physician’s Report & Immunization Record 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Required as you receive reports and immunizations with child’s annual check-up. The above named child is entering The Parish School. This statement certifies that in the physician’s professional opinion, the above named child is physically able to participate in the daily program and group activities, and s/he is free from communicable diseases. Date of last exam: Any special problems or concerns noted in above exam: Comments: Immunization Information: Please attach a copy of this child’s immunization record, which will serve as a true and correct copy of the immunizations received. If your child has an exemption, please turn in the original document – no copies permitted. Physician’s Name Physician’s Signature Date Physician’s Address Physician’s Phone Number Physician’s Fax Number This form must be returned to The Parish School on or before the first day of school in order for your child to attend class. Revised 5/7/15 Form B – Physician’s Report and Immunization Record Child’s Name: DOB: Authorization for Request and/or Release of Information 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year I hereby authorize The Parish School to request and/or release information that may be helpful in providing services for my child. Below are the persons, agencies and schools that The Parish School may contact: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE I understand any information released is strictly confidential and privileged. A copy of this document is as valid as the original. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date Revised 5/7/15 Form E – Release of Information Child’s Name: DOB: Medication Form/Physician Instructions 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Complete and return only when/if your child needs medication during school hours. A separate form is required for each medication. To be Completed by Parent: Name of Medication I/we hereby give permission to The Parish School to dispense the above medication and, if applicable, for the physician listed below to exchange information about my/our child with The Parish School staff. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date To be Completed by Physician: Medication Dosage Reason for Medication Desired Effects Possible Side Effects or Contraindications Administration beginning and ending dates to Are behavioral or performance observations necessary by the teacher? ☐ YES ☐ NO Best time for physician to be contacted: Prescribing Physician’s Name Physician’s Address Prescribing Physician’s Signature Phone Number Date Fax Number Please return this form to The Parish School ASAP to begin any new treatment, even if form must be initially submitted without a prescribing physician’s signature. Please submit completed form with all signatures as soon as possible. Revised 5/7/15 Form F – Medication Form Child’s Name: DOB: Parental Permission to Administer Medication 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year Complete and return only when/if your child needs medication during school hours. A separate form is required for each medication. Medication Dosage Administration beginning and ending dates Day to Morning dose to be administered at: Afternoon dose to be administered at: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday No medication administered after 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. Friday If applicable: Prescribing Physician’s Name Phone Number Fax Number I/we hereby give permission to The Parish School to dispense the above medication and, if applicable, for the physician listed above to exchange information about my/our child with The Parish School staff. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date Please return this form to The Parish School ASAP to begin any new treatment. Revised 5/7/15 Form G – Parental Permission for Medication Child’s Name: DOB: General Permissions and Release Form 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year ☐ Yes ☐ No I/we hereby give permission to The Parish School for my/our child to participate in supervised water activities. No commercial pools are involved. Sprinklers, water hoses, and portable wading pools may be used. ☐ Yes ☐ No I/we hereby give consent for The Parish School to provide transportation for my/our child on planned field trips away from The Parish School campus. I/we do hereby release and hold harmless The Parish School and all individuals participating in the field or planned trips from all damages that may be suffered by the participant due to injuries resulting from the participation of said minor child in field trips. I/we agree(s) not to make a claim to enter suit against this school or individuals participating therein for any injuries sustained to said child. ☐ Yes ☐ No I understand that children and their likenesses are never identified by first or last name in any public communication, including social media. I hereby give permission to The Parish School to use my child’s photo/video for communications and publicity purposes, including but not limited to print publications, the school website, and school social media. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date Revised 5/7/15 Form H – General Permissions Child’s Name: DOB: Consent for Treatment 2015 Summer / 2015-16 School Year I/we hereby give consent for the above named child and/or myself to receive services through The Parish School and affiliated staff from The Carruth Center at The Parish School – joint referenced as The Parish School campus throughout. These services could include diagnostics, consultations, observations, treatment and feedback for Speech-Language, Occupational, and Psychological/Mental Health therapies. This consent is given until I/we give notice that these services are no longer requested or until The Parish School campus professionals notify me these services will no longer be provided. I/we certify that I/we have legal responsibility for this child and am authorized to consent to treatment for him/her. I/we understand that all information provided to The Parish School campus professionals is confidential and will be released to others only with my/our written consent. I/we understand that The Parish School campus professionals are required to disclose confidential information without my consent in certain circumstances. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, 1) if it is determined there is a probability of imminent physical injury by my child to himself/herself or other(s), or if there is a probability of immediate mental or emotional injury to my child; 2) if the disclosure is required or authorized by law, legal proceedings, or court order; 3) qualified individuals, corporations, or governmental agencies involved in paying or collecting fees for mental or emotional health services for my/our child; 4) other professionals and personnel, under the direction of Parish School campus professionals, who participate in the diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of my/our child; 5) a judicial or administrative proceeding brought against The Parish School campus professionals by myself or my/our child; and 6) the event it is believed my/our child is the victim of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, or if my/our child divulges information about the physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect of a child, elder, or disabled person. The professionals rendering services through The Parish School and affiliated Carruth Center program are dedicated to using established and empirically supported psychological, behavioral, language, developmental, and educational evaluation and intervention procedures to optimize the social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. In the event a child presents as an immediate danger to himself/herself, others, or property, the least restrictive intervention shall be utilized to provide safety for the child, others, or property. While verbal mediation will be the primary intervention utilized, at times physical contact may be required to provide safety for the child, others, or property. My/our signature on this document indicates I/we have read the above information and have a clear understanding of the procedures, policies, and therapeutic interventions described. I/we have been given the opportunity to have my questions answered regarding the above-described information. I understand that I/we have the right to withdraw treatment for my/our child at any time. Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Name Motherʼs/Legal Guardian 1’s Signature Date Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Name Fatherʼs/Legal Guardian 2’s Signature Date Revised 5/7/15 Form I – Consent for Treatment
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