Padua Press 316 N. Sherwood Ave., Clarksville, IN., 47129 Quarterly publication June 2015 2015 St. Anthony Parish Picnic Saturday, June 20 ~ 12 noon to 11:00 pm. Food Court • Soft Drinks • Beer • Ice Cream • Snow Cones • Funnel Cakes Mini-Raffles • Bingo • Gambling • Midway Games and Booths Capital Prizes ~ Grand Prize $5,000, 2nd $1,000 and 3rd $500 Chicken Dinner from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. ~ Beer Garden/Gambling Area opens at 5:00 p.m. Our Annual Parish Picnic will be a one-day spectacular event this year! If you have yet to volunteer for, or attend our annual picnic, please join us and sign-up for this year’s festivities. There are many ways to help, and it will be loads of fun spending time with old friends and making new ones! The Picnic Committee has been busy planning, and there is a great deal of excitement over the new one-day format. Delicious Fried Chicken Dinner Dinner be served in the air-conditioned Gym from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Adults $9 ~ Senior Citizens $8 ~ Children $7 Dinner includes chicken, with your choices of all-you-can eat dumplings, green beans, slaw and dessert. Beverage includes your choice of tea, lemonade or water. Carryout is available. • Game Booths — There will be great prizes offered including baseball hats, stuffed animals, inflatable’s, plants and more. Most game booths will close around 9:00pm. Cheer Wagon, Instant Bingo, Capital Prize and Mini-Raffles will stay open until the drawings take place at 11:00pm. • Bingo — Will be held in the air-conditioned Social Hall. • Children’s Activities — Play Land returns and will feature the giant inflatable slide and other fun activities for the kids. Kiddie Land will have Leap Frog as well as the popular Dino Dig/Duck Pond/Ball Toss area. The preschoolers always have a great time in Kiddie Land. • Food Court — We’re cooking up hamburgers, cheeseburgers, brats, corn dogs, fish, fries, nachos, and other great items along with ice cream, beer, sodas, etc. Sno-Cones and Cotton Candy will be available on the midway. • Beer Garden — The Beer Garden/Gambling will open at 4:00 pm. • Musical Entertainment — Provided all day by DJ Brian Cash Fisher. 2 June 2015 • Capital Prizes/Raffle Tickets — Raffle tickets will be mailed to all Parish families by May 15. When you receive your tickets try to sell as many as you can. If you have any left over, please return them to the Church or bring them to the picnic. You can return raffle tickets to the Parish Office or put them in the Sunday collection by marking your envelope “Picnic-Capital Prize/Raffles.” Per Indiana Gaming Law, please do not combine Raffle money with any other contributions. • NEW This Year — The raffling off of a “Preferred Meats $300 Gift Certificate.” The raffle winner will get a certificate to customize their own order of packaged meats from Preferred Meats of Sellersburg, Indiana. On picnic day, raffle tickets will be available until around 11:00 p.m. when the drawings take place. • Masses — Will be held at 4:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. • Sponsorship — A great opportunity to advertise your business/services or campaign is to be a Picnic Sponsor. The costs (which are tax deductible) range from $200 for a professional full-color 2 ft. x 3 ft. sign, or $500 for a full-color 3 ft. x 5 ft. sign to be placed for all to see at this year’s picnic. Your name will also be listed in our church bulletin and on our website as a business sponsor. Please contact Dena King at 812-944-8581 or Betty Hutt at 502-551-2831 for more information. A list of corporate sponsors on page 3 St. Anthony Picnic ~ Week of Events Looking for a fun way to get some volunteer/service hours in and help our parish? Here’s a list of activities that need volunteers to help during the week prior to the picnic. Many hands make light work, so come on by and lend a hand (or two). Hope to see you there! Pre-PICNIC Tuesday, June 16th 6:00pm – Picnic Set-Up (Help is needed) Wednesday, June 17th 6:00pm – Picnic Set-Up (Help is needed) Thursday, June 18th 6:00pm – Picnic Set-Up (Help is needed) Friday, June 19th 6:00pm – Picnic Set-Up (Help is needed) PICNIC DAY Saturday, June 20th 11:00am – Booth Chairs Arrive 12:00 noon – Picnic Opens 2:00pm – Chicken Dinner Opens 4:00 Mass at St. Anthony (Note change in Mass time) 11:00pm – Capital Prize Drawing 11:30pm – Mass at St. Anthony Sunday, June 21st 6:00am – Electric tear down begins 8:00am – Picnic clean-up/tear down (Help is needed) • Picnic Yard Signs — Please pick up your yard sign in the back of Church and help promote our Parish Picnic to your neighbors. • Picnic Volunteer Sign-Up — We need everyone’s help to have a successful picnic. Sign up online today at our Parish website We will also have volunteer sign-ups after Mass on May 30 and 31 and June 6 and 7. Donation Items Needed 2 Liter Soft Drinks For the Ring Toss Booth. Beginning May 30 until the start of the picnic, grocery carts will be in the back of Church and in the Social Hall hallway to collect them. Gift Cards/Gift Certificates Help is needed for either soliciting vendors yourself, or generously donating gift cards/certificates in amounts of $5 or $10. Please send gift cards/certificates to the Parish Center in an envelope marked “ATTN: Picnic Committee/Gift Card Booth.” Cakes for Cake Booth Donations will need to be delivered by Friday evening, June 19 to the Parish Office basement. June 2015 3 Focus on Communication By Fr. Joe With the next edition of the Padua Press we will be revising the format in response to the ever changing communication technologies. Put simply: it will be smaller. Here’s why: 1) Our parish web site ( and that of the school (, like those of most organizations, have become the main hubs of communications in the parish. 2) Both the parish and school send out email notes weekly. The parish’s “Week at a Glance” is sent every Thursday and the school’s “Bear Facts” is sent each Wednesday. Visit the web sites to sign-up for one or both of these super convenient ways to keep up with all things St. Anthony. 3) For several years now, the school has published its own quarterly newsletter. This newsletter is sent to all the recipients of the Padua Press. Therefore, the need for space has been greatly reduced in the Padua Press. 4) Our youth communicate extensively by “social media”; text messaging, Twitter and Instagram for example. BTW (by the way), Facebook I am told, is now for old people, not the younger generation. I can’t keep up. But our Youth Minister does! These communications by-pass the Sunday Bulletin and other print forms of communication and appear instantly on the screen right before their eyes. My concern with all of this technology is that some may feel left out. Those who do not have access to, or choose not to participate in the recent technologies still want to be kept informed. The Padua Press and School Newsletters mailed directly to your home will, along with the Sunday Bulletin continue to communicate the most essential information everyone needs to know to be actively involved and included. I hope that wasn’t TMI, but I want to be your BFF and besides, ILY. 2015 Picnic Sponsors This is a listing of our current Picnic Sponsors. Thank you to these companies for your early sponsorship. See page 2 for information on how you can be recognized at our parish picnic, in our church bulletin and in the next parish newsletter. Carpet Corner Ernstberger Orthodontics Joe’s Car Wash K of C Jeffersonville Kentucky Truck Sales The Locker Room Seabrook, Dieckmann & Naville Funeral Home Dr. Joseph Fleck DDS E. M. Coots & Sons Funeral Home First Savings Bank Libs Paving Company Maxcare Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Oral & Maxiofacial Surgeons One Vision Federal Credit Union Dennis Ott & Comany PC Lumber & Hardware Morrison Chiropractic Stemler Plumbing RSS Roofing Services & Solutions Your Community Bank Norton Commons Party Central Rental & Sales Prosser School of Technology Sunbelt Rentals “Give A Little In Memory Of Those Who Gave All” St. Anthony Parish hosts a Red Cross Blood drive every other month thoughout the year. This June we are hosting a very special drive: The Indiana Fallen Officer Blood Drive. Sgt. Dan R. Starnes, a Sheriff’s Deputy with the Morgan County Sheriff Department, lost his life in the line of duty on July 10, 2001. To keep Dan’s legacy alive a blood drive was organized in Morgan County in Dan’s honor. The first drive was held in August 2001 in Morgan County, and every year thereafter until it was requested that the blood drive be taken statewide in 2007. In 2007 the blood drives went statewide in honor of Dan and all of our fallen officers. The blood drive was renamed from Sgt. Dan R. Starnes Memorial Blood Drive to Indiana Fallen Officer Blood Drive. We are pleased to announce St. Anthony will be hosting the Indiana Fallen Officer Blood Drive for Clark County in June. On June 9, 2015 Red Cross staff will be here from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the South Social Hall for volunteers to come and donate the gift of life. You may pre- register for the drive at and enter sponsor code 0241294 or call 1-800- RED-Cross to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome. 4 June 2015 Important Parish information A Week at a Glance If we have your e-mail on file with us you get an e-mail each week called “A Week at a Glance.” Each Thursday we will send St. Anthony parishioners an e-mail where they can quickly view: • What is happening in our Parish over the next 7 days; • Review upcoming events that you may want to “Save the Date”; and • Quick Links to the weekend bulletin (placed online each Thursday), ministry schedules and other areas of interest located on our Parish website. If you aren’t getting this e-mail and would like to receive it, then go to our website, look under Father Joe’s picture and click the link “Join Our E-mail List”. Will you help provide financial aid to attend St. Anthony School? You can help students needing financial aid attend St. Anthony School next year and receive a 50 percent State Tax Credit and Federal Tax Deduction for your donation. How will your donation helps? Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program provides scholarships to low and middle income children to attend the private or public school of their choice. However, eligibility for this program only starts after attending at least one year in an Indiana Public School or by a scholarship from the Indiana School Scholarship Tax Credit Program. By donating, Parish families can receive these Tax Credit scholarships and then receive a Choice scholarship without having to go to a public school for a year to qualify. We can also help kindergarten and 1st grade students start at St. Anthony School immediately and avoid transferring back to St. Anthony School after they attend a public school for kindergarten or 1st grade. These scholarships are funded through charitable contribution that can be designated to St. Anthony School as a qualified scholarship granting organization. St. Anthony School will then provide a scholarship with these funds to help a Kindergarten and 1st Grade students start at St. Anthony immediately. How does it help the Donor? Donors will receive a 50 percent credit on state tax liabilities for all contributions and a federal charitable deduction. For example, a $500 gift ends up costing $175 if you are in the 25 percent federal tax bracket. In addition, donors have the satisfaction of knowing their gift directly helped a kindergarten or 1st grade student attend the school of their choice from the beginning – St. Anthony School. If you are interested in making a donation, contact Shelia Noon at St. Anthony School for details on how to process an Indiana School Scholarship Tax Credit donation. Want Ads Thank you to all who have responded to our Parish Want Ads in the bulletin each Sunday. This is one way we let our parishioners know some of the many ways they can share their time and talent. As you know, a parish has many needs. As a Parish, we need to keep things running well and at the same time keep our expenses down. As parishioners, we have a need to find ways to give back to God some of our many gifts. The Want Ads is a means to communicate our parish needs to you so you can match them up with your talents. The Want Ads is in a consistent place where you know you can find them. So, please check out them out every week and find the right fit for your talent. If the parish ministry that you work has a special need for volunteers, just let the Parish Office know, and we will put it in the Want Ads to solicit help for your specific ministry. Sign ups and registrations a breeze on Parish website! Whether it is volunteering for the parish picnic or vacation bible school, it can be done easily on our parish website. You can still sign up and register for many of the parish events after Mass in the back of church, but this is one more way to let our organizers know that you plan to attend. In addition, the online signup process will automatically send you a reminder e-mail a day or two before the event. Just look for the signup and registrations buttons on our web-site homepage. Congratulations to all 2015 graduates June 2015 Vacation Bible School Mark your calendar. Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! We are so excited about this year’s theme: Nazareth, Where Jesus was a kid. This year, the children will hear stories about Jesus’ on arts t s 6 childhood from the best source of all, his mom, Mary! VBS y, July om Everyone knows what it’s like to hear your mom tell fr da Mon July 10 h stories from your childhood. Can you imagine the gh eac u . o m r kinds of stories Mary could tell? Take your kids back th 8 p. 6 to ening. to Hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for ev their faith among people who doubt that the carpenter’s son is really God’s son. All children ages 4 year preschool through 6th grade are welcome to attend and learn these wonderful stories of Jesus and his mother Mary! There will be storytelling, food, crafts, activities and lots of wonderful music. Student registration begins in May. This program cannot happen without lots of volunteers. We need more adults to volunteer this year in order to have a safe and caring environment. Middle school and high school volunteers are always needed, too! Volunteer planning meetings will begin soon, so watch the Parish website for further details. Questions? Contact Mrs. Connie Sandlin at 812-282-2290, ext. 15. 5 6 June 2015 Youth Confirmation By Stacy Gillenwater St. Anthony had 33 young parishioners exclaim their Catholic faith while taking part in the Sacrament of Confirmation in early April. Archbishop Tobin presided over the ceremony at St. Mary of the Knobs. The newly confirmed high schoolers began their journey toward Confirmation many years ago during their Baptism, but they really put in a lot of time, service, bible study and reflection since October. They met as a group and with their sponsors on many Sundays and were excited to finally receive the special Sacrament. It was great to see so many young people expressing their desire to become a full member of the bigger church! I am very proud of them. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support. Youth Easter Egg Hunt Our Youth Planning Team came up with the idea of a parish Easter Egg Hunt for children from age 1 year through 4th grade. The event turned out wonderfully as Easter was a glorious and beautiful day for the youngsters. More than 500 Easter eggs were hidden in the St. Anthony prayer garden and next to the parish gym. The children were all smiles as they packed their baskets and bags full of goody-filled, colorful eggs. Hats off to our awesome Youth Planning Team for organizing and implementing such a great event! First Communion Our newly Confirmed Keith Asplund Katie Baker Jacob Balz Bailey Barron Courtney Brown Nicolas Cabezas Jared Cox Caroline Elliott Connor Finnegan Emma Flispart Caitlyn Freville Natalie Gallegos Brady Gentry Michael Gill Austin Hall Hannah Hanlon Trevor Heldman Courtney Heselschwerdt McLain Hoskins Grace Kempf Caleb Lindquist Melai McIntosh Ashley Miles Rylee Pitzer Jacqueline Richard Gino Sartini Alexis Schmidt Manny Schmidt Phillip Stoner Paige Tyler Nathan Wayne Daniel Weber Patrick Williams By Connie Sandlin 23 children celebrated their First Holy Communion on April 26 at a special liturgy. Congratulations to all of them and their families: Julia Ayers, Diego Cruz, Emerson Dickson, Henry Dixon, Consuela Edwards, Breanna Fischer, David Fultz, Donna Jo Hickey, Seth Irvin, Andrew Kelly, Jonah Liter, Michelle Landeros, Karla Martinez, Carlye Nixe, Ava Pesavento, Jackson Proctor, Tralynne Shireman, Nicholas Stoner, Audrey Tanner, Ellie Thompson, Liam Tribbey, Abbie Vittitow, Brody Yates. Picture by Paul Bierman photography. June 2015 Upcoming Anniversaries We wish to acknowledge these couples celebrating 25, 50 or more years of marriage. Thank you for your inspiration to us all. Please congratulate these couples on their upcoming anniversaries and keep them in your prayers. June 63 years George & Jeane Brown 60 years Martin & Alice Schindler 52 years Robert & Mary Kruer 51 years August & Penny Reiter 50 years James & Carol Henshaw 25 years Donald & Lisa Copple James & Robin Fischer July 63 years David & Janet Bradley Ted & Carol Hellinger 53 years Jarvis & Barbara Benjamin Gilbert & Evelyn Gwaltney August 69 years George & Betty Hutt 58 years Rex & Frances Gettelfinger 56 years Edward & Doris Korte 55 years Walt & Anna Cannon 51 years Freddie & Mary Armstrong William & Laura Schwender John & Joyce Sims 25 years William & Sharon Beck September 61 years Vernon & Carolyn Ernstberger 60 years Elmer & Martina Renn 59 years Richard & Marie Bennett Gilbert & Alma Jean Campbell Allan & Carole Dehli Michael & Lois Sellmer 56 years Joseph & Rosalea Morris Robert & Joann Throckmorton 54 years James & Margie Stemle 52 years Dennis & Pricilla Lausterer 51 years Kenneth & Loren Curtsinger David & Mary Sue Mann 25 years William & Lisa Heselschwerdt Michael & Pamela Jaynes NCYC is approaching 7 By Stacy Gillenwater One of the most exciting events for young Catholics is quickly approaching, and St. Anthony youth and adult chaperones have begun preparing. NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) will be held in Indianapolis later this year, and St. Anthony has 25 high school students and four chaperones excited to attend. While the event is extremely rewarding from a faith enriching and fellowship standpoint, it’s also a significant time and financial commitment for each participant. St. Anthony Parish recognizes the importance of this spiritual conference for our young people and graciously helps supplement the cost of the 4-day event. However, NCYC attendees will still try to defray the cost of NCYC by having a few fundraisers between now and November. We invite parish members and friends to participate in a group Yard Sale at a date to be determined and a yummy Italian Dinner scheduled for Saturday, August 22. We may have another fundraiser or two in between those two, and we’ll be sure to let you know all of the details as the dates draw near. St. Anthony youth are very blessed to have a parish that is so supportive of NCYC. I regularly hear from former NCYC participants about how wonderful and rewarding the experience was when they attended. Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers! Don’t forget, this year’s picnic is one day ONLY, Saturday, June 20 from Noon to 11 p.m. Come and join the fun!! Parishioner Update for January through April New Parishioners Pearl Ferguson and daughters Gena & Tralynne Judith Speckner P. Stephen & Norma Hughes Derrick & Rachel Smallwood and children Bella, Deja, Davis & Michael Larry & Carolyn Edland Barbara Bibb Tyler & Marianne Smith Kenneth & Brandi Hickey and daughters Kindle & Donna Jo Patrick & Ellen Holifield and daughters Mara, Tessa & Emma Aaron & Tiffany Bordenkircher and children Keira, Arianna & Aaron Ronald & Michelle Corbett Deaths 1-1-15 Tyler Andrew Pitzer 1-3-15 Michael D. Bryant 1-23-15 Wanda Rose Riley 2-7-15 Julie M. Clemons 3-26-15 James S. Bottorff 4-8-15 Charlene Marie Bube 4-13-15 Helen Mary Strunk 4-30-15 Frank Spitznagel Baptisms Layla Jane Lynch Skyler Marie Rose Lyttle Laci Claire Kochert Justus Amore Vaughn Bowman Donna Jo Hickey Molly Elizabeth Ross Sophia Evelyn Cano-Pantoja ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 316 North Sherwood Ave. Clarksville, IN 47129-2927 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Jeffersonville, IN Permit #47
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