PARK TOWNSHIP, HOLLAND MICHIGAN 2016 BUDGET Adopted March 12, 2015 for the Fiscal Year April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016 Board of Trustees Supervisor Clerk Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Gerald Hunsburger Skip Keeter Jan Steggerda Nicki Arendshorst Jim Chiodo Jeff Hoekstra Michael Toscano Township Manager Gerald Felix TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal Organization Chart Budget Calendar PAGES 3-11 12 13 SUMMARY INFORMATION Budget Summary 2016 Budget and the Township Strategic Plan Revenue Sources Park Township L-4029 Uses of Funds 2016 Community Requests 2016 Capital Outlay Salary Allocation 14-15 16-18 19-24 26 27-28 29-31 32 33-35 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund Police Fund Parks and Recreation Fund Bike Path Fund Street Lighting Fund West Michigan Airport Authority and Library Funds Sewer Distribution Fund Capital Projects Fund Local Street Fund 36-64 65-67 68-77 78-83 84-86 87-88 89-91 92-94 95-97 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Park Township Airport Fund Water Fund 98-101 102-109 Park Township 52 S. 152nd Avenue, Holland, Michigan 49424-6201 Phone (616) 399-4520 Fax: (616) 399-8540 Website: E-mail: [email protected] MEMO February 26, 2015 TO: FR: RE: Township Board Jerry Felix FY 2015-2016 Budget Attached is the preliminary draft of the FY 2015-2016 township budget. While we remain in excellent financial health there are a few funds that will require some additional care over the next few fiscal years. Some of these items will be addressed during the coming budget work session on February 26 and some will most likely take additional research and analysis. In addition you may note that the budget format continues to evolve as required by changing regulations. Our new Finance Director, Connie Vander Schaaf, has also added some changes based on her past experiences as budget director for Ottawa County. All of the changes make the budget easier to review and allow us to better plan and account for revenues and expenditures. Lastly you will note the addition of two new funds, the Local Street Fund, to account for the new local street millage revenues and expenses, and the Airport Fund, to account for revenues and expenses related to the Park Township Airport. General Fund: Current Year (FY 2014-2015) Review: We should finish the current year in fine shape. Revenues, mainly from additional State Shared Revenues and building related fees were greater than budgeted. We also received $20,000 (so far) in unbudgeted contributions toward the Centennial Celebration. There is also a $75,000 anticipated transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund for the contribution to Project Clarity. (This is essentially a neutral event because of the identical anticipated expense from the General Fund.) Overall revenues are anticipated to be up nearly $150,000 over the budgeted amounts. On the expense side there are few surprises with some overruns in some activities. Most activities are anticipated to be slightly less than budgeted, however. We expended additional funds in the IT budget for an updated website and will spend more than budgeted in Legal Services, mainly due to ongoing litigation (the King case, Chippewa, Dryfhout and Spyglass). Some of the line items in Building Inspections (contractual inspection services) are up but so were the revenues that more than cover those costs. Drain work was more than anticipated but our share of several drainage projects, billed by the Ottawa County Drain Office, were unknown 3 at the time of the budget preparation last year. These include the Virginia Park, Kelly Lake and Pine Hollow Drain systems. Expenses for Highways and Streets are projected to be less due to lower than anticipated costs for the 2014 paving program and only about one half of the crack sealing being completed. It appears we may have been the only county jurisdiction that did crack sealing and the contractor only completed a portion of our list of streets. We will be reviewing this coming year’s list for both crack sealing and paving in light of the new millage for local street repairs. Planning and Zoning professional services are up a bit due to the unfinished Master Plan work. As referenced above, transfers are more than budgeted to the transfer in and expense out for the $75,000 Project Clarity contribution. Of note is the recommendation to also transfer $2 million from the fund balance in the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund for future use. This will be a topic for discussion at the work session but our recent planning efforts, including the Park and Recreation Plan, the Park Central Plan and the Ottawa Beach Road Corridor Study, identified a variety of projects that may require financing in some form in the coming years. The reserves in the Capital Improvement Fund could be used for matching funds for grants, for financing as a revolving loan fund (as we have for recent special assessment projects) or for outright capital expenses. Even after these transfers the General Fund remains financially healthy. FY 2015-2016 Overview: Revenues: Overall we expect similar but slightly less General Fund revenues for the coming year. Property taxes will increase slightly but we may indeed be required to again roll back the rates due to the state Headlee provisions. We are projecting an increase of 2% over the current year. We are also being somewhat conservative in our estimates for building related fees and for state shared revenues. We are getting some mixed reports regarding revenues from the state and are budgeting slightly less than what we actually anticipate receiving in the current year. Of note are the ramifications of the ballot initiative coming in May regarding sales tax increase and road funding. A provision in the proposed law could increase state shared revenues to local units in the $9 per capita range. In theory, we could see an increase in our state shared revenues of more than $150,000. We are certain that additional analysis will be forthcoming on the ballot issues and we may need to adjust our budget accordingly should the ballot measure be approved. We have budgeted $10,000 in additional contributions toward the Centennial Celebration and $10,000 for election reimbursements. Both figures are highly speculative and are dependent on as yet unknown donors or state legislation on potential elections. We have adjusted the administrative fees again this year to reflect what we believe are costs incurred by the General Fund for services provided for other Funds. We have included nominal fees from both the Local Street Fund and the Airport Fund. Expenditures: While we try to avoid stating that it will be “business as usual” in most cases that will continue to be the case. Most General Fund activities will “look and feel” quite similar to the recent fiscal years. The basic department activities, including the Board, Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer are virtually unchanged. The budgets for the Manager, Assessor, Building 4 Services, Planning, Code Compliance and Fire are all similar to prior years, except for some capital expenses. Two items of note, however, are the addition of one additional full time employee within the Building Services (public works) Department and a salary structure overall increase of 2.5 %. The full time employee’s cost will be split between the General Fund (Township property), the Bike Path Fund and the Parks and Recreation Fund. Additional justification will be coming but we have taken on some additional maintenance duties and believe a full time employee will be more efficient than additional reliance on part time help. We also believe that some additional full time attention should be directed toward both bike path and park maintenance. As for the salary structure, last year around this time the Compensation Study final report was delivered. That report detailed a salary structure that included a low, midpoint and high range for every position classification. That study also recommended that the structure be revisited each year and an overall inflationary adjustment be made to keep the structure current. As noted in the final report: UPDATING THE COMPENSATION PLAN Economic conditions, the availability of people, and the prevailing labor market rates will all impact salary structures. To accurately reflect the labor market, the compensation plan must be reviewed and adjusted annually. In this sense, pay adjustments will be a two-step process: 1. A general “across the Township Board” adjustment to each pay range should be made to reflect inflationary or cost of living increases; 2. Individual-level adjustments based on satisfactory performance or greater contributions should then be considered. To adjust the pay plan, the Township could consider utilizing the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Related, there are a number of CPI indices that are reported. The Township should consider the CPI-U for the Midwest Region for the annual update. The first adjustment to the salary ranges should be made at the beginning of the 201415 fiscal year. It should be noted that range increases do not necessarily equate to pay increases; this latter point is a matter to be decided by the Township Board. We did not adjust the overall schedule at the beginning of last year but utilized the numbers as generated in the report. In discussions with Mark Nottley, the consultant with Municipal Consulting and with other local units we are recommending the entire scale be increased 2.5%. As noted and underlined in the above mentioned report, this does not equate to an across the board 2.5% increase. We will continue to base individual salaries on the basis of personnel evaluations and both internal and external equity. Other expense items of note include the following: Clerk: 101-215-967: Imaging Costs: We plan to scan and convert to digital files older records for web access via our new electronic code vendor, E-Code. Once scanned, the documents will be placed on line at no cost to the township. 5 Elections: 101-262-702: We have budgeted for two elections during the fiscal year, one in May of 2015 (state ballot question) and one in February 2016 (proposed presidential primary). While the February one is not yet finalized we have included funds should it be held. Township Property: 101-264-930/973: We have included funds for the demo of the white barn on 160th (carry over funds) and for additional paving at the maintenance building, around the new storage building. Bids will be taken and contracts awarded by the Board. Township Office: 101-265-972: We have included funds for repaving the parking lot (original from 1991) and for an update to the front lobby. Legal Counsel: 101-266-801: This budget is increased over past years because of pending litigation. Drains: 101-445-801/930: We have again included funds for orphan drain engineering and legal work and for drain maintenance as performed by the Drain office. As per our policy we contribute 25% of new construction and up to $5,000 per drain per year in at large costs. Highways and Streets: 101-446-930: Note that this “department” has been radically altered from prior years. In the past we funded our share of local street repairs from this account; last year $300,000 was budgeted. With the new street millage we have moved all of the construction related activity to the new Local Street Fund (fund number 404). We have budgeted $50,000 here for yet to be determined Ottawa Beach Road improvements. The Ottawa Beach Road Corridor Study identified a multitude of improvements throughout the corridor for which these funds could be targeted. While no consensus developed at the recent work session there appeared to be some preference for projects in the vicinity of the General Store, the State Park camping unit and the DNR launch ramp. Community Services: 101-748-903: Included again for this coming year are funds for leaf pick up, three clean up days and for some non-profit community group contracts. Also highlighted are funds for the Centennial Committee. Transfers: 101-966-999: Over several more detailed activity lines we have included transfers from the General Fund for Fire Equipment ($100,000), Cemetery perpetual care ($15,000), for the General Fund share of local street repairs ($150,000) and a one-time transfer to the Parks and Recreation fund ($100,000) to jump start some planning/improvement efforts for projects identified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Police/E-Unit Fund: This fund derives nearly all its revenues from the .67 millage rate. With the renewal of the millage last fall we will be able to restore the rolled back rate to the full .67. As with the General Fund we anticipate that tax revenues generated by the millage will increase about 2%, to $633,000. There are some smaller sources of revenue, including those from ordinance violation fines and from our parking enforcement efforts. Our expenditures for Police and E-unit operations will be mostly for the contract we have with the Ottawa County Sheriff’s office for providing these services. We continue to plan on the same level of service as in past years, including a cost sharing arrangement with Holland Township and a Community Policing Officer dedicated for Park Township. We also anticipate 6 that our special park patrol with Sheriff Reserve Officers will again be available to assist with weekend and after hour patrols of parks and road ends. We also included the cost of school crossing guards, estimated at $14,000. We note that we anticipate a slight negative balance in this fund for the current year and are expecting to use some fund balance to provide for a balanced budget. While we have sufficient fund balance available this is a fund that bears close watch to make certain that our revenues cover the costs of providing the services. We are hopeful that discussions with the Sheriff’s office and a final accounting for the current year will prove beneficial as we move forward in the new year. Parks and Recreation Fund: This fund comprises revenues and three major components; specific expense categories for Tot Time, recreation programs and park facilities. Under revenues the major source is from the .5 millage. We expect around 2% in additional funds, around $472,000. Other revenue sources are from Tot Time ($26,000) and from Recreation program fees ($47,800). Building rentals (Maatman and the north side Community Center) will provide another $22,000. As previously noted, we have included a $100,000 transfer from the General Fund to jump start some of the planning and improvement projects as identified in the new Parks and Recreation Master Plan. On the expense side, Tot Time is proposed to continue for another year. Enrollment was lower this year than in the past and revenues in the current year will fall short of covering the hard costs. We have anticipated traditional enrollment levels and anticipate a balanced financial picture for the coming year. Rates may have to be increased to cover costs in the future. As for Recreation programs, we have budgeted for a full slate of year round events and programs that should appeal to residents of all ages. Deputy Clerk Daniele Dykens will continue to also serve as our Recreation Director and we have hired a highly qualified part time employee to help in the Rec office. We plan for regular office hours and look forward to a successful program year. You may note in the budget document that we have not budgeted for a farmer’s market. After another careful review and discussions with former vendors we believe our market would continue to struggle and be a drag on recreation finances. We will continue to pursue an approach that will be successful for both the Township and the vendors. In activity 208-751-803, Purchased Services, note that we have included funds for additional non-profit community organization service contracts and instructor fees for additional programs. Another year of summer concerts is included ($4,000) and we have carried over funds for possible recreation specific software. We continue to research software that will assist with online signups, scheduling and accounting. In the Park Facility area, we plan to upgrade our maintenance activities with an additional employee (split with Bike Path and General Fund). We believe that added attention to painting and fix-up activities will enhance our facilities and provide longer life through better maintenance. We have included funds for some preliminary planning, as per the Park and Rec Master Plan, for upgrade plans for Winstrom and Keppel and $50,000 in general repairs and maintenance. We have reserved $80,000 for park improvements ($50,000 for road end facilities and $30,000 for Stu Visser Trail maintenance). 7 Bike Path Fund: This fund, too, relies greatly on revenues produced by the dedicated millage of .4 mills. We are expecting revenue growth of 2%, to $378,000. Some interest and a state “grant” from utility right of way payments round out the balance of revenues. This fund will share in the cost allocation of the new employee and we expect a higher level of maintenance. Mowing and tree trimming are highly weather dependent and we were “scrambling” this past year once the weather broke. An early start on the maintenance and a late finish are somewhat compromised when making use of seasonal help, usually college students who are available for limited times during the season. The major planned expenditures include $210,000 to replace the two trackless vehicles now in service and $300,000 in construction/route signs. We plan to repave the section of 168th from Perry to Lakewood and to replace the retaining wall at Perry and 168th. The wall is somewhat fragile and deteriorating and is a major visual obstruction at that intersection. While the route sign project is nearing completion we anticipate that the bulk of the funds ($112,000) will be expended after the April 1 fiscal year start. Street Lighting Fund: This fund includes all of the revenue and expense for operation of the township street lighting systems. Revenues are provided by the special assessment district ($6 per year for all properties and an additional $15 per year for those properties served by lights that provide property security). We anticipate that revenues will again be $142,000. The funds are used to pay for the monthly charges we incur from both Consumers Energy and from the Holland BPW for the street light systems. We currently have street lighting contracts in place with both that include a per light per month charge, varied due to the type of light fixture in place. Costs have remained fairly constant since the creation of special assessment, due in part to the ongoing conversion to high pressure sodium fixtures by Consumer’s. The lower operating costs are passed to us in the form of reduced monthly rates. WMAA and Herrick Library: These two funds were created last year at the request of our auditors. These are “pass through” funds in that we collect the millage revenues (.0999 for WMAA and 1.2492 for Herrick) and pass the same amount on to the respective agency. Sewer Fund: This fund is a non-operational fund in that it only receives revenue via special assessments and deferred assessments and it generally funds limited operations. It does provide funds for the sanitary sewer system capital improvements, however, so it is important to maintain an adequate fund balance. As stated in prior years, there is a concern should major improvements be required in future years for the sanitary sewer system and we are forced to rely only on the fund balance of this fund. We are not currently in the sewer “business” in that we do not sell or bill for sewer service. We are responsible, however, for some capital expenses for the system. Depending upon the scale of those capital expenses, this fund is most likely not sustainable under the current conditions. 8 There are no major improvements to the sewer system proposed in the upcoming year but this fund should be watched closely to ensure future capital funding. Capital Projects Fund: This fund is a reserve fund for future capital projects. We have made use of this fund as an interfund financing mechanism. Over the past several years we have “loaned” the water fund sufficient revenues to construct several special assessment districts. Principal and interest payments from those projects are repaid into this Fund. While there are no plans for the use of the reserves in the fund at this time, it remains as a source of financing should a project be petitioned. (We plan to fund the Idlewood Fire Protection Project directly from the Water Fund.) This fund also contains the special reserved funds for future fire equipment ($400,000 as of the current year and another $100,000 in the proposed budget) and for the Cemetery Perpetual Care ($250,000 as of the current year with another $15,000 in the proposed budget). Revenues in the new year will be provided by transfers from the General Fund; $100,000 for future fire equipment and $15,000 toward the Cemetery Perpetual Care reserves. The cemetery funds will be generated from a portion of the lot sales. Regarding expenses, we have proposed to only fund $10,500 improvements for the final phase of the 192 lot expansion at Lakewood Cemetery. Some final grading and some limited paving are planned. Local Streets Fund: With the passage of the .5 millage proposal last fall we have created this new fund to account for all of the associated revenues and expenditures related to local street maintenance. Previously all of the expense was from the General Fund and was allocated in account 101-446. We anticipate $473,000 from the millage and have included a transfer of $150,000 from the General Fund to supplement the annual maintenance program, estimated at nearly $600,000. We have included $600,000 in maintenance costs; with some being allocated to paving and some to a continuation of the crack sealing program. Included is a very small amount for our annual visual road surface inspection ($2,000 plus some “employee” costs). We are currently finalizing the work plan for street work for 2015 and will provide you a final recommendation in the near future. Park Township Airport: With the imminent restructuring of the airport management arrangement we have created a new fund to account for the revenues and expenditures at the airport. In working with the folks from Ottawa Aviation, the current leasee, we have developed a budget that provides for around $64,000 in revenues and $57,000 in expenditures. Revenues are to be derived from fuel sales ($24,000) and from hangar rentals ($40,000). Expenditures include fuel (bulk for resale), snow plowing and grass mowing, utilities, a management contract and administrative fees. 9 Note that this fund is an enterprise fund and all of the assets are capitalized (similar to the water fund). It operates on a “for profit” business like platform and therefore the “bottom line” includes the value of the assets and depreciation is funded within the fund expenses. This bottom line, therefore, reflects “net assets” and not necessarily a fund balance in the traditional sense. Ottawa Aviation has already transferred $3,500 in cash to jump start the net asset total and to be reserved for future capital expenses. Water Fund: As noted in prior years, this Fund, like the new Airport Fund, is similar to but slightly different from the other Funds so far discussed. This too is an “enterprise fund” and functions similar to a “for profit” corporation, which includes depreciation expenses. Our assets in this Fund include the value of the pipes in the ground and the cash/investments on hand. Our revenues include the retail sale of water and the associated fees for new hookups and the like. Our expenses include the cost of purchasing the water we sell from the City of Holland BPW and the maintenance expenses we pay to the City of Holland and Holland Township via our current contracts with both jurisdictions. Also as noted in past years, this fund continues to be of concern to us. With the bulk of revenues related to the purchase and resale of water, this fund is highly dependent on weather. Wet summers result in lower water sales whereby dry summers results in greater water sales. This past year, with the later start to summer and the overall cooler temperatures we sold a much lower quantity of water as compared to prior years and as a result will experience a loss of nearly $40,000 from operations. Only from the payments on prior special assessments did the fund realize a net increase in net assets. We have budgeted for a somewhat similar weather pattern, which we hope is quite conservative. We have budgeted for flat water sales but a light increase in the cost of purchased water. The only construction planned is the upcoming special assessment district in the Idlewood Beach area. As noted, we previously looked at funding this project via a loan from the Capital Improvements Fund but current Water Fund cash balances allow for direct funding from the Water Fund. (As an enterprise fund this capital expense/investment in assets will not show as an operating expense and therefore does not appear as a line item in the budget. The project is included in the list of capital projects, however.) This fund, too, requires a careful eye as we seek to provide long term fiscal sustainability to the fund. We will be analyzing this fund, taking into consideration what new wholesale rates will be charged by the Holland BPW. An uptick in those rates may necessitate an increase in ours. Another wet summer may also require a very close examination of our current rate structure. The budget as proposed includes a loss from operations in the range of $145,000. While sounding critical and not wanting to dismiss the situation we have budgeted conservatively and fully hope for that number to become significantly smaller or even turn positive. The fund currently has sufficient cash reserves to allow us to watch this carefully. As discussed in prior years and as we look at the future of this fund we may also consider a recommendation regarding a “sale” on water hookups. For example, we have a major water loop running up Lakeshore to Quincy, then east and then south on 168th. This $500,000 + investment 10 has resulted in only about a third of the potential properties actually hooking up, obviously greatly reducing any anticipated return on the initial investment. In order to increase our customer base and increase revenues (including ROI) we may propose a temporary waiving/reduction in hookup fees as an incentive for property owners to join the public water system. Other Issues: There are usually a long list of topics that are woven throughout the budget process. Some may be funded and other may require additional discussion. For this year these “other issues” include: Project Clarity Holland Historical Trust Centennial Committee Ottawa Beach Road Improvements Non Profit community organization service contracts Park facility planning Park Central Improvements Transfers from the General Fund (to Park/Rec and Capital Projects) These can be more fully discussed during the budget work session. Please keep in mind that the budget is a “plan.” This is not the end of a process but is a beginning in a sense that the budget should reflect your priorities and the allocation of resources to implement those priorities. The real challenge and effort in the budget process is in the implementation of the programs and work items contained within the context of the funding. And last but certainly not the least, I thank the staff not only for working diligently in drafting this budget but also for their great efforts in implementing the programs represented by the numbers. We have a highly qualified staff that churns out a great deal of high quality product on a day to day basis. Park Township is truly fortunate to have this staff working on their behalf. I look forward to finalizing the budget for FY 2015-2016 and implementing the programs included during the next year. Jerry Felix Township Manager Park Township 11 2-2015 Park Township Organizational Chart Trustee Jim Chiodo Trustee Nicki Arendshorst Clerk Skip Keeter Deputy Clerk*/ Manager’s Asst. Daniele Dykens Hillary DeBoer Assessing Al Nykamp Jonetta Brown Michelle Veldhof Recreation Daniele Dykens Jackie Smith Tot Time Mary Alice Ritsema Fire Chief Scott Gamby Off Asst. Anne Snider Cemetery Lee Harris Kristi Rosendahl Supervisor Gerald Hunsburger Treasurer Jan Steggerda Trustee Jeff Hoekstra Trustee Michael Toscano Manager Jerry Felix Admin. Asst. Julie Northrup Finance Connie VanderSchaaf Paid onCall Firefighters (21 North & 16 South) Building Services Eric Davis Cindy Glennie Inspection Services Contracted * Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer appointed by Clerk and Treasurer, respectively 12 Utilities/ Deputy Treasurer* Susan Barkel Bldgs/Grounds/ Bike Paths Ryan Bromley Jason Heath Greg VanderKamp Vacancy Code Compliance/ Zoning Adm Ed deVries Planning contracted Park Township 2016 Budget Calendar November, 2014 Finance establishes budget process on financial system, calculates personnel costs, prepares worksheets for department use, updates capital improvement plan, general planning November 26, 2014 Departments receive annual budget packets (via email) November 26, 2014 – Departments prepare budget requests and return to Finance by December 17, 2014 deadline December 17, 2014 – Administrative review/meetings with departments as needed/budget January 30, 2015 balancing and document preparation February 12, 2015 Board received tentative budget for review and comment and sets date for public hearing on budget for March 12, 2015 February 26, 2015 Board work session for the budget March 6, 2015 Deadline for public notice on budget March 12, 2015 Board holds public hearing on the budget and approves the resolution to adopt the 2016 budget August 13, 2015 Board reviews the Truth-in-Taxation calculation, sets date for public hearing on increasing taxes in 2015 for September 10, 2015. The levies under consideration are for the 2016 fiscal year. September 4, 2015 Deadline for public notice on the hearing to increase taxes to be published September 10, 2015 Board holds public hearing for taxes, approves the millage levies/L-4029 13 2015-2016 Budget Budget Summary The Bottom Line: Millions Governmental Funds: 2016 Budgeted Expenditures Exceed Budgeted Revenue by $173,000 $12 Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance 2011 - 2016 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2010-2011 2011-2012 Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 Revenues 2014-2015 2015-2016 Fund Balance Funds budgeted to use fund balance in 2016: General Fund: $110,000 – general operations plus $50,000 for Project Clarity and $50,000 for Holland Historical Trust Police/E-Unit: $26,000 – general operations Bike Paths: $309,000 – expenditure budget includes capital purchases of $560,000 Street Lighting: $500 – general operations Funds budgeted to contribute to fund balance in 2016: Parks: $71,000 - revenues include a $100,000 transfer from the General Fund Sewer Fund: $78,000 (capital project fund) Capital Improvement Fund: $111,000 (capital project fund) Local Streets: $14,000 (capital project fund) Enterprise Funds: 2016 Budgeted Expenses Exceed Budgeted Revenue by $44,000 Water Fund: ($64,000) - Water usage is volatile and dropped significantly in 20142015. While most costs are also lower, depreciation expense remains the same. Park Township Airport: +20,000 – includes a contribution of capital assets of $13,000. 14 Budget Assumptions: Revenues: Taxes: Taxable value is budgeted to increase 2% Revenue Sharing: Initial projection represents a 2.5% increase overall from the estimated 2015 based on State projections. Expenditures: Budget reflects COLA on the salary schedule of approximately 2.5%; employee share of health insurance currently budgeted the same Includes a new full time position for maintenance (a part time position was eliminated) The General Fund contributions to the Local Streets and the Parks funds are $150,000 and $100,000, respectively Capital requests/projects included in budget total $1,510,000 Administrative charges to other funds are decreasing by $16,500 overall Items of Note: E-Unit levy does not appear sufficient to fund program in the long term. Preliminary shortfall estimated at $25,000. Fund balance can cover the difference for now, but may need to address eventually. Street lighting: Levy covers electrical costs but it may not cover the admin fees currently charged ($2,500) Water fund: May need to adjust rates to cover depreciation costs. 15 2016 Budget and the Township Strategic Plan Goal 1: To be Good Stewards of Township Property and Community Resources Objective 1: Manage Road Ends 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. $50,000 in 2016 budget for road ends (208-756-973) Objective 2: Maintain Township Assets, including facilities, property, and equipment Action Plan #1: Perform assessment of Maintenance Department facilities and equipment 2016 Budget Consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. New snow removal equipment budgeted in Bike Paths ($210,000 – 211-755-972) Front Lobby renovation at township office ($10,000 – 101-265-972) Repaving at township office ($30,000 – 101-265-972) Repaving at maintenance garage ($16,000 – 101-264-973) Action Plan #3: Revise airport and fairground leases 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. Airport operations to be turned over to the Township. 2016 Budget includes new fund and budget for airport (581) Action Plan #4: Finish elimination of Orphan Drains 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. $15,000 included in 101-445-801 for engineering and legal fees Objective 3: Plan for and respond to environmental concerns in the Township: Action Plan #1: Maintain focus on energy and environmental issues within the Township 2015/2016 Budget Consequences: 1. $40,000 included in 101-748-803 for fall leaf clean up and township clean up days 2. $50,000 included for Project Clarity 101-748-803 16 3. $4,000 included for the Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Green way for programs that educate on the Macatawa watershed Objective 4: Evaluate transportation infrastructure within the Township Action Plan #1: Perform Ottawa Beach Road Corridor Study 2015/2016 Budget Consequences: 1. To date $22,500 has been spent on this study in 2015 (101-446-801 – Fishbeck Thompson) 2. The 2016 budget includes $50,000 for Ottawa Beach Road improvements (101-446-930) Action Plan #2: Complete Bike Path System Route Plan, including completion of the bike lane plan and installation of Share the Road signs 2016 Budget Consequences: The 2016 Budget includes $188,000 to repave the remainder of 168th and build a retaining wall at 168th & Perry (211-755-975) 2. The 2016 Budget includes $112,000 for bike system signage per the Capital Improvement Plan (211-755-975) 1. Objective #5: Conserve properties and natural resources Action plan #2: Preserve and restore tree canopy by developing a Forestry Management Plan 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. $10,000 is included in the Parks fund (208-966-965.008) to replant trees. 2. $9,000 is included in the Parks fund (208-756-801) for the development of a Keppel Forest Management Plan for improvements including restoration planting with indigenous plants. Goal 2: To Maintain and Enhance Communication Objective #1: Maintain Communication with citizens, employees, and other stakeholders Action Plan #3: Redesign Township Website 2016 Budget Consequences: 1. $2,500 is included in the IT budget for website upgrades (101-228-803) 2. $9,000 is included in the Clerk’s budget for imaging of old minutes (101-215-967) 17 Objective #2: Continue to work towards being a Board that matters Action Plan #2: Board looks for ways to further enhance their skills and talents 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. The 2016 Budget includes $6,350 in the Board, Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer budgets for trainings and seminars Goal 3: To Improve the Organization and Service Delivery Objective #1: Undertake actions that plan for the future of Park Township Action Plan #6: Evaluate options and develop plan for local road funding 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. Local Streets millage passed in November and the 2016 budget has a $600,000 budget for Local Street work (404-901-975). In addition to the new millage, the General Fund is also contributing $150,000 for these projects. Objective #2: Assess Township leadership in regional discussions Action Plan #1: Foster cooperation with surrounding entities 2016 Budget Consequence: 1. The Board’s budget includes $40,000 for memberships with the MACC, Watershed, West Coast Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Township’s Association. Goal 4: To Celebrate and Promote the Township Objective #2: Take steps to plan for the future Action Plan #1: Develop 100th Anniversary Plan 2015/2016 Budget Consequence: 1. The Township has collected $20,000 in donations for the celebration so far in the current fiscal year, and an additional $10,000 in anticipated revenue is included in the 2016 budget. On the expenditure side, $15,000 is included in the 2015 budget, and $25,000 in the 2016 budget. 18 Park Township Revenue Sources Interest 1% Other Charges for Services 20% 5% State Shared Revenue 18% Taxes and Special Assessments 56% Transfers among funds are not included in this graph. Property Taxes The graph above shows that over half of the Township’s revenue is from property taxes. Property taxes are levied against the assessed taxable valuation of real and personal property in the Township. 96 percent of the tax base is residential in Park Township. The tax rates are expressed in "mills" per one dollar of the assessed taxable valuation of the property; one mill of taxation is equal to one dollar on each one thousand dollars of assessed valuation. The Township has seven separate millages as follows: Levy (in mills) .9429 1.2472 .4995 .3996 .6700 .0999 .5000 4.3591 The property tax levies conform to the Headlee constitutional tax limitation amendment as well as P.A. 5 of 1982, Truth in Taxation requirements. Purpose General Operating Library Parks Bike Paths Police/E-Unit West Michigan Airport Authority Local Streets Date Approved Expiration Date 8/1994 12/31/14 5/6/1997 12/31/16 1/15/2008 12/31/17 8/3/2010 12/31/19 8/5/14 12/31/18 11/6/12 12/31/17 11/4/14 12/31/23 19 Impact of Proposal A on Property Tax Revenue Proposal A of 1994 limits increases in the taxable value of property to the lower of the consumer price index or 5%. This has effectively lowered the 2014 taxable value of the Township by approximately $177 million which equates to just under $772,000 in Township taxes annually. Park Township Assessed and Taxable Value 2000 - 2014 Millions $1,200 $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Taxable Value Assessed Value Even though home prices are improving, this may not necessarily be reflected in taxable value due to the cap imposed by Proposal A. Michigan governments will be slower to feel the improvement in home prices and the economy than other sectors of the economy. As property values fell after their high in 2008, the gap between taxable and assessed value diminished. The worst appears to be over in 2012 as property values and development started to turn around in 2013 and beyond. The graph that follows reflects the revenue lost to the Township due to Proposal A. Tax Revenue Lost Due to Proposal A $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Going forward, the Proposal A will continue to diminish the impact of improving home prices. Since inflation is very low, growth in this revenue source will be more dependent on new 20 construction. Since the amount of developable land in the Township is limited, the Township sees only modest growth in this revenue source for the future. Intergovernmental Revenue Nearly all of the intergovernmental revenue, approximately 18% of total revenue, is constitutional revenue sharing from the State of Michigan. State Revenue Sharing Dollars for Park Township 2011-2016 Thousands $1,600 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Though several municipalities saw significant reductions in revenue sharing dollars, the Township, because its revenue is constitutional (vs. statutory) has seen increases of .4% - 6.6% for the period between 2012 and 2015. The Township anticipates consistent albeit small growth in this revenue source. Permit Revenue and Related Fees The Township collects permit revenue from building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing permits. This revenue can vary depending on development. Historical data on these permits follows. Total Value of Permits Issued Total Permits Issued Millions $30 2,500 $25 2,000 $20 1,500 $15 1,000 $10 500 $5 $0 0 2007 2009 2011 2013 Total Permit Fees Collected $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 2007 2009 21 2011 2013 2007 2009 2011 2013 As part of the budget process, rates are reviewed and adjusted accordingly annually. For the 2016 fiscal year, building and zoning fees are as follows: Building Department Fees Category Building Demolition Electrical Fee Category $40.00 base + $4/$1,000 up to Mechanical $100,000 in value, then $3/$1,000 $40/inspection Plumbing $60.00/inspection Category Base Permit Fence Accessory Building (under 200 sq ft) Category Zoning Board of Appeals Special Zoning Board of Appeals * Site Plan/Special Use Fee $60.00/inspection $60.00/inspection Zoning Fees Fee Category $60.00 if needed Ponds No charge Signs Agricultural Buildings No charge Fee $60.00 Planning Fees Category Special Meeting of the $350.00 Planning Commission $600.00 Rezoning Application Fee $600.00 $450.00* $350.00 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Fees Category Fee Category Preliminary Plan Amend Conditions (Board Submittal * $1,000.00 Action only)* Final Plan Submittal * $1,250.00 Amendment to PUD* Upon Hearing at Township Board* Fee $60.00 $60.00 Subdivision $1,250.00 Fee $750.00 $1,500.00* $15/lot ($400 minimum) *Also subject to escrow fees Parks and Recreation: There are three Township facilities available for individuals and organizations to rent for meetings and social engagements. All three require a security deposit of $100 - $200 and charge a rental fee based on the amount of time it is used ($25 - $40 per hour). 22 The Township provides several recreation programs, and participants are charged to cover the cost of the program. The programs bring in approximately $59,000 per year with the soccer program being the most popular ($37,000 per year). Sewer System: The Township does not operate any sewage treatment facilities, but Township residents desiring sewage service are able to obtain that from surrounding municipalities. However, the Township does fund the initial investment for the underlying sewage infrastructure in place (pipes/lines) and works with resident wishing to establish new sewer districts. Charges for a sewer hook up are meant to cover the cost of the construction, maintenance and repairs to the sewage system and include the following components: 1. Trunkage Charge: Charge to cover maintenance, repairs and upgrades to the sewer system; based on the number of residential equivalency units 2. Lateral Charge: Charge for the connecting “tap” between the sewer main and the property line 3. Frontage Charge: Charge to cover the construction of sewer main; based on the front footage measurement of the property Residents arrange and pay for hook up from the property line to the residence with a private contractor. Actual charges incurred by a resident can vary depending on what infrastructure was paid in connection with an overall residential development and other factors. Current rates are as follows: Sewer System Rates Frontage $50/ front foot Trunkage Fee $2,000 Lateral Fee $900 *$7,900 minimum fee Water System The Water System bills for new connections and water service. Water System hookup fees are as follows: Water System Hookup Rates Frontage $30/ front foot Trunkage Fee $500 Meter Charge/Tap Fee $1,475 - $3,310 depending on meter size *$3,500 minimum fee Quarterly usage charges include a ready to serve fee and a commodity charge per 1,000 gallons of water. Water Usage Rates Ready to Serve Fee $21.75/quarter - $75/quarter depending on meter size Water Usage $1.80/1,000 gallons 23 The Township plans to collaborate with Holland Charter Township with their next water rate study to begin in the Fall of 2015. Based on the recent decline in water usage, rates currently charged do not quite cover the operational expenses. Since the Township’s rates are generally lower than surrounding communities, an upward adjustment may be necessary. Not all municipalities have the same basis for charges. In Park Township, the ready to serve charge is significantly lower than other municipalities in the area. The consumption charge, though still lower than two of the three municipalities, is closer in line. The graph that follows shows how Park Township’s rates compare with the surrounding communities. Area Water Ready to Serve Rates Area Water Price per 1,000 Gallons Rates $80.00 $2.50 $60.00 $2.00 $1.50 $40.00 $1.00 $20.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 Park Township City of Holland Holland Township City of Ze e land Park Township City of Holland Holland Township City of Ze e land How does this translate to the average homeowner? Based on the consumption levels of Park Township residents, the rates experienced in Park Township are lower than that of surrounding communities (the current average consumption per household in Park Township is 114,000 gallons/household): Estimated Annual Residential Charges for Water at Varying Rates of Consumption for Area Municipalities Estimated Annual Residential Cost for Water $500.00 $400.00 $300.00 $200.00 $100.00 $0.00 85,000 114,000 142,000 Gallons of Consumption per Household Park Twp City of Holland Holland Charter Twp City of Zeeland 24 Administrative Fees Administrative Fees are found only in the General Fund and represent reimbursements for administrative services (e.g., Finance, Human Resources, Attorney fees, etc.) paid in the General Fund. The allocation of these fees depends on transaction activity in the fund plus or minus managerial assessment of the time spent on these functions. Other Transfers between Funds In addition to the administrative fees just discussed, transfers are made from the General Fund to other funds primarily for capital improvements. The 2016 budget includes $415,000 in transfers from the General Fund to other funds. The transfers to the Local Streets fund and the Parks fund are new with the 2016 budget. With the passage of the Local Streets millage, a separate fund has been established to account for the millage and associated expenditures. The $150,000 from the General Fund represents the amount necessary to provide approximately $600,000 per year in funding for local street improvements. Based on the current version of the Capital Improvement Plan, $100,000 will be transferred to the Parks fund to assist in funding the identified projects. 25 26 Park Township Uses of Funds Graph reflects both governmental funds and enterprise funds. Transfers out have been eliminated. For the most part, expenditures and expenses by activity are discussed in the budget transmittal letter and in the strategic plan section. However, taxpayers often want to know where their tax dollar goes. The image below reflects the various activities paid by tax dollars. 0% 10% General Govt 20% 30% 40% West MI Airport Authority & Library 50% Local Streets 60% 70% 80% Parks & Recreation Public Safety 90% 100% Bike Paths Public Works Budgets can also be reviewed from a cost perspective. The graph above and right shows the breakdown of the uses of funds from this perspective. Personnel Most governments would show personnel expenditures as their highest area of cost. However, a significant portion of Township duties are contracted out (e.g., police services, planning), so Other Charges and Services are the highest cost for the Township. Personnel costs include funds for 14 full time, benefitted positions and 9 regularly scheduled part time, primarily unbenefited positions. Other personnel costs include fire fighters estimated at 4.71 full time equivalents, board members, and election workers. 27 Many municipalities have struggled to contain benefit costs. The downturn in the market created havoc in defined benefit pension programs, and escalating health care costs resulted in double digit price increases for many. Park Township has a defined contribution program, so cost changes only with changes in salaries. The Township also changed to a high deductible insurance plan and has passed a portion of the costs on to employees. As a result, fringe benefits as a percentage of salaries have stayed stable as indicated by the graph that follows. Park Township Personnel Costs 2012-2016 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 2012 2013 2014 Wages 2015 2016 Fringe Benefits Other Services & Charges Costs included in Other Services & Charges include the following: Park Township Other Services & Charges Building & Property Costs 8% Other 11% Water System 27% Contracted Professional Services 11% Police 15% In the graph to the left, Tax Disbursements refer to the distribution of taxes collected for the Herrick District Library and the West Michigan Airport Authority. Water system costs include water system operating costs and depreciation, commodity charges for the water itself, and other administrative costs. Tax Disbursements 28% Under policing services, the Township contracts with the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department for patrol, community policing, and E-Unit services. Contracted professional services include legal fees, contracts the Township has with various nonprofit agencies such as the Holland Historical Trust and Project Clarity, and inspector charges for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing permits. Capital Outlay The 2016 budget includes several capital outlay plans for both equipment and construction. The schedule that follows shows the detail of these plans. Administrative Fees and Other Transfer to Other Funds Administrative Fees and Other Transfers are discussed in the revenue sources section. 28 2016 Budget - Community Requests Non-Profit How Park Township Residents are Involvedmeasurements How Much requested, How will it be Used. Past support Center for Women in Transition *149 clients were from zip code 49424, which includes the majority of Park Township * $2,000 requested for vital crisis response services. * $1,000 given in FY 15 & FY 14 * $1,000 given in 2012 Community Action House * In 2013, CAH assisted 2,996 families in Emergency Services, - PT residents are approximately 7% of that total, or 525 individuals (210 families); in 2013, 73,714 meals were distributed at the Community Kitchen so it can be approximated that 5,160 meals were served to PT residents. *$5,000 requested for Emergency Services Food and Commodities Distribution * $5,000 provided in FY 15 and FY 14 * $5,000 provided in 2012 Good Samaritan Ministries *4 students from PT in Neighbors Plus' tutoring program (10%); 3 (9%) * $5,000 requested for partnership with FIY (Faith in Youth) students in school suspension program from PT; Upward Bound's middle school * $2,500 provided in FY 2014; $0 in FY 2015 program, Step UP, serves 8 middle school youth (22%) from PT; Holland * $2,500 provided in 2012 Rescue Mission's Rock Urban Youth Ministry is currently serving 10 youth (25%) from PT Evergreen Commons * 816 of Evergreen members are residents of PT * With last year's funding, 85 residents from PT were provided Care Services vs. 56 in 2013. Holland Area Arts Council * 4,500 PT residents served last year (classes, events and exhibitions) based on * $1,500 requested to fund Debut - the annual high school art registration data competition * Previous PT winners of the Debut art competition include 1st place winners in both 2013 and 2014 as well as the 3rd place winner in 2014. Holland Symphony *Semi-professional orchestra of 100 local musicians and performs 8 concerts /year. *812 direct mailing recipients in PT, 48 orchestra members, board members and staff from PT. * Request is specifically for Pops at The Piper as it is performed in PT * $1,000 requested for funding Pops at The Piper at Eldean Shipyard * $750 provided in FY 14; $1,000 in FY 2015 * $1000 requested for a large family concert in 2013 and The Pops concert in June of 2012. *PT did not provide any funding to this organization in 2011. Lakeshore Advantage * 9,000 Park Township residents in the area labor force * 5 of 7 staff members are Park Township residents * 2,500 for economic development activities (no specifics provided) * Last year Township provided funding was 2011 ($1,500) 2015 Granted 2016 Request Granted Fund - 500 208 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Holland 500 1,000 2,000 1,000 101 5,000 5,000 5,000 101 - 5,000 1,000 101 4,000 7,500 4,000 101 1,000 1,500 1,500 208 1,000 1,000 1,000 208 - 2,500 2,500 101 *$7,500 requested for three services: The Day Center of Evergreen, Care Coordination and Enrichment Program. * $4,000 was provided in FY 15 * $4,400 was provided in FY 14 * $4,000 provided in 2012 29 2016 Budget - Community Requests Non-Profit How Park Township Residents are Involvedmeasurements Mediation Services *5% of cases include one or more PT resident or organization (average based on *$3,500 requested for mediation services. 2009-2014 data) * $0 provided in FY 2015 *8 of 62 experienced mediators reside in PT, including the executive director. * $1,000 provided in FY 2014 * $1,000 provided in 2012 OAR *Over 1,100 Park Township residents have been provided treatment services *$5,600 requested for family services for 7 PT families since OAR's inception. During an average year, approximately 50-80 PT * $5,000 provided in FY 15 and FY 14 residents will be served, with approximately 1/3 through the Family Program, at * $5,000 provided in 2012 no cost to the families. *45 participants in the family program were PT residents in the prior year, up from 30 in the year before that. Ottagan Addictions Recovery/Ottagan Alcoholic Rehabilitation Outdoor Discovery Center Macatawa Greenway The number of Park township residents is indeterminable since it is held at a public park. Total attendance is estimated at 1,500 - 3,500 *$500 for Recovery Fest celebration in Centennial Park on 9/19/15 to celebrate the positive impact of recovery on individual, families and communities. This is the 12th year of the celebration. *Partners with PT Recreation providing 7 educational programs to residents in *$4,000 for operational (easements, salaries, invasive species removal) Township parks * $4,000 was provided in 2015 *No additional fees from residents will be collected for conducting these programs. * $4,000 was provided in 2013 * Several thousand township students in our local schools participate in * $0 was provided in 2012 however PT Recreation continued to ODCMG school programs each year. Park residents continue to be a vital link in partner with them at $150 per class if enrollment covered the our regional efforts involving the Macatawa watershed. cost. Tulip Time *Measurements will estimate PT resident attendance at Tulip Time events. *Data will be collected from participants of the Dutch Dance program & Dazzle! and estimated population data at other events * approximately 10,000 individuals residing in PT were serviced directly with Tulip Time programming Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services Holland Chorale How Much requested, How will it be Used. Past support 2016 Request Granted Fund - 3,500 1,000 101 5,000 5,600 5,000 101 - 101 500 4,000 4,000 4,000 208 5,000 8,500 5,000 101 - - 1,000 1,000 *$8,500 requested the funds will be used for the annual fireworks celebration and general operations *PT would receive recognition for being a contributor * $5,500 provided in FY 14; $5,000 in FY 15 Now requested through Ottagan Addictions Recovery * 50% of audience comes from the north side of Holland which includes PT; the vocal consultant lives in PT; many of the singers are residents of PT (NOTE: did not provide tax-exempt letter, only Form W-9) 2015 Granted * $1,000 requested in FY 16 for Holiday Celebration Concert 2015 * $500 provided in FY 14 & FY 15 500 30 208 2016 Budget - Community Requests Non-Profit Holland American Legion Band How Park Township Residents are Involvedmeasurements How Much requested, How will it be Used. Past support 2015 Granted 2016 Request Fund *500 for music, concert folder preparation and office machine expense and $500 rent at the City on a Hill building * Provided $500 in funding in FY 15 *21 band members live in PT 500 Macatawa Resource Center 1,000 Community Foundation/Holland/ Zeeland 4,329 1,000 - - Project Clarity Holland Historical Trust Granted * PT Residents given free admission * Includes the travelling exhibition on The Wonderful Wizard of OZ (partially written in Macatawa Park), and Inspiring Oz: Macatawa Park at the Turn of the Century 500 208 - 101 - 208 50,000 101 101 * $50,000 of bridge support (operations) * Provided $50,000 in funding in FY 15 Total Requested 50,000 50,000 50,000 82,829 98,600 133,000 Total Fund 101 71,500 Total Fund 101 $ 124,500 Total Fund 208 11,329 Total Fund 208 $ 8,500 $ 133,000 82,829 31 Park Township 2016 Budget - Capital Outlays Description Department Fire Department Rescue Tool/Vehicle Extraction Equipment Fire Small Zero Turn Mower Bike Paths 2 MT Trackless snow removal equipment * Bike Paths 2 Carbon Monoxide Monitors Fire Cemetery Expansion Cemetery Parks & Recreation Software Keppel & Winstrom Improvement Plans Recreation Parks Stu Visser Trail maintenance Repave remainder of 168th & Retaining Wall at 168th & Perry Bike System Signage Parks Bike Paths Operational Impacts Provide Park Twp personnel with the ability to perform rescue operations as opposed to waiting for the City of Holland to arrive; improves firefighter safety Maintain functionality and reduce downtime experienced due to equipment failure. More economical than using the large mowers; less wear and tear on equipment Maintain functionality and reduce downtime due to equipment failure, better handling of large snowfalls and lower maintenance costs. Estimated labor savings of 200 hrs/yr. Check CO levels in firefighters and citizens; improves firefighter safety Provide capacity for future lot sales; 96 more lots will be available (@$605), but mowing costs will increase. Provide more efficient record keeping of recreation programs/unquantified staff time savings Funding Source Repaving around maintenance building Printer/Plotter for Buildings and Zoning Periodic maintenance over life of signs Related to the construction of the new Twp Properties building Twp Properties Improved performance/less down time Parking Lot Repaving at Township office Idlewood Fire Prevention Office Water Local Street work Local Streets General upkeep of Township facilities Occasional Inspections Staff/contractor time will be needed to determine timelines/develop bids, etc. * Purchase price is net of the estimated salvage value of existing equipment 32 Purchase Price Amt to be Amt spent Amt to be budgeted in spent in in Prior budget year future years Years Taxes - Allocated 15 13,000 - 13,000 Taxes - Bike Paths 7 6,000 - 6,000 Taxes - Bike Paths 15 170,000 - 170,000 Taxes - Allocated 15 10,000 - 10,000 Capital Improvement Fund permanent 14,000 3,500 10,500 - 5 N/A 39,000 15,000 - 39,000 15,000 - 90,000 - 30,000 60,000 15 188,000 - 188,000 - Taxes - Bike Paths 10 112,000 - 112,000 - Taxes - Allocated Taxes - Allocated 15 5 16,000 5,000 - 16,000 5,000 - Taxes - Allocated Special Assessments 15 40 30,000 160,000 - 30,000 160,000 - Taxes - Streets 15 600,000 - 600,000 - Taxes - Parks Taxes - Parks Maintain condition of trail to delay more costly maintenance; maintain safety of trail for visitors Taxes - Parks Additional snow plowing & general maintenance Taxes - Bike Paths Bike Paths Estimated Life - 2016 Park Township Budget - Personnel Allocations Manager Finance Dir Dpty Clerk/Rec Assessor Dpty Assessor Assessor PT Dpty Treas/Utility Adm Assit Building Services Building Services Cemetery Cemetery Fire Chief Fire Adm Asst Building Services Code Comp/Zone Building Services Building Services Building Services PT Maintenance PT Clerk PT Election PT Election/Maint PT Rec Supervisor Clerk Treasurer Trustees Tot Time Plan Comm/ZBA Drain Fire base Fire - calls/work detl Election workers Board of Review Parking enforce Roads Manager Finance Clerk 2015-2016 Salary Budget 101-172-701 101-201-701 101-215-701 109,500 109,500 78,500 78,500 60,000 42,000 75,000 54,000 21,000 55,000 50,000 71,000 39,000 12,500 12,500 27,000 17,000 41,000 51,500 34,000 32,000 30,000 32,000 3,900 3,900 7,800 2,200 23,000 939,400 109,500 78,500 45,900 13,104 13,104 13,104 7,200 5,273 7,500 1,500 131,269 90,131 26,000 2,600 4,000 2,000 1,256,185 Treasurer Assessing Elections Twp Property Twp Office Cemetery 101-253-701 101-257-701 101-262-703 101-264-701 101-265-701 101-276-702 75,000 54,000 21,000 16,500 3,550 1,950 11,000 50,000 3,550 3,900 12,500 12,500 4,100 1,600 10,000 1,000 9,600 18,100 85,150 25,000 18,100 85,150 25,000 3,000 7,800 2,200 16,500 150,000 10,000 13,104 13,104 26,000 109,500 78,500 59,004 29,604 33 150,000 36,000 2016 Park Township Budget - Personnel Allocations Manager Finance Dir Dpty Clerk/Rec Assessor Dpty Assessor Assessor PT Dpty Treas/Utility Adm Assit Building Services Building Services Cemetery Cemetery Fire Chief Fire Adm Asst Building Services Code Comp/Zone Building Services Building Services Building Services PT Maintenance PT Clerk PT Election PT Election/Maint PT Rec Fire Dept Bld Inspection 101-336-702 101-371-701 Zoning Tot Time Recreation Parks Bike paths Water Supervisor Board 101-445-702 101-722-701 208-663-701 208-751-701 208-756-701 211-755-701 591-000-701 101-171-702 101-101-702 18,000 27,500 49,700 7,100 21,450 7,100 11,700 27,000 17,000 24,600 6,150 51,500 1,600 6,150 1,600 1,000 46,600 Supervisor Clerk Treasurer Trustees Tot Time Plan Comm/ZBA Drain Fire base Fire - calls/work detl Election workers Board of Review Parking enforce Roads Drains 74,300 - 57,650 1,600 23,000 41,000 5,100 17,600 10,000 20,000 27,200 10,000 7,000 87,400 63,000 1,700 29,200 - - 13,104 7,200 5,273 7,500 1,500 131,269 90,131 268,000 74,300 1,500 65,150 6,873 34 41,000 87,400 63,000 29,200 13,104 7,200 2016 Park Township Budget - Personnel Allocations Board of Review Police Local Streets Total 101-247-703 207-301-702 404-000-701 Manager Finance Dir Dpty Clerk/Rec Assessor Dpty Assessor Assessor PT Dpty Treas/Utility Adm Assit Building Services Building Services Cemetery Cemetery Fire Chief Fire Adm Asst Building Services Code Comp/Zone Building Services Building Services Building Services PT Maintenance PT Clerk PT Election PT Election/Maint PT Rec Supervisor Clerk Treasurer Trustees Tot Time Plan Comm/ZBA Drain Fire base Fire - calls/work detl Election workers Board of Review Parking enforce Roads - - 2,600 4,000 2,600 4,000 2,000 2,000 109,500 78,500 60,000 75,000 54,000 21,000 55,000 50,000 71,000 39,000 12,500 12,500 27,000 17,000 41,000 51,500 34,000 32,000 30,000 32,000 3,900 7,800 2,200 23,000 939,400 13,104 13,104 13,104 7,200 5,273 7,500 1,500 131,269 90,131 26,000 2,600 4,000 2,000 1,256,185 35 GENERAL FUND 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 estimated 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Beginning Balance 2,861,980 3,985,230 3,855,323 4,165,547 4,424,401 4,735,060 4,940,643 3,741,772 1,836,517 + Revenues 2,834,918 2,663,020 2,999,123 2,764,105 2,824,341 2,723,490 2,729,309 2,917,848 2,809,236 - Expenditures 2,326,785 2,792,927 2,688,899 2,505,251 2,513,682 2,517,907 3,928,180 4,823,103 2,919,079 Ending Fund Balance 3,985,230 3,855,323 4,165,547 4,424,401 4,735,060 4,940,643 3,741,772 1,836,517 1,726,674 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 + Revenues 2010-2011 2011-2012 - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 estimated 2015-2016 proposed Ending Fund Balance The decrease in fund balance in FY 2014 is due to the transfer to the Capital Improvement fund for Park West. The decrease in FY 2015 reflects the transfer of an additional $2 million to the Capital Improvement fund. 36 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 851,430 2,550 3,651 104,853 18,975 30,765 32,255 201 1,316,378 10,254 69 24,780 31,300 21,229 32,271 4,018 ‐ 325 10,441 674 1,100 18,790 860,000 2,500 3,600 85,000 17,500 25,000 27,000 ‐ 1,300,000 7,500 ‐ 24,700 27,500 15,000 30,000 500 ‐ 400 8,500 1,000 ‐ 14,600 874,182 2,721 4,046 90,000 17,500 28,600 34,080 ‐ 1,397,000 16,000 53 24,846 18,650 19,000 33,000 3,000 20,500 400 3,670 2,000 ‐ 14,600 892,000 2,550 4,046 85,000 17,500 25,000 27,000 ‐ 1,400,000 10,500 ‐ 25,000 16,000 16,000 30,700 500 10,000 500 10,000 1,900 ‐ 12,540 2,516,309 2,450,300 2,603,848 2,586,736 GENERAL FUND Fund 101 ‐ GENERAL FUND REVENUES Dept 000 101‐000‐403.000 101‐000‐407.000 101‐000‐451.000 101‐000‐476.000 101‐000‐477.000 101‐000‐478.000 101‐000‐479.000 101‐000‐501.000 101‐000‐574.000 101‐000‐609.000 101‐000‐610.000 101‐000‐611.000 101‐000‐643.000 101‐000‐664.000 101‐000‐668.000 101‐000‐671.000 101‐000‐671.000.CENTENNIAL 101‐000‐671.002 101‐000‐671.003 101‐000‐671.007 101‐000‐673.000 101‐000‐676.000 Current Taxes Trailer Taxes Liquor License Fees Building Permit Fees Plumbing Permit Fees Electrical Permit Fees Mechanical Permit Fees Federal Grants State Revenue Sharing Zoning Fees Misc building fees Tax Collection Fees Cemetery Lots Interest Earned Lease/Franchise Fees Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous Income Health Reimbursement Income Election Reimbursements Fire Dept ‐ Miscellaneous Inc SALE OF FIXED ASSETS V.P. Station Reimbursements 37 x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 101‐000‐699.000 Transfer From Other Fund ‐ ‐ 75,000 ‐ 101‐000‐699.100 Adm Fees‐Police 19,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 101‐000‐699.200 101‐000‐699.300 101‐000‐699.400 101‐000‐699.404 101‐000‐699.500 Adm fees‐Park/Rec Adm fees‐Bike Path Adm fees‐ Sewer Adm Fees ‐ Local Streets Adm fees‐ Water 69,000 56,000 24,000 ‐ 45,000 75,000 59,000 25,000 ‐ 50,000 75,000 59,000 25,000 ‐ 50,000 65,000 45,000 15,000 7,500 65,000 101‐000‐699.550 Adm fees‐ Street Lighting ‐ 5,000 5,000 2,500 101‐000‐699.581 Adm fees‐ Park Twp Airport ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,500 213,000 239,000 314,000 222,500 2,729,309 2,689,300 2,917,848 2,809,236 Total Revenues 38 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments GENERAL FUND Fund 101 ‐ GENERAL FUND REVENUES Dept 000 892,000 2,550 4,046 85,000 17,500 25,000 27,000 1,400,000 10,500 25,000 Reflects a 2% increase over the 2015 levy 101‐000‐403.000 101‐000‐407.000 101‐000‐451.000 101‐000‐476.000 101‐000‐477.000 101‐000‐478.000 101‐000‐479.000 101‐000‐574.000 101‐000‐609.000 101‐000‐611.000 Current Taxes Trailer Taxes Liquor License Fees Building Permit Fees Plumbing Permit Fees Electrical Permit Fees Mechanical Permit Fees State Revenue Sharing Zoning Fees Tax Collection Fees 101‐000‐643.000 101‐000‐664.000 101‐000‐668.000 101‐000‐671.000 101‐000‐671.000.CENTENNIAL 101‐000‐671.002 101‐000‐671.003 101‐000‐671.007 101‐000‐676.000 Cemetery Lots Interest Earned Lease/Franchise Fees Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous Income Health Reimbursement Income Election Reimbursements Fire Dept ‐ Miscellaneous Inc V.P. Station Reimbursements 101‐000‐699.000 101‐000‐699.100 Transfer From Other Fund Adm Fees‐Police 20,000 Based on Admin Fee Schedule 101‐000‐699.200 101‐000‐699.300 101‐000‐699.400 101‐000‐699.404 101‐000‐699.500 Adm fees‐Park/Rec Adm fees‐Bike Path Adm fees‐ Sewer Adm Fees ‐ Local Streets Adm fees‐ Water 65,000 45,000 15,000 7,500 65,000 Assume similar amount of permit activity next year Assume similar amount of permit activity next year Assume similar amount of permit activity next year Assume slower activity for next year Most recent State revenue projections are lower than anticipated ZBA/Planning Commission fees Fees based on $2.87/parcel received from schools Reduced based on current yr activity; Sale of lots in 3 cemeteries; includes Perpetual 16,000 Care Fund rates 16,000 2016 lower due to Park West payment 30,700 Franchise fees from Charter Cable, Michigan Bell 500 10,000 500 Reimbursement for retiree's portion of insurance 10,000 Plan for two elections 1,900 12,540 2,586,736 39 Based on Admin Fee Schedule Based on Admin Fee Schedule Based on Admin Fee Schedule Based on Admin Fee Schedule Based on Admin Fee Schedule GL NUMBER 101‐000‐699.550 101‐000‐699.581 Total Revenues DESCRIPTION Adm fees‐ Street Lighting Adm fees‐ Park Twp Airport 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 2,500 Based on Admin Fee Schedule 2,500 Based on Admin Fee Schedule 222,500 2,809,236 40 Comments GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 7,200 446 104 408 82 42,110 308 793 897 7,200 450 100 500 50 45,000 300 3,000 1,000 7,200 450 100 1,500 300 40,000 10 1,500 500 7,200 447 105 500 65 40,000 100 3,000 1,000 52,348 57,600 51,560 52,417 13,104 812 190 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 13,104 850 200 ‐ 250 200 500 13,104 850 200 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 13,104 813 191 25 250 250 1,000 14,106 15,104 14,156 15,633 EXPENDITURES Dept 101‐TOWNSHIP BOARD 101‐101‐702.000 101‐101‐715.000 101‐101‐715.002 101‐101‐727.000 101‐101‐728.000 101‐101‐750.000 101‐101‐860.000 101‐101‐900.000 101‐101‐956.000 Board of Trustee Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE Supplies Postage Dues and Subscriptions Mileage Printing & Publishing Meetings Total Dept 101‐TOWNSHIP BOARD Dept 171‐SUPERVISOR 101‐171‐702.000 101‐171‐715.000 101‐171‐715.002 101‐171‐728.000 101‐171‐860.000 101‐171‐900.000 101‐171‐956.000 Supervisor ‐ Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Postage Mileage Printing and Publishing Meeting and Seminars Total Dept 171‐SUPERVISOR 41 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 101,625 6,448 1,508 11,514 13,713 1,481 8 8 3,000 ‐ 99,333 6,170 1,500 14,850 13,500 1,500 100 50 3,500 1,500 109,500 6,789 1,588 14,250 15,382 1,882 100 25 3,500 100 109,500 6,975 1,632 15,095 15,075 1,602 100 25 3,500 1,500 Total Dept 172‐TOWNSHIP MANAGER 139,305 142,003 153,116 155,004 Dept 201‐FINANCE 101‐201‐702.000 101‐201‐715.000 101‐201‐715.002 101‐201‐717.000 101‐201‐719.000 101‐201‐720.000 101‐201‐727.000 101‐201‐728.000 101‐201‐750.000 101‐201‐860.000 101‐201‐900.000 101‐201‐956.000 62,203 3,712 868 14,167 8,147 2,183 57 ‐ 830 590 ‐ 2,637 63,850 3,950 950 17,900 8,550 2,200 100 50 850 750 50 2,500 59,000 3,700 860 10,650 5,700 1,300 150 50 1,000 750 1,082 2,500 78,500 4,867 1,139 6,998 10,519 1,054 100 50 800 750 50 2,500 95,394 101,700 86,742 107,327 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 172‐TOWNSHIP MANAGER 101‐172‐702.000 101‐172‐715.000 101‐172‐715.002 101‐172‐717.000 101‐172‐719.000 101‐172‐720.000 101‐172‐727.000 101‐172‐728.000 101‐172‐860.000 101‐172‐956.000 Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMP BENS Supplies Postage Mileage Meetings and Seminars x Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BEN SUPPLIES Postage Dues and Subcriptions MILEAGE Printing & Pub Meetings/Seminars Total Dept 201‐FINANCE 42 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 13,104 48,856 3,724 871 14,067 6,432 2,024 66 635 360 564 1,571 11,000 13,104 43,300 3,500 830 12,600 5,800 1,450 200 1,500 300 1,000 2,500 11,000 13,104 42,000 3,500 830 12,100 5,529 1,450 200 1,500 300 1,000 2,500 11,000 13,104 45,900 3,659 856 12,683 5,628 1,493 200 1,000 250 1,000 2,500 20,000 103,274 97,084 95,013 108,273 12,760 15,000 13,750 16,800 Total Dept 223‐AUDIT 12,760 15,000 13,750 16,800 Dept 228‐DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY 101‐228‐727.000 Supplies 101‐228‐740.000 Small Equipment 101‐228‐803.000 PURCHASED SERVICES 101‐228‐971.000 Equipment 173 ‐ 54,410 12,679 500 ‐ 50,000 10,000 500 8,808 59,000 ‐ ‐ 6,000 51,500 ‐ Total Dept 228‐DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY 67,262 60,500 68,308 57,500 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 215‐CLERK 101‐215‐702.000 101‐215‐703.000 101‐215‐715.000 101‐215‐715.002 101‐215‐717.000 101‐215‐719.000 101‐215‐720.000 101‐215‐727.000 101‐215‐728.000 101‐215‐750.000 101‐215‐860.000 101‐215‐956.000 101‐215‐967.000 Clerk ‐ Salary (see details) Deputy Clerk Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN‐HSPT INS ‐ NON ELECTED RETIREMENT ‐ NON ELECTED OTHER EMP BENS ‐ NON ELECTED Supplies Postage Dues and Subscriptions MILEAGE Meetings/Seminars IMAGING PROJECT COSTS x Total Dept 215‐CLERK Dept 223‐AUDIT 101‐223‐801.000 Professional Fees 43 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 247‐BOARD OF REVIEW 101‐247‐702.000 101‐247‐715.000 101‐247‐715.002 101‐247‐727.000 101‐247‐900.000 Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Supplies Printing & Pub x Total Dept 247‐BOARD OF REVIEW Dept 253‐TREASURER 101‐253‐702.000 101‐253‐702.005 101‐253‐715.000 101‐253‐715.002 101‐253‐717.000 101‐253‐719.000 101‐253‐720.000 101‐253‐727.000 101‐253‐728.000 101‐253‐750.000 101‐253‐860.000 101‐253‐956.000 Treasurer Salary Deputy Treasurer Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN‐HSPT INS ‐ NON ELECTED RETIREMENT ‐ NON ELECTED OTHER EMP BENS ‐ NON ELECTED SUPPLIES Postage Dues and Subcriptions MILEAGE Meetings/Seminars Total Dept 253‐TREASURER 44 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 1,563 97 23 260 651 2,250 150 50 100 ‐ 2,250 150 50 100 ‐ 2,600 165 40 150 ‐ 2,594 2,550 2,550 2,955 13,104 15,530 1,764 413 3,454 2,034 306 1,137 6,829 85 1,685 486 13,104 15,950 1,800 450 4,450 2,150 450 1,500 7,000 100 2,000 1,850 13,104 15,950 1,800 450 4,267 2,136 450 1,500 7,000 125 2,000 1,850 13,104 16,500 1,836 430 4,529 2,211 425 1,500 7,000 150 2,000 3,850 46,827 50,804 50,632 53,535 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Dept 257‐ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT 101‐257‐702.000 Salaries 101‐257‐715.000 Social Security WH 101‐257‐715.002 Medicare EE 101‐257‐717.000 FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS 101‐257‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT 101‐257‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS 101‐257‐727.000 Supplies 101‐257‐728.000 Postage 101‐257‐750.000 Dues & Subscriptions 101‐257‐801.000 Professional Fees 101‐257‐860.000 Mileage 101‐257‐900.000 Printing & Pub 101‐257‐956.000 Conferences 144,581 8,636 2,020 28,318 18,985 4,338 237 3,870 1,299 50 1,715 1,213 2,160 148,400 9,200 2,150 35,700 19,900 4,450 500 4,000 1,265 150 1,700 1,875 2,500 145,000 8,990 2,103 34,500 19,900 4,450 500 4,000 1,265 220 1,700 1,875 3,300 150,000 9,300 2,175 36,238 20,100 4,587 500 4,000 1,265 150 1,500 2,100 3,400 Total Dept 257‐ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT 217,422 231,790 227,803 235,315 Dept 262‐ELECTIONS 101‐262‐702.000 101‐262‐715.000 101‐262‐715.002 101‐262‐719.000 101‐262‐727.000 101‐262‐728.000 101‐262‐740.000 101‐262‐801.000 101‐262‐860.000 101‐262‐900.000 101‐262‐940.000 101‐262‐941.000 101‐262‐971.000 11,592 247 58 25 1,322 1,454 ‐ 52 225 211 3,600 350 ‐ 30,700 350 100 100 2,500 3,000 ‐ 1,250 800 1,500 3,600 1,200 1,450 30,700 390 100 291 3,370 3,000 269 3,131 800 1,500 ‐ 1,200 ‐ 36,000 620 145 295 3,000 2,500 500 2,000 300 1,000 ‐ 800 ‐ 19,136 46,550 44,751 47,160 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x Salaries Social Security Medicare Fringe Ben ‐ Retirement Plan Supplies Postage Small Equipment Professional Services Mileage Printing & Pub Election Equipment Storage Exp Building Rental Equipment Total Dept 262‐ELECTIONS 45 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 264‐TWP PROPERTY 101‐264‐702.000 101‐264‐715.000 101‐264‐715.002 101‐264‐717.000 101‐264‐719.000 101‐264‐720.000 101‐264‐727.000 101‐264‐729.000 101‐264‐740.000 101‐264‐829.000 101‐264‐850.000 101‐264‐860.000 101‐264‐920.000 101‐264‐921.000 101‐264‐922.000 101‐264‐930.000 101‐264‐971.000 101‐264‐973.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMP BENS Supplies Gas & Oil‐Vehicles Small Equipment Uniforms Telephone Mileage Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat Repairs & Maint Equipment TWP Prop ‐ Land Improvements x Total Dept 264‐TWP PROPERTY 46 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 13,978 856 200 5,867 1,602 769 1,615 733 ‐ 43 4,137 ‐ 2,158 881 2,140 5,060 6,427 ‐ 11,650 750 200 2,000 1,600 250 1,200 1,000 ‐ 50 2,700 100 1,600 600 1,000 13,000 8,050 ‐ 11,650 750 200 2,543 1,600 275 1,200 1,000 2,875 50 ‐ 100 2,100 900 2,700 10,000 6,625 ‐ 18,100 1,123 264 8,052 2,292 927 1,200 1,000 ‐ 50 ‐ 100 2,150 900 2,700 20,000 ‐ 16,000 46,466 45,750 44,568 74,858 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 265‐TWP OFFICE 101‐265‐702.000 101‐265‐715.000 101‐265‐715.002 101‐265‐717.000 101‐265‐719.000 101‐265‐720.000 101‐265‐727.000 101‐265‐728.000 101‐265‐740.000 101‐265‐750.000 101‐265‐801.000 101‐265‐850.000 101‐265‐860.000 101‐265‐900.000 101‐265‐920.000 101‐265‐921.000 101‐265‐922.000 101‐265‐930.000 101‐265‐956.000 101‐265‐972.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS Supplies Postage Small Equipment Dues & Subscriptions Professional Servic Telephone Mileage Printing & Publishing Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat Repairs & Maintenance Meetings & Seminars Building Improvements x Total Dept 265‐TWP OFFICE Dept 266‐ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL 101‐266‐801.000 Legal ‐ Profess Services Total Dept 266‐ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL 47 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 72,048 4,404 1,030 16,764 8,264 2,568 8,807 5,532 ‐ 240 10,733 8,376 17 5,948 7,286 3,456 1,943 15,899 ‐ 48,355 80,100 5,000 1,200 24,600 10,750 2,800 12,000 8,000 ‐ 500 10,000 10,000 400 8,000 8,000 4,000 1,700 21,000 800 85,000 80,100 5,000 1,200 24,000 9,500 2,800 12,000 4,000 8,500 520 10,000 10,000 400 8,000 7,500 4,000 2,500 15,000 800 89,600 85,150 5,280 1,236 27,163 11,009 3,113 12,000 6,000 ‐ 525 7,500 10,000 200 8,000 7,500 4,000 2,500 21,000 800 40,000 221,670 293,850 295,420 252,976 36,801 60,000 95,000 75,000 36,801 60,000 95,000 75,000 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 276‐CEMETERY 101‐276‐702.000 101‐276‐715.000 101‐276‐715.002 101‐276‐727.000 101‐276‐728.000 101‐276‐729.000 101‐276‐740.000 101‐276‐860.000 101‐276‐920.000 101‐276‐930.000 101‐276‐971.000 Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE Supplies Postage Gas & Oil ‐ Vehicles Small Equipment MILEAGE Light & Power Repairs & Maint Equipment x Total Dept 276‐CEMETERY Dept 336‐FIRE DEPARTMENT 101‐336‐702.000 101‐336‐705.000 101‐336‐715.000 101‐336‐715.002 101‐336‐717.000 101‐336‐718.000 101‐336‐719.000 101‐336‐720.000 101‐336‐727.000 101‐336‐728.000 101‐336‐729.000 101‐336‐740.000 101‐336‐750.000 101‐336‐801.000 101‐336‐850.000 101‐336‐851.000 101‐336‐860.000 101‐336‐900.000 Fire Dept ‐ Salaries Fire Training Fire Social Security Ee Fire Medicare Ee Hospitalization Ins Group Life Insurance Fire Fringe Ben ‐ Retirement/valorie Fire Frng Ben ‐ Other Employee Bens Fire Supplies Postage Gas & Oil‐Vehicles Small Equipment Dues & Subscriptions Professional Fees Telephone Communication Mileage Printing & Pub 48 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 23,628 1,465 343 525 2 340 ‐ 434 830 9,066 ‐ 24,600 1,550 350 1,000 50 400 ‐ 450 900 9,500 1,000 23,250 1,550 350 1,100 50 400 ‐ 450 900 9,500 ‐ 25,000 1,550 365 1,000 50 400 3,500 450 900 9,500 ‐ 36,633 39,800 37,550 42,715 250,890 3,977 15,555 3,638 115 ‐ 4,536 333 22,833 37 3,923 ‐ 1,802 360 7,615 7,292 860 77 281,750 8,350 17,500 4,100 350 ‐ 4,700 400 30,000 250 5,000 ‐ 2,000 ‐ 8,100 7,500 700 400 252,000 100 15,650 3,750 412 ‐ 2,321 509 30,108 250 5,089 29,504 2,000 360 7,800 7,574 700 400 270,000 ‐ 16,740 3,915 350 ‐ 215 42 34,290 250 5,600 42,680 2,000 740 9,700 7,135 700 400 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 101‐336‐920.000 101‐336‐921.000 101‐336‐922.000 101‐336‐930.000 101‐336‐940.000 101‐336‐956.000 101‐336‐957.000 101‐336‐960.000 101‐336‐961.000 101‐336‐970.000 101‐336‐971.000 Light & Power Fire Water & Sewer Heat Repairs & Maint Fire Hydrant Rental Meetings/seminars Fire Prevention Fire Dept ‐ Insurance Fire Medical Capital Outlay‐Reserve Equipment x Total Dept 336‐FIRE DEPARTMENT 49 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 12,328 2,975 7,764 63,165 50,000 1,525 1,499 2,810 5,253 ‐ 32,002 11,000 2,500 7,000 49,000 50,000 2,500 1,800 2,900 7,000 ‐ 29,430 13,800 4,500 10,000 53,700 50,000 2,500 1,800 2,900 7,000 ‐ ‐ 13,900 4,500 11,000 51,815 50,000 11,550 2,500 2,900 6,650 ‐ ‐ 503,164 534,230 504,727 549,572 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Dept 371‐BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 101‐371‐702.000 Salaries 101‐371‐715.000 Social Security WH 101‐371‐715.002 Medicare EE 101‐371‐717.000 FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS 101‐371‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT 101‐371‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS 101‐371‐727.000 Supplies 101‐371‐728.000 Postage 101‐371‐740.000 Small Equipment 101‐371‐750.000 Dues & Subscriptions 101‐371‐801.000 Professional Services 101‐371‐801.002 Plumbing Insp Fees 101‐371‐801.003 Electrical Inspector ‐ Fees 101‐371‐801.004 Mechanical Inspector ‐ Fees 101‐371‐850.000 Telephone 101‐371‐851.000 Communication 101‐371‐860.000 Mileage 101‐371‐900.000 Printing and Publishing 101‐371‐930.000 Repairs and Maintenance 101‐371‐956.000 Meetings & Seminars 74,900 4,536 1,061 12,505 9,817 1,940 583 253 ‐ 225 ‐ 17,920 24,815 26,965 420 ‐ 2,615 721 ‐ 125 74,650 4,650 1,100 16,650 10,000 2,100 1,000 300 ‐ 400 1,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 ‐ 300 1,700 200 2,000 800 73,000 4,650 1,100 17,577 9,200 2,300 1,000 430 ‐ 1,036 200 16,000 22,500 26,000 ‐ 300 1,700 1,200 2,000 50 74,300 4,607 1,078 21,740 9,957 2,439 1,000 430 5,000 700 1,000 16,000 22,500 21,500 ‐ 300 1,700 1,200 2,000 800 Total Dept 371‐BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 179,401 171,850 180,243 188,251 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 50 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,401 ‐ 499 36,064 ‐ 946 2,500 200 50 500 30,000 500 100 50,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 500 5,000 500 500 38,600 500 54,102 1,500 93 22 ‐ 15,000 ‐ 750 35,000 ‐ ‐ Total Dept 445‐DRAINS 46,910 83,850 99,702 52,365 Dept 446‐HIGHWAYS, STREETS, BRIDGES ( NOT ACT 51) 101‐446‐702.000 Salaries 101‐446‐715.000 Social Security 101‐446‐715.002 Medicare 101‐446‐801.000 Professional Fees 101‐446‐860.000 Mileage 101‐446‐930.000 Repairs & Maint Repairs & Maint 101‐446‐930.000.2015SEALIN 391 24 6 ‐ 228 205,037 ‐ 2,000 50 50 30,000 500 300,000 ‐ 100 10 5 30,000 500 ‐ 25,800 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000 ‐ 101‐446‐975.000 ‐ ‐ 203,183 ‐ Total Dept 446‐HIGHWAYS, STREETS, BRIDGES 205,686 332,600 259,598 50,000 Dept 447‐ENGINEERING 101‐447‐801.000 389 15,000 1,000 5,000 389 15,000 1,000 5,000 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 445‐DRAINS 101‐445‐702.000 101‐445‐715.000 101‐445‐715.002 101‐445‐727.000 101‐445‐801.000 101‐445‐860.000 101‐445‐920.000 101‐445‐930.000 101‐445‐995.000 101‐445‐969.000 Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Supplies PROFESSIONAL FEES Mileage Light & Power Maintenance Interest Expense Construction x Hwy & Streets ‐ Construction Engineering ‐ Prof Services Total Dept 447‐ENGINEERING 51 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 52,075 3,195 747 13,923 4,896 894 65 565 ‐ 39,397 420 933 2,883 ‐ 1,056 64,700 4,000 950 18,850 7,600 1,500 250 600 250 30,000 420 1,000 2,500 300 750 64,700 4,000 950 17,600 7,600 1,500 250 1,010 250 38,000 420 1,000 2,500 300 50 65,150 4,040 946 20,383 7,726 1,632 250 1,000 125 35,000 420 1,000 2,500 150 750 Total Dept 722‐ZONING 121,049 133,670 140,130 141,072 Dept 748‐COMMUNITY SERVICES 101‐748‐803.000 Purchased Services 101‐748‐803.000.CENTENNIAL Purchased Services 101‐748‐900.000 Printing 46,112 121,000 171,000 164,500 ‐ ‐ 15,000 25,000 ‐ ‐ 130 150 Total Dept 748‐COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 46,112 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 722‐ZONING 101‐722‐702.000 101‐722‐715.000 101‐722‐715.002 101‐722‐717.000 101‐722‐719.000 101‐722‐720.000 101‐722‐727.000 101‐722‐728.000 101‐722‐750.000 101‐722‐801.000 101‐722‐850.000 101‐722‐860.000 101‐722‐900.000 101‐722‐930.000 101‐722‐956.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPTINS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS Supplies Postage Dues & Subscriptions Professional Serv's Telephone Mileage Printing & Publish Repairs and Maint Meetings & Seminars x 52 121,000 186,130 189,650 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 51,113 52,500 54,154 55,000 Total Dept 851‐INSURANCE 51,113 52,500 54,154 55,000 Dept 852‐RETIREES FRINGE BENEFITS 101‐852‐720.000 Frng Ben ‐ Other Employee Bens 1,108 1,500 1,500 1,500 Total Dept 852‐FRINGE BENEFITS 1,108 1,500 1,500 1,500 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 851‐INSURANCE 101‐851‐960.000 Ins & Bonds ‐ Insurance x Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 101‐966‐959.000 101‐966‐999.000 Contingency Reserve Transfer Out ‐ 1,661,250 ‐ 115,000 ‐ ‐ 24,201 ‐ 101‐966‐999.208 T/O ‐ Parks ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,000 101‐966‐999.403 T/O ‐ Capital Improvements ‐ ‐ 2,115,000 115,000 101‐966‐999.404 T/O ‐ Local Streets ‐ ‐ ‐ 150,000 Total Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 1,661,250 115,000 2,115,000 389,201 TOTAL Expenditures 3,928,180 2,821,285 4,823,103 2,919,079 FUND RECAP 101: GENERAL TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,729,309 3,928,180 2,689,300 2,821,285 2,917,848 4,823,103 2,809,236 2,919,079 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (1,198,871) (131,985) (1,905,255) (109,843) 53 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments EXPENDITURES Dept 101‐TOWNSHIP BOARD 101‐101‐702.000 101‐101‐715.000 101‐101‐715.002 101‐101‐727.000 101‐101‐728.000 101‐101‐750.000 101‐101‐860.000 101‐101‐900.000 101‐101‐956.000 Board of Trustee Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE Supplies Postage Dues and Subscriptions Mileage Printing & Publishing Meetings 7,200 4 at large trustees @ $1,800 per year 447 105 500 65 40,000 $18,311 MACC, $13,253 watershed, $395 Chamber of Commerce, $6,000 MTA 100 3,000 1,000 Conference; meeting expense Total Dept 101‐TOWNSHIP BOARD 52,417 Dept 171‐SUPERVISOR 101‐171‐702.000 101‐171‐715.000 101‐171‐715.002 101‐171‐728.000 101‐171‐860.000 101‐171‐900.000 101‐171‐956.000 13,104 Supervisor annual salary 813 191 25 250 250 1,000 misc meeting exp Supervisor ‐ Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Postage Mileage Printing and Publishing Meeting and Seminars Total Dept 171‐SUPERVISOR Dept 172‐TOWNSHIP MANAGER 101‐172‐702.000 101‐172‐715.000 101‐172‐715.002 101‐172‐717.000 101‐172‐719.000 101‐172‐720.000 101‐172‐727.000 101‐172‐728.000 101‐172‐860.000 101‐172‐956.000 15,633 Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMP BENS Supplies Postage Mileage Meetings and Seminars Total Dept 172‐TOWNSHIP MANAGER 109,500 6,975 1,632 15,095 15,075 1,602 100 25 3,500 Mileage allowance ($250/mo) plus additional 1,500 155,004 54 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 201‐FINANCE 101‐201‐702.000 101‐201‐715.000 101‐201‐715.002 101‐201‐717.000 101‐201‐719.000 101‐201‐720.000 101‐201‐727.000 101‐201‐728.000 101‐201‐750.000 101‐201‐860.000 101‐201‐900.000 101‐201‐956.000 Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BEN SUPPLIES Postage Dues and Subscriptions MILEAGE Printing & Pub Meetings/Seminars Total Dept 201‐FINANCE Dept 215‐CLERK 101‐215‐702.000 101‐215‐703.000 101‐215‐715.000 101‐215‐715.002 101‐215‐717.000 101‐215‐719.000 101‐215‐720.000 101‐215‐727.000 101‐215‐728.000 101‐215‐750.000 101‐215‐860.000 101‐215‐956.000 101‐215‐967.000 Total Dept 223‐AUDIT Comments 78,500 4,867 1,139 6,998 10,519 1,054 100 50 800 GFOA, IMA, MMFOA, AGA of West Michigan 750 Mileage for use of personal vehicle 50 2,500 40 CPE/year 107,327 Clerk ‐ Salary (see details) Deputy Clerk Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN‐HSPT INS ‐ NON ELECTED RETIREMENT ‐ NON ELECTED OTHER EMP BENS ‐ NON ELECTED Supplies Postage Dues and Subscriptions MILEAGE Meetings/Seminars IMAGING PROJECT COSTS Total Dept 215‐CLERK Dept 223‐AUDIT 101‐223‐801.000 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 13,104 45,900 3,659 856 12,683 5,628 1,493 200 1,000 250 1,000 2,500 20,000 108,273 Professional Fees 16,800 16,800 55 Clerk's salary See Salary Allocation sheet Office supplies AP postage IIMC, OCCA, MAMC Mileage to conferences and other meetings IIMC, ‐ May MAMC ‐ June Additional scanning (older records) 2015‐2016 Approved Budget GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 228‐DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY 101‐228‐727.000 Supplies 101‐228‐740.000 Small Equipment 101‐228‐803.000 PURCHASED SERVICES 101‐228‐971.000 Equipment Comments ‐ 6,000 5 desk tops and monitors based on replacement schedule 51,500 Includes $2,500 for additional website development now in account 740.000 ‐ Total Dept 228‐DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY 57,500 Dept 247‐BOARD OF REVIEW 101‐247‐702.000 101‐247‐715.000 101‐247‐715.002 101‐247‐727.000 101‐247‐900.000 Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Supplies Printing & Pub Going to $140 per full day and $70.00 per 1/2 day (had been at $125 per day since 2,600 2012). 165 40 150 ‐ Total Dept 247‐BOARD OF REVIEW 2,955 Dept 253‐TREASURER 101‐253‐702.000 101‐253‐702.005 101‐253‐715.000 101‐253‐715.002 101‐253‐717.000 101‐253‐719.000 101‐253‐720.000 101‐253‐727.000 101‐253‐728.000 101‐253‐750.000 101‐253‐860.000 101‐253‐956.000 13,104 16,500 1,836 430 4,529 2,211 425 1,500 7,000 150 2,000 3,850 Total Dept 253‐TREASURER Treasurer Salary Deputy Treasurer Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN‐HSPT INS ‐ NON ELECTED RETIREMENT ‐ NON ELECTED OTHER EMP BENS ‐ NON ELECTED SUPPLIES Postage Dues and Subscriptions MILEAGE Meetings/Seminars 53,535 56 Treasurer salary See Salary Allocation sheet Copier/printer charges Summer and winter tax mailings; misc tax mailings MMTA, OCTA Meetings/seminars Dep Treasurer to begin training program GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 257‐ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT 101‐257‐702.000 Salaries 101‐257‐715.000 Social Security WH 101‐257‐715.002 Medicare EE 101‐257‐717.000 FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS 101‐257‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT 101‐257‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS 101‐257‐727.000 Supplies 101‐257‐728.000 Postage 101‐257‐750.000 Dues & Subscriptions 101‐257‐801.000 Professional Fees 101‐257‐860.000 Mileage 101‐257‐900.000 Printing & Pub 101‐257‐956.000 Conferences 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 150,000 9,300 2,175 36,238 20,100 4,587 500 4,000 1,265 150 1,500 2,100 235,315 Dept 262‐ELECTIONS 101‐262‐702.000 101‐262‐715.000 101‐262‐715.002 101‐262‐719.000 101‐262‐727.000 101‐262‐728.000 101‐262‐740.000 101‐262‐801.000 101‐262‐860.000 101‐262‐900.000 101‐262‐941.000 101‐262‐971.000 36,000 620 145 295 3,000 2,500 500 2,000 300 1,000 800 ‐ Total Dept 262‐ELECTIONS See Salary Allocation sheet Mailing of Personal Property stmts, legal notices, Assessment notices, BOR MAA, state certification, OCAA, MLS, IAAO, MMAAO MTT filings On site inspections; 10% of properties per year Printing of Personal Property stmts, publication of notices, assessment notices National IAAO conference in Indianapolis; MAA conference, continuing ed, 3,400 governmental affairs sessions, Total Dept 257‐ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT Salaries Social Security Medicare Fringe Ben ‐ Retirement Plan Supplies Postage Small Equipment Professional Services Mileage Printing & Pub Building Rental Equipment Comments 47,160 57 Based on 2 elections Maintenance staff ‐ election set up Absentee ballots, QVF moved from account 971.000 Machine set up; test decks Election day mileage Rental of church buildings for elections GL NUMBER Dept 264‐TWP PROPERTY 101‐264‐702.000 101‐264‐715.000 101‐264‐715.002 101‐264‐717.000 101‐264‐719.000 101‐264‐720.000 101‐264‐727.000 101‐264‐729.000 101‐264‐829.000 101‐264‐860.000 101‐264‐920.000 101‐264‐921.000 101‐264‐922.000 101‐264‐930.000 101‐264‐973.000 Total Dept 264‐TWP PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMP BENS Supplies Gas & Oil‐Vehicles Uniforms Mileage Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat Repairs & Maint TWP Prop ‐ Land Improvements 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments 18,100 See Salary Allocation sheet 1,123 264 8,052 2,292 927 1,200 1,000 50 100 2,150 900 2,700 20,000 Reflects demolition of white barn ($10k) 16,000 Paving at the maintenance building 74,858 58 GL NUMBER Dept 265‐TWP OFFICE 101‐265‐702.000 101‐265‐715.000 101‐265‐715.002 101‐265‐717.000 101‐265‐719.000 101‐265‐720.000 101‐265‐727.000 101‐265‐728.000 101‐265‐750.000 101‐265‐801.000 101‐265‐850.000 101‐265‐860.000 101‐265‐900.000 101‐265‐920.000 101‐265‐921.000 101‐265‐922.000 101‐265‐930.000 101‐265‐956.000 101‐265‐972.000 DESCRIPTION Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS Supplies Postage Dues & Subscriptions Professional Servic Telephone Mileage Printing & Publishing Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat Repairs & Maintenance Meetings & Seminars Building Improvements 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 85,150 5,280 1,236 27,163 11,009 3,113 12,000 6,000 525 7,500 10,000 200 8,000 7,500 4,000 2,500 21,000 800 40,000 Comments See Salary Allocation sheet Office supplies for Township Hall operations General Postage; reduction based on usage HUB medical consult fee ($5k); misc. HVAC/grounds Notices; newsletters; other informational printing Parking lot repave ‐ $30k, Building entry way update ‐ $10k Total Dept 265‐TWP OFFICE 252,976 Dept 266‐ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL 101‐266‐801.000 Legal ‐ Profess Services 75,000 Anticipated legal fees Total Dept 266‐ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL 75,000 59 GL NUMBER Dept 276‐CEMETERY 101‐276‐702.000 101‐276‐715.000 101‐276‐715.002 101‐276‐727.000 101‐276‐728.000 101‐276‐729.000 101‐276‐740.000 101‐276‐860.000 101‐276‐920.000 101‐276‐930.000 101‐276‐971.000 DESCRIPTION Salary Social Security WH Medicare EE Supplies Postage Gas & Oil ‐ Vehicles Small Equipment MILEAGE Light & Power Repairs & Maint Equipment Total Dept 276‐CEMETERY Dept 336‐FIRE DEPARTMENT 101‐336‐702.000 101‐336‐705.000 101‐336‐715.000 101‐336‐715.002 101‐336‐717.000 101‐336‐719.000 101‐336‐720.000 101‐336‐727.000 101‐336‐728.000 101‐336‐729.000 101‐336‐740.000 101‐336‐750.000 101‐336‐801.000 101‐336‐850.000 101‐336‐851.000 101‐336‐860.000 101‐336‐900.000 101‐336‐920.000 101‐336‐921.000 101‐336‐922.000 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments 25,000 Two part‐time sextons 1,550 365 1,000 50 400 3,500 Misc. hand tools & new lawn mower 450 900 9,500 Annual repairs to monuments, signs, etc. ‐ 42,715 Fire Dept ‐ Salaries Fire Training Fire Social Security Ee Fire Medicare Ee Hospitalization Ins Fire Fringe Ben ‐ Retirement/valorie Fire Frng Ben ‐ Other Employee Bens Fire Supplies Postage Gas & Oil‐Vehicles 270,000 ‐ 16,740 3,915 350 215 42 34,290 250 5,600 Small Equipment Dues & Subscriptions Professional Fees Telephone Communication Mileage Printing & Pub Light & Power Fire Water & Sewer Heat CO monitors ‐ $10k; turnout gear previously in 971 ‐ $14,630; fitness equipment ‐ $5k; 42,680 Extraction Equipment ‐ $13k 2,000 Fire organization dues, certification costs 740 9,700 cell phones, land lines, charter internet 7,135 Cable TV, Telerad maintenance contract, minitor pager purchases 700 400 13,900 4,500 11,000 60 See Salary Allocation sheet Now in 956 (not Twp employees) maintenance Clerical position replaced with unbenefited position GL NUMBER 101‐336‐930.000 101‐336‐940.000 101‐336‐956.000 101‐336‐957.000 101‐336‐960.000 101‐336‐961.000 101‐336‐971.000 DESCRIPTION Repairs & Maint Fire Hydrant Rental Meetings/seminars Fire Prevention Fire Dept ‐ Insurance Fire Medical Equipment 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 51,815 50,000 11,550 2,500 2,900 6,650 ‐ Total Dept 336‐FIRE DEPARTMENT 549,572 Dept 371‐BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 101‐371‐702.000 Salaries 101‐371‐715.000 Social Security WH 101‐371‐715.002 Medicare EE 101‐371‐717.000 FRNG BEN ‐ HSPT INS 101‐371‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT 101‐371‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS 101‐371‐727.000 Supplies Postage 101‐371‐728.000 101‐371‐740.000 Small Equipment 101‐371‐750.000 Dues & Subscriptions 101‐371‐801.000 Professional Services 101‐371‐801.002 Plumbing Insp Fees 101‐371‐801.003 Electrical Inspector ‐ Fees 101‐371‐801.004 Mechanical Inspector ‐ Fees Communication 101‐371‐851.000 101‐371‐860.000 Mileage 101‐371‐900.000 Printing and Publishing 101‐371‐930.000 Repairs and Maintenance 101‐371‐956.000 Meetings & Seminars 74,300 4,607 1,078 21,740 9,957 2,439 1,000 430 5,000 700 1,000 16,000 22,500 21,500 300 1,700 1,200 2,000 800 Total Dept 371‐BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 188,251 61 Comments Air bottle testing/rplcmt; concrete walk & light rplcmt (#1) Payment to Water Fund for hydrant rental Previously in 705.000; Department required training, certifications Halloween open house, other activities Cost of physicals, health tests, some OSHA mandated testing Turnout gear now in 727 See Salary Allocation sheet Printer Membership in NFPA, ICC, & local org Additional inspection services Contracted inspector @ $50/inspection Contracted inspector @ $50/inspection Contracted inspector @ $50/inspection Reimbursement for personal vehicle use Inspection labels/reports State certification; seminar expense GL NUMBER Dept 445‐DRAINS 101‐445‐702.000 101‐445‐715.000 101‐445‐715.002 101‐445‐801.000 101‐445‐920.000 101‐445‐930.000 101‐445‐969.000 DESCRIPTION Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee PROFESSIONAL FEES Light & Power Maintenance Construction 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments 1,500 Part‐time inspect drains 93 22 15,000 orphan drains ‐ engineering and legal 750 35,000 Misc. at‐large drain repairs/maint; billed by OCDC ‐ Total Dept 445‐DRAINS 52,365 Dept 446‐HIGHWAYS, STREETS, BRIDGES ( NOT ACT 51) 101‐446‐702.000 Salaries 101‐446‐715.000 Social Security 101‐446‐715.002 Medicare 101‐446‐801.000 Professional Fees 101‐446‐860.000 Mileage Repairs & Maint 101‐446‐930.000 101‐446‐930.000.2015PAVING Repairs & Maint 101‐446‐930.000.2015SEALIN Repairs & Maint 101‐446‐975.000 Hwy & Streets ‐ Construction ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ Total Dept 446‐HIGHWAYS, STREETS, BRIDGES 50,000 Dept 447‐ENGINEERING 101‐447‐801.000 5,000 Misc engineering services for township projects, not assignable elsewhere Total Dept 447‐ENGINEERING Engineering ‐ Prof Services 5,000 62 now in 404 fund now in 404 fund now in 404 fund now in 404 fund now in 404 fund Ottawa Beach Road Improvements ‐ TBD now in 404 fund now in 404 fund GL NUMBER Dept 722‐ZONING 101‐722‐702.000 101‐722‐715.000 101‐722‐715.002 101‐722‐717.000 101‐722‐719.000 101‐722‐720.000 101‐722‐727.000 101‐722‐728.000 101‐722‐750.000 101‐722‐801.000 101‐722‐850.000 101‐722‐860.000 101‐722‐900.000 101‐722‐930.000 101‐722‐956.000 DESCRIPTION Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HSPTINS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT FRNG BEN ‐ OTH EMPL BENS Supplies Postage Dues & Subscriptions Professional Services Telephone Mileage Printing & Publish Repairs and Maint Meetings & Seminars Total Dept 722‐ZONING 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 65,150 4,040 946 20,383 7,726 1,632 250 1,000 125 35,000 420 1,000 2,500 150 750 Comments See Salary Allocation sheet Reimbursement personal auto use Publishing notices for meetings, hearings Code compliance seminars, education 141,072 Dept 748‐COMMUNITY SERVICES 101‐748‐803.000 101‐748‐803.000.CENTENNIAL 101‐748‐900.000 Purchased Services Purchased Services Printing $24,500 community based orgs; $15k fall leaf collection; $25k clean up days ; $50,000 164,500 for Project Clarity and $50,000 for Holland Historical Trust 25,000 150 Total Dept 748‐COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 189,650 Dept 851‐INSURANCE 101‐851‐960.000 55,000 Ins & Bonds ‐ Insurance Total Dept 851‐INSURANCE 55,000 Dept 852‐RETIREES FRINGE BENEFITS 101‐852‐720.000 Frng Ben ‐ Other Employee Bens 1,500 Total Dept 852‐FRINGE BENEFITS 1,500 63 GL NUMBER Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 101‐966‐959.000 101‐966‐999.000 101‐966‐999.208 101‐966‐999.403 101‐966‐999.404 DESCRIPTION Contingency Reserve Transfer Out T/O ‐ Parks Transfer Out Transfer Out 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 24,201 ‐ 100,000 115,000 150,000 Total Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 389,201 TOTAL Expenditures 2,919,079 FUND RECAP 101: GENERAL TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,809,236 2,919,079 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (109,843) 64 Comments approximately .5% of most recently audited governmental fund exp Now in separate accounts To fund future Parks capital improvements $100k Fire trucks, $15k Cemetery Streets ‐ GF share; s/a 101‐446 POLICE 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beginning Balance 703,724 777,661 865,771 929,310 966,686 984,113 1,011,530 1,006,137 987,540 + Revenues 617,463 617,318 620,358 622,061 606,317 616,553 625,092 638,506 650,800 - Expenditures 543,526 529,208 556,819 584,685 588,890 589,136 630,485 657,103 676,410 Ending Fund Balance 777,661 865,771 929,310 966,686 984,113 1,011,530 1,006,137 987,540 961,930 FUND BALANCES 2010-2011 2014-2015 estimated $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 + Revenues 2010-2011 2011-2012 - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 estimated Ending Fund Balance The Public Safety fund contains primarily operational costs, so fairly steady revenues and expenditures are expected. The graph above shows an emerging structural deficit in the fund. The levy to fund public safety expenditures, primarily the contracts the Township has with the Ottawa County Sheriff's department for community policing and EMT, is no longer projected to cover the associated costs. The fund has a healthy fund balance that will cover the shortfall, but the structural deficit will need to be addressed at some point in the future. 65 2015-2016 proposed 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 604,818 9,991 7,600 2,683 617,070 8,800 7,000 2,400 621,006 5,800 9,300 2,400 633,000 5,800 9,300 2,700 Total Dept 625,092 635,270 638,506 650,800 TOTAL REVENUES 625,092 635,270 638,506 650,800 3,919 243 57 3,947 1,700 601,619 19,000 5,000 300 100 3,000 1,000 600,000 25,000 3,718 231 54 100 2,000 626,000 25,000 4,000 250 60 100 2,000 650,000 20,000 Total Dept 301‐POLICE/SHERIFF 630,485 634,400 657,103 676,410 TOTAL Expenditures 630,485 634,400 657,103 676,410 FUND RECAP 207: POLICE/E‐UNIT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 625,092 630,485 635,270 634,400 638,506 657,103 650,800 676,410 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (5,393) 870 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x POLICE/E‐UNIT FUND Fund 207 ‐ POLICE/E‐UNIT FUND Revenues 207‐000‐403.000 207‐000‐655.000 207‐000‐655.001 207‐000‐664.000 EXPENDITURES Dept 301‐/SHERIFF 207‐301‐702.000 207‐301‐715.000 207‐301‐715.002 207‐301‐727.000 207‐301‐801.000 207‐301‐802.000 207‐301‐990.000 Current Taxes Ordinance Fines Ord Fines ‐ Parking Enforcement Interest Earned Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Supplies Professional Fees Police Protection Adm Fees 66 (18,597) (25,610) GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments POLICE/E‐UNIT FUND Fund 207 ‐ POLICE/E‐UNIT FUND Revenues 207‐000‐403.000 Current Taxes 207‐000‐655.000 Ordinance Fines 207‐000‐655.001 Ord Fines ‐ Parking Enforcement 207‐000‐664.000 Interest Earned 633,000 5,800 Fine revenue generated from violation of township ordinances 9,300 Parking enforcement tickets 2,700 Total Dept 650,800 TOTAL REVENUES 650,800 EXPENDITURES Dept 301‐/SHERIFF 207‐301‐702.000 207‐301‐715.000 207‐301‐715.002 207‐301‐727.000 207‐301‐801.000 Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Supplies Professional Fees 207‐301‐802.000 207‐301‐990.000 Police Protection Adm Fees 4,000 Part‐time Parking enforcement personnel 250 60 100 2,000 Buoy removal OCSD Community Policing ‐ 25% PT share; E‐Unit shared with Holland Twp ‐ 40%; Traffic 650,000 Enforcement 40% 20,000 Fees to General Fund for Administration Total Dept 301‐POLICE/SHERIFF 676,410 TOTAL Expenditures 676,410 FUND RECAP 207: POLICE/E‐UNIT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 650,800 676,410 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES Sufficient fund balance to cover structural operational deficit in this fund; but will (25,610) eventually need to make adjustments 67 PARKS & RECREATION 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beginning Balance 436,962 278,128 502,104 526,585 198,591 279,871 350,460 422,336 532,422 + Revenues 621,228 604,207 599,057 585,443 574,196 593,927 578,486 570,462 660,367 - Expenditures 780,062 380,231 574,576 913,437 492,916 523,338 506,610 460,376 589,529 Ending Fund Balance 278,128 502,104 526,585 198,591 279,871 350,460 422,336 532,422 603,260 FUND BALANCES 2010-2011 2014-2015 estimated $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 + Revenues 2011-2012 - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 estimated 2015-2016 proposed Ending Fund Balance The Parks fund includes both ongoing operational costs as well as capital construction and land acquisition. Funds that include capital projects typically show significant variability from one year to the next, depending on which capital projects are underway. The more significant fluctuation in the 2010/2011 fiscal year reflects the purchase of land on Ottawa Beach Road. 68 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Fund 208 ‐ PARK/RECREATION FUND REVENUES 208‐000‐403.000 Current Taxes 208‐000‐607.000 Recreation Fees 208‐000‐607.000.Art Recrea RECREATION FEES‐Art Recreation 208‐000‐607.000.Baton Recr Recreation Fees ‐ Baton 208‐000‐607.000.Comm Garde Recreation Fees ‐ Comm Garden 208‐000‐607.000.Dance Recr Recreation Fees ‐ Dance 208‐000‐607.000.FARMERSMKT Recreation Fees ‐ Farmer's Market 208‐000‐607.000.Gymnastics Recreation Fees ‐ Gymnastics 208‐000‐607.000.SOCCER REC Recreation Fees ‐ Soccer 208‐000‐607.000.Tennis Rec Recreation Fees ‐ Tennis 208‐000‐607.000.TriathlonR Recreation Fees ‐ Triatholon 208‐000‐607.000.Zumba Recr Recreation Fees ‐ Zumba 208‐000‐608.000 Tot Time Enrollments 208‐000‐664.000 Interest 208‐000‐667.000 Building Rentals 208‐000‐671.000 Miscellaneous Income 208‐000‐671.663 Tot Time Misc Revenue 208‐000‐675.000 Contributions/Donations 451,370 66,416 1,677 120 ‐ 852 2,735 ‐ 6,772 ‐ ‐ 840 27,922 449 17,621 957 176 579 460,500 60,000 2,500 50 150 1,000 2,500 ‐ 15,000 ‐ ‐ 150 30,000 ‐ 18,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 463,077 5,000 6,300 ‐ 1,230 4,675 ‐ 1,723 36,000 1,361 1,410 3,000 23,000 600 22,000 886 ‐ 200 472,000 5,000 6,000 ‐ 1,000 5,000 ‐ ‐ 37,000 1,400 1,400 2,000 6,067 600 22,000 900 ‐ ‐ 208‐000‐699.000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,000 Total Dept 578,486 589,850 570,462 660,367 TOTAL REVENUES 578,486 589,850 570,462 660,367 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x PARK/RECREATION FUND Transfer From Other Fund 69 x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURES Dept 663‐CHILD CARE ‐ TOT TIME 208‐663‐702.000 208‐663‐715.000 208‐663‐715.002 208‐663‐717.000 208‐663‐719.000 208‐663‐720.000 208‐663‐727.000 208‐663‐728.000 208‐663‐730.000 208‐663‐803.000 208‐663‐850.000 208‐663‐920.000 208‐663‐922.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Hospitalization Insurance FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRINGE BEN ‐ Other Benefits Supplies Postage Program Materials Purchased Services Telephone Light & Power Heat 19,545 1,211 283 101 208 ‐ 39 25 811 574 274 ‐ ‐ 21,000 1,300 300 350 200 50 150 30 1,000 600 300 600 600 21,000 1,300 300 350 225 50 290 30 1,000 600 300 ‐ ‐ 5,273 327 77 82 50 10 50 25 125 ‐ 70 ‐ ‐ 208‐663‐971.000 Equipment ‐ 200 ‐ ‐ Total Dept 663‐CHILD CARE ‐ TOT TIME 23,071 26,680 25,445 6,089 Dept 751‐RECREATION DEPARTMENT 208‐751‐702.000 SALARIES 208‐751‐702.000.FARMERSMKT REC SALARY MARKET 208‐751‐715.000 Social Security WH 208‐751‐715.000.FARMERSMKT Social Security Ee 208‐751‐715.002 Medicare EE 208‐751‐715.002.FARMERSMKT Medicare Ee FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS 208‐751‐717.000 208‐751‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN 208‐751‐719.000.FARMERSMKT Fringe Ben ‐ Retirement Plan 208‐751‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS 208‐751‐727.000 Supplies 208‐751‐728.000 Postage 208‐751‐730.000 Program Materials 208‐751‐730.000.Art Recrea Program Materials 44,308 1,183 2,717 73 635 17 7,905 4,671 90 890 974 33 9,640 ‐ 25,700 1,000 1,600 50 375 25 5,400 4,250 150 650 2,000 200 7,500 ‐ 28,000 ‐ 1,740 ‐ 410 ‐ 5,400 3,000 ‐ 650 300 200 3,200 298 41,000 ‐ 2,542 ‐ 595 ‐ 5,436 2,412 ‐ 640 1,000 150 3,000 500 70 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 208‐751‐730.000.Comm Garde 208‐751‐730.000.FARMERSMKT 208‐751‐730.000.SOCCER REC 208‐751‐730.000.Tennis Rec 208‐751‐730.000.TriathlonR 208‐751‐740.000 208‐751‐750.000 208‐751‐803.000 208‐751‐803.000.Art Recrea 208‐751‐803.000.Dance Recr 208‐751‐803.000.FARMERSMKT 208‐751‐803.000.SOCCER REC 208‐751‐803.000.TriathlonR 208‐751‐803.000.Zumba Recr 208‐751‐803.001 208‐751‐850.000 208‐751‐860.000 208‐751‐860.000.FARMERSMKT 208‐751‐900.000 208‐751‐900.000.FARMERSMKT 208‐751‐930.000 208‐751‐956.000 208‐751‐971.000 Program Materials Program Materials Program Materials Program Materials Program Materials Small Equipment DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services Purchased Services ‐ Summer Concerts Telephone Mileage Mileage Printing & Pub Printing & Pub Repairs & Maintenance Conferences Equipment x Total Dept 751‐REC DEPARTMENT Dept 756 ‐ PARKS 208‐756‐702.000 208‐756‐715.000 208‐756‐715.002 208‐756‐716.000 208‐756‐717.000 208‐756‐719.000 208‐756‐720.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Unemployment FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS 71 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget ‐ 130 3,303 ‐ ‐ ‐ 277 60,297 ‐ ‐ 312 9,819 ‐ ‐ ‐ 411 270 237 6,112 1,049 389 121 ‐ ‐ 250 7,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 300 58,650 ‐ ‐ 350 15,500 ‐ ‐ 4,000 500 500 150 6,000 1,500 500 1,000 39,000 395 ‐ 7,000 895 1,264 ‐ 370 21,000 4,200 3,500 ‐ 15,500 152 2,800 3,127 500 500 ‐ 6,000 ‐ 540 1,000 ‐ 500 ‐ 7,000 1,500 2,000 5,000 350 26,500 5,000 3,500 ‐ 12,000 500 2,000 4,000 450 250 ‐ 6,000 ‐ 650 500 39,000 155,863 184,100 111,941 173,975 94,982 5,822 1,362 2,172 17,062 8,261 1,939 81,550 5,050 1,200 3,000 18,400 8,250 1,900 81,550 5,050 1,200 3,000 18,400 8,250 2,270 87,400 5,420 1,269 ‐ 24,531 9,032 2,563 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 2,301 21 5,954 ‐ 11,246 445 840 ‐ 58 10,138 12,818 3,322 43,621 185 16,127 ‐ 5,000 100 7,000 ‐ 10,000 500 1,200 300 250 10,000 20,000 2,200 50,000 500 8,050 40,000 5,000 100 7,000 2,874 23,000 700 1,200 300 250 10,000 15,000 4,346 50,000 500 7,000 ‐ 5,000 100 7,000 2,000 25,000 700 1,200 300 250 10,000 20,000 2,200 50,000 500 ‐ 80,000 238,676 274,450 246,990 334,465 20,000 69,000 10,000 75,000 1,000 75,000 10,000 65,000 Total Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 89,000 85,000 76,000 75,000 TOTAL Expenditures 506,610 570,230 460,376 589,529 FUND RECAP 208: PARKS AND RECREATION TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 578,486 506,610 589,850 570,230 570,462 460,376 660,367 589,529 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 71,876 19,620 110,086 70,838 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 208‐756‐727.000 208‐756‐728.000 208‐756‐729.000 208‐756‐740.000 208‐756‐801.000 208‐756‐829.000 208‐756‐850.000 208‐756‐860.000 208‐756‐900.000 208‐756‐920.000 208‐756‐921.000 208‐756‐922.000 208‐756‐930.000 208‐756‐956.000 208‐756‐971.000 208‐756‐973.000 Supplies Postage GAS & OIL‐VEHICLES Small Equipment Professional Serv UNIFORMS Telephone Mileage Print & Pub Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat Repair & Maint Meeting & Seminars Equipment Land Improvements x Total Dept 756 ‐ PARKS Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 208‐966‐965.008 208‐966‐990.000 Reforestation Adm Fees 72 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments PARK/RECREATION FUND Fund 208 ‐ PARK/RECREATION FUND REVENUES 208‐000‐403.000 Current Taxes 208‐000‐607.000 Recreation Fees 208‐000‐607.000.Art Recrea RECREATION FEES‐Art Recreation 208‐000‐607.000.Comm Garde Recreation Fees ‐ Comm Garden 208‐000‐607.000.Dance Recr Recreation Fees ‐ Dance 208‐000‐607.000.SOCCER REC Recreation Fees ‐ Soccer 208‐000‐607.000.Tennis Rec Recreation Fees ‐ Tennis Recreation Fees ‐ Triathlon 208‐000‐607.000.TriathlonR 208‐000‐607.000.Zumba Recr Recreation Fees ‐ Zumba 208‐000‐608.000 Tot Time Enrollments 208‐000‐664.000 Interest 208‐000‐667.000 Building Rentals 208‐000‐671.000 Miscellaneous Income 208‐000‐699.000 Transfer From Other Fund 472,000 5,000 6,000 1,000 5,000 37,000 1,400 1,400 2,000 6,067 600 22,000 900 100,000 Total Dept 660,367 TOTAL REVENUES 660,367 EXPENDITURES Dept 663‐CHILD CARE ‐ TOT TIME 208‐663‐702.000 Salaries 208‐663‐715.000 Social Security WH 208‐663‐715.002 Medicare EE 208‐663‐717.000 Hospitalization Insurance 208‐663‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN 208‐663‐720.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ Other Benefits Supplies 208‐663‐727.000 208‐663‐728.000 Postage 208‐663‐730.000 Program Materials 208‐663‐850.000 Telephone 208‐663‐971.000 Equipment 5,273 See Salary Allocation sheet; Program is ending 5/2015 327 77 82 50 10 50 25 125 70 ‐ Total Dept 663‐CHILD CARE ‐ TOT TIME 6,089 73 Charges for participants in Rec programs Charges for participants in Tot Time; Program is ending 5/2015 for soccer photography commission General Fund contribution for capital improvements 2015‐2016 Approved Budget GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Dept 751‐RECREATION DEPARTMENT 208‐751‐702.000 SALARIES 208‐751‐715.000 Social Security WH 208‐751‐715.002 Medicare EE 208‐751‐717.000 FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS 208‐751‐719.000 FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN 208‐751‐720.000 FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS 208‐751‐727.000 Supplies 208‐751‐728.000 Postage 208‐751‐730.000 Program Materials Program Materials 208‐751‐730.000.Art Recrea 208‐751‐730.000.Comm Garde Program Materials 208‐751‐730.000.SOCCER REC Program Materials 208‐751‐730.000.Tennis Rec Program Materials 208‐751‐730.000.TriathlonR Program Materials 208‐751‐740.000 Small Equipment 208‐751‐750.000 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 208‐751‐803.000 Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.000.Art Recrea Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.000.Dance Recr Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.000.SOCCER REC Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.000.TriathlonR Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.000.Zumba Recr Purchased Services 208‐751‐803.001 Purchased Services ‐ Summer Concerts 208‐751‐850.000 Telephone 208‐751‐860.000 Mileage 208‐751‐900.000 Printing & Pub 208‐751‐930.000 Repairs & Maintenance 208‐751‐956.000 Conferences 208‐751‐971.000 Equipment 41,000 2,542 595 5,436 2,412 640 1,000 150 3,000 500 500 7,000 1,500 2,000 5,000 350 26,500 5,000 3,500 12,000 500 2,000 4,000 450 250 6,000 650 500 39,000 Total Dept 751‐REC DEPARTMENT 173,975 74 Comments See Salary Allocation sheet Program materials up overall MRPA, other memberships Summer concerts Cell allowance Meetings Fliers MRPA. OC Carry over from current year for rec software GL NUMBER Dept 756 ‐ PARKS 208‐756‐702.000 208‐756‐715.000 208‐756‐715.002 208‐756‐717.000 208‐756‐719.000 208‐756‐720.000 208‐756‐727.000 208‐756‐728.000 208‐756‐729.000 208‐756‐740.000 208‐756‐801.000 208‐756‐829.000 208‐756‐850.000 208‐756‐860.000 208‐756‐900.000 208‐756‐920.000 208‐756‐921.000 208‐756‐922.000 DESCRIPTION Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Supplies Postage GAS & OIL‐VEHICLES Small Equipment Professional Serv UNIFORMS Telephone Mileage Print & Pub Light & Power Water & Sewer Heat 208‐756‐930.000 208‐756‐956.000 Repair & Maint Meeting & Seminars 208‐756‐973.000 Land Improvements Total Dept 756 ‐ PARKS 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 87,400 5,420 1,269 24,531 9,032 2,563 5,000 100 7,000 2,000 25,000 700 1,200 300 250 10,000 20,000 2,200 Comments See Salary Allocation sheet 2/3 small mower (s/a 211) $15k for Kepple and Winstrom plans per CIP For all park facilities, including community centers For all park facilities, including community centers For all park facilities, including community centers Expect substantial activity in repair and maintenance again. Fence repairs, tree work, 50,000 tennis nets, soccer nets, pickle ball striping on existing tennis courts, etc. 500 $50k Road End improvements; added $30k for trail mnt at Stu Visser Trail per Capital 80,000 Improvement Plan 334,465 75 GL NUMBER Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 208‐966‐965.008 208‐966‐990.000 DESCRIPTION Reforestation Adm Fees 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments 10,000 Costs to replant trees in various locations 65,000 Adm fees to General Fund as per schedule Total Dept 966‐MISCELANEOUS 75,000 TOTAL Expenditures 589,529 FUND RECAP 208: PARKS AND RECREATION TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 660,367 589,529 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES Includes $100,000 transfer from the General Fund. Expenditures include $45,000 from 70,838 CIP plan. 76 Parks and Recreation Projections Actual 2012-2014, Projected 2015 Budgeted 2016, Forecasted 2017-2031 2012 $440,963 133,233 574,196 2013 $456,601 137,326 593,927 2014 $451,370 127,116 578,486 2015 $463,077 107,385 570,462 2016 $472,000 100,000 88,367 660,367 2017 $485,216 100,000 90,134 675,350 2018 $492,005 100,000 91,937 683,942 2019 $500,160 100,000 93,776 693,936 2020 $505,909 100,000 95,651 701,560 2021 $511,724 100,000 97,562 709,286 18,514 474,402 58,071 465,264 16,127 490,483 7,000 453,376 119,000 470,529 450,000 472,521 150,000 483,612 150,000 495,051 150,000 506,853 150,000 519,030 Total Expenditures 492,916 523,335 506,610 460,376 589,529 922,521 633,612 645,051 656,853 669,030 Fund Balance 279,871 $350,463 $422,339 $532,425 $603,263 $356,092 $406,422 $455,307 $500,014 $540,270 2022 $517,606 100,000 99,512 2023 $523,555 100,000 101,505 2024 $529,572 100,000 103,535 2025 $535,657 100,000 105,606 2026 $541,813 100,000 107,718 2027 $548,038 100,000 109,872 2028 $554,334 100,000 112,069 2029 $566,366 100,000 114,311 2030 $572,876 100,000 116,596 2031 $579,461 100,000 118,928 Total Revenues 717,118 725,060 733,107 741,263 749,531 757,910 766,403 780,677 789,472 798,389 Uses: Capital Outlay All Other Expenditures 190,000 531,598 150,000 544,574 150,000 557,968 150,000 571,801 150,000 586,091 150,000 600,852 150,000 616,098 190,000 631,858 150,000 648,149 150,000 664,990 Total Expenditures 721,598 694,574 707,968 721,801 736,091 750,852 766,098 821,858 798,149 814,990 Fund Balance 535,790 $566,275 $591,414 $610,876 $624,316 $631,374 $631,679 $590,498 $581,820 $565,219 Sources: Taxes Transfers In Other Total Revenues Uses: Capital Outlay All Other Expenditures Sources: Taxes Transfers In Other Assumptions: Assumes taxable value increases 1.5% per year for 2017 and 2018, and 1.25% per year thereafter; salary COLA of 3% for 2017-2031; most other revenues and expenditures reflect increases of 2% per year. Capital outlay of $150,000 per year, General Fund transfer of $100,000 per year With capital outlay averaging $150,000 per year for 2018 - 2031 and a transfer from the General Fund of $100,000 per year, fund balance declines, but stays out of deficit through 2031. However, further park development would likely mean higher operating costs to maintain them, and this has not been factored into expenditures. $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 Sensitivity: If taxes increase by 1.5% per year for 2019 - 2031, the ending fund balance in 2031 increases to $614,000. $200,000 $100,000 $0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Sources 2017 2018 2019 Capital Outlay 77 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other Expenditures 2024 2025 2026 Fund Balance 2027 2028 2029 2030 BIKE PATH 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 1,021,279 1,120,860 1,216,155 1,394,345 1,629,835 1,398,269 1,261,006 1,461,435 1,449,187 + Revenues 492,445 496,302 502,829 385,399 374,634 371,160 378,357 386,452 434,250 - Expenditures 392,864 401,007 324,639 149,909 606,200 508,423 177,928 398,700 743,923 1,120,860 1,216,155 1,394,345 1,629,835 1,398,269 1,261,006 1,461,435 1,449,187 1,139,514 Beginning Balance Ending Fund Balance 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 FUND BALANCES 2011-2012 2014-2015 estimated $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 + Revenues 2010-2011 2011-2012 - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 estimated 2015-2016 proposed Ending Fund Balance The Bike Path fund includes a combination of both ongoing operational costs as well as periodic capital outlay. As a result, activity will vary significantly in this fund. The 2016 budget reflects repaving the remainder of 168th and the retaining wall at 168th and Perry. 78 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 361,093 13,643 3,621 ‐ 368,400 13,000 3,000 ‐ 370,452 13,000 3,000 ‐ 378,000 12,750 3,500 40,000 Total Dept 378,357 384,400 386,452 434,250 TOTAL Revenues 378,357 384,400 386,452 434,250 45,612 2,784 651 5,096 15,085 5,112 1,421 357 5,078 ‐ 6,054 420 420 25,411 8,052 375 56,000 52,950 3,300 800 3,000 18,100 5,750 1,650 1,000 3,750 ‐ 10,000 500 500 25,000 5,400 350,000 59,000 52,950 3,300 800 3,000 18,100 6,150 1,650 1,000 3,750 ‐ 26,000 500 500 15,000 7,000 200,000 59,000 63,000 3,906 914 ‐ 24,457 7,504 2,392 1,000 3,750 4,000 15,000 500 500 12,000 210,000 350,000 45,000 177,928 540,700 398,700 743,923 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x BIKE PATH FUND Fund 211 ‐ BIKE PATH FUND Revenues 211‐000‐403.000 211‐000‐539.001 211‐000‐664.000 211‐000‐673.000 Expenditures Dept 755‐Bike Path 211‐755‐702.000 211‐755‐715.000 211‐755‐715.002 211‐755‐716.000 211‐755‐717.000 211‐755‐719.000 211‐755‐720.000 211‐755‐727.000 211‐755‐729.000 211‐755‐740.000 211‐755‐801.000 211‐755‐829.000 211‐755‐850.000 211‐755‐930.000 211‐755‐971.000 211‐755‐975.000 211‐755‐990.000 Current Taxes State Grants ‐ Metro Authority Interest Sale of Fixed Assets Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Unemployment FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Supplies Gas & Oil Small Equipment Professional Fees Uniforms Telephone Repair & Maint Equipment Construction Adm Fees Total Dept 751‐Bike Path 79 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget TOTAL Expenditures 177,928 540,700 398,700 743,923 FUND RECAP 211: BIKE PATH TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 378,357 177,928 384,400 540,700 386,452 398,700 434,250 743,923 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 200,429 (156,300) (12,248) (309,673) GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 80 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments BIKE PATH FUND Fund 211 ‐ BIKE PATH FUND Revenues 211‐000‐403.000 211‐000‐539.001 211‐000‐664.000 211‐000‐673.000 Current Taxes State Grants ‐ Metro Authority Interest Sale of Fixed Assets 378,000 12,750 3,500 40,000 Sale of used equipment Total Dept 434,250 TOTAL Revenues 434,250 Expenditures Dept 755‐Bike Path 211‐755‐702.000 211‐755‐715.000 211‐755‐715.002 211‐755‐716.000 211‐755‐717.000 211‐755‐719.000 211‐755‐720.000 211‐755‐727.000 211‐755‐729.000 211‐755‐740.000 211‐755‐801.000 211‐755‐829.000 211‐755‐850.000 211‐755‐930.000 211‐755‐971.000 211‐755‐975.000 211‐755‐990.000 Salaries Social Security WH Medicare EE Unemployment FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Supplies Gas & Oil Small Equipment Professional Fees Uniforms Telephone Repair & Maint Equipment 63,000 See Salary Allocation sheet 3,906 914 ‐ 24,457 7,504 2,392 1,000 3,750 4,000 2/3 small mower (s/a 208) 15,000 500 500 12,000 210,000 Replace both Trackless and attachments, 2/3 of small mower Construction Adm Fees Repave remainder of 168th, retaining wall at 168th and Perry ($188k). Added $112,000 350,000 for bike system signage per CIP; added $50k for road widening for bikes ‐ 152nd Ave 45,000 Admin fees paid to General Fund, per schedule Total Dept 751‐Bike Path 743,923 TOTAL Expenditures 743,923 81 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments FUND RECAP 211: BIKE PATH TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 434,250 743,923 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (309,673) Fund balance use is in connection with capital expenditures 82 Bike Paths Fund Projections Actual 2012-2014, Projected 2015 Budgeted 2016, Forecasted 2017-2031 Sources Taxes Other Revenue Total Revenues Uses Capital Outlay All Other Expenditures Total Expenditures Fund Balance Sources Taxes Other Revenue Total Revenues Uses Capital Outlay All Other Expenditures Total Expenditures Fund Balance 2012 $352,768 21,865 374,633 2013 $353,087 18,073 371,160 2014 $361,093 17,264 378,357 2015 $370,452 16,000 386,452 2016 $378,000 56,250 434,250 2017 $388,159 16,320 404,479 2018 $393,590 16,391 409,981 2019 $400,114 16,464 416,578 2020 $404,713 16,538 421,251 2021 $409,365 16,614 425,979 431,829 174,371 606,200 323,494 184,929 508,423 8,427 169,501 177,928 207,000 191,700 398,700 560,000 183,923 743,923 230,000 187,504 417,504 230,000 191,542 421,542 230,000 195,699 425,699 230,000 199,983 429,983 230,000 204,397 434,397 $1,398,268 $1,261,005 $1,461,434 $1,449,186 $1,139,513 $1,126,488 $1,114,927 $1,105,806 $1,097,074 $1,088,656 2022 $414,071 $16,691 430,762 2023 $418,830 16,770 435,600 2024 $423,644 16,850 440,494 2025 $428,512 16,932 445,444 2026 $433,436 17,016 450,452 2027 $438,417 17,101 455,518 2028 $443,454 17,188 460,642 2029 $453,080 17,277 470,357 2030 $458,289 17,368 475,657 2031 $463,557 63,460 527,017 230,000 208,942 438,942 230,000 213,624 443,624 230,000 218,447 448,447 230,000 223,417 453,417 230,000 228,539 458,539 230,000 233,817 463,817 230,000 239,256 469,256 230,000 244,863 474,863 230,000 250,640 480,640 474,000 256,594 730,594 $1,080,476 $1,072,452 $1,064,499 $1,056,526 $1,048,439 $1,040,140 $1,031,526 $1,027,019 $1,022,036 $818,458 Assumptions Assumes a taxable value increase of 1.5% per year for 2017 and 2018, and 1.25% per year thereafter; salary cola of 3% per year for 2017-2031; most other revenues and expenditures reflect increases of 2% per year for 2017-2031. Capital Outlay of $230,000 per year Based on the assumptions indicated, the fund can afford an average of $230,000 in capital outlay per year. However, additional bike paths would likely mean higher operating costs to maintain them, and this has not been factored into expenditures. $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 Sensitivity: If taxes increase by 1.5% per year for 2019-2031, fund balance at the close of 2031 increases to $968,000. $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2012 2013 2014 Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Capital Outlay 83 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Other Expenditures 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Fund Balance 2031 STREET LIGHTING 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beginning Balance - - - - - 24,667 31,065 42,443 41,362 + Revenues - - - - 146,532 140,910 145,751 141,919 142,000 - Expenditures - - - - 121,865 134,512 134,373 143,000 142,500 Ending Fund Balance - - - - 24,667 31,065 42,443 41,362 40,862 FUND BALANCES 2010-2011 2014-2015 estimated $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 2011-2012 2012-2013 + Revenues 2013-2014 - Expenditures 2014-2015 estimated 2015-2016 proposed Ending Fund Balance The Street Lighting fund contains operational costs. Revenues and expenditures are close, but expenditures are slightly exceeding revenues. Assessments charged may need to be increased slightly in the near future, as the fund does not have a large fund balance. 84 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget STREET LIGHTING FUND Fund 219 ‐ STREET LIGHTING FUND Revenues 219‐000‐404.000 219‐000‐664.000 Street Light Assessments Interest Earned 145,683 145,000 141,883 142,000 36 ‐ 68 ‐ Total Dept 145,751 145,000 141,919 142,000 TOTAL Revenues 145,751 145,000 141,919 142,000 134,373 ‐ 140,000 5,000 138,000 5,000 140,000 2,500 TOTAL Expenditures 134,373 145,000 143,000 142,500 FUND RECAP 219: STREET LIGHTING TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 145,751 134,373 145,000 145,000 141,919 143,000 142,000 142,500 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 11,378 ‐ (1,081) (500) Expenditures Dept 448‐Street Lighting Fund 219‐448‐920.000 219‐448‐990.000 Light and Power Admin Fees 85 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments STREET LIGHTING FUND Fund 219 ‐ STREET LIGHTING FUND Revenues 219‐000‐404.000 219‐000‐664.000 Total Dept Street Light Assessments Interest Earned TOTAL Revenues Expenditures Dept 448‐Street Lighting Fund 219‐448‐920.000 219‐448‐990.000 142,000 Annual receipts for street light districts ($6 or $21 per parcel) ‐ 142,000 142,000 Light and Power Admin Fees 140,000 2,500 TOTAL Expenditures 142,500 FUND RECAP 219: STREET LIGHTING TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 142,000 142,500 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (500) 86 WEST MICHIGAN AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beginning Balance - - - - - - - 6 - + Revenues - - - - - - 90,262 92,100 95,000 - Expenditures - - - - - - 90,256 92,106 95,000 Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - 6 - - FUND BALANCES 2010-2011 2014-2015 estimated The West Michigan Airport Authority fund is primarily an in and out fund. The Township collects taxes for the airport and transfers the money to them as tax revenue comes in. LIBRARY 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2015-2016 proposed 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beginning Balance - - - - - - - 70 - + Revenues - - - - - 1,122,871 1,134,839 1,157,800 1,180,000 - Expenditures - - - - - 1,122,871 1,134,769 1,157,870 1,180,000 Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - 70 - - FUND BALANCES 2010-2011 2014-2015 estimated The Library fund is primarily an in and out fund. The Township collects taxes for the Herrick District Library and transfers the money to them as tax revenue comes in. 87 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 90,256 6 92,100 ‐ 92,100 ‐ 95,000 ‐ 90,262 92,100 92,100 95,000 90,256 92,100 92,106 95,000 TOTAL Expenditures 90,256 92,100 92,106 95,000 FUND RECAP 241: WMAA TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 90,262 90,256 92,100 92,100 92,100 92,106 95,000 95,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 6 ‐ (6) ‐ 1,134,769 70 1,157,800 ‐ 1,157,800 ‐ 1,180,000 ‐ 1,134,839 1,157,800 1,157,800 1,180,000 1,134,769 1,157,800 1,157,870 1,180,000 TOTAL Expenditures 1,134,769 1,157,800 1,157,870 1,180,000 FUND RECAP 271: LIBRARY FUND TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,134,839 1,134,769 1,157,800 1,157,800 1,157,800 1,157,870 1,180,000 1,180,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 70 ‐ (70) ‐ GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x WEST MICHIGAN AIRPORT AUTHORITY FUND Fund 241 ‐WMAA FUND Revenues 241‐000‐403.000 241‐000‐664.000 Current Taxes Interest Earned TOTAL Revenues Expenditures Dept 241‐WMAA 241‐000‐831.000 Airport Authority Tax Collection LIBRARY FUND Fund 271 ‐LIBRARY FUND Revenues 271‐000‐403.000 271‐000‐664.000 Current Taxes Interest Earned TOTAL Revenues Expenditures Dept 271‐LIBRARY FUND 271‐000‐830.000 Herrick Library Tax Collection 88 SEWER DISTRIBUTION FUND 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 1,287,714 839,419 889,697 Beginning Fund Balance + Revenues Special Assessments Interest Misc Total Revenues - Expenses Public works Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 2011-2012 917,428 2012-2013 933,924 2013-2014 975,139 2014-2015 estimated 1,012,961 2015-2016 proposed 1,084,161 97,942 28,552 126,494 83,330 23,987 107,317 69,716 20,182 500 90,398 92,774 21,169 1,769 115,712 76,377 18,886 1,070 96,333 106,091 19,030 2,860 127,981 82,000 19,200 2,500 103,700 75,068 18,158 1,800 95,026 3,254 571,535 574,789 6,039 51,000 57,039 11,667 51,000 62,667 57,216 42,000 99,216 15,118 40,000 55,118 2,849 63,310 24,000 90,159 7,500 25,000 32,500 2,460 15,000 17,460 839,419 889,697 917,428 933,924 975,139 1,012,961 1,084,161 1,161,727 $1,400,000 Revenues & Expenditures $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 + Revenues - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Ending Fund Balance estimated 2015-2016 proposed The Sewer Distribution fund includes a combination of both ongoing operational costs as well as periodic capital outlay. As a result, activity can vary significantly in this fund. 89 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 2,860 4,183 14,847 106,091 3,000 2,000 15,000 98,000 2,500 3,200 16,000 82,000 1,800 3,950 14,208 75,068 Total Dept 127,981 118,000 103,700 95,026 TOTAL Revenues 127,981 118,000 103,700 95,026 881 1,775 193 63,310 24,000 1,000 2,000 ‐ ‐ 25,000 5,500 2,000 ‐ ‐ 25,000 1,000 1,460 ‐ ‐ 15,000 Total Dept 90,159 28,000 32,500 17,460 TOTAL Expenditures 90,159 28,000 32,500 17,460 FUND RECAP 351: SEWER TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 127,981 90,159 118,000 28,000 103,700 32,500 95,026 17,460 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 37,822 90,000 71,200 77,566 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x SEWER FUND Fund 351 ‐ SEWER REVENUES 351‐000‐477.000 351‐000‐664.000 351‐000‐664.003 351‐000‐672.000 Expenditures 351‐000‐804.000 351‐000‐963.000 351‐000‐963.003 351‐000‐975.000 351‐000‐990.000 Sewer Inspection Fees Interest Earned Interest on Assessments Special Assessments Engineering Fees REU fees (south side) Sanitary Laterals Sewer Lines Construction Adm Fees 90 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments SEWER FUND Fund 351 ‐ SEWER REVENUES 351‐000‐477.000 351‐000‐664.000 351‐000‐664.003 Sewer Inspection Fees Interest Earned Interest on Assessments 351‐000‐672.000 Special Assessments 1,800 Hook up fees for sewer 3,950 14,208 Interest from special assessment districts 2016 represents a 10% decrease from 2015 projected. No new developments or SADs 75,068 expected. Total Dept 95,026 TOTAL Revenues 95,026 Expenditures 351‐000‐804.000 351‐000‐963.000 351‐000‐990.000 Engineering Fees REU fees (south side) Adm Fees 1,000 1,460 Fees to BPW to hook up on south side 15,000 Admin fees paid to General Fund, as per schedule Total Dept 17,460 TOTAL Expenditures 17,460 FUND RECAP 351: SEWER TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,026 17,460 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 77,566 91 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 1,268,522 1,274,810 877,945 812,872 Beginning Fund Balance + Revenues Interest Misc Total Revenues - Expenses Public works Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures 24,423 76 24,499 Ending Fund Balance Assigned: Fire Equipment Cemetery Park West Drain Township Improvement 15,424 (5,091) 10,333 5,927 5,927 3,280 200,000 203,280 5,355 185,950 191,305 6,756 1,661,250 1,668,006 7,300 2,172,938 2,180,238 6,178 115,000 121,178 66,195 66,195 1,495,915 75,000 1,570,915 10,500 10,500 148 387,050 20,000 407,198 71,000 71,000 1,274,810 877,945 812,872 1,016,152 1,207,457 2,809,268 3,418,591 3,529,269 250,000 135,950 812,872 200,000 816,152 300,000 247,200 1,500,000 762,068 400,000 257,050 2,761,541 500,000 261,550 2,767,719 877,945 - 2015-2016 Proposed 3,418,591 103 18,108 18,211 1,274,810 - 2012-2013 1,016,152 2014-2015 2013-2014 Estimated 1,207,457 2,809,268 821,507 $4,000,000 Revenues & Expenditures $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 + Revenues - Expenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Ending Fund Balance estimated 2015-2016 proposed The Capital Improvement Fund accounts for primarily capital outlay, so activity will vary significantly. The large increases in the 2013-2015 period reflect the Park West Drain funding. FY 2014-2015 reflects the transfer of $2 million from the General Fund. 92 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 6,756 ‐ 1,661,250 6,000 ‐ 115,000 7,300 57,938 2,115,000 6,178 ‐ 115,000 Total Dept 1,668,006 121,000 2,180,238 121,178 TOTAL Revenues 1,668,006 121,000 2,180,238 121,178 33,769 32,427 ‐ ‐ ‐ 55,000 14,000 ‐ ‐ 55,000 1,440,915 75,000 ‐ ‐ 10,500 ‐ Total Dept 66,196 69,000 1,570,915 10,500 TOTAL Expenditures 66,196 69,000 1,570,915 10,500 FUND RECAP 403: TOWNSHIP IMPROVEMENT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,668,006 66,196 121,000 69,000 2,180,238 1,570,915 121,178 10,500 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1,601,810 52,000 609,323 110,678 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Fund 403 ‐ Capital Projects Fund Revenues 403‐000‐664.000 403‐000‐671.000 403‐000‐699.000 Expenditures 403‐000‐971.000 403‐000‐972.000 403‐000‐973.000 403‐000‐999.000 Interest Earned Miscellaneous Income Transfer From Other fund Equip Building Improvements Land Improvements Transfer Out 93 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Fund 403 ‐ Capital Projects Fund Revenues 403‐000‐664.000 403‐000‐699.000 Interest Earned Transfer From Other fund 2012 dry line assmt ‐ 10 years (current balance = $56,301*6%=$3,378+$2,800 CD 6,178 interest) 115,000 Fire/Cemetery Total Dept 121,178 TOTAL Revenues 121,178 Expenditures 403‐000‐973.000 403‐000‐999.000 Land Improvements Transfer Out 10,500 For remainder of cemetery expansion ‐ Total Dept 10,500 TOTAL Expenditures 10,500 FUND RECAP 403: TOWNSHIP IMPROVEMENT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 121,178 10,500 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 110,678 94 LOCAL STREETS FUND 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Beginning Fund Balance 2013-2014 - + Revenues Taxes Interest Transfer In - - - - - Total Revenues - - - - - 2014-2015 Estimated - 2015-2016 Proposed 462,711 - 462,461 250 - 473,000 500 150,000 - 462,711 623,500 - Expenses Public works Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures - - - - - - Ending Fund Balance - - - - - - 462,711 2,153 600,000 7,500 609,653 476,558 In November of 2014, Park Township citizens approved a .5 mill levy for local street repair and maintenance. The actual schedule and timeline for specific streets is under development and will be a coordinated effort to ensure minimal disruption for citizens and visitors and fiscally advantageous combined efforts among various branches of government. 95 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Local Streets Fund 404 ‐ Local Streets Revenues 404‐000‐403.000 404‐000‐664.000 Current Taxes ‐ Local Streets Interest Earned ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 462,461 250 473,000 500 404‐000‐699.000 Transfer From Other Fund ‐ ‐ ‐ 150,000 Total Dept ‐ ‐ 462,711 623,500 TOTAL Revenues ‐ ‐ 462,711 623,500 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,000 124 29 600,000 7,500 Total Dept ‐ ‐ ‐ 609,653 TOTAL Expenditures ‐ ‐ ‐ 609,653 FUND RECAP 404: LOCAL STREETS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 462,711 ‐ 623,500 609,653 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES ‐ ‐ 462,711 13,847 Expenditures 404‐901‐702.000 404‐901‐715.000 404‐901‐715.002 404‐901‐975.000 404‐901‐990.000 Salary Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Hwy & Streets ‐ Construction Adm. Fees 96 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments Local Streets Fund 404 ‐ Local Streets Revenues 404‐000‐403.000 404‐000‐664.000 404‐000‐699.000 Current Taxes ‐ Local Streets Interest Earned Transfer From Other Fund 473,000 500 150,000 Total Dept 623,500 TOTAL Revenues 623,500 Expenditures 404‐901‐702.000 404‐901‐715.000 404‐901‐715.002 404‐901‐975.000 404‐901‐990.000 Salary Social Security Ee Medicare Ee Hwy & Streets ‐ Construction Adm. Fees 2,000 124 29 600,000 Based on previously determined estimate of cost to maintain local streets 7,500 Total Dept 609,653 TOTAL Expenditures 609,653 FUND RECAP 404: LOCAL STREETS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 623,500 609,653 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 13,847 97 PARK TOWNSHIP AIRPORT FUND 2008-2009 Beginning Net Assets 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Estimated 2015-2016 Proposed - - - - - - - 3,500 - - - - - - - 24,000 40,000 64,000 - - - - - - - 20,000 12,000 6,000 9,600 1,564 2,500 5,600 57,264 Interest Income - - - - - - - 50 Loss before contributions - - - - - - - 6,786 Capital contributions - - - - - - 3,500 - Transfer In/(Out) - - - - - - - 12,766 Change in Net assets - - - - - - 3,500 19,552 Ending Net Assets - - - - - - 3,500 23,052 + Operating Revenues Fuel Sales Hanger Rental Misc -Operating Expenses Fuel Professional Fees Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Depreciation Misc Misc Although the Township has always owned the airport, it had previously leased all operations to Ottawa Aviation. Effective 4/1/15, operations are expected to be returned to the Township. 98 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget PARK TOWNSHIP AIRPORT Fund 581 ‐ Park Township Airport Operating Revenues 581‐000‐644.000 Fuel Sales 581‐000‐667.000 Hanger Rental ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 24,000 40,000 TOTAL Operating Revenues ‐ ‐ ‐ 64,000 Operating Expenses 581‐853‐729.000 581‐853‐801.000 581‐853‐803.000 581‐853‐920.000 581‐853‐922.000 581‐853‐930.000 581‐853‐960.000 581‐853‐968.000 581‐853‐990.000 Total Operating Expenses Gas & Oil‐Vehicles Professional Fees Purchased Services Light & Power Heat Repairs & Maint Insurance Depreciation Expense Admin Fees ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,000 12,000 4,600 5,500 500 9,600 1,000 1,564 2,500 57,264 Non‐Operating Revenue 581‐000‐664.000 581‐000‐699.000 Total Interest Income Interest Earned Transfers In ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50 12,766 12,816 ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,552 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,500 3,500 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,500 19,552 Income (Loss) before contribution Capital Contributions 581‐000‐675.000 Total Capital Contributions Donations/Contributions Change in Net Assets 99 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget FUND RECAP 581: PARK TOWNSHIP AIRPORT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENSES ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,500 ‐ 76,816 57,264 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENSES ‐ ‐ 3,500 19,552 100 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments PARK TOWNSHIP AIRPORT Fund 581 ‐ Park Township Airport Operating Revenues 581‐000‐644.000 Fuel Sales 581‐000‐667.000 Hanger Rental 24,000 40,000 TOTAL Operating Revenues 64,000 Operating Expenses 581‐853‐729.000 581‐853‐801.000 581‐853‐803.000 581‐853‐920.000 581‐853‐922.000 581‐853‐930.000 581‐853‐960.000 581‐853‐968.000 581‐853‐990.000 Total Operating Expenses Gas & Oil‐Vehicles Professional Fees Purchased Services Light & Power Heat Repairs & Maint Insurance Depreciation Expense Admin Fees 20,000 12,000 Contractual manager 4,600 Snow removal/mowing/grounds work 5,500 500 9,600 1,000 1,564 2,500 57,264 Non‐Operating Revenue 581‐000‐664.000 581‐000‐699.000 Total Interest Income Interest Earned Transfers In 50 12,766 Book value of airport capital assets 12,816 Income (Loss) before contribution 19,552 Capital Contributions 581‐000‐675.000 Total Capital Contributions ‐ ‐ Donations/Contributions Change in Net Assets 19,552 FUND RECAP 581: PARK TOWNSHIP AIRPORT TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENSES 76,816 57,264 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENSES 19,552 101 Ottawa Aviation WATER OPERATING FUND 2008-2009 Beginning Net Assets 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Estimated 2015-2016 Proposed 6,231,129 6,497,563 6,296,012 6,256,405 6,428,029 6,479,930 6,748,772 6,791,913 864,256 39,258 903,514 911,488 24,163 35,000 1,667 972,318 1,100,655 50,941 8,090 1,159,686 1,105,307 37,354 50,000 1,192,661 1,347,010 54,432 50,000 2,318 1,453,760 1,178,757 56,591 50,000 1,285,348 1,085,000 51,750 50,000 5,455 1,192,205 1,085,000 51,000 50,000 1,186,000 597,517 34,591 5,420 89,785 190,134 3,159 18,504 254,202 9,118 1,202,430 639,091 32,261 4,007 73,359 200,964 5,297 22,182 255,920 90,681 1,323,762 668,739 1,418 4,589 65,282 202,627 3,013 25,584 257,026 31,518 1,259,796 606,597 36,395 4,192 65,134 180,539 2,251 4,386 259,344 3,365 1,162,203 796,703 36,143 4,419 91,615 184,497 6,309 5,920 261,768 9,767 1,397,141 614,197 38,083 5,134 96,224 179,635 6,103 4,484 263,597 50,024 1,257,481 550,000 39,000 5,500 101,000 168,000 8,500 4,595 266,200 56,957 1,199,752 600,000 39,000 5,900 101,000 185,000 8,500 4,500 292,800 55,424 1,292,124 15,129 12,393 10,363 13,266 15,812 17,784 17,500 16,250 (283,787) (339,051) (89,747) 43,724 72,431 45,651 9,953 (89,874) 49,170 117,500 50,140 198,900 50,470 268,191 83,188 90,870 Transfer In/(Out) 501,051 20,000 - (71,000) (71,000) (45,000) (50,000) (65,000) Change in Net assets 266,434 (201,551) (39,607) 171,624 51,901 268,842 43,141 (64,004) 6,428,029 6,479,930 6,748,772 6,791,913 + Operating Revenues Water Billings Connection Charges Hydrant Rentals Misc -Operating Expenses Purchase of Water Hydrants Utilities Connection repairs Operating Fees Supplies Prof Services Depreciation Misc Interest Income Loss before contributions Capital contributions Ending Net Assets 6,497,563 6,296,012 6,256,405 102 6,727,909 Historical Water Usage Water Fund - Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses $1,500,000 $1,400,000 $1,300,000 $1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 2009 2010 2011 1st Q 2nd Q 2012 3rd Q 2013 2009 2014 4th Q Water usage between 2013 and 2014 decreased by 11.4% 2010 2011 2012 Operating Revenue 2013 2014 2015 2016 Operating Expenses Water Fund Expenses by Type Though many of the expenses in Water Fund vary with usage, some stay fairly steady (e.g., Depreciation) or vary due to other causes than usage (e.g., operating fees). This contributes to the net results of operations in the graph above right. Operating expenses are exceeding operating revenue. As a result, a change in rates charged to customers may be necessary. Purchase of Water Connection repairs Operating Fees Depreciation All Other 103 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget WATER FUND Fund 591 ‐ WATER FUND Operating Revenues Water Billings 591‐000‐642.000 Connection Charges 591‐000‐601.000 Plan Review Income 591‐000‐626.000 Hydrant Rentals 591‐000‐670.000 Misc. 591‐000‐671.000 TOTAL Operating Revenues Operating Expenses Purchase of Water 591‐000‐963.001 Hydrants 591‐000‐940.000 Utilities 591‐000‐920.000 591‐000‐922.000 Total Utilities Connection Repairs 591‐000‐805.000 591‐000‐930.000 591‐000‐963.000 Total Connection Repairs Water Bills 1,178,757 1,190,000 1,085,000 1,085,000 WATER CONNECTION 56,591 63,000 51,750 51,000 ‐ ‐ 4,046 ‐ Hydrant Rentals 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Miscellaneous Income ‐ 1,285,348 ‐ 1,303,000 1,409 1,192,205 ‐ 1,186,000 Water Use 614,197 654,500 550,000 600,000 Hydrant Rental & Maint Exp 38,083 39,000 39,000 39,000 Electric Gas 3,975 1,159 5,134 4,200 1,000 5,200 4,500 1,000 5,500 4,900 1,000 5,900 MISS DIG System Maintenance Water Service Lines 8,895 179 87,150 96,224 15,000 ‐ 90,000 105,000 11,000 ‐ 90,000 101,000 11,000 ‐ 90,000 101,000 Operating Fees 104 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 591‐000‐963.002 591‐000‐731.000 Total Operating Fees Operating Fees Agent Fees (Ottawa County) 178,875 760 179,635 200,000 ‐ 200,000 168,000 ‐ 168,000 185,000 ‐ 185,000 Supplies 1,075 1,700 1,700 1,700 Water ‐ Eng Fees 4,484 4,500 4,595 4,500 Depreciation Expense 263,597 266,200 266,200 268,500 Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Postage Professional Fees Professional Fees Mich Water Supply Annual Rpt Printing & Pub Interest Expense Adm Fees 27,379 1,677 392 5,757 3,479 510 5,028 ‐ ‐ 6,280 ‐ 4,550 45,000 28,150 1,750 400 8,150 3,800 750 5,700 ‐ ‐ 6,500 ‐ 4,100 49,000 28,150 1,750 400 8,150 3,800 750 6,800 382 2,583 5,500 1,392 4,100 50,000 29,200 1,811 424 8,303 3,913 773 6,800 500 23,800 6,500 ‐ 4,500 65,000 Total Misc. 100,052 108,300 113,757 151,524 Total Operating Expenses 1,302,481 1,384,400 1,249,752 1,357,124 2,178 15,606 17,784 1,700 15,500 17,200 2,000 15,500 17,500 2,000 14,250 16,250 Supplies 591‐000‐727.000 Professional Services 591‐000‐804.000 Depreciation 591‐000‐968.000 Misc. 591‐000‐702.000 591‐000‐715.000 591‐000‐715.002 591‐000‐717.000 591‐000‐719.000 591‐000‐720.000 591‐000‐728.000 591‐000‐801.000 591‐000‐801.000.#79IDLEWOD 591‐000‐806.000 591‐000‐900.000.#79IDLEWOD 591‐000‐995.000 591‐000‐990.000 Interest Income 591‐000‐664.000 591‐000‐664.003 Total Interest Income x 2013‐2014 Actual 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Interest Earned Interest on Assessments 105 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION x Income (Loss) before contribution 2013‐2014 Actual 2014‐2015 Budget 2014‐2015 Estimated 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 651 (64,200) (40,047) (154,874) 83,260 184,931 268,191 87,000 ‐ 87,000 83,188 ‐ 83,188 90,870 ‐ 90,870 Change in Net Assets 268,842 22,800 43,141 (64,004) FUND RECAP 591: WATER TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,571,323 1,302,481 1,407,200 1,384,400 1,292,893 1,249,752 1,293,120 1,357,124 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 268,842 22,800 43,141 (64,004) TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 7,478,083 6,758,956 719,127 5,932,720 8,651,031 6,811,357 6,058,515 9,331,152 6,984,054 (125,795) (680,121) (172,697) TOTAL ALL FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 9,049,406 8,061,437 987,969 7,339,920 9,947,424 8,181,293 7,442,915 10,580,904 8,398,442 (102,995) (633,480) (217,149) Capital Contributions 591‐000‐672.000 591‐000‐675.000 Total Capital Contributions Assessment Principal Donations/Contributions 106 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments WATER FUND Fund 591 ‐ WATER FUND Operating Revenues Water Billings 591‐000‐642.000 Connection Charges 591‐000‐601.000 Plan Review Income 591‐000‐626.000 Hydrant Rentals 591‐000‐670.000 Misc. 591‐000‐671.000 TOTAL Operating Revenues Water Bills 1,085,000 Water usage continues to decrease. 3rd Q billings down 16.6% over 3rd Q 2014. WATER CONNECTION 51,000 Fees for water taps, hookups ‐ Hydrant Rentals 50,000 Transfer In from General Fund (Fire) Miscellaneous Income ‐ 1,186,000 Operating Expenses Purchase of Water 591‐000‐963.001 Hydrants 591‐000‐940.000 Utilities 591‐000‐920.000 591‐000‐922.000 Total Utilities Connection Repairs 591‐000‐805.000 591‐000‐930.000 591‐000‐963.000 Total Connection Repairs Water Use @ 12/31/13, 77.5% of total was spent. Applying % to 2014 would result in $550,000 for 600,000 FY 2015. Adding 10% for FY 2016 because FY 2015 was particularly wet. Hydrant Rental & Maint Exp 39,000 Electric Gas 4,900 1,000 5,900 MISS DIG System Maintenance Water Service Lines 11,000 Costs for MISS DIG services (underground work, flagging of lines) ‐ 90,000 Repairs/maint for water services/taps 101,000 Operating Fees 107 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 591‐000‐963.002 591‐000‐731.000 Total Operating Fees Operating Fees Agent Fees (Ottawa County) Supplies 591‐000‐727.000 Professional Services 591‐000‐804.000 Depreciation 591‐000‐968.000 Misc. 591‐000‐702.000 591‐000‐715.000 591‐000‐715.002 591‐000‐717.000 591‐000‐719.000 591‐000‐720.000 591‐000‐728.000 591‐000‐801.000 591‐000‐801.000.#79IDLEWOD 591‐000‐806.000 591‐000‐900.000.#79IDLEWOD 591‐000‐995.000 591‐000‐999.000 591‐000‐990.000 Total Misc. Comments Fees for repairs and maintenance from Holland Charter Twp; @ 12/31/13, 49.2% of total was spent. Applying % to 2014 would result in $168,000 for FY 2015. Rounded up 185,000 to $176k for 2016. ‐ 185,000 Supplies 1,700 Water ‐ Eng Fees 4,500 Cost for engineering for all water system related issues Depreciation Expense 268,500 Accounting entry for depreciation of all system fixed assets Salaries Social Security Ee Medicare Ee FRNG BEN ‐ HOSPITALIZATION INS FRINGE BEN ‐ RETIREMENT PLAN FRNG BEN ‐ OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Postage Professional Fees Professional Fees 29,200 See Salary Allocation sheet 1,811 424 8,303 3,913 773 6,800 Utility billing postage 500 23,800 Mich Water Supply Annual Rpt Printing & Pub Interest Expense Transfer out Adm Fees 6,500 Publishing required annual water quality report ($2,000) plus annual DEQ fee ($4,500) ‐ 4,500 Interest for SAD loan from Capital Improvement Fund ‐ 65,000 Admin fees paid to General Fund 151,524 Total Operating Expenses Interest Income 591‐000‐664.000 591‐000‐664.003 Total Interest Income 2015‐2016 Approved Budget 1,357,124 Interest Earned Interest on Assessments 2,000 14,250 Interest portion of Special Assessments 16,250 108 GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Income (Loss) before contribution 2015‐2016 Approved Budget Comments (154,874) May need to adjust rates Capital Contributions 591‐000‐672.000 591‐000‐675.000 Total Capital Contributions Assessment Principal Donations/Contributions Principal portion of Special Assessments; Est 2015 less 10% for no development on 90,870 horizon, but added $16k for Idlewood ‐ 90,870 Change in Net Assets (64,004) FUND RECAP 591: WATER TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,293,120 1,357,124 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (64,004) TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 6,811,357 6,984,054 (172,697) TOTAL ALL FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 8,181,293 8,398,442 (217,149) 109
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