Email: [email protected] Phone: 7626 709 Mobile: 027 755 5528 Our school mission is to provide a safe and caring environment where authentic learning experiences enable students to become confident life long learners and responsible citizens. No. 15/2015 21 May 2015 Naumai, haeremai, welcome PRINCIPAL’S*MESSAGE* At# school# we# have# a# number# of# property# projects# starting.# # The# Junior# toilet# block#is#to#be#refurbished#with#the#builders#due#to#be#on#site#just#after#Queen’s# Birthday;# the# senior# playground# is# closed# at# the# moment# for# maintenance# and# our#wireless#internet#system#throughout#the#school#will#be#upgraded#soon#which# will# support# the# increasing# use# of# digital# devices.# # This# upgrade# is# specifically# designed#for#the#one#to#one#devices#we#will#be#using#through#the#Manaiakalani# Outreach# Programme.# # As# always# with# new# things# happening# there# is# lots# of# learning# and# changes# to# cope# with.# # We# will# keep# you# up# to# date# with# developments#as#they#occur.# # Our#road#crossing#is#working#reasonably#well.##Just#a#reminder#that#when#there# are#a#lot#of#people#ready#to#cross#the#road#there#is#a#need#to#check#that#there#is# enough# time# for# the# whole# group# to# cross# before# oncoming# traffic# gets# to# the# crossing# point.# # Please# let# the# school# office# know# if# there# are# problems# at# the# crossing.## # Yesterday’s# Cross# Country# was# a# great# success# with# students# enjoying# themselves# and# showing# commitment# by# giving# their# best.# # There# were# some# great# competitions# between# students# who# were# trying# their# very# best# to# get# a# placing# and# a# good# time# for# the# West# Coast# competition# next# week.# # Of# particular#note#was#the#support#buddy#runner#and#parents#giving#their#support# to# students# by# running# with# them.# # This# ensured# that# all# students# experienced# success.#Thank#you#to#all#of#those#people.# Judy#Elvidge# Principal# # IMPORTANT*DATES*TO*REMEMBER* 25#May# # 27#May# # 28#May# # 28#May# # 29#May# # 1#June# # 2#June# # 3#June# # 8#June# # 9#June# # 10#June# # 10#June# # 11/12#June## 11/12#June## 12#June# # 15#June# # 23#June# # 23/24#June## 24#June# # 26#June# # 29#June# # 30#June# # 3#July# # Transition#to#School#meeting# West#Coast#Crosscountry# Public#Health#Nurse#at#Paroa#School#at#lunchtime# Wellington#Camp#Meeting#–#3pm#in#Room#7# Assembly# Queen’s#Birthday#Holiday# 15#aside#Rugby# ICAS#Science# BOT#Meeting# 15#aside#Rugby# Christchurch#Crosscountry# Open#Classroom#afternoon,#Rooms#1X4,#3.00X4.30pm# ICT#Kids#Conference# WPCA#Rafting# Assembly# 15#aside#Rugby# 15#aside#Rugby# Senior#Student#Led#Conferences,#Rooms#5X8# Public#Health#Nurse#at#Paroa#School#at#lunchtime# Assembly# BOT#Meeting# WPCA#Sea#Kayaking# End#of#Term#2# # CERTIFICATES* Certificates#presented#at#last#weeks#assembly#were#awarded#to:# Room#1# Room#2# Room#3# Room#4# Room#5# Room#6# Room#7# Room#8# # # # # # # # # McKenna#Elwood,#Addison#Richardson# Lucy#McKay,#Angus#Milne# Ava#Turner,#Sam#Holborow# Jayden#Richardson,#Tulsi#Turner# Cameron#Bichan,#Kade#Johnson# Bridget#Fowler,#Jack#Langdon# Kaia#Beal,#Jordin#Blair# Harry#Robb,#Jessie#Trevathan# The#Principal’s#Citizenship#Certificate#was#presented#to#Declyn#King.## Congratulations#to#you#all.# * WELLINGTON*CAMP*MEETING* There#will#be#a#meeting#of#parents/caregivers#of#students#in#Year#6#regarding#the# Wellington# camp# on# Thursday# 28# May,# 3.00pm# in# Room# 7.# # It# would# be# appreciated#if#every#student#could#have#a#caregiver#attend.##Thanks.# CROSS*COUNTRY*RESULTS* AGE*GROUP* 5*Year*Girls* 5*Year*Boys* 6*Year*Girls* 6*Year*Boys* 7*Year*Girls* 7*Year*Boys* 1ST* Yazmin# Haddock# Kohen# Thompson# Bella#Masters# Jacob#Negri# 2ND* Clara#Cook# Pheobe# Haines# Payton# Guthrie# Abbie#Mason# Antonia# McDonnell# Nikau# Archie# Prendergast#and# Haldane# ST 3RD* Addison# Richardson# Keil#Guthrie# Luke# Sweeney# Zoe#Bonny# Miro#Horrox# Carlos#Whyte# Jackson#Ball# Cooper#McLean# YEAR*GROUP* 1 * 2ND* Year*4*Girls* Rhea#Wallace# Sahara# Sweeney# Year*4*Boys* Matthew# Jacob# Molloy# Speakman# Year*5*Girls* Renae#Smith# Caitlan# Williams# Year*5*Boys* Harry#Pugh# Lochie# Gibson# Year*6*Girls* Caitlyn# Kaley#Christie# Molloy# Year*6*Boys* Mac#Gibson# Isaac#Negri# Year*7*Girls* Grace# Alyssa# Wallace# Blacktopp# Year*7*Boys* George# Cooper# Gilbertson# Haines# Year*8*Girls* Emma#Wilson# Claudia# Brown# Year*8*Boys* Kalen# Caleb# Orpwood# Mahuika# * 4TH* 5TH* Meka#Whyte# Charlotte# Koopman# Dean#Blyth# Jesse#Papa# # Lucy#McKay# Grace#Hahn# Max#Walklin# Justin# McCallum# Aamaria#Beal# Holly#Ellis# Brayden# Williams# Mack#Fahey# 3RD* Kyla#Turner# 4TH* Pippa#Robb# 5TH* Sammi#Fahey# Declyn#King# Jack# Henderson# Amy#Gray# Cameron# Bichan# Bridget# Fowler# Alex# McCallum# Sophie# Donaldson# Ollie#Robb# Emma#Boddy# Tabby#Lewis# Jack#Ellis# Sonny# Haldane# Mya#Mahuika# Jaime# Christie# Luke#Morgan# Kaia#Beal# Kate#StanbridgeX Alice# Hammond# Morrison# Bailey#Russ# Jordin#Blair# Kate#McCann# Jessie# Trevathan# Shaymus# Geordie# Flood# Gibson# Reuben# Brown# # Harry#Robb# BRUNNER*MINE* Rooms#5#and#6#are#going#to#be#visiting#the#Brunner#Mine#site#as#part#of#our#school#camp#in# Term#3.##We#are#looking#for#someone#who#would#be#able#to#give#a#talk#about#the#mine#and# other#mining#related#subjects#at#the#site#when#we're#out#there.##If#you#are#the#person#for#the# job# could# you# please# contact# me# at# [email protected],# or# pop# in# to# see# me# in# Room#6.## The$latest$WPCA$Movie$1$Challenge$#1$1$Tramping$the$Mikonui$is$ available$for$viewing$on$my$blog:$$ * BOOK*WEEK*will*be*held*during*Week*3*of*Term*3.**The*Dress*Up*as*a* Book*Character*Day*will*be*on*Thursday*6*August.* * PAROA*SCHOOL*UNIFORM*FOR*SALE:* 1#x#Culotte#(size#6)#in#excellent#condition#$15# 2#x#white#polo#shirts#(size#6)#in#very#good#condition#$15#for#both#together# 1# x# Polarfleece# (size# 6)# in# very# good# condition# $5# (bottom# elastic# is# a# bit# stretched#out#hence#the#low#price)# All#Schooltex#brand#–#Selling#on#behalf.##Phone#7626518# * PTA NEWS The*Downtown*Showdown*Boxing*Event* ## The#Paroa#PTA#is#extremely#grateful#to#the#members#of#our#community#who#volunteered#for# waitressing# and# security# at# the# Downtown# Showdown# on# Saturday.# # This# resulted# in# approximately#$2500#being#raised.# ## We# wish# to# sincerely# thank# the# following# for# their# time# and# effort:# Dayna# Wallace,# Percy# Barrett,# Boyd# Molloy,# Wayne# Sweetman,# Noel# Chamberlain,# Brent# Lindbom,# PG# Gibson,# Warren# Gilbertson,# Ross# Brown,# Colin# Weeks,# Lyndall# Prendergast,# Caro# Finlay,# Gaylene# Mahauariki,# Charis# Sweeney,# Linley# Brown,# Sarah# Caseley,# Reanna# Speakman,# Trish# LockingtonXByrne,# Melissa# McLean,# Melia# Guthrie,# Sheryl# Emery,# Lisa# Klempel,# Lynette# Papa,#Lisa#Shannahan#and#Tania#Stoop.# ## A# special# mention# must# be# made# to# the# following# families# who# provided#more# than# one# volunteer,#ensuring#our#involvement#in#this#worthwhile#fundraising#event:# XPrendergast#family##########XSweetman#family####################### XMcLean/Guthrie/Emery#family###### XWallace#family################ XGilbertson/Caseley#family##########XLinley#&#Ross#Brown# ## The#level#of#support#you#have#shown#the#PTA#is#incredible#X#and#very#much#appreciated.# From#the#PTA#Committee# AMIE’S WEDNESDAY FRESH LUNCH Menu for Wednesday, 27 May Beef Burger (Gluten free available) Orders to the office by 9am please - $5.00 per order YEAR*5/6*BASKETBALL*DRAW* MONDAY#25#MAY# 3.15pm# Grey#Main#Wildcats#vs#Paroa#Pacers# # # DUTY:##Paroa#Pumas#(4#players)# 3.45pm# Paroa#Pumas#vs#Cobden#A# # # DUTY:##Paroa#Pacers#(2#players)# NB:# # Monday# 1# June# is# Queen’s# Birthday# so# games# will# be# held# on# Tuesday# 2# June.# # YEAR*7/8*BASKETBALL** Friday 22 May 5.30pm DUTY: Paroa Yr 7 (A & B) 6.15pm Paroa Yr 7(A) v Paroa Yr 7 (B) 7.00pm Paroa Yr 8 girls v Paroa Yr 8 boys 7.45pm DUTY: Paroa Yr 8 boys and girls * FOOTBALL*BOOT*EXCHANGE* # $5.00# Boot# Exchange/purchase# on# football# boots.# # Keep# winter# affordable.## Please# drop# off# any# surplus# boots# to# the# office.# # Funds# raised# will# go# towards# books#for#the#school.## COASTGUARD*WEST*COAST*OPEN*DAY* Saturday#23rd#May#2015##12#noon#X#4pm# Coastguard#Shed,#Steer#Ave,#on#the#Blaketown#Lagoon,#Blaketown# Meet#the#volunteers# Rides#on#Ivan#Talley#Rescue#&#IRBs#(weather#permitting)# Duck#race#at#4pm#on#Sawyers#Creek.#(weather#permitting)#Ducks#available#on#the#day.# Gold#coin#donation.# ########################## Mini[Gala*Day;*23rd*May*3pm*at* Kidsfirst*Kindergartens*Karoro,*20*Loris*Place.* Pony#Rides,#Stalls,#Raffles,#Prizes,#Food#and#Drinks,## FaceXpainting#and#games.# All#welcome#along.# # # Adult$Community$Education$ Cheese$making$workshop$23$May$ Learn$to$make$Hard$Cheese$1$6$June$ Cheese$Making$June$(Fox$Glacier)$13$June$ Upholstery$Course$1$Weekend$20/21$Jun$ Brush$up$on$Watercolour$1$Workshop$20$June$ Defensive$Driving$–$August$ Computing$for$Everyday$Life$FREE$–$starts$July.$ ManuTech$–$Automotive$Training$starts$July$$$ Learners$Licence$Workshops$on$Fridays$ $$ Coming'up:'Greek'Mythology,'Beginners'Accounting'workshop,'Researching'Family' History'workshop….$ '$$ 0800$938$3224$ Any old mobile phones can be dropped into the box provided at the Paroa School Office. WEBSITE:*** Interested in performing a lip-sync act? Phone Sarah 7626-885 Email: [email protected] with "Star for a Night" in subject line Hilary Public Health Nurse will be at Paroa School on Thursday 28 May during lunchtime. West Coast Kids ICT Conference Thursday 11th and Friday 12th June 2015 Shantytown Workshops this year will explore a wide range of technologies and present a great range of learning opportunities for participants to bring back into classrooms. Workshops will involve photograph and digital imagery, gaming, video animation, build a computer, i-pad technology and creating the conference newspaper. Registrations open via: Registrations will be open from Monday 4th May 2015 Cost $90 plus GST ($103.50 including) per student Enquiries: Please direct any enquiries to Vanessa Wallace, Principal, Awahono School – Grey Valley on 03 7323713 [email protected] Invitation to our Transition to School Meeting Paroa School invites all parents and caregivers who have recently enrolled or are considering or planning to enrol their pre-school children at Paroa School to a ‘transition to school’ meeting to be held in our school library on: Monday 25 May commencing 7.00 pm (come along at 6.45pm for a cup of tea prior to the meeting) The evening will provide information to parents about Paroa School, its enrolment procedures, programmes of work and its support programmes. Parents and caregivers will also have the opportunity to look at our school’s facilities and to ask any questions they may have. The programme will be as follows • Welcome (Judy Elvidge – Principal) • Literacy (Diane Ward - Resource Teacher of Literacy) • Classroom Programme (Jenneth Oakley - New Entrant Teacher) • Reading Recovery (Joanna Wilson, Reading Recovery Teacher) A cup of tea and light refreshments will be available before the meeting in the staffroom. Following this we will move to the new entrant room for the meeting. We look forward to meeting you all. # Room*1*sitting*outside*the*Cosmodome.* # # Jupiter Jupiter is a planet in outer space. It is the biggest planet. It is made out of gas. It has storms and rings of rocks around it. Jupiter is a thousand times bigger than earth. By Kalani – Aged 6 years (Room 2) Sun The sun is a star, the largest star in the solar system. The sun is made of hot gas. It gives us light. It gives us warmth. We would die if we didn’t have the sun. By Yazmin – Aged 5 years (Room 2) STUDENTS*FROM*ROOM*3*SHARE*THEIR** COSMODOME*EXPERIENCE:* # Today# Rooms# 3# and# 4# went# to# the# Cosmodome# in# our# school# hall# to# learn# more# about# space.# # I# saw# thousands# of# stars# and# I# learnt# about# constellations.##I#never#knew#that#some#stars#are#planets.##I#also#saw#a# scorpion,#a#dog#and#a#hunter#in#the#stars.##I#learnt#that#on#Venus#there# is#acid#rain#that#would#melt#your#body.##I#felt#interested#because#there# is#a#space#station#at#the#top#of#the#world#watching#us.# By#Sam#Holborrow#–#Aged#6#years# # Today#Rooms#3#and#4#went#to#the#Cosmodome#in#our#school#hall.##We# saw#our#Solar#System,#it#is#called#The#Milky#Way.##We#saw#all#the#stars# and# even# some# constellations.# # One# was# called# the# hunter# and# the# enormous#scorpion.##We#also#watched#a#clip#about#the#boy#hunter#and# his# dog.# # I# learnt# that# Venus# rains# acid# and# that# Venus# is# the# hottest# planet#in#the#Solar#System.##I#did#not#know#that#Jupiter#is#made#of#gas# and#you#would#fall#right#through#it.##I#felt#excellent.# By#Carter#Aitken#–#Aged#6#years# # Today# Rooms# 3# and# 4# went# to# the# Cosmodome# in# our# school# hall# to# learn#more#about#space.##Venus#is#very#hot#and#there#is#acid#rain#there.## The# Milky# Way# is# really# white!# # The# biggest# planet# is# Venus.# # The# constellations#are#stars#altogether#that#make#a#picture.# By#Emma#Blyth#–#Aged#6#years# # Today# Rooms# 3# and# 4# went# to# the# Cosmodome# in# our# school# hall# to# learn#more#about#space.##We#saw#different#constellations,#like#the#big# scorpion#and#the#hunter.##The#person#that#told#us#about#space#was#Mr# Fisher,# he# is# an# astronomer.# # Our# galaxy# is# The# Milky# Way.# # Jupiter# is# made# of# gas.# # I# thought# Jupiter# was# hard# but# it# is# gas.# # I# think# the# Cosmodome#is#awesome#because#there#is#more#space#facts!# By#Max#Walklin#–#Aged#6#years#
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