FACT SHEET Ovulation Predictor Kits

Ovulation Predictor Kits
What are ovulation tests?
There are only a few days in a women’s menstrual cycle when pregnancy can occur. If you are
trying to conceive it is therefore important to have regular intercourse especially around the time
an egg is released from your ovaries, the process known as ovulation, as the two days when
pregnancy is most likely to occur are the day before ovulation and day of ovulation. However, the
time of ovulation varies from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle so this is not always as
easy as it sounds. Ovulation tests such as Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test and Clearblue Ovulation
Test have been designed to help overcome this problem. They accurately detect hormone changes
that precede ovulation and so enable you to predict your two most fertile days and allow you to
time intercourse to coincide with them.
How do the tests work?
Ovulation is controlled by hormones, in particular one called Luteinising Hormone (LH), which can
be detected in your urine. The level of LH increases rapidly 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. It is
this rise in LH (the LH surge) that triggers an egg to be released from your ovaries.
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test and Clearblue Ovulation Test tell you the best two days to conceive
naturally by detecting the increase (surge) of Luteinising Hormone (LH) in your urine.
No of days
(Diagrams showing LH surge and ovulation for different menstrual cycle lengths)
How are they used?
Ovulation tests are simple urine tests designed for you to use in the privacy of your own home - so
they can save you the trouble of visiting your doctor or local hospital.
Both Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test and Clearblue Ovulation Test include seven Test Sticks so you
have more chance of finding your two most fertile days with one pack. The instruction leaflet in
every pack will tell you on which day of your cycle to begin testing. You should then use a test
each day until you detect your LH surge and therefore, your two most fertile days of your cycle.
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge prior to ovulation
and it’s the only ovulation test where the result appears on an easy to read digital display.
Simply insert the Test Stick into the Test Holder and hold the Absorbent Sampler in the urine
stream for 5-7 seconds. After 3 minutes you will be shown on the Holder display. A ‘Smiley Face’
will show if you have detected your LH surge or a ‘Blank Circle’ will be displayed if you have not.
*Please note these instructions refer to Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test. Other tests will differ.
Clearblue Ovulation Test
Clearblue Ovulation Test is 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge prior to ovulation and is as easy
to use as a pregnancy test. You simply hold the Absorbent Sampler of the Test Stick in your urine
stream for five seconds. Then, after three minutes, you can read your result. By comparing the two
blue lines (the Surge Line and the Reference Line) in the Result Window you can identify when your
LH surge begins.
*Please note these instructions refer to Clearblue Ovulation Test. Other tests will differ.
Are they reliable?
It is an accepted fact that the LH surge precedes ovulation by 24 to 36 hours. Indeed, in medical
circles, measuring serum levels (by means of a blood test) has long been an established means of
predicting ovulation, although nowadays ultrasound is more often used to monitor follicular growth
and maturation.
In terms of efficacy, studies have shown that when blood and urine samples are compared the LH
surge in urine occurs on exactly the same day as the LH surge in blood. In other words, ovulation
prediction tests (which measure the LH surge in urine) are a reliable alternative to measuring
serum LH levels. Furthermore the measurement of urinary LH levels have been shown to correlate
well with other methods of detecting ovulation such as the measurement of serum levels of
oestradiol and progesterone and the leading follicle diameter (as observed by ultrasound).
Are there any drawbacks?
Ovulation tests are designed to pinpoint the 2 days in each menstrual cycle when you are most
likely to conceive - and to help you to time intercourse accordingly. They are an ideal starting point
for any couple trying to conceive.
However, ovulation tests only pinpoint the LH surge. They cannot guarantee that an egg will be
released, nor can they detect potential problems such as a blockage in the fallopian tubes or a low
sperm count.
If having used the tests for several months you do not achieve pregnancy, you should seek medical
advice. You will be able to help your doctor by providing a clear and accurate picture of when your
LH surge occurs, and this information can be used to time further tests - e.g. serum progesterone
tests or ultrasound to determine whether or not you are ovulating normally. If you have been
testing according to instructions for 3 menstrual cycles in a row, and no surge has been detected
then you should consult your doctor for further advice.
How do I obtain them?
Ovulation tests are generally based on the very latest technology and are available without a
prescription, from most pharmacies and supermarkets. They retail for under £23 per pack, which
for women with regular periods is usually sufficient for one complete menstrual cycle. Whilst it is
recognised that some women may find this cost prohibitive many women consider this a small price
to pay for the help the tests provide, enabling them to understand and use their own natural
fertility to best advantage. For more information visit www.Clearblue.info/uk
Reviewed by Diane Arnold, I N UK Supportline
June 2013
Infertility Network UK
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