25th & 26th April 2015 – 4th Sunday of Easter, B Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118: 1 and 8-‐9.21-‐23.26 and 28-‐29 ( R. 22 ) Response: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Alleluia. I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my own, and my own know me. Alleluia. New Ministers of the Word are needed in the parish: If you would like to join this vibrant Ministry which is a way of life, then do contact the coordinator, Robin Abrahamse: Cell No: 083 7012335 Email:[email protected] ARCHDIOCESAN CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATION (ACHCA) INVITATION TO ALL CATHOLIC NURSES, CARERS, AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN SATURDAY 16th May 2015, 09h30-13h15 @ NAZARETH HOUSE, VREDEHOEK (021 4611635) (Take Vredehoek /Devils Peak taxis from Grand Parade. Nazareth House is also on the MyCity Route) Registration at 09h30 Mass at 10h00 (Blessing of hands during Mass by Fr P-J Pearson) International Nurses’ Day Theme: Nurses: A Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective After Mass we will have a presentation by Emeritus Professor Marian Jacobs from UCT followed by discussion and sharing. BRING & SHARE LUNCH Followed by Benediction Contact details of committee members for information: Veronica Petersen – 082 575 4121 / Nodu Nolokwe – 082 429 7598 / Magda Karelse – 076 164 5017 Josie Rambele – 079 874 0601 /Estelle Groenewald 083 235 3495 / Rhenolda Davies – 072 621 8107 Marvina Johnson – 084 702 7768 / Keith da Silva – 082 300 1093/ Beatty Boise – 082 940 1951 Adults who wish to become Catholic If you are considering seeking baptism as a Catholic, or thinking of joining the Catholic Church from another Christian community, please fill out an application form for our RCIA programme. This will give you an opportunity to explore the Catholic faith, and to prepare for the Sacraments. Forms are available in the church porch, or at the parish office. Once you submit your form one of the priests will arrange to meet with you. RCIA will start on Thursday 28th May. Please register. Who are we & why are we here? Who was Jesus? What is my purpose? Why do good things happen to bad people & bad things happen to good people? These are some questions we all have at times. Join the Adult Alpha small group team at Immaculate Conception & embark on a unique spiritual journey with other people. The Adult Alpha team looks forward to hosting you every Friday from 6.30pm for 11 weeks from 26th June to 4th September @ the St Pio Centre. The course costs R600, payable by Friday 10th July. The cost covers registration & the weekend away. There will be a Celebration Supper on Friday 11th September. Please contact Caryl-Anne - 079 8814551 • • Notices: 2nd Collection next weekend for Planned Giving. Care Group Meeting on Tuesday 5th May. CWL Meeting on Tuesday 5th May @ 6h45pm. Please register for May Baptisms at the Parish Office as soon as possible. Film for Seniors on Saturday 30th May in the Hall @ 1 pm (more details to follow) Workshop for Divorced Catholics on Sat 30th May @ The Chancery from 09h30 to 12h30. No charge! Liliana Bigaignon Birthday Marco Dos Santos RIP Sat 25th • Felepe Batista Afonso RIP 5pm Joao Batista Ribeiro RIP & • Rosa Pereira RIP Decio Francisco de Sousa Birthday • Fr. Albert Goncalves Intentions – Ordination Anniversary Delores Ramos & Family Intentions Sun 26th Gilberto Ramos & 8am Ana Paula Ramos RIP Manuel Mendes Esmeraldo, Elvira Mendes De Gouveia & Inez Mendes De Gouveia RIP Maria Das Neves RIP For the 2011 Pilgrims & their families Intentions Pedro Isidorio Correia RIP Sun 26th Joao Correia RIP & 10am Isabel Isadorio Correia RIP Jose Paiva Nunes 8th Death Anniversary & Trevor Daniel Nunes RIP Tickets on sale now, from the Parish Office Fernando Rebelo Birthday or from Anamaria: 082 879 8520. Mon 27th Eugene Lubombo & Myriam Lubombo – Request for donations: 8am Birthday Anniv. Intentions Any donations for Raffle prizes will th Tue 28 Da Costa family Intentions be greatly appreciated. 8am For the souls of Purgatory Cooldrinks and wine will be on sale, so donations of these would also be Connie Hayward Birthday welcome. th Wed 29 Lidia Baptista De Coito RIP Cash donations to help with the cost 8am Marianna Gomes RIP & of decorations are also welcome. Jose Gomes Intentions • Youth Connection is collecting bread-tags towards funding a wheelchair for someone in need. Bring any bread-tags to the Parish Office or hand them to a Youth Leader. Thu 30th Manuel Emigidia De Andrade RIP 8am Fri 1st Keano De Oliveira Birthday 8am Nicolau Marcelino Nunes De Coito Sat 2nd Phillip De Castro Birthday 8am Agostinho Valario De Sousa RIP
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