Name: Home Base Iowa Presenter: Kathy Anderson, Home Base Iowa Notes: Economic Development Success: - For Iowa companies to continue to grow, Iowa needs to grow its workforce Iowa Workforce Challenges: - Majority (56%) within the middle-skill workers; companies are looking for these workers in large numbers Historic Troop Drawdown: - In a unique position with our military o Within the next 5 years, U.S. Armed Services will downsize by at least 350,000 troops Downsize will come for two reasons: 1. Retirement of active military members 2. Strategic realignment (shifts and new focuses) - Large number of active-duty service members to the privatesector with wide variety of ages, skills, service, aspirations, and family status Deployment to Employment: - Home Base Iowa Program: o The opportunity for veterans to have careers after their service and to bridge Iowa’s skills gap o A non-profit, private-public partnership to recruit veterans and transitioning service members for private-sector careers in Iowa Home Base Iowa Act: - Provides military-focused benefits to attract veterans to relocate to Iowa - Expresses Iowa’s appreciation for veterans and their families Veteran incentives through Home Base Iowa Act: o Military pension income tax exemption o Increases military homeowner assistance o Permissive veteran preference in employment o Streamlines occupational licensure o Automatic in-state tuition for veterans, spouses, and dependents Home Base Iowa Communities: (3) - Greene county, Howard county, and Clarke county - 58 counties in some way investigating becoming a Home Base Iowa Community Requirements: o Designated area may include a city, county, or region o Government support o 10% of area businesses committed to hire veterans o Incentives above and beyond incentives in Home Base Iowa Act o Include key stakeholders: local veteran organizations, businesses, services, and schools o Signage Home Base Iowa Businesses: - Recruit our nation’s best and brightest to Iowa, providing Iowa employers with qualified workers who already possess highly sought after skills such as: o Leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, and time management Requirements: o Pledge for number of veterans to be hired o Post-jobs on o Become a skilled Iowa employer Unique Benefits for Businesses Hiring Veterans: Permissive Veterans Preference- Home Base Iowa Act clarifies it is legal to apply veteran preferences in hiring practices Job postings and recognition on Keywords: Home Base, Home Base Iowa, veterans, nonprofit, leadership, employment, privatesector jobs, jobs Access to transitioning military through marketing efforts Home Base Iowa Marketing: - Marketing to recruit veterans and transitioning service members to careers in Iowa o Concierge-level service: E-mail Phone w/ questions o Search careers through Career opportunities Hiring companies • Searchable by MOS/military title/position/company/location o Public relations o Social Media o Advertising to targeted military audience o Direct outreach to military bases and audiences o Support military and veterans events and organizations o Business education events o Special events and partnerships Ongoing Efforts: - Additional Efforts o Education committee o Licensure o Continued military service o Apprenticeships o Ongoing fundraising
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