1. Learn ch-1 to 5.
2. Write down the list of Collective Noun of page no.-10 and learn it.
3. Write Synonyms and Antonyms from page no.- 39 and 41. (At least 10) & learn it.
4. PROJECT:- Write definitions of “Kinds of Gender” along with diagrams on a chart paper.
1. Learn all the spellings from spelling notebook.
2. Learn Word meanings of ch-1 and 2.
3. Write 10 pages of Cursive Writing Book (date wise).
4. PROJECT:- Write a poem “The Blind Boy”, and draw a diagram on a Chart paper.
1- ikB & la[;k 1- *;kpuk* ¼dfork½
 ekSf[kd iz’u
 cgqfodYih; iz’u
 y?kq mRrjh; iz’u
2- ikB & la[;k 2- lq[knk ef.k
 ekSf[kd iz’u
 cgq fodYih; iz’u
fy[kdj ;kn djksA
 y?kqmRrjh; iz’u
3- ikB & la[;k 3- lcls cM+h oLrq
 ekSf[kd iz’u
 cgq fodYih; iz’u
 y?kqmRrjh; iz’u
1- leLr fganh orZuh fy[kdj ;kn djksA
fgUnh O;kdj.k
1- ikB & 1 ls 5 rd ;kn djksA
2- foykse ’kCn i`"B & 101 dk fy[kks rFk ;kn djksA
3- i;kZ;okph ’kCn i`"B la[;k & 105 iwjk fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA
4- vusd ’kCnksa ds fy, ,d ’kCn i`"B la[;k 109 ls 1ls15 rd ;kn djksA
5- vusdkFkhZ ’kCn 1 ls 10 rd ;kn djksA
6- fHkUukFkZd ’kCn i`"B la[;k 116 ls ¼ vfuy ls iou½ ;kn djksA
7- eqgkojs & 1 ls 15 ¼i`"B la[;k 119½ ls fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA
8- dgkuh ifjJe dk Qy i`"B 132, 133 ls fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA
9- vuqPNsn ys[ku i`"B & 140 ¼isM+ yxkvks ?kjrh cpkvks½ fy[kks rFkk ;kn
10- lqys[k iqfLrdk esa 10 i`"B lqys[k fy[kksA
ifj;kstuk dk;Z
,d pkVZ isij esa ‘opu* ikB dh ifjHkk"kk vkSj mlds Hksnksa dk uke fp=
lfgr fy[kksA
1. Do. Q/No.:- 3, 4, 6 and 12 of Ex.- 1(A).
2. Do. Q/No.:- 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8(a,b) of Ex.- 1(B).
3. Do. Q/No.:- 1, 5, 6 and 7 of Ex.- 2”A”.
4. Do. Q/No.:- 3 and 4 of Ex.- 3(A).
5. PROJECT WORK:- Make a place value chart of “Indian system & “International system” on a chart paper
colourfully with the help of Page 9 & 10.
Note:a.) Make a separate copy for doing all these H/W.
b.) Practice the given portion for the FA-1 exam.
1. Collect different tyes of seeds like coriander, cumin e.t.cpaste them on chart paper and name them.
2. Learn and write Ex-A, Ex-B, and Ex-C page no.11 in holiday home work copy.
3. Learn and write Ex-A, Ex-B, and Ex-C page no.22 in holiday home work copy.
4. Learn all question answerof CH-1 and CH-2.
5. Learn all the topics given for FA1 portion.
Chapter 1 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex E – All, Ex F – Q. No. 2,4 & 5
Chapter 2 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex E – All, , Ex F – Q.No. 1,3 & 5
Chapter 3 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex E – All, Ex F – All, Ex G – Q.No. 2, 4 & 5
Chapter 4 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex C – All, Ex F – All, Ex G – Q.No. 1, 2 & 4
Project Work:- Make a big chart of some important conventional signs and hang it in your classroom(page
1. Learn all the topics given for F.A.-I portion. (in a stick file)
2. List any five hardware that can be plugged to a Port. Also, write their uses of page no.-11.
3. PROJECT:- Make a display board (on a chart paper) stating the Dos and Don’ts of while working on
computer. Make use of pictures too.
1. Complete all the chapters of unit-1 and 2
2. Write the names of all the states and union territories of India with their capitals.
Drawing & Craft
1. Page no. 3, 5 and 6 make drawing in your drawing copy
2. The peacock (Craft activity)
3. The wall Hanging (Craft activity)