CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Subject: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR DISTINGUISHED YOUNG ARTISTS AWARDS Recommendation(s) That the following Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Awards be awarded for 2015: Individual/Group/ Organization Purpose Amount Riley Chernoff Berklee College of Music summer performance program $ 500 Scout Radomski Joffrey Ballet School summer dance program $ 500 Karina Cox Performing Arts Project summer theatre program $ 500 Shelby Johnson Letterpress workshop $ 200 Jarrett Krissa Banff Centre vocal workshop $ 200 Shelby Lynn Wapoose Literary and art project $ 200 Janae Olsen Vancouver International Dance Festival $ 200 Morgan Henderson Youth Write Camp $ 200 Total: $2,500 City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 1 File No.:7550-10 Purpose of Report In accordance with City Policy C-CS-10, Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Program, this report provides recommendations from a sub-committee of the St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Society for the 2015 intake of applications for the Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Program. Council Direction December 1st Budget meeting: Moved by Councillor Heron (PM11-11) The City of St. Albert establishes Young Artists Legacy Grant Program using the $9,617.00 surplus from the 2011 Lieutenant Governors Gala Event. The funds to be placed in a City Reserve and only the interest earned be used for the grant program. The City of St. Albert will allocate $1,000 per year to be added to the annual interest earned. Grants to be reviewed by the St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Society, including a City of St. Albert representative. November 5, 2012 (C515-2012) Moved by Councillor Heron That Policy C-CS-10 - Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Legacy Program be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Background and Discussion Eleven applications were received in 2015 totaling $6,000 in requests for funding. The St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Society, including a representative from Cultural Services, reviewed the applications in a round table forum. Each member was asked to review all applications for their eligibility with regard to the grant regulations and to make a preliminary allocation based on available funding. Members were then asked to present their views and allocation recommendations. To conclude the process the committee is recommending to Council that the funding allocations be approved for 2015. Applicant #1: Riley Chernoff Funding recommendation $500 Riley is attending the Berklee College of Music summer performance program from July 11 – August 15, 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts. City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 2 File No.:7550-10 Applicant #2: Scout Radomski Funding recommendation $500 Scout is attending the Joffrey Ballet School summer dance intensive program from June 29 – July 4, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. Applicant #3: Karina Cox Funding recommendation $500 Karina is attending the Performing Arts Project intensive summer program from June 28 – July 19, 2015 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Applicant #4: Shelby Johnson Funding recommendation $200 Shelby will be taking a Letterpress Workshop from June 1 – 15, 2015 at SNAP Studios in Edmonton. Applicant #5: Jarrett Krissa Funding recommendation $200 Jarrett is taking a vocal workshop from May 18 – 20, 2015 at the Banff Centre. Applicant #6: Shelby Lynn Wapoose Funding recommendation $200 Shelby Lynn is collaborating with and being mentored by artists at VASA to create a book of poetry and artwork. Applicant #7: Janae Olsen Funding recommendation $200 Janae is attending the Vancouver International Dance Festival from August 28 – 30, 2015 in Vancouver, BC. Applicant #8: Morgan Henderson Funding recommendation $200 Morgan is attending the Youth Write Camp from June 28 – July 3, 2015 in Bragg Creek, AB. The St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Committee – declined grant applications: • Andrew Boyd – application did not meet the criteria as the funds were paying for regular, ongoing lessons and not a recognized workshop or program as per the policy. • Meghan MacDougall – application did not meet the criteria as the funds were paying for regular, ongoing lessons and not a recognized workshop or program as per the policy City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 3 File No.:7550-10 • Zero Gravity Dance Company – application did not meet the criteria as the majority of the applicants were not from St. Albert and 7 out of 15 dancers do not meet the minimum age requirement of age 13. Stakeholder Communications or Engagement • Distributed information to the public via: o Email blasts o Cultural Services newsletter o Posters o City of St. Albert website o Social media platforms Implications of Recommendation(s) a) Financial: • The funding amount available for this program is equivalent to the interest earned from the principal investment of $19,617.00. • The City of St. Albert allocates $1,000 per year, which will be added to the annual interest earned from the principal investment. Annual allotment $1,000 2015 interest $400 Unused interest $1,100 The funds available for allocation in 2015 total $2,500. The St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Society recommends that the due to the high quality and number of applicants that the unused interest be used for the awards. City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 4 File No.:7550-10 b) Legal / Risk: • Grant recipients are required to utilize funds as specifically authorized and to report to the City, in a specified manner, on the use of those funds. c) Program or Service: • Existing program that supports the development of youth in the community. d) Organizational: • None at this time Alternatives and Implications Considered If Council does not wish to support the recommendation, the following alternatives could be considered: Alternative 1 - Council may choose not to approve the recommendations and refer back to the committee for future review and consideration. Strategic Connections a) Council’s Strategic Outcomes and Priorities (See Policy C-CG-02) • CULTIVATE A HISTORIC, CREATIVE, AND ACTIVE COMMUNITY: A vibrant and involved community with a variety of culture, recreation and heritage opportunities. • Develop youth participation in the arts. • CULTIVATE A SAFE, HEALTHY AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY: A community that provides opportunities for everyone to realize their potential in a thinking, caring and connected way. • Youth able to pass on their acquired knowledge and lead others in the community. b) Long Term Plans • Cultural Master Plan recommendations • Nurture next generation of participants • Strengthen cultural community – seed grant and training program c) Corporate Objectives • Deliver programs and services that meet or exceed our standards • Ensure our customers are very satisfied d) Council Policies • City Policy C-CS-10, Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Program e) Other Plans or Initiatives (Business Plans, Implementation Strategies, etc.) • N/A City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 5 File No.:7550-10 Attachment(s) 1. City Council Policy C-CS-10, Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Legacy Program Originating Department(s): Author(s): General Manager Approval: City Manager Signature: Cultural Services Tamsin Brooks, Community Cultural Coordinator Chris Jardine, GM, CPS Date: City Council Agenda May 19, 2015 / Page 6 File No.:7550-10 Attachment 1 C-CS-10 City of St. Albert CITY COUNCIL POLICY AUTHORITY City Council APPROVED Res. No. mm dd C515-2012 11 05 Lieutenant Governor Distinguished Young Artists Legacy Program REVISED Res. No. mm dd C561-2014 12 15 Purpose To facilitate the development of young aspiring artists from the St. Albert community by providing funding assistance for training, education, or a career advancement opportunity. Policy The legacy given to the community from the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta’s Distinguished Artists Awards supports development of young artists in the St. Albert community by providing financial assistance for education and professional development and travel to showcase events and/or conferences. Definitions “Arts Disciplines” include visual arts, theatre, music, musical theatre, literary, film and new media, and multi-media. “Aspiring Artists” means a young individual or youth group wishing to pursue a career or is pursuing a career in the arts. “Career Advancement Opportunity” means attendance as a registered delegate at a conference or a participant at a career related workshop. “Eligible Applicant” means either an individual or a group as further defined in the policy. “Eligible Education, Training, Instruction, Professional Development” means a recognized workshop or program in a related arts discipline. “Eligible Expenses” means an expense directly related to an eligible project for training, education or career advancement. Expenses could include registration fees, tuition fees, workshop fees, master class registration and/or travel fees to attend a national or international conference or workshop including flight and accommodation costs. This grant is meant for short term programs and opportunities that enhance artistic development beyond regular training. City of St. Albert CITY COUNCIL POLICY C-CS-10 Page 1 of 3 “Group” means a group of 2 or more youth, with the majority of the group having permanent residence in the St. Albert community, who are pursuing a career in the arts. “Ineligible Expenses” include capital items such as equipment purchases or rental fees, studio rehearsal space or recording time and post secondary tuition fees. “St. Albert community” means being within the City of St. Albert boundaries. “Youth Individual” means an individual aged 13 to 21 years who has permanent residence in the St. Albert community, and is pursuing a career in the arts. Responsibilities 1. Applicants may expend funds only as specified in the application. 2. On an annual basis a subcommittee of the St. Albert Cultivates the Arts Society, as well as a City of St. Albert Cultural Services representative, shall review the applications and make funding recommendations to Council. 3. Applicants shall submit a final report to Cultural Services highlighting how the funds were utilized, the benefits received by the applicant, and how they might further contribute to the community. Final report forms are available from the Cultural Services department. Standards 1. Applications shall be received in April of each year. 2. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received a grant previously. 3. Consideration will be given to applications for programs, conferences or activities with a commencement date between January 1 – December 31. Submission deadline for all applications will be in April. 4. Grants shall be awarded by Council in May of each year Maximum funding awarded will be as follows: • Individual applicants: $500 • Group applicants: $1000 5 Grant support is limited to the interest derived from the principle amount from the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta’s Distinguished Artists Awards in addition to an annual allotment of $1000 from the City. 6. The number and amount of grants awarded will be determined by the committee on an annual basis. City of St. Albert CITY COUNCIL POLICY C-CS-10 Page 2 of 3 7. Unallocated funds shall be added to the principle amount. 8. The funds shall be held in a City of St. Albert reserve. 9. Successful applicants must wait one calendar year before re-applying for funding. City of St. Albert CITY COUNCIL POLICY C-CS-10 Page 3 of 3
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