Circulor Office of 'rhe Principol Controller of Accounts (Fys) l0-e,, S. K. Bose Rood, Ko/kofo-7)1 001 No. Poy/Tech-l/Ol (6ih CPC) /2A1 s Dote: 16/03/2015 /03 To Ail G Controllers Subiect: Recovery oction to the Hon'bie Supreme Court of lndio common Judgement eioted 09/12/14 in respect of Doto Entry Operotors in Ordnonce & -Src.lnonce equipment Foctories. Ref: oFB Nr - OFB No-340/O A_01 /09 /v A/ 1l 5 /HApp /A/Nt, doted i7lA2/15 ln the motter oi r'riohe, F,,:,y sr:ole in re:;pect of Doto Entry Operotors of Ordnonce Foctories Orqcjnisotion, o copy of Hon'ble Supreme Court of Indio common Judgement doreel (lt9,r i2,/',!. rereivec vide oFB l\o-340/oA-ol /og/vA/I15 /HAPP/A/Nl, dot.erj 14/fi.,'1::., hes hr:an cirr:irlolerj to oll concerned Gr. Controller vide rhis office even'rty /')',eclr.l,/o i (6r" ci)c)/2015/01, doted 03/03/2015. All the Br. AOs uricer your iui'irdiction nroy ;oieose be directed occordingly to refix the poy scole of [rriis ;i,ci'virnr:!1'r-rr,y i-r,11[1i;.r ?a'y Scole if oll reody gronted, initiote necessory oction for rec;vr:,r'y'of e)(c€:ss 6rcryment cue to gi-ont of higher poy scole by following due proce.iur-' . i, crfier issuirrg the shovr couse notice to the individuol for recoYery of excess pcyn=, r. Addl. C of e (Eys) nor se..ri -s)'-of Accounts (Fys) Assislr-.l,lt Co:'i:r.oller C , ic' in{.-r:'lcticn \\,, ohcl'e, it is requested to Cell MO Locol ,*,-'ii.,uc! ihe CIFB lr:-tter in the net, pleose.(_.qr CIr.l-,*L) The AO OFNi , t:or irra,i'mction obove, pleose. Roigir-8 31 AO F (P) kor !'r';! Luckno 2OA'' \r( ' The ; for informotion obove, pleose. a-q-, Sr. A:counr( Cfficer (Fys) tF \y lJr L>/ ) / YR?I RrGER ./.{ rqII oA' qrgq Frqi4r i.B, qrlls qri lo+, ts-EGRA qt< r*r ltq *Fcm ri ilft nR ft, - 7oo ool . , zra ArEliIT )uqrA Ct{ TELEPHOi{E 2at-St21-26 / 24C_5077-CO EXTN : (o3a) z/rg-786s tfi GOVERNMENT OF INDIA litlNlSTRY OF DEFENCE oRoNANCE FACTORY BOARD FA)( (033) 21E-7e65 sr ..i AYUDHBHAVAN 1oA,jsl-lMeeo KHUDtR^ilt BosE RoAo ]i ,KOLKATA-Tooool rar EFTFE dEr t qE !d hEfi m 6n 3Dondlnca rhNld b€ .ddrc!.€d to the SEdary and nd lo any omff by nrm€ Al I Dated - lT-02-201s Sr.'General Manager / General Manager .l Sub : Recovery action subject to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India common Judgment dated 09-12-2014 in respect of Data Entry Operators in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories. Ref : Hon'ble Supreme Court of India common Judgment dated 09- l2 -ZOl4 arising out of SLp ( C ) No' 28595/2010 ( S D Bhangale ),28596 of 2010 (S H Patil and SLp (C 31613 of 201 (Shri ) ) V Ambi & Ors ) In the matter of Higher Pay scale in respect of DEOs of Ordnance Factory Organisation, various court / High courts for final iudgment of Hon,ble Supreme Court of India. Hon''oie Supreme Court in the order dated Ol-n-zOtl has alloweithe appeal and held as follows : cases are pending before different Tribunals " We hold that Data Entry Operators Grade -A are nor enfirledfor scale of pay of Rs. l3S0 2200 w'e'f' 01-01'1986 or thereafter merely on the basis of their qualiJi"oiion or ine Tict that lhey have foi cotnple.led their period of requisite service. We further how nit aiy decision renderei by any Tribunal or an! High Court conlrary to our decision is wrong. Further in view of the reasons and Jindings recortled above while we hold that the respondenls are not entitled to the beneJir is ney sought for Oe1ore ite Tribunal o|:'lhe Hisl Coult,.all the impigned ordered passed by the CAT Binches and the High Courts in favour o/ lhq respondents being illegal are sel side.,, ":, ;i 1 , 02. Since the case has reached finality i.e. question of grant of Higher pay Scale to DEOs in O.F. been struck down by Hon'ble Supreme Court. By this verdict as stated above, many factories -h-as granted__Higher Pay Scale to the DEOs w.e.f. O t -01-l 986 rvhich is not in order as well as Hon,bie Supreme !1Ve c$..t.The Higher Pay Scale already granted to these employees (DEos) has to be brought down to the originalpay scale and excess payment made hitherto has to be recovered. Organization 031 All the factories are therefore, directed to re-fix the pay scale of DEOs and withdraw Higher pay Sc:ale granted and initiate necessary action for recoverytf .*""., payment due 4lready to grant of Higher pay Scale if by.following due procedlte i'.c,after issuing the Show Cause Notice for iecovery of excess p"y..-rt. '-': '/" , 4:'-'' i '' " /' ' ;' '-)r 'iJz -'$. '.r,-'r ', t,,t' ,7 DirectOr/ NI Ibr Director General ordnance Factories. -2- 4, ; K Bose Road of X(FYs) ,10A S action please' For information necessary action please' For information necessary t !: lr .1t ii I l.
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