MIDDLE SCHOOL SUMMER ACTIVITIES 2015 Online registration opens for overnight camp on Sunday, April 5.* Online registration opens for non-camp activities on Saturday, May 2 at 12am. (NOTE: late fees will apply after registration deadlines) Be sure to invite your friends to register & spend the summer with us! Golf N’ Stuff June 3 (W ednesday) | Cost: $15 D rop-off at Golf N ’ Stuff: 6: 15pm Pick-up at Golf N ’ Stuff: 9pm (registration deadline 6/2) Com e and enjoy 2 hours of unlimited: bum per boats, go karts, mini golf, laser tag, and 4 free tokens. M ust be at least 44” tall for laser tag, 48” for bum per boats, 56” tall to drive go karts and 44” to ride as a passenger. Food and drinks not included. Anyone with long hair is required to bring a hair tie for safety. Popcorn & Movie Night June 17 (W ednesday) | Cost: Free 6: 00-8: 30pm | PCC Cam pus – Student Center (registration deadline 6/ 16] Com e and enjoy all the free popcorn you can eat and a great movie. The café w ill have corn dogs for $1 and candy and drinks available for purchase. The m ovie w ill be fairly recent and age appropriate. Summer Camp at UCYC in Prescott June 22-27 (M onday-Saturday) | Early Bird: $360* *Additional money for 1 fast food meal (on the way hom e) needed | $100 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your spot (part of total cost) *Cost after 5/ 4: $385 (registration deadline & final balance due on 6/14) *REGISTRATION FOR UCYC BEGINS April 5 at 12am U CYC Sum mer Camp is an incredible opportunity for students to hear life-changing m essages, participate in w orship, engage with their peers in small groups & have m ore fun than they have ever had in their life! Cam pers will have the opportunity to experience climbing walls, zip lines, the “leap of faith”, paintball, m ountain biking, kayaking & m ore new stuff this year! Go to ucycsumm er. com /camp678 to see what camp will look like. Transportation w ill be via charter buses. M oney for snacks and souvenirs will be extra (optional). Students should not bring m ore than $50 to camp. Contact R obin Fisher at the church for scholarship information & any questions. Additional forms and information will be emailed to you. Middle School Mayhem July 6-10 (M onday-Friday) | Cost: $80* (includes outings, t-shirt, & wristband) 9: 00am -3: 00pm | PCC Cam pus – Student Center (*$40 non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot - part of total cost – registration deadline 6/ 28) Join us for five of the best days of summ er! Students w ill be challenged this week to move forw ard in their walk with Jesus. W e will be learning w hat it’s like to live out our faith in m iddle school and build friendships that last. Each day of camp is packed with group games, com petitions, relevant lessons, small group time, and exciting activities. W e will be taking a bus and vans to four different locations this week: Camino Seco Bow ling, Clements Pool, Skate Country, & a movie theater! W e will not go offsite on Friday. Students will need to bring a sack lunch & wear their wristband or M ayhem T-shirt every day (wristband and shirt included). Parents, are you interested in helping us? Contact Robin Fisher at the church office. Game Night July 22 (W ednesday) | Cost: Free 6: 30-9: 00pm | PCC Cam pus – Student Center [registration deadline 7/21] Com e and enjoy a night of fun! W e w ill have the Rock W all (required rock wall liability waiver will be em ailed to you). W e w ill have Broomball and “Four-Square in the Air” in the gym, Gaga Ball in the Student Center, and we w ill raffle off a prize at the end of the night! Café w ill have food and drinks available for purchase! REGISTER FOR ALL EVENTS ONLINE. PCCSTUDENTS.ORG/SUMMER Pantano Christian Church 1755 S Houghton Rd, Tucson, AZ 85748 520.298.5395
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