01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:21 AM Page 1 ® THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE VOL. 9 ©J AN M IKA / I S TOCKPHOTO. COM Fruits, but not vegetables, shown to lower AAA risk Meta-analysis excluding discredited trial showed perioperative beta-blockers increased mortality in noncardiac surgery. Mortality up 27% with periop beta-blockers B Y M A R K S. L E S N E Y IMNG Medical Ne ws ore than one in four patients who died from all causes after noncardiac surgery may have survived if they had not been treated with perioperative beta-blockers as specified by joint American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association and separate European Society of Cardiology guidelines, according to a recent report. These guidelines recommend perioperative betablockers in all patients undergoing vascular or intermediate-risk surgery with coronary artery disease, or with more than one risk factor for CAD, or with preex- M isting beta-blockade. These are all iatrogenic deaths, according to a meta-analysis of secure studies, which excluded data from the now discredited Dutch Echocardiographic Cardiac Risk Evaluation Applying Stress Echocardiography (DECREASE) family of trials. “Refraining from this ESC [European Society of Cardiology] guideline would therefore be expected to prevent up to 10,000 iatrogenic deaths each year in the U.K.,” according to Dr. Sonia Bouri and her coauthors at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London. The researchers analyzed See Mortality • page 4 • NO. 5 • SEPTEMBER 2013 I N S I D E From the Editor Sunshine, Sunset Dr. Russell Samson gives his view of the implications of the new Sunshine Act.• 2 Same results seen for men and women. B Y M A R K S. L E S N E Y IMNG Medical Ne ws he consumption of fruits, but not vegetables, was associated with a decreased risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, especially the risk of rupture, according to results of a large database study of two prospective cohorts of Swedish men and women. “The risk of AAA decreased with increasing consumption of fruit (P =.003), whereas no significant association was observed for vegetable consumption,” wrote Dr. Otto Stackelberg and his colleagues at Upp- T sala (Sweden) University (Circulation 2013;128:795802). The study population in the final analysis of the two cohorts consisted of 36,109 women from the Swedish Mammography Cohort (established between 1987 and 1990) and 44,317 men from the Cohort of Swedish Men (established in 1997). Both cohorts responded in 1997 to extensive questionnaires – identical except for sex-specific questions – that included 96 food-item questions accompanied by other lifestyle factors. Results were linked to the See AAA • page 3 News From SVS SVS Foundation Annual Report Dr. Peter Gloviczki introduces the 2013 report. • 7 Tips and Tricks Venous Ulcers Dr. Albeir V. Mousa gives 10 tips his group uses to get high success with healing chronic venous ulcers. • 15 Vascular testing: Setting use criteria BY SHARON WORCESTER IMNG Medical Ne ws enous duplex ultrasound is rarely appropriate as a V screening tool for upper or lower extremity deep vein thrombosis in the absence of pain or swelling, according to new appropriate use criteria for noninvasive vas- cular laboratory testing issued by the American College of Cardiology. The clinical scenarios involving venous duplex ultrasound for DVT screening that were deemed rarely appropriate – such as screening in those with a prolonged ICU stay and those with high DVT risk – represent just a few of the 116 scenar- ios included in the report, which was developed in collaboration with 10 other leading professional societies to promote the most effective and most efficient use of peripheral vascular ultrasound and physiological testing in clinical practice. The report is the second See Testing • page 5 VA S C U L A R SPECIALIST ONLINE! Visit our NEW website and interactive editions 151 Fairchild Ave., Suite 2, Plainview, NY 11803-1709 VASCULAR SPECIALIST CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 384 Lebanon Jct. KY 02_15VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:23 AM Page 2 EDITORIAL 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST FROM THE EDITOR: B Y R U S S E L L S A M S O N , M . D. Medical Editor, Vascular Specialist he Physician Payment Sunshine Act is now in place, and I’m concerned that it may become the “Sunset Act” since it may be another reason for doctors to consider leaving the profession. As of August, manufacturers of drugs, devices, biologicals, or medical supplies are obliged to report annually to the Secretary of Health and Human Services certain payments or other transfers of value to physicians and teaching hospitals. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) this bit of regulatory burden is going to cost industry $269 million the first year and $180 million annually thereafter. T Let the ‘Sunset Act?’ What is the purpose of this “Sunshine Act”? Congress implied that this process is not designed to stop, chill, or call into question beneficial interactions between physicians and industry, but to ensure that they are transparent. Although CMS did not use harsh or derogatory language, what I think is “transparent” is the implication DR. SAMSON that making these financial interactions public will prevent industry from having undue influence over physicians. In less euphemistic terms I believe CMS thinks it will pre- Visit our ‘Online Only’ content f you missed the August onlineonly V Iwww.vascularspecialistonline.com. S , visit ASCULAR PECIALIST Included is an editorial from our Medical Editor, Dr. Russell Samson, titled “Keep RUC in mind.” Excerpt: “In July, the Society for Vascular Surgery sent requests to its members to complete surveys regarding the work involved with creation, revision, and thrombectomy of hemodialysis access. These surveys form the basis of data used by the American Medical Association/Relative Value Scale Update Committee (also known as the RUC) to make recommendations to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding the relative value of these procedures. “It is surprising, then, that some members do not respond to these requests nor fully comprehend the importance of diligently completing the surveys. This could result in vascular surgeons being reimbursed too little or too much (for vascular surgery the latter is obviously very infrequent!).” So be sure to routinely visit the website, Facebook (Vascular Specialist), and Twitter (@VascularTweets) for the latest news for vascular specialists from VASCULAR SPECIALIST. vent physicians from taking industry bribes. James Barrie once said, “Those that bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves” – yet I note that our politicians have not passed similar legislation for themselves. So what does this Sunshine Act mean for vascular surgeons? In short, any amount of money paid directly or in kind (such as a free meal) in an amount exceeding $10, or if less than $10 amounting to more than $100 over a year, has to be reported by these companies to a national database. This will be made public for all our patients to see. I think it’s actually quite comical that CMS set the level of $10 for reporting. They clearly think this amount is enough to influence us. That’s probably because they realize that Medicare has reduced our income so dramatically that we would be willing to sell our mothers for $10! Now, like every other law enacted by the government, it took CMS 287 pages to describe how to interpret this supposedly simple law. Despite the length, I would urge everyone to read the final rule – but a good dose of Maalox should help. For in this extensive document CMS outlines rules such as how companies will determine how to report food a physician consumes at a national convention. The final rule determines how research monies should be accounted for and describes regulations for reporting payment for talks given to groups of referring physicians. I was especially intrigued by the convoluted mathematics that CMS invented to determine the dollar amount a company VASCULAR S PECIALIST VASCULAR SPECIALIST Medical Editor Russell Samson, M.D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ali AbuRahma, M.D., Charles A. Andersen, M.D., Magruder Craighead Donaldson, M.D., John F. Eidt, M.D., Ronald Fairman, M.D., Rob Fitridge, M.D., Larry Kraiss, M.D., Joan Lohr, M.D., James McKinsey, M.D., Mark Morasch, M.D., Frank Pomposelli, M.D., Brian Rubin, M.D., Russell H. Samson M.D., Cliff Shearman, M.D., Cynthia Shortell, M.D., Frank J. Veith, M.D., Robert Eugene Zierler, M.D. POSTMASTER Send changes of address (with old mailing label) to VASCULAR SPECIALIST, Subscription Service, 151 Fairchild Ave., Suite 2, Plainview, NY 11803-1709. The Society for Vascular Surgery headquarters is located at 633 N. St. Clair St., 22th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611. VASCULAR SPECIALIST (ISSN 1558-0148) is published bimonthly for the Society for Vascular Surgery by Frontline Medical Communications Inc., 7 Century Drive, Suite 302, Parsippany, NJ 07054-4609. Phone 973-206-3434, fax 973-206-9378 Subscription price is $230.00 per year. Executive Director SVS Rebecca Maron Communications Director SVS Keri Kramer VASCULAR SPECIALIST is the official newspaper of the Society for Vascular Surgery and provides the vascular specialist with timely and relevant news and commentary about clinical developments and about the impact of health care policy. Content for VASCULAR SPECIALIST is provided by International Medical News Group, LLC, a Frontline Medical CommunicationsInc. company. Content for the News From the Society is provided by the Society for Vascular Surgery. The ideas and opinions expressed in VASCULAR SPECIALIST do not necessarily reflect those of the Society or the Publisher. The Society for Vascular Surgery and Frontline Medical Communications Inc. will not assume responsibility for damages, loss, or claims of any kind arising from or related to the information contained in this publication, including any claims related to the products, drugs, or services mentioned herein. needs to report for the food provided by their representative for lunch for physicians and their staff. It goes something like this: If the food cost $180 and two of the four partners and three staff eat the food, then the per person food cost would be $36. That then becomes the amount that would be reported for each of the two doctors who got diarrhea from the bad food! Now, just to prove that CMS is not manned by a group of old fogies, they have even created an app for our smartphones so that we can track what is being reported. But we are obliged to enter the data ourselves, and we can’t use this as proof that an incorrect report was made. So, while physicians will have a minimum of 45 days to challenge information before it is public, and can dispute inaccurate reports and seek corrections during a 2-year period, it is advisable to review and correct all information before it is published. To not do this would be the same as asking the government to do our taxes rather than having our accountant do them! It is certainly true that abuses have occurred where unreasonable amounts of money have been paid to doctors to promote the use of drugs and medical products, and where research may have been tainted by profit motives. Furthermore, travel junkets thinly disguised as educational meetings have caused many to look askance at the relationship between industry and physicians. Improprieties have occurred by physicians on hospital purchasing committees because of undue influence from industry. And Continued on page 15 IMNG SOCIETY PARTNERS, A DIVISION OF IMNG MEDICAL MEDIA President and CEO, IMNG Medical Media Alan J. Imhoff Director, IMNG Society Partners Mark Branca Editor in Chief Mary Jo M. Dales Executive Editors Denise Fulton, Kathy Scarbeck Managing Editor Mark S. Lesney Executive Director, Operations Jim Chicca Director, Print Production Judi Sheffer Creative Director Louise A. Koenig Advertising Sales Director Mark Branca, 973-290-8246, [email protected] Classified Sales Manager Robert Zwick, 973-290-8226, [email protected] Classified Sales Representative Linda Wilson, 973-290-8243, [email protected] Advertising Offices 7 Century Drive, Suite 302, Parsippany, NJ 07054-4609 973-206-3434, fax 973-206-9378 Letters to the Editor: [email protected] ©Copyright 2013, by the Society for Vascular Surgery Scan this QR Code to visit vascularspecialistonline.com Editorial Offices 5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 6100, Rockville, MD 20852, 240-221-2400, fax 240-221-2548 FRONTLINE MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Stephen Stoneburn CFO Douglas E. Grose President, Custom Solutions JoAnn Wahl, 973-206-8989 [email protected] Vice President, Custom Programs Carol Nathan, 973-206-8099 [email protected] Corporate Director, Audience Development Donna Sickles, Subscription Inquiry Line 1-800-480-4851 Corporate Director, Marketing and Research Lori Raskin, 973-206-8013 [email protected] 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:22 AM Page 3 NEWS S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 • W W W. VA S C U L A R S P E C I A L I S T O N L I N E . C O M VEITH'S VIEWS: B Y F R A N K J. V E I T H , M . D. stated goal of the United States is to support and promote democracy throughout the world. This seems reasonable, because democracy has often worked well in our own and other Western countries, and because no other form of government has consistently been better. So is democracy the best form of government? I submit that it is the best only if certain conditions are met. For democracy to work, the public DR. VEITH must be well informed and willing to consider, at least to some extent, the country’s interests in addition to their own self-interests. If a major fraction of the public does not care about or know what is good for the country or is totally motivated by self-interest, the government and the country will fail. Sadly this appears to be the case in the U.S. today as evidenced by Jay Leno’s “JayWalking Segments” in which most young people interviewed – even college graduates – have no idea about issues important to our country. They appear to be more interested in sports and their social life and more knowledgeable about TV sitcoms and reality shows. How can such individuals be relied upon to pick government leaders who will take care of our country’s interests in the trying times it faces politically and economically? An ill-informed and noncaring public is more likely to pick leaders who are the slickest talkers and who promise the most despite the impossibility or negative effects of keeping these promises. This know-nothing or A Democracy – best, but only if…. self-interested nature of our electorate contributes importantly to the ever expanding entitlement culture in the U.S. and the resulting dangerous expansion of our national debt. Another related requirement for democracy to be an effective form of government is the need for an honest and objective media and press. A controlled or biased source of information contributes hugely to an illinformed public. Whoever controls the media and the press controls the minds of the voters. For democracy to work effectively, the public must not only want to be informed, they must also be given the necessary objective facts to make valid judgments. The press has a vital responsibility to provide such facts with minimal bias. There is considerable doubt about whether or not this is occurring today in the U.S. Of even greater importance to a successful democracy is the ethical stature of its leaders and their motivation – once elected – to act in the best interests of the country. Many forces act upon our leaders and are counter to these interests. These include obligations to those who helped elect them, ideology, personal gain, a desire to be reelected, and most importantly the corrupting requirement to solicit campaign financing. In the U.S. currently, the need to finance expensive campaigns is a major flaw in our democracy, and is really a veiled form of bribery. For a democratic leader to be successful in terms of doing a good job of leading the country, all these forces must be overridden by the desire to do what is right and best for the whole country. This means the leader must not serve solely special or Fruits, not vegetables from page 1 Swedish Inpatient Register and the Swedish National Cause of Death Register to follow outcomes of these patients. National health coverage in Sweden has been nearly 100% since 1987. All cases of AAA were identified by clinical events, not by general screening. AAA repair was identified via the Nordic Classification of Surgical Procedures. To classify aneurysmal localization and rupture status of AAA repairs, the researchers linked the cohorts to the Swedish Registry for Vascular Surgery (founded in 1987, which accounted for 93.1% of all AAA repairs in Sweden). Fruit and vegetable consumption was summed from results of the 96 food item questionnaire and converted to daily consumption categories ranging from never to greater than or equal to 3 times daily. Covariates assessed included edu- ©M ATTHEW K ENWRICK /F LICKR . COM AAA 3 cation, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity, waist circumference, and smoking duration and amount. The study population was ethnically homogenous. History of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia was obtained from the Swedish Inpatient Register, the Swedish National Diabetes Register, and the self-reported data from the questionnaire. During 13 years of follow-up (1998-2010), the researchers found that there were 1,086 primary cases self-interests, and must have the courage and inner strength to do what may at the moment be unpopular with his or her electoral base. He or she must unite the country rather than divide it for shortterm political or parochial gain. Unfortunately many of our recently elected U.S. leaders have not met any of these requirements. If this trend continues, our democracy will serve the country’s interests poorly, and the U.S. will decline rather than gain in stature and strength. Efforts at democracy in the Middle East and elsewhere have failed because some or all of the requirements discussed here have not been met. A similar decline awaits our U.S. democracy if the current flaws in the underlying system cannot be corrected. So far this discussion has largely been related to the U.S. federal government. However, the same considerations apply to effective governments at the county, state, and city levels, and to governing bodies of other entities which purport to be managed in a democratic fashion. This even applies to our vascular societies. The ethics and character of the leaders and those choosing them are important to effective governance and the success of the organization. If special interests, financial conflicts, and self-interest prevail over the needs of the organization, the latter will fail and decline. Dr. Veith is Professor of Surgery at New York University Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic. He is an associate medical editor for VASCULAR SPECIALIST. The ideas and opinions expressed in VASCULAR SPECIALIST do not necessarily reflect those of the Society or Publisher. (899 in men; 83%) and 222 cases of ruptured AAA (181 in men; 82%). The mean age for nonruptured AAA was 74 years in men and 76 years in women. For ruptured AAA it was 76 and 78.5 years in men and women, respectively. Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to estimate hazard ratios. Individuals in the highest quartile of fruit consumption (greater than 2 servings per day) had a 25% lower risk of AAA and a 43% lower risk of ruptured AAA, compared with those in the lowest quartiles of fruit consumption (less than 0.7 servings per day). No association was observed between vegetable consumption and AAA risk. There was no impact of smoking or sex of the individual on the fruit consumption–related AAA risk for both ruptured and nonruptured AAA. Men and women with a high consumption of fruit and vegetables were more educated; consumed more fish, meat, and whole grains; and were more likely to be leaner and physically active, and less likely to be smokers, according to the researchers. In addition, high consumers of fruit consumed less alcohol, whereas the reverse was true of high consumers of vegetables. “A diet high in fruits may help to prevent many vascular diseases, and this study provides evidence that a lower risk of AAA will be among the benefits,” the researchers concluded. The study was funded by grants from the Swedish Research Council and the Karolinska Institute. The authors reported they had no disclosures. [email protected] PERSPECTIVE o I guess the old adage is correct … “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” or should I say “An Apple A day keeps the AAA Away?” S Dr. Russell Samson is the Medical Editor of VASCULAR SPECIALIST. 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/13/2013 9:55 AM Page 4 NEWS 4 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST Perioperative beta-blockers Mortality from page 1 nine secure randomized trials totaling 10,529 patients who met the guideline criteria, 291 of whom died. They found that initiation of a course of beta-blockers as per guideline recommendations before surgery resulted in a 27% increase in mortality. In the secure trials, use of perioperative beta-blockers decreased nonfatal myocardial infarction significantly (RR, 0.73; P = .001), but increased stroke (RR, 1.73; P =.05) and hypotension (RR, 1.51; P less than .00001), according to the authors, who presented their data in Heart (2013 July 31 [doi: 10.1136/heartjnl2013-304262]). Of the 291 deaths recorded in the secure trials, 162 deaths (3.21%) occurred in 5,264 patients randomized to beta-blockers, and 129 deaths (2.45%) occurred in the 5,265 patients randomized to placebo. Thus, the initiation of a course of beta-blockers as per guideline recommendations before surgery resulted in a 27% increase in all-cause mortality, Dr. Bouri and her coauthors stated. “Any remaining [perioperative beta-blocker] enthusiasts might best channel their energy into a further randomized trial, which should be designed carefully and honestly,” they added. The results from the DECREASE family of trials substantially contradicted the meta-analysis of the secure trials on the effect on mortality (P = .05 for divergence). “All studies investigated in the DECREASE family for which data had not been lost were found to be insecure because of serious flaws. In one case, it was clear that the entire study database had been fabricated. DECREASE I, published in 1999, escaped investigation as the terms of the investigation only reached back 10 years,” the researchers reported. When the ESC and American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association guidelines were formulated, “the inclusion of insecure data caused them to reach the conclusion that beta-blockade had a neutral effect on mortality and allowed them to focus on the reduction of non-fatal MI as a surro- gate endpoint,” the authors explained. The DECREASE family of studies was discredited almost 2 years ago and subsequently underwent lengthy internal investigation, the results of which have been public for some time, according to the authors. “Nevertheless, neither the European Society of Cardiology nor the AHA guidelines have been retracted,” they said. “Patient safety being paramount, guidelines for perioperative betablockers should be retracted without further delay. Future guidelines should be accompanied by a commitment from named individuals to retract them immediately if the advice given is later revealed to be harmful,” the authors concluded. The authors reported that they had no conflicts of interest. [email protected] Visit Vascular Specialist on @VascularTweets and Vascular Specialist Now with Daily Updates on Changing News In the Vascular World! PERSPECTIVE his article suggests that one in four patients who die following non-cardiac vascular surgery die because we prescribe beta-blockade prior to major vascular surgery. Could this finding be more devastating to those of us who have changed our practice patterns to incorporate these medications into our perioperative routine? Have we, by following European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and 2009 American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF)/American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, been killing some of our patients? The latter guidelines suggest that there is at least a Class IIa indication for patients undergoing vascular surgery to be prescribed beta blockers prior to surgery, yet now we find that the data they based these recommendations on may have been discredited. At the outset I feel it is important that the reader know that there has been another recent publication suggesting that there still may be benefit from beta-blockade perioperatively in patients undergoing noncardiac vascular surgery. (London MJ, Hur K, Schwartz GG, et al. Association of perioperative-blockade with mortality and cardiovascu- T lar morbidity following major noncardiac surgery. JAMA 2013; 309:1704-1713). Still, those authors agree that it is hypothesis-generating rather than definitive. So what are we to do? Who are we to believe? And how did this awful dilemma arise? The most acceptable answer is that there may be differences in the type and dosage of beta blocker with some evidence that low doses of atenolol rather than metoprolol are safer. This suggestion comes from review of yet another negative trial of beta blockade, the socalled POISE trial which also showed an increase in death and stroke rate (but with high doses of metoprolol that most surgeons would not use). However, the truly disquieting reason for this debate is that it appears that questions have been raised concerning the validity of data provided by Dr. Don Poldermans of Erasmus Medical Center, may have falsified data in his DECREASE trials. To compound the problem Dr. Poldermans chaired the 2009 ESC guidelines for perioperative management in noncardiac surgery until his recent resignation after being fired from Erasmus Medical Center. Although he disputes the findings of an in-house investigation, Erasmus Medical Center concluded that there were “serious shortcomings in the procedure used to record informed consent, the submission of publications based on unreliable data, and scientifically inaccurate data collection. Erasmus press officer David Drexhage found that data used in several of Poldermans’s DECREASE studies have not been able to be retrieved from hospital records. For example, in the pilot study DECREASE-6, of 169 patients in the database, only 5 could be found in the hospital data system. “So 164 patients could not be accounted for, and we do not know for sure if these patients really existed,” according to Mr. Drexhage. At this stage, I can offer the reader no compelling reason to use or not use these medications, and so I await the new guidelines that hopefully will be published early next year. For now we will continue beta-blockers in patients already on them or in patients with a strong cardiac history since it does appear that cardiac risk is reduced although overall stroke mortality may be increased. We no longer attempt to drastically lower cardiac rate or blood pressure. I am disappointed that once more the medical community seems to be affected by the hubris of individual researchers whose academic aspirations transcend their moral obligations to tell the truth. We are disillusioned but more importantly our patients may be suffering strokes or dying. Is a reprimand or firing from a vaunted academic or hospital position enough of a penalty or should prison terms be given out? If an individual were responsible for thousands of deaths, would we ever consider a simple slap on the wrist as sufficient punishment? I think not. Dr. Russell Samson is the medical editor of Vascular Specialist. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, Florida State University Medical School and Attending Surgeon, Sarasota Vascular Specialists. His commentaries reflect his own opinions and are not necessarily those of the publisher or the Society for Vascular Surgery. Information regarding Dr. Poldermans and Erasmus Medical Center was obtained from the Erasmus Medical Center web site and reported interviews. Visit the online version of this article at our website: www.vascularspecialist.org for links. 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/13/2013 9:56 AM Page 5 VENOUS DISEASE S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 • W W W. VA S C U L A R S P E C I A L I S T O N L I N E . C O M Appropriate use criteria Testing from page 1 in a two-part series evaluating noninvasive testing for peripheral vascular disorders. Part I, published last year ( J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2012;60:24276), addressed peripheral arterial disorders, and Part II ( J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2013 July 19[doi:10.1016/ j.jacc.2013.05.001]) addresses venous disease and evaluation of hemodialysis access, according to Dr. Heather Gornik, chair of the Part II writing committee. “Vascular laboratory tests really play a central role in evaluating patients with peripheral vascular disorders. They are noninvasive, they have good accuracy data, and they don’t require radiation or dye. But we want to make sure the right tests are being ordered for the right reasons,” Dr. Gornik, a cardiologist and vascular tency and thrombosis; duplex evaluation for venous incompetency; venous physiological testing with provocative maneuvers to assess for patency and/or incompetency; du- plex of the inferior vena cava and iliac veins for patency and thrombosis; duplex of the hepatoportal system for patency, thrombosis, and flow direction; duplex of the renal vein for patency and thrombosis; and preoperative planning and postoperative assessment of a vascular access site. 5 Considering venous duplex ultrasound in a patient with acute unilateral limb swelling? Table 1 lists this as an appropriate use. How about duplex evaluation for venous incompetency in a patient with asymptomatic varicose veins? Table 3 says this may be appropriate, but notes Continued on following page &KRRVHWR (OLPLQDWH<RXU1HFN3DLQ 7UDGLWLRQDO)L[HG/RXSHV Vascular lab tests play a central role in evaluating patients with peripheral vascular disorders. 3RRU 3RVWXUH 6XUJL7HO $IWHUDIHZ\HDUVRIVXUJLFDOSUDFWLFH,VWDUWHG WR H[SHULHQFH FKURQLF QHFN DQG XSSHU EDFN SDLQ , ZDV VRRQ XVLQJ DQ RUWKRSHGLF QHFN EUDFH GXULQJ YDVFXODU SURFHGXUHV 7KHQ MXVW E\ VZLWFKLQJ WR DQ HUJRQRPLFDOO\ GHVLJQHG 6XUJL7HO ORXSH , ZDV DEOH WR HOLPLQDWH P\ FKURQLFQHFNDQGXSSHUEDFNSDLQ ([FHOOHQW 3RVWXUH +RQJVXN6XH0' 1HZ<RUN1HZ<RUN DR. GORNIK medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, said in an interview. Because these tests are low risk and easily accessible, there is concern that they are sometimes used excessively, she explained – specifically mentioning the use of duplex ultrasound for DVT screening as a commonly overused procedure. “There is very little evidence, if any, to support broad screening for blood clots in someone who has no symptoms,” she said. The goal of the ACC Foundation Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force responsible for developing the criteria was to help clinicians minimize unnecessary testing, and maximize the most effective and efficient testing, she added. Each of the clinical scenarios that was developed by the writing committee were rated by a technical panel as to whether it represents an “appropriate use,” or whether it is “maybe appropriate” or “rarely appropriate.” The various scenarios are listed, along with their rating, in eight “ata-glance” tables that address the following more general categories: venous duplex of the upper extremities for assessing patency and thrombosis; venous duplex of the lower extremities for assessing pa- ,QFUHDVH3RZHUZKLOH5HGXFLQJ:HLJKW 0LFUR3ULVP/RXSHV [[[ /LJKWHUWKDQRWKHU·VWUDGLWLRQDO *DOLOHDQ[/RXSHV 0LQLDWXUL]HGE\SDWHQWHG OLJKWZHLJKWRSWLFV (DVLO\YLHZ\RXUWDUJHWZLWK PRUHFRPIRUWDEOHORXSHV 1(: $FKLHYH0RELOLW\ZLWK3RUWDEOH/('/LJKWV 0LQL+LJK,QWHQVLW\/(' 6XUJLFDO+HDGEDQG/(' +RXU%DWWHU\ ZZZVXUJLWHOFRP 2$./(< 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 6 9/12/2013 11:22 AM Page 6 VENOUS DISEASE Continued from previous page that it is rarely appropriate in a patient with spider veins. The report also covers indications for vascular testing prior to or after placement of hemodialysis access, because “evaluation of the superficial, deep, and central veins of the upper extremity constitutes a large component of these examinations,” the report states. In general, vascular studies were deemed appropriate in the presence of clinical signs and symptoms. The report also shows that the vascular laboratory plays a central role in the evaluation of patients with chronic venous insufficiency, and that preoperative vascular testing for preparing a dialysis access site is appropriate within 3 months of the procedure – but not for general surveillance of a functional dialysis fistula or graft in the absence of an indication of a problem, such as a palpable mass or swelling in the arm. The report is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather is an attempt to address common and important clinical scenarios encountered in the patient with manifestations of peripheral vascular disease, the authors noted. SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST “The beauty of this report is that it spans many disciplines,” Dr. Gornik said, noting that numerous parties have an interest in peripheral vascular disease, and that many specialties order vascular laboratory tests. A number of them were represented in the development of these appropriate use criteria. Collaborating organizations included the Society for Vascular Surgery, the American College of Radiology, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the American Society of Echocardiography, the American Society of Nephrology, the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, the Society for Interventional Radiology, and the Society for Vascular Medicine. While other organizations have developed appropriate use criteria for other modalities, such as cardiac testing, few have specifically addressed vascular testing. “I hope that these criteria will allow clinicians and vascular laboratories to really focus on doing the highest quality work, and to evaluate their use of vascular testing, maximize the use of the vascular lab, and assure that the right test is done for the right indication and that tests that are not needed are not performed just because they are readily available,” she said. Dr. Gornik disclosed financial or other relationships with Zin Medical, Summit Doppler Systems Inc., the Fi- bromuscular Dysplasia Society of America, and the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. A detailed list of disclosures for all Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force Members is included with the full text of the report. PERSPECTIVE ith the ever increasing pressures hospitals are under to reduce costs, the elimination of unnecessary testing will be critically important. Venous ultrasound carries great potential for over use and abuse due to its safety, accuracy, availability, and low cost. It was with this in mind that this consensus group, which also published criteria for noninvasive diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease, developed a set of appropriate use criteria to guide providers in the use of venous ultrasound in a large variety of clinical situations. The rating scheme of “appropriate use,” “maybe appropriate” or “rarely appropriate” is practical and intuitive and all major venous studies were included. Moreover, the W multidisciplinary nature of the work group and the well considered nature of their recommendations lend credibility to the recommendations and ensure that the scenarios they cover are widely applicable. In one area, however, the report disappoints somewhat. Given the participation of the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission, it is surprising that there is less emphasis on the need for rigorous standards in our ultrasound labs so that the quality of information generated is excellent. Dr. Cynthia K. Shortell is Professor and Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery at Duke University Medical Center, and an associate medical editor for VASCULAR SPECIALIST. 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/13/2013 10:14 AM Page 7 SEPTEMBER 2013 • WWW.VASCULARSPECIALISTONLINE.COM NEWS NEWSFROM FRSVSSVS VQI REPORT 7 THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 A Message from the SVS Foundation Chair Dear Colleagues: Our specialty enjoys the prestige of being known for quality care. One of the reasons is the excellent research we’ve conducted. We must continue this good work both for our specialty and our patients. I am pleased to serve as the 2013 – 2014 Chair of the SVS® Foundation. The Foundation is the Society for Vas- cular Surgery’s® (SVS) philanthropic arm that funds our mission to advance vascular research. The Foundation’s funds are dedicated specifically for vascular surgery basic and clinical research, and are awarded to many younger surgeons to encourage their research careers. During last fiscal year SVS awarded $314,500. Grants presented by SVS Foundation include: 1. E. J. Wylie Traveling Fellowship 2. SVS Foundation Resident Research Prize 3. SVS Foundation Clinical Research Seed Grants My case was not an exception. Read 4. Multicenter Clinical Studies Planthe compelling stories on how SVS® ning Grant 5. Mentored Clinical Scientist ReFoundation awards transformed the search Career Developcareer of Luke Brewster ment Award (K08) from Emory, Michael Con6. Mentored Patient-Orite from UCSF, Peter Henke ented Research Career Defrom the University of velopment Award (K23) Michigan, Melina Kibbe 7. Vascular Research Initiafrom Northwestern Univertives Conference Travel sity and Keith Ozaki at the Resident Scholarships University of Florida. Sim8. SVS Foundation Student ply click on the SVS FounResearch Fellowships dation logo on the upper 9. Partnership Grant award- DR. GLOVICZKI left-hand corner of the Vased jointly with the AmericularWeb.org home page. can Geriatrics Society: The Jahnigen Throughout the years there have Scholars Program: A model for Faculbeen several very large contributions ty Career Development that served as the primary support This is an ambitious undertaking for these awards. While some of our that is worth supporting. Being the affiliated societies and industry genfirst E. J. Wiley Traveling Fellow in erously assist in support, the Founda1987, I know how important this tion needs individual SVS members prestigious award was to my profesto donate and take responsibility. sional career. I visited leading centers This 2013 SVS Foundation Annual Rein vascular surgery all around the port highlights a few of the Foundaworld with the SVS brand on my tion’s recent successes and awardees, passport and a fellowship named afand the financial report. You will see ter one of the greatest vascular surhow your funds are being spent and geons ever, Dr. E. J. Wiley. I was the care taken in choosing quality traveling on the shoulder of a giant: award winners. no doors remained closed. Our Annual Appeal Campaign, conducted October through January, is our primary fundraising program. Your donation to each year’s Annual Appeal accumulates toward the SVS Foundation’s Legacy Program. New this year, the Legacy Program tracks your lifelong Foundation contributions with the total recognized and published annually in SVS Foundation materials. The Legacy Program levels begin at $10,000 and top at $500,000. You will be honored in perpetuity for your personal commitment to your specialty. I encourage you to make a donation to this year’s Annual Appeal to keep feeding the pipeline of qualified researchers. Join me in making your SVS Foundation Annual Appeal donation at svsfoundationsite.org or using the donation form included in this Annual Report. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Thank you for your generosity. Your contribution demonstrates your personal and professional commitment to quality vascular care to your patients, the public, and decision-makers. Sincerely, Peter Gloviczki, MD Chair, SVS® Foundation In 2012 Thomas S. Hatsukami, MD, Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle, was presented the first Multicenter Clinical Studies Planning Grant. This $100,000 grant was presented to fund a high-imDR. HATSUKAMI pact multicenter clinical study in the treatment and/or prevention of vascular disease. The following is an update on Dr. Hatsukami’s clinical study. ach year, more than 100,000 carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid Estenting (CAS) procedures are performed in the United States alone. Increasingly, the value of CEA and CAS in patients with asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis is debated. Randomized trials comparing CEA to medical therapy in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis have shown that the absolute reduction in risk for stroke provided by surgical intervention is relatively small. Given further progress in the medical management of atherosclerosis, some providers now exclusively recommend non-surgical treatment to their patients with asymptomatic carotid disease. To deny carotid surgery or stenting to all such patients, however, may subject a subgroup of these individuals to the devastating consequences of stroke – the leading cause of major long term disability and fourth leading cause of death in the United States. To improve the selection of individuals for CEA and CAS, better methods for identifying the high risk carotid plaque are needed. A number of studies have shown that patients with intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH) or a disrupted luminal surface (DLS), as identified by carotid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have a five to 17-fold higher risk for SVS Progress Report on SVS Foundation Multicenter Clinical Studies Planning Grant Figure 1: Simultaneous Non-contrast Angiography and intra-Plaque hemorrhage (SNAP) image of the carotid artery. Panel (a) demonstrates a 3D maximal intensity projection (MIP) image of the non-contrast enhanced angiography acquisition. There is a high-grade stenosis in the proximal external carotid artery (arrowhead) and a minimally obstructive, ulcerated plaque in the proximal internal carotid artery (arrow). The simultaneously acquired IPH image shown in panel (b) is then color coded and fused with the angiographic data in panel (c). Axial reformatted images (d) demonstrate the ulcer (arrows) and surrounding high signal intensity consistent with intraplaque hemorrhage, confirmed by the corresponding matched histology cross-sections (Mason’s trichrome). future transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke. While results from these cohort studies are promising, a randomized controlled trial is needed to deter- mine whether plaque characterization with MRI improves the selection of appropriate candidates for carotid endarterectomy or stenting. Continued on page 9 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:25 AM Page 8 NEWS FROM SVS 8 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2013 SVS Foundation Award Recipients At the 2013 Vascular Annual Meeting®, May 30–June 1 in San Francisco, the SVS Foundation presented the following awards. SVS Foundation Resident Research Prize E.J. Wylie Traveling Fellowship Dr. Dardik, Research and Education Committee Chair, and Dr. Cambria presented the E.J. Wylie Traveling Fellowship award to David H. Stone, MD (center), of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. Dr. Stone plans to visit three centers of European excellence with distinguished faculty and accomplished EVAR track records in order to investigate specific EVARassociated costs and operating margins abroad. Richard Cambria, MD (left), and Alan Dardik, MD (right), presented Nathan Airhart, MD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, with the SVS Foundation Resident Research Prize for his work titled: Smooth muscle cells from abdominal aortic aneurysms are unique and can independently and synergistically degrade insoluble elastin. P HOTOS M ARTIN ALLRED Clinical Research Seed Grants Left: Larry Kraiss, MD (right), Research Council Chair, and Dr. Cambria presented the Clinical Research Seed Grant to Guillermo A. Escobar, MD, of the University of Michigan (Project Title: Urine mRNAs as a novel, early marker of acute kidney injury after contrast dye or surgery). Center: Dr. Gloviczki and Dr. Cambria presented Mahmoud Malas, MD, of Johns Hopkins University with his Clinical Research Seed Grant (Project Title: Correlation of vasa-vasorum volume to carotid plaque instability using contrast enhanced 3-dimensional carotid duplex ultrasound). Right: Dr. Cambria and Dr. Kraiss presented the Clinical Research Seed Grant to Benjamin M. Jackson, MD, of the University of Pennsylvania (Project Title: Biomechanical modeling and biomarkers to predict thoracic aneurysm growth). 12 SVS Foundation Student Research Fellowships Named he Student Research Fellowship, established by T the SVS Foundation, stimulates laboratory and clinical vascular research by undergraduate college students and medical school students registered at universities in the United States and Canada. Each award consists of a $3,000 student stipend and a two-year complimentary subscription to the Journal of Vascular Surgery®. Twelve college and medical school students were named at the 2013 Vascular Annual Meeting. Elizabeth Chen Yale School of Medicine Sponsor: Alan Dardik, MD Project title: Nanoparticles Covalently Linked to Bovine Pericardial Patches: A novel implantable system for sustained in vivo drug delivery Trit Garg Stanford Medical School Sponsor: Matthew Mell, MD Project title: Adherence to PostOperative Surveillance Guidelines and Outcomes After Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair Among Medicare Beneficiaries Project title: Role of p27Kip1838C>A SNP in Restenosis Michael Harlander-Locke University of California Los Angeles Sponsor: Peter Lawrence, MD Project title: Low-Frequency Disease Databases: A Necessary Alternative Method Catherine Go University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Sponsor: Rabih Chaer, MD Project title: Long-term Outcomes After Carotid Endarterectomy Neil Huben Omaha Veterans Affairs Medical Center Sponsor: Jason Michael Johanning, MD Project title: Lower Extremity Muscle Morphology and Gait Function in Femoropopliteal PAD Patients Anthony Grieff University of Washington Sponsor: Alec Clowes, MD Gregory Leya Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Sponsor: Louis Nguyen, MD Project title: Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Silver Wound Dressing in Lower Extremity Wounds Emily Nosova UCSF/San Francisco Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center Sponsor: Marlene Grenon, MD Project title: Evaluating the Severity of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Associated Inflammatory Markers: What Role Do n-3 Fatty Acids Play? Scott Robinson Emory University Sponsor: Luke Brewster, MD Project title: Enhancing the Regenerative Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Targeted Therapy in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia Grace Ruth Thompson University of Florida Sponsor: Scott Berceli, MD Project title: Secondary Flow Characteristics and Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation Kaisen Yao University of Iowa Sponsor: William Sharp, MD Project title: Pregnancy as a Risk Factor for HyperglycemiaInduced Vasculopathy Helen Lin Yuan SUNY Upstate Medical University Sponsor: Vivian Gahtan, MD Project title: The Pleiotropic Effect of Short-term Statin Administration on TSP-1 Induced Signaling in VSMCs 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:25 AM Page 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 • WWW.VASCULARSPECIALISTONLINE.COM NEWS NEWSFROM FRSVSSVS VQI REPORT THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Continued from page 7 In preparation for such a trial, there are a number of barriers that must first be addressed, including standardization of MR image acquisition protocols and assurance of uniformity in image quality and reproducibility across imaging platforms and study centers. There also is a need to reduce the time for image acquisition, which would decrease study costs and improve subjects’ tolerance of the scan. Furthermore, protocols that avoid the use of gadolinium contrast would permit assessment of patients with renal insufficiency. Finally, quantitative analysis tools that improve the efficiency and reliability of interpretation of large volumes of imaging data are essential. With funding from the SVS Foundation Multicenter Clinical Studies Planning Grant, a network of imaging centers has been established across North America. Over the past year, investigators from institutions in this network have collaborated on the development and testing of rapid, high-resolution 3-D MR imaging protocols capable of identifying IPH, luminal surface disruption, carotid arterial remodeling and luminal stenosis without the need for intravenous contrast (Figure 1, on page 7). This work provided critical preliminary background data for an application to the NIH for a multicenter study of asymptomatic carotid disease using these state-of-the art MRI techniques. Furthermore, this work has set the stage for additional multicenter grant applications planned for the coming year that will involve investigators in North America, Europe, and Asia. Clinical Relevance The current paradigm for the management of carotid atherosclerosis is guided by severity of stenosis. With high-resolution carotid MRI, we now have the opportunity to shift the focus from the flow channel to the diseased arterial wall itself. Given the heterogeneity of carotid plaque types, a method that can reliably characterize the carotid atheroma in vivo may lead to improved risk stratification for new or recurrent stroke. Better selection criteria will lead to a reduction in overall health care costs by reserving surgical procedures for individuals at greatest risk for future stroke. Furthermore, a better understanding of the nature of the vulnerable plaque will serve as a foundation for further research into the mechanisms of initiation and progression toward development of high-risk lesions of atherosclerosis, and perhaps lead to development of novel pharmacological therapy. The investigators wish to express their sincere gratitude to the SVS Foundation, whose support has significantly accelerated progress toward a better understanding of the high-risk carotid plaque. 9 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:25 AM Page 10 NEWS FROM SVS 10 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 With Thanks to SVS Foundation Donors The SVS Foundation thanks the following donors for their generous contributions during the Annual Appeal from April 1, 2012, through March 31, 2013. Individual Contributors Oliver O. Aalami, MD Babak Abai, MD Harry B. Abramowitz, MD Ali F. Aburahma, MD Donald L. Akers, MD Tolulope K. Akinyemi, MD Babatunde H. Almaroof, MD Joseph M. Anain, MD George Andros, MD Alan J. Annenberg, MD Enrico Ascher, MD Marvin D. Atkins Jr., MD Arthur I. Auer, MD Bernadette Aulivola, MD Mario H. Avila, MD Martin R. Back, MD J. Dennis Baker, MD William H. Baker, MD Jeffrey L. Ballard, MD B. Timothy Baxter, MD Carlos F. Bechara, MD Michael Belkin, MD Richard A. Berg, MD Victor Bernhard, MD Scott A. Berceli, MD, PhD Edwin G. Beven, MD James H. Black, MD John Blebea, MD Robert A. Brigham, MD O. William Brown, MD Phillip L. Cacioppo, MD Keith D. Calligaro, MD Richard P. Cambria, MD James G. Chandler, MD David P. Christenberry, MD Paul L. Cisek, MD Patrick G. Clagett, MD Alexander W. Clowes, MD Louis J. Cohen, MD William B. Cohen, MD John E. Connolly, MD Michael S. Conte, MD Jack L. Cronenwett, MD David V. Cossman, MD John A. Curci, MD Ronald L. Dalman, MD Michael C. Dalsing, MD Stratton G. Danes, MD Alan Dardik, MD, PhD Herbert Dardik, MD Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD Joseph A. Davis, MD David H. Deaton, MD Devendra B. Dekiwadia, MD Giacomo A. DeLaria, MD Magruder C. Donaldson, MD Peter S. Dovgan, M.D. Maciej L. Dryjski, MD Joseph R. Durham, MD Matthew J. Eagleton, MD Matthew S. Edwards, MD John F. Eidt, MD Ronald M. Fairman, MD Rumi Faizer, MD Mark Fillinger, MD John J. Flanagan, MD Thomas L. Forbes, MD Randall W. Franz, MD Julie Ann Freischlag, MD Mark L. Friedell, MD William R. Fry, MD Dennis R. Gable, MD Vivian Gahtan, MD Nicholas D. Garcia, MD Nitin Garg, MBBS Stephen M. Gemmett, MD Bruce L. Gewertz, MD Gary Giangola, MD Joseph S. Giglia, MD Peter Gloviczki, MD John F. Golan, MD Jerry Goldstone, MD Wayne S. Gradman, MD Naren Gupta, MD Prem C. Gupta, MD Raul J. Guzman, MD Vivienne J. Halpern, MD, FACS Sachinder S. Hans, MD Russell N. Harada, M.D. Nancy L. Harthun, MD Thomas S. Hatsukami, MD G. Ken Hempel, MD Peter K. Henke, MD Anil P. Hingorani, MD Mark D. Iafrati, MD Karl A. Illig, MD Daniel Ihnat, MD Fernando L. Joglar, MD K. Wayne Johnston, MD William D. Jordan, Jr., MD Peter E. Kagan, M.D. Pierre B. Karam, MD Vikram S. Kashyap, MD Karthikeshwa Kasirajan, MD Steven G. Katz, MD Gregory J. Kechejian, MD Melina R. Kibbe, MD Lois A. Killewich, MD, PhD Terry A. King, MD Larry W. Kraiss, MD Christopher J. Kwolek, MD Gregory J. Landry, MD Robert A. Larson, MD George S. Lavenson, MD Peter F. Lawrence, MD Christopher J. Lecroy, MD Cheong J. Lee, MD Stephen E. Lee, MD Rhoda F. Leichter, MD Scott A. LeMaire, MD Gary W. Lemmon, MD, FACS Edward Li, MD Michael P. Lilly, MD Timothy K. Liem, MD Frank W. LoGerfo, MD Fedor Lurie, MD Richard A. Lynn, MD, FACS, RPVI Joseph G. Magnant, MD Michel S. Makaroun, MD M. Ashraf Mansour, MD Rebecca M. Maron, CAE Gordon H. Martin, MD Kevin D. Martin, MD Douglas W. Massop, MD John H. Matsuura, MD W. Burley McIntyre, MD Robert B. McLafferty, MD George H. Meier, MD Donna M. Mendes, MD Charles L. Mesh, MD Joseph L. Mills, MD Erica L. Mitchell, MD Marc E. Mitchell, MD Erin M. Moore, MD, FACS Satish C. Muluk, MD Richard F. Neville, MD Patrick J. O’Hara, MD Charles S. O’Mara, MD William Oppat, MD Robert W. Osborne Jr., MD C. Keith Ozaki, MD Frank T. Padberg, MD Marcos Henrique Parisati, MD Marc A. Passman, MD Virendra I. Patel, MD William H. Pearce, MD Gregory J. Pearl, MD Bruce A. Perler, MD William C. Pevec, MD Ralph B. Pfeiffer, MD Giancarlo Piano, MD Steve Powell, MD Kevin Raftery, MD Rajeev K. Rao, MD Daniel J. Reddy, MD Jeffrey M. Rhodes, MD Norman M. Rich, MD, FACS Thomas S. Riles, MD Larry J. Robson, MD L. Richard Roedersheimer, MD Joel C. Rosenfeld, MD David Rosenthal, MD Charles B. Ross, MD Matthew B. Rossi, MD Fred W. Rushton, Jr., MD Patrick C. Ryan, MD Michael Joseph Sacca, MD Farouq Ali Samhouri, MD Russell H. Samson, MD Bhagwan Satiani, MD Sharon Saunders, FNP-C Andres Schanzer, MD Larry A. Scher, MD Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD Peter A. Schneider, MD Darren B. Schneider, MD Peter J. Schubart, MD Gary R. Seabrook, MD Piergiorgio G. Settembrini, MD Raymond M. Shaheen, MD Maureen K. Sheehan, MD Paula Shireman, MD Gregorio A. Sicard, MD Anton N. Sidawy, MD, MPH Alan E. Singer, DPM Michael J. Singh, MD Tej M. Singh, MD Mahalingham Sivakumar, MD Robert P. Smilanich, MD Robert B Smith, MD Wilson Oliveira Sousa Jr., MD James C. Stanley, MD W. Charles Sternbergh, MD Ronald J. Stoney, MD David S. Sumner, MD Bauer Sumpio, MD Anthony M. Sussman, MD, FACS Robert B. Swersky, MD Pinkus Szuchmacher, MD Gale L. Tang, MD Gary A. Tannenbaum, MD Thomas T. Terramani, MD Windsor Ting, MD Dennis I. Toppin, MD, FRCSC Jeffrey D. Trachtenberg, MD James F. Tretter Jr., DO Edith Tzeng, MD Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr., MD Jay Vasquez, MD Gilford S. Vincent, MD Uthan Vivek, MD James S. Wagner, MD Willis H. Wagner, MD Dean H. Wasserman, MD Daniel B. Walsh, MD Thomas W. Wakefield, MD Michael T. Watkins, MD Fred A. Weaver, MD Franklin W. West, RN Alex Westerband, MD John V. White, MD Paul W. White, MD Anthony Whittemore, MD Edward Y. Woo, MD Karen Woo, MD Anson A. Yeager, MD Elie J. Zayyat, MD Jack Zeltzer, MD Wei Zhou, MD Robert M. Zwolak, MD, PhD Surgery Department Contributors • Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Richard P. Cambria, MD, Chief • Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Massachusetts Medical School, UMass Memorial Health Care, Louis M. Messina, MD, Vice Chair Foundation and Association Contributors • American Podiatric Medical Association • Edwards Vascular Foundation ( John D. Edwards, MD) • American College of Surgeons •von Liebig Foundation 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:25 AM Page 11 SEPTEMBER 2013 • WWW.VASCULARSPECIALISTONLINE.COM NEWS NEWSFROM FRSVSSVS VQI REPORT 11 THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Open the Pathway Recognition 2012-2013 The Open the Pathway campaign, conducted in 2009 and into early 2010, received strong support from SVS members, regional societies, and industry partners. The Foundation thanks those who supported the campaign and continue their pledge contributions. SVS MEMBER CONTRIBUTORS Platinum Level - $25,000-plus George Andros, MD Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD Nicholas D. Garcia, MD Vivienne J. Halpern, MD William H. Pearce, MD Gold Level - $10,000-plus G. Patrick Clagett, MD Michael C. Dalsing, MD Rumi Faizer, MD, FRCS (C) Dr. Bruce and Diane L. Gewertz John F. Golan, MD Joseph Magnant, MD Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Mills Sr. Gregory J. Pearl, MD Dr. Bauer and Catherine Sumpio Dr. Dan and Teri Walsh Robert M. Zwolak, MD, PhD Silver Level - $5,000-plus Dr. Victor and Suzan Bernhard Phillip L. Cacioppo, MD Richard P. Cambria, MD Alexander W. Clowes, MD Michael S. Conte, MD Jack L. Cronenwett, MD Ronald L. Dalman, MD Alan Dardik, MD, FACS Herbert Dardik, MD Matthew J. Eagleton, MD Julie Ann Freischlag, MD Dr. Peter and Monika Gloviczki Nancy L. Harthun, MD Peter K. Henke, MD Mark D. Iafrati, MD Karl A. Illig, MD William D. Jordan Jr., MD Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Kraiss Gary W. Lemmon, MD Peter F. Lawrence, MD Rebecca M. Maron, CAE Kevin D. Martin, MD Donna M. Mendes, MD, FACS Charles S. O’Mara, MD William Oppat, MD Jeffrey M. Rhodes, MD Gary R. Seabrook, MD Dr. Thomas and Mary Wakefield Dean H. Wasserman, MD, FACS Fred A. Weaver, MD Bronze Level - $1,000-plus Harry B. Abramowitz, MD Ali F. AbuRahma, MD Enrico Ascher, MD Martin R. Back, MD J. Dennis Baker, MD William H. Baker, MD Dr. Tim and Barbara Baxter Michael Belkin, MD Richard A. Berg, MD James H. Black III, MD O. William Brown, MD, JD Dr. Jim and Cindi Chandler John A. Curci, MD Magruder C. Donaldson, MD Maciej L. Dryjski, MD, PhD Drs. Matthew and Angela Edwards Dr. John and Lacy Eidt Ronald M. Fairman, MD Drs. Mark and Mary Fillinger Thomas L. Forbes, MD Randall W. Franz, MD Mark L. Friedell, MD Dennis R. Gable, MD Vivian Gahtan, MD Stephen M. Gemmett, MD Gary Giangola, MD Joseph S. Giglia, MD, FACS Jerry Goldstone, MD Sachinder Singh Hans, MD Anil P. Hingorani, MD Daniel Ihnat, MD K. Wayne Johnston, MD Vik S. Kashyap, MD Steven G. Katz, MD Christopher J. Kwolek, MD Gregory J. Landry, MD George S. Lavenson Jr., MD Stephen E. Lee, MD Dr. and Mrs. Scott LeMaire Timothy K. Liem, MD Frank W. LoGerfo, MD Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lynn Michel S. Makaroun, MD M. Ashraf Mansour, MD Gordon H. Martin, MD Douglas W. Massop, MD Robert B. McLafferty, MD George H. Meier, MD Charles S. Mesh, MD Louis M. Messina, MD Erica L. Mitchell, MD Marc E. Mitchell, MD Satish C. Muluk, MD Dr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Hara Robert W. Osborne Jr., MD Bruce A. Perler, MD Rip B. Pfeiffer Jr., MD Kevin B. Raftery, MD Thomas S. Riles, MD L. Richard Roedersheimer, MD David Rosenthal, MD Russell H. Samson, MD Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD Darren B. Schneider, MD Maureen K. Sheehan, MD Paula K. Shireman, MD Gregorio A. Sicard, MD Anton N. Sidawy, MD James C. Stanley, MD W. Charles Sternbergh, III, MD Ronald J. Stoney, MD Windsor Ting, MD Jeffrey D. Trachtenberg, MD Edith Tzeng, MD Gib R. Upchurch, MD Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Whittemore Wei Zhou, MD Foundation Friends Jeffrey L. Ballard, MD Keith D. Calligaro, MD Paul Christenberry, MD J. Louis Cohen, MD William B. Cohen, MD Jack E. Connolly, MD David V. Cossman, MD Wayne S. Gradman, MD Raul J. Guzman, MD Melina R. Kibbe, MD Edward Li, MD W. Burley McIntyre, MD C. Keith Ozaki, MD William C. Pevec, MD Steve Powell, MD Rajeev K. Rao, MD Daniel J. Reddy, MD Norman M. Rich, MD Joel C. Rosenfeld, MD Farouq Ali Samhouri, MD Bhagwan Satiani, MD Michael J. Singh, MD Robert P. Smilanich, MD Robert B. Smith, III, MD Robert B. Swersky, MD Jay Vasquez Jr., MD Willis H. Wagner, MD Edward Y. Woo, MD VASCULAR SOCIETY CONTRIBUTORS Eastern Vascular Society Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society New England Vascular Surgical Society Western Vascular Society CORPORATE CONTRIBUTORS Premier Partners ($250,000 - plus) Philips Healthcare President’s Circle ($100,000 - plus) Abbott Vascular M2S Atrium Open the Pathway Contributors Cook Medical GE Healthcare Invatec/Medtronic Siemens Spectranetics ZymoGenetics 07_12VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:25 AM Page 12 NEWS FROM SVS 12 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST THE SVS® FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 SVS Foundation FY 2014 Budgeted Revenue and Expense MARCH 2013 TOTAL ASSETS: 5.6 M* SVS Foundation Total Income SVS Foundation Total Expenses Individual contributions 19% Fundraising expenses 2% 89% Awards 55% Corporate support 26% 9% Society contributions** Total income $367,000 Total expenses $596,100 * includes cash, investments, and value of pledges of future support ** includes SVS, ACS, and regional society contributions Source: Society for Vascular Surgery Rabih Chaer, MD Receives AGS Award SVS Foundation Launches the Roy Greenberg Distinguished Lecture at 2013 Vascular Annual Meeting Greenberg has served as national oy Greenberg, MD, was honprincipal investigator for several ored during the Vascular Anendograft trials and holds four nual Meeting held in San personal IDEs related to endoFrancisco with the first of a segraft repair; most notable ries of lectures in his name. Dr. among these is his work with Stephan Haulon, MD, PhD, fenestrated and branched endoProfessor of Surgery, Université grafting. de Lille 2, Chief of Vascular This first in the Greenburg seSurgery, Hôpital Cardiologique ries of lectures was supported by - CHRU Lille, Lille, France DR. GREENBERG a seed grant to the SVS Foundaspoke on “New Frontiers, New Solutions? Lessons Learned from Training tion from Cook Medical. with a Pioneer.” Dr. Greenberg is currently Professor of Surgery of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Lerner College of Medicine. His prestigious career is focused on development and assessment of endovascular devices for treating aortic diseases. He holds more than 50 patents. He developed a mathematical model for processing and fusing imaging modalities to facilitate complex aortic Dr. Peter Gloviczki congratulates Dr. Stephan Haulon for giving endograft repair. Dr. the first Roy Greenberg Distinguished Lecture. Administration and governance Vascular Surgeon Presented With a Jointly-Funded Award by the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and the SVS Foundation R related medical disciplines. Working more closely together, JSP supports highly qualified Career Developyoung specialty facment Award ( JSP) ulty members to iniin 2002. JSP fosters tiate and ultimately the development of sustain a career in scientists in the surresearch and educagical and related tion in the geriatrics medical disciplines. aspects of their disSVS Foundation cipline. Dr. Chear’s collaborated with award recognizes AGS in funding the DR. CHAER the importance of JSP award in 2009 collaboration between the vasand presented it to SVS member Dr. Rabih Chaer. Dr. cular surgery specialty and geriatrics. Chaer’s research is titled This unique award brings “Effect of Aging and Aortic Wall Behavior as Predictors of together the leaders from 10 specialty societies and geriatriAortic Aneurysm Growth.” cians. Working together has The JSP addresses the need fostered an environment of to create a structure of developing leaders in geriatrics, aca- sharing to improve the health care of American seniors. demic surgery, and other M ARTIN A LLRED he AGS launched the Jahnigen Scholars Program: A T Model for Faculty 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:22 AM Page 13 DEVICES, DRUGS, & TRIALS S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 • W W W. VA S C U L A R S P E C I A L I S T O N L I N E . C O M 13 Apixaban beats warfarin on safety in acute VTE BY MITCHEL L. ZOLER IMNG Medical Ne ws AMSTERDAM – In patients with acute venous thromboembolism, 6 months of treatment with the oralanticoagulant apixaban was as effective as was standard therapy with subcutaneous enoxaparin for a week followed by oral warfarin, and apixaban caused significantly fewer major bleeding complications in a randomized, multicenter trial with more than 5,000 patients. But in addition to apixaban’s sterling individual performance in this pivotal trial, which seems to clear the way for the drug to eventually receive a labeled indication for acute venous thromboembolism, the results also appeared to further anoint the new, oral anticoagulant roster of dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), and apixaban (Eliquis) as the thromboticdisease troika to be reckoned with, the newcomers whose time has come. Ever since rivaroxaban became the first of the trio to gain acute VTE labeling, last November, physicians who manage patients with acute VTE had to wrestle with the question of how to integrate this option into their prac- tices. The new findings on apixaban suggest that physicians will soon have to think about deciding between rivaroxaban and apixaban for this indication. Since recent results from other major trials also established dabigatran as the equal of warfarin for efficacy when treating acute VTE and with superior safety, dabigatran’s entry into acute VTE management DR. ROSENDAAL seems imminent (N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;368:709-18). Propelling this new anticoagulant era are the indications of efficacy that’s equivalent with heparin, but safer, and with far easier drug delivery as the need for anticoagulation clinics and regular measurement of international normalized ratio (INR) is eliminated by all three new drugs. “An oral regimen without laboratory monitoring will simplify therapy,” Dr. Giancarlo Agnelli noted when he presented the new apixaban findings at the congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Concurrently with his report at the meeting, the results were published online (N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;doi:10.1056/nejmoa1302507). “I think the argument is overwhelming” to use one of the new drugs instead of warfarin. “They are oral drugs where you do not need a blood draw every 2 or 3 weeks, they are a lot easier to use, and they are at least as good as warfarin and at least as safe,” said Dr. Frits R. Rosendaal, professor of clinical epidemiology in hemostasis and thrombosis at Leiden (The Netherlands) University. The Apixaban for the Initial Management of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep-Vein Thrombosis as FirstLine Therapy (AMPLIFY) trial randomized 5,400 acute VTE patients at 358 centers in 28 countries. Patients received either apixaban starting with a 10-mg b.i.d. dosage for 7 days, followed by a dosage of 5 mg b.i.d. for 6 months, or enoxaparin at a dosage of 1 mg/kg every 12 hours for a median of 7 days followed by warfarin for 6 months with a target INR of 2.0-3.0. The study’s primary efficacy endpoint was the combined rate of recurrent, symptomatic VTE or death related to VTE. This occurred in 59 of 2,609 patients (2.3%) who received apixaban, and in 71 of 2,635 (2.7%) patients who received enoxaparin followed by warfarin. These results met the study’s prespecified criterion for apixaban’s noninferiority to standard treatment reported Dr. Agnelli, professor of medicine at the University of Perugia, Italy. Major bleeding events occurred in 15 of 2,676 (0.6%) patients on apixaban and in 49 of 2,689 (1.8%) patients on enoxaparin and warfarin, a statistically significant difference. A composite safety outcome of major bleeds plus clinically relevant nonmajor bleeds occurred in 4.3% of the apixaban patients and in 9.7% of the patients on standard therapy, a statistically significant difference. Aside from bleeding events, the rates of all other adverse events were similar in the two treatment arms. The trial was sponsored by Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb, which market apixaban. Dr. Agnelli disclosed ties to Pfizerand other pharma companies. Dr. Rosendaal had no disclosures. 100,000+ [email protected] On Twitter @mitchelzoler PROCEDURES COLLECTED & READY FOR BENCHMARKING Vascular Quality Initiative® a collaboration between ® GET STARTED NOW www.vascularqualityinitiative.org/start 01_3_5_6_13_14VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:22 AM Page 14 14 SEPTEMBER 2013 • VASCULAR SPECIALIST CLASSIFIEDS A l s o a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. M e d J o b N e t w o r k . c o m PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Vascular-Endovascular Surgeon Harrisburg, PA Pinnaclehealth Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, in Harrisburg PA, is seeking a full-time Vascular-Endovascular Surgeon to join their growing practice. Interested candidates should be board-certified and vascular lab certified. 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Listed among Forbes.com “America’s Most Livable Cities,” we are a day-trip away from New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. Our advancing system is confirmed by the many awards, recognitions, and “firsts” listed on our website and construction of another state-of-the-art hospital with a full range of innovative cardiac services. Our 140-year tradition of growth and excellence remains unabated; join us. Qualified candidates please email CV to [email protected] For more information about PinnacleHealth please visit www.pinnaclehealth.org The Ohio State University Heart and Vascular Center For deadlines and more information, contact Linda Wilson Tel: (973) 290-8243, Email: [email protected] Controversies in Vascular Diseases and 6th Annual Vascular Noninvasive Testing Symposium, November 1-2, 2013 in Columbus OH Division of Vascular Diseases & Surgery and the Peripheral Vascular lab are sponsoring a two day event. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Center for Continuing Medical Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians, nurses and sonographers this live activity is designated for a maximum of 9 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ . For more information please contact Dawn Sagle at [email protected] call 614-293-8536 or visit our website for conference brochure information http://surgery.osu.edu/vascular/ IMNG Medical Media, a division of Frontline Medical Communications, Inc. 7 Century Drive, Suite 302 Parsippany, NJ 07054-4609 FIND YOUR NEXT JOB AT MEDJOBNETWORK com Physician NP/PA Career Center The frst mobile job board for Physicians, NPs, and PAs Disclaimer VASCULAR SPECIALIST assumes the statements made in classified advertisements are accurate, but cannot investigate the statements and assumes no responsibility or liability concerning their content. The Publisher reserves the right to decline, withdraw, or edit advertisements. Every effort will be made to avoid mistakes, but responsibility cannot be accepted for clerical or printer errors. Mobile Job Searches—access MedJobNetwork.com on the go from your smartphone or tablet Advanced Search Capabilities—search for jobs by specialty, job title, geographic location, employers, and more Scan this QR code to access the mobile version of MedJobNetwork.com 02_15VS13_9.qxp 9/12/2013 11:23 AM Page 15 TIPS AND TRICKS S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 • W W W. VA S C U L A R S P E C I A L I S T O N L I N E . C O M TIPS AND TRICKS: B Y A L B E I R Y. M O U S A , M . D . he underlying pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency is complex and involves many factors. Studies have shown that average venous ulcers may need 6-12 months for complete healing with an anticipated recurrence rate exceeding 2/3 cases in 5 years. These numbers reflect the magnitude of the problem and mandate deploying all efforts to stop progression of the disease. Our group has found the following 10 DR. MOUSA tips have significantly improved our healing rates. 1. First, rule out any associated arterial, immunologic, endocrine, or other systemic causes for leg/foot ulceration. 2. Be aggressive to stop progression of the disease (fight CEAP 6): any local tenderness at the site of discolored skin at the gaiter area for venous ulcers should initiate a prompt reflux study to evaluate for incompetent perforators. 3. Venous ulcers are associated with an incompetent perforator within 2 cm of the ulcer area. 4. Recurrent venous ulcers at the same location may be associated with venous outflow obstruction, (MayThurner syndrome is an underestimated pathology) which affects mainly the left leg. 5. When performing iliac vein venograms, make liberal use of in- T Continued from page 2 yes, some doctors would sell their mothers for 10 bucks. But, on the whole, we remain one of the most honest of professions. So was it really necessary to add another impediment to the doctor-patient relationship? When our patients eventually look at this database, will they really be able to differentiate between monies for research or those used to provide lunch to an office? Will they regard physicians as crooks just because they were reimbursed for lecturing at a scientific meeting? Maybe! Actually, I suspect my patients won’t bother to look at the database but those that do will just be confused. Regardless, I suspect we will now be spending time explaining ourselves rather than explaining treatments. So much for Sunshine! 15 Ten tips for chronic venous ulcers travascular ultrasound. 6. Exudative venous ulcers need multilayer compression dressings and appropriate antibiotics if infection exists. 7. Pentoxifylline (Trental) 800 mg, 3 times daily. 8. Frequent debridement and frequent objective evaluation for ulcer area with each office visit. 9. Bi-layered living cell treatment (Apligraf®) to promote healing. 10. Office/clinic visit every 3 months after complete healing (CEAP 5) and further testing as needed. Dr. Mousa is an associate professor at the Department of Surgery, West Virginia University, Morgantown. 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See Instructions for Use for full indication, contraindication and caution statements. Rx only. i,"ÊÀ>vÌÊÃÊV>ÃÃwi`ÊLÞÊÌiÊÊ>ÃÊ>ÊÛ>ÃVÕ>ÀÊ}À>vÌÊ«ÀÃÌiÃð £ÈxxÊ,LiÀÌÃÊÕiÛ>À`]Ê 7ÊÊUÊÊiiÃ>Ü]ÊiÀ}>ÊÎä£{{ÊÊUÊÊ*iÊnnn®Ê{ÓÇÈx{ÊÊUÊÊÇÇä®Ê{£ÎÎxx All trademarks are owned by CryoLife, Inc. or its subsidiaries. HeRO Graft is a Hemosphere, Inc. product distributed LÞÊ ÀÞvi]ÊV°Ê>`ÊiëiÀi]ÊV°ÊÊ^ÊÓä£ÎÊ ÀÞvi]ÊV°ÊÊÀ}ÌÃÊÀiÃiÀÛi`° HeRO Graft Catheter £°ÊÜ>`ÊÌiÊ«« 2. Scan the code with your mobile device to watch video
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