Head of School Letter Dates to Remember

Volume 13, Issue 28
Head of School Letter
Dear Parents,
If someone should ask you “What is Classical Education?” what
would your reply be? Simple stated you could say “Classical Education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue.” So then…what
does that mean? Cultivating wisdom and virtue means that we work
on character and truth in our children. This means cultivating (not
molding) our students. When we mold something, we turn it from one
thing into something different. In Classical Education, we cultivate
the child’s soul. In cultivating the child’s soul, the purpose is to produce wisdom and virtue. The next question is “how do you do that?”
You do that by nourishing the soul on truth, beauty and wisdom.
Many educational institutes invoke the concept of educating the
“whole child”. If the soul is in essence the whole child, then why not
educate the soul? For those institutes that educate the “whole child”
too often the soul of the child is NEVER mentioned.
In classical education and at PCS, cultivating wisdom and virtue is
a priority. We desire that the character of our children reflect moral
excellence and righteousness. Our hope is that all children learn to
discern and judge what is true and right and that they live their lives
according to these convictions.
I have been speaking to students this year about their character. I,
along with their teachers, have emphasized the importance of good
character in all that they do and all that they say. Please join us in
helping your child become a person who possesses the wisdom and
virtue they need to make right decisions as they learn to become Godfearing people.
In His Service,
Susan Oweis
March 25, 2015
Dates to Remember
Open Enrollment
Archery Club
SAT Prep Club
Financial Aid
Drama Club
Jump Rope Club
No Debate Club
Chess Club
Theatre Works
Art Club
Spring Break
No School
Bookmobile K-4
Class Trips/ Internships Week
Chili Cook-Off
Veritas 4 - 6pm
PCS Board Meeting
Standardized Testing 04/27Grades 4-9
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Providence Classical School
LOT Committee...Loving Our Teachers
The PCS teachers would like to thank Polly Jones for her great effort in supplying them with a delicious corned beef take-home dinner this past week. Thank you Mrs. Jones! And thanks also to Moya
Vaughan and Jessice Fischer for their support. The April LOT Committee will be on April 16th and
chaired by Sam Buirski; contact her to get involved: [email protected].
Grove Christian Outreach Service Project Thanks
Thank you to the PCS Art Club, under the direction of Mrs. Melinda Lewes, for their help with the
Grove Christian Outreach spring holiday projects. The Art Club, and additional students, have worked
to paint crosses for Easter and bookmarks for Mother’s Day. We’d like to thank the Allan family for
their help with the Father’s Day bookmark project. Thank you all!
Events Office News
The PCS Events office is gearing up for the end of year events, including all of the senior activities,
teacher appreciation week, and more. Help is always welcome, so drop in anytime or contact Jean
Teacher AppreciationWeek
We are already starting to think about Teacher Appreciation Week in May. If you would like to help
during that wonderful week in any way (bring food, help with decorations or favors, donate funds,
wash cars, run errands...) please contact Jean Henry. A sign up sheet will be included in newsletters
after Easter break.
Jean Henry
Events Office
Providence Classical School-Williamsburg, VA
757-565-2900 x305
Check out our new video!
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Providence Classical School
Saturday, April 18th, 4 pm-6 pm
Providence Classical School, Veritas Hall
$5 per person to sample and judge the chili and cornbread entries.
Children under 10 are free.
Do you make a sizzling chili? A sweet or savory cornbread?
Enter for the chance to win a prize and the bragging rights.
$25 per entry, chili OR cornbread.
Want to enter both categories?
$40 to enter both a chili AND a cornbread recipe.
1st. 2nd, and 3rd place awards for best chili and best cornbread.
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Providence Classical School
Art News
Parents, if you have not had a chance to check out the amazing art display
at Trader Joe’s, hurry! The display comes down at the end of this month.
End of Year Art Show
The “Timeless Beauty’ music and art show will be earlier this
year, April 20-24, however, the visual art display will be up for 2-4
weeks after that. Some pieces will be added as they are completed.
Art Camp
Summer Art Camp Children’s Learning Activities: May 2012
Save the Dates!
Summer Art Camp is back! The Art Camp will be taught by Mrs. Lewes June 1-5 from
10-2. Campers will meet in the art room at 10 and pick up is promptly at 2. The only thing
campers will need to bring is a lunch, water bottle, and white tee shirt. The 15 hour camp
costs $100.00.
Campers will create 3-4 projects throughout the week in a variety of media. If your son
or daughter is interested, please fill out the form below and return it to school. The camp
fee can be paid in full at registration or split up into two payments: $50.00 included turned
in with the form and the other $50.00 the first day of camp, or sooner. Checks should be
made payable to: Melinda Lewes.
If you have questions, please call or email me at school and I will contact you to confirm
registration of the camp the beginning of May.
Melinda Lewes
[email protected]
757-565-2900 Ext. 311
Art Camp Registration
Student Name________________________Age_________________________________
Parent Name_____________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers___________________________________________________________
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Providence Classical School
Highlights of the 03/23/15 Board Meeting
The board accepted all consent items: minutes, Head of School Report, and
Treasurer’s Report. Minutes are available in the school office.
As part of the board’s continuing education on classical education, the
chapter “The Seven Liberal Arts” from “The Liberal Arts Tradition” (Clark
& Jain) was discussed -- The seven liberal arts are the established paths
that tutor the reason and train the mind in virtue. Our schools would do
well to hearken to them.
The board discussed the upcoming events at PCS from now until the end
of the school year.
The board spent time in prayer.
Note: The next meeting will be held on April 23, 2015 at 7:00pm. This will be a
change to the regular meeting date of the 4th Monday of the month. With the
exception of any required executive sessions, board meetings are open to anyone in the
PCS family. If you have a need to address the board during a meeting, please make such
a request to the president in advance of the board meeting.
Order Yearbook Lovelines Now!
Send a special message of thanks, congratulations or appreciation for student, friend, teacher,
prayer buddy!
We would like to congratulate the
Osborne family on the birth of
their newest addition Luke.
Welcome baby Luke!
Archery Club
Archery Club will begin meeting
again for the Spring on March
26th right after school. Please
meet in the lobby of the 7000
Ask a grandparent or other relatives if they
would like to send a message – a great surprise
for the student!
Each love line is limited to 85 characters and
Example: To my grandson, Joe: Congratulations on a Great Year! Love Grandma Joan
Example: To our great teachers, Love Amy &
Cost: Each LoveLine message: $10.00
(Cash or Check, payable to PCS)
Deadline: Wednesday, April 1st
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Providence Classical School
The purpose of Providence Classical School is to provide a classical, Christ-centered education equipping
students with a thorough biblical world and life view that captures their affections and enables them to discern, articulate, and live truth.
Providence Classical School
6000 Easter Circle
Williamsburg, Virginia 23188
Phone: (757) 565-2900
Fax: (757) 565-3720
E-mail: [email protected]
Our weekly school newsletter is electronically distributed on Wednesdays. If you would like to submit
information to be included, please e-mail the prepared information to the school office by noon on the
Friday before to have it included in the following Wednesday’s newsletter. (space permitting)
Newsletter Editor: Tricia Klock
Photographer: Jean Henry
Chili Cook-Off Entry Form
Providence Classical School
Joe Calkins
[email protected]
Amanda Johnston
Vice President
[email protected]
Charles Frazier
[email protected]
Noelle Laney
[email protected]
Susan Franz
[email protected]