THE ETIOLOGY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER.* (A Preliminary Report.) S. B. WOLBACH, M.D., BOSTON. (Fromt the Bacteriological Laboratory, Harvard University Aedical School.) The purpose of this communication is to record the demonstration of a parasite in the lesions characteristic of experimental spotted fever in guinea-pigs and in monkeys. The virus was secured in the form of infected ticks -Dermacentor andersoni, Stiles (Dermacentor venustus, Banks), through the kindness of Surgeon L. D. Fricks of the United States Public Health Service, to whom I express my thanks. Two series of guinea-pigs were started from these ticks: one from a male; the other from a female tick. In both instances the ticks remained attached to the guinea-pigs for over forty-eight hours. Characteristic symptoms appeared in the original two guinea-pigs, and no serious difficulty has been experienced in maintaining the succession. That the disease established from these two ticks is spotted fever, as it occurs experimentally in guinea-pigs, is certain, from the character of the incubation period, the course of the fever, the appearance of rash upon the scrotum, and the swelling with hemorrhages into the skin of the scrotum; in many instances there was swelling of the ears, with rash, and swelling of the legs followed by necroses of the paws. The post-mortem findings, at all stages, have agreed in every respect with those described by Ricketts and others, both in the disease as transmitted directly from the blood of human patients, and through the bites of infected ticks. Many cultural tests, on a large variety of media, under varying conditions as to temperature and oxygen tension, have proved the sterility of the heart's blood and tissues for ordinary bacteria. The microscopic findings agree with those described by Le Count. * Received for publication (121) Feb. 23, I9I6. 122 WOLBACH. The essential lesions of spotted fever take origin in the vascular system. These lesions are responsible for the rash, the edema, the hemorrhages, and the necroses observed both in human beings and in experimental animals. In these lesions there occurs a minute parasite, in large numbers, having some of the characteristics described by Ricketts for the bodies which he found in the blood of patients and experimental animals, and in the organs and eggs of infected ticks. Ricketts regarded these bodies as bacilli; their size he stated to be approximately that of Bacillus influenzae. He describes them as having the form of "two somewhat lanceolate chromatin-staining bodies, separated by a slight amount of eosin-staining substance." This description was based on preparations of blood stained by Giemsa's stain, as furnished by Griibler. It is not possible to state conclusively that the organisms present in the lesions of spotted fever are bacilli in the ordinary sense of the term, because of peculiarities in their distribution and their staining reaction, which I find to be somewhat different from that described by Ricketts, and markedly different from the staining reaction of most bacteria. It is my opinion, however, that these organisms are bacilli. They occur in the greatest numbers in the less advanced lesions of blood vessels (both arteries and veins), in the testicle and its appendages, in the cremasteric muscles, and in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. They were first found in sections. Ordinary methods of making smear preparations, and contact (klatsch) preparations from the internal organs and lymph nodes, failed to reveal the organisms. After their location in the tissues had been determined, it became possible to demonstrate them in smears made from teased preparations. They may be satisfactorily demonstrated in smears made by scraping affected tissues with a sharp knife, held vertically. The characteristic form is a short rod in pairs, joined end to end; many of the rods exhibit bipolar staining; this, ETIOLOGY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER. 123 however, is only satisfactorily demonstrable in smear preparations. The organisms are found in apparently uninjured endothelium of normal vessels, in areas of proliferated endothelium of the intima of vessels, in hyaline necrosed intima in more advanced lesions, in apparently normal and necrosed smooth muscle fibers of vessels with lesions, and in endothelial cells in the perivascular zones of proliferation. They occasionally occur within endothelial cells in dilated lymphatics. They may also be found between the cells of vessels showing lesions, and in fat tissue and edematous connective tissue. The largest masses are seen in smooth muscle cells of affected arteries and veins, and occasionally they occur in enormous numbers in such cells. There is considerable variation in size. In the densely packed smooth muscle cells they appear to be distinctly smaller and shorter than in other locations. The organisms are often surrounded by a slightly refractive clear zone, which is most marked when they are seen in necrotic smooth muscle cells. In smear preparations, stained by Giemsa's stain, granular and lanceolate forms can be observed. The organisms appear to be larger than in sections. They are found almost exclusively within endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In one instance only has an organism been found in a granular leucocyte. I have also found them to be easily demonstrable in thick film preparations made directly from the heart's blood at autopsy. They stain bluish, in marked contrast to most bacteria, which take an intense reddish purple stain. This reddish purple coloration with the Romanowsky stains is regarded as the chromatin staining reaction, so that I am somewhat at a loss to understand the description " chromatin staining " by Ricketts as applied to this organism. The characteristic arrangement of the bacilli, end to end, and the bipolar effect is shown in the accompanying photomicrographs. The length of the organism in tissues ranges from one-half to one micron; in smear preparations, from three-fourths to one and a half microns. The width is from .2 to .5 micron. 124 WOLBACH. The photomicrographs having been made accurately at two thousand diameters will give the best idea of their size. Occasionally forms are encountered which are thinner, with tapering ends, and having small reddish stained granules or areas in them. It is possible that these represent degeneration forms or possibly another stage. No work has as yet been done with ordinary bacterial stains in smears. In sections the organisms are Gram negative. Technic of demonstrating the organisms in sections.The organisms were first found in Zenker fixed tissues, stained by the eosin-methylene blue method of Mallory. This staining method gives somewhat better results after fixation in corrosive alcohol. A satisfactory method of demonstrating the organisms is to stain in Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue for from twelve to twenty-four hours in the paraffin oven (55' C.) and differentiate in I-IOOO or I-2000 acetic acid solution in water. But a few seconds are required for differentiation, after which the sections should be rapidly dehydrated in absolute alcohol and cleared in xylol. The best method for their demonstration, in relation to tissues, is Giemsa's stain applied after Zenker fixation. Owing to their peculiar staining reaction they cannot be satisfactorily demonstrated by Giemsa's stain after alcohol corrosive fixation. Having in mind the reversal of Giemsa's stain, when Zenker fixation is employed, the experiment was made and it was found that the bacilli may be readily stained and acquire a deep blue color, thereby furnishing an advantageous contrast to the pink-staining materials in which they are most frequently found. The Giemsa stain is applied in the same manner as for staining after alcohol corrosive fixation and allowed to act for twelve to twenty-four hours, after which the sections are differentiated in a methyl alcoholcolophonium mixture (fifteen per cent colophonium in equal parts of acetone and methyl alcohol). The differentiation takes place rapidly, and should not be carried too far. It should be followed by a mixture of xylol (seventy per cent) ETIOLOGY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER. 125 and acetone (thirty per cent), then xylol, and sections mounted in cedar oil. SUMMARY. An organism, a bacterium, having certain peculiar characteristics, may be found in large numbers in the lesions characteristic of spotted fever in experimental animals. These lesions are essentially proliferative in character. The cells which respond in largest numbers to the action of the organisms are endothelial cells. The5e accumulate in great numbers in the vessel walls and around the vessels. They may be seen in mitosis, in various locations, and in Jymphatics and blood vessels. The organism corresponds in some respects with the description given by Ricketts of bodies which he found in the blood of human and experimental cases, and in the tissues and eggs of infected ticks. The classification of the organism is not yet clear; of its bacillary form and multiplication by transverse division there can be no question. The characteristics not common to most bacteria are its coloration with Giemsa's stain, the character of the reaction excited in tissues and its abundant distribution within smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. To these differences may be added its probable low specific gravity, as shown by Ricketts, who found that the virus could not be completely thrown down by centrifugalization at two thousand revolutions per minute, during a period of six hours. The peculiarities in distribution and the staining reaction would indicate that the organism partakes somewhat of the characteristics of spirochetes. All attempts at cultivation have thus far failed. It is hoped that this communication will stimulate others in this endeavor. Through the invitation of the Montana Department of Health and State Board of Entomology it is hoped soon to verify these results upon human cases. [I wish to express my thanks and appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. W. W. Chapman of the Third Year class of the Harvard University Medical School, for assistance in maintaining the strain and observations upon the large number of guinea-pigs used.] I126 WOLBACH. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VI. FIG. i. -Smear preparation of edematous subcutaneous tissue from scrotum; guinea-pig; Giemsa stain; 2,0oo diameters. FIG. 2.- Arteriole from skin of guinea-pig; region of sxcrotum; Loeffler's stain differentiated with dilute acetic acid; 2,000 diameters. FIG. 3.- Small vein; epididymis; guinea-pig; Loeffler's stain differentiated with dilute acetic acid; 2,000 diameters. Note presence of organisms throughout circumference of the vessel. VOL. XXXIV. PLATE VI. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH. w * St__ -s~~~* L ' "'" i4 1 * 2 1w, 3 NV61Ibh. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
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