The Heights Ulladale Crescent Strathpeffer IV14 9AQ •Entrance Vestibule •Cloakroom •Double Glazing •Entrance Hall •Upper Landing •Lounge •4 Bedrooms (1 with En-Suite Bathroom) •Air Source Heating System •Dining Room •Kitchen/Breakfast room •Family Bathroom •Double Garage •Garden •EPC Band C Fixed Price £329,000 DESCRIPTION This is an exclusive small development of nine properties set within an elevated situation in the popular village of Strathpeffer. Morrison Homes are offering the discerning purchaser a choice of three house designs, all of which will be built to a high specification with their choice of kitchen and tiling. Benefiting from double glazing and an air source heating system, all the properties will boast spacious accommodation, good cupboard provision and large gardens. Early viewing is recommended LOCATION Strathpeffer is a small Victorian village situated just 5 miles (approx) from Dingwall and 20 miles (approx) from Inverness. Once famous for being a “spa” village it was a favourite spot for travellers coming from all over for its “healing waters”. The Spa Pavillion (previously used for ballroom dancing) has been restored and the village offers woodland walks, grocery store, chemist and several hotels, an excellent 18 hole golf course, craft shops and eateries. There is a primary school in the village and older children attend Dingwall Academy. DIRECTIONS From Inverness follow the A9 north and at Tore roundabout take the second turn off to the left sign posted Dingwall (A835). Continue on this road and follow the signs for Dingwall. Go through this town passing the large public car park on the right hand side and at the traffic lights go into the left hand lane – sign posted Strathpeffer (A834). Follow the road along entering Strathpeffer and passing the Pavillion on the left and then take the second road to the right thereafter (signposted Community Centre). The Heights is set to the top of this road. KEY FEATURES • 10 year NHBC warranty • High efficiency Air Source heating – under-floor heating on the ground floor and radiators on the upper floor • Nordan high performance full reversible Low E double glazed windows • Nordan high performance external doors with multi point locking LOUNGE • High output feature wood-burning stove KITCHEN AND UTILITY ROOM • Symphony ‘Vancouver’ fully fitted kitchen (choice available with early reservation) • Integrated AEG appliances including fridge/freezer, dishwasher and washer/dryer. Under counter double ovens, hob (electric or LPG) and extractor • Stainless steel 1½ bowl sink, monobloc single lever mixer • Tiled floor with underfloor heating BATHROOMS AND EN-SUITES • Roca Giralda sanitary ware • Matki shower enclosures • Trevi multi function shower mixer • Choice of tiling (choice available with early reservation) BEDROOMS • Built-in wardrobes to all rooms LIGHTING AND ELECTRICS • BT, TV and SAT points to lounge and all bedrooms • Audio wired or speakers to lounge, dining room and master bedroom • Low energy lighting throughout SERVICES The subjects benefit from mains electricity and water. Drainage is to the public sewer. EXTRAS All fitted floor coverings, curtains, blinds and integrated kitchen appliances are included in the asking price. The Anta furniture is available by separate negotiation at price of £5,000. Dining R oom Living R oom M Be Kitchen Cp d ENTRY Cp d By mutual agreement. Utility VIEWING Bed WC Hal l Contact Anderson Shaw & Gilbert, Property Department on 01463 253911 to arrange an appointment to view the site. Po rch Ground Floor ENQUIRIES For further information apply to Anderson Shaw & Gilbert, Solicitors and Estate Agents, York House, 20 Church Street, Dining Inverness IV1 1ED. R oom Tel: (01463) 253911.Living Fax: (01463) 711083.R oom E-MAIL: [email protected] Ground Floor Homes 29, 32, 35 and 39 Master Bedroom Kitchen Cp d En-Suite Ba throom W Cp d Bedroom 4 Addressofofdwelling dwellingand andother otherdetails details Address W WC Plot29 29 Plot UlladaleCrescent Crescent Ulladale Strathpeffer Strathpeffer IV149AQ 9AQ IV14 W Living Room Dining Room Bedroom 2 Kitchen Master Bedroom Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 7275mm x 3830mm 4830mm x 4200mm 4300mm x 3830mm 4200mm x 3830mm 4300mm x 3830*mm 3830*mm x 2905mm 3830*mm x 3005mm 183 sq m 1969 sq ft EnergyPerformance PerformanceCertificate Certificate Energy Utility Hal l First Floor *maxim Bedroom 3 W Dwellingtype: type: DetachedHouse House Dwelling Detached Nameofofapproved approvedorganisation: organisation: N/A N/A Name Membership number: Membership number: Cp d Cp N/A dN/A Dateofofcertificate: certificate: 29June June2009 2009 Date 29 Referencenumber: number: N/A Reference N/A 2 2 Totalfloor floorarea: area: 179.77mm Total 179.77 Maintype typeofofheating heatingand andfuel: fuel: Airsource sourceheat heatpump pumpand andradiators, radiators, Main Air electric electric Velu x windo w Thisdwellingʼs dwellingʼsperformance performanceratings ratings This Po rch Thisdwelling dwellinghas hasbeen beenassessed assessedusing usingthe theSAP SAP2005 2005methodology. methodology.ItsItsperformance performanceisisrated ratedininterms termsofofthe theenergy energyuse useper per This squaremetre metreofoffloor floorarea, area,energy energyefficiency efficiencybased basedon onfuel fuelcosts costsand andenvironmental environmentalimpact impactbased basedon oncarbon carbondioxide dioxide(CO (CO square 2 )2 ) emissions.CO CO greenhousegas gasthat thatcontributes contributestotoclimate climatechange. change. emissions. 2 2isis a agreenhouse First Floor Ground Floor First Floor EnergyEfficiency EfficiencyRating Rating Energy EnvironmentalImpact Impact(CO (CO ) Rating Environmental 2)2Rating Homes 29, 32, 35 and 39 Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Masterork Bedroom Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 7275mm x 3830mm 23’10” x 12’7” 4830mm x 4200mm 15’10” x 13’10” Theenergy energyefficiency efficiencyrating ratingisisa ameasure measureofofthe theoverall overall Theenvironmental environmentalimpact impactrating ratingisisa ameasure measureofofa ahome's home's The The 4300mm x 3830mm 14’1” xThe 12’7” efficiencyofofa ahome. home.The higherthe therating ratingthe themore more impactononthe theenvironment environmentininterms termsofofcarbon carbondioxide dioxide efficiency higher impact energyefficient efficient thehome home andthe thelower lowerthe thefuel fuelbills billsare are (CO) emissions. ) emissions.The Thehigher higherthe therating ratingthe theless lessimpact impactit it energy the isisand (CO 4200mm x 3830mm 13’9” x 12’7” ouse hurch treet nverness likelytotobe. be. hasononthe theenvironment. environment. likely has 4300mm x 3830*mm 14’1” xenergy 12’7”* Approximatecurrent currentenergy useper persquare squaremetre metreofoffloor floorarea: area:113kWh/m 113kWh/mper peryear year Approximate use ax Approximatecurrent currentCO CO emissions:16kg/m 16kg/mper peryear year Approximate emissions: 3830*mm x 2905mm 12’7”* x 9’6” Costeffective effectiveimprovements improvements Cost 3830*mm x 3005mm 12’7”* x 9’10” Inverness Office: Y H , 20 C S ,I IV1 1ED Telephone: 01463 253911 F : 01463 711083 Ullapool Office: Village Hall, Ullapool 183600 sq m 1969 sq ft(Monday & W *maximum dimension. Telephone: 07780 218 ednesdays & by appointment) E-Mail: [email protected] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Belowisisa alist listofoflower lowercost costmeasures measuresthat thatwill willraise raisethe theenergy energyperformance performanceofofthe thedwelling dwellingtotothe thepotential potentialindicated indicatedininthe the Below tablesabove. above. tables Lowenergy energylighting lightingfor forallallfixed fixedoutlets outlets 1.1.Low Remembertotolook lookfor forthe theenergy energysaving savingrecommended recommendedlogo logowhen whenbuying buyingenergy-efficient energy-efficientproducts. products.Itʼs Itʼsa a Remember quickand andeasy easyway waytotoidentify identifythe themost mostenergy-efficient energy-efficientproducts productsononthe themarket. market. quick Foradvice adviceononhow howtototake takeaction actionand andtotofind findout outabout aboutoffers offersavailable availabletotohelp helpmake makeyour yourhome homemore more For energyefficient, efficient,call call0800 0800512 512012 012ororvisit energy The above particulars, although believed to be correct, are not guaranteed, and any measurements stated therein are approximate only. Purchasers should note that the Selling Agents have NOT tested any of the electrical items or mechanical equipment (e.g. oven, central heating system, etc.) included in the sale. Any photographs used are purely illustrative and may demonstrate only the surrounds. They are NOT therefore to be taken as indicative of the extent of the property, or that the photographs are taken from within the boundaries of the property, or what it included in the sale. N.B.THIS THISCERTIFICATE CERTIFICATEMUST MUSTBE BEAFFIXED AFFIXEDTO TOTHE THEDWELLING DWELLINGAND ANDNOT NOTBE BEREMOVED REMOVEDUNLESS UNLESSITITISISREPLACED REPLACEDWITH WITHAN AN N.B. UPDATEDVERSION VERSION UPDATED Printed & Produced by D-Tech 0141 2222202 23’ 15’ 14’ 13’ 14’ 12’ 12’ HSPC Ref: AN 01 – 46130
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