Organiza(onal Change and Global Standardiza(on Solu(ons to Standards and Norms Overwhelming Organiza(ons Edited by David M. Boje Series: Routledge 2015 website h8p:// for proceedings paper, slides, cases… 3 Zoom-‐zones of self-‐same fractal pa8erns 2 What is a Fractal Narra(ve? reduce complexity to search for ONE Universal Standard by focusing on ONE LOGIC 3 STANDARD-‐SETTING tends to create FRACTAL Narra(ves that are LINEAR Applying same rule repeatedly (recursive) 4 5 E.G. MY DAD: Daniel Boje’s InvenSon & Spiral Fractal Web of Patents – for COMMERCIAL TRASH COMPACTOR 6 MY DAD: Dan Boje’s InvenSon & Spiral Fractal Web of Patents 7 4 TETRANORMALIZING Fractals of Global StandardizaSon for BUSINESS SOCIAL/ CULTURAL FRACTALS ECOLOGY/ QUALITY FRACTALS TRADE FRACTALS ECONOMY/ ACCOUNTING FRACTALS 8 PART 1: Economy/AccounSng Change Fractals -‐ chapters: 3.How Does the CreaSon of Local AccounSng Standards Reflect the IdenSty of an OrganizaSon? Tronc Boris and Plane Jean-‐Michel 4.TetranormalizaSon and the AccounSng Standard Sefng Process: A RetrospecSve View of the AccounSng Principles Board. William L. Smith 5.Professional and neo-‐insStuSonal Dynamics in the Islamic accounSng standards-‐sefng process. Aldo Lévy and Hichem Rezgui 9 Benoit Mandelbrot (1999) developed a mulSfractal approach to analyzing Wall Street stocks. 10 AccounSng Fractals in TETRANORMALIZING • Smith, Boje & Foster (2014) apply Tetranormalizing to the global compeSSon to standardize accounSng pracSces 11 Part II: Trade and Change Fractals -‐ chapters: • 6. TetranormalizaSon, DisrupSon of Markets and Strategic Steering: Threats and opportuniSes. Henri Savall and Véronique Zardet • 7.The loss of sense in labor legislaSon, a risk for Mexican small businesses and their employees. Luis Portales, Consuelo García de la Torre, and Osmar Arandia • 8. Tetranormalizing Entrepreneurial Storytelling: Bringing complexity to the narraSve of ‘Born Global’. Rohny Saylors 12 Henri Savall conSnues to draw inspiraSon from German Bernacer’s criSque of speculaSve markets, how they suck the entrepreneurial life out of producSve markets… 13 EXAMPLE of FRACTAL NARRATIVE virus WEBER • BureaucraSc • STANDARDIZATION TAYLOR • ScienSfic Management FAYOL • Administered Order 14 Deleuzian-‐Rhizome Fractals WTO, IMF, ILO, and GATT as organizaSon-‐ network-‐regulatory-‐appartus of world trade (Hardt & Negri) . But ‘free market’ ‘anS-‐state’ ‘anS-‐regulaSon' ideology counter-‐fractal of great speculaSve debacles, from Enron and WorldCom to the Banking and Foreclosure global crises … (Williams, 2002: 119) 15 Wikia -‐ Fractal-‐Rhizome Example 16 Part III: Social/Cultural Change Fractals -‐ chapters: • 9. The decision-‐making smart informaSon system based on the human behaviour Patrick Haim • 10. Recent Advances in Standardizing the ReporSng of Non-‐ Financial InformaSon Juan Pineiro-‐Chousa, Marcos Vizcaíno-‐González, and Noelia Romero-‐Castro • 11. Profession Architects: NormaSve dispossession of an art trade is not inevitable Miguel Dela8re and Véronique Zardet • 12. The TetranormalizaSon of Human Resource Management of Persons with DisabiliSes Jillian Saylors • 13. Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure and insStuSonal legiSmacy: A comparaSve analysis Bechir Bellahouel, Nader Mansouri, and Jean Marie-‐Peref 17 Wikia -‐ Fractal-‐Rhizome Example 18 More on Social/Culture Fractal • The Web fractal (the Internet) created limitless accessibility. This is what Abbo8 (2001) calls the fractal re-‐parameterizaSon of morals and ethics within late modern capitalism (Williams, 2002: 120). 19 Savall connecSon • Jenson (2007) says the relaSon between the micro scale and the macro scale is a long-‐standing concern of social theory. • Savall thinks in terms of the scale of sociotechnical relaSons in relaSon to socioeconomic/sociotechnical relaSonships 20 In Sum As this standards-‐fractal becomes more mono-‐ mythic, it encounters a counter-‐narraSve, the way the professoriate is becoming posthuman resist becoming just cyborg-‐professor, doing distance educaSon, the professor-‐self no more than the informaSon-‐materiality of their Internet, Google Scholar, citaSon counts, journal rankings, etc. 21 Part IV: Ecology/Quality Change Fractals -‐ chapters: • 14. Disclosure of Sustainability InformaSon and the EvoluSon to a New Type of Report in a TetranormalizaSon Context. Hong Yuh Ching and Fábio Gerab • 15. The Quality Management Systems, The environmental and the social responsibility management systems and their effects on the Human Resources pracSces. Riad Makdessi and Sélim Mekdessi • 16. Taking the Natural Environment in the Hospitality Industry into Account: An examinaSon on the relevance of the diversity of standards. Bernard Guillon and Gisèle Sigal 22 Quality/Ecology fractals: • the ecosystem-‐fractal sustains human and non-‐human life; • the standards-‐fractal brings quality-‐ compliance-‐reporSng into soyware algorithms; • fractals-‐driven by commercial exploitaSon of earth result in global warming. 23 Fibonacci-‐Spiral Ecology Fractal • in the historical events (disease pandemics, famines, revoluSons, wars) in England, and poliScal turmoil daSng back to the 6th century (Pugesek, 2014) • Fibonacci # series: 1 2 3 5 8 13 21… 24 ECO MulS-‐Fractal Veta la Plama Fish Farm, SPAIN • They replace a (narrow focus) MONO-‐FRACTAL of agribusiness with a MULTI-‐FRACTAL of different kinds of fractals • ferSle soil, fresh water for fish and birds form an eco-‐network • E.g. Flamingos eat shripm, shrimp eat Phytoplankton, etc. • This iteraSon of recurring pa8ern of self-‐ sameness of scale that comes from implemenSng the mulS-‐fractal of EXTENSIVE agriculture at higher magnifacSon scalles 25 Veta La Palma Fish Farm Case CONTRASTS Mono—Fractal Fish Farm Mul(-‐Fractal Fish Farm 1. Design Rules IteraSon of one kind IteraSons of many kinds 2. Measurement Maximize one thing Pinkness of Flamigo belly 3. Focus Intensive agriculture Extensive agriculture 4. Control Hierarchy Heterarchy 5. Thinking UncriScal Eco-‐criScal 6. Logic Monologic Polylogical 7. Voice One Polyvocal 8. Storytelling Mono-‐narraSve Living Story Web 26 HOW TO CHANGE FRACTALS All four Tetranormalizing Wings are turning mulSfractal. Use SEAM to develop a8unement by successive projects that brings momentum 27 Using SEAM to tame FRACTAL VIRUS 28 CONCLUSION Instead of separa5on of SOCIAL and ECONOMIC, Henri Savall and Veronique Zardet developed Tetranormaliza5on to bringing about socioeconomic NORMS that refractalize the wings together across scalabiliSes 29 Thanks to you, and all the authors of this book • Contact David Boje [email protected] • Slides, Cases, etc. can be found at h8p:// 30
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