
Xiaoshuitang Village in Honghe has 64 villagers.
live alone.
Most of the villagers are elderly who
There are a few children in the village: two under eight years old,
one third grader, and two who attend middle school outside of the city.
village is not very convenient to get to, especially on a rainy day when a bus
cannot drive on the narrow, mountainous roads.
Some of the villagers who have
had HD are still healthy enough to farm, but the ones that cannot farm only
have an income of 120 RMB monthly, provided by the government as a
The village recently got electricity.
typical mud and brick homes.
The houses in the village are
One problem the village faces is that especially in
March and April of every year, they do not have enough drinking water; their
current water source of collecting rainwater is not very clean or reliable.
elderly villagers have expressed that their lives are unbearably lonely.
elderly have family members visit once or twice a year, but other than that they
have few opportunities to communicate with the outside world.
This past winter (2007) and summer we hosted work camps in Xiaoshuitang to help fix their roads
and harvest. We can live with the villagers well there.
In 2008, JIA hold 3workcamps and 1workshop;
January- made water deposit pool (with oversea students from Bei Jing)
February- home visiting (Yun Nan Committee members)
March- road repair (with Yale students)
April- Coordinator workshop (JIA Yun Nan committee)
July- work camp with SKT global sunny(Korea)
August- work camp
Accommodation and daily live
l We will buy the food and cook by ourselves everyday in the camp.
l We will bring the drinking water to the village for the campers.
l We will sleep in 2 rooms, one for female and one for male.
l You can bring the sleeping bag of your own or rent form the center.
l There are insects in the countryside, so be prepared for that.
l It is very possible that it is lack of water in the village at that time,
we should save water and even can not take a shower.
l It is safe in the village, but reminds to pay attention to the dogs and insects.
l Climate l Language – the villagers there speak local language (quite different form mandarin.)
If it’s rain, the road will be muddy and difficult to walk on, so please prepare for the light
마을 가구수 및 아이들 상황 정리
二、마을 아이정보
1、5명 초등학생。4학년 2명,초등 준비 반 3명。
4학년:①杨明珠 女
②徐焕芬 女
준비반:①毕泽明 男
②毕泽慧 女
③杨君萍 男
黄连芬 女
黄连真 男
张银芬 女
3、미취학 아동 4명,3男1女。
JIA Volunteer Center
Emergency Contact
+86-13888-138-267(Steve KANG)
(Chinese/ Korean/ English/ Japanese)