JESUS IS LORD OF BRADLEY MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH George Parker - Bradley Pianist Bradley worship 9am PECKVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Anella Fry - Peckville Organist Bonny Taylor - Peckville Director of Music Peckville worship 11am Rev. Dr. Michael Shambora June 28th, 2015 *Kindly stand if able PRELUDE ANNOUNCEMENTS *CALL TO WORSHIP *PROCESSIONAL HYMN “When Morning Gilds the Skies" Page #185 *EXCHANGE OF GREETINGS OPEN LITANY: Psalm 96 Pastor: Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the earth, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. People: Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name. Pastor: Bring an offering, and come into the courts of the Lord. People: Worship the Lord in holy splendor and tremble before the Lord all the earth. Pastor: Say among the nations, "the Lord reigns…the Lord has established the world, it shall never be moved." People: The Lord will judge the peoples with equity. Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice. Pastor: Let the sea roar, and all that fills it…. All: And let the field rejoice and everything in it. Amen CALL TO CONFESSION: Most merciful God, we confess this morning that we have sinned against you in thought, in word and in deed. We have done that which we ought not to have done, and we have not done that which we ought to have done. Most telling, we have not loved you with all our heart and we have not loved our neighbors as we do ourselves. And of this, we humble repent. Silent prayer………… ………. And we ask, that through Jesus Christ our Lord, that we may be forgiven and delight more to walk in Thy ways and glorify Thy name. we determine to be more like Jesus in our prayers, our gifts, our understanding, our love, and to bear our crosses with more courage and fortitude. Amen PASTORAL PRAYER LORDS PRAYER --Our Father…. MUSIC MINISTRY SCRIPTURE READING: Revelation 1:1-8 RESPONSIVE READING: Psalm 31 Page # 764 *GLORIA PATRI MORNING OFFERING *DOXOLOGY HYMN -"Come , Ye Disconsolate " Page # 510 PASTORAL READING MORNING MESSAGE *HYMN - " Soldiers of Christ, Arise" *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Page # 513 OUR COMMUNITY IN PRAYER Babe Kowalko, Patricia Rieder, Jack Williams, Pat Dempsey, Susan Homick Turissini, Neil Blackledge, Ernie Williams Sr., Tyler and Mike Kapinus, Stephen Otto (infant), Herb Lund, Nancy Kohut, and Anella Fry . Please email updates to [email protected] CALENDAR OF EVENTS ALIVE TOGETHER! CONTEMPORARY SERVICE GREAT BEND COMMUNITY CHURCH - Starting Sun. July 5th at 7pm a new Contemporary Service will be held at the United Methodist Community Church, Main Street, Great Bend, PA. Discover a different side to Worship! ALL are welcome! Alive Together will be held every Sunday night at 7pm. We would love to see you there! MUSIC ON THE LAWN @ ELM PARK – Grab your lawn chair, family & friends, & enjoy live music, fellowship and good food! Located at 712 Linden St. Scranton 570-342-8263; Thurs, July 9th @ 6pm All American Night-Hot Dogs w/ Dave Griffin; Thurs. August 13th @ 6pm-Ice Cream Social Night w/ Praise ‘N Worship. CHICKEN-N-BISCUIT OR HAM DINNER CLIFFORD UMC – Wed. July 15th from 4-6 pm; Take out or Dine in with us; Donations $8.95 includes dinner, dessert & drink; location Main St. Clifford, PA. COMMUNITY DINNER COURT STREET UMC - Thurs. July 16th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Court Street United Methodist Church 816 Court Street Scranton, Pa. 570-342-0898 Sit down with a stranger...leave with a friend! All are welcome! CRUISE-IN GREAT BEND COMMUNITY CHURCH – Fri. July 17th from 5–8 pm, located on Main Street, Great Bend, PA. Rain or Shine. Enjoy the vehicles on display or bring your own! Cars, trucks, motorcycles; anything with wheels is welcome. People's Choice Awards, New Appalachia Bluegrass Gospel Band, Hands-on model train display, Scavenger Hunt, spiedies, ice cream, baked goods. Proceeds benefit Susquehanna County Interfaith, Montrose, PA. Questions? Call 570-879-2933 or 570-879-4506 TROLLEY RIDE SPONSORED BY WYOMING UMC – Sat. July 18th at 1pm; Tickets (includes tour of the Museum) $10/Adults & $7/Children; location meet at the Ticket Counter inside the door of the Trolley Museum, Scranton; call 570-693-2821 for reservations. Because hospitals no longer call the Pastor as it interferes with patient privacy, the Pastor asks the family of anyone in the hospital to please call him. Rev. Shambora may be reached at 570-371-8123 Please send an email or call with a message to Marla as to who may need to be in our community of prayer and for announcements. It is needed for the bulletin by Wednesday evening. Thank you. [email protected] Phone: 876-5357 362-4260 The mission statement of the Peckville and Bradley Methodist Churches: "To glorify God by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nurturing disciples, and reaching out to a world in need." Guest book is in the narthex. If you are a visitor, kindly sign the book so we can have a record of your visit. The Pastor is available for special needs.
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