Lysozyme Crystals – Week 3 Working on Refinement/Model Building Files • • Create directory in which you will perform all your work. Obtain PDB file containing molecular replacement solution from Moodle and place in folder. Likewise obtain the data (“mtz”) file and place it similarly. Starting Refmac5 • Start CCP4 and click on Directories Button on upper right of window. Name a project and then “browse” to find you’re newly made folder. Make sure your “Current Project” is the one listed and “Apply and Exit”. • From the left hand list of options, choose “Refinement” and from the new menu, select “Refmac5”. A pop-up form will appear. Rigid body refinement • Job title is optional • Do [rigid body refinement] with [no prior phase information] and [no] twin refinement. • With MTZ in, your [Project] file should be selected. Click on browse and pick the MTZ file. • The MTZ out should also go to [Project]. I would name it “rigid.mtz”. • Likewise with the PDB in and PDB out (name it rigid.pdb). • Click on the button next to refinement parameters. Change resolution range. Keep the low res #, but select 3.5 Å for the high res. • If all looks good, click on the “Run” button and select “Run Now”. • Monitor Rwork/Rfree in log file. To do so, return to the main CCP4 window. Click on the “Refmac5” line in the jobs list. When it says “Finished” go to “View Files From Job” and ask to see “View Log File”. Scroll to the bottom to view the change in R-factors. XYZB refinement • Return to Refmac5 window. Change [rigid body refinement] to [restrained refinement]. • Retain the original MTZ in file. Change the name of the MTZ out to refine1.mtz. • Change PDB in to rigid.pdb. Change the PDB out to refine.pdb. • Under refinement options Select desired high resolution limit (usually highest resolution of data set). • You’re ready to run again. Again monitor Rwork/Rfree and now start monitoring rmsBond and rmsAngl(es) as well in the Log File. Coot: Rebuild One • Start software. Load coordinate file (File/Open Coordinates) using the name of the output PDB file from XYZB body refinement. Load the maps (File/Auto Open MTZ…) from the mtz file output during XYZB body refinement. • Navigate the model using the (Draw/Go To Atom…) option. Alternatively, if you middle click on an atom, the screen will center on that atom. • • • Interpret the maps. Residues should be coated in blue mesh (2Fo – Fc map). Where you see green (positive Fo-Fc) there is something missing. Where you see red (negative Fo-Fc) too much is present. Fixing sequence. Navigate to residues where HEWL sequence varies from the model. Use the (Mutate & AutoFit) button to make changes. Click on residue to be changed and then on residue type you want. When finished, save coordinates (File/Save Coordinates) and exit. XYZB Refinement: Two • Identical to the previous round. But substitute PDB in with your output from Coot and alter MTZ out and PDB out to refine2.***. Coot: Rebuild Two • Open software and load coordinates (refine2.pdb) and auto open MTZ (refine2.mtz). In addition, open the anomalous map using “Open Map” command. • You may inspect the model residue by residue looking for poorly fit side chains. • Alternately you can look for explicit regions of difficulty. (Validate/Density Fit Analysis) color codes residues by quality of fit to the map. (Validate/Unmodeled Blobs) will look for poorly modeled regions in the map. • You may also add waters by hand, looking for spheres of unmodeled density (add water button) or you may do it automatically (Calculate/Other Modeling Tools/Find Waters…). Use Map 2 (DELFWT) and go to 3.5 or 4 sigma. I would keep spacing above 2.4 and below 3.2 Å. Add waters to the “model that masks the map”. • If you add waters automatically, review each one. This is easiest to do by clicking on them in the (Validate/Density Fit Analysis) window. If the water is in a non-spherical blob of density, beware. Delete any that have no map density as well (use trash can icon). From here on out you continue to alternate refinement and rebuild until you are tired or there is no further improvement in R/Rfree. Always end with a round of refinement. Validation • You will of course cite R/Rfree for your final model as well as the RMS differences for your bond lengths and angles from the reference library (these appear in the text header at the beginning of the PDB file). In addition, use the Ramachandran plot option in Coot (Validate/Ramachandran) to assess stereochemical quality. Tuesday Data Set (298 K) Overall 12.53 1.90 Low resolution limit High resolution limit Rmerge Rmerge in top intensity bin Total number of observations Total number unique Mean((I)/sd(I)) Completeness Multiplicity Anomalous completeness Anomalous multiplicity DelAnom correlation between half-sets Mid-Slope of Anom Normal Probability Average unit cell: Space group: P43212 Average mosaicity: 79.22 79.22 InnerShell 12.53 6.01 OuterShell 2.00 1.90 0.056 0.036 107565 9671 27.0 97.6 11.1 0.038 3923 330 43.8 89.5 11.9 0.141 5150 1205 7.1 86.6 4.3 96.7 5.9 0.120 0.950 93.1 7.6 0.471 - 81.1 2.2 -0.063 - 37.65 90.00 90.00 90.00 0.69 Wednesday Data Set (100 K) Overall 12.36 1.90 Low resolution limit High resolution limit Rmerge Rmerge in top intensity bin Total number of observations Total number unique Mean((I)/sd(I)) Completeness Multiplicity Anomalous completeness Anomalous multiplicity DelAnom correlation between half-sets Mid-Slope of Anom Normal Probability Average unit cell: Space group: P43212 Average mosaicity: 77.90 0.73 77.90 37.09 InnerShell 12.36 6.01 OuterShell 2.00 1.90 0.054 0.036 102125 8915 31.3 94.4 11.5 0.044 3734 311 42.9 88.9 12.0 0.106 4906 978 10.0 73.5 5.0 92.7 6.2 0.102 0.980 92.7 7.7 0.497 - 65.4 2.6 -0.086 - 90.00 90.00 90.00 Experimental details: X-ray data was collected from hen egg white lysozyme crystals grown from 0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 4.6 and 1.2 M NaCl. The crystals were transferred sequentially the mother liquor containing 1 mM eosin and 10%, then 20%, then 30% glycerol. Data were collected at *** K on a Rigaku Minimax system, incorporating a Saturn 724 CCD detector and Micromax-003 generator providing copper Kα radiation. Data were integrated using Mosflm and scaled using Scala. A molecular replacement solution was obtained using Molrep software. Rotation and translation solutions were obtained from *** as an initial model which possesses *** % sequence identity to the hen egg white enzyme. A bibliography Scala Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4 (1994). The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography. Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763. Mosflm Leslie, A. G. W. (1992) Recent changes to the MOSFLM package for processing film and image plate data. Joint CCP4 + ESF-EAMCB Newsletter on Protein Crystallography 26. Refmac5 Murshudov, G. N., Vagin, A. A., and Dodson, E. J. (1997) Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the Maximum-Likelihood Method. Acta Crystallographica, Section D Biological Crystallography 54, 1285-1294. Coot Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B. and Scott, W. G. (2010) Features and Development of Coot. Acta Crystallographica, Section D Biological Crystallography 66, 486-501. Pheasant Chicken sequence alignment Identities = 120/129 (93%), Positives = 123/129 (95%), Gaps = 0/129 (0%) Pheas 2 HEWL 1 Pheas 62 HEWL 61 Pheas 122 HEWL 121 KVYGRCELAAAMKRMGLDNYRGYSLGNWVCAAKFESNFNTGATNRNTDGSTDYGILQINS KV+GRCELAAAMKR GLDNYRGYSLGNWVCAAKFESNFNT ATNRNTDGSTDYGILQINS KVFGRCELAAAMKRHGLDNYRGYSLGNWVCAAKFESNFNTQATNRNTDGSTDYGILQINS RWWCNDGRTPGSKNLCHIPCSALLSSDITASVNCAKKIVSDGNGMNAWVAWRKHCKGTDV RWWCNDGRTPGS+NLC+IPCSALLSSDITASVNCAKKIVSDGNGMNAWVAWR CKGTDV RWWCNDGRTPGSRNLCNIPCSALLSSDITASVNCAKKIVSDGNGMNAWVAWRNRCKGTDV NVWIRGCRL WIRGCRL QAWIRGCRL 130 129 61 60 121 120
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