page 1 of 14 ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 for the Week of March 30 Steve Norman Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Calgary March 2015 Lab instructions and other documents for ENCM 369 can be found at 1 1.1 Administrative details You may work in pairs on this assignment You may complete this assignment individually or with one partner. Students working in pairs must make sure both partners understand all of the exercises being handed in. The point is to help each other learn all of the lab material, not to allow each partner to learn only half of it! Please keep in mind that you will not be able to rely on a partner to do work for you on the final exam. Two students working together should hand in a single assignment with names and lab section numbers for both students on the cover page. Names should be complete and spelled correctly. If you as an individual are making the cover page, please get the information you need from your partner. For partners who are not both in the same lab section, please hand in the assignment to the collection box for the student whose last name comes first in alphabetical order. 1.2 Due Dates The Due Date for this assignment is 3:00pm Monday, April 6. (April 3 is a holiday.) The Late Due Date is 9:30am Tuesday, April 7. The penalty for handing in an assignment after the Due Date but before the Late Due Date is 3 marks. In other words, X/Y becomes (X–3)/Y if the assignment is late. There will be no credit for assignments turned in after the Late Due Date; they will be returned unmarked. 1.3 Marking scheme A B C D E total 1.4 4 5 4 3 3 19 marks marks marks marks marks marks How to package and hand in your assignments Please see the Lab 1 instructions. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 2 page 2 of 14 Exercise A: Tracing behaviour of an I-cache 2.1 Read This First In learning about caches, it is useful to trace through all of the copying of bit patterns that occurs in a sequence of memory accesses. 2.2 What to Do Figure 1: Computer with one level of cache, and no address translation. physical address physical address I-cache 32 32 32 processor core (control, registers, instructions ALUs, f-p hardware) 32 32 main memory physical address 32 D-cache 32 32 32 data 32 instructions or data The table in Figure 2 shows some of the main memory contents for a program running on a computer like the one shown in Figure 1, running the MIPS instruction set (except that this computer does not have delayed jumps and branches). Note that the first sequence of instructions is a complete procedure, but the second sequence is only part of a procedure. The second sequence includes a loop; within that loop there is a call to the procedure comprised of the first sequence of instrucFigure 2: Small fragments of main memory contents for Exercise A . address 0x0040_1640 0x0040_1644 0x0040_1648 0x0040_164c .. . instruction at address 0x8c88_0000 0x0008_48c0 0xac89_0000 0x03e0_0008 .. . 0x0040_2634 0x0040_2638 0x0040_263c 0x0040_2640 0x0040_2644 0x0040_2648 0x1211_0004 0x0200_2021 0x0c10_0590 0x2610_0004 0x1611_fffc 0x2652_0000 disassembly of instruction P1: lw $t0, ($a0) sll $t1, $t0, 3 sw $t1, ($a0) jr $ra .. . L1: L2: beq addu jal addiu bne addiu $s0, $a0, P1 $s0, $s0, $s2, $s1, L2 $s0, $zero $s0, 4 $s1, L1 $s2, 0 ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 3 of 14 Figure 3: Initial state of I-cache for Exercise A. (Only sets 397–403 in the cache are shown.) set 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 valid 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 tag 0x00402 0x00400 0x00000 0x00401 0x00401 0x00401 0x00400 instruction 0x1211_0004 0x256b_0008 0x0000_0000 0x8c88_0000 0x0008_48c0 0xac90_0000 0x8dcd_0014 tions. You will be asked to trace the interaction between the I-cache and the main memory starting with PC = 0x0040_2634, at the moment in time just before the beq instruction is fetched. The I-cache for this computer is direct-mapped with 1024 sets, and the block in each set contains one instruction. This structure exactly matches an example presented in both lecture sections this term. For this cache, main memory addresses are split like this: 31 12 11 search tag 21 0 set bits 00 byte offset At the moment in time mentioned above, the state of sets 397–403 of the cache is shown in Figure 3. Use 0x1000_1020 as the initial value for $s0 and 0x1000_1028 as the initial value for $s1. Trace all the instruction fetches until after the instruction at address 0x0040_2648 has been fetched. Record your answer in tabular form, using this trace of the first two instructions as a model: address 0x0040_2634 0x0040_2638 tag 0x00402 0x00402 set 397 398 action I-cache hit—no I-cache update I-cache miss—instruction 0x0200_2021 is copied into “instruction” field in set 398, V-bit in that set is changed to 1, tag to 0x00402 Hints: (1) Including the two instruction fetches given as examples, there will be a total of 18 instruction fetches. (2) There is a useful C program in encm369w15lab10/exA. 2.3 What to Hand In Hand in your completed table. 3 3.1 3.1.1 Exercise B: Analysis of direct-mapped caches Read This First The base-two logarithm The base-two logarithm is a simple and useful concept that has many useful applications in computer systems, one of which is describing dimensions in caches. The log2 function is simply the inverse of the function f (x) = 2x , in the same way that ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 4 of 14 Figure 4: General organization of a direct-mapped cache. Wiring and some logic components have been left out to reduce clutter. decoder set bits set set set set 0 1 2 3 .. . .. . set S−3 set S−2 set S−1 = 1 tag comparator for the whole cache. Key to colouring of storage cells status bit(s): 1 valid bit, plus, possibly, another bit to help with writes tag bits block of data or instruction words Note: Relative sizes are not to scale. A block might be as large as 64 bytes (512 bits), which is difficult to describe graphically in proportion to a single status bit. the ln function is the inverse of f (x) = ex and the log10 function (often written as simply log) is the inverse of f (x) = 10x . For example, log2 1 = 0, log2 4 = 2, log2 32 = 5, and log2 65536 = 16. 3.1.2 Dimensions within direct-mapped caches Direct-mapped lookup is the simplest practical way to organize a data or instruction cache. It is illustrated in Figures 8.7 and 8.12 in the course textbook. The general structure of all direct-mapped caches is shown in Figure 4. To search for an instruction word or data word in a direct-mapped cache, the main memory address of that word is broken into three or four parts: • tag: used to distinguish a block address among a group of block addresses that all generate the same set bits; • set bits: used to select one set among the S sets in the cache; • block offset: used to select a single word within a multi-word block, so not necessary if the cache has one-word blocks; • byte offset: can be assumed to be zero when the cache access is to an entire data or instruction word, but would be important for access to indivdual bytes in instructions such as MIPS lb, lbu, and sb. How wide are each of these fields? Let’s go right-to-left within an address. First, byte offset width = log2 (number of bytes per word). So with 4-byte words, as in textbook and lecture examples, the byte offset width is log2 4 = 2, but with 8-byte words, the byte offset width would be log2 8 = 3. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 5 of 14 Next, block offset width = log2 (number of words per block). For example, in textbook Figure 8.12, there are 4 words per block, so the block offset is log2 4 = 4 bits wide. Note that that gives you four different bit patterns to choose one of the four words within a block: 00, 01, 10, 11. Note also that log2 1 = 0, consistent with the idea that if the block size is one word, no bits from the address should be used as a block offset—that is what you see in textbook Figure 8.7. Moving on, let’s let S stand for the number of sets within the cache. Then number of set bits = log2 S. I hope you can see a general pattern here: If X is a power of two, then log2 X bits are needed to select one of X things. Finally, the tag is everything in an address that hasn’t already been used: tag width = address width − number of set bits − block offset width − byte offset width The capacity of a cache is usually defined as the maximum number of bytes of data or instructions that a cache can hold. Note that that definition excludes storage of status bits and tag bits. Let’s let Bpl (“bytes per line”) stand for the size of a block. (Cache line is a synonym for cache block, and unlike “block”, “line” does not confusingly start with the letter b.) From Figure 4 it should be clear that for a direct-mapped cache C = S × Bpl, and if we want to think of block size measured in words instead of bytes, C = S × words per block × bytes per word. 3.1.3 Example calculations 1. Suppose it has been decided that a direct-mapped cache should have 1024 entries, each with one 32-bit data word. How should addresses be split into parts? And what will the capacity of this cache be? Byte offset: A 32-bit word is 4 bytes, so the width is log2 4 = 2. Block offset: There is no block offset, because there is only one word per block. Set bits: S = 1024, so we need log2 1024 = 10 set bits. Tag: The tag is all the bits to the left of the set bits. So addresses should be split this way: 31 12 11 search tag 21 0 set bits 00 byte offset Capacity is C = 1024 blocks × 1 word bytes ×4 block word = 4096 bytes = 4 KB. Remark: This has been a review of the organization of the cache used in Exercise A of this lab. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 6 of 14 2. Suppose it has been decided to build a direct-mapped cache with a (very tiny) capacity of 32 bytes, in which each block holds 4 32-bit words. What is S, the number of sets? And how should addresses be split into parts? To find S, solve for it in this equation: 32 bytes = 25 bytes = S × 22 bytes words × 22 block word That gives S= 25 bytes = 25−2−2 blocks = 21 blocks = 2 blocks. × 22 bytes word 22 words block (The equation gives S as a number of blocks rather than a number of sets, but that’s fine, because in a direct-mapped cache there is one block per set.) The address split is: byte offset, log2 4 = 2 bits; block offset, log2 4 = 2 bits; set bits, log2 2 = 1 bit; tag, 32 − 1 − 2 − 2 = 27 bits. Graphically, that’s: 31 543 21 0 search tag 00 set bit block offset byte offset Remark: This example has been a review of the organization of the cache in textbook Figure 8.12. 3.2 What to Do Write well-organized solutions to the following problems. 3. Suppose the specification for the cache of textbook Figure 8.12 is changed. The block size is now supposed to be to 8 words, and the capacity has been increased to a much more practical size of 8 KB. (a) What is S, the number of sets? (b) How should addresses be split into parts? Show this with a diagram like the previously given examples—include bit numbers marking the boundaries between parts. (c) The cache will be built using SRAM cells, one SRAM cell for every V-bit, every bit within a tag, and every bit within a block of data or instruction words. How many SRAM cells are needed for the whole cache? Show your work carefully. 4. The term “64-bit processsor” usually describes a processor in which generalpurpose registers are 64 bits wide, and memory addresses within the processor core and in pointer variables are managed as 64-bit patterns. However, 264 bytes of DRAM is an enormously larger quantity of storage than can practically be connected to a single processor chip, so a typical 64-bit design might use only the least significant 44 bits of an address to access caches and main memory. This is illustrated in Figure 5. Do the following calculations for the computer of Figure 5. We’ll assume direct-mapped design for all three caches, and we’ll consider the word size to be 64 bits. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 7 of 14 Figure 5: Simplifed view of memory organization of a recent single-core 64-bit system. (The major simplification here is the omission of address translation.) The core can fetch two 32-bit instructions at once from from the Level 1 I-cache. The width of the data/instruction bus between the Level 1 and Level 2 caches is unspecified but should be much wider than 64 bits to support speedy transfers of large blocks. physical address 44 physical address L1 I-cache 44 44 44 ?? 64 instructions unified L2 cache core physical address 44 physical address main memory 44 L1 D-cache 64 data ?? ?? instructions or data 128 instructions or data (a) The capacity of the L1 D-cache is 32 KB. The block size is 64 bytes. Draw a diagram to show how a 44-bit address input to the cache would be split into these fields: tag, set bits, block offset, and byte offset. Indicate exactly how wide each field is. (b) Repeat part (a) for the L2 cache, which has a capacity of 2 MB. The block size is again 64 bytes. (c) Use your results from (b) to determine how many one-bit SRAM cells are needed for all the V-bits, tags, and data/instruction blocks in the L2 cache. 4 4.1 Exercise C: Simulating a Cache Read This First In this exercise you will work with a C program to simulate some aspects of the behaviour of data caches. For two different sequences of memory accesses you will determine which accesses are cache hits and which accesses are cache misses. (This is relatively easy to do; a complete simulation that modeled write-through or writeback to main memory would be a much more complex problem.) The sequences of memory accesses were generated by determining the data memory accesses that would be made in sorting an array of 3000 integers using two different sort algorithms on a machine similar to a 32-bit MIPS computer. Memory is stored in 32-bit words, and byte addresses are 32-bits in length. All accesses to data memory by the sort procedures are loads and stores of words, at addresses that are multiples of four. These sequences are available in text files. Here are the first ten lines of one of the files: r 804e6ac ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 r w r r r w w r r page 8 of 14 804fe1c 804e6ac 804e6a8 804fe14 804fe18 804e6a8 804fe18 804e6a4 804fe0c r means read (load) and w means write (store). The addresses are in hexadecimal notation, even though there is no leading 0x. Note that the actual data values are not included in the file, just the addresses used to access data. It turns out that to count cache hits and misses, the sequence of addresses used is all that really matters. 4.2 What to Do, Part I Download the files from encm369w15lab10/exC. Note that two of the files in the directory are large—if you are close to using up your disk quota (or if the file server is having a bad day) your copy command might fail. To check that the copy was successful, use the ls -l command (lower-case L, not number 1) to check the sizes of the large files—they should be heapsort_trace.txt mergesort_trace.txt 1251240 bytes 1824492 bytes (The files might be get little bigger if you have downloaded them to a Microsoft Windows system due to the Windows text file format.) Read the C source file sim1.c carefully. The program does a simulation of a data cache with 1024 words in 1-word blocks. Build an executable and run it with both data files, following the instructions in a comment near the top of the source file. Here is some information about two memory access traces: • In heapsort_trace.txt all data memory accesses are to the array elements. Each of the 3000 elements is read at least once, and is likely to be read and written many more times. • In mergesort_trace.txt the data memory accesses are to all of the array elements, to a 1500-word array of temporary storage needed by the mergesort algorithm, and to 72 words of stack used to manage a sequence of recursive function calls. So the total number of different words accessed is 4572. In both cases the 1024-word cache is much too small to hold all of the different data memory words being accessed. If you na¨ıvely guess that access to memory words is truly random, you would expect very high miss rates, such as (3000 − 1024)/3000 = 65.9% or worse for the heapsort run, and (4572 − 1024)/4572 = 77.6% or worse for the mergesort run. However, you should see much lower miss rates due to locality of reference in the memory accesses. 4.3 What to Do, Part II Let’s examine the effect of changing the block size of the cache of Part I, while maintaining capacity. Make a copy of sim1.c called sim2.c, and edit it to simulate a direct-mapped cache with 256 four-word blocks. You will not have to edit many lines of the ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 9 of 14 C code, but to do it correctly you will have to do some calculations like the ones in Exercise B, then think carefully about how to isolate the correct set and tag bits. Run the program using the two given input files. Make a record of your program runs with termrec or some other suitable tool, and print that record and your source file sim2.c. Also, answer this question: Compare results obtained in this part with results from Part I. Do they suggest that there is significant spatial locality of reference in the memory accesses done by the heapsort and mergesort algorithms? Give a brief explanation. 4.4 What to Do, Part III Now let’s consider a direct-mapped cache with the same four-word block size as in Part II, but with capacity doubled to 8 KB. Make another copy of sim1.c; call this one sim3.c. Edit it to simulate a directmapped cache with the appropriate number of four-word blocks. Run the program using the two given input files. Make a record of your program runs with termrec or some other suitable tool, and print that record and your source file sim3.c. 4.5 Final Note Cache-friendliness (a tendency towards low miss rates) is an important factor in performance of algorithms on modern computer hardware. But don’t use this exercise to draw any firm conclusions about which of the two sort algorithms is more cache-friendly. (My own suspicion is that mergesort may often be significantly more cache-friendly than heapsort.) The caches being simulated are unrealistically small, and using one run of each algorithm for a single array hardly constitutes enough input data for a good experiment. Researchers doing simulation experiments to compare cache designs will use traces of trillions of memory accesses from many different programs in order to ensure that performance is being measured for many different patterns of memory access. 4.6 What to Hand In Hand in the printouts from Parts II and III, and your answer to the question in Part II. Please label the printouts clearly so your TA’s don’t have to guess which printout is from which part. 5 Exercise D: Cache simulation in MARS 5.1 Read This First MARS has a feature called a “Data Cache Simulator”. We’ll use this feature to help consolidate understanding of a couple of concepts: • caches with multi-word blocks reduce cache miss rates by exploiting spatial locality; • direct-mapped caches are susceptible to high miss rates when set conflicts occur. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 10 of 14 In all three parts, we’ll look at two MARS programs that walk through 8-element arrays src1, src2, and dest, essentially as follows, but using pointer arithmetic instead of array index arithmetic: i = 0; do { dest[i] = src1[i] + src2[i]; i++; } while (i != 8); 5.2 What to Do, Part I Copy the directory encm369w14lab10/exD Start up MARS. Open the file add-vectors1.asm, and read it to confirm that the loop in main corresponds to the do-while loop given in “Read This First”. Then click on the Assemble button. Before running the program, do these things: • Set a breakpoint on the jr instruction at the end of main, so the program will pause before getting to its “clean-up” code. • Using the MARS Tools menu, start the Data Cache Simulator tool. Within the Data Cache Simulation Tool window . . . – – – – select Direct Mapping for the Placement Policy; select 32 for the Number of blocks; select 1 for Cache block size (words); click on the button labeled Connect to MIPS. If you have done this correctly you should see 128 as the value for Cache size (bytes). You are about to see simulation of a ridiculously tiny direct-mapped cache with 32 1-word blocks. ( ) over and over again. Run the program by clicking on the single-step button Make sure you observe at least a few passes through the loop in main. You should see that every single memory access using lw or sw is a cache miss. This should not be a surprise—the cache has 1-word blocks, and each word is accessed only once—in other words, the data accesses made by the program totally lack temporal locality of reference—so cache hits are impossible. After you have ( ) seen enough cache misses, click the run button to get to the breakpoint you set at the end of main. You should see in the Data Cache Simulation Tool window that the Cache Hit Rate is 0% and that there are 24 red lines indicating 24 misses in accesses to 24 of the 32 cache entries. 5.3 What to Do, Part II This continues directly from Part I. ( ) so you can run the program again from the Click the MARS reset button beginning. In the cache simulation tool window, change the Number of blocks to 8 and change the Cache block size (words) to 4. If you have done this correctly you should see that the Cache size is still 128 bytes, and there is a display of eight empty cache blocks. If you understand the concept of multi-word blocks, you should be able to make a good guess at the hit rate before you run the program. Run the program by single-stepping repeatedly. What you should see is that there is a miss on the first access to a block, but the next three accesses to the same block are hits. This is a simple demonstration that use of multi-word blocks is helpful when programs have good spatial locality of reference. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 5.4 page 11 of 14 What to Do, Part III In this part you will repeat Part II using a very slightly different program. Load the file add-vectors2.asm into the MARS editor. Read the program. Observe that the only change is that some extra string constants have been added to the data segment; this change will result in changes to the address ranges for the arrays src2 and dest. Assemble the program, set a breakpoint on the jr instruction at the end of main, and click on Reset in the cache simulation window. (Also, make sure the number of blocks and the block size are the same as in Part II.) Run the program by single-stepping. You will discover that despite the excellent spatial locality of memory accesses, the hit rate is not nearly as good as it was in Part II. This is because I have manipulated the locations of the three arrays of ints so that there will be some set bit conflicts. When the program gets to the end of main you should observe that although the combined size of the three arrays is 24 words, only 16 words (in four 4-word blocks) of the cache have been used. 5.5 What to Do, Part IV Make a copy of the following table, then fill in the empty cells with the correct 3-bit set bit patterns generated by addresses of array elements in the program runs of Parts II and III. array element index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 set bits, in base two add-vectors1.asm add-vectors2.asm src1 src2 dest src1 src2 dest 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 Hints: • The Labels window in MARS will quickly give you the base addresses for the arrays. • The set bits are bits 6–4 of an address. For example, the address of src1[0] is 0x1001_0040 in both programs. In base two, with the set bits shown in bold red, the address is 0001 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0100 0000. In addition to the table, write a brief explanation of how you obtained the set bits you wrote into the table. 5.6 What to Hand In There is nothing to hand in for Parts I–III. For Part IV, hand in your table and your explanation of how you found the set bits. 0 1 2 3 set S−3 set S−2 set S−1 set set set set = = .. . way 1 ... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· N comparators for tags work in parallel. .. . way 0 = .. . way N−1 .. . entry 0 entry 1 entry 2 ··· entry N−2 Fully-associative cache: Like a set-associative cache with only one set. No set bits are required for lookup. Instead all tags in the entire cache are checked at the same time. Each tag has built-in comparison logic to test for a match with the search tag. set bits N-way set-associative cache: Each way is organized like a direct-mapped cache. For lookup, the index selects a set, and all N blocks in that set must be checked for a hit. N valid-bits are checked all at once; at the same time N tags are compared with the search tag. Note: Relative sizes are not to scale. A block might be as large as 64 bytes (512 bits), which is difficult to describe graphically in proportion to a single status bit. decoder 0 1 2 3 set S−3 set S−2 set S−1 set set set set = entry N−1 1 tag comparator for the whole cache. .. . Direct-mapped cache: Like a 1-way set-associative cache. The set bits decide which set is inspected to test for a hit. set bits status bit(s): 1 valid bit, plus, in the case of a write-back D-cache, 1 dirty bit tag bits block of data or instruction words bits that help with LRU or approximate-LRU replacement decoder Key to colouring of storage cells ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 page 12 of 14 Figure 6: Graphical comparison of set-associative caches, direct-mapped caches, and fully-associative caches. After reading this caption you should probably use the “Rotate Right” tool in your PDF reader to view the diagram. The term “search tag” refers to the tag extracted from the address of the instruction or data item the processor core is seeking. The diagrams are intended to show conceptual structure, and leave out wires and some important logic elements (e.g., multiplexers). Layout in the diagram may or may not reflect actual physical layout within integrated circuits. ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 6 page 13 of 14 Exercise E: Analysis of set-associative caches 6.1 Read This First As explained in lectures, set-associative caches provide a good (but not perfect) solution to the problem of set-bit conflicts in direct-mapped caches. The difference between direct-mapped and set-associative structure is illustrated in Figure 6. Just as for a direct-mapped cache, in a set-associative cache an address must be split into parts: tag, set bits, block offset (if there are multi-word blocks), and byte offset. The formulas for the widths of these address parts are exactly the same as given for direct-mapped caches in Section 3.1.2. However, the equations for the capacity of a set-associative cache are slightly different from those for the capacity of a direct-mapped cache. If C is capacity in bytes, S is the number of sets, N is the number of ways, and Bpl (“bytes per line”) is the size in bytes of a block, then C = S × N × Bpl. To use a block size given in words instead of bytes: C = S × N × words per block × bytes per word. For units to make sense in these equations, it turns that appropriate units for N are blocks per set. Here are some example calculations: • What is the capacity of the cache of textbook Figure 8.9? Obtaining all the dimensions we need from Figure 8.9, C = S × N × words per block × bytes per word 2 blocks 1 word 4 bytes × × = 4 sets × set block word = 32 bytes. • Suppose we modify the design of the cache of Exercise A in this lab, so that it is two-way set-associative instead of direct-mapped, and has four-word blocks instead of one-word blocks. The capacity will remain 1024 words, that is 4096 = 212 bytes. How will addresses be split into parts to access this new design? We need to know S to determine the number of set bits. C S= N × words per block × bytes per word 4 KB = 2 blocks 4 words 4 bytes × block × word set 22 × 210 bytes × 22 × 22 bytes/set = 128 sets. = 21 The number of set bits is log2 S = log2 128 = 7. The word size is 4 bytes, so there is a 2-bit byte offset. The block size is 4 words, so the block offset is also 2 bits wide. Here is the address split: 31 11 10 21-bit tag 43 21 0 7 set bits 2-bit block offset 2-bit byte offset ENCM 369 Winter 2015 Lab 10 6.2 page 14 of 14 What to Do Refer to Problem 4 in Exercise B (in Section 3.2). Do parts (a), (b), and (c) again, with the following assumptions: • no change in word size; • no change in block size; • no changes to the capacities of the caches; • L1 D-cache changed to 8-way set-associative; • L2 cache changed to 16-way set-associative. 6.3 What to Hand In Hand in well-organized solutions for parts (a), (b), and (c).
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