Arms Extended Pushups

Arms Extended Pushups
This exercise works the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders and abs, not to mention the
upper and lower back. It is a tough exercise; initially strive to get just one of these with
your arms fully extended. If you can’t, then continue moving your arms back until you
find a position that will work.. That will be 1 Set.
To start, lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out straight in front of you.
Your hands should be closer together than a regular push up
Now, push everything but your hands and feet off the floor.
Lower yourself to the floor and repeat as many times as possible.
If you can only do 1 Rep, hold yourself in the up position as long as you can.
If you are unable to do 1 rep, continue to push as if you can. This resistance will build
your strength up.
Breathe naturally through this exercise.
Resistance Ball Pushup
This move will emphasize the upper body as well as your core.
Place your hands on the sides of the resistance ball and your feet on a bench or a chair.
Keep your back straight. Now slowly lower yourself down as far as you can with control.
Pause, then push yourself back up to the starting position.. Slowly lower yourself back
down and repeat for 10 reps. That is one set. Shoot for 3 Sets.
Chest Press with Band
Take a handle in each of your hands and ensure you place the band in back of your
chair. Keep your elbows bent and grasp the handles of the band palms facing
forward. Keep your back straight. This is your start position. Now using the
muscles in your back and arms, extend your hands straight out in front of yourself
and bring the handles together. Pause briefly when your hands are even with your
chest and then slowly return to the starting position
That is 1 repetition. You want to do 10 repetitions which will make 1 set, and you
want to work up to a total of 3 sets.
Fingertip Pushups
Fingertip pushups are great for developing the strength in your fingers and hands while
also developing the chest, shoulders, and arms.
Start with your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Your feet are together. Put all
your weight of your upper body on the fingertips of both hands.
Lower your chest until you can touch the floor with it. Push yourself back up. That is 1
Rep. Do 10-15 Reps, which will make one set. Work up to 3 sets.
Make sure you inhale as you lower yourself, and exhale as you come back up to the
starting position
Front Chest Raise
Place the tube under 1 foot. Your feet should be hip width apart and you will be grasping
one handle in your hand. Lift the handle up to shoulder height out in front of you (If the
resistance is too much at the end of the motion, decrease the resistance by starting with
more slack in the tubing) Hold for 3-5 seconds and slowly lower.
That is 1 rep. You want to do 10 Reps which will make up 1 Set. You want to work up
to 3 sets.
Gator Pushup
This move will emphasize the upper body as well as your core.
Stand on a small towel and get into the normal pushup position, with your knees flexed
and your hands directly under your shoulders. With your abs tight, walk your left hand
out about a foot in front of your right hand and do a pushup. Now walk your right hand
out about a foot in front of your left hand, drag your feet forward, as you go and do a
pushup. Repeat this sequence 5 times, then reverse the move to Gator walk back to the
starting point 10 reps. That is one set. Shoot for 3 Sets.
Lateral Chest Raise
Place the tube under 1 foot. Your feet should be hip width apart and you will be grasping
one handle in your hand. Lift the handle up to shoulder height out toward your side (If
the resistance is too much at the end of the motion, decrease the resistance by starting
with more slack in the tubing) Hold for 3-5 seconds and slowly lower.
That is 1 rep. You want to do 10 Reps which will make up 1 Set. You want to work up
to 3 sets.
Lateral Raise
This Exercise will target your shoulders, upper back and trunk
The lateral raise challenges the trunk and front of your shoulders. Start by stabilizing
your trunk at all times and keep your posture neutral. Do not Shrug your shoulders. As
you lift the weight, toward your sides, keep your neck muscles relaxed and gently hold
your shoulder blades down and together. Pause and then lower the weight
That is 1 rep. You want to do 10 Reps. Which will make 1 Set. Shoot for 3 sets.
Modified Pushup
Begin in a raised prone position with arms shoulder width apart, elbows slightly
bent and bent knees together on the floor. Keep your head and neck and back in a
straight line at all times. Slowly lower your body towards the floor. The down
phase ends when the upper arm is parallel with the floor. Return to the start
position slowly without locking the elbows. That is 1 rep. You want to do 15-20
reps. That will be 1 Set. You want to shoot for 3 sets.
One Arm Band Pull
Stand with your feet hip width apart. Hold an exercise band overhead with hands about
18 inches apart. Position your right arm overhead, and hold your left hand out to the side,
elbow bent about 90 degrees. Band should be taut. Keep your right arm stable, and
contract your ab and back muscles and pull your left arm down until the left hand is in
line with your chest. Hold for a moment and slowly return to the start position and
That is 1 Rep. You want to shoot for 15 Reps. That will make 1 Set. You want to shoot
for 3 Sets.
One Leg in Air Push Up
These pushups are about as close as you can get to doing a one arm push up while using
the other arm for balance. This exercise will work your shoulders and arms…
Start in a normal push up position, feet together and arms shoulder width apart.
Now, lift your left leg in the air and turn the right side of your body downward as you
lower your right side toward the floor. Now push back up and lift your right leg in the air
and turn the left side of your body downward. Make sure you inhale as you lower
yourself and exhale as you come back up.
That is 1 Rep. You want to shoot for 25 Reps. That will make 1 Set. You want to shoot
for 3 Sets.
Prone Back Extension
Lie in the prone position, with hands placed on the small of the back. Feet and hips
should remain in contact with the floor throughout the exercise. Keeping the head, neck,
and back in a straight ine, lift the torso by contracting the lower back muscles. Return to
the start position using a slow, controlled motion. Lift only as far as comfortable.
Discontinue if any pain is experienced.
This is 1 Rep. Do 10-12 Reps which makes up 1 set and shoot for 3 sets
Rear Shoulder Raise
This exercise will improve your upper back posture and rear shoulder strength.
It will target your shoulders, upper back and triceps.
Start by laying on the ball and have your arms down at your side. Slowly raise the
weights to the position shown in the picture. Move the weights past your buttocks or as
far back as you can within a pain free range. Exhale as you do so.
This is 1 Rep. Do 10-12 Reps which will make up 1 set and shoot for 3 sets
Resisted Push Up with Band
Get in the push up position, with your chest 1 to 2 inches off the floor. Rap the
Resistance Band around your back at shoulder level, and place your hands on the
tubing so that it makes the band tight on your back. Now, do a regular push up.
That is 1 repetition. You want to do 10 repetitions which will make 1 set, and you
want to work up to a total of 3 sets.
Reverse Pushups
The reverse pushup is one of the best overall exercises you can do. It not only
strengthens your back, shoulders and arms, but it also promotes flexibility and suppleness
throughout your entire upper body, especially your shoulders and spine.
Now, Starting with your back on the floor, and your knees bend and feet flat, place your
hands next to the tops of your shoulders with your palms on the ground.
Push your body off the floor until your arms reach a locked position. The crown of your
head should be facing the floor.
Push yourself forward and try to make your chest even with your hands. Now slowly
lower yourself bringing your upper back and next to the floor.. That is 1 rep. You want
do as many reps as possible. That will be 1 Set.
Exhale at the top of the movement and inhale at the bottom.
Seated Row with Band
Take a handle in each of your hands and ensure you place the band beneath your
feet. Sit on the edge of your chair or ball. Keep your elbows bent and grasp the
handles of the band and pull it to just above your knees. Keep your back straight.
This is your start position. Now using the muscles in your back and arms, pull your
hands towards the middle of your chest, keeping your palms facing the floor. Your
torso should be upright or tilted slightly back. Pause briefly when your hands are
even with your chest and then slowly return to the starting position
That is 1 repetition. You want to do 10 repetitions which will make 1 set, and you
want to work up to a total of 3 sets.
Shoulder Raise
This Exercise will target your shoulders, upper back and trunk
The front raise challenges the trunk and front of your shoulders. Start by stabilizing your
trunk at all times and keep your posture neutral. Do not Shrug your shoulders. As you lift
the weight, keep your neck muscles relaxed and gently hold your shoulder blades down
and together. Pause and then lower the weight
That is 1 rep. You want to do 10 Reps. Which will make 1 Set. Shoot for 3 sets.
Shoulder Raise with Band
Take a handle in each of your hands and ensure you place the band beneath your
feet. Sit on the edge of your chair or ball. Raise your hands to shoulder level
keeping your upper arms parallel to the ground. (you should look like a field goal
post.) Now slowly raise your arms over your head and when at the top of the
extension pause. Finish by slowly lowering your arms back to the starting position.
That is 1 repetition. You want to do 10 repetitions which will make 1 set, and you
want to work up to a total of 3 sets.
Shoulder Shrug with Band
Take a handle in each of your hands and ensure you place the band beneath your
feet and your arms down at your sides. Now slowly raise your shoulders while
keeping your arms straight. Finish by slowly lowering your shoulders back to the
starting position.
That is 1 repetition. You want to do 10 repetitions which will make 1 set, and you
want to work up to a total of 3 sets.
Side Lunge with Punch
Begin in standing position and turn to the right, stepping the left foot straight back and
bending the right knee into a lunge while punching with the left arm. Step the left foot
back to start and repeat on the other side, lunging to the left and punching with the right
hand. Move as quickly as you can while keeping good form and repeat, alternating sides
for one minute.
Upright Row with Resistance Band
Stand with feet placed shoulder width apart, and anchor the band beneath both feet. Grasp the
ends of the band in each hand and cross the wrists. Pull the arms up and back, until the upper
arms are parallel with the floor. Shoulders should stay in line with the torso throughout the
exercise. Return to the down position in a slow controlled manner. That is 1 Rep. You want to do
10-15 Reps which will make 1 Set and shoot for 3 sets.
(Back): Exercise Ball YTI This is gong to hit your back. Using your Resistance Ball
Start by laying face down with your torso on the ball holding your body tight in a plank
position, your feet should be hip width apart and toes on the floor. Next : Lift both arms
toward your head to make the letter Y with your arms (You should squeeze your
shoulder blades together before you lift your arms); slowly lower your arms from the Y
position. Next you want to Raise your arms out to your sides to make the letter T; slowly
lower. Lift your arms toward your back as close to your body as possible making the
letter I; slowly lower. That is 1 Rep.
You want to shoot for 10 Reps which will make up 1 Set. Start out by doing 1 Set and
work up to 3 Sets