Department of the Taoiseach External Service Delivery Plan Overall Strategy The Department of the Taoiseach continues to examine all areas of its work to identify projects / services which may be suitable for external delivery. However, given the small size of the Department and the nature of its work, there is likely to be limited scope for additional external service delivery, outside of various shared services initiatives. Overview of Current Position A number of Departmental functions / services are already delivered using shared services or external service providers and many of the functions remaining in-house involve elements of external service delivery. Existing shared services arrangements in place are as follows: Video Conferencing – Houses of the Oireachtas; Network and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) – Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine; Oracle Financials and Corepay – Department of Justice (Financial Shared Services); Peoplesoft HRMS – Office of the Government Chief Information Officer; Website Hosting – Local Government Management Agency; Library Management System – Department of Finance; and Training - Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine & Department of Social Protection. The Department is scheduled to move to the Payroll Shared Services Centre and Peoplepoint (the Civil Service Human Resources & Pensions Shared Services Centre) in 2015. The Department also liaises closely with the Office of Government Procurement to ensure that value for money is secured including through the use of shared procurement frameworks. We continue to need maintenance / support contracts with a number of vendors for the various technologies and products we use and utilise external service providers from time to time e.g. to deliver enhancements to eCabinet or to our Websites or Extranets. 1 The Department uses IBM (formerly Lotus) Notes extensively. As well as for eMail, Calendar and Contacts, a suite of business systems has been developed in Notes to manage Parliamentary Questions; Freedom of Information Requests; the Department’s Performance Management and Development System; Representations. Our Records/Document Management systems are also Notes-based and include Registry File Tracking and Work Support and Process Management Systems (WSPMS). Most of the development work on this suite of business systems is carried out in-house but occasionally we use the services of an external vendor. Furthermore, the Department would be very much open to being involved in any further shared services initiatives developed centrally by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. Proposed Governance and Resourcing In areas where shared services / external service delivery mechanisms are already in place, the relevant Section Heads manage the development and delivery of the projects. All significant projects are overseen by the Department’s Management Advisory Committee and may be subject to scrutiny by internal and external audit and the Department’s Audit Committee. In the case of the Department’s proposed move to the Payroll Shared Services Centre and PeoplePoint, governance arrangements will be agreed centrally and service level agreements will be in place in advance of the move. In so far as is possible, preparations for the move to shared services (e.g. data clean-up; process alignment; roll-out of training / information sessions) will be managed using existing staffing resources. However, it must be acknowledged that there will likely be a lead-in time before savings are secured following the move to shared services. Prioritisation Process Priority will be given to our movement to the Payroll Shared Services Centre (with go-live currently scheduled for February 2015) and to PeoplePoint (latest information available indicates that go-live will be in either February or November 2015). Human Resources The Department of the Taoiseach will use its existing business planning and workforce planning processes to address any human resource issues arising from the implementation of this External Service Delivery Plan. 2 Functions currently delivered externally No. Action/Deliverable Detailed Description (define scope, volumes, headcount) Level at which contract administered (e.g. Local, Regional, National) Suitability for multidepartment contracts Annual value of contract(s) (€) Senior Responsible Owner Local Yes Varies Catering is purchased at divisional level. Local Yes € 15,000 Personnel Officer Local Yes €0 Personnel Officer Local Yes €0 Local Yes €115,200 Personnel Officer Personnel Officer Cross-Departmental Function 1 – Facilities Management 1 Catering 2 Cleaning 3 Security 4 Buildings maintenance 5 Switch Service We have an approved list of caterers that we can use for events/engagements in Government buildings. The Department has its own cleaning staff so cleaning is delivered internally. However, there are a number of services delivered externally e.g. window cleaning, etc. The building is secured by the Services staff, An Garda Síochána and the Military Police. Provided by the Office of Public Works. The Department’s telephone switch is provided for by Eircom. Cross-Departmental Function 2 - Procurement/logistics 1 Procurement The Department is liaising closely with the Office of Government Procurement on all purchasing decisions. Cross-Departmental Function 3 - Human Resources 3 No. Action/Deliverable Detailed Description (define scope, volumes, headcount) Level at which contract administered (e.g. Local, Regional, National) Suitability for multidepartment contracts Annual value of contract(s) (€) Senior Responsible Owner 1 Payroll and Travel & Subsistence processing Local Yes Personnel Officer 2 Peoplesoft HRMS Payroll services for 191 staff members is provided by FSS in Killarney. However, we are in the process of moving to the Payroll Shared Services Centre. Provided by the OGCIO Local Yes 3 Training Management Training Programmes for EO, HEO and AP are provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on a collaborative shared basis. Local Personnel Officer Strategic HR We also collaborate with the Department of Social Protection who has provided CO development and Customer Service training. Local Yes Finance Officer Cross-Departmental Function 4 - Finance/Business Processes 1 Financial Management Financial Management (incl. automated processing of travel & subsistence claims) provided by FSS Killarney. Local 4 No. Action/Deliverable Detailed Description (define scope, volumes, headcount) Level at which contract administered (e.g. Local, Regional, National) Suitability for multidepartment contracts Annual value of contract(s) (€) Senior Responsible Owner 2 Records management/scanning/filing The Department uses Glenbeigh for off-site storage of files. The Department also uses Leeches for the shredding of confidential waste. Local Yes €5,800 for off-site storage €6,000 for shredding Personnel Officer Local Yes Not charged for IT Manager Local Some elements would be suitable but on-site presence would be required to provide required service levels. €145,000 IT Manager Local No – Bespoke application. €126,000 IT Manager Cross-Departmental Function 5 – Information and Communication Technology 1 Network & VOIP Administration 2 Department of the Taoiseach staff provide system support and system integration services with the assistance on one on-site contractor and draw down contracts from various vendors. 3 Application Management - eCabinet Shared Service with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine We operate a single helpdesk for both the eCabinet application which is used by all Government Departments and for our own systems and services. Staff in the IT unit provide the helpdesk service along with one fulltime contractor whose primary role is to support the eCabinet application and infrastructure. The eCabinet application is a web-based application used by all Government Departments for circulation of confidential, classified government documents. It is a bespoke application 5 No. Action/Deliverable 4 Hosting 5 Video Conferencing (VC) 6 Print Service Management Detailed Description (define scope, volumes, headcount) built by an external vendor who also provides ongoing maintenance and development services. The application is managed by DOT staff with the assistance of an on-site external contractor. Our websites are hosted by the LGMA. We have a shared service arrangement in place with the Houses of the Oireachtas who host our VC endpoints on their VC infrastructure. Following a mini-tender competition under the National Procurement Service Framework, we have a Managed Print Service contract in place since October 2012. An external company supplies, maintains and provides consumables for all our printers. Level at which contract administered (e.g. Local, Regional, National) Suitability for multidepartment contracts Annual value of contract(s) (€) Senior Responsible Owner National Yes €16,000 IT Manager Local Yes Not charged for IT Manager Local Yes €50,000 IT Manager 6 Areas currently being tested for External Service Delivery or in the process of being moved to external delivery No. Action/Deliverable Detailed Description (define scope, headcount, volumes, current data quality) Key Steps for Implementation and Associated Timelines (Start/End Dates) Suitability for SharedService Suitability for multidepartment contracts Expected € Saving (inc. asmptns) Senior Responsi ble Owner Go-live scheduled for February 2015 Yes Yes €0 Personnel Officer / Finance Officer Go-live scheduled for February / November 2015. Yes Yes Cross-Departmental Function 1 - Human Resources 1 Payroll and Travel & Subsistence processing 2 Transactional HR Services Payroll and Travel & Subsistence processing services for 191 staff members currently provided by FSS Killarney moving to the Payroll Shared Services Centre. Transactional HR Services (excluding the management of Time & Attendance) moving to PeoplePoint. Personnel Officer 7
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