PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore (Autonomous Institute under UGC – New Delhi and VTU – Belgaum) OFFICE OF DEAN (EVALUATION) PROVISIONAL RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT MAY/JUNE 2015 B.E. AUTONOMOUS PROGRAM (II, IV, VI AND VIII SEMESTERS) DISCLAIMER The results and result-related information announced on the internet are only PROVISIONAL and for immediate information of the students. PESIT is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept into the announcement. This information is intended only for the notice of concerned students and should not be used by any other person(s) for any purpose. The final result could be confirmed upon the receipt of Grade Cards. Any queries related to these results may be sent to [email protected] NOTICE 1. Re-Valuation: The answer scripts have been evaluated independently by two examiners. If the difference between the two valuations is greater than 9 marks, the answer script has been subjected to third evaluation. Students can apply for “RE-EVALUATION” as per the regulations mentioned in the “Student Hand Book”. Students interested in applying for Re-evaluation may use the format enclosed. 2. Viewing of answer scripts: Students can see the answer scripts upon submitting a written application to Dean (Evaluation) or through an email to [email protected] within 3 days from the date of announcement of results. The student should mention USN, Subject Code and other relevant details in the communication. Student can opt to apply for either photocopy or for re-evaluation after viewing the answer script. However, viewing of answer script is subject to the following : a) Only SEE theory answer scripts shall be shown to the students on payment of Rs. 100 /- per script. b) The student shall have to be accompanied by any one of the parents or Faculty Advisor or HOD to the Office of the Dean (Evaluation) as per the SCHEDULE GIVEN. Please note that student accompanied by local guardian or any other person is not allowed. c) The student shall return the answer script after viewing the same. The answer script shall not be taken out of the Office of Dean (Evaluation) for any reason whatsoever. 3. Supply of photocopy of the answer script to the candidate: As per PESIT regulations mentioned in the Student Handbook, students can apply for photocopy of the answer script (only SEE theory examination) on payment of Rs. 500/- within two days of viewing or within five days of announcement of results. The photocopy of the script will be supplied within 2 days after the receipt of the application at the Office of Dean (Evaluation). 4. Students are required to strictly adhere to the schedule given below for viewing of answer scripts. Page 1 of 6 PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 5. Students are permitted to register for a maximum of 5 COURSES (both theory and lab) in the summer semester in the prescribed format given below on or before 6th of June 2015. The completed Summer Term 2015 registration form to be submitted in the respective departments. 6. Online Course Registration for the Odd Semester-2015 shall be available on the Students are required to register for the courses during July 25 and August 03, 2015 using their login ID and password. Page 2 of 6 PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 Schedule for viewing of answer scripts Date & Day Branches June 08, 2015 (Monday) CV June 09, 2015 (Tuesday) EC June 10, 2015 (Wednesday) June 11, 2015 (Thursday) Timings EEE IS 08:30 AM to 05:00PM June 12, 2015 (Friday) CS June 13, 2015 (Saturday) BT June 15, 2015 (Monday) ME June 16, 2015 (Tuesday) TE Page 3 of 6 PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore (Autonomous Institute under UGC – New Delhi and VTU – Belgaum) OFFICE OF DEAN (EVALUATION) APPLICATION I would like to apply for the following 1. Answer script viewing (Rs. 100 per subject) 2. Photocopy of answer script (Rs. 500 per subject) 3. Re-evaluation (Rs. 1,000 per subject) USN Grade Secured Name of the student Sl. Sub Code Sem Signature of the student Applying for 1/2/3 Subject Title Date: Page 4 of 6 Receipt & Amount PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore (Autonomous Institute under UGC – New Delhi and VTU – Belgaum) SUMMER TERM 2015 : CALENDAR OF EVENTS DAY WEEK# FRI SAT # WORKING DAYS 5 6 - MONTH MON TUE WED THU 1. JUNE 2. JUNE 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 3. JUNE 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 25 26 27 4. JUNE 22 23 24 T1 T1 T1 JUNE / JULY 29 30 1 2 3 4 6 6. JULY 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 13 14 15 7. JULY 16 17 8. JULY 9. JULY / AUG. T2 T2 20 21 22 5, 6 COURSE REGISTRATION 6 5. T2 ACTIVITIES TEST-1 18 H 23 24 TEST-2 5 18 – RAMZAN 25 SEE EVENTS 1 27 28 29 30 31 AOR NOTE: 1. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY 2. NO MAKE-UP CLASSES AND NO MAKE-UP EXAM ARE ADMINISTERED Page 5 of 6 PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF AUTONOMOUS B.E. Program JUNE 04, 2015 PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore (Autonomous Institute under UGC – New Delhi and VTU – Belgaum) SUMMER TERM 2015: COURSE REGISTRATION FORM Bank Name, USN Credits NAME OF THE STUDENT Sl. Course Code Sem Grade Secured Course Title DD No., Amount, Date 1 2 3 4 5 Signature of the Student Signature of the HOD SUMMER TERM FEE DETAILS MAX. NO. OF COURSES PERMITTED FOR SUMMER TERM REGISTRATION FIVE REGISTRATION FEE RS. 1000/- PER CREDIT EXAMINATION AND OTHER FEE RS. 2000/- BANK DD TO BE DRAWN IN FAVOR OF PRINCIPAL PESIT Page 6 of 6
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