Peter R. Nelson, PhD Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies, University of Maine-Fort Kent Email: [email protected], Web: Curriculum Vitae Skills & Areas of Expertise Community & Vegetation ecology Lichenology, Mycology, Botany Arctic, Alpine & Temperate Forests Non-parametric, Multi/Univariate Statistics Spatial Analyses, Remote Sensing, GIS Statistical Modeling Education B.S. Resource Conservation PhD-Ecology College of Forestry & Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula, MT Spring 2004 Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR Fall 2013 Ongoing Research • • • • • • Form and Function in a Fog-Sustained Desert Lichen Oasis: Collaborator on National Geographic funded project studying lichen communities and attributes changing across a fog gradient in northern Chile using community, genetic, quantitative morphological and ecophysiological analyses. Responsibilities include co-writing proposal, fieldwork, writing reports/scientific publications. Climate Change & Lichens: Collaborator on lichen component in climate change experiment (SPRUCE Study examines lichen responses to experimental temperature and CO2 treatments and implications for using the FHM/FIA Lichen Indicator. The main objective is to document lichen species growth and mortality in response to simulated climate change utilizing the hightech infrastructure provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the USFS Northern Research Station and Marcell Experimental Forest for application of temperature and CO2 treatments. Responsibilities include designing & conducting fieldwork, integrating sampling design in collaboration with interdisciplinary team of scientists, managing & analyzing data, communicating results in writing & orally & grant writing to support further work complimenting this experiment. Lichens of Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks: Collaborator on lichen floristic survey of Katmai & Lake Clark National Park & Preserves, Alaska. Volcanic Eruptions & Lichen Ecology: Lead scientist on post-eruption study at three volcanoes (2 Chile, 1 Washington) quantifying effects of different eruption disturbances on lichen communities. Arctic Vegetation Ecology Focused on Lichen Communities: Lead scientist on vegetation monitoring study in Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve, Alaska. Responsibilities included developing sampling design, adapting existing vegetation survey methods, collecting & identifying plant specimens, managing data, data analysis & writing, organizing logistics for food & lodging to be transported by aircraft, extended backcountry camping & off-trail travel. Supervised 4 technicians & volunteers. Remote Sensing of Lichens & Vegetation: Primary analyst mapping abundance of vegetation using satellite imagery & environmental variables. Responsibilities included analysis, data management & written/oral communication of results. See Nelson et al. (2013) in Remote Sensing of Environment. Refereed Publications Nelson, P.R. and Wheeler, T.W. (submitted) Persistence of epiphytic lichens along a tephra-depth gradient produced by the 2011 Cordón-Caulle eruption in Parque Nacional Puyehue, Chile. Bosque. Nelson, P.R., McCune, B., Wheeler, T., Geiser, L., & Crisafulli, C. H. (in review). Lichen community development along a disturbance gradient at Mount St. Helens: In Ecological Responses Revisited 35 years after the 1980 Eruptions of Mount St. Helens. Eds V.H. Dale & C. H. Crisafulli, Springer-Verlag, NY, USA. Nelson, P.R., McCune, B., Roland, C., Stehn, S. 2015. Nonparametric methods reveal nonlinear functional Peter R. Nelson, PhD, Curriculum Vitae trait variation in lichens along environmental and fire age gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science: online early view. Nelson, P.R., Roland, C., Macander, M.J. & B. McCune. 2013. Detecting lichen abundance for mapping winter caribou forage at landscape spatial scales. Remote Sensing of Environment 137: 34-54. Nelson, P.R. & T. Wheeler. 2013. Cephalodia found on Fuscopannaria viridescens. The Lichenologist 45: 694-696 Stehn, S., Nelson, P., Roland, C. & J. Jones. 2013. Patterns in the occupancy and abundance of the globally rare lichen Erioderma pedicellatum in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. The Bryologist 116: 2-4. Nelson, P.R., Kepler, R., Walton, J., Nelson, L., Fankhauser, J. & W.L. Song. 2012. Parmelina yalungana resurrected and reported from Alaska, Russia and China. The Bryologist 115: 557-565. Muggia, L., P. Nelson, T. Wheeler, L. S Yakovchenko, T. Tønsberg, and T.Spribille. 2011. Convergent evolution of a symbiotic duet: The case of the lichen genus Polychidium (Peltigerales, Ascomycota). American Journal of Botany 98: 1647–1656. Nelson, P., J. Walton, H. Root & T. Spribille. 2011. Hypogymnia pulverata (Parmeliaceae) and Collema leptaleum (Collemataceae), two macrolichens new to Alaska. North American Fungi 6:1-8. Root, H. T. & P. R. Nelson. 2011. Does phylogenetic distance aid in detecting environmental gradients related to species composition? Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 1143-148. Nelson, P., J. Walton & C. Roland. 2009. Erioderma pedicellatum (Hue) P.M.Jorg. new to the United States and western North America, discovered in Denali National Park and Preserve and Denali State Park, Alaska. Evansia 26: 19-23. In Prep Nelson, P.R., Adams, L., Joly, K., Gustine, D., Roland, C. & McCune, B. Graminoid cover and decadal snow ablation patterns predict interannual variation in winter caribou habitat selection across spatial scales. Educational Publications Nelson, P.R., Nelson, J. & H. Mesraty. 2013. The lichen and Bryophyte podcast (in prep). American Bryological & Lichenological Society. Stehn, S. & P. R. Nelson. 2011. Virtual Tour of the Lichens and Mosses of Denali National Park and Preserve. Murie Science and Learning Center. Nelson, P.R. & T. Wheeler. 2011. Lichens and Mosses of Denali National Park and Preserve (poster). Nelson, P.R. & T. Wheeler. 2011. Liquenes del Bosque Templado Valdiviano (poster). Selected Presentations American Geophysical Union (AGU) (poster). 2014. Dec. 14-19, San Francisco, CA. "Quantitative Modeling of Arctic Tundra Vegetation: Leveraging Field Data, Landsat Time-Series, and High-Resolution Imagery in Northern Alaska" Botanical Society of America (BSA) & American Bryological & Lichenological Society (ABLS) (oral presentation) 2014. July 15, Boise, ID. "Nonlinear lichen community functional trait variation along environmental and fire age gradients revealed by nonparametric methods" Mycological Society of America (poster), 2011, Fairbanks, AK; “Mapping lichens using satellite imagery”. Northwest Science Association (oral presentations): • 2012, Boise, ID; “Mapping lichens using satellite imagery”. • 2010, Centralia, WA; “A new species of Parmelina (Parmeliaceae) from the northern hemisphere”. • 2009. Seattle, WA; “Observations on the disjunct population of the rare and endangered boreal felt lichen Erioderma pedicellatum in southcentral Alaska”. Teaching University of Maine-Fort Kent, Fort Kent, Maine Forest Ecology (Forestry 260, lecture, Jan.-May. 2015) Genomics Research (Biology 359, lecture and lab, Jan.-May. 2015) Peter R. Nelson, PhD, Curriculum Vitae Senior Project/Research Methods (Biology 339/Environmental Studies 400, lecture, Jan.-May. 2015) Botany (Biology 202, lecture and lab, Jan.-May. 2015) Introductory Biology (Biology 100, lab and lecture, Sept. 2014-Dec. 2014) Unique lab component focused on isolating, purifying and sequencing the genome of mycobacteriophage as a part of the SEAPHAGES program supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Taxonomy of Vascular Plants (Biology 320, lab and lecture, Sept. 2014-Dec. 2014) Oglala Lakota College, Kyle, South Dakota People and the Environment (Biology 113, lecture Aug. 2013-June 2014) Introductory environmental science course at tribal college. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Principles of Biology (Biology 211, TA for lab, Sept.-Dec., 2008) Second of three-part biology course series for science majors University of Montana, Missoula, Montana Wilderness and Civilization Field Studies (Forestry 273, Sept.-May, 2003-2005) Co-instructor in field class (all day Fridays or over weekends) of 15-20 undergraduates. Responsibilities included designing, implementing & grading integrated natural history & ecology lessons in natural resource management oriented field trips, including two annual 8-10 day backcountry field trips. Other Teaching Experience Introduction to Bryophytes, Course for US Forest Service & National Park Service Botanists (Dec., Feb., 2012), Rapid City, SD Lead instructor designing & teaching two different 3-day introductory bryophyte course, including lab & lecture portions. Funding National Geographic Research and Explorer Grant (Co-investigator, Stanton-PI), $15,600: Form and Function in a Fog-Sustained Desert Lichen Oasis, 2014-2015, Grant #9578-14; See “Professional Research Experience” for details. US Forest Service Grant (Co-investigator, Jovan-PI), $33,000, Climate Change & Lichens, 2014-2015, Grant NC-EM-B-14-01, See “Professional Research Experience” for details. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, Wildlife Division Small Grant, $5000: 2013 Funded one bryophyte workshop & production of lichen & bryophyte educational materials. Murie Science and Learning Discovery Grant, $5000: 2011 Funded design and printing of lichen and mosses of Denali educational materials, including a website ( and poster. Service Leadership Roles • Webmaster/Executive Committee Member (2010-present) - American Bryological & Lichenological • • Society, Vice President (2010-11) - Graduate Student Association - Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Board Member (2009-2013) - Northwest Lichenologist Guild, Peer Reviewer • • • • • The Bryologist (2011) Systematic Botany (2013) Journal of Vegetation Science (2014) The Lichenologist (2014-2015) Molecular Ecology (2014) • • • • Applied Vegetation Science (2014) Ecological Monographs (Subject-area Editor, 2014) PLOSone (2014) Remote Sensing of Environment (2014-2015)
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