Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Report to the Community 2013
A New Era in Phelps History
ince its opening in 1955, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
has become uniquely successful at integrating the latest
medical procedures with well-established practices. This legacy
continues as Phelps fulfills its bold new vision that will enhance
existing facilities and create new spaces that will be home to the best
that medicine has to offer.
SurgiCenter lobby – Opening Fall 2014
This fall, Phelps will open its new SurgiCenter. The facility is the only inpatient and outpatient operating suite in New
York State located in a medical office building. The spacious operating rooms were designed to accommodate changing
technology for decades to come. It is one of only two surgical suites in the State to integrate the extraordinary STERIS
RealView Visual Workflow Management Software. STERIS RealView provides a system for keeping all SurgiCenter medical
staff and, most importantly, family members, informed on a patient’s status in real-time throughout the surgical experience.
Additionally, Phelps will soon begin construction on
a conveniently located and expanded MRI facility.
With an outside entrance, the suite will have convenient
patient access and will feature two MRI machines,
facilitating scheduling and availability. Concurrently,
the hospital will begin work on a stunning new main
lobby that will feature a weather-protected patient
drop-off area.
Construction of SurgiCenter under way
Our future MRI facility – expanded and convenient
This year the hospital will embark on the most ambitious
project in its history – the new West Wing Expansion –
a patient tower designed to house the latest medical
advances for delivering quality patient care, today
and in the future. The tower will feature 52 state-of-theart private patient care rooms. All of these projects will
transform the way Phelps delivers healthcare for
generations to come.
Special thanks to BBL Construction Services, LLC
for their design and craftsmanship of these facilities.
Our design for a new lobby and patient drop-off area
My Phelps experience…was absolutely amazing. The nurses, counselors, group
sessions and environment couldn’t have been better for my recovery. Thank you!
Community Support for Phelps’ Future Soars in 2013
he strategic vision at Phelps is about more than bricks and mortar. It signifies the
hospital’s commitment to provide compassionate and exceptional care.
Philanthropic support is critical to the success of these projects. It will help significantly in reducing
the need for financing and the accumulation of debt, thereby enabling Phelps to maintain its
strong financial position, to continue to respond to changes in the healthcare industry and, most
importantly, to meet community needs for generations to come.
In 2013, Phelps’ Board of Directors authorized a fundraising planning
study. Through in-person strategic discussions, focus groups and e-survey
responses an initial goal of $25 million was established for The Campaign
for Phelps Memorial Hospital Center. Since then, we have begun the
formation of a Campaign Cabinet and are thrilled to report that we have
already raised over $4.5 million toward the West Wing project. It is our honor
to acknowledge both the Campaign Cabinet and those individuals who have
already pledged their significant support to the project.
Campaign Cabinet (in formation)
Aubrey Hawes – Co-Chair
Richard Peress, MD – Co-Chair
Sean Dugan – Board Chair
Arthur Cohen
Jim Goldsmith
Katherine Mackie
Paul Mazzilli
Ted McGrath
Campaign Donors
Anonymous (2)
Pablito and Linda Almira
Daniel and Tracey Blum
Barbara and Bard Bunaes
Barbara and Earle Ellefsen
Sylvia and Aubrey Hawes
Helen and Fred Herlitz
Harry Jacobs, Jr.
Robert Lane and Janine Guercio
Barbara and Ted McGrath
Ellen and William Melvin, Jr.
Mary and Andrew Merryman
Phelps Auxiliary
Keith Safian
Judith M. and Michael D. Sullivan
Without all of your care, my husband probably would not be alive today.
Thank you, Thank you!
Leaving a Legacy
The Anson Phelps Society was created to honor the spirit of Anson Phelps, an extraordinary individual and
philanthropist for whom our hospital was named.
Anson Phelps Society members are a special group of people who, by including Phelps in their estate plans,
help to ensure our mission to provide outstanding healthcare to our community – today and in the future.
“Phelps has provided
me with exceptional
You can make a lasting statement and support the important work of Phelps Memorial Hospital Center in
care over the years.
many different ways. To learn more about the Anson Phelps Society or to let us know you have included
I’m honored to
Phelps in your estate plans, please contact Lisa Koch, Director of Development, at (914) 366-3108 or by
support all they do
email at [email protected].
by including a bequest
to the hospital in my
Special thanks to Katherine Weber for her bequest to Phelps and to Harry Jacobs, Jr. for his continued
estate plans.”
enthusiastic support as an Anson Phelps Society member.
–Harry A. Jacobs, Jr.
Record-Breaking Year for Phelps Special Events
n 2013, fundraising events to benefit Phelps
Memorial Hospital Center, including the 26th
Annual Champagne Ball, 10th Anniversary Phelps
Classic, and Annual Wine Tasting grossed a record
breaking $821,000. The Champagne Ball, which
honored 27-year Chief Nursing Officer Lucy Engelhardt,
John Robbins, MD, Keith Safian, Bill Melvin;
2013 Phelps Classic
Barbara and Ted McGrath;
2013 Champagne Ball
raised more than $565,000 including $215,000 for
the purchase of STERIS RealView Visual Workflow
Management Software for our brand new SurgiCenter!
Looking ahead, the 2014 Champagne Ball will honor
Dr. Lawrence Faltz who recently retired from Phelps
after 20 years as Chief Medical Officer.
Keith Safian, Lucy Engelhardt,
Rich Sinni; 2013 Champagne Ball
John and Connie Curran;
2013 Champagne Ball
Ellen and Bill Melvin;
2013 Phelps Classic
Reina Sinni, Donna Goldsmith, Pamela Terracciano,
Mary Beth Merryman; 2013 President’s Reception
…thank you to the entire staff in the Orthopedic and Rehab Unit. It is they and their
professionalism who give Phelps Memorial Hospital its good name and fine reputation.
They truly exemplify ‘Excellent Care Every Time’!
Phelps ranked among top hospitals
in patient satisfaction
Patient satisfaction is a critical measure of how we serve
our community. Through patient surveys administered by
an independent auditor, we are able to see how well we
do our job and identify areas for improvement.
We are thrilled to report that in 2013 Phelps received
its highest scores ever in patient satisfaction. Overall,
Phelps was ranked in the 84th percentile nationally and
95th percentile in New York State. An incredible 99% of
patients surveyed would recommend Phelps to a friend
or family member.
We are glad so many of you have had a good experience
at Phelps and appreciate you recommending us to your
family and friends!
Save the Dates:
June 9, 2014
Phelps Classic
Sleepy Hollow Country Club
Scarborough, NY
November 8, 2014
Phelps 27th
Annual Champagne Ball
Trump National Golf Club
Briarcliff Manor, NY
March 22, 2015
Phelps Food and Wine Fest
Trump National Golf Club
Briarcliff Manor, NY
Letter from Board Chair and
President & CEO
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our new Report to
the Community. We are pleased
to share with you highlights
from the past year as well as
a preview of exciting activities
planned for 2014.
Richard J. Sinni
Keith F. Safian
We first want to thank all the
members of our community
for your extraordinary support –
in 2013, a record $6.3
million was raised to advance
patient care at Phelps.
Your generous gifts and
enthusiastic participation
in our events ensure that
Phelps is well positioned in
this new healthcare era.
There are many impressive activities to report on.
The new SurgiCenter, opening this fall, will feature
the largest and most advanced operating rooms in
Westchester County.
Additionally, we are starting construction on a conveniently located and expanded MRI facility and
a stunning new hospital lobby that will feature a
weather-protected patient drop-off area.
Longer term plans include the most ambitious project
in the hospital’s history – the new West Wing
Expansion – a patient tower that will feature
52 state-of-the-art private patient care rooms.
All of these projects will transform the way Phelps
delivers healthcare for generations to come.
We invite you to partner with us as we “look forward
and move ahead” and to support healthcare in your
community with a gift to Phelps. You can use the
enclosed envelope or visit to
make your gift.
Thank you for making Phelps an important part of
your health and your life and for supporting your
community hospital.
Best wishes for a healthy, enjoyable spring.
Richard J. Sinni
Chair, Board of Directors
Keith F. Safian, FACHE
President and CEO
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Years Ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011
Unrestricted revenue and (Unaudited)
other support:
Net patient service revenue
$212,759,000 $203,358,000 $195,416,000
Other revenue
10,894,000 12,058,000 7,752,000
Total revenue and other support
223,653,000 215,416,000 203,168,000
Salaries and employee benefits
141,005,000 132,036,000 122,435,000
Supplies and expenses
67,821,000 64,842,000 61,866,000
Depreciation 10,838,000 10,675,000 10,554,000
968,000 1,074,000 1,207,000
Total expenses
220,632,000 208,627,000 196,062,000
Income from operations
3,021,000 6,789,000 7,106,000
Nonoperating gains:
1,769,000 1,591,000 1,604,000
Excess of revenue and other support
over expenses
4,790,000 8,380,000 8,710,000
Other changes in unrestricted net assets:
Change in net unrealized gains (losses)
on other than trading securities
1,198,000 615,000 122,000
Net assets released from restrictions for purchase of equipment
717,000 179,000 211,000
Increase in unrestricted net assets
$6,705,000 $9,174,000 $9,043,000
Charity Care (for uninsured and
$26,214,000 $24,400,000 $20,600,000
under-insured patients) and
community benefits (maintaining
services to meet community
needs, despite cost to the hospital) Fundraising Revenue
Dollars Raised
Development Revenue Sources 2013
Total Raised: $6,325,000
$108,000 (2%)
$821,000 (13%)
Annual Support
$1,614,000 (25%)
Capital Campaign
$3,782,000 (60%)
Board of Directors
Richard J. Sinni
Medical Staff Officers
Franklin Zimmerman, MD
Sean F.X. Dugan
Vice Chair
Stere Carniciu, MD
Vice President
Andrew Merryman
Vice Chair
Frank Foto, MD
Rebecca Srole
Jay Weinberger, MD
Hsin Cheng Chao, MD
Keith F. Safian, FACHE
President & CEO
Betty Albertson
John Barnes
Bard E. Bunaes
Sanda Carniciu, MD
David W. Coulam
Mark Frederich
Jim Goldsmith
Aubrey Hawes
Christy Joyce, MD
Glenn Kaufman
Fred Mascia
Kenneth Miller
Richard Peress, MD
Diane Potter
Louis J. Poulin
Louis Wachtel
Russell Watson
Franklin H. Zimmerman, MD
Development Committee
Katherine J. Mackie
Jim Goldsmith
Bard E. Bunaes
Arthur Cohen
Mark Frederich
Lianne Hales-Dugan
Aubrey Hawes
Lisina Hoch
Paul Mazzilli
Ted McGrath
William O. Melvin, Jr.
Andrew Merryman
Caryl Plunkett
Pamela Terracciano
Drusilla van Hengel
Craig Zalvan, MD
Keith Safian, FACHE
Medical Board
Charles Abate, MD
David Kauvar, MD
Arno Housman, MD
Avraham Merav, MD
L. Mark Russakoff, MD
Senior Management
Keith F. Safian, FACHE
President and CEO
Lawrence L. Faltz, MD
Senior Vice President for
Medical Affairs and
Chief Medical Officer
Daniel Blum
Senior Vice President
Vincent DeSantis, CPA
Vice President, Finance and CFO
Richard Becker, MD
Vice President,
Physician Administrator
Phelps News – 2013
Phelps is the Only Hospital in the State Approved to
use Vector Blood Test – enables a physician to define the
activity of Rheumatoid Arthritis and offers a more scientific
basis for treatment by helping to identify when to start,
increase and/or stop treatment.
Three Phelps Physicians Honored as Westchester’s
First “Doctors of Distinction”
•Lawrence Faltz, MD, MACP, Senior VP for medical
affairs and chief medical officer at Phelps since 1994, received the Leadership in Medical Advocacy Award.
•Robert Raniolo, MD, chief of general surgery,
received the Community Service Award.
•Avraham Merav, MD, chief of thoracic surgery and
medical director of surgical services, received the
Lifetime Achievement Award.
Press Ganey Survey Places Phelps in 99th Percentile
for Employee Satisfaction among NY State Hospitals –
The survey was conducted by Press Ganey, a recognized
leader in performance improvement, which partners
with more than 10,000 healthcare organizations worldwide,
including 50% of all U.S. hospitals.
Leonard B. Fogel
Vice President,
Business Development
For the fourth consecutive year, the Phelps Stroke
Center has received the Get With the Guidelines – Stroke
“Gold Plus” Quality Achievement Award – the highest
level award for stroke care given by the American Heart/
American Stroke Associations.
Janet Goldberg, RN, BSN
Assistant Vice President,
Behavioral Health and Nursing
Phelps is the first hospital in Hudson Valley to offer
cataract surgery with LenSx Laser.
Robert R. Lane
Vice President, Development
Jake Maijala
Vice President,
Human Resources
Mary McDermott, MSN, RN
Vice President,
Nursing Services
Kerry L. Pisano
Vice President,
Support Services
William Reifer
Vice President, Quality and
Case Management
Development Office
Marissa Coratti
Special Events Manager
Lisa Koch
Director of Development
Robin’s Nest, Phelps’ child care center, celebrated its
$1.4 million, 3,840-square-foot-expansion, which will allow
the center to provide care for an additional 41 children.
Phelps’ Cardiac Rehabilitation Program was certified
by the American Association of Cardiovascular and
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), recognizing it
as a leader in the field of cardiovascular and pulmonary
rehabilitation and offering the most advanced
practices available.
Phelps’ Cancer Program was granted a three-year
accreditation with commendation by the Commission
on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons.
Fewer than 1,500 facilities across the U.S. have gained
accreditation of their cancer programs.
Robert R. Lane
Vice President, Development
Katherine Porter
Development Information
Lori Raia Thomas
Grants Officer
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Development Office
One Phelps Lane, Suite 106
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591-1096
Your Support Saves Lives.
To make a gift, visit our website or call 914.366.3107.
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
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