VARI..\.\J 801 TI-lER\OCDUPLE GAUGE O)NTROL I NSTALLI\TION, CALIBRATION AND OPERATI NG I NSTRUCfIONS The Var i an 801 thennocouple gauge control is a compact, sel f -contained ins t rument , designed primarily for panel mounting. It is supplied ~ i th a 6 ft. line cord and a 10 ft. thermocouple gauge cable. The ins t rument is l ine voltage regulated, and a temperature sensitive element to compen~ate for temperature drift in thermocouple gauges i s built i nt o th e the rmocoupl e cable socket. The indicator dial, which covers the pressure ran ge from I to 2000 mdllitorr (1 millitorr is 1/1000 of 1 mm of mercury, or 1/1 000 of 1 torr), is calibrated for a Varian 531 thermocouple gauge i n dry air. The . mechani cal zero adjust is located on the front of the instrument. lne pressure calibration can be reached through a hole in the rear cover (Fig. 1a and ld). The meter voltage (0 - 11 my) is available at two sol der tennin al s at the rear for operating remote indicators whose input res istance should be 200 ohms or more. Installation A panel cutout, as shown in Fig. la, is required for the installat ion of the Varian 801 thermocouple gauge control . The instrument is mounted from the front and fastened with three nuts supplied (Fig. lb, Ie). Calibration' 1. With the line power disconnected, adjust the mechanical met er zero until the needle reads OFF. 2. Connect a Varian 531 thenoocouple gauge to a vacuum system capable of maintaining a pressure of less than 1.0 micron. 3. Pump do\Yn the system to less than 1.0 micron. 4. Connect the thermocouple cable of the Varian 801 control to the Varian 531 thermocouple gauge. 5. Plug the line cord into a l15V 50/60 cycle outlet. 6. Turn the calibration control in the rear of the instrument until the meter registers Zero millitorr. 7. Allow the system to stabilize for approximately 15 minutes, and readjust the zero if necessary. OOTE: If so desired, the gauge can be calibrated against a ~1cLeod gauge. varian !texingtoo v1.'Cuum division 121 hartwelllMlnUe/lexingtlOli / massactusetts 02173 r 8888-08-000 ~ Ia i n te n a n c e Due to a ging and/or contamination of the thermocouple gauge, recalibration may be necessary from time to time. The a bove proce dure s ho u l d then be followed. As the temperature compensation for the TC ga uge is built into the TC cord socket, it is not advisab l e to cut the plug off the TC cord. If the cable is too lon g, it s ho u l d be coiled. Disassembly, of Control The 801 should give years of trouble-free service, but if repairs are necessary, the following procedure of dismantling should be followed. 1. Unplug line cord. 2. Remove the two screws that hold the rear cover and terminals. 3. Remo ve the plastic cover. 4. Remove printed circuit card from meter. NOTE: If, after assembly, the meter reads backwards, turn printed circuit card one-half turn. Desc ript ion Part Number Transformer, Tl Thermistor Meter T.C. Board T.C. Gauge Tube 0881-6581-00-125 0881-6542-08-005 0881-6522-08-275 0881-F2737-301 053-F0472-301 _ _ _ 4.12 • _ c b '1,.1 r-----< } , - R[COIlO[R CABLE 'Co GAUG£ fig . 2 , ,J " l;' o r n \ 0'1- 0 10 0-1 B P rtg f> I , \.. ; INS T A L L A TION & O P ER A TING INSTRU C TIONS for MODEL 501 THERMOCOUPLE GAUGE Typ e and L en gth of Leads The le ad wires must be soldered to an octal tube sock e t fol l owin g t h e a p propria te connections shown on drawing M-IS95. The user m u s t t a k e care to m ake good so lde r joints since all circuits us e d w i t h the ga ug e a r e both low i n volta ge and re sistance. The l ength of leads i s not critical provided the total lead r es i s t a n c e i n either t h e heater or t he th ermocouple c i r c u it does not e x ce ed one - h a lf ohm. The thermoco uple lead s should be kept close to g e ther to minim i ze the effect of exter n al temperatur e variations in produ c ing str ay el ectrotrio tiv e forces. The use of conduit is recommended where long leads a r e used ; Installation \ \ A suitable l/S" IPS coupling must be provided in the s y s t e m for i ns t a ll a tion of the gauge. Direct drilling and tapping is recommended only if the chamber wall is more than 1/4" thick. . .... : .~, .. .. Both male a n d fe m ale threads shoul d b e cleaned of a ll d i r t or gre as e b y rinsing with acetone or ether a n d allowing the threads to dry. Do n ot touch threads' with fingers after cleaning. j Apply a thin c oati n g of glyptal lacquer to the male th r e ad s o t h at t he fir st on e or two thread s remain dry, insert and make up t o a b o ut the same t i ghtnes s as r equired for a standard water pipe connection. On comple tion of th e j oi nt , retouch lightly with more g l y ptal. C a libr a t ion ,. A cali br a tion cur ve fo r dr y a i r is s ho w n on dr a w i n g MG - 8 0 44 . Since t he cali b r a t io n of the gauge d epends on the t y pe of gas, s p e c i a l c a l ibr ati on s are required when the ga ug e is u s ed w ith g a ses o t h e r t han d r y ai r. T h e gauge will,how ever, indi cate rel a tive pre ssu r e c h a ng e s . E a c h ga uge h as a num b er stamp ed on the shor t h exa gonal t u be w h i ch co n ne c t s t he g a ug e en v e l op e to th e v ac uu m sy stem. Th i s number re prese n ts h u n d re d th s o f a n a rnp e r e , T h e r equired he a t er i np u t c u r r e n t i s obtain e d by ad di ng 0.6 to the number sta mped o n th e g a ug e con sidered a s h undr ed th s. T h u s , if t he n urn b o r s t a m p e d i s 3 thi s r e p r e s e n t s 0. 0 3 a m p e r es , and th e h e a t er input curre nt th us be com e s 0 . 63 a mpe re s . -- ~ , ..- / .' ,I " , .' .', . ·" oP F o r m 05 - 0 10 0 - ' / r. ,.. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS ' ( "a nd OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS for MODEL 501 THERMOCOUPLE GA UGE Physical Specifications Dimensions: '~y " . .... . ' , , '"::. .'. '~ ..," . ~. " 6-1/16" long.x 1-1/4" diameter envelope ' Electrical Cable Connections: Standard octal a-prong tube base. Mating plug not furnished, may be had on s pe c i al order as Part 5-0001. »: : , " Weight: , 6 ounces. ' l{ .,": ),. Shipping weight: ". 1 pound . ') ? p e r a t i n g Characteristics .} , ;i/. ~:'. Heater current: 0.6 amperes plus hundredths of an ampere, corresponding to calibration number stamped on hexagonal nipple of gauge. --....... , .~, ... '-. -: -... Maximum Heater Current: 1.0 amperes. ,H e a t e r 'r e s i s t a n c e : 0.2 ohms (approximate). The r-rnocoupl e output: Range: 0 to 14 millivolts. 1 - 1000 microns mercury absolute in dry air, scale nonlinear. NATIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION C ,ambridge 42, M assachusetts ,.. ~~_., ~ · ; ~:l ' KMB:mw,mrq,pb 1 June, 1950 Issue No.3, supersedes all issues prior to 1 June, 1950 ( . ", 3 , ':.; , / :0 - 1 B L e ak Hunting For l e ak huntin g use an acetone or ether spr ay. Increase t h e i n p ut current to about 1.0 amper e for greater sen sitivity. When a leak is hit, the thermocouple output will drop, due to the change in vap o r in the gauge. Pr ec aution , T h e gauge should be protected against v ibration, shock a n d r- xc e s s i ve heating and cooling from outside sources. The gauge can be op erated ' a t atrrios phe r ic pressure, without damaging the filament. '. , -, ! . : -, r NA TIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION Cambridge 42, Massachusetts KMB:pb Is s u e No.3, supersedes all issues pr ior to 1 June, 1 950 \, NA T1 ()NA .i-, R ESE.ARCH C.ORl--C :.;A ' '- H) '\: l 5 I :3 7 + HEATER BOTTOM VIEW PRONG ARRANGEMENT SUPPORT THERMOCOU~Lt ! JUNCTION 5 7 3 I .I I PRONGSI85-HEATERINPUT PRONGS 387-THERMOCOUPLE OUTPUT SECTIONAL VI EW MODEL 501 THERMOCOUPLE GAUGE TYPE 05- 0100 SCALE: FULL 'MO- 18 9 5 .: " ~ \. .. \ \ \ CALIBRATION CURVE- DRY AIR MODEL 501 THERMOCOUPLE GAUGE 70 OHM IMPEDANCE METER CIRCUIT 'f 200 - ---... 180 ....... r-- ~ ~ ro--i'-.. -, 160 140 , (f) w 0.: w o, 'i 120 « 100 a:: o 80 z » >-l ..... ' 0 I'\. z > r " ::0 '" 0 ~ . t"J tn M > ~ o ~\ . 60 ~ ~ ~ :r: o ~ o "- ; 40 <, 20 I "'0 o ::0 I '<, I o ::0 5 10 50 ""'- - . 500 100 > >-j ...... o z 1000 PRESSURE IN MICRONS OF MERCURY -j l~ fo-" ,""'__ . . ., . .--.. . 5-8- 50 (oJ ( f . ,..."..... I i .»_ _ . MG- 8044
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