【資料 制3】 授業料について About Tuition Fees ・平成 27 年度入学生の授業料は、全日制月額 9,900 円(年額 118,800 円)、定時制月額 2,700 円(年額 32,400 円) となります。 1 Tuition fees* for students who will enter senior high school in April, 2015 would be as follows; Full Time : ¥9,900 per month (¥118,000 per year) Part Time : ¥2,700 per month (¥32,400 per year) ・授業料は、3 か月分ずつ年 4 期(4 月・7 月・10 月・1 月)に分けて納入していただきます。 なお、授業料を一定期間滞納すると延滞金が発生します。 Tuition fees should be paid 4 times a year (April, July, October and January). Each payment is for 3 months. If students fail to pay tuition fees for a certain period of time, delinquent charge will be imposed. ・新 1 年生については第 1 期分の授業料について、次の「高等学校等就学支援金」制度の申請の有無または審査結 果の判定があるまで納入を猶予します。 New students may delay their tuition payment until it is clear whether they will apply for the “Senior High School Tuition Support” (see below) or not, or if the student has applied, until the result of the application is confirmed. ・第 1 期分の授業料以外の学校徴収金については 4 月 20 日が納付期限です。 納付書は 4 月の入学後に配付しますので、銀行・信用金庫等で納入してください。 th Other school expenses for the first semester, aside from tuition fees are due on April 20 . Payment Notice will be provided after students enter senior high school in April. Please pay the tuition fees through banks or Shinkin banks etc. 「高等学校等就学支援金」制度 “Senior High School Tuition Support” System ・平成 26 年度入学生から、高校授業料の支援として「市町村民税所得割額」が 30 万 4,200 円(年収 910 万円程度) 未満の世帯には、以下の手続きをすることにより国から「就学支援金」が支給され、授業料が無償になりました。 (※1) This system, which started with new students entering senior high school in April 2014, provides students from 2 households that have “an income-based levy of their resident tax* ” of less than ¥304,200 (equivalent of annual incomes less than ¥9.1 million) with a “Senor High School Tuition Support”, making their tuition fee free by fulfilling the procedures below. ・手続きをされない場合や所得基準額以上の世帯では、授業料をご負担いただくことになります。 Students who do not file applications or students of households whose incomes exceed the base income will shoulder their tuition fees. ※1「市町村民税所得割額」は、保護者(親権者)の合算により判断します。 1 上記の年収 910 万円程度は保護者の一方が働き高校生 1 名、中学生 1 名の 4 人家族の目安です 1 Note* : The amount of the “resident tax income-based levy” will be determined from the total amount of the income of the guardians (persons with parental authority). The above example is calculated on the assumption that a student is in a household of 4 family members with one working parent, one non-working parent, one senior high school student and one junior high school student. ○就学支援金が支給されるための手続き ○Required Procedures to Receive “Senior High School Tuition Support” 次の時期に記載の手続き(申請書類の提出)を行っていただきますので、所得を証明する書類等をあらかじめご準 備願います。(※2) Necessary procedures (submission of the application forms and other documents) must be carried out at the 3 following times. Please prepare the necessary documents including documents certifying your income* beforehand. <住民税の証明書等を請求する場合、4月上旬は窓口が混雑しますので、なるべく3月中に請求してください。> < In order to avoid congestion at public government office counters in early April, we recommend that you obtain necessary documents including the “certificate for residential tax“ during March. > 詳細は申請等の用紙配付時にあらためてお知らせします。 Details will be delivered later when we provide the application forms and other materials. 【4月(手続きに提出する書類)】 [April (Documents for Submission)] ① 「受給資格認定申請書」 ・・4 月上旬に学校から用紙を配付する予定です。 “Eligibility Application Form” The application form will be provided by the senior high school around early April. ② 所得を証明する書類・・・・平成 26 年度の市町村民税所得割額を証明する書類(※3) Certificate of Income 3 Documents to prove the income-based levy of the resident tax for FY 2014* . 【7月(手続きに提出する書類)】 [July (Documents for Submission)] ① 「収入状況届出書」・・・・・・6月下旬に学校から用紙を配付する予定です。 “Status of Income Form” The form will be provided by the senior high school around late June. ② 所得を証明する書類・・・・平成 27 年度の市町村民税所得割額を証明する書類(※3) “Certificate of Income” 3 Documents to prove the income-based levy of the resident tax for FY 2015* . ※2「市町村民税所得割額」を証明する書類の例 2: Note* Examples of documents to prove the “income-based levy of the resident tax” 2 ・市町村民税の課税証明書【または、非課税証明書】 (市町村の税証明発行窓口で発行、有料) 又は、 ・サラリーマンの方 →市町村民税・府民税特別徴収税額の決定通知書(勤務先から配付)の写し ・自営業等の方 →市町村民税・府民税納税通知書(市町村から送付)の写し ・生活保護受給者の方 →生活保護受給証明書(市町村の生活保護担当窓口で発行)の原本 (平成 27 年4月申請時:平成 26 年 1 月 1 日において生活保護を受給していたことが証明できるもの) (平成 27 年7月申請時:平成 27 年 1 月 1 日において生活保護を受給していたことが証明できるもの) Tax Declaration Certificate of the Resident Tax [or Certificate of Tax Exemption] (issued at the municipality office counters, paid service) or, Salaried Workers A copy of Notification of the Resident Tax/Prefectural Tax Special Collection (sent from place of work) Self-Employed A copy of Notice of Municipal and Prefectural Taxes (sent from relevant municipality) Welfare Recipients The original Welfare Recipient Certificate (issued at the welfare division of relevant municipality) (For April Application: Documents to certify that you are a welfare recipient as of January 1, 2014) (For July Application: Documents to certify that you are a welfare recipient as of January 1, 2015) 注1)「源泉徴収票」 「確定申告書(控)」は、市町村民税所得割額を証明する書類には含まれません。 注2)保護者のうち片方(A)が、他方の保護者(B)の配偶者控除の対象者で、(B)の市町村民税所得割額が 30 万円以 下である場合は、(A)の所得に関する証明書の提出は省略できます。 Note 1: “Income Tax Slip” and “Copy of Income Tax Return” cannot be used to prove the income-based levy of the resident tax. Note 2: When one of parents (A) is eligible for spouse deduction of the other parent (B) and the income-based levy of the resident tax of (B) is less than ¥300,000, the applicant can omit to summit the income certification of (A). ○高等学校等就学支援金」制度の手続き等の留意点 Points to Remember when Applying for the “Senor High School Tuition Support” System”. ・「就学支援金」が支給される期間は全日制で 3 年間、定時制・通信制で 4 年間です。過去に高校等の在籍期間が ある場合は支給期間が短縮されます。 The “Tuition Support” will be provided for a period of 3 years for Full Time students and 4 years for Part Time students and Correspondence schools. The period will be shortened if the applicant had enrolled in senior high school etc. in the past. ・やむを得ない事情により父母両方の所得を証明する書類が提出できない場合は、一方の親権者の書類により判定 する場合もありますので、手続きの際に学校事務室等にご相談ください In the case that an applicant cannot submit the income certificate of both of parents, his/her eligibility would be examined using the certificate of one of the parents (guardians). Please consult with personnel of the school office when you apply. 3 P2 「奨学のための給付金」制度について “Scholastic Fund” ” System ・平成 26 年度入学生から、高校の授業料以外の教育費の負担を軽減するため、以下に該当する世帯には「奨学の ための給付金」が支給されるようになりました。 This system, which started with new students entering senior high school in April 2014, provides students with “Scholastic Fund” in order to reduce the educational expenses aside from tuition fees. Please refer to eligibility as follows; 【支給要件】 ・保護者(親権者)が大阪府内に在住し、かつ市町村民税所得割が非課税(または、生活保護受給)の世帯 <Eligibility> Students of parents (guardians) living in Osaka Prefecture, and in a household exempted from paying resident tax (or on welfare) 【支給額】 ・給付金支給年度に各学校で徴収している授業料以外の教育に関する経費 以下の支給額があります。 <Amount to be paid> School expenses (excluding tuition fees) charged by each school during the fiscal year that the fund is to be paid out. The amount to be paid is as follows; 〇 生活保護受給世帯の生徒 ⇒ 〇 市町村民税所得割学が非課税世帯の生徒 32,300 円 ・23 歳未満の扶養家族のうち二番目以降の高校生 ⇒ 129,700 円 (例:23 歳未満の扶養されている兄・姉がいる生徒など) ・世帯の一番上の高校生(上記にあてはまらない場合) ⇒ 〇 Students of households on welfare 〇 Students in a household exempted from paying resident tax 37,400 円 ⇒¥32,300 ・The second or later high school student of dependent children younger than 23 years old ⇒¥129,700 (Ex. Student with dependent elder brothers and/or sisters younger than 23 years old) ・The oldest high school student in households(excluding the above) 〇 給付金を受け取るための手続き 〇 Procedures for Receiving the Scholastic Fund ⇒¥37,400 次の時期に手続き(申請書類の提出)を行っていただく必要があります。詳細は申請用紙の配付時にあらためてお 知らせします。 Applications (submitting the application form) need to be filed in the following times. Details will be notified when application form is provided. 4 【7月(手続きに提出する書類)】 [July (Documents for Submission)] ① 「奨学給付金受給申請書」 ・・・・6月下旬に学校から用紙を配付する予定です。 “Scholastic Fund Application Form” The form will be provided late June by the school ② 所得を証明する書類・・・・・・・平成 27 年度の市町村民税所得割額を証明する書類等 Certificate of Income・・・・Documents to prove the income-based levy of the resident tax for the FY 2015 (裏面の※2に同じ。就学支援金の申請時に添付されている場合は提出不要です。 ただし、給付金は、親権者全員の市町村民税所得割額が共に非課税であることを確認する必要があるため、親権者 両方の所得を証明する書類を提出する必要があります。) *3 Please refer to Note . For “Scholastic Fund” application, it is necessary to confirm that both parents (guardians) are exempted from paying the income-based levy of the resident tax, therefore it is necessary to submit a certification of income of both parents. However, if both certificates have been submitted when applying for the “Senior High School Tuition Support”, there is no need to submit the same documents again. ③ 扶養家族の状況を証明する書類・・・扶養されている 15 歳以上 23 歳未満の者の健康保険証の写し、通信制高 校生の学生証の写しなど。 Proof of household status・・A copy of health insurance certificate of dependent children of 15 or older and younger than 23 years old . ④ 給付金振込口座の写し・・金融機関名、本支店名、口座番号、口座名義人(カナ)が確認できるページの写し A copy of bank account for Fund transfer ・・・the page of the name of the bank, branch name, account number and account holder’s name ( katakana) 【その他の授業料支援制度】 [Other Tuition Fee Support Systems] ○ 家計急変への支援 前年度の所得等が基準を超えているため「就学支援金」が支給されない場合で、保護者(親権者)の失職、倒産な どにより家計が急変し授業料の納付が困難な場合は、手続きにより授業料減免制度が適用される場合があります。 「就学支援金」の手続き時に学校事務室等にご相談ください。 ○ Support provided for students suffering from sudden changes in household finances For students who were not eligible for the “Senior High School Tuition Support” because parents’ income of the previous year exceed the eligible limit and suddenly find it difficult to pay their tuition fees as a result of a sudden change in their household finances due to their parents/guardians losing their jobs or becoming bankrupt, may be eligible for the Tuition Reduction System. Please consult with school office at the during the “Senior High School Tuition Support” application period. ○ 学び直しの支援 5 過去に高校等を中退し、高校に再入学・編入学した場合で、 「就学支援金」が支給期間を超えたため支給されない場 合に、 「学び直しの支援」として「就学支援金」と同様の手続きをすることにより、国から授業料相当額の支給が受 けられる場合があります。該当する場合は学校事務室等にご相談ください ○ Support provided for people “Returning to School” There is a tuition fee support system for students who have returned to senior high school. When a student who had quit senior high school in the past, re-enters senior high school but is unable to receive “Senior High School Tuition Support” because he or she has exceeded the stipulated period, by accomplishing procedures similar to the “Senior High School Tuition Support” application procedures, the student may be able to receive an amount almost equivalent to the tuition fees as a “Support provided for people Returning to School”. Please consult with the school office. 連絡先:○○○○学校 事務室 XXX-XXXX-XXXX Contact Information: ( ) School Office xxx-xxx-xxx 6
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