Day Camp Parent`s Guide 2015

2015 Day Camp Parent’s Guide
Day Camp is a boy’s first major experience in the Scouting Program, with their peers,
under the guidance of Trained and caring adult volunteer leaders. Come along, “Take
Flight” this summer and enjoy all that day camp has to offer: adventure, growth, and
fun for all Cub Scouts trekking the trail towards becoming a future boy Scout.
Day Camp Dates and Locations for 2015 Camp Nutter on Loon Pond in Acton, Maine - June 29th to July 3rd.
Camp Hinds on Panther Pond in Raymond, Maine - July 6th to July 10th.
Camp Bomazeen on Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine - July 27th to July 31st.
Camp Gustin on Loon Pond in Sabattus, Maine - August 3rd to August 7th.
Winslow Park on Casco Bay in Freeport, Maine - August 3rd to August 7th.
How to Register for Camp:
You can register for camp one of two ways for the 2015 season Go to and click on the link on the
calendar for your camp and follow the prompts.
Download the paper form at
Day Camp Fees:
Paid in full BEFORE May 29, 2015 * $140 ($160 if out of council/state).
* 15% Discount on 2nd week’s fees or 2nd sibling’s Camp Fees.
Paid in full AFTER May 29, 2015 * $190 ($210 if out of council/state).
* $50 fee if register 1 week prior to camp.
Packs who register 50% of their youth for Day Camp by receive additional 10% discount
on fees (for scouts registered by May 29, 2015).
Refunds subject to 15% administrative fee and only if requested 2 weeks prior to
attending Day Camp.
Prior to camp:
Please mail the following to: Pine Tree Council, 146 Plains Road, Portland, ME
Cub Scout Day Camp Reservation Form
Boy Scouts of America Medical Form (w/ Epi-Pen plan if applicable) Parts A & B
Signed copy of the Cub Scout Rules and Behavior Policy.
What to Bring:
Bug Spray, Sunscreen, a Water Bottle, a brimmed hat for sun protection.
The Camp T-shirt is the uniform for the week. Please be sure your Scout wears this
every day. Sweatshirt, rain gear, or other warm gear as needed.
Lunch – there is no refrigeration so either make sure small coolers are used or send
food that does not need to be kept cold (Lunch-ables are great). Include snacks
(Campers are always hungry).
Sneakers (or similar). No sandals. Watershed can be used at swim time. Small backpack to carry gear.
Bathing suit and towel (a plastic bag to bring wet gear home is recommended).
Labeling clothing and other items is recommended.
There will be a Trading Post at Day Camp. Scouts and parents will have time to
purchase items before and after camp as well as during free time throughout the week.
Day Camp Hours:
Day Camp runs daily from 8:30 – 4:30. Scouts should arrive no earlier than 8:15 a.m.
Please make sure you are on time picking up your scout. Please refer to the
Director’s letter for your camp that you will receive after registering for camp for
more details on the schedule specific to your camp.
Transportation is NOT provided by camp. Each family is expected to make their own
Safety and Security:
All visitors MUST sign in at camp and receive a visitor’s pass.
All Scouts MUST use the Buddy System while at camp. If your son arrives after the start
of camp and/or needs to leave before the closing, please check him in/out at the “Camp
Office” with the Camp Director. Parents dropping off and picking up children MUST
check in with the boy’s Den Leader each day before leaving. Arrangements MUST be
made in advance and in writing to give permission for your child to be picked up by
someone else.
In case of emergency, contact the Leadership for your camp listed at the end of this
Registration can be VERY hectic. Be sure to send in all your forms ahead of time
and bring an extra copy of the Medical Form, Scout Release Form, Talent Release
Form, and payment if you have not already sent it. ALWAYS KEEP A COPY OF ANY
misplaced in the shuffle from council to the Day Camp site. We appreciate your patience
and understanding in this hectic period of planning and preparing Day Camp for your
scout. We will all Do Our Best to make this a great week for you and your son!
Registration times will be listed in the Day Camp Director’s Letter you will receive
once you register for camp.
Tigers will be able to attend day camp all week, provided they have an adult partner to
accompany them. Please note the adult partner will not be considered staff, and will not
qualify for the staff rate, nor will the tot lot be available for younger siblings. The adult
partner is considered a “camper,” and will need to submit a health form.
Thank you for sending your son to Day Camp this year! If you can give us a week to
volunteer in our camp, your son can attend camp for a reduced rate. If you are
interested, please let me know as soon as possible so you can be interviewed and
attend training.
The BSA MEDICAL FORM can be downloaded at:
**Please ensure that the release information is filled out on Part A of the form**
For any questions, please contact the Leadership of the day camp you intend to be at
this summer:
Pine Tree Boy Scout Council Office - 207-797-5252 or [email protected].
Pine Tree Boy Scout Council Website -
Staff Advisor - Matthew Randall, 207-653-1972 or [email protected].
Camp Hinds Director - Michelle Leferbve - (207) 272-4954 or
[email protected].
Winslow Park Director - Michelle Leferbve -(207) 272-4954 or
[email protected].
Camp Nutter Director - Heather English - (207) 459-0210 or [email protected].
Camp Gustin Director - Stephanie Michaud - (207) 513-1122 or
[email protected].
Camp Bomazeen Director - Belinda Hinkley - (207) 512-2763 or
[email protected].
See you up the trail!
Cub Scout Day Camp Camp Rules and Behavior Policy
Dear Cub Scout Family, Your son's 7me at camp will be fun filled and a memorable learning experience. The central goal of Cub Scout Day Camp is to meet new Scouts and make friends while having fun in the outdoors. It is important that the rules be followed and discipline be maintained so that everyone fully enjoys the camping experience. Please carefully review the Camp Rules and Behavior Policy as a family, sign it, and return with camp paperwork. Camp Rules 1. All staff members follow the Youth Protec7on Guidelines. 2. All Scouts follow the Buddy System at ALL TIMES. 3. No weapons, even toy replicas, may be brought into camp. 4. No electronic devices, trading cards, or chewing gum may be brought into camp. 5. No running, except as directed by the Sports Area Director. 6. Rocks and s7cks remain on the ground. 7. All Scouts & adults will use appropriate language. 8. Respect one another. 9. No threatening harm to another person or living being, including animals. 10. No figh7ng or aggressive physical contact with intent to do harm. Camp Behavior Policy As camp staff, we want the week of camp to have a posi7ve impact on all Scouts. Therefore, we would like to outline our discipline policy for you to review with your son. Should an infrac7on occur, we will use the following policy: 1. The first 7me a camper breaks a rule, the staff member will explain the broken rule and why it is important for that rule to be followed. 2. A\er the second incident the Camp Director(s) and the Scout will discuss the rule and infrac7on. 3. Should inappropriate behavior con7nue, the third incident will result in no7fica7on of the Scout’s parent(s). If this situa7on should occur, the Camp Director(s), the Scout's parents and the Scout will work together to decide on the next step. This step may be another chance or immediate dismissal from camp. Any further ac7ons necessary at this 7me will also be discussed between the Camp Director(s), Pine Tree Council, and the parents. Please be aware that should your son be sent home, Pine Tree Council will NOT refund any remaining fees for the week. Although few cases ever reach this point, it is important to have this policy in place. All discipline ac7ons are presented in a posi7ve manner and are aimed at helping the Scout grow. By signing below you are agreeing to follow the Camp Rules and Behavior Policy. __________________________________ ______________________________ ___________ Scout Signature Parent Signature Date 2015 CUB SCOUT SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM RESERVATION FORM
SCOUT’S or UNIT CONTACT’S NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
TOWN: ___________________________________________________________
STATE___________________________ ZIP__________________
PHONE: _________________________________________________________
Alternate Number ___________________________________
PACK NUMBER ________________________________________
Rank: ___________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Name (Required for Individual Registrations only): _____________________________________________________________
Day Camp
Webelos Resident Camp
fun pack weekend
( Check camp(s) attending )
(Check camp(s) Attending)
(Check Camp(s) Attending)
____ Camp Nutter (6/29 to 7/3)
____ Camp Hinds (7/6 to 7/10)
____ Camp Hinds (6/30 to 7/3)
____ Camp Hinds (7/11 to 7/12)
____ Camp Bomazeen (7/12 to 7/15)
____ Camp Hinds (7/18 to 7/19)
____ Camp Bomazeen (7/15 to 7/18)
____ Camp Bomazeen (7/25 to 7/26)
____ Camp Hinds (8/16 to 8/19)
____ Camp Hinds (8/1 to 8/2)
____ Camp Bomazeen (7/27 to 7/31)
____ Camp Gustin (8/3 to 8/7)
____ Winslow Park (8/3 to 8/7)
T-Shirt Size - youth (Circle One):
Cub Scout Program Reservation Fees Due March 30, 2015
Hold my/Our Spot For Summer Camp in 2015…TODAY!
_____________ (# of Scouts Attending) x ___________ (Reservation Fee) = ___________ (Total Owed by March 30, 2015)
Day Camp Reservation Fee = $20/per scout
Webelos Resident Camp Fee = $25/Per Scout
Fun pack Weekend Fee = $5/Per Scout
Make Checks Payable to:
“Pine Tree Council”
Send Reservations to:
For more info visit -
Pine Tree Council, 146 Plains Road, Raymond, ME 04071
207-797-5252 (phone) or 207-655-6282 (Fax)
[email protected]
Call 207-797-5252 to pay with a
credit or debit card.
Online registration opens 2/15/15
Scout'sName:______________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Pack or Troop #:________
Camp Hinds
Camp Telephone & Fax: 207-655-4878
I authorize the exchange of medical information about my child’s asthma between the physician’s office and camp nurse.
Parent or Guardian signature: _____________________________________________
Parent or Guardian tel.# home: ____________________ work:_____________________ cell phone:____________________
Parent concerns:
Physician/Healthcare Provider Name:
My child may carry and use his/her:
inhaled asthma medicine ! Yes
! No
Epi-Pen ! Yes
! No
! N/A
Provider name: ____________________________ Tel.#: __________________ Fax# __________________
NO changes from previous plan
Peak Flow:
Child’s predicted, or personal best peak flow:
Date: ________
Child's Green Zone: ______________
Yellow Zone: _______________
Red Zone: below _______
Preventive (Controller) Medications: ______________________________________________________________
Quick Relief Medications: (check the appropriate quick relief med, circle device, list dose/ frequency):
! Albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin)
! Pirbuterol (Maxair)
4Inhaler with spacer OR nebulizer
4 Dose/Frequency: ______________________________________________
Allergies /Triggers for asthma:
! Other:_____________________________
! None known
! Avoid animals
! Other triggers to avoid: ____________________________________________________________________________
Exercise Pretreatment Instructions (check all that apply)
! Give 2 puffs of quick relief inhaler 15 minutes prior to recess/ physical education and/ or __________________________
! May repeat 2 puffs of quick relief inhaler if symptoms recur with exercise, or ____________________________________
! Measure Peak Flow prior to recess / physical education; restrict aerobic activity when child’s peak flow is below ________
Asthma Exacerbation Treatment Instructions:
YELLOW ZONE: If child is coughing, wheezing or short of breath, and/or peak flow is in Yellow Zone:
! Give 2 puffs of child’s quick relief inhaler with spacer (or nebulizer treatment). May be repeated in 10 minutes if doesn’t
recover to Green Zone. Notify parents of exacerbation.
! Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________
RED ZONE: If child is in respiratory distress, and/or peak flow is in Red Zone:
! Give 4 puffs quick relief inhaler (or nebulizer treatment), and call parent and Healthcare Provider.
Call 911 if child does not improve quickly or parents/Healthcare Provider cannot be reached.
! Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Special Instructions:
Maine law now permits campers to carry and use inhaled medications and Epi-pen after demonstrating appropriate use of
Inhalers and or Epi-Pen to camp nurse. Please check appropriate boxes below:
" This camper has the knowledge and skill to carry and use: ! Inhaled medication
! Epi-pen
This camper is not able to carry and use by himself/herself: ! Inhaled medication ! Epi-pen
Please contact Healthcare Provider and parent if camper is using quick relief medicines more than 2 times a week (i.e. in excess
of pre-exercise treatment)
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Healthcare Provider signature
This camper demonstrates knowledge and skill to carry and use:
Inhaler medications ! YES ! NO
! YES ! NO ! N/A
57 Camp Nurse Signature
( revised for camp use 1/1/2007)