Print LIT Application - Pioneer Pacific Camp

Leaders in Training Application Form
What is LIT?
Leaders In Training is a program designed to challenge and facilitate the personal development of young people who want
to learn about Christian leadership and apply their experience to leadership positions at camp. It will build off their
leadership involvement in their home communities and provides them with new skills to take to the camp community and
home. While the program has some focus on preparing young people for being cabin leaders, it is designed to equip
participants for various leadership roles.
What does the program consist of?
The program consists of two parts: a two-week training period and a two-week internship as an assistant cabin leader at
Pioneer Pacific Camp. You must complete all parts to complete the LIT program.
The Training Period - During this session the LIT’s live together as a community. Each day typically includes
three elements:
1. Bible study, worship and prayer
2. Experiencing and/or learning how to teach various practical camp skills such as kayaking, water skiing, first
aid, hiking, and swimming
3. Teaching sessions on subjects such as: the Bible/Christianity, the philosophy of the Pioneer camping ministry,
how to lead a Bible study, communication skills, the complexities of relationships at camp and handling
challenging campers. These topics are covered by guest speakers, who are professionally, or otherwise,
connected with the subject matter.
The LIT team will also go on a 3 day out-trip part-way through the training period to rest and gain practical experience in
outdoor skills.
The Internship - After a successful completion of the training phase the LITs will take on various leadership
positions in the camp. For at least one week (depending on the need for cabin leaders) you will be matched with a more
experienced leader and lead a cabin. If you are a guy, you could attend Boys Camp, Shift or Breakaway if you are a girl,
you could attend Girls Camp, Shift or Breakaway. For the other week LITs could function as program staff, maintenance,
kitchen staff etc. and become involved in many different aspects of camp ministry. The positioning of LIT’s depends largely
on the needs of the weekly camps. We appreciate your flexibility and patience as we try to match our resources with the
needs of each week!
Who leads LIT?
The LIT program is lead by adults from the camp staff and Inter-Varsity’s full time campus teams. The leadership team
consists of skilled Bible teachers, youth leaders and staff who have been in leadership at Pioneer Camps in the past. The
number of LIT leaders may vary from year to year depending on the number of LITs.
What is our view of leadership?
Pioneer Camp is interested in the development of the whole individual - mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. We
view the relationship between a leader and a camper as the primary facilitator of such growth. Leaders put themselves
aside to serve others and act as role models, demonstrating a desire to risk being challenged, in order to learn. They are
clear in declaring Jesus as Lord of their lives and creatively wish to inspire others to come to the same conviction.
Who is this program for?
Any young person who is entering Grade 11 or older, and who is interested in growing as a Christian and developing
himself or herself as a Christian leader, is encouraged to apply to the program. Participation in this program does not
depend on whether you have attended a Pioneer Camp in the past. It is the hope of the Director and leaders of LIT that
participants are ready for training, therefore the following areas are considered in the application process. Please consider
them as you think about applying to be a part of LIT.
Do you:
1) Have an integral relationship with Christ and demonstrate an ongoing desire to grow in the Christian faith?
2) Have obvious leadership potential and want to develop it to serve God better?
3) Have a teachable spirit and a desire to be mentored by the leaders; are you open to constructive criticism and
correction, as well as healthy doses of encouragement?
4) Have a desire to work at building Christian community and are you prepared to work hard to accomplish this?
What is the difference between LIT and PYC?
PYC is a program run at camp for high-school students wanting to get more involved in camp and wanting more of a
challenge. PYC involves taking leadership in maintaining the physical operations of camp through work crew
responsibilities, while LIT involves taking leadership with the campers and the program. Both are concerned with personal
development and leadership skills, but PYC is geared to slightly younger people and those who are still exploring the
Christian faith. PYC is not a pre-requisite for LIT, nor does participating in PYC ensure your acceptance into the LIT
What does LIT cost?
LIT costs $875.00 + $43.75 GST for a total of $918.75. This cost is set to cover all food, transportation during camp, living
expenses, guest speakers, and program materials. There is a travel cost from Chemainus and Vancouver as well as the
option of having spending money available at camp for the tuck shop. Please see the application for further details.
What can I do after a summer of LIT?
LITs are encouraged to return to camp the next summer to lead a cabin at one or more camps. You will also be eligible for
the Summer Cabin Leader Program. There are opportunities for them to move on to lead a cabin on their own, later to give
leadership to a whole section of cabins, and, later still, to be a senior cabin leader for another LIT and/or participate in
other leadership roles at camp.
How do I sign up?
If you are interested in attending the LIT program, you need to complete an LIT application form and return pages 1-7 to
the Pioneer Pacific Camp office. (The rest of the information in the LIT package is for your information.) Upon receipt of
your completed application form and all other references etc., you will be sent an email to arrange an interview to discuss
the program and see if it is a good fit for you.
Criminal Record Check?
Pioneer Pacific Camp belongs to the British Columbia Camping Association, which, as a requirement for accreditation,
asks all volunteers and staff of accredited camps to have a recent Criminal Record Check. Therefore, to be on staff or
work as a volunteer at Pioneer Pacific, you must have a Criminal Record Check (CRC) done. See page 8 for details.
If you are accepted for the LIT program, you are required
to attend the full program.
The Training Period: June 27 – July 11
Internships (2 of the following weeks): Shift (July 12-July 18),
Girls Camp (July 19-July 25), Adventure Camp 2 (August 2-8), Breakaway (August 1622)
LIT Application Form 2015
Please note that this is only an application. You are encouraged to apply, but a completed application does not
automatically ensure acceptance. You will be contacted by the LIT Director with more information and to give you a
chance to ask any questions you might have. Please submit your application by May 1st, 2015.
Personal Information:
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Female 
Male 
Home address: ______________________________ City: _______________________ Province: ________
Postal Code: _____________ Home Phone: (____)______________ E-mail: _________________________
Birthdate: _____/_____/______ School: _________________________ Grade in September 2015: _______
Parent(s) / Guardian(s) information: (Whom the camper is living with)
Parents (or Guardian) Name(s) ________________________________ Home Phone (____) ____________
Mother: Business phone (____)____________ Cell Phone (____)____________ E-mail: ________________
Father: Business phone (____)____________ Cell Phone (____)___________ E-mail: ________________
Date of most recent Criminal Record Check:______________________
(LITs are expected to have a current Criminal Record Check, as they will be in a cabin with campers.
If you have had one done for another organization
within the past 12 months, please ask them to forward a copy to the Pioneer Pacific Camp office.)
As a participant in the LIT program, you will receive a free T-shirt. Please indicate your size preference:
Youth: ___YS___YM___YL
Adult: ____Sm ___M ___L ___XL
Fees & Travel info: Shuttle to camp from Duke Point (coming from Vancouver) $21.00.
Further details regarding travel will be communicated once
internship dates have been decided.
Camp fee
Spending money
$ _________________
$ _________________
Spending money can be used
in the Tuck Shop to buy:
other items
$1 -$10
Suggested amount $25 - $50
Early Bird: Pay in full before
January 16th 2015 and get $50
off your total due!!
PAYMENT (please check the following where applicable)
I will be paying by:  Cheque(s)
 Credit Card
 Payment in full enclosed
 I would prefer to pay a deposit now and pay the remainder on June 1 .
st ,
(Post-dated cheques should be dated June 1 credit cards will charged automatically)
 I would prefer to pay a deposit now ($200) and pay the reminder in 3 instalments on April 1 , May 1 and June 1 .
(Post-dated cheques should be dated April 1 , May 1 and June 1 , Credit cards will be charged automatically)
 I have included a deposit and applied for a scholarship (scholarship form is included with this application)
Credit Card # ________ - ________ - ________ - ________ Name as on credit card__________________________________
Expiry Date: _____ / _____
Office Use Only
3 digit security cod______ Signature ___________________________________________
Processed by: ________________________ deposit taken: _________________________________
Relevant Experience: (please feel free to answer these questions on a separate page)
1) If you have been a camper at a Pioneer Camp before, please list camp(s) and year(s):_________________
2) What part of camp did you enjoy the most? Why?_____________________________________________
3) Have you ever been to any other camps? Which ones and in what position?________________________
4) What “camp skills” do you have (i.e. crafts, drama, lifeguard, canoeing, etc.)?_______________________
5) How did you learn about the LIT program?___________________________________________________
6) Do you attend church/youth group/bible study regularly? (circle any that apply) No  Yes 
With which church? ___________________________________
7) How and when did you become a Christian?
8) How would you describe your current relationship with Jesus Christ? How do you help this relationship
to grow?
9) How does your faith influence your life? (e.g. in your friendships, family, school, work, etc.)
10) How do you feel about sharing your faith?
Personal Development: (please feel free to answer these questions on a separate page)
1) What personal strengths do you bring to this program?
2) List any involvement in leadership roles in your school, community, or church:
3) What areas of leadership would you like to develop? ____________________________________
4) What are your hobbies, special interests, favourite activities, etc.? _________________________
5) What summer or part-time jobs have you had?
6) What experience have you had working with 9-14 year olds?
7) In the second half of the program, each LIT will have the opportunity to get involved in leadership at
camp as cabin leaders, program, kitchen staff etc. What do you hope to bring to these areas of camp?
Please print clearly and provide two references that you feel could give an objective evaluation of your
character, abilities and work ethics (teachers, employers, pastors, etc.). Please note that in doing so, you
give us permission to contact them. Each person will be contacted, so please include an email address.
These references must include at least one pastor/clergy/ I.V. staff person and other adults who are not
immediate relatives.
Name: _____________________________ E-mail: __________________________________
Occupation: __________________ ______ Phone: (
) _____________________________
Name: _____________________________ E-mail: _________________________________
Occupation: __________________ ______ Phone: (
) ____________________________
Doctrinal Convictions
We believe in:
The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things, existing eternally in three persons –
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – full of love and glory.
The unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness and authority of the Bible.
The value and dignity of all people: created in God’s image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt, and justly subject to
God’s wrath.
Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, who lived as a perfect example, who assumed
the judgment due sinners by dying in our place, and who was bodily raised from the
dead and ascended as Saviour and Lord.
Justification by God’s grace to all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for
The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit, who gives to all
believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.
The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ, manifest in worshiping and witnessing
churches making disciples throughout the world.
The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ, who will judge all people
with justice and mercy, giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation but
receiving the redeemed into eternal life.
To God be glory forever.
I agree with the Doctrinal Convictions of INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP of
Canada. (Please star (*) any statements that you do not understand.)
Name: (printed) _______________________________________
____________________________________ Date: ___ /___ /_____
Month Year
Camper’s Full Name ______________________________________________
Height ________Weight _______
Care Card # _______________________________ OR Medical plan _______________________ID# _______________
Emergency contact (other than parents/guardian, who will be called first)
Name _____________________________ Relationship
Home Phone
Cell phone _______________________
Physician’s Name ____________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________
Medical History & Special Needs
Please be open about the information you give us. Disclosure will not necessarily prevent a child from coming to camp, but failure to inform us could lead
to difficulties. Without good information, we are less able to provide a positive experience for your child. Such situations might even result in the child
having to be sent home at your expense.
Do you have any life-threatening
medical condition of which we need to be aware?
NOTE: If you have indicated that your child has
any severe life threatening allergy or medical
condition and you wish to continue with the
camper application, you must call our office and
discuss your child’s condition before the
application will be processed.
Yes  No
Social Difficulties
Emotional Difficulties
Yes  No 
Have you ever suffered from an addiction?
Yes  No 
Social Difficulties
Yes  No 
Learning Difficulties
Yes  No 
Do you need a teaching assistant,
Yes  No 
or in a special class at school ?
Yes  No 
Do you smoke?
(If yes to any question, please explain:
Behavioural Concerns: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Current medications: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other concerns or special needs we should know about: ________________________________________________________________
Allergic Reactions
 Penicillin
 Bee Stings
 Foods  Insect Bites
 Environmental
 Drugs/medications (list below)
Information about allergies: _________________________________________________________________________________
Please Note: We DO NOT use peanut oil in our cooking or baking, but please note that Pioneer Camp is NOT a peanut-free environment.
Year of last tetanus shot ____________________
In BC tetanus shots are given at 18 months, 4-6 yrs and grade 9 as part of the regular immunizations given in schools. If your child has not had their
tetanus shot within the last ten years, please arrange for one.
Any special diet? No  Yes  Please explain:
Waiver, Policies and Conditions of Enrolment
I, the parent or guardian of _______________________, give my voluntary consent to his/her
participation in INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP/Pioneer Camp activities. Furthermore, I
authorize INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, its staff or agents to approve and obtain any and
all medical attention deemed necessary for the welfare and good health of the above named when
ordered by professional medical staff; with the understanding that all reasonable attempts have been
made to consult with myself beforehand, except in the case of minor illness and/or first aid, where
deemed appropriate including the administration of over the counter medications (Tylenol, antacid,
antidiarrheal formula, allergy formula, cold formula, Gravol, Advil etc).
I release INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, its trustees, directors, corporation members, staff
and agents from any loss, personal injury, accident, misfortune or damage to the above named or his/her
property, with the understanding that reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the health and
safety of the above named.
I understand that INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, its staff or agents reserve the right to
dismiss a participant who is, in their opinion, a hazard to the safety and well being of others, or who
appears to have rejected the reasonable guidelines of the activity.
I understand that an evaluation of my child may be necessary in order to determine whether he/she can
be accommodated at camp.
I agree to permit reasonable use of photos and videos or other pictures of applicant camper in promoting
the camp or camp activities and programs.
I give my son/daughter permission to go off-site during their time off to participate in non-camp activities
at their own discrepancy and risk.
I give PPC volunteers and staff permission to stay in contact with my child outside of camp (through
social media, email etc) in order to continue relationships that started at camp.
I have read the application form and brochure and accept the conditions of enrolment.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation more than one month prior to the start of camp: Full refund less $50 administration fee.
Cancellation one month to two weeks prior to the start of camp: Full refund less $100/week
administration fee.
Cancellation less than two weeks prior to the start of camp - NO REFUND (includes camp fees, out-trip
fees, and transportation fees) except for medical reasons with a note from a doctor - full refund less
$100/week administration fee.
No refund will be made for dismissals due to disciplinary action, late arrivals or early departures.
Withdrawal during camp on physician’s orders will result in the value of fees for the unexpired term
being refunded.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________
Date: ______________________
Pioneer Pacific Camp Covenant
I have read the statements on page 6 and agree to all the expectations of the covenant agreements.
Campers Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Pioneer Pacific Camp Covenant
Webster’s Dictionary states that a covenant is a formal binding agreement. The purpose of this covenant is to
clearly provide the expectations that Pioneer Pacific Camp has LIT campers and, in turn, what you as an LIT camper
can expect from Pioneer Pacific Camp.
 Camp is for campers. LIT participants and staff are used to serve the overall purposes of Pioneer Camp.
Therefore, any time LIT campers are involved with evening or daily program, the expectation is that they are
enhancing the enjoyment of the campers.
 All LIT campers are expected to have a spirit of co-operation and willingness to serve at whatever task they
are asked to do. LIT campers come under the supervision and authority of the LIT leader or their delegate,
who, in turn, is responsible to the Director.
 It is expected that all LIT campers abide by the camp rules.
 In order to do the work that will be asked of LIT campers, rest is of utmost importance. Therefore, it is
expected that all LIT campers and staff will be in their accommodations by 11:00pm and have lights out by
11:30pm. Anytime it is necessary for LIT campers to stay up later, it must be OK’d by the LIT leader.
 It is expected that LIT campers and staff be involved in an appropriate daily Bible study. This is one way we,
as a team, can care for each other.
 It is expected that LIT campers and staff will not inappropriately fraternize with campers or other LIT campers
and staff.
 We do not encourage any LIT campers or staff, to leave the camp ground during a regular day, unless on
camp business.
 It is expected that everyone will take care of the areas in which they live. This means the bathrooms and
sleeping quarters must be kept clean and tidy.
 If conflicts arise between any members of the camp community, it is expected that the Biblical mandate to
caringly confront will be used.
 It is expected that there will be no illegal drugs or alcohol used at camp. If such substances are found, the
LIT camper will be asked to leave, at their own expense.
 Open communication is regarded as a valuable part of living in community. We trust that you will be
respectfully open with your leaders and each other.
 Meals are an important time at camp and it is expected that all LIT campers attend.
 We all like to be visited, however the logistics of camp put some restraints on the number of visitors that
camp can accommodate. Therefore, the Camp office must approve all visitors.
Please read the above statements and sign on page six. Keep this page for your reference.
Criminal Record Checks
Everyone on site at Pioneer Pacific who is not a guest or a camper must have a recent Criminal Record Check
(CRC) on file. At INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP camps, CRC’s expire after 3 years. It is YOUR
responsibility to ensure that you have a current check on file at Pioneer. Call the camp office if you are
unsure. If you do not have a CRC from the last 3 years on file, you will need to complete a new one.
1. Receive confirmation from the Program Director of your position at Pioneer Pacific Camp. You may
need to call the office to confirm this.
2. Gather:
a. Two pieces of government-issued identification
b. The Letter of Introduction which you can download from our website under the ‘Staff and Alumni’
section (click the “Staff and Volunteer Opportunities” link)
3. Go to the Criminal Records Department of your local Police or RCMP station with the above information.
Allow for 2 months of processing time.
4. Have them send it directly to Pioneer Pacific Camp at this address:
Pioneer Pacific Camp
Box 45113 – 4326 Dunbar St
Vancouver BC V6S 2M8
Can we use MyBackcheck?
MyBackcheck no longer includes the Vulnerable Sector Check therefore their results are not sufficient for
volunteers at PPC.
Why do we need a Criminal Record Check?
Pioneer Pacific Camp belongs to the British Columbia Camping Association, which, as a requirement for
accreditation, asks all volunteers and staff of accredited camps to have a Criminal Record Check (CRC) on file
from the last 3 years. Therefore, to be on staff or work as a volunteer at Pioneer Pacific Camp, you must have a
current CRC on file. If you do not complete a CRC, you will not be allowed to remain on site.
Will it cost me?
Different municipalities have different policies regarding costs. At some stations, the charge is reduced or
waived altogether for volunteers of non-profit organizations; otherwise, there may be a charge and you will need
to pay with cash. These fees range from $0.00 - $50.00. We would suggest calling ahead of time to find out the
exact details (times and prices) for your municipality.
Other Information:
The CRC will reveal any criminal convictions and charges over the past five years. The standard policy of
Pioneer Pacific Camp is; if a volunteer has a positive CRC, this disqualifies him/her from volunteering at
Pioneer Pacific Camp. If the charges are not related to sexual misconduct or the abuse of children, the
volunteer can appeal the disqualification directly to the Pioneer Pacific Camp Co-ordinator.
If you belong to a professional organization (i.e. teacher, nurse, etc.) that requires you to have a current CRC,
you can have your organization send us an authorized copy of your most recent CRC if it has been completed
within the past 2 years.