MIDTERM 1 Your name: Question 1. Let s ∈ S be a Nash Equilibrium strategy profile. Show that any a ∈ Ai s.t. si (ai ) > 0 is rationalizable. (In words, show that any action used with a positive probability in a mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium is rationalizable.) i Hint: You may find it useful to use the fact that a Nash Equilibrium mixed strategy is concentrated on the set of pure best responses. Hint 2: An action ai ∈ Ai is rationalizable if there exists a vector (R1 , ..., RN ) such that: 1. ai ∈ Ri 2. For all j, Rj ⊂ Aj 3. ∀j, bj ∈ Rj , Aj . ∃µ(bj ) ∈ ∆(A−j ) (with support R−j ) s.t. uj (bj , µ) ≥ uj (aj , µ) ∀aj ∈ You need to show that every part of the definition can be satisfied. That is, for any ai ∈ Ai s.t. si (ai ) > 0, you need to find (R1 , ..., RN ) such that all parts of the definition hold. Solution: Let s be a NE strategy. Consider any i, ai ∈ Ai s.t. si (ai ) > 0. Let R = (R1 , R2 , ..., RN ) with Rj = P BRj (s) for all j. 1. ai ∈ P BRi (s) since any si ∈ BRi (s) and BRi (s) is concentrated on P BRi (s). 2. ∀j, P BRj (s) ⊂ Aj . 3. ∀j, bj ∈ P BRj (s), let µ(bj ) = P rs−j (·) ∈ ∆(A−j ). I.e., µ(bj ) ∈ ∆(A−j ) is a distribution on the other players’ actions implied by the Nash Equilibrium s. Note that µ(bj ) (which is a product on NE mixed strategies) is concentrated on R−j , the product of the PBR sets of players other than j. It remains to show that uj (bj , µ(bj )) ≥ uj (aj , µ(bj )) ∀aj ∈ Aj . 1 By definition of P BRj (s), uj (bj , s−j ) ≥ uj (aj , s−j ) ∀aj ∈ Aj . Since µ(bj ) = Q k6=j sk , it follows that: uj (bj , µ(bj )) ≥ uj (aj , µ(bj )) ∀aj ∈ Aj . This is what we needed to show. 2 Question 2. Consider the following game: a1 a2 a3 b1 (1, −1) (−1, 1) (0, 3) b2 (−1, 1) (1, −1) (−2, 4) b3 (7, −2) (2, 0) (5, 1) Question: What is the set of all (pure and mixed) Nash Equilibria? Show your work. Answer: By Question 1, any action played in a Nash Equilibrium is rationalizable. Rationalizable actions survive IESDA. Hence, we can focus on the game that survives IESDA: a1 a2 b1 b2 (1, −1) (−1, 1) (−1, 1) (1, −1) Clearly, this game has no pure strategy NE. To find the mixed strategy equilibria, let (p, 1 − p) be the mixed strategy of the row player and (q, 1 − q) the mixed strategy of the column player. NE solves q − (1 − q) = (1 − q) = q and (1 − p) − p = p − (1 − p). Hence, p = q = 12 . I.e., the mixed strategy Nash is (( 12 , 12 ), ( 12 , 12 )). Question: What is the set of all correlated equilibria? Show your work. The first thing to notice is that a strictly dominated action will not be played in any correlated equilibrium. To see this, recall that the definition of correlated equilibrium implies that: ui (ai , µ(a−i |ai )) ≥ ui (bi , µ(a−i |ai )) ∀bi ∈ Ai . Hence, ui (ai , µ(a−i |ai )) ≥ ui (si , µ(a−i |ai )) ∀si ∈ S i . If ai is strictly dominated, then ∃ˆ si s.t. ui (ˆ si , µ(a−i |ai )) > ui (ai , µ(a−i |ai )), which contradicts the statement above. 3 It follows that to find all correlated equilibria, we can concentrate on the following game: a1 a2 b1 b2 (1, −1) (−1, 1) (−1, 1) (1, −1) A correlated equilibrium (p11 , p12 , p21 , p22 ) satisfies the following inequalities: p11 − p12 ≥ p12 − p11 p22 − p21 ≥ p21 − p22 p21 − p11 ≥ p11 − p21 p12 − p22 ≥ p22 − p12 Hence, p11 ≥ p12 p22 ≥ p21 p21 ≥ p11 p12 ≥ p22 Hence, p11 ≥ p12 ≥ p22 ≥ p21 ≥ p11 . Hence, p11 = p12 = p21 = p22 . 4
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