This Eyre Peninsula site was selected as a typical duplex sandy soil found in the district. The
site is flat to gently undulating and is used for cropping (cereal, canola, lupins) in rotation with
annual grass/legume based pastures.
New Horizons is a South Australian
Government funded program to capture
an additional $800 million in agricultural
production per annum in South Australia,
support development of a new high value
manufacturing industry in agricultural
machinery, increase long-term storage of
soil carbon and significantly reduce soil
erosion risk.
Why are we doing this?
Analysis conducted for New Horizons
suggests that up to 40% (4.1 million
hectares) of the broadacre farming area
of South Australia has soil constraints that
could be overcome through the application
of new advances in soil science
On the Eyre Peninsula there are around
780,00 ha that could be modified.
The Eyre Peninsula trial is designed to
better understand which modifications
can improve productivity on local soils
most effectively.
What are the key treatments at
Brimpton Lake?
The treatments being compared at this
site are designed to address the major
constraints thought to affect these
This includes non-wetting being
addressed through the addition of clay
and compaction with a spader.
The control is a well managed crop
using standard agronomic practices for
the area.
The best treatments tripled dry matter
production and doubled yield on all
three of the State’s New Horizons trial
Spading gave a yield response at all
Nutrient and water holding capacity are sites. Adding organic matter further
being addressed by mixing clay and
boosted yields.
organic matter. The organic matter will
Some treatments at Brimpton Lake
also stimulate microbial activity.
were hit hard by waterlogging in
Additional nutrients aims to overcome winter.
limitations to production due to poor
Despite some excellent responses
fertility in the subsoil.
some variability exists between
This will ensure that there is improved treatments and sites across the state.
nutrition for crop root development at
Recognising that the farmer survey
all depths within the modified soil
indicated a clear desire for reliability
and surety in advice, further evaluation
is required before advice on optimal
techniques can be confidently provided
to farmers.
Above: early results from the Brimpton Lake trial site
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