The Messenger Pittsfield United Methodist Church Newsletter The Reverend Tom Wilber, Pastor (217) 285-9613 Fax: (217)285-5183 [email protected] [email protected] Serving our Lord since 1839 April 2015 Native American Offering April 12, 2015 “The community of believers … held everything in common. … There were no needy persons among them. Those who owned properties or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds from the sales, and place them in the care and under the authority of the apostles. Then it was distributed to anyone who was in need.” – Acts 4:32-35 CEB Sometimes we forget important issues when headlines are absent, politics are quiet and we become comfortable with the notion that the past stays in the past. The Native American community has long experienced being out of sight, out of mind. Attending college is a dream, seldom a reality. United Methodists have not forgotten and are not ignoring the oppression that still exists. Next week, the offering for Native American Ministries Sunday is a call to remember that both on and off Indian reservations, families struggle with poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide. God calls us to care – and to make a difference. Where will your money go? Urban ministries. Scholarships. Community building. And protecting the Native culture. Through Native American Ministries Sunday, United Methodists create a new history by energizing and investing in Native American communities, pastors, congregations and seminary students. The past often haunts the present and the future. There is no adequate apology for injustice, but there are opportunities to be catalysts for change. This Sunday, join other United Methodists as we live the word of God Time and apologies have not healed everything. and remember that Native Americans have A 2010 census revealed that 5.2 million Native blessed us in history, culture and faith. Americans live on tribal lands that have been labeled as “comparable to” the developing world. Economic opportunities are elusive. Jobs are scarce. Households are overcrowded. HVAC Replacement Update Receipts To Date Ed House Trust Advance Melvina House Trust Congregation 2014 Congregation 2015 Total Receipts To Date $25,000.00 $66,055.90 $63,440.00 $2,645.00 $157,140.90 Peters Carpenters Floor Repair Material (carpenter) $184,900.00 $4,992.50 $1,148.50 $1,159.13 Total Expenses to Date $192,200.13 We have received our final bill from Peters Heating & Air Conditioning for installation of our new heating and cooling system (the above amount, $184,900, includes the final bill). We need to raise $35,060 plus the cost of the partitions around the furnaces in the lower level, ceiling and wall repair, and incidentals. We do not have an estimate of these remaining cost. Thank you for your generous contributions to this project. If you would like to make a contribution to the Heating and Cooling System, mark your check “HVAC.” Grace and Peace, Tom Wilber VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Sun Jul 12 To Thu Jul 16 5:30p—8:00p Save this Date: Bishop's Golf Outing — May 15 The Fourth Annual Bishop's Open will be held on Friday, May 15, at the Edgewood Golf Club near Auburn. The outing is co-sponsored by The United Methodist Foundation and the IGRC United Methodist Men. Proceeds from the golf outing will go toward the Making Dreams Possible for Africa University scholarships. To register for the outing, visit: Do you do online shopping? Did you know that you can shop online and give to the church at the same time? All you have to do is register with UMCMarket, designate our church “Pittsfield” as your organization. There are several “Pittsfields” so make sure the address matches ours. The site will guide you through the simple registration process. You then, have two options: 1. Download the Browser App and you will be able to shop directly from the store’s site without having to go to UMCMarket first. 2. Or, from UMCMarket click on the store you want to shop at and you will be taken to that store’s website. You log in like you normally would, make your purchase, and checkout. A percentage of what you spend will be donated to our church. If you leave the store’s site before making your purchase be sure and go back in through UMCMarket. The church will receive your donation anonymously. A check will be mailed to the church when total donations reach $100 or more. Think how much our members spend on line. Imagine how much could be donated to our church! If you have question feel free to ask me. ———————————————— Explore our summer camps! All the camps also include opportunities to grow closer to God, Check out the brochure for all of our camping opportunities. Our Church Camps change lives! Our church will pay a portion of the cost of attending one of our camps. White Elephant Sale Spring hasn't quite sprung, but that's no reason to put off spring cleaning! It's time to look through those crammed closets and crowded cabinets and let someone else enjoy your past treasures. You can donate your excess accessories to our sixth annual Witness Team Radio Benefit Event. We will accept gently used items including but not limited to dishes, pictures, games, small working appliances, small furniture, linens, books, knick knacks, toys, VCR and DVD movies, music, hand and power tools. This year we are also accepting clothing and shoes. Children’s clothing sells especially well. Items must be current styles, gently worn and laundered. Any season, men’s, women’s and children’s appreciated. Items for donation may be brought to the church April 5 (Sunday) through April 9 (Thursday). There will be volunteers at the church pricing and arranging items throughout the week. They could help you carry items into the church. If you need something picked up, please call the church office and we will do our best to make arrangements. This year we would like to totally pay for the radio ministry through the White Elephant Sale so bring us your treasures and to come shop. The doors will open at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, April 11, for shoppers! All proceeds are for the sponsorship of our weekly radio worship broadcast on WBBA. White Elephant Sale Saturday, April 11th in Orr Hall 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Welcome New Members By Reinstatement: Chris Schlieper By Confirmation March 29, 2015: Alexis Brianne Groom daughter of Jeff and Kim Groom Jenna Renae Kelley daughter of John and Jamie Kelley Brock Emmett Miller son of Eric and Anissa Miller Mission Trip The Mission Team and PUMC Youth Group are planning a short mission trip to Lessie Bates Neighborhood Center in East St. Louis on August 3,4 and 5. We will be working with youth ages 6 - 15. If you are interested in participating, contact, Molly Caughlan, Sue Grigsby, or the office. Stay tuned for more details. No Fuss Book Club—March Book Reviews ‘What ever Happened to Dinner?’ is an insightful book written by Melodie M. Davis about family meal time in today’s culture. She encourages us to plan a family meal time at least once a week, more often if schedules allow. This gathering together of family and friends is a time of thanking God for his generous provision of food. It can be a time of story telling, laughter, teaching, praise, and sharing the days activities. Melodie reminds us of the many stories from the Bible where meals were shared. She has used her writings to remind us that we need to continue the tradition of eating together and thanking God for His bounty, and praising Him for his generosity. You will also find many delicious recipes in each chapter. The recipes are ’family friendly’ and easy to prepare. They were all kitchen tested by her food editions and their families. This is just one of the many titles you will find on the 2015-2016 U.M.W. Preferred Reading Program List. This and many other inspirational books can be found on the U.M.W. Book Shelf in the church library. The next “No Fuss Book Club” meeting is scheduled for April 20th (Monday) at 1:30 p.m. in the church library. Join us for another great book review. Jane Grimes April Birthdays and Anniversaries 01-Kris Buss, Kevin Goewey, George Claus Callie Henderson, Phyllis McCartney, Lloyd DeJaynes 02-Doug Richards Jim & Bonnie Bruce 04-Brad Kruzan 07-Frazier Curless 08-David Smith, Andy Welbourne, Maggie Wright 09- Charles and Marsha Ingersoll 10-Joe Dierker 11-Don Hass, Marcia DeHart, Sandy Henry Don & Pal Hass 12-Nancy Cooley, Michelle Frieden, Dick & Nancy Peebles 13-Judy Dean, Helen Aiken 14- Rachel Markert, Jonathon Stendback 15-Roger Burbridge Caroll & Mary Ruth Kendall Don & Dorothy Newman 16-Janet Boren, Kendra Fudge, Pat & Debbie Stendback 17-Nancy Henderson, Nicholas Niebur 18-Lyle Revis 19-Sharon Williams 20-Nathan Reese, Karlie Kendall, Marie Rush 21-Matt Thompson, Berkley Seybold Scott & Angela Burbridge 22-Sandy Curless Bob & Karen Ideus 23-John Kvorka, Jason Duke, Jessica Grigsby 24-Greg Carnes, Joan Baughman, Sarah Dierker 25-Charlee Roberson 26-Curtis Cooley, Frank & Debby Wood 27– Nancy Geisendorfer, Molly Caughlan, 29-Kelsey Martin, Roger & Joan Baughman 30-Alisha Stewart Jerry & Jane Grimes United Methodist Women QUILT SHOW Cunningham Home in Urbana, Illinois will have their annual Quilt Show on April 10 and 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ATTENTION ALL WOMEN: CHADDOCK TOUR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 We will plan to leave church at 9:15 a.m., tour Chaddock at 10:30a.m. Lunch in Quincy following tour. To sign up for this event please use the sign up sheets on the bulletin boards or call the church office. UMW Spring District Meeting Saturday, April 18 at Griggsville United Methodist Church - 9:00a.m. All Women of the United Methodist Church are invited to the Spring District Meeting. There are sign up sheets on the bulletin boards. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for $10.00. There will be boxes in the narthex for donations to Cunningham Children’s Home and Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood Home. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this meeting. No Fuss Book Club—Monday, April 20 1:30 p.m. in the Media Center. U.M.W. Board Meeting Tuesday, April 21 9:00a.m. in Orr Hall. Madonna Fellowship Meeting Tuesday, April 28 9:00 a.m. in Orr Hall. COMMUNION DELIVERY April 12 Bob & Patty Capps Les & Connie Allen May 3 Rich & Elaine Smith Carol McCartney and Pam Wood Thank you! Administrative Council Monday, April 6 at 7:00p.m. in the Hillerbranner Room. Staff Parish Relations Committee Thursday, April 9 5:30 p.m. Samaritan Room. Finance Committee Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00p.m. in the Hillerbranner Room. Board of Trustees Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in Orr Hall. Thank you Notes Thank you UMW for the dinner you served to our family and friends after the service for Dick. Also, a thank you to Rev. Tom Wilber for this comforting words. Everything was greatly appreciated. The Family of Dick Peile Thank you so much for allowing us to use the church and Orr Hall for the Ty Rylander Fund Redneck Run. It was the perfect set-up for our event and we appreciate your willingness to share the church with us. The Redneck Run Committee Many “Thanks” to Donnie Fray for stepping in as sexton, Nancy McFarland and Gregg Carnes for teaching the Fellowship Class, for the Get Well cards and acts of kindness from all “Well Wishers” during my absence the past few weeks. Glad to be back! Jerry ATTENTION: Newsletter Articles The deadline for articles for the May newsletter will be April 20th. Please mail or stop by the church office with your articles or e-mail them to us at: [email protected] March 1 Total Worship Attendance 41 Sunday School 7 Current Expense Fund $ 2,601.00 Building Fund $ 170.00 March 8 Total Worship Attendance 113 Sunday School 29 Current Expense Fund $ 5,119.96 Building Fund $ 124.00 HVAC $ 300.00 March 15 Total Worship Attendance 107 Sunday School 23 Current Expense Fund $ 5,268.35 Building Fund $ 82.00 HVAC $ 130.00 March 22 Total Worship Attendance 132 Sunday School 27 Current Expense Fund $ 2,786.62 Building Fund $ 12.00 HVAC $ 100.00 March 29 Total Worship Attendance 176 Sunday School 25 Current Expense Fund $ 2,996.54 Building Fund $ 85.00 HVAC $ 120.00 Pancake & Sausage Break. $ 1,347.00 PRAYER CONCERNS Anne, Barbara Gay, Bob Adams, Brent, Carrie Prentice, Carroll Cox, Cindy Prentice, Don Hass, Don & Jayson, Donna, Dorothy Dierker, Doug & Wendy, Dustin Howes, Eloise Claus, Geneva Wendler, Glenn Barton, Glenna Ferguson, Harry Wright, Jeremy Tate, Jim, John W., Jolson, Katie, Kenny, Mark Conkright, Martha, Michelle, Nancy Geisendorfer, Olive Fisher, Pat Edmonds, Patty, Rachel, Roger & Moira, Shana Anderson, Terry Robertson, Tom Barger, Toyia Zumwalt, Walter Stolte, and Wayne Dierker, FOR ALL THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY. SYMPATHIES Sympathies are extended to the family of Dick Peile and Christina Smith. Do You Need Prayer For Yourself or a loved one? LAY LEADER SCHEDULE 9:00 O’clock Worship Service April 5 Acolytes: Payton & Madison Frieden Greeter: Gale & Janet Boren Lay Reader: Kay Dunham Ushers: Harley Whitlock and Jack Fry April 12 Acolytes: Drew and Abe Welbourne Greeter: Betty Shive Lay Reader: David Gay Ushers: Joe Dierker and Phil Rhoades April 19 Acolytes: Noah and Emma Gay Greeter: Patty Capps Lay Reader: Mike Roseberry Ushers: Bob Capps and Jack Fry April 26 Acolytes: Greeter: Barb Reinhardt Lay Reader: Edwina Wilber Ushers: Norris Richards and Phil Rhoades 11:00 O’clock Worship Service April 5 Acolytes: Sophie Gresham and Alexis Ator Greeter: Mary Ruth Kendall Lay Reader: Sara Gresham April 12 Acolytes: Greeter: Jack & Sherry Brennecke Lay Reader: Bella Curless Call or e-mail Prayer request to the church so they may be added to the prayer list. Men’s Prayer Group Wednesday mornings at 7:00 in Orr Hall. April 19 Acolytes: Greeter: Sue Teuscher Lay Reader: Rod Prentice April 26 Acolytes: Greeter: Mary Baker Lay Reader: Edwina Wilber United Methodist Church 222 N. Monroe Street Pittsfield, IL 62363 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit # 44 Pittsfield, IL 62363
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