April 1-18, 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 1 5:30 am HIIT camp Dustin 8:30 cycle 60 Gina 9:30 chisel(upper) Gina 9:30 Yo-Lates (2) Nicole 10:00 Chisel(core and lower) Gina Happy Spring!! Come join us this month for some great fitness classes. Emily is launching the new Zumba Step on Saturday the 18th at 9:15 am. Zumba® Step combines the awesome toning and strengthening power of Step aerobics, with the fun fitness-party that only Zumba® brings to the dance-floor. The Tuesday "xp" classes are here again this month. Come fit in this 30 minute calorie burning class into you hectic schedule. We have two new faces in our evening yoga program. Come practice on the mat with Amanda on Mondays at 6 pm and David to the Tuesday 7 pm slot. 5 6 530 am HIIT Camp Dustin 830 am upper body Gina 905 am Cycle 45 Gina Closed Today 935 am Yoga(2) Suzanne 955 am Core (1) Gina 5:30 am Boot Camp Grace 5:30 am Cycle 60 Gina 845 Powerball Dustin 9:30 HIIT CAMP (L) Jennifer 830 am Upper Jennifer HIIT Camp 9:15 Jennifer 9:05 Cycle 45 Jennifer 9:55Core 15 Jennifer (L) 5:45 Pilates Suzanne (2) 6:00 Boot Camp(1) JD 1030 Pump(1) JD 5:30 Zumba (1) Tina 7:10 Powerball Dustin (45) 8 7 9 5:30 am Boot Camp Grace 845 Airboxing Dustin (45) 5:30 am Cycle Gina 8:30 Zumba/Toning Emily 5:30 HIIT Camp Dustin 845 Cycle xp101 Tisha (L) * (NEW) 8:30 cycle 60 Gina 9:30 chisel(upper) Gina 9:30 Yo-Lates (2) Nicole 10:00 chisel(core and lower) Gina 9:30 HIIT Camp Jessie M (L) 9:35 Pilates (2) Nicole 4 9:20 Pilates with Props* 9:00 cycle 60 Meghan 9:05 Zumba Ashley 9:35 yoga(2) Nicole 9:30 Yoga xp (2) Nicole 10:00 Pilates xp (2) Nicole 5:30 upper body (1) Jennifer 6:00 StepnSculpt Jessica 6:00 Cycle 60 Tisha 6:15 Pump(L) Anna Marie 7:00 Zumba Tina Saturday 3 1030 Yoga (2) Nicole 1030 Airboxing (L) Dustin 10 11 9:20 Pilates with Props* 9:00 Cycle Gina 5:30 am Cycle 60 Sean 830 am Upper Jennifer 9:30 HIIT CAMP (L) Jennifer 9:05 Cycle 45 Jennifer W3 9:15 JD 9:05 Zumba Ashley 9:35 yoga(2) Suzanne 9:30 Yoga xp (2) Nicole 10:00 Pilates xp (2) Nicole 9:55 Core 15 Jennifer (L) 5:00 CardioSculpt(45) Jessie Marie 545 Core with Jessie Marie 600 Yoga(2) Amanda 6:00 CardioKickboxing Interval (MMA room) with Denny 5:00 Body Blast(45) Gina 5:45 Pilates (2) Nicole 6:00 Cycle 60 Jennifer 600 BootCamp Grace (1) 7:00 Zumba/Toning Emily 600 cycle Meghan 6:05 HIIT 45 Jessie Marie 700 Pump JD Closed Today 12 1:00 Yoga Amanda 1:00 Cycle Tisha 2:00 Butt n Gut JD 3:00 Zumba Ashley W3 9:15 JD 5:45 pm Pilates Stephanie 6:00 Boot Camp(1) JD 6:15 Pump(L) Gina 700 pm Zumba Tina 7:10 Airboxing Dustin 45 5:30 Zumba (1) Jessica 14 5:30am Cycle 60 Gina 8:30 Zumba Emily 845 Step xp Jennifer * 30 min (NEW) 9:30 HIIT Camp Jessie M (L) 9:35 Pilates (2) Nicole 15 5:30 am HIIT camp Dustin 8:30 cycle 60 Gina 9:30 chisel(upper) Gina 9:30 Yo-Lates (2) Nicole 10:00 Chisel(core and lower) Gina 16 5:30 am Boot Camp Grace 845 Powerball Dustin (L) 930 Step Camp (1) Jennifer 9:30 Yoga xp (2) Nicole 10:00 Pilates xp (2) Nicole 8:30 am Upper Jennifer 9:05 Cycle 45 Jennifer 920am Pilates with Props(2)* 9:00 am cycle 60 Gina 9:05 Zumba(1) Ashley 9:35 yoga(2) Suzanne 9:55 Core 15 Jennifer (L) 9:15 5:45p Core with Jessie Marie 6:00 Yoga (2) Amanda Class Descriptions: 18 17 5:30 am cycle 60 Thomas 5:00 CardioSculpt(45) Jessie Marie 600 cycle Meghan 1030 Pump (1) Anna Marie 10:30 Yoga(2) Amanda 7 pm Yoga (2) David 13 5:30am HIIT camp Dustin 8:30 Upper Body (1) Gina 9:05 cycle 45 Gina 9:35 yoga (2)Suzanne 9:55 am Core (1) Gina 5:30 upper body (1) Jennifer 6:00 StepnSculpt Jennifer 6:00 Cycle 60 Cycle Jessie Marie 6:00 CardioKickboxing Interval (MMA room) with Denny 5:00 Body Blast (45) Tisha 5:45 Pilates (2) Nicole 6:00 Cycle 60 Jennifer 6:00 BootCamp Grace (1) 5:30 upper body (1) Jennifer 6:00 StepnSculpt Jessica 6:00 Cycle 60 Jessie Marie 6:05 Ballistic 45 JD 7:00 Zumba Emily 7:00 Zumba Tina 7 pm Pump (1) JD 7 pm Yoga (2) David Emily 5:45 Pilates (2) Stephanie 6:00 Boot Camp(1) JD 7:10 Powerball Dustin (45) 6:15 Pump(L) Anna Marie 10:30 Airboxing Dustin (L) 10:30 am Pump (1) Jessie Marie 5:30 CardioDance (1) Tina 1030 Yoga (2) Suzanne Step n Sculpt. for the intermediate stepper. Half of the class will be step combos and the other half will be strength training for a total body workout.Yo-lates: :a great fusion class that combines the core elements of Yoga and the basic principles of Pilates into an hour of flowing moves. H.I.I.T( High Intensity Interval Training) All the studies are showing us that this is what we need to be doing. Short, intense bur sts of cardio intervals with short recoveries. Come see what is sweeping the fitness industry. (all levels) CYCLE 60 All levels. Get ready for the ride of your life! This class has it all. It is full of hills, drills, sprint intervals, endura nce rides and trail rides. It will always be an expedition full of energy. Participants MUST bring a towel and water bottle to EVERY class. We encourage cycling participants to arrive 5 -minutes before class to allow time for proper set up on bikes. Our bikes have SPD clips. Participants are welcome to bring cycling shoes that clip into our pedals, but may NOT remove the pedals and insert their own clips. ATHLETIC SHOES ARE REQUIRED. Please sign in 30 minutes bef ore class!BOOTCAMP is a core strength and conditioning program, we focus on functional movement to enhance your competence in all tasks! This class is designed as an athletic training class. Join us for an hour of high inte nsity athletic workouts. We will focus on a variety of weight lifting, aerobic and core conditioning activities. Be prepared f or anything, no class is the same! all levels welcome! Come 10 minutes early to set up, and bring water and a towel.All coed boo tcamp classes are held in The Cave which is the studio behind the KidZone. Chisel-A one hour Full-Body Strength Class with the use of weights to target EVERY muscle group. using strength training concept of exhausting the muscle to failu re so that you build lean muscle tissue. Emphasis of basic strength moves utilizing perfect form to achieve maximum results. * Butt and Gut s one hour hard core ab, and butt class with intense exercises to tone and tighten all those trouble spots. this class is ser ious target training for getting those areas rock hard!! HIIT Camp! Segments of HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) Cardio Drills paired up with Boot Camp style Strength, Agility and Power Moves. An unbelievable class tha t is fun and challenging for every body type. So no matter what your fitness level, you need to come to this class to take it to the next level .*Yoga xp (30 minute yoga class for those on a tight schedule) Pilates xp (a shorter option of mat pilates. Air Boxing. New formatted class which involves martial arts technique. A fun, easy to follow cardio class focusing on boxing drills that is low impact and non stressful to lower body joints while challenging the muscles of the upper body and c ore. BALListic! Our newest super class. Using the BOSU's , Stability Balls, Band, Medicine Balls and your own bodies to take you through a fun and challenging series of exercises. A must try for every one. CardioSculpt! A mixture of Strength training and cardio vascular exercises to keep your challenged . Get the weight training to sculpt le an muscle mass and enough cardio bursts to get that heart rate up and torch the calories in this class! NEW!!!! Flashback Fever Dance Class Dancing through the decades with great hits from the past to the present! Big fun for everyone with a caloried torching chor eographed routine. Powerball! Using just one medicine ball for this class, you will be taken through a 45 minute session of fun drills and exercises that move to motivat ing music. Be prepared to sweat. bring towel and water . Step 101. bringing back an oldie but goodie format. Beginner step moves that will be set to slighlty slower tempo music making the combos easier to follow and learn. Will meet in Ladies Gym for this every other Tuesday. now a 30 minute class ... Tread xp: another favorite brought back in : a 30 minute version with intervals set on the treadmill. You will get a mix of running, walking and lunging on flat roads an d hills of varying inclines. Meet over by treadmills nearest to nursery on alternating Tuesday mornings at 840. Class ;j-pppppppp, , starts at 845. Cycle xp is new this month also. 30 minute ride to great music, filled with fat burning intervals and calorie blasting fu n. Cardiodance: New dance fitness class set to blast calories with fun choreography moves to todays top familiar tunes .CardioKickboxing Intervals : PIVOTAL FITNESS LADIES: DON'T MISS OUR; LADIES CARDIO, KICK BOXING, INTERVAL, CLASS. IT STARTS AT 6:OO PM, IN THE MMA ROOM. BURN UP TO 1000 CALORIES ,WHILE HITTING THE BAGS AND INSTRUCTORS. NEITHER CAN HIT BACK. FUN, FREE, AND USEFUL, FOR SELF PROTECTION . April 19-30, 2015spring fever Sunday April 22nd to 30th 2007 Tuesday 19 1:00 Cycle Thomas 1:00 Yoga Amanda (2) 20 530 am HIIT Camp Dustin 8:30 Upper Body (1) Gina 9:05 Cycle 45 Gina 9:35 Yoga Suzanne (2) 9:55 Core (1) Gina(15 min) 2:00 Pump JD 3:00 Zumba Tina Wednesday 845 am Tread xp 101 (L) Tisha (NEW) 9:30 HIIT Camp with Jessie Marie (L) 935 am Pilates Nicole (2) 5:00 pm Cardiosculpt(1) Jessie Marie 5:45 pm Core Jessie Marie 6:00 Yoga (2) Amanda 6:00 Cycle Meghan 6:00 CardioKickboxing Interval (MMA room) with Denny 6:05 H.I.I.T 45 Jessie Marie 7 pm Pump (1) JD 1:00 Yoga Amanda (2) 1:00 Cycle Jennifer 2:00 Boot Camp JD 3:00 Zumba Jessica Thursday 22 21 530 am Cycle Gina 830 am Zumba Step * Emily Friday 23 5:30 am Boot Camp Grace 5:30 HIIT Camp Dustin Saturday 24 5:30 am Cycle 60 Sean 25 920 Pilates with props* 9:00 Cycle Jennifer 830 am Upper Jennifer 845 Airboxing Dustin 9:30 HIIT CAMP (L) Jennifer 8:30 cycle 60 Gina 9:30 chisel(upper) Gina 9:30 Yo-Lates (2) Nicole 10:00 chisel(lower/core) Gina 9:05 Cycle 45 Jennifer 9:05 Zumba Emily 9:35 yoga(2) Suzanne 9:30 Yoga xp (2) Nicole 10:00 Pilates xp (2) Nicole 9:55 Core 15 Jennifer (L) 5:30 upper body (1) Jennifer 6:00 StepnSculpt Jennifer 6:00 Cycle 60 Cycle Jessie Marie 6:15 Pump(L) Anna Marie 500 Body Blast (45 min) Jessie Marie 545 Pilates (2) Nicole 600 Cycle Jennifer 600 Boot Camp Grace 700 pm Yoga David (2) 700 pm Zumba Step* Emily 700 pm Zumba Glow Tina 28 27 26 5:30 HIIT Camp Dustin 530 am HIIT Camp Dustin 530 am Cycle Gina 8:30 Upper Body (1) Gina 830 am Flashback Dance Emily 9:05 cycle 45 Gina 8:30 cycle 60 Gina 9:30 chisel(upper) Gina 845 am Cycle xp Jennifer 9:35 Yoga Suzanne (2) 9:55 Core (1) Gina(15 min) 9:30 Yo-Lates (2) Nicole (NEW) 9:30 HIIT Camp with Jessie Marie (L) 10:00 chisel(lower/core) Gina 935 am Pilates Nicole (2) 5:30 upper body (1) Jennifer 6:00 StepnSculpt Jessica 5:00 pm Cardiosculpt(1) Jessie Marie 6:00 Cycle 60 Cycle Jessie Marie 5:45 pm Core Jessie Marie 6:15 Pump(L) Anna Marie 500 Body Blast (45 min) Tisha 6:00 Yoga (2) Amanda 6:00 Cycle Meghan 545 Pilates (2) Nicole 6:05 Ballistic 45 JD 600 Cycle Jennifer 6:00 CardioKickboxing Interval 600 Boot Camp Grace (MMA room) with Denny 700 pm Yoga David (2) 7 pm Pump (1) JD 700 pm Flashback Dance Emily 700 pm Zumba Tina 5:45 pm Pilates Stephanie(2) 6:00 Boot Camp(1) JD 5:30 Fit Family Gina (L) 530 pm Zumba with Tina 7:10 Airboxing Dustin (45) parents night out(see front desk) Hard Core 9:15 Grace 1030 Pump JD 1030 Yoga (2) Nicole 30 29 5:30 am Boot Camp Grace 845 Powerball Dustin 9:30 HIIT CAMP (L) Jennifer 9:30 Yoga xp (2) Nicole 10:00 Pilates xp (2) Nicole 5:45 pm Pilates Suzanne (2) 6:00 Boot Camp(1) JD 7:10 Powerball Dustin (45) Class Descriptions Continued... Zumba: Fuses hypnotic musical rhythms and tantalizing moves to create a dynamic workout system to be fun and easy to follow. Its is Latin and inspirational dance inspired workout that burns tons of calories. Includes music and dance styles such as the Salsa, Merengue, Cumba ia, Belly dancing, reggaetone, and Hip hop. Pump: total strength training barbell class for men and women. Learn proper form and safe moves guarenteed to change your body. Get stronger and leaner each week. More muscl= higher metabolism. Pilates mat : Improve core control, coordination, correct postural alingment and balance with the various Pilates exercises this class offers. There are 20 different movement phases, which are performed seated or while lying dow. Emphasis is on precise alignment, breathing an d efficient sequencing of movement. Pilates Mat classes are offered to al lmembers at no cost and on a drop in basis. Pilates with Props: Pilates classes themed around specific props like the balance ball, resistance bands or Pilates circle/ring are popping up on club and studio schedules worldwide. This class will take you beyond the basics of mat pilates to facilitate even greate core and balance training. fee based class: sign up at front desk or call 320-3806 for more information. Body Blast: Total Body Conditioning using Heavy Compund Strength exercises to sculpt and build muscle and incorporating intervals of cardio drills to keep heart rate up in the zone to burn fat and torch calories Core Blast: Intense core and ab specific class to target t this tough trouble spot. YOGA:Focus on the unity of mind, body and spirit . Graceful yet strong flowing poses to increase mobility , strength and balance.Enhance your breathing techniques, free your mind, body and spirit of stress so that you may experience a new enlightened way of overall wellness. Hard Core: High Intensity Interval Workout mixed in with some serious strong Core moves. W3! An obstacle course workout for everyone using many exercises and different pieces of equipment. FUN Fitness at its best! must try! all levels welcome. Fit Family:45 min. Bring your 5+yr old children out for our Friday Happy Hour! You will be challenged through a great combination workout of strength moves and cardio drills. Modifications will be given to keep this safe and ffective for all participants. We are so excited to offer this to you as we feel it pertinent to start out young with health and wellness. Let's show our children that fitness can be fun. Zumba® Step combines the awesome toning and strengthening power of Step aerobics, with the fun fitness-party that only Zumba® brings to the dance-floor. Zumba® Step increase cardio and calorie burning, while adding moves that define and sculpt your core and legs. New!! CardioKickBoxing Interval Class!!!! PIVOTAL FITNESS LADIES: DON'T MISS OUR; LADIES CARDIO, KICK BOXING, INTERVAL, CLASS. IT STARTS AT 6:OO PM, IN THE MMA ROOM. BURN UP TO 1000 CALORIES ,WHILE HITTING THE BAGS AND INSTRUCTORS. NEITHER CAN HIT BACK. FUN, FREE, AND USEFUL, FOR SELF PROTECTION. Like us on facebook April 1-18 April 19-30
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