PK Parent Handbook

Parent Handbook:
A Welcome Guide
PlanetKid Drop-In/Flexible Child Care Center
3600 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935
(321) 259-PLAY
Table of Contents
Page #
Mission Statement
What is PlanetKid?
Familiar Faces
About Our Staff
Mandated Reporting
Enrollment Requirements
Registration and Supply Fee
Hours of Operation
Curriculum and Activities
Check In/ Check Out Procedures
Medication and Illnesses
Emergency Procedures
Discipline Policy
Biting Policy
Programs and Pricing
9 – 11
Late Policy and Fees
Refund Policy
Mission Statement:
To provide a safe, loving, fun, creative, inviting atmosphere for all children in our care. While ensuring peace
of mind, comfort, and trust to all parents for the well being of their children. By practicing consistent, highest
standards of childcare by all employees, at all times. No Exceptions.
What is PlanetKid?
PlanetKid was created to fulfill a need in the childcare industry. The need many families encounter on a daily basis
for: dependable, high standard, loving care they can trust for their children available on an as needed basis. Full
time, part time, occasional and drop in child care, at affordable prices. This will include evening and weekend hours
with the same commitment to quality, trusted childcare.
Parents everywhere need a dependable, professional, fully licensed childcare center that they can utilize on an as
needed basis. Our center is fully licensed by the state of Florida, clean, safe, fun, and educational with a fully trained
PlanetKid shall always be a happy, fun, safe, clean, creative, inviting, and exciting environment that children want to
come to, and parents trust. We will hold all employees accountable for doing their part to make sure PlanetKid is all
we promise it to be. We set PlanetKid standards above the industry expectations, a commitment to our goals for a
successful, growing venture.
Our center was creatively designed in bright, happy colors that evoke positive feelings in adults and children.
Designed also for safety and optimal supervision of children in our care, PlanetKid is an excellent choice for parents
with children aged 6 weeks to ten years.
Familiar faces at PlanetKid:
Carla DiGiovanni, Founder of PlanetKid, will be a familiar face at our center. The concept of PlanetKid originated
while Carla was working as a Sales Manager for a fortune 200 Company. As a single mother to two children the were
many times when Carla needed “flexibility” and “non-traditional” hours of care that just weren’t available in other child
care centers. With plenty of business experience under her belt, but no professional childcare training, Carla knew
she needed “the other half.” That is when she teamed with Lauren Housman.
Lauren Housman, the Director, will be another familiar face at PlanetKid. After graduating from Florida State
University with her Bachelors Degree in English and Family and Child Sciences, Lauren took a position at a local
child care center while searching for a teaching position in the surrounding elementary schools. It was there she
realized her true passion and switched from elementary to early education and within a few short months obtained
her 40HR Child Care Courses, Staff Credential, and Director’s Credential. She is passionate and dedicated to
providing a fun, loving, silly, and academically enriched environment that enables children to learn and grow, all while
remaining a kid. Lauren has developed the dedication, the love, and the patience one needs through her education
and several years as both a teacher and director in child care centers.
About our Staff:
We pride ourselves on providing a safe, loving and friendly atmosphere for your child to play and learn. Our staff
members have been carefully selected for their unique qualities that include a genuine compassion and concern for
children. PlanetKid staff members will always welcome you and your children with a smile, a helpful attitude, and a
cheerful nature. Having fun, being silly, and playing are all part of the curriculum at PlanetKid, and will be
incorporated into our daily lessons. Level 2 Background screening, including FBI, FDLE, and local record checks, are
conducted on each and every staff member prior to starting training. Staff members are required to complete the 40
HR Child Care Training Courses with the Florida Department of Children and Families and continue their training with
additional training each year employed. CPR and First Aid certification is made available to all staff members yearly.
Mandated Reporting
According to the laws of the State of Florida in accordance with s.39.20(2)(a), F.S., all members of childcare
institutions are mandated reporters of suspected or obvious child abuse/neglect. All PlanetKid staff is trained
regarding the mandated reporting laws.
The Department of Social Services personnel have the right to speak with children and/or interview staff without prior
consent. The Department also has the right to inspect or audit childcare records and to observe the physical
condition of children, including conditions that may indicate abuse and/or neglect, without prior consent. For further
information or any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments please log on to Florida Department of Families
and Children website at
Enrollment Requirements
Completed Registration Packet
-Application for Admission
-Health/Emergency Information
-Parent Statement of Cooperation
-Release/Student Pick Up Information
Student Health/Physical Examination
(Original DH 3040 Form must be turned in and current each year)
State of Florida Certificate of Immunization
(Original DH 680 Form must be turned in; not valid without expiration date)
In order to meet PlanetKid and the Florida State mandates we will give parents a 14 day grace period in turn in their
child’s original physical exam and shot record. Following the guidelines of Florida Child Care Standards 65C-22.006
“if the custodial parents or legal guardians fail to provide the documentation required (physical exam and
shot record) the facility [PlanetKid] shall not allow the child to remain in the program.” Immunizations must be
documented on the Florida Certification of Immunization form and must be signed by a physician practicing in the
State of Florida. Please let a PlanetKid staff know if directions or contact information for the DOH is needed and it will
be supplied. In the event a child is religious exempt from immunizations, parents must bring in a completed and
current Religious Exemption for Immunization Form, DH681.
Registration and Supply Fees
The following fees are also due at time of enrollment:
1. Registration Fee of $40 per family (one-time)
2. Supply Fee of $25 per child ( due annually)
The Registration Fee is used to cover the administrative costs related to each enrollment.
The Supply Fee is used to purchase and maintain a wide variety of art supplies, books, and toys.
Teacher /Child Ratio
PlanetKid will always maintain at the minimal, state required teacher/child ratio’s. It is our intent to always make sure
we have additional staff members when our numbers are higher.
1:4 Infants
1:6 Toddlers
1:11 Toddlers
1:15 Preschool
1:20 Preschool
1:25 School Age
6 weeks – 12 months
13 months – 23 months
24 months – 35 months
3 Years old
4 Years old
5 – 10 Years old
Hours of Operation
PlanetKid wants to be there when parents need it. We are open seven days a week and open on most holidays,
please see below for the holidays the center will be closed or our operation hours will be changed.
Last Drop-Off Time
Monday thru Thursday
6:30a.m. – 10 p.m.
8 p.m.
6:30a.m. – 11 p.m.
8 p.m.
10a.m. – 11 p.m.
8 p.m.
10a.m. – 5 p.m.
3 p.m.
***Front doors will be locked at last drop-off time until center closes, as a safety measure for all children and
PlanetKid is will be CLOSED for the following holidays: Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, July 4th,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day.
The center will also be CLOSED OR CLOSE EARLY on the following days: Halloween, Thanksgiving Eve,
Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, Good Friday.
PlanetKid reserves the right to change hours of operation of normal business hours and holiday business
hours. Closure and Early Closing notices will be posted throughout the front office at least a week in advance to
allow parents to make proper arrangements, if necessary.
Curriculum and Activities
PlanetKid believes learning should not be enforced, but encouraged and “kids should be kids” that is why fun daily
lessons plans, craft and art activities, center play, and outdoor play will be routine at PlanetKid. Through the Creative
Curriculum and Kindness Curriculum, we strive to teach and develop cognitive skills as well as life skills that will stay
with our children, even when they leave PlanetKid. We recognize that all children learn differently and at different
stages, our staff is creative and puts together activities and lesson plans that promote an environment that enriches
and stimulates any child’s learning process.
I Tried to Teach My Child with Book;
He Gave Me Only Puzzled Looks.
I Tried to Teach My Child with Words;
They Passed Him by Often Unheard.
Despairingly, I Turned Aside;
“How Shall I Teach this Child,” I cried?
Into My Hand He Put the Key,
“Come,” He Said, “Play with Me.”
~ Author Unknown ~
Check In/Check Out & Transition Procedures
Check In: Parents/Guardians need to sign-in on the front desk sign-in sheet with the child’s name and parents name
and leave details including any updated contact information, an approximate time of return and any special
instructions. When children are signed in, be sure to note if someone other than a parent/guardian will be picking up
at day. Once signed in children will be brought in by a staff member to their appropriate area. We believe in making
the transition process easier for both the parent and child, please let us know if there is anything else we can do.
We understand the transition process, whether it is the first day or 100th day, can be difficult and stressful time for
some parents and children, but often this time can be very exciting. We ask parents help in creating this smooth
transition by talking positively about PlanetKid and the exciting activities that will be occurring. Parents can greatly
reduce children’s stress and nervousness by guarding their actions of leaving the children in tears. Children’s
nervousness is normal and expected by staff members, who are readily waiting to comfort and redirect. A lingering
parent often prolongs the child’s tears and increases their stress. Trust that PlanetKid’s staff members are there to
help parents during this process, we encourage parents to allow the staff members to take the child, assuring them it
is okay and will return later to pick them up, and then leave promptly. Always feel free to call and check at any time
during your child’s stay.
Check Out: Children shall be released only to those persons specified, in writing, on their Release Information Form.
No VERBAL notifications will be honored. We will require a picture ID for anyone other than recognized
parents/guardians. Please be sure to inform all persons allowed to pick up children to have the proper identification
on them when checking out.
In the event that a parent or designated adult arrives to pick up a child, while under the influence of drugs or
alcohol, the child will not be released to the parent or designated adult. Other arrangements will be made for
the child’s safe transport. If necessary, the police and other agencies will be contacted.
Medication and Illnesses (Communicable Disease Policy)
Children shall be observed on a daily basis for signs of communicable disease. The following precautions shall be
taken for children suspected of having a communicable disease.
PlanetKid will immediately notify the parent/guardian (by phone) of the child’s condition when a child has
been observed with signs or symptoms of illness. If child is sent home with one or more of the symptoms
listed below, the parent/guardian will be required to sign a waiver stating the child is to remain home until
symptom free or in such cases a medical release.
A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall immediately be isolated until discharged
to his or her parent/guardian: (in conjunction with Florida Standard 65C-22.004)
1. Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a
whooping sound;
2. Difficult or rapid breathing;
3. Stiff neck;
4. Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within 24 hour period)
5. Temperature of 101 degree Fahrenheit or higher when in conjunction with any other
signs of illness;
6. Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
7. Exposed, open skin lesions;
8. Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool;
9. Yellowish skin or eyes;
10. Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations;
11. Sore throat or difficulty swallowing;
12. Vomiting; or
13. Any other unusual sign or symptom of illness.
The “Child Day Care Center Communicable Disease Chart” shall be posted behind sign in for reference. Parents will
be notified if we have no less than two or more children at the same time with a case of communicable disease (i.e.
Chicken Pox, Lice).
***PlanetKid takes pride in having an exceptionally clean facility. All equipment and toys are washed and
cleaned daily.
PlanetKid staff will be happy to help in administering medication to children during their stay at PlanetKid. Parents
must complete the appropriate form if they require medication to be given to their child. The form will be
located at the sign-in desk for parent’s convenience and must be updated weekly for record keeping purposes.
Please give medications directly to a staff member DO NOT send in child’s lunch bag, backpack, or diaper bag. If it is
a prescription medication, the medication needs to be in the proper container, with child’s information and proper
dosage. If medication is a prescription medication instructions on container will be followed, even if parent’s
instruction differ from that on the container. Child’s medication will remain at the sign-in desk with a designated
staff member in a clear Ziploc bag with child’s name (unless refrigeration is required).
Emergency Procedures
In case of an emergency PlanetKid will always contact the parents/guardians or the emergency contacts in the child’s
files. In an emergency, PlanetKid will call 911 and then notify parents. PlanetKid reserves the right to make on the
spot decisions for emergency treatment for all children in our care, including but not limited to First Aid administration
and emergency transport. It is critically important to keep all emergency numbers, contact names and
addresses current. PlanetKid cannot contact you if we do not have the correct phone number.
In the event of a general emergency, such as an environmental threat, or threat of violence, the following action will
be taken:
Threat of violence: Children will be moved to the rear of the center away from any windows. The front door will
remain locked, and police will be called.
Fire Emergency: Monthly fire drills are conducted and reviewed with staff to follow procedure in case of a fire. In
the event of a fire, parents are notified as soon as possible of the situation. The sign-in and attendance sheets exit
the building with a teacher to ensure all children have been evacuated.
Tornado/Weather/Flood: Children are moved to the “toddler area” of the center away from any windows according
to posted plan. They will remain in the center until it is safe for parents/guardians to come to retrieve their children. In
the event of a flood, children are evacuated from the center. Parents are called immediately.
Evacuation: In the event that we are required to evacuate the building, the staff will take the children to one of the
surrounding shops or playground area and call parents for pick-up.
Power and Water Main Failure: In the event of a power or water main failure, the director will contact the
power/water company to determine if it can be restored quickly. Families will be notified if the power/water cannot be
restored with an hour and the center will be closed.
Discipline Policy and Guidelines
Children are coming to our center to have fun in a learning environment. The safety of the children is our top priority.
The first role of the staff is to ensure safety. Prevention is key to success. Staff will take care to keep children
involved in appropriate activities, and to emphasize respect and care for others. Staff will use developmentally
appropriate techniques suitable to the child’s age and circumstance. Constructive methods, such as redirection,
separation from the problem situation, talking to the child about the situation, and positive reinforcement, or praise for
appropriate behavior are sample techniques used by PlanetKid staff. Our goal is to model the correct behavior,
encourage children to control their behavior and learn to cooperate with their peers. Clear guidelines and limits are
explained and taught to the children. If a time out is used, the separation will last no longer than one minute for each
year of age of the children and time outs are not used with infants. A teacher explains and reviews the reason the
child is in time out with the child and discusses appropriate behavior before the child returns to the group. We will
always communicate and consult with the parents regarding behavior issues and work together with the parent to
come up with a behavior plan that will be documented and signed by the parent.
If the child becomes a danger to the staff or other children, parents will be called immediately and the child will be
discharged for the remainder of the day. PlanetKid will not:
Abuse or neglect children;
Utilize cruel, harsh, unusual, or extreme techniques;
Utilize any form of corporal punishment;
Delegate children to manage or discipline other children;
Use physical restraints on a child;
Restrain a child by any means other than holding children for a short period of time, such as in
a protective hug, so that the children may regain control;
Place children in a locked room or confine children in any enclosed area;
Confine children to equipment;
Humiliate, threaten or frighten children;
Subject children to profane language or verbal abuse;
Make derogatory or sarcastic remarks about children or their families;
Punish children for failure to eat or sleep or for toileting accidents;
Withhold any food (including snacks and treats), rest or toilet use;
Punish an entire group of children due to the unacceptable behavior of one or a few;
Isolate and restrict children from all activities for an extended period of time.
Biting Policy
Unfortunately, biting is a common behavior among children for a variety of reasons. If a “bite” occurs, both parents
will receive an incident report regarding the details and a copy of PlanetKid’s “Biting Hurts.” AT NO TIME WILL
is very upsetting for all parties involved and PlanetKid strives to immediately put steps in place to correct the
behavior. The child who bit will be shadowed for the remainder of the day and during which his/her teacher will look
for individual identifiers and/or triggers for that particular child, in an effort to avoid any further biting incidents. The
child who was bitten will be immediately comforted and cleaned up. Although the children will initially be separated,
they WILL NOT be continually separated for the remainder of the day.
Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner will be made available for purchase or parents may choose to bring the child’s
meals. PLEASE make sure to include the necessary food groups and a well balanced menu for each meal. We do
not allow soda, candy, or excessive “junk food” on PlanetKid premises. We believe sugar laden foods and fat laden
foods do not contribute positively to the child’s development. Although several packages/programs include meals and
snacks, the following are additional fees where it is not included.
Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Programs and Pricing
PlanetKid has a wide variety of packages and programs designed to fit parent’s needs. If you are having a difficult
time finding a package or none of the listed packages/programs fit what you are looking for, please do not hesitate in
asking the center’s Director.
Drop In:
Our drop in hourly rates, prepay hourly packages, and daily rates are the perfect match for those families who only
need occasional care or for those last minute appointments.
$10.75 per hour
$ 9.50 per hour
$ 8.25 per hour
$ 4.00 per hour (2nd, 3rd)
4 child is always free at PlanetKid!
*After the first 60 minutes the drop in rate is charged per minute
Prepay Hourly Packages:
10 hours/get 2 Free hours
total of 12 hours
15 hours/get 3 Free hours
total of 18 hours
20 hours/get 4 Free hours
total of 24 hours
*Unused prepaid hours will continue to rollover for up to 6 months; this is a great option for those families
that frequently use our drop in services; these packages are sold individually by age group infant, toddler, children,
Daily Rate:
Includes one meal/snacks and drinks- Drop off as early as 6:30am- Pick-Up as late as 6:30pm; Drop in rates
apply after 6:30pm
The weekly full-time and part-time packages are a great option for those parents that work nontraditional hours,
which may include nights and weekends. Selecting one of these packages not only guarantees a spot, but allows
parents to create their own schedule during that 7-day period. All weekly packages include meals and snacks daily.
Additional packages purchased for siblings receive a 15% discount; youngest sibling rate applies first.
PARTTIME: up to 28 hours per week
FULLTI ME: up to 50 hours per week
Infants: $170.00
Toddlers: $155.00
Children: $ 135.00
Infants: $200.00
Toddlers: $185.00
Children: $165.00
**** Package hours may be used anytime we are open. Unused hours DO NOT roll over.
This program runs only Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:30 pm and includes breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack, and
is only available for children that are fully potty-trained to 5 years old. Selecting one of these preschool options
guarantees a spot for the week. If needed the number of days purchased can change week to week.
5 days (Monday – Friday)
4 days
3 days
2 days
This program runs only Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:30 pm and includes breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack, and
is only available for children that are unpotty-trained and considered toddlers. Please see the Director for the center
description of a toddler. Selecting one of these Jr. Preschool options guarantees a spot for the week. Again, if
needed the number of days purchased can change week to week.
5 days (Monday – Friday)
4 days
3 days
2 days
***Preschool and Jr. Preschool programs CAN NOT be prorated. Additional program purchased for siblings
receive a 15% discount; youngest sibling rate applies first. Corresponding drop in rate applies after 6:30pm.
Camp Rate:
This applies to SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN ONLY during holiday/in-service breaks from school. Applies only Monday
– Friday 6:30 am – 6:30 pm, includes breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack; ½ days include breakfast only)
5 days (Monday-Friday)
4 days
3 days or 5 half days
2 days
1st child $150.00
1st child $ 125.00
1st child $100.00
1st child $75.00
2nd child $100.00
2nd child $85.00
2nd child $75.00
2nd child $60.00
3rd child $75.00
3rd child $65.00
3rd child $50.00
3rd child $45.00
Weekend and Nightly Packages:
Nightly Package – Choose any 5 nights a week, from 4:30 pm – 10/11pm and includes dinner.
Under 2 years old: $140.00
Over 2 years old: $125.00
Weekend Package – Stay up to 12 hours Saturday and all day Sunday, includes lunch, afternoon snacks, and dinner.
Under 2 years old: $100.00
Over 2 years old: $ 85.00
Acceptable methods of payment are: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Cash, and debit cards with Visa or MasterCard
Drop In charges are due at pick up.
Weekly tuitions are due at the beginning of the week. Weekly packages/programs WILL NOT be prorated due to
holiday closings or for absences due to illness.
Late Fee Policy
Please keep note of our hours of operation, including those days when the center will be closing down earlier than
normal; ex Halloween, we close at 6pm, instead of 10 pm. The first minute after closing will not incur a late fee. The
second minutes after closing will incur at $5.00 late fee. Each additional minute following will incur a $1.00 a minute
late fee. To avoid disagreements, the time of day is according to the PlanetKid computer please synchronize your cell
phones and watches accordingly.
For all parents/guardians, regardless of whether you are the one picking up your child(ren) or an authorized person
off the pick-up list, YOU AS THE PARENT/GUARDIAN will be responsible for any and all late fee’s prior to dropping
off the following day. If late fees are not paid PlanetKid reserves the right to disenroll any child/family from the center.
Refund Policy
PlanetKid does not offer refunds for any reason. We schedule staff according to hourly and weekly packages
purchased. This is to ensure we are able to accommodate attendance according to strict state regulated ratios.
Thank you for your cooperation with PlanetKid policies.