City of Cleveland Frank G. Jackson, Mayor City Planning Commission Planning Commission Agenda Friday, May 1, 2015 DRAFT Cleveland City Hall 601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 501 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 T: 216/664-2210 F: 216/664-3281 Room 514, Cleveland City Hall, 9:00am ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS 1. Ordinance No. 398-15(Ward 15/Councilmember Zone): Changing the Use District of parcels south of Lake Avenue and north of Franklin [Boulevard] between W. 75th Street and W. 85th Street to a Local Retail, Townhouse or Two-Family District, changing the Area District to ‘K’ and establishing an Urban Form Overlay District. 2. Ordinance No. 457-15(Ward 15/Councilmember Zone): Changing the Use, Area and Height Districts of lands on the northeast corner of Madison Avenue and West 117 th Street from LR-B3 and RO-C2 to Residence-Office, an ‘E’ Area District, and a ‘3’ Height District. 3. Ordinance No. 548-15(Ward 15/Councilmember Zone): Changing the existing mapped setback of lands on the northeast corner of Madison Avenue and West 117 th Street from 5 Ft. to 0 ft. mapped setback. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN A PEDESTRIAN RETAIL OVERLAY DISTRICT 1. Conditional Use Permit for a use that extends across more than 40 ft. of street frontage per §343(e)(2)(E) of the Cleveland Codified Ordinances Project Address: 3179 West 25th Street Project Representative: CARLETON MOORE!, CWM Services MANDATORY REFERRALS: 1. Resolution No. 354-15(Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 4th Street and East 6th Street. 2. Resolution No. 408-15(Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of Eugene Place. 3. Ordinance No. 442-15(Citywide): Authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into a grant agreement with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to provide review and recommendations on various green infrastructure projects in the City of Cleveland. 4. Ordinance No. 437-15(Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman): Authorizing the Director of City of Cleveland Frank G. Jackson, Mayor City Planning Commission Public Health to lease certain property to Neighborhood Health Care Inc. dba Neighborhood Family Practice to provide medical and clinical physician services at the Tremont Health Center for a period of five years, with one option to renew for five years, exercisable by the Director of Public Health. ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS 1. Ordinance No. 352-15(Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman): Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to issue permits to various private utilities and private entities to encroach into the public right-of-way of Public Square by installing, relocating, using, and maintaining various utility facilities, lines, conduits, and other means of transmission and provision of the utility service, or various structures and streetscape elements, previously approved by the City, within and part of, appurtenant to , or associated with the Public Square Renovation Project. 2. Ordinance No. 385-15(Ward 15/Councilmember Zone): To vacate a portion of West 59th Street. 3. Ordinance No. 401-15(Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman): To amend the title and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1351-14, passed December 8, 2014, relating to an encroachment permit to Positively Cleveland for wayfinding signs and electric duct banks in the downtown area to change the mane of the permittee to The Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater Cleveland, Inc.; and to supplement the ordinance to add new Section 1a. to authorize additional, future locations for similar encroachments. 4. Ordinance No. 402-15(Ward 1/Councilmember Pruitt; Ward 2/Councilmember Reed; Ward 3/Councilmember Cimperman; Ward 4/Councilmember K. Johnson; Ward 11/Councilmember Brady; and Ward 16/Councilmember Kazy): To amend the title and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 894-12, passed October 29, 2012, as amended, and to amend the title and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 834-14, passed October 6, 2014, as amended, relating to an encroachment permit to Crown Castle NG East Inc. to encroach into the public right-of-way with nodes and duct banks at various locations to correct the name of the Permittee. 5. Ordinance No. 441-15(Ward 9/Councilmember Conwell): Authorizing the Director of Public Works to lease the East Side Market located at the corner of East 105th Street 2 City of Cleveland Frank G. Jackson, Mayor City Planning Commission and St. Clair Avenue to the Famicos Foundation for the purpose of offering space for food-related businesses, for a term of five years, with two five-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Public Works. 6. Ordinance No. 450-15(Ward 9/Councilmember Conwell): To add the name Jamie Ireland Way as a secondary and honorary name to East Boulevard between Euclid Avenue and Bellflower Road. NEAR WEST DESIGN REVIEW 1. NW2015-005 – Proposed Demolition of two Two-Story Residential Structures Project Addresses: 3070 & 3074 West 32nd Street Project Representatives: Hani Ziadeh, Property Owner Andy Kiss, Andy’s Empire Demolition DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Freddy L. Collier Jr., Planning Director 3
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