Decommodification - In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience. Gifting - Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Radical Inclusion - Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community. Communal Effort - Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction. Radical Self-Expression Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient. Radical Self-Reliance - Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on his or her inner resources. Leaving No Trace - Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them. Civic Responsibility - We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, State, and Federal laws. TEN PRINCIPALS experience. Immediacy - Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this Participation - Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart. At Playa del Fuego we follow the Ten Principles of Burning Man. These are them. GRAND UNIFIED DOC: COMMUNITY STANDARDS/BOUNDARIES PLAYA del FUEGO WHAT WHERE MAY 2015 WHEN GUIDE INDEX/STAFF/WHAT IS PDF? Grand Unified Document v3.3.............. 2-15 Basics.............................................. 2-3 Community Standards........................ 3-6 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: RANGERS/RULES The Grand Unified Document is the sum total of all policies, rules, and regulations for Playa del Fuego. This updated version is presented in its entirety. A few minor edits have been made for print, which are in italics. Rules................................................ 6-9 Sound Policy .................................... 7-8 Public Health & Safety..................... 9-10 Amenities........................................... 14 Event/Site Guide........................... 12-13 Planning, Participation & Organization.................................. 11-12 Art................................................... 16-17 Ongoing Events ................................ 18-20 Thursday/Friday Events...................... 20-25 Saturday Events................................ 26-32 Sunday Events.................................. 33-36 Theme Camps.................................. 37-41 Maps ................................................... 43 All content subject to change. Content submitted before posted deadlines may be edited for length or clarity, or may be left alone for the sake of Radical Self-Expression. Content submitted to the WWW or Theme Camp coordinator after posted deadlines may not be included. We’re all volunteers. Apologies for spelling or other errors. The WWW is not a newspaper; being printed here does not make it true and it should not be used as the final authority on anything. WWW STAFF Editrix.......................................Vondervixen Layout......................................... M. Fidget Featured Artist......................Ranger Painter Turtle Rotation Jokes and Heavy Lifting....................................Karnak Data Liaison...................... Ranger Fumbles Print Wrangler...............................Whiplash Print Wrangler Emeritus-ish......................... Ranger Buckita P L AYA D E L F U E G O GRAND UNIFIED DOCUMENT V 3 . 3 M AY 2 0 1 5 1. BASICS What is Playa del Fuego Playa del Fuego is the Mid-Atlantic Regional Burning Man Event. Events are held every spring and fall, on Memorial Day and Columbus Day weekends. Playa del Fuego is an experiment in collaborative community featuring art and music created by those who join us to participate. Attendees are known as participants. There are no spectators at Playa del Fuego; everyone collaborates in some way to create the event. Inspired by the Burning Man festival, it is a place for radical selfexpression and an experiment in temporary community building. It is a place of acceptance, inclusivity, and respect. It is organized entirely by volunteers. Art and entertainment are created solely by participants. There are no concession stands. No cash transactions (except ice sales) are permitted at Playa del Fuego — even bartering is discouraged. This is a sincere experiment in creating a gift economy. If you need something, ask for it. If you have it, gift it! There are no garbage cans; everyone is responsible for packing out their garbage or throwing it into one of the handy dumpsters. Playa del Fuego is a blank canvas; expect nothing...bring everything. Event Location VNVMC Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club of Delaware 474 Flemings Landing Road Townsend, DE 19734 Nearby Hospital Christiana Hospital 4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road Newark, DE 19718, 302-733-1000 Community Expectations Playa del Fuego believes its participants want to be good citizens. Getting to PDF can be a lot of hard work. We think people genuinely care about the community they work so hard to contribute to. This document contains 2 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. information participants need to sustain this sincere experiment. We encourage all participants, newbie to gnarled, to look over this document and be reminded this experiment in collaborative community is not complete anarchy. Generally, if something is not covered in the GÜD, and it is legal in the larger world, it is allowed at the event. Community Process — how the GÜD evolves These policies were created by the Planning Committee or the Board of Directors, which are all volunteer positions. Either a participant submits a proposal to the Planning Committee and the PC approves it, or not, or the BOD makes a decision about something because there is a compelling safety/liability or future-of-the-event issue at stake. Once something becomes an official event policy/ procedure/rule via the BOD or PC, it goes into the GÜD, which is compiled by humble scribes. The best and easiest way to reach the PC is via the PONY. GLOSSARY PDF - Playa del Fuego MOOP - matter out of place, anything that is not indigenous the natural environment you are in, for example: litter, cigarette butts, glitter Rangers - helpful people who rove about in khaki with radios. They are neither cops, your mom, nor required to wear utilikilts. VNVMC/ The Vets - Viet Nam Veterans Motorcycle Club, our hosts and landlords who refer to this place as FIRE BASE LLOYD. Be respectful of them. Coordinator - A super-volunteer who doesn’t just work a shift, they run an entire department like DPW, PARKING, THEME CAMPS, or GATE. Burn - slang for a Burning Man-inspired event like ours. Burns are not music festivals. A few differences being: at burns there are no spectators, burns follow The 10 Principles, and the pretty girls at burns aren’t dancing ankle deep in a pile of beer bottles and cups. “Have a nice burn.” 10 Principles - Burning Man’s version of the 10 Commandments, wherein you are permitted to covet your neighbor’s wife but not to litter or participate in cash activities like vending. And so very much more. See 10 Principles in COMMUNITY STANDARDS. Volunteer Central - AKA “Participation Station”; a large temporary shelter located next to the red stage. It has volunteer schedules and sign-ups, lost and found, ranger HQ and radios, copies of the WWW Guide, and a few shady seats. Good place to go with a question. Gate - The Gate is the portal through which you enter the event. The event has 2 gates, front and back. The front gate turns tickets and valid IDs into official wristbands during specific hours posted elsewhere. The back gate is next to the main parking lot and features the Greeters. Always show your wristband to the nice people working the gate when you enter, leave, or bring them a cold beverage/tasty snack. PONY - PONY stands for Planning and Organization Need You. It is the official online planning and discussion forum for Playa del Fuego. PC - The Planning Committee makes the nuts and bolts choices that run the event. The Planning Committee is comprised of literally anyone and everyone who calls the Planning Meeting conference call or attends it in person. You may attend as many or as few meetings as you like, however, your vote only counts for meetings you actually are a part of. Read more about the PC at the PONY. PDF, Inc.- a Maryland not-for-profit corporation recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3. BOD - Board of Directors. A dozen or so unpaid volunteers in search of a hot tub in which to sit and think. They also handle all the boring legal parts of the event like taxes, insurance, liability, and adhering to our mission. Comp Tickets - There are no comp tickets at PDF. Not even for volunteers, artists, DJs, the Planning Committee, or the Board of Directors. Reserve Tickets - These are used to ensure that people essential to the smooth operation of the event attend. Everyone approved for a reserve ticket must still pay for it. Art Grant recipients also receive reserve tickets because art is central to our mission and artists are bound by contract to be present at the event. 2. COMMUNITY STANDARDS PLAYA DEL FUEGO PRINCIPLES Self-Expression Our events foster an environment of creative self-expression, where participants feel supported to honestly express their inner selves What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 3 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: COMMUNITY STANDARDS/BOUNDARIES through artistic creation, performance, and in their social interactions. Self-Organization Our events foster an environment of selforganization. The event is 100% volunteer run. No one gets comp tickets. Everyone is invited to plan. Everyone is invited to play. Everyone is invited to work. The Planning Meetings and Planning Committee are open to everyone to attend. Accountability Our events foster an environment of personal accountability, where we hold ourselves responsible for our own actions, and take personal responsibility for meeting our own needs, for the event itself, and for the event’s impact on the world at large. Cooperation Our events foster an environment of cooperation, where participants work together to resolve potential conflicts respectfully, to help mediate conflicts between others, and to create art, performance, and social space on a larger scale than one person could alone. Additionally, participants seek to keep events sustainable by volunteering, cleaning up after themselves, and assuming personal responsibility for conducting themselves in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. TEN PRINCIPLES At Playa del Fuego we follow the Ten Principles of Burning Man. They are as follows: Radical Inclusion - Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community. Gifting - Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Decommodification - In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience. Radical Self-Reliance - Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on his or her inner resources. Radical Self-Expression - Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. 4 It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient. Communal Effort - Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote, and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction. Civic Responsibility - We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. Leaving No Trace - Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them. Participation - Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart. Immediacy - Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience. EXPECTATIONS AND BOUNDARIES Community Expectations Playa del Fuego is an experiment in community, ad-hocracy, and do-ocracy. Respect is fundamental to this community. Please respect yourself, other participants, and our hosts. Participants can be held liable for endangering or injuring other participants or their property. Please plan all projects and activities accordingly and use common sense. Playa del Fuego operates on a gift economy. It is expected everyone contributes to the community in some meaningful way and gives as much as they receive. There are many ways to give; do not limit yourself to material gifts. The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. GRAND UNIFIED DOC: CONSENT/RANGERS Boundaries and Consent Self-Expression and Cooperation require a social contract to make our event a safe place to play. These rules apply to everyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. Remember that not everyone wants your attention so be courteous and always ask for consent. What do we mean by consent? Consent is an affirmative, unambiguous, and conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed-upon activity. The consent has to be ongoing throughout any encounter. While consent is generally spoken about in terms of sexual activity, it extends beyond this at PDF - we apply the same guidelines to taking pictures of others, hugging, entering a camp’s private space, etc. While we strive to make PDF a safe place for everyone, assumptions can be made (sometimes from those who have never been to a Burn before) about what is acceptable and what is not. The following is PDF’s stance on consent and “best practices” for protecting yourself and others. - NO always means NO. Only YES means YES. Get an enthusiastic YES before proceeding with anything that might infringe on someone else’s boundaries. - After someone has said NO, cajoling, pleading, or any form of emotional blackmail is UNACCEPTABLE. - YES can turn into a NO at anytime and that needs to be respected. You or the other person doesn’t have to go along with something, even if it was previously agreed on. If you change your mind you should speak up, and if someone else changes his/her mind you should act in accordance with that new boundary. - Before you assume someone wants your physical attentions, ASK. Being direct is OK. This includes anything from hugs, spankings, kissing, etc. Some people do not want to be touched, and that should be respected. Asking is expected protocol, and sexier than you might think. Not respecting these boundaries can be considered sexual assault, and will not be tolerated at the event. - Respect the moment. Comfort levels vary at different times and with different people. Even if a person seems comfortable with one person touching them does not mean they are OK with everyone touching them. - If you’re not sure if what you’re about to do is OK, either where you are, or who you are with, ask. Not everything is a good idea everywhere. - Being under the influence is not an excuse for infringing on others boundaries. Consider your level of sobriety. Are you able to ask permission and respect others’ boundaries? Consider the other person’s level of sobriety. Are they able to give consent? TIP: You can say that you would rather wait until you both have your full judgment before doing anything you may regret later. - Don’t hesitate to check in with others around you. If someone looks uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say hello and ask how they’re doing. - If you are uncomfortable, ask for help. We are a tight-knit community and look out for each other. Look around — are friends close by? Theme camps? Random people walking around? Let them know that you aren’t comfortable in the current situation. - Rangers are trained in mediation techniques and can diffuse any number of situations. In addition, if there is a violation of your boundaries, Rangers can intervene and will keep a log of the incident in case the offending party continues this type of behavior. Assault or repeated harassment may lead to ejection from the event; reporting incidents helps us spot predators. Rangers are the cool kids walking around in khaki with walkie-talkies. - Practice saying YES as well as no. We know it can be challenging to communicate your feelings or boundaries verbally. And no one should assume they understand someone else’s body language. Being clear about what you want or don’t want can help avoid situations where boundaries are being violated. - Remember, respecting personal boundaries includes taking pictures or video, as well as physical and verbal interaction. RANGERS ARE HERE TO HELP Rangers are not cops or your mom, but they do want to try to ensure that everyone is having the best burn possible. People who Ranger are usually those friends that you always know will be there for you. The PDF Rangers do their thing via the FLAME method: Find Out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, Explain. But you don’t need to be a Ranger to do this yourself! If something or someone is bothering you, try to talk to that person calmly and work it out. If something doesn’t seem right to you, ask about it — Find Out what’s going on. You may discover it’s not really a problem, or you may discover that it is and that you either need to make a request, or explain one of our few rules and see if you can recruit that person to help you respect it. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 5 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: RANGERS/RULES If/when you decide you want help, something is more intense or complicated than a minor disagreement, or you or a friend might need help from an outside resource of any kind, find/ask a Ranger (they are those funny looking folks in khaki). If you don’t see one wandering about, head over to Center Camp where you will find Ranger Headquarters (behind Participation Station) and the Ranger Base Radio. There are instructions posted near the radio on how to turn it on and call for an available Ranger to meet you at Participation Station. We are ready and waiting to help you have an awesome PDF! Interested in becoming a Ranger? Have you attended at least one PDF prior to this? If so, feel free to come by Ranger Headquarters on Friday night at 7 pm for Ranger Training, or ask a Ranger to help you find Snuggles, our On-Site Ranger Coordinator. 3. RULES Rules have consequences. The consequences may include being ejected from the event and/or being unable to attend future events. Illegal Activity Please note: Playa del Fuego, Inc. does not condone ANY illegal activity. We create a temporary city with its own rules. This city coexists within an area of real laws. Try to make that coexistence a peaceful one. Abide by all relevant local, state, and federal laws. If you see law enforcement officers, be nice to them. PDF will cooperate with all local, county, state, and federal officials. We all share an interest in having a smooth event. Drinking and Driving Don’t be stupid, motorized vehicles don’t mix with intoxication. Any ticket holder found driving while intoxicated/under the influence may be banned from the event for no less than one year and possibly for life. There are no plans to bring breathalyzers to PDF, so the BOD reserves the right to ban participants suspected of altered driving based on concerns raised by members of the community. Anything to the left of the gravel drive is off-limits except the showers and portapotties next to the showers only. Stay to the right of the road at all other times. The Clubhouse - a yellow and white building located between the showers and pavilion. The Flagpole - located at the right edge of the gravel road and is near the clubhouse. It is surrounded by a fence and is clearly marked. The helicopter, its stand, and the miscellaneous bombs and ammo boxes surrounding it. Any buildings, closed fields, or fields with animals in them. Just because it isn’t on the above list, does not mean you are allowed there. Use good judgment. VNVMC Sovereignty at Event There are unique benefits that come from holding our event on the VNVMC site but they are not without a few strings. Our landlords, the VNVMC, reserve the right to object to actions of our participants and ask those participants to cease the offending activity immediately, with no discussion. In other words, if the Vets say so, it is so. The Vets’ demands supersede anything that may be contained in this document or may seem otherwise OK in the larger world. EVENT ENTRY Wristbands Everyone is required to wear wristbands. Anyone found without a wristband will be ejected. Replacements can be acquired at the Front gate during ticketing hours. If someone asks to see your wristband, it’s cool, just show them. obtained with scalped or counterfeit tickets or in any other nefarious manner will be voided and the wearer ejected. No Nudity within Sight of Gate Our landlords, the VNVMC, requires that all participants within view of the gates, using the porta potties at the front gate, outside the gates, in the parking lot, or off the property, dress accordingly – that means modestly. If you can be seen from the road or a neighboring home, you should be properly attired for a public setting. Meaning there should be nothing about your attire that allows others to see parts of your body the law does not normally allow to be displayed in public. Generally, if you can see the road or the “outside world” make sure you are covered. SOUND POLICY I. Purpose Once upon a time, the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club was far enough away from the rest of the world that we were provided some insulation from worrying about how our event impacted the community around us. Over time Playa del Fuego has found itself with a variety of neighbors who have a variety of tolerance levels for sound playing 24 hours a day. PDF has joined the list of regional events that are trying different measures and sound policies in order to find the right balance between the needs of the Burners who come to PDF and the community around the event. The Playa del Fuego (PDF) Sound Policy is intended to protect of the longevity of PDF events by establishing standards for the control of noise pollution extending beyond the boundaries of said events. II. Scope If you leave the event site, even to just get something from your car, and wish to re-enter, you must be wearing a wristband. This policy applies to any individual, group, instrument, or device (instrument, installation, speaker system, generator, etc.) producing audible or sub-audible sound within and during a PDF event. Gate Crashing and Sneak-ins III. Restrictions Re-entry A motorized vehicle is defined as a nonhuman powered vehicle and includes cars, RVs, buses, art cars, tractors, go-karts, golf carts, scooters, and similar devices. Gate crashing and sneaking in violates core principles of our event and are not tolerated. Gate crashers and sneak-ins will be treated like anyone else without a wristband and be ejected. Off-Limit Areas Scalped and Counterfeit tickets The Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club of Delaware (VNVMC), who owns the land on which we camp, has indicated that the following areas are 100% off-limits. PDF is not responsible for what happens to you if you 6 disrespect these areas. At a minimum, you will be forced to leave: GRAND UNIFIED DOC: RULES/SOUND POLICY Scalped and counterfeit tickets violate core principles of our event and are not tolerated. Scalped and counterfeit tickets are void and will not be accepted for admittance or exchanged for a wristband. Wristbands The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. a. All sound at PDF events shall be limited to a predetermined decibel (dB) level, measured at 50’ from the source of the sound, dependent on the time of day, as follows: 10 AM – 10 PM: 80dB 10 PM – Midnight: 74dB Midnight – 10 AM: 68dB b. The use of electronically amplified sound between the hours of 10 PM and 10 AM shall only be permitted to those approved by the Sound Marshall and/or Sound Committee prior to the event through the Sound Camp Application on the PDF Website. c. The use of subwoofers, woofers, or any device capable of producing sound at or below 100Hz is not permitted between the hours of 10 PM and 10 AM. d. Quiet Camping Areas – The Front Field and Back Field open camping areas are designated as Quiet Camping. The use of generators, loud musical instruments (horns, drums, etc.), or any other disruptive sound generation is not permitted between the hours of 10 PM and 10 AM. IV. Roles a. PDF Board of Directors (BOD): The PDF BOD has ultimate authority to turn down or off any and all sound as deemed necessary for the security of the event. b. Sound Marshal: The Sound Marshal is responsible for PDF wide compliance with the Sound Policy and has the authority to turn down or off any and all sound as deemed necessary, with deference to members of the BOD, or to a quorum of the BOD if the Sound Marshal is a member of the BOD. c. Sound Sponsors: Camp Leaders, individuals designated by a Camp Leader, or an individual bringing amplified sound to a PDF event responsible for sound levels generated by their sound system who will remain readily available within earshot of said system while it is in use. d. Sound Patrol: The Sound Patrol are volunteers tasked with enforcement of the above restrictions during a PDF event with the authority to temporarily turn down any sound causing a perceived violation of the sound policy, reporting as necessary to the Sound Marshall for further intervention or policy dispute resolution. e. PDF Attendees: Any attendee of a PDF event who perceives a violation of the Sound Policy from an individual or camp may invoke “The Sound Rule,” as described in the Procedures section below. V. Procedures a. The Sound Rule: Anyone who suspects another individual or camp is in violation of the Sound Policy and may pose as a disturbance to the event’s landlord’s neighbors may approach them IMMEDIATELY with their concern. If satisfactory action is not taken to correct the issue, please report the issue to the Sound Patrol, Sound Marshal, PDF BOD member, or Ranger (such that they may contact the responsible parties by radio) as quickly as possible. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 7 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: SOUND POLICY/RULES/ If you are approached by anyone about a perceived sound policy violation, you MUST IMMEDIATELY CORRECT or CEASE the activity, only after which you may reach out to the Sound Patrol or Sound Marshal to resolve the issue. b. Any camp or individual who wishes to have amplified sound between the hours of 10 PM and 10 AM must apply through the Sound Camp Application form on the PDF Web Page before the Theme Camp Placement deadline. The Sound Marshal and their designees will limit the number of approved applications as they see fit. VI. Enforcement Individuals and Camps are required to comply with any Turn-Down request made by anyone as per “The Sound Rule” until the issue has been investigated by a member of the Sound Patrol, the Sound Marshal, or a member of the PDF BOD. b. Individuals and Camps are required to comply with any Turn-Down or Turn-Off order as made by a member of the Sound Patrol, the Sound Marshal, or a member of the PDF BOD. This order may be made for any reason from Sound Policy violations to formal complaints lodged against the event from local residents or county officials. VII. Sanctions Sanctions for violations of the Sound Policy may include, but are not limited to: Turn-Down or Turn-Off orders lasting anywhere up to the remainder of the event, removal of the offending sound source from the event, prohibition of the sound source from future events, or immediate eviction of one or more individuals as deemed necessary by the PDF BOD. Photography and Video Individuals retain legal rights to the use of their images, and the use of any media for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without the express written permission of Playa del Fuego, Inc. and any subjects of the photographs and video. Photographers may not photograph anyone who requests not to be photographed, and must destroy any existing images at the subject’s request, even if prior consent had been granted. It is prohibited to take pictures in a camp or of a person that has posted a “No Photos” sign, or at an event where a “no photos” policy has been announced. The slip and slide is ALWAYS a no photo event. 8 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY Guidelines for Photographers: checking IDs at the gate for legal and safety reasons. Coordinators and shift leads have the right to remove unsupervised minors from tasks or shifts at their discretion, if a situation becomes unsafe or problematic. Fire Lanterns are Forbidden Photographers obtain permission to take pictures of individuals. This permission would ideally be obtained beforehand. However, if a great candid shot presents itself, a digital photographer may choose to “shoot first,” and ask permission afterwards. He/she is still obligated to erase the picture if the subject does not approve. If you have additional questions or concerns about children or minors at the event, please look for more info at our Website. Safety, Extinguishers, and Spinners A photographer may take a picture of groups of people, or of artwork with people nearby, in a public area that has no specified prohibition against it, without asking permission of all the people that incidentally appear in the shot. However, it is expected that the photographer will exercise judgment about the content of their photographs, and will obtain consent whenever practical. Porta Potties We expect photographers to be open about their activities. If someone is seen trying to hide that they are taking pictures, malicious intent may be assumed. If a photographer is perceived to be violating these rules, guidelines, or the community trust, they may be confronted by any member of the community. If the problem cannot be resolved, ask a Ranger to help mediate. Ultimately, someone violating PDF rules or interfering with other’s safety and enjoyment of the event may be evicted. Let the Reveler be Wary Despite the Playa del Fuego photography policy, Playa del Fuego cannot be held responsible if a photo of you appears in public. Minors and Children For the protection of minor children and in accordance with DE law, any minor child attending this event must be accompanied by someone with legal authority to make decisions for the minor or child. A minor is anyone under the age of 18. You are solely responsible for the care, supervision, and well-being of the minor AT ALL TIMES. The accompanying guardian must sign an event waiver of liability for the minor. There may be activities that are not suitable for children or behavior that you may not wish your children to see. Do not expect anyone to censor their behavior because children are present. Inability to take care of the minors you bring to the event can result in ejection Minors volunteering: In general, parents’ best judgment should be used regarding appropriate volunteer tasks for minors. However, minors may not ranger or be responsible for The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. 4. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY If it wasn’t made by your body, don’t put it in the potty. Your wastes and 1-ply toilet paper are the only things that should be in the potties. “Flushable” baby wipes, tampons, food, beer bottles, etc. clog the hose of the pottie truck, damage the pottie truck, make the pottie man’s life difficult, and may result in our potties not getting emptied on schedule. Also, potties are not trash cans. Do not abandon your trash on the floor or bench of a potty. See LEAVE NO TRACE, MOOP, and THERE ARE NO PUBLIC TRASH CANS. FIRE, BURN BARRELS, and BURNING ART Fireworks Fireworks of any kind are prohibited in the state of Delaware and are not welcome at the VNVMC. Firewood Fire lanterns, aka Chinese fire lanterns, aka sky lanterns, are prohibited. They are flying, flaming MOOP whose trajectory can’t be controlled or predicted. All flame must be attended at all times. This includes campfires, tiki torches, fire spinning, candles, or any other open flame. If you build a fire or light a flame it is your responsibility to monitor it and ensure its safety. Bring a fire extinguisher. Fire spinning without a safety is prohibited. Burnable Art Burning art is part of our culture at PDF. It is a symbolic celebration of the cycle of life and death—we don’t dwell in what we’ve done so much as we celebrate what we can do. IF YOU PLAN ON BRINGING ART THAT YOU WANT TO BURN: you must contact the Burning Art Coordinator in advance for approval and coordination, burningart-lead@ There is no guarantee that your art will burn. Plan other creative ways to destroy your art that are less reliant on the weather. Don’t ever throw toxic or dangerous things into any fire. GARBAGE No Public Trash Cans Firewood is included in your ticket price. It is available while supplies last. Participants are welcome to take as much firewood as they need from the main stack near the where the Pony burns. Don’t take wood once it is stacked under the Pony effigy. Burn barrels are not trash cans. There are no public trash cans at this event. At all times, at all places on the site, you are responsible for the trash you create. Don’t ask someone if they have a trash can — they don’t. Sharing is much cooler than hoarding and that includes wood, too. Help keep greeters and gate volunteers warm and safe at night by not taking wood from the front and back gates where burn barrels provide warmth, safety, and a welcoming beacon. Have something that burns a lot of wood? Consider bringing some of your own wood. Because there are evil insect species going around AND it is a Delaware state law, only bring wood from a local Delaware vendor. Leave no trace is an important but simple principle of our community. The goal is to leave no trace of our amazing event. If possible leave things in better condition than we found them. That means to not leave trash, cigarette butts, poop, feathers, sofas, bacon grease, beer cans, glitter, or sequins behind when we leave. That means to not harm the environment by scorching the ground by burning something improperly, or altering or destroying trees or existing structures. We also don’t leave problems for other people to deal with. Only build fires in burn barrels or other suitable containers that are elevated off the ground to prevent ugly, dead, permanent, burn scars. Build your last fire with enough time for the ashes to cool for safe disposal. Cool ashes get dumped in the ASH DUMP. Hot ashes in the dumpster will set the dumpster on fire. The horror. The horror. Leave No Trace Dumpsters Dumpsters are a luxury at PDF that exist at the insistence of our hosts; most burns are pack-it-in-pack-it-out. Dumpsters are for household type trash only. If it does not fit in What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 9 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY/GUIDELINES a trash bag, it should not go in a dumpster. No furniture, large items, or spooky chemicals are allowed in the dumpster. Do not put ashes in the dumpster ‑— they belong in the Ash Dump. Hot ashes set the dumpster on fire. Seriously, no one wants to deal with a flaming dumpster. Dumpsters are a huge expense — billed by weight, so please bring home as much as you can or minimize what you bring. One way to bring less trash is to remove excess packaging before you come. See ASH DUMP, LEAVE NO TRACE, NO PUBLIC TRASH CANS. All filled pools must be either attended by an adult 18 years or older or somehow locked up or fenced in at all times. Ash Dump Generators must be attended at all times when running, because generators are a fire hazard. Generators create many types of pollution, including noise pollution, and should be used thoughtfully. Generators should be boxed to minimize their polluting effects. If a generator must be used, it should be sited in such a way to minimize its effect on neighbors and the community. There is a vast hive of activity behind the super-slick, seamless production that is Playa del Fuego. We would LOVE to have your help! Here’s the skinny on the world behind the curtain. No Dogs Volunteer Spent ashes go in the ash dump, not the dumpster. The location of the ash dump has changed now and then. Ask a Ranger, DPW, or smartie-pants where it is. Wise campers stop their fires early Sunday evening so their ashes are cold during Pack Out on Monday. Recycling There are several recycling centers near the shopping centers in town. Participants are encouraged to collect their recycling and drop it off at one of these centers, or bring it home for your local pickup. Water as a “Trace” Water leaves a trace and should be used thoughtfully. Private “sun” and other types of showers, kiddie pools, vigorous washing up, dishwashing, and other large water uses are discouraged and should only be used when a plan on how to disperse the water properly is in place. In general, small amounts of gray water should be dumped into existing ditches on the site. Gray water should not be dumped onto the ground in areas where people are camping. Be especially careful using water near roads and pathways. Muddy paths are a nuisance and can be a safety hazard. See LEAVE NO TRACE. Pools Pools by definition are any body of water used explicitly or in some part to bathe, swim, or cool off. Pools filled with liquid are only allowed in personal or theme camp areas. They can not be placed in communal areas. All gray water must be dealt with appropriately and in accordance to event policy. That is, it cannot be dumped out on the ground and must either be packed out or disposed of at an appropriate drain location. If you don’t know where an appropriate spot is, it is YOUR responsibility to find out. See WATER AS A TRACE. 10 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: GUIDELINES/PLANNING Vending/Gifting Vending of any kind is not allowed. This includes promotion of other events. Gifting does not equal bartering, nor are you entitled to anything. It’s only a gift when offered freely; taking something because you want it is still theft at PDF. Ask permission before taking or touching anything or anyone. Generators Dogs are prohibited (with the exception of service animals) at the event due to the presence of local dogs and a history of territorial issues. 5. GUIDELINES Not rules, but friendly suggestions to make things easier on you and everyone else. Social Media In our Community consent is key so please, never post photos of other people to social media unless those people have consented to have their photos posted online. Many people in our Community have sensitive jobs or family lives and a careless post could potentially do something like jeopardize a career, make a messy divorce messier, or who knows what else. Also, by posting images on most social media sites you give ownership of those photos to the social media sites. Theses sites retain those photos even if you delete them. It is understandable to want to share images and the myriad feelings they evoke, just be thoughtful and get consent first when using images with people. Hydration Dehydration is a very serious risk at PDF; DRINK WATER, and lots of it. Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate you; it is not water. Water is not sold at the event (except in the form of ice), so bring all the water you will need. We strongly recommend a minimum of 3 gallons/ per/day. Signs of dehydration: The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. • Feeling uncharacteristically cranky • Rapid or sudden weight loss • Increasing thirst • Dry mouth • Cessation of sweating •W eakness or lightheadedness (particularly if worsening on standing) •D arkening of the urine or a decrease in urination (drink enough water to “piss clear”) 6. PLANNING, PARTICIPATION, AND ORGANIZATION This event is 100% run by volunteers. There are no comp tickets. The volunteer opportunities are varied. To sign up online for one of the below (except Board), go to Greeters and Parking Patrol: responsible for welcoming participants to the event and maximizing our limited parking. Rangers: not cops or your mom, but always available to help mediate problems when needed, or help you find the resources you need to take care of yourself. DPW/Moop Clean-Up: responsible for finding errant MOOP at the end of the event and making it go away. Participation Station: always available with helpful information and to help you participate in volunteering. Board: responsible for legal aspects of the event and for the burden of deciding when a participant eviction is necessary. Stage: where you can perform for an audience. Everyone wants a turn, so please don’t hoard stage time. Lamplighters: the solemn folks who light our way at night. There are many other ways to contribute too. Check the official event board, PONY, for other volunteer opportunities www.playadelfuego. org/pony More information about departments including Department Coordinator Contact information can be found at Art Grants The mission of the Art Grants Committee is to promote participatory and unique art at Playa del Fuego through funding. Art enables humans to grow and thrive and learn and love. The best art projects provoke thought, feelings, movement, and participation by all who wish to join in. Art Grants Committee is dedicated to providing small grants to help defray participants’ cost of creating art for Playa Del Fuego. Anyone may join the Art Grants Committee, and anyone can apply for an Art Grant. For complete information, application and deadlines go to www. Art One of the greatest ways to participate in the PDF community is to create art. You don’t have to apply for an Art Grant, you can just bring some, announce it in the What Where When, and enjoy the adulation of your community. If you would like special placement of your art in a public space, or are in need of other resources, please contact the Burning- or Non-Burning Art Coordinator, as appropriate. PDF Planning Playa Del Fuego takes year-round effort from volunteers. To get involved or see what is going on our various planning and volunteer boards see Our Planning Committee is composed of anyone who would like to attend a meeting, either in person or by calling in to the planning meeting conference call. No invitation is necessary, join in! Board The PDF board of directors, AKA BOD, is made up of members of the PDF community who have agreed to increase their level of liability on behalf of the community. They’re not a shady, evil cabal, and they like to talk to you. If you would like to contact the board, email them at [email protected] The PDF Board of Directors handles the legal side of the organization. They maintain the website, manage PDF funds, purchase event insurance and supplies (potties, wood, structures, etc...), file tax documents, etc... The day-to-day planning of the event (dog bans, budget decisions, ticket cap, and so on) is handled by the planning committee. They do all of the routine paperwork and legal and financial stuff that’s needed to make the events happen and keep PDF Inc. (a 501c3 non-profit) humming the other 50 weeks out of the year. They are also responsible for What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 11 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: MAYOR/ENTRY shaping the long-term vision of what PDF will or can be in the future, as well as how it fits in to the greater burn and arts communities, both regional and national. Board Nominations & Interns and Volunteer hours For information about Board Nominations & Interns and Volunteer hours visit Communications Wish there was a What Where When for the rest of the year? Regularly check our website, To connect with the community outside the event, you can participate in any or all of the following communities (and many others besides): • • • [email protected] • [email protected] • [email protected] • [email protected] More information can also be found at or join in the discussion at the Playa del Fuego PONY discussion board (Planning and Organization Needs You!) you can find the link to the PONY at the top of our Website. Mayor Each event there is a Mayor. What the heck is the Mayor of PDF? Pretty simple - besides getting to wear a really spiffy hat, the Mayor is just a member of the board whose job it is to listen to the community members for concerns, ideas, topics for everyone to consider, complaints, worries, bribes. You can, of course, talk to any board member any time, but the Mayor is someone who has made themselves conspicuous for your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns (or bribes), please look for the Mayor. This event the Mayor is Starfish. Look for the amazingly well dressed blonde and purple haired Camp SEXY lady with the groovy decorated top hat. 7. EVENT/SITE GUIDE How to get to the event what to do when you get there. It is always advisable to read this part in advance, because the effects of playa-brain can set in rapidly. Early Entry Policy General entry does not begin until 5 pm. Those who arrive early can not wait in the parking lot until 4 pm on Thursday. Those 12 helping with setup must be pre-registered to do so. Carpoolers attached to registered volunteers will no longer be allowed early entry unless they too have pre-registered. An early entry coordinator will manage the list of volunteers and help direct setup on site. Early volunteers must agree to follow the direction of the early entry coordinator and/or departmental coordinators before being permitted to set up personal camps. Ticketing Hours New arrivals are welcome for ticketing during the following hours. Those already with a wristband may come and go at will. Thursday: 5 pm - Friday 2 am Friday: 9 am - Saturday 2 am Saturday: 9 am - Saturday 8 pm (Closed for Pony Burn) Sunday: - CLOSED (please, not if you show up Sunday, you will still be able to get your wristband, you will just have to wait for a GOD to come to the gate). GRAND UNIFIED DOC: PARKING/GREETING looking for a miracle. We love you, but practicing Radical Self-Reliance means you don’t come until you can (need a ticket? Visit the ticket board on the PONY!). Your ticket will be scanned and your ID checked. You must present photo identification at the gate. Special wristbands are issued to persons under the age of 21; those without ID will be issued a minor wristband. All minors must be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian. Your wristband will be put on by a member of the ticket team tight enough that it will not slide off. Participants must wear this wristband while on-site for the duration of the event. If a wristband breaks or is removed, it may be replaced from within the gates by exchanging the broken band for a new one at the gate. If you are concerned about it being a hazard while spinning fire, you should remove it and exchange it when you are done spinning, cover it with something, or possibly wear it on your ankle. Monday CLOSED You will then be directed to the back for parking, drop off, and greeting. Getting There Parking For directions visit ADMISSION When You First Arrive Pull off the road into the driveway and proceed to temporary parking as directed by the parking volunteers. DO NOT park or remain stopped in the road or driveway. There is other traffic coming and sometimes going fast. We do not want to risk an accident or complaints about traffic being obstructed. Not only could these problems result in people being injured or killed in car accidents, but at the very least they will attract police attention and upset the local community. Ticket Booth This is the business end of PDF, and it can be a bit of a circus during peak times. Please be ready with everything you need and be patient while the ticket takers do what they need to do. It’s a great time to practice the zen art of patience, start de-stressing, and make friends with the folks in line next to you. Each participant should come to the Front Gate with a state-issued ID and a copy of their ticket. It’s also acceptable to have a written down unique barcode number in lieu of the actual printed out ticket, but you MUST bring your ticket number in some form. The Greeter station does not have copies of tickets nor can they look them up. If you don’t have a ticket, please don’t loiter at the gate The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. The parking station is located on the outside of the back entrance in the back field. When you enter the property please follow the signs to the main lot. Once through the overflow/large truck lot you will be greeted by one of our flaggers who will ask to see your wristbands and whether you are parking on-site or need to enter the event for dropping off your gear. Parking on-site: It is important to follow the flaggers and park where they ask you to in order to maximize the number of available parking spaces. If there is not a flagger, please follow signs and avoid parking in roadways or paths. Drop offs: If you are dropping off your gear, please follow the flaggers’ instructions to proceed to the parking tent to receive a temporary parking pass. NOTE: Passes are for 30 minutes only. Please do not stay on site with your car for more than 30 minutes and fer goodness’ sake, remember to pick up your license! While we try our best to get your license back to you if you forget it, we are not responsible for your license if it is left at the event. The Logbook will be put away Sunday evening! Greeting Once you’ve gotten wristbands and parked your car, head inside and you will be greeted by our dedicated greeter team inside the back gate. The greeters’ mission is to give you hugs, a What Where When event guide, explain the 10 principles, spank virgins, answer any simple questions your may have, and provide information (like where to volunteer, nudge-nudge). Spanking is optional, butt (butt!) it is always appropriate to approach a Greeter bearing gifts. Temporary Unloading Passes So that everyone gets a chance to come in and unload in a timely manner, your temporary unloading pass allows you no more than 30 minutes to unload your vehicle. If you leave your vehicle inside longer than 30 minutes, you may be towed. If you return your pass in less than 30 minutes, parking is free! Unload your equipment and return your vehicle. Do not hunt down all your friends or set up your camp now. Communicate with your campmates in advance so that you may proceed directly to where you plan to camp. But please, only drive on marked roads, for everyone’s safety! Once you unload your vehicle, return promptly to the front gate, return your parking pass, and collect your license. When returning your passes please pull over to the side of the road and do not block traffic coming in our out of the event. Someone at the greeter station will then give you directions to the back lot where you should park as directed. You should not park in the front lot unless directed to do so by someone at the greeter station. On-Site Parking Passes On-site vehicle passes are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, determined via pre-registration with the parking coordinator. Only vehicles such as RVs, vans, trucks (with caps), and campers are permitted to be parked on-site for sleeping. Otherwise, you need to sleep in a tent, yurt, cardboard box, or whatever. Sleeping in your car in the parking lot is strictly prohibited. Please park your vehicle where instructed to by the volunteers at the gate. Once it is parked on site, your vehicle must stay there until you leave the event — you cannot drive it out and re-enter. On-site parking passes will be issued and must be displayed at all times. If you did not pre-register, do not arrive at the event planning to park at your campsite or sleep in your vehicle. Art Cars Art cars are permitted on site but must be pre-registered and remain parked. If you have any questions about parking or art cars please email [email protected]. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 13 GRAND UNIFIED DOC: AMENITIES/PREPARATION Re-entry If you leave the event site — even to just get something from your car — and wish to re-enter, you must be wearing a wristband. • Near the former horse barn Feel free to use the pavilion for cooking, dining, and playing, but please practice Leave No Trace and clean up after yourself when you are done. Do not leave behind leftover food for the taking — the best way to get rid of leftovers is to “take them for a walk” and offer them to other people. If the pavilion is not kept clean, pavilion privileges may be lost. The yellow building adjacent to the Pavilion belongs to our landlords and is strictly off limits. See LEAVE NO TRACE, MOOP, THERE ARE NO PUBLIC TRASH CANS. • Between Field 5 and 6. Stage AMENITIES Water There is usually water available in 3 places. Exact location subject to change. Look for blue flags on site to mark the water: • Near the Pavilion and sink Please be mindful of mud as MOOP - don’t leave hoses running to create hazardous swamps. See also LEAVE NO TRACE, WATER AS A TRACE Ice Ice is available to purchase from the Vets. Bring cash, small bills are appreciated. Showers There are 2 sets of showers on site. They are a luxury. Be brief to conserve water, especially hot water, as supplies are limited. No electrical outlets are available at the showers. All personal items brought into the shower including toiletries, garments, and trash must be taken with you when you leave the shower. See LEAVE NO TRACE, MOOP, THERE ARE NO PUBLIC TRASH CANS. Generally, the cinder block hut with stalls near the Vet’s yellow building is single sex, single user. Co-ed and co-showers are more easily accommodated in the large open showers near field 4, next to the red barn. At the cinder block showers, people wishing to shower together, or shower on the opposite gender’s side should ask consent of all those they would be showering with. Our event is inclusive to all genders and sexual orientations, and that includes the showers, too. Don’t like it? Come back later. If someone is making you uncomfortable in the showers, or anywhere at the event, or is acting without your consent, speak up, let them know. If that doesn’t help, ask a ranger to FLAME the situation. Local Supplies The shopping center at the intersection of 301 and 299 includes a major hardware store, a big-box discount department store, a grocery store, a drugstore, a dollar store, and several restaurants. The shopping center at 896 and 301 just south of 95 includes a grocery store and other stores. Many new strip malls have been built in the Middletown area in the recent years. 14 Pavilion The stage is available every day until midnight. Slots are first come, first serve, but if you come first, please don’t hog all the slots. Sign up online in advance of the event. Those with stage time may want to consult an event guide to see if their time coincides with other events, like art burns. PDF org provides sound equipment. Any other equipment needed by performers is up to the performer to provide. When signing up, be sure to include your email information, as slots assigned to just a name may not be honored due to the coordinator being unable to communicate with them. WEATHER AND CONDITIONS Be Prepared for Weather Extremes Our event is held rain or shine. It has been held during Nor’Easters, severe thunderstorms, coastal flooding, plagues of insects, and record heat and cold. A shade or rain structure can be helpful and shared with neighbors. Be sure to properly stake or rebar any structures you erect. Tents have blown away and out of the event grounds, becoming MOOP. Shade structures have become windborne and hit people in the head. Insects Be prepared for a variety of biting, stinging, and annoying insects. If you know you have an allergy, bring the supplies you need to stay healthy. Mud Burn When conditions are muddy cars can become woefully stuck. Be sure to follow all directions of volunteers and obey any signs, barricades, or detours. Park at your own risk. When it gets swampy cars get stuck. Do not spin your tires if you get stuck; find people to push or tow you out safely. The parking lot and roads may have to be closed if conditions are severe and a carry in/carry out situation could happen. The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. GRAND UNIFIED DOC: PREPARATION PREPARATION Really Radical Self-Reliance Playa del Fuego is an exercise in radical self-reliance. Bring everything you are going to need, including food, water, shelter, basic medications, and hygiene products. Gifts are a wonderful expression of community, but you must take responsibility for your own survival and well-being. Do not show up expecting the community to take care of you. We have dedicated volunteers who are also EMTs on site, but they are an emergency resource only. Do not rely on them for basic OTC medications. What to Bring Necessities: •B edding and shelter of some type (a good camp tent is recommended, along with sleeping bags) • T hree gallons of water per person per day (for drinking, dishwashing, food prep, etc.). Keep a bottle of water with you at all times •E nough food and beverages for your entire party for the length of your stay •A ll required prescriptions, contact lens supplies, toiletries, etc. • First aid kit •S ingle-ply toilet paper (the port-a-potties only get serviced once a day) •G arbage bags (more than enough for all of your garbage—it’s good to bring extra for MOOP that accumulates during the event) Recommended: •S hade structures, umbrellas, parasols, sheets; things to break the cruel mid-day sun or keep you dry in the rain •R ebar to keep the above structures firmly rooted to mother earth • Ice chest(s) to store your perishable foods and beverages • A cooking stove • Cash for ice sales, the Vets prefer small bills • Earplugs, not everyone will sleep when you do • Eye shade eye pillow, see above • Insect bite and sunburn treatment/medication •W atertight protective bags, like heavy Ziplocs, for cameras, electronic gear, etc. •B linky lights, toys, magical fabulousness, handmade, and heartfelt and swell stuff to share; anything you think would make things more fun for you and your fellow PDFians. •P re-moistened towelettes, aka baby wipes, handy wipes • Spray bottle (for misting) • Rope, string, duct tape, zip ties • F uel for stoves, generators, mutant vehicles, etc. • Rain hat, rain gear • Sun hat •C an or bottle opener if bringing cans or bottles that need opening • Seating, because you can’t dance forever •P ortable ashtrays if you are a smoker (Decorated mint tins work great) •A bundant amounts of whatever makes your life better: beer, bacon, chocolate, coffee, lift, etc. • Flashlights (headlamps are very useful) • Extra batteries for everything • Sunscreen and sunglasses • Insect repellent • Sturdy closed-toe footwear •A cup for beverages, many camps have drinks to share, but you must bring your own cup • Ice for the entire duration of your stay or cash for ice sales •C ommon sense, an open mind, and a positive attitude • Anything else you can’t live without • Simple tool kit and a sewing kit •O pen mind, and good attitude and common sense The point of preparing and understanding how PDF works is to help you relax into the experience and enjoy the playground of ideas and community that make the whole thing worth the effort! The GUD is here to provide clarity and a framework for our grand experiment. Like the constitution, it is a living document. If something is unclear, missing, or you have other questions, feel free to let us know: [email protected]. BURN ON! end grand unified doc What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 15 ART ART ART Art is central to the mission and experience of Playa del Fuego. All participants are welcome to apply for an Art Grant. Watch the website for details and deadlines. “Thank You” to every artist who made work for this event. Balls 2.0 including Goodness Gracious Adequate Balls of Fire Artist: Gary Sparks/Balls Camp Art Grant Recipient Need a reason to venture deep into the exclusive Front Field country, where families frolic, potties are underutilized, and fogeys shout “get off my porch!”? Now you’ve found it! Take a trip south to gaze upon our Balls — an 8-foot cube of a dozen+ shiny hanging balls of all sizes to amuse and delight, available to touch, swing, or simply admire. When night falls, two Adequate Balls of Fire (Goodness Gracious!) lanterns will be lit for your viewing pleasure. Caution: Do not to fondle the flaming balls. Located near camp Balls & Camp Shady Horse Cockery. Location: Balls Camp Color Changing Building Blocks Artist: Darren Sontos Art Grant Recipient Find your favorite colors and bring them to Camp Justice League! At the touch of a button, these glowing blocks change color to match ANY object that is underneath them! Start collecting colorful things, places, and people, then see what patterns and shapes you can build! Location: Camp Justice League Communillage Artist: Everyone (Scott Frias, Facilitator) Art Grant Recipient Collective Artwork (paint/marker/pigments on canvas) divided into approximately 75 individual spaces, mostly geometrical in shape. Passing attendees are encouraged to select *one* of the spaces and, using the supplied paint, brushes, markers, and other materials, compose a picture, thought, idea, or statement into the collective milieu. Location: Camp ? (Question) Galileo’s Revenge Artist: Barrel of Fun / Jimmy Ha Art Grant Recipient Galileo’s Revenge consists of 4 giant rockets that are adorned with reactive, programmed lighting. We’re going to burn all of them on Sunday night. It’s time to fly into space and leave this planet behind. Location: Barrel of Fun Get It Off Your Chest! Artist: Mike Ruparena Is there something you would love to share with the world, but were never able to? Now is your chance. Using stickers and Sharpies, you can write anything you like, and post it on your body. Whether it’s something scary/ secret/ embarrassing/ burdensome/ uncommon/ strange, or you just need to let it be known, there’s no better place than the Playa, to get it off your chest! Location: Roaming Mutually Assured Destruction Artist: Danny Ricciotti Art Grant Recipient 16 Location: Back Gate PDF Artist: Check Art Grant Recipient Three large letters: P, D, and F, each on a platform, for your guided written self-expression: P is for Peace. Tell about a time when, where, with whom, that you felt at peace, and why. D is for Dream. Tell about what you’d do with the money if you won the $500,000,000 Powerball lottery. F is for ‘F**k!’” What makes you pissed off? Get angry and vent about it here and now and in writing. DO IT! Location: TBD Philly Phreak Show Artist: Kimberlee Traub Art Grant Recipient The Philly Phreak Show is making it’s opening debut at Playa Del Fuego. The Philly Phreak Show will be traveling to PEX Fest and onto Burning Man where it will represent Philly in the Regional Midway around the Man Base. Wander by our tent during the day to sign our guest book, create an oddity to add to our traveling museum of curiosities or to simply sit and reflect on the oddity we call life. Wander by at night for intimate impromptu Phreak Show performances. We look forward to bringing a piece of you with us, mu-ah-ah-ah-ah-ha. Location: Philly Phreaks It’s a fuckin’ see-saw that shoots flames. Playa del Fuego Marquee Sign Parking Pals Nothing says welcome home better than a bright cheery marquee sign letting you know you’ve arrived. Balls Camp is happy to provide art lighting your way into the back gate, with bright flashing P D F letters! Welcome Home! Location: TBD Artist: Saint Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9. leaning against a pole or a fence near one of the entrances. They enjoy posing in your photos and have pre-authorized candid photos in all situations. The ultimate volunteers, working 24x7 for the past several burns, the Parking Pals have asked to return this spring. With signs of welcome, encouragement, and direction, they will be there, strategically placed to brighten your day and inspire your life. You can recognize them by their long legs and stoic stillness, and you’ll probably find them The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Artist: Ursula Sadiq/Balls Camp Art Grant Recipient Location: Back Gate Santa’s Sleigh Artist: Saint Santa’s gotta gift, and when Santa is 8 feet tall, he needs a way to deliver the goods. This art piece combines form with function, with a handle that reaches beyond the limits of human understanding, extending to reach... the hand of Santa. This work will be on rolling display during a special event planned for Sunday. It may coincide with “Tall Santa Visits the Playa.” Location: Roaming Tetherhead Artist: Stilted Saint Art can be fun. And offensive, if you think about it too much. Don’t think about the fact that you’re punching a lady in the head, and enjoy a rousing game of Tetherhead, which is likely to be set up to the right of Participation Station. RULES: 1 - NO FLAMING TETHERHEAD. Location: TBD The Gift Horse Artist: Saint A horse is a horse, of course. Of course. But this horse is different, and should bring fun for all that take a ride or take a look. They say “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” but that won’t be an option. On the other hand, you will have the option to look this gift horse in the [censored]! Bring your sense of adventure and fun, and take the dare to get a gift horse from the gift horse. Of course. Location: Roaming The Moon Artist: Spongecake Kangaroo Art Grant Recipient Welcome to the MOON! The Moon is an interactive arts project, containing a model of a rocket ship, and surrounded by a wrap around mural of the moonscape. The mural will be housed within a fully enclosed 12 ft x 12 ft wooden structure, and illuminated with LED lighting. Everyone is encouraged to escape from our crappy planet at PDF this year, to help us in our efforts to colonize the FREAKIN MOON!!!!! (bring cheese.) Location: Camp Eat and Beat What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 17 ONGOING EVENTS ONGOING EVENTS Essential Oils 101 Come have your mind blown as you learn about the benefits of essential oils. I want to offer you a simple class to show you the foundations and basics that anyone can apply! Bring a sense of balance to your pursuit of mindfulness with these essential oils! Look for the Sun and Mushroom Tapestry. Location: Back Field Open Camping Bring: Mayonnaise (optional) Event Type: Educational Opti-Mystic Wondering what this burn has in store for you? Or maybe struggling with a decision in the default world? Come and visit the OptiMystic and ask her to give you a reading from the Fairies or seek the advice of the pendulum. Chances are you hear or see something that may shine some light on your path. If you are a non-believer, then just stop by for a shot of a mystical potion! Location: Scratch’s Costume Camp Bring: Your curiosity Event Type: Spiritual Candy From Strangers Once again, we’re filling our tables with piles of decadent, sugary, teeth-destroying yumness. Come to keep your pep levels up whenever burning too hard burns you out! Location: Radish Bring: Plate, insulin (as needed) Event Type: Food Hangover: Cause and Effect Will have libations and possible cures for too many libations. Location: Prancing Pony Bring: Cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Ball Pit Ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball. Ball ball ball ball ball ball you ball ball ball ball ball. Ball ball ball ball ball. (hope for clear skies; wet balls are less fun than they sound!) Location: Radish Event Type: Spiritual, Sport 18 ONGOING EVENTS Wheel...of...HUGS! Hugs a la carte will be roaming once again, but with a twist—spin the wheel! So many choices, and where it lands, that’s what kind of hug you’ll get! (Or, if you don’t want that, we’ll do any other ones you want. Honestly, with hugs, how can we say no?) Location: Roaming Bring: Hugs! Condoms & Condiments You know it, you love it, you can’t do without it, you wonder how those mayo packets can be any good. I mean, yeah, they’re pasteurized, and you’d learned all about that stuff back in 9th grade, but...mayo? Really?...You know what, you’ll just opt for the lube and 6 condoms instead. And some ketchup. And maybe some hot sauce. And duck sauce, definitely some duck sauce. Location: Camp Fucking Awesome Bring: Fingers Event Type: Food Spontaneous Sing-a-long You know those long playa nights that invoke some of the most memorable moments of spontaneous sing-a-long. Join US!! Location: Prancing Pony Bring: Drunken ability to sing Event Type: Music Complaint Wall Complaints are to be filed formally on Complaint Wall of Playa. Complaints will be considered before the wall is burned Sunday night. Party Members who file complaints will receive stamps. Stamps are very official. Stamps show loyalty. Location: Camp Apocalypse Bring: Complaints Event Type: Art Turtle Rotations Do you see a Turtle? Rotate it! Location: Roaming Teapee and Gammalammadingdong Description: Hot herbal tea and DIY music Location: Teapee and GamaLamaDingDong Bring: Cup Event Type: Music The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Make Art, Take Art Philly Phreak Show Teach Mr. Teddykins about Consent Flair Swap Pigment of the Imagination is the PDF community paint studio, providing paint and wood to all participants so you can make art at any time throughout the burn. New this burn: Wood instead of canvas! Everything you make at Pigment will now be burnable! Leave your art to dry on the table and see if someone picks up your art, take some art that has been left to dry that speaks to you, or take your art with you to keep it/burn it as you see fit—it’s that easy! Pigment also is an official stop for the Playa Postal Service, complete with a letter writing station. Location: Pigment of the Imagination Event Type: Art, Crafts Mr. Teddykins is a very bad teddy bear! Sometimes he touches people the wrong way or without consent! Help little Pumpkin teach Mr. Teddykins about consent or give him the spankings he deserves! Bad teddy bear, BAD! Location: Roaming Event Type: Educational Event Age: Adults only Field Day Over the course of the festival, stop by and be tested, judged, and have your score written up the big board, if you measure up. Three-legged races, potato sack bonanza (anyone have extra potato sacks?), the famed “Get The Little Brats Out The Door” obstacle course, and MORE. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Crazy legs Event Type: Sport Psychic Guidance Counseling You are a royal screw up. You clearly need both guidance and counseling. Preferably, of the psychic variety. Come to Classholes and have your life put on the right track by certified spiritual medium, Madame Diana Troy and her manssistant, Jean Luc. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Your terrible life choices Event Type: Educational, Spiritual The Philly Phreak Show is making its opening debut at Playa Del Fuego. The Philly Phreak Show will be traveling to PEX Fest and onto Burning Man where it will represent Philly in the Regional Midway around the Man Base. Wander by our tent during the day to sign our guest book, create an oddity to add to our traveling museum of curiosities, or to simply sit and reflect on the oddity we call life. Wander by at night for intimate impromptu Phreak Show performances. We look forward to bringing a piece of you with us, mu-ah-ah-ah-ah-ha. Location: Philly Phreaks Bring: Oddities and Curiosities Event Type: Art, Crafts, Educational, Spiritual Camp Fucking Awesome’s bringing back their cork board full of flair! And if you see a piece of flair that strikes you, exchange it for what you have! (That’s how it works, baby. Wouldn’t be any left otherwise.) Give one to get one: pins, buttons, rings, necklaces, earrings, antique hatpins that your great-grandmother got from her mom when she was three, but will never notice that they’re gone. Location: Camp Fucking Awesome Bring: Flair for exchanging Event Type: Art Ow! My Back! Sorry brah, I can’t help you set that up. Location: Roaming Pyramid People Pet Shop Looking for a little love this burn? Come to the Pyramid People Pet Shop! Free pets! No poop! Because we care. New pets daily, be sure to stop on by! Location: Pyramid People Bring: Your love of things small, fuzzy, and fury PDF Bingo Come to TIKI to pick up your PDF Bingo card. Cross things off as you enjoy your burn and, if you get a bingo, come back to TIKI on Sunday afternoon to claim your prize! Be prepared to describe how you got your Bingo and share your burn adventures with us around the bar! Location: TIKI What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 19 ONGOING EVENTS/THURSDAY EVENTS Shot and Spanks The Booty Campers from Crackerjack’s Booty Camp will be randomly roaming around the playa accosting unsuspecting burners with out chant, “Shot and Spanks! Shot and Spanks!” When you hear us coming, your part is super easy. Just tilt back your head and open your mouth so we can pour your shot down your throat. Then bend over for your spankings. That’s Hot! Location: Roaming Bring: Your booty Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Playabrary (playa + library) A self-serve library with no return dates, no late fees, and no Dewey Decimal System. Everyone is welcome to take home (and keep, return, or regift) whatever book tickles their fancy. Donations of lovingly used books are welcome; please nothing moldy or water-damaged. Location: Pavilion Bring: Any books you would like to gift Tarot Card Readings The Lady of the Cards will delve into your soul with her illuminating tarot deck, the ultimate tool for personal transformation. Bring to her your most intimate questions, your hidden desires, and your words of wondering. No futures will be predicted: your fate is your own. Location: Radish Bring: Questions, open minds Event Type: Educational, Spiritual Booty Call Delivery! As part of our ongoing mission, Camp Fucking Awesome wants you to get laid! 1. If you want us to deliver a note to your crush, stop by, fill out a card, tell us who it’s for and where she/he/they are (so we can make your delivery a success, ‘natch), and we’ll get it there! 2. If you’re a recipient of said booty call delivery from one of our highly trained staff, make sure you answer the call! Make that date! **To ensure faster delivery, tip heavily** Location: Camp Fucking Awesome Bring: The ability to write, or at least dictate. Event Age: Adults only 20 THURSDAY EVENTS FRIDAY EVENTS FRIDAY EVENTS Thu 5:00 pm to Fri 2:00 am Fri 12:00 am to 3:00 am The event describes itself Location: Prancing Pony Bring: Cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Hey, as long as you’re at Camp Sexy for the “It’s only Thursday” event, why don’t you stay for the “Hurray, it’s Friday!” event as well! Each year, the kegs gets killed earlier. Help us keep that trend going! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Favorite beer drinking cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Drunk is when you feel sophisticated, but can’t pronounce it.. Thu 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Return of the Super Hero Buffet! It’s Thursday night. You’ve just set up camp. You’re hungry, but don’t feel like cooking or dealing with dishes. Well, your friendly neighborhood superheroes have you covered! Swing by CJL sometime after dusk and enjoy a sandwich at our “Welcome Home” super hero buffet. We’ll provide the bread, cheese, meat, and basic fixings, but feel free to bring your favorite toppings to share. Super heroes have super appetites, after all. Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Plate, toppings to share, hugs Event Type: Food Thu 8:00 pm to Fri 12:00 pm Stop Pitching Your Tent and Go Drink You have all weekend to set up your camp. There’s plenty of time to do that later. The most important thing you should be doing is drinking and dancing because, logic. Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Cups! Event Type: Drink, Music Thu 9:00 pm to Fri 12:00 am It’s only Thursday! Once you get your camp set up, come on over to Camp Sexy! If your camp is half set up and you want a break, come on over to Camp Sexy! If you just arrived and don’t feel like setting up your camp, come on over to Camp Sexy! When the Big-Top Nipple is lit, you must beer! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Drinking cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Hurray, it’s Friday! Fri 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Open Group SEX Orgy Join Camp Upper Dutch Blumpkin for the Noon Moop Sweep of the Pavilion. We clean up there, then wander out and clean up more, yelling at random people to help us Location: Pavilion Event Type: Spiritual Fri 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Stump Don’t kiss your lover with a dirty mouth! Good dental hygiene equals good moral hygiene! Brush your teeth and dance to happy hardcore! Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Toothbrush, cup, toothpaste Event Type: Drink, Educational, Food, Music, Spiritual, Sport Stump is back again this Spring! Come try your hand (and your courage) at this dangerous contest of hammerin’ nails. If you miss this scheduled event because, you know, Playa reasons, have no fear! Just stop by CLASSHOLES and ask a camp mate if they want to start a game, they probably do! (Daytime only. Closed toe shoes suggested.) Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Hand-eye coordination, hammer (optional) Event Type: Spiritual, Sport Event Age: Adults only Fri 11:00 am to 11:30 am Fri 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Fri 3:00 am to 3:30 am Toothbrush Party! How to ride a Unicorn: The essentials to get you started For this event to succeed, it must be known that only a maiden who is pure, meaning a young girl who is a virgin, can call a unicorn, and unicorns only appear to virgins. So, if you are a young, virgin girl, this event is for you! Young men wearing a unicorn head are welcome. Location: Pavilion Event Type: Educational Fri 12:00 pm to Sat 5:00 pm Join The Party Party Show your loyalty to the Poxie Party and become a Party Member. Party Members are the best members of society. Be a part of the Party; or be forced to live a civilian life. No one wants to be a civilian. Party Members will receive official Party Identification Cards. Cards will stamped. Stamps are very official. Stamps shows loyalty. Location: Camp Apocalypse Bring: Your Undying Patriotism. (Bribes help) Cube College Daisy (Kristin Looney) was a champion speed cubist in her teens and has developed her own “corners first” method of solving the Rubik’s Cube that is much easier and faster than the standard “layers” method. Come let Daisy and her assistants teach you the handful of moves that will have you solving the cube in no time! If you can’t make it at this time slot, look for Daisy, Elf, or Wil at the Pyramid People camp throughout the weekend. Location: Pyramid People Bring: A Rubik’s cube (if you have one) Event Type: Educational Fri 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Arts & Crafts Club Necklace Edition At this meeting of the Arts & Crafts Club, we will be repurposing old fabric and household items into festive necklaces. Turn rags into riches! Create the perfect matching accessory to your fabulous playa ensemble! Bring an old t-shirt or scrap fabric if you’d like. Refreshments may be served. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Old t-shirt or fabric scraps (optional) Event Type: Crafts What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 21 FRIDAY EVENTS Fri 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Fri 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Fri 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Fri 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Have you ever heard of the Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum? It’s a plant native to West Africa, and it contains the glycoprotein, Miraculin, which modifies taste perception when consumed. Come join us at Camp Tasty for a flavor tripping party where we’ll have Miracle Fruit tablets on hand (it will alter your taste perception for about an hour) and lots of fun foods to try while your taste is alerted. SPOILER ALERT: for most folks, sour foods will taste sweet— SUPER SWEET!! And beer will taste like chocolate! Location: Camp Tasty Bring: Your mouth Event Type: Food Which is better, carrots or broccoli? Who is smarter, Einstein or Newton? How do you say it, potato or potato? All of this and more may be up for debate. Bring your camp’s top four debaters, and win fabulous prizes. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: An unflinching sense of correctness Event Type: Sport Are you a homebrewer, or make fermented or pickled foods? Do you like to drink homebrews, make cheeses, pickles, and other fermentable foods? Then this is the Happy Hour for you! Campzilla invites all burner brewers, and cheese, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and pickle makers to bring samples of your best fermented food/ brew edible art to share. We also invite all burner foodies, craft beer/wine lovers, and other curious playa folk to stop by for a taste of something yummy. Location: Campzilla! Bring: Homebrews and fermented/pickled foods, cup Event Type: Drink, Food Ready to get your geek on? We’re bringing the whole game cabinet this year! Come by and crack a cider, play some MTG or any of the other assorted games we have: Cards Against Humanity, Fluxx, Werewolves, and a few we’re SURE YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF! #hipstergeek, Winners are those who laugh the most, leave the hypercompetition at the door. For MTG, we’lhave a box of boosters and will be doing a localized Pack War format. Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Dice, humor, cup Flavor Trip at Camp Tasty Fri 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm State of the BURNIVERSE! Are you interested in learning more about “That Thing in the Desert,” also known as the Gerlach Regional, most commonly known as Burning Man? Do you want to know what’s going on with the Burning Man Project, Black Rock Arts, other regional events, and the amazing projects that our communities are starting all over the world? Want to be more involved outside of the PDF event? On April 9th - April 12th, members of our community represented cities, regions, and events worldwide at the Burning Man Global Leadership Conference in San Francisco. We learned a ton, and we want to share it with you! Join us at the Pavilion to find out what it’s all about! Location: Pavilion Bring: Yourself, curiosity, and excitement! Event Type: Educational Fri 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Burner Comedy Hour Come for the laugh, or come to perform. Open to any one and everyone. You can participate in some improv, fire off some witty wine liners, or maybe even perform your own short stand up bit. Location: Stage Event Type: Art 22 FRIDAY EVENTS Debate Team Showdown Fri 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm Bill Murray Happy Hour We are Bill Futzin’ Murray and want to serve you drinks. Location: Fistful of Grapes Bring: Your sweet self Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Fri 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Balls camp happy hour! Balls camp is returning! Bring your balls, wear your ball gowns, join us for a drink! WARNING balls may or may not be returned! And if you are still around at dusk we will have a ceremonial lighting of our adequate balls of fire (goodness gracious) located on our ball sculpture! Location: Balls camp Bring: A cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Fri 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Fry Day Oh yeah, it’s Fry Day, Fry Day! Gotta get down on Fry Day! Look out for french fries, fried pickles, and all sorts of other sweet and savory treats. Bring your appetite and a plate cause the food will be fresh from the fryer and HOT HOT HOT! Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Plate & Cup Event Type: Drink, Food, Music Fri 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Mahjong Hour Join us for an effective hour of Mahjong. Perfect time for making of friends. Party Members will receive stamps. Stamps are very official. Stamps show loyalty. Location: Camp Apocalypse Bring: BYOB The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. The Fermen-Tables Happy Hour Fri 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm TIKI “Welcome Home” Luau Come get freaky with Camp TIKI! We’ll be mixing delicious island cocktails and dropping some sick tropical beats. So if you’re feeling freaky, dust off your coconut bra, put on a lei, and come roll the dice at the hottest bar on the playa! Required: Sense of fun/adventure but feel free to leave your dignity at the door. Recommended: Island dress including tacky Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, coconut bras, sarongs, bikinis/ boardshorts, tribal wear. COME GET LEID! Location: TIKI Bring: Cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Fri 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Press Your Chest, Paint Your Taint, and Push Your Tush! After the success of last burn’s Press Your Chest event, where boobies of all sizes were painted, pressed, and printed, we have opened up the event to ALL body parts! Bring a friend! Stop by to paint or get painted and we’ll make a body print heirloom to treasure forever. Location: Pigment of the Imagination Bring: Yo sexy-ass self Event Type: Art, Crafts Gaming Pub... OF JUSTICE Fri 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Ranger Training Like helping people and khaki? Come to Ranger Training! Rangers are mad sexy and you can be one of them. Training is open to ALL participants who have been to at least one full PDF. If you enjoy helping people, keeping everyone safe, and being a guiding hand for new participants, you just might be an awesome Ranger. Rangers function mostly as non-confrontational community mediators who are aware of potential situations, and encourage communication to alleviate or prevent them. We are NOT your mom, we are NOT the police, but we ARE awesome sauce! Remember, Ranger Training is for ALL Rangers; it’s important for old and current Rangers to attend as well! Location: Ranger HQ (behind Part Station) Event Type: Educational Event Age: Adults only Fri 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm How to care for your inner DJ with Quentini Sound restrictions have really cut into the DJing at PDF. For those of us who are all about the thumping beats, this is hard. Join me as we workshop ideas of how to bring the sound back and make PDF more like Opulent Temple. Location: Camp 215 A guy walks into a bar and says “ouch!” What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 23 FRIDAY EVENTS FRIDAY EVENTS Fri 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm Fri 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Fri 9:00 pm to Sat 2:00 am Fri 10:00 pm to Sat 12:00 am CFA has had both bacon and chocolate contests, but now, the final showdown: BACON vs. CHOCOLATE! No categories. Make anything with bacon or chocolate, solid or liquid, then enter it to win! All entries must be eaten to be voted on. The top three winners get random swag! (I will NOT be entering anything this time, so it’s entirely up to the rest of you to make sure that we have, like, a zillion entries to eat/vote on.) Entries @ 7:45, voting @ 8:15. You enter, everyone eats and votes, we announce the winners, and you reap the glory. ***Anyone can vote/eat/sample the entries.*** Bribing the judge is not only encouraged, but practically mandatory. Location: Camp Fucking Awesome Bring: Bacon, chocolate, plate, fork, spoon, cup Event Type: Drink, Food, Sport Enjoy flaming beverages basking in the glow of our fiery Ruben’s Tube. We’ll have a selection of mildly layered drinks that will be incinerated for your caramelized sugar pleasure as the fires along the bar dance to music! Location: Radish Bring: Shot glass (optional) Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 You’ve occupied your frenemies’ camp. You’ve been bacon-boarded. You’ve launched a covert mission to steal that other camp’s flag. You’ve stormed a castle. Now it’s time to call out your grudges and work your shit out at Camp Beat Your Friends. We’ve assembled our new Boptagon and prepped our armory for your use. Spin our wheel of destiny to choose your fate. Two Burners Enter; One Burner Leaves! Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Max, Goose, and the Feral Kids Event Type: Music, Sport Camp SEXY Burlague is back! Part burlesque, part drag, and all tongue-in-cheek fun, Burlague takes the best (and worst) of our talents and turns them into one sexy variety show. YOU make it happen! Bring us your funny, fun, weird, wacky, sexy, and sultry talents. Sing a song, do a striptease, dance, lip sync—participate! Burlague 4: La Nuit du SEXY celebrates all things French! Thrill us with a Bardot number, or Gainsbourg. You don’t HAVE to follow the theme. All acts are welcomed. But if you’re looking for inspiration, voila! Contact [email protected] to sign up pre-event, or visit Camp SEXY by 6pm Friday (space limited). C’est magnifique, le Burlague! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Your magnificent self and a chair Event Type: Sport Event Age: Adults only Contest: Bacon vs. Chocolate! Fri 8:00 pm to Sat 1:00 am RadishTV Every nightfall until our generator gets tired or retired, RadishTV will fill you with entertainment and nostalgia (along with notifications on last-minute back field events that missed the WWW!). Season Two’s blockbuster schedule includes marathoning of The Muppet Show along with showings of The Princess Bride and Monty Python. Location: Radish Event Type: Art Fri 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Ecstatic Dance - A Conscious Movement Journey Come dance, awaken your chakras, and leave exhilarated and renewed! Ecstatic Dance is a great way to explore your inner and outer worlds in a judgment-free space. The music will take us on a journey from flowing, through energetic and chaotic music, and back to stillness again. Please, no talking on the dance floor. See you there! Contact Improvisation is welcome. Location: Camp Contact Bring: Your Bare Dancing Feet Flaming Bar Service Fri 9:00 pm to Sat 12:00 am Homecoming 2015 You may remember that magical night you had in the fall, sweeping a special someone off their feet at the Playa Prom - no? Well don’t worry because Decadance is back back to host this year’s HOMECOMING! Come dressed in your fanciest playa formal wear for the chance to be crowned homecoming king, queen, or both! Be sure to get your picture taken to commemorate the evening and show your best moves on the dance floor. No need to sneak your booze in, we’ll leave the chaperones at home. Location: Decadance Event Type: Music Fri 9:00 pm to Sat 12:00 am Legion of BOOM Rumors abound about a villainous group known only by their war songs... threats and ominous notes, mostly scribbled on cocktail napkins, have been levied against our valiant heroes! They speak of drunken revelers cavorting and dancing in rituals to summon elder gods, Caribou Lou, and sparkle ponies inside the very walls of our headquarters! Will the prophecies come true? Beware these villains bringing the darker side of dance music to the playa! Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Thirst, dance moves, ritual ingredients Event Type: Music Event Age: Over 21 Beat Your Friends Fri 9:00 pm to 9:30 pm Fuck it Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck it. Fuck your 10 Principles. Fuck PDF. Fuck Burning Man. Fuck your board of mother fucking directors. Fuck transparency. Fuck that guy. Fuck this fucking tent. Fuck that piece of shit. Fuck what’s her name. Fuck her. Fuck your stupid fucking Pavilion. Fuck your see thru urine. Fuck this chair. Fucking chair. Fuck my fucking parking pass. What the fuck you looking at? Fuck off Ranger. Location: Right fucking here Bring: I don’t care what you fucking bring Event Type: Spiritual Fri 9:00 pm to 9:30 pm Pointless Story Time After such a fabulous contest of bacon and chocolate, who wants to go scurrying off? Stay, sit around the fire, and let’s tell some awful stories together. I don’t mean terrible stuff that’s happened, I mean consciously telling boring stories. You know, pointless, drifting, lame, random, plotless stories. Doing it deliberately is not as easy as it sounds, and it’s actually pretty funny. Painful to listen to, but funny. I’m assuming. Location: Camp Fucking Awesome Bring: Your boring, boring stories. And your beer How do you make holy water? You take regular water and boil the hell out it. Artist: Ranger Painter 24 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Burlague 4: La Nuit du SEXY Fri 11:00 pm to Sat 12:00 am Darsombra’s Pit Stop at PDF To Melt Minds! Darsombra is an audio-visual psychedelic rock-and-roll band, in the midst of a 100+ date tour of the United States and Canada. With only 3 PDFs under their belt, beginner burners Ann and Brian want to give back to the burner community with the tools of their trade: guitars, synth, gong, voice, and video. Be prepared to get comfortable and go on a journey inside; we love us a relaxed, supine audience! Location: Stage Bring: Blankets, pillows, chairs, yoga mats Event Type: Music Your art could be featured in the WWW next. Drop us a line! What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 25 SATURDAY EVENTS SATURDAY EVENTS SATURDAY EVENTS Sat 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sat 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Sat 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Meat is spiced and hot-cooked with grill. Meat is on a stick. Only meat will be served. Must order in Chinese. Translation signs will be seen for learning. Party Members present card for service for you. Location: Camp Apocalypse Bring: Party Members bring identification card Event Type: Food Release your inner superhero and dress for the job you want! Come by the Big Red Tent, avail yourself of our crafting supplies (foam, felt, paints, glue, scissors, rhinestones, etc.), and decorate your getup! We’ll also provide some colorful briefs, tank tops, capes, and masks, but feel free to bring your own canvas! All ages welcome. Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Creativity and a blank garment (optional) Event Type: Art, Crafts Join Camp Upper Dutch Blumpkin for the Noon Moop Sweep of the Pavilion. We clean up there, then wander out and clean up more, yelling at random people to help us. Location: Pavilion Event Type: Spiritual Sat 12:00 am to 1:30 am Sat 10:30 am to 11:30 am Dear Parents, I am eagerly looking forward to meeting with you this week. I have so much to share with all of you, but I also want to make sure that I address any concerns or questions that you might have at this point in the year. Please join us for the upcoming parent-teacher conferences where we will discuss your child’s progress, as well as what I can do to help him/her have a more meaningful year. Sincerely, Teacher Location: CLASSHOLES Event Type: Educational We sit by the fire late at night... we drum, we converse, and we visit with folks that stop by. In the past hoopers both, LED and Fire hoopers, have stopped by... We are just going on record that we enjoy that, encourage that, admire that... so if you are looking for a place to hoop, and an appreciative audience... we will be sitting by the fire... Location: Pyramid People Pancakes are yummy as hell. Question marks have traditionally been, well, not so yummy. ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE. We, the inventors of the question mark, have found a delectable way to share our inquisitive nature. What is this method you ask? QUESTION MARK-SHAPED PANCAKES WITH YUMMY THINGS INSIDE THEM, THAT’S WHAT!!! Anyone have any more questions? What yummy things you ask? How about chocolate chips? Blueberries? Pineapple? Peaches? BACON?? Have we raised your interest? Piqued your curiosity? Bring your question, your plate and your appetite Location: Camp ? (Question) Bring: A plate, a fork, a knife, a question. Love Event Type: Food Sat 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Sat 10:30 am to 11:30 am Sat 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Join us in the pavilion for cold, sweet, fruity/ yogurt goodness! We’ll have the usual mango, apples, etc., but feel free to bring your own fruit. Our blender will accommodate. No booze, this is a kid-friendly event. Location: Pavilion Bring: A cup/mug and any fruit you want blended Event Type: Food Most authentic faux margarita on playa. Location: Prancing Pony Bring: Cup, Sombrero, and thirst for tequila Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 G.I. Joe, Barbie, Bratz, plastic soldiers, Star Wars, ninja warriors, Lego people—let’s play! We love playing with those things, so why not bring them all together? We’ll assemble them at the pavilion, then figure out the rest from there! Maybe a ride in a Dream Car, maybe playing dress up, maybe invading Cobra Commander’s hideout—who knows, until we play? Bring your favorite dolls and/or action figures (ones you don’t mind getting dirty), plus anything else that you think would be fun to add. Open to all adults and kids. ***Please be respectful of other people’s awesome toys.*** Location: Pavilion Bring: Dolls, action figures, clothes, makeup! Event Type: Crafts Sat 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Sat 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Sat 12:00 am to 1:00 am Midnight Chinese BBQ Title: Hoopin by the fire... Sat 3:00 am to 3:30 am Toothbrush Party! Don’t kiss your lover with a dirty mouth! Good dental hygiene equals good moral hygiene! Brush your teeth and dance to happy hardcore! Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Toothbrush, cup, toothpaste Event Type: Drink, Educational, Food, Music, Spiritual, Sport Sat 9:00 am to 11:00 am Mikey Nowhere’s Metal Morning And Shirtless Bacon Cook-off Gather round all you Metalheads and Rockers, it is time for a brutal wake-up call. And what is more brutal than wailing guitars and blast beats? You guessed it, cooking bacon...topless. Take a break from all the untz and pleasantries and lets Rock Out!!! Location: Barrel of Fun Event Age: Adults only Make Your Own Supersuit A Question of Pancakes Smoothie Time! Sat 10:30 am to 11:30 am Walk By Beauty Pageant Show us your best pageant walk! Freshen up that smile! The walk-by beauty pageant returns with just as little commitment as before. Strut by Camp 215 and we’ll clap for you. We’ll be judging all weekend! Location: Camp 215 Bring: Dimples 26 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Parent-Teacher Conferences Classy Hour Pandora’s Flowers proudly presents one hour of live classical violin on Friday and Saturday morning from 11 am to 12 pm. For those of you who hate classical music, you have our true symphony. But join us for a chat with some classy background music, we’re bringing Mozart and Bach. Location: Pandora’s flowers Bring: Ears! Event Type: Music Sat 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Fruity Brunch Serving an assortment of fruit to start your day off right. Location: TIKI Event Type: Food Free Flowin’ Faux-garitas Sexy Spelling Bee Like spelling? Enjoy being scantily clad? Camp Sexy’s Sexy Spelling Bee is back, double entendres will abound. Show off your spelling skills and anticipate a few surprises! It’ll be good, D-I-R-T-Y, fun! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Just yourself and your brain Event Age: Adults only Open Group SEX Orgy Sat 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Tag (with your butt) Remember playing tag as a kid? Remember how fun it was? Well, it gets even better when you’re only allowed to tag with your butt. We’ll start the game at Classholes, but spread it to a playa full of unwilling participants. That’s right, consent is only an issue if you’re touching other people’s butts, not if you’re touching other people with your own butt! Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Your butt Event Type: Educational, Spiritual Sat 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Playing With Dolls Playa Shakespeare Society “O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend/ The brightest heaven of invention,/ A kingdom for a stage, princes to act/ And monarchs to behold the welling scene!” Allow our players to entertain you. Performance to be hosted by Camp Clusterphuck in Back Field Open Camping. Location: Back Field Open Camping Bring: A heart that yearns Event Type: Art What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 27 SATURDAY EVENTS Sat 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Sat 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm Sat 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Have you ever wished you could be part of something bigger? Volunteer to be a test subject today! We at Camp Sh!tshow, in our dedication to the cause of science, have devised an elaborate experiment to determine a bunch of complicated science-y stuff and things. We can’t go into particulars such as how it works (for fear of contaminating the sample), but it will involve two opposing pairs of humans tossing ping pong balls across a table into plastic cups, and the subjects (who could be you!) removing an article of clothing each time an opponent makes a shot... For Science! Location: Camp Sh!tshow...For Science! Bring: Easily removable clothing. A cup Event Type: Educational Event Age: Adults only Do you yearn to be naked but are uncomfortable being nude around strangers? Are you interested in experiencing complete and total freedom from the default world? Are you curious about how nudity can facilitate cathartic and healing experiences? The human body is elegant and beautiful in its bare form and in this workshop we will work through a process of embracing nudity and finding comfort with your naked body in public. Come alone or bring your friends and let’s begin the wonderful adventure together! This is the way we were meant to be! Location: Stardust Bring: Your beautiful self Event Type: Educational, Spiritual Event Age: Adults only With the simple, elegant art of Releasing, you can learn to let go of ANY negative thought or emotion that is holding you back from experiencing the freedom that you are. Whatever issues you may be having, selfesteem, relationships, finances, or health, Releasing can help you to remove any blocks and naturally move toward your goals. Location: Saturnalia Bring: Whatever you would like to let go of Event Type: Educational Strip Pong... for Science. Embracing Nudity Sat 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sat 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Which country drinks the most beer? Which international head of state has the most wives? How many countries are there in Asia? Is any of this knowledge useful? For one day only, at the PDF Geography Bee. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: An atlas; some shrugs Event Type: Educational Acro Yoga: Get high and learn to lift people up! This partner-based practice will elevate your mood and your superhero status. Location: Camp Contact Bring: Just yourself Event Type: Sport Geography Bee Sat 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Bacon grilled cheese sandwiches.... The Goddess Retreat will be serving up decadent bacon grilled cheese sandwiches. Join us with smile and hugs! Location: Goddess Retreat Bring: A plate and smiles Event Type: Food Sat 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm Balls camp potluck lunch 2.0 Lunch is gonna be a ball! We’ll be sharing our balls with you and invite you to share yours! Meatballs, melon balls, cheese balls, whatever round or ball-shaped foods we can find! And don’t forget the ball gowns! If your gonna spend that much on a dress why not make any excuse to wear it again! Location: Balls camp Bring: Plate, cup, utensils, ballshaped food Event Type: Food 28 SATURDAY EVENTS Acro Yoga Lift Off! Sat 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Origami Time! I’ll bring a variety of square origami paper. You bring a desire to create a little piece of paper art. Never even folded a paper airplane? It’s cool, stop by and learn something new. Know a few basics? I’ll try to teach you something a little more interesting. Are you a goddamn origami master? Grab a sheet of paper and school my sorry ass. It’s just you and the square. Keep your creation forever as a memento, give it away, crush it into a tiny ball and eat it, SET IT ON FIRE! Do whatever you want with it (except turn it into MOOP). No one will stifle your art. Location: Camp Justice League Event Type: Art, Crafts, Educational The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Releasing with Lee Reese Sat 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Feets and Beats Walk your playa-weary feet down to camp Saturnalia for a decadent massage experience hosted by our resident foot expert. After foot washing and sugar scrubbin’, learn some new massage techniques to share with a buddy. Informative/quirky discussions about the foot as an erogenous zone, pedal embarrassment, and toe fungus are sure to delight! To set the mood, resident DJ Doc Holiday will be laying down exquisitely chill beats for your relaxation and enjoyment. Location: Saturnalia Bring: A towel Event Type: Music Event Age: Adults only Sat 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm THE MOON IS MADE OF CHEESE!!!! Come and join us on an expedition to the moon! We will be watching a double bill of Wallace and Gromit’s “The Wrong Trousers” and “A Grand Day Out,” and joining them as they travel to the moon in search of cheese. We will be serving cheese and crackers with refreshing non-alcoholic drinks throughout the event. Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Cheese and a pioneering spirit Sat 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm Meatless Meet Up - Veggie/ Vegan Potluck Calling all herbivores and hungry omnivores! :-D Camp Justice League is doing its usual thang where we bring the whole kitchen and make a buffet of veggie and vegan specialties! Quesadillas, grilled sweet potatoes, and meatless chili are a few of the regular dishes, but we also rely on YOU to bring what you love to share! :-D Come by and meet all the other foodie veggies! Also, we have cider. Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Something to share, plate, utensils Event Type: Drink, Food Sat 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Feminism and Tails A one-time punk rocker we met was overwhelmed his first burn trying to understand how we as a community balance being sex-positive with progressive gender politics. We don’t have all the answers, but we are opening a forum to discuss consent, identity, sexuality, courtship, and the various roleplaying games women and men (and whatever!) perform (or subvert!) within our culture. To take the pressure off, we will also be teaching you how to make tails out of yarn. So come on over and let’s get some tail! Participants should bring: Yarn (some will be available), an open mind, and respect. We welcome viewpoints from all genders and sexualities! Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Yarn, an open mind, and respect Event Type: Crafts, Educational How are burners like airplanes? Sat 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Moop Sprinkling Fuck the rules. Let’s make extra garbage and leave lots of traces everywhere Location: Everyfuckingwhere Bring: glitter, feather boas, mylar confetti, cigarette butts, condom wrappers, and anything else that is hard to pick up. They do amazing things, but you have to get used to their loud whining. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 29 SATURDAY EVENTS SATURDAY EVENTS Sat 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Wine Hooping Sat 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm A Very TIKI Wedding Spectacle JM & Kristy get hitched! RIGHT AFTER THE SLIP N SLIDE! Please break out your finest tacky beachwear (Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, coconut bras, sarongs, bikinis/ boardshorts, tribal wear) and join us to witness a TIKI couple profess their love to each other. JM & Kristy were officially married 12/30/14, but have yet to have a proper ceremony or debaucherous party. It’s only appropriate we help them celebrate like only we can! Beach party immediately following ceremony. There will bubbly and cupcakes. How could you possibly resist? Location: TIKI Bring: Congratulatory hugs and smiles Sat 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Vietnamese Iced Coffee Experience the iced-cold caffeine delights of Caphe Suada, a century-old coffee beverage served in the traditional style of Southeast Asia. Suada, also known as “Vietnamese Iced Coffee,” is renowned for its strength and sweetness. So whether you’re already a big Suada fan, or just a parched and drowsy burner with a sweet tooth, obey that craving and get yourself over to Stardust! (This offering is inspired by VICC, the Vietnamese Iced Coffee Camp, who have been serving up Suada to the denizens of Burning Man for over a decade.) Location: Stardust Bring: Thirst, sweet tooth Event Type: Drink Sat 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Rolling Paper Seminar Like origami, but without the folding, just the rolling. Paper is provided by the instructor. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Anything you’d like to roll in paper Event Type: Art, Crafts, Educational Event Age: Adults only A simple game: Pass a bottle of wine from person to person while we spin in our hoops. No stopping for handovers! Beginners are welcome and will be given some basic tips on how to keep it up while getting their drink on. Location: Grassy field in front of stage Bring: Your best hoop Event Type: Drink, Sport Event Age: Over 21 Sat 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Pedro’s Burn Night Brew Pedro will be serving his infamous iced tea on Saturday afternoon. Wander on over to Quantum Steep (against the fence on the way back into open camping) and let us fill your cup. Burn Brew is a tea blend containing guayusa, yerba mate, and black tea, which have an incredibly energizing and invigorating effect. This tea will quench your thirst and light your fire!!! Location: Quantum Steep Bring: A cup Event Type: Drink, Educational Event Age: Adults only Sat 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Munchies! Oh no! It’s just past 4:20 and now you’ve got the munchies! What ever will you do??? Don’t worry, altered burner, Camp Tasty has got you covered! Sweet, salty, crunchy, and chewy! We will have all the munchie snacks for your munchie needs! Please feel free to stop by and enjoy our munchies or bring some to share. Location: Camp Tasty Bring: Nom nom nom nom Event Type: Food Where in the world are Rangers Beauty & RatBastard??? Answer: Please find us as we’ve recently moved from San Diego, CA to New Park, PA. We’re looking forward to meeting our new PDF friends & family! Mention the secret word: “Fish Tacos” & receive a BIG HUG & swag while supplies last. Trust us. it’s SUPER SWAG! Yours in dust, RB x 2 Sat 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Spring PDF Art Grant Recipients Reception & Art Tour Come join us and enjoy wine and snacks with the Spring PDF Art Grant recipients and Art Grants committee. Come learn about the art, the artists, and the art grant process at PDF. We’ll convene for an hour and then have a tour of the art. All are welcome. Location: Pavilion Bring: Bring a cup and questions for the artists Event Type: Art Sat 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Beautiful henna Join us for some beautiful henna artwork done by one of our beautiful goddess. Location: Goddess Retreat Bring: Patience, henna takes time Event Type: Art Sat 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Bossa Nova Bunny Lounge Sat 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Jungle Juice Happy Hour The TIKI bar will be serving games and debauchery along with our delicious jungle juice punch and other tropical concoctions. Location: TIKI Bring: Cups Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Sat 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Big Pig BBQ Tender, succulent, and downright delicious! As is our custom, Campzilla goes in whole hog, snoot to toot; our BIG PIG is prepared Carolina Pit BBQ-style for your feasting pleasure. Come out to the back field after the Slip-n-Slide, where we’ll be serving up pulled pork sandwiches with homemade coleslaw until all that’s left are bones and scraps. Location: Campzilla! Bring: Please bring your plate and appetite Event Type: Food Sat 6:00 pm to Sun 1:00 am Bunny Lounge is back... Bossa Nova style! Join our Sexy Bunnies for a hoppin pre-burn soiree. We’ll be serving delicious sangrias and gettin’ our groove on to kick off the night the sexy way. Break out your bunny ears and tails, and sashay your ass over to the Camp Sexy lounge for the best hoppy hour in town! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Yourself Event Type: Drink Event Age: Adults only RadishTV Sat 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Press Your Chest, Paint Your Taint, and Push Your Tush! Io Saturnalia! Come celebrate the holiday that gave us our namesake! In ancient times, this period was marked by gift-giving, role-reversals, revelry, and behavioral license. But always remember consent. You don’t want to be the guy who got kicked out of the Julassic as F*ck party for being TOO JULASSIC! Music and libations will be provided. Io Saturnalia! Location: Saturnalia Bring: A cup Event Type: Drink, Music Event Age: Over 21 Every nightfall until our generator gets tired or retired, RadishTV will fill you with entertainment and nostalgia (along with notifications on last minute back field events that missed the WWW!). Season Two’s blockbuster schedule includes marathoning of The Muppet Show along with showings of The Princess Bride and Monty Python. Location: Radish Event Type: Art Sat 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm After the success of last burn’s Press Your Chest event, where boobies of all sizes were painted, pressed, and printed, we have opened up the event to ALL body parts! Bring a friend! Stop by to paint or get painted and we’ll make a body print heirloom to treasure forever. Location: Pigment of the Imagination Bring: Yo sexy-ass self Event Type: Art, Crafts (FYI: these wily brainiacs submitted this message via the JOKES section) 30 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 31 SATURDAY EVENTS/PONY BURN SUNDAY EVENTS SUNDAY EVENTS Sun 3:00 am to 3:30 am Toothbrush Party! Don’t kiss your lover with a dirty mouth! Good dental hygiene equals good moral hygiene! Brush your teeth and dance to happy hardcore! Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Toothbrush, cup, toothpaste Event Type: Drink, Educational, Food, Music, Spiritual, Sport Sun 9:00 am to 1:30 pm Morning Squeeze Sat 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sat 11:00 pm to Sun 2:00 am For his first-ever effigy, Ludo is joining whimsy to remembrance in a sculpture dedicated to D. Jeannie Brush, a dear friend and fellow burner whose bright and beautiful light was extinguished far too soon. We all will have the opportunity to add our own memories and aspirations before committing this Spring’s pony to the ashes. Come early to watch the fire conclave perform. Location: If you don’t know, you haven’t been paying attention. Ask a neighbor. Bring: Dancing shoes Event Type: Music, Spiritual You’ve occupied your frenemies’ camp. You’ve been bacon-boarded. You’ve launched a covert mission to steal that other camp’s flag. You’ve stormed a castle. Now it’s time to call out your grudges and work your shit out at Camp Beat Your Friends. We’ve assembled our new Boptagon and prepped our armory for your use. Spin our wheel of destiny to choose your fate. Two Burners Enter; One Burner Leaves! Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Max, Goose, and the Feral Kids Event Type: Music, Sport The Pony Burns! Sat 10:00 pm to Sun 3:00 pm SPACE PARTY ASTRONAUTS VS ROBOTS Location: Barrel of Fun Event Type: Drink, Music Event Age: Adults only Sat 11:00 pm to Sun 12:00 am Rabbit stew!! Remember the race between the tortoise and the hare? Well the rabbit lost again. Turtle is making stew in the pony burn and will be serving it about an hour after the perimeter opens. This is not vegan-free. Location: Camp Justice League Bring: Willingness to rotate the turtle Event Type: Food 32 Beat Your Friends Sat 11:00 pm to 11:30 pm The Freakshow Ready to get weird after the Burn? Marvel at our collection of certified freaks as they display their unusual and uncanny abilities! Be prepared to witness ludicrous and bizarre performances, guaranteed to astonish and amaze. Location: Saturnalia Bring: Wonder and curiosity Event Type: Art The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Bring your desired fruit or veggies because we are bringing the juicer. Examples of foods to bring: pears, apples, celery, beets, oranges, kale, cucumber, carrots, and other citruses. Location: Prancing Pony Bring: Cup and fruit/veg Event Type: Drink, Food Sun 10:30 am to 11:30 am Sunday Waffles Join us in the pavilion for a true PDF tradition! Real maple syrup and sausage/ scrapple, too! Location: Pavilion Bring: Plate and utensils, extra syrup/ butter Event Type: Food Sun 10:30 am to 12:00 pm JC Superstar Pancake Breakfast Sing-Along The Pyramid People will be serving up Andy’s awesome sourdough pancakes to the masses! And thanks to the help of the Prancing Pony’s sound system, we will also be regaling you with our silly and boisterous “Jesus Christ Superstar Sing-Along” as we cook! (No no! We’re only going to listen to the overture! Yeah, right!) Come join in the fun! Get ‘em while they last! Location: Pyramid People Bring: A plate and fork Event Type: Food Sun 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Missionary to the Moon! Help us in our continuing efforts to colonize The Moon, during the first Sunday Mass ever held on the lunar surface. Our missionaries have arrived on The Moon, and will assist you in atoning for your sins the night before by watching “The Life of Brian” while drinking the hot tea of christ. Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Blind faith and crackpot fundamentalism Sun 11:00 am to 2:30 pm Tall Santa Visits the Playa Christmas comes but twice a year... to Playa del Fuego. Tall Santa has been at work gathering gifts. No need to worry whether you’ve been naughty or nice... those are abstract concepts that Santa cannot comprehend. Miles of walking in the hot sun with a heavy sack have addled his brain. You can easily win his affection with a cold beer. Elves and Santa groupies are welcome to join the fun! Santa expects nothing in return. Gifts ARE returnable. Location: Roaming Bring: A smile and holiday cheer Sun 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Fruity Brunch Serving an assortment of fruit to start your day off right. Location: TIKI Event Type: Food Sun 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Open Group SEX Orgy Join Camp Upper Dutch Blumpkin for the Noon Moop Sweep of the Pavilion. We clean up there, then wander out and clean up more, yelling at random people to help us Location: Pavilion Event Type: Spiritual Sun 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Skunday Funday! Ska and Mimosas! Come skank with us as we celebrate yet another fantastic burn. This is the best daytime celebration on the playa... or at least, that’s the impression that I get.. Location: Barrel of Fun Bring: Energy to dance and a cup for drinks Event Type: Music What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 33 SUNDAY EVENTS Sun 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm Rubik’s Cube Race! This is it! Who has the fastest fingers on the Playa? Who can solve the cube the quickest? Stick around after Superstar Pancakes to compete in a Rubik’s cube race or just stay and watch the fun! Location: Pyramid People Bring: A Rubik’s cube (if you have one) Event Type: Sport Sun 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ?? “Y˙Nora” translates to “Turmoil prevails on all sides.” Situation of dough-based competitive recreation. Molding of destructobeings for betterment of society! Fun WILL be in the moment. Occurrence of enjoyment! Approx. Gametime: 1+ hour unless you die before then. Party Members will receive stamps. Stamps are very official. Stamps show loyalty. Location: Camp Apocalypse Bring: BYOB Event Type: Sport Sun 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Reggie’s Reading Rainbow Butterfly in the sky... Dogner will make you die! That’s right, it’s time for book-making with Reggie. In this class, you’ll write and illustrate your very own book! I know at least one of them is going to be really messed up. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Your imagination! Event Type: Art, Crafts, Educational SUNDAY EVENTS Sun 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Avoiding “Poly-Agony” Open Discussion About “Open” Relationships Facilitated discussion, Subjects determined by participants. Sample subjects: Different styles of polyamory, Dating with or without your partner, Sexual orientation & polyamory, Resolving conflict, Poly etiquette, Feeling “safe,” How much to share with your partner, Managing jealousy, STIs & safer sex, “Integration” of families, Public disclosure, Poly-saturation, Poly-breakups, and Avoiding poly-agony. Valuable to anyone in a relationship. All configurations, orientations, stripes, colors, and experiences are welcome. Location: The Poly Haven Bring: Seating Event Type: Educational Event Age: Adults only Sun 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm BoD/Coordinator Meet & Greet Curious about what goes into making PDF happen twice a year? Looking to get more involved in the event planning or mission? This is your opportunity to meet the people behind the event: the Coordinators and PDF Board of Directors. Come have a drink, mingle, and put a face to the names you see on the interwebs. Bring something to share and a plate/cup. Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Plate & Cup Event Type: Drink, Educational, Food Sun 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm What do you call a pony with no legs? Doesn’t matter, he won’t come. 34 Ramen Soup for the Burner Soul Need a little pick me up? Feeling a hungrier than usual? Or just a huge fan of wet noodles? We’ll be cooking up ramen for the masses. Stop by for the noodles, stay for the people, stories, or just enjoy the vibes. Bring something like a bowl and/or spoon and get your fill of noodles. Location: Goddess Retreat Bring: Bring a bowl and a spoon! Event Type: Food The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Sun 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sun 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Come to camp Decadance where we will show you how to take your run-of-the-mill baked potato and turn it into a culinary masterpiece! Choose from a plethora of toppings from bacon to beans to butterscotch! So join us at our five-star potato bar where once you top, you won’t stop! Location: Decadance Bring: Plate/Fork Event Type: Food Come for the laugh, or come to perform. Open to any one and everyone. You can participate in some improv, fire off some witty wine-liners, or maybe even perform your own short stand up bit Location: Stage Bring: A sense of humor, maybe some jokes Event Type: Art Spuds With Your Buds Sun 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Slammers with Superheroes Calling all Superheroes! Fly on over to Camp Sexy for slammer shots in your honor! Put on your fanciest cape, winged boots, or favorite Underoos and mingle with others of your kind. Come show off your super powers or commiserate about the challenges of being magnificent in a world full of mortals. We can’t wait to see you... unless of course you’re invisible! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Your Superhero Self Event Type: Drink Event Age: Adults only Sun 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Spelling Bee Prizes for the winners! Punishments for the losers! Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: Brains, dictionaries Event Type: Educational Sun 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Pick Up Yer Damn Art-ist’s Reception You painted something at Pigment at some point during the burn, and you left it on the table to dry. Now it’s time to stop by to see if anyone picked up your piece and pick up one or three yourself! We’ll have some champagne until we don’t! Location: Pigment of the Imagination Bring: A cup, take some art Event Type: Art, Drink Burner Comedy Hour ;D Sun 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Vietnamese Iced Coffee Experience the iced-cold caffeine delights of Caphe Suada, a century-old coffee beverage served in the traditional style of Southeast Asia. Suada, also known as “Vietnamese Iced Coffee,” is renowned for its strength and sweetness. So whether you’re already a big Suada fan, or just a parched and drowsy burner with a sweet tooth, obey that craving and get yourself over to Stardust! (This offering is inspired by VICC, the Vietnamese Iced Coffee Camp, who have been serving up Suada to the denizens of Burning Man for over a decade.) Location: Stardust Bring: Thirst, sweet tooth Event Type: Drink Sun 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Punderdome There are no puns in this description. They are all being saved for the Punderdome. Location: CLASSHOLES Bring: 4Loco (or whatever) Event Type: Sport Sun 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Spaghetti Western Dinner Howdy partner! Come on down to the Fistful Of Grapes Saloon for a reprieve of the finest spaghetti western dinner around this side of the Rio Grande! Sure to be a hootenany! Location: Fistful of Grapes Bring: A bowl, fork, cup, and a hearty appetite! Event Type: Food What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 35 SUNDAY EVENTS & MONDAY'S REMINDER TO LEAVE Sun 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Sun 11:00 pm to Mon 2:00 am The TIKI bar will be serving games and debauchery along with our delicious jungle juice punch and other tropical concoctions. Location: TIKI Bring: Cups Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 You’ve occupied your frenemies’ camp. You’ve been bacon-boarded. You’ve launched a covert mission to steal that other camp’s flag. You’ve stormed a castle. Now it’s time to call out your grudges and work your shit out at Camp Beat Your Friends. We’ve assembled our new Boptagon and prepped our armory for your use. Spin our wheel of destiny to choose your fate. Two Burners Enter; One Burner Leaves! Location: Camp Eat and Beat Bring: Max, Goose, and the Feral Kids Event Type: Music, Sport Jungle Juice Happy Hour Sun 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Kamikaze Karaoke Everybody loves (or loves to hate) karaoke. Why not make it a bit sexier? Join us for karaoke, kamikaze style! What the heck is that? Do a kamikaze shot, then step up to the mic! A song will be selected at random FOR YOU! Yep, you get no choice in this one, baby. Don’t like or know your song? No worries, you can exchange it for an article of clothing. You know you want it! Location: Camp Sexy Bring: Your voice, a cup, and possibly ear plugs Event Type: Drink, Music, Sport Event Age: Over 21 Sun 6:00 pm to 11:30 pm RadishTV Every nightfall until our generator gets tired or retired, RadishTV will fill you with entertainment and nostalgia (along with notifications on last minute back field events that missed the WWW!). Season Two’s blockbuster schedule includes marathoning of The Muppet Show along with showings of The Princess Bride and Monty Python. Location: Radish Event Type: Art Sun 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Gingeronimo! Our signature, titular, quite hard ginger ale drink headlines a selection of homebrewed and custom-made beverages for your enjoyment! Location: Radish Bring: Cup Event Type: Drink Event Age: Over 21 Beat Your Friends MONDAY EVENTS Mon 10:00 am to 10:30 am Dance Like a Tree Come photosynthesize with us. Show us your best tree-inspired (or nature-inspired) dance moves. Plant your roots deep in the soil, sway with the blowing wind, and shower us with your tasty fruits! Location: CLASSHOLES Event Type: Art, Music, Sport Mon 12:00 pm Am I Late? I just got here. What did I miss? Location: Front Gate 2:00 pm Time To Leave You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. Pack your gear, clean up you moop, wave, hug, and kiss your goodbyes, and have a safe journey! Me, I’m heading for brunch and a flushing toilet. Location: Roaming Bring: Nothing — take it all with you What’s the difference between an old nasty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants? One’s a crusty bus station, one’s a busty crustacean. 36 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. THEME CAMPS * THEME * CAMPS Camp Dip It In Love chocolate? Well, we do too. Bringing fondue to a playa near you. Ancient Astronaut Theorist Camp As ancient astronaut theorists contend, there was once a camp deeply embedded in the fields and history of Playa del Fuego. This camp fluctuated and evolved as time went by; but mysteriously this camp moved, and left no trace of where it once resided. Ancient astronaut theorists contend that you should stop by and help uncover the mystery of this missing camp. Ancient astronaut theorists aren’t saying it was aliens... but it was aliens. Balloon Chain & Projection We make all things round... in the sky and on the ground. Tethered string of helium balloons will paint the skies with colors. Once darkness fall, they will twinkle like stars. Also come and chill out in front of the circular psychedelic screen show. Projections will have endless variety of patterns and color, never the same. Balls Camp Where ball gowns will be worn, balls will be played with and/ or dodged and principles will be upheld! We invite you to come have a ball, where it’s all about the balls... Ball gowns, bouncy balls, meat balls, rum balls, gum balls, dodge balls.... We may not have the biggest balls of them all but we’ll definitely have the best! Bring your balls, wear your ball gowns, and join the fun! Warning balls may or may not be returned! Barrel of Fun Get ready for blast-off as Barrel of Fun takes to the stars! We’ll be setting up our rockets and preparing for launch with fun events and activities throughout the burn. Your retros run off liquor? Stop by our pilot’s lounge and fuel up at the Space Bar. Stave off zero-G atrophy with non-stop beats, and space for fire spinners will be provided to help us fight off the chill of the void. Join us as we boldly go where no Barrel has gone before! Breakfast Turtle Detention Turtle What happens when a box turtle, snapping turtle, and sea turtle set up their tents and start partying? Camp 267 If the clock reads 2:67, swing by because that is when all of our events start. Don’t miss our first ever CLOTHED (OR NOT) BE STEADY and STAND event! Camp ? (Question) Camp ? is a theme camp dedicated to questioning everything. Asking questions, answering questions, questioning the questions that we ask, in general, we are curious, and want to show you something questionable, or find the best possible questions to riddle you with. T’is not trivial, or small questions, although those are allowed. It is all questions and the notion of our freedom to find out, whatever... Oh and we totally invented the question mark. No need to look further. It was us. And we are going to pancake the living shit out of the playa. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 37 THEME CAMPS Camp Apocalypse Powers of the Universe! PowPowpow! With civilization far behind us we bring best efficiency to people. We are the rebuilders, and tellers of the tales. Ran by the infamous Tank and Jet, the Poxies provide protection, knowledge, and governed censorship for the good of The People’s Republic of Playa. Camp Contact We are a group committed to exploring connection in community and between individuals. We do this through dance, movement, play, games, and inter-subjective meditation (We Spaces). We attend many regional Burning Man events and Burning Man itself. Camp Eat and Beat Dubstep not doing it for ya? Tired of always having to stop and pick up that bass you dropped? Come to Camp Eat & Beat for some soulful ballads, mosh-worthy metal, perilously pretentious pop, and seriously 90s singalongs. By day, Camp Eat Your Feelings is the place to be for some incredible food and the occasional impromptu dance party! By the cover of night, dust off your best Burner armor and work your shit out at Camp Beat Your Friends! Because we all know you’re just looking for an excuse to beat up your best friends (or worst frenemies)... Camp Fuzzy Box We are a big box of fur for your petting pleasure. Sitting on the playa with big blue eye is a fuzzy box that loves attention. She loves to get hugs and she never complains. If you’re stressed out or not having a good time then just come by to rub the fuzzy box. I’m sure you’ll feel better. 38 THEME CAMPS Camp Justice League Superheroes. Games. Comfort Food. Conversation. Cuddling. Geekery. Camp Nyan Cat Fellows of nettlesome feline pastry, we bring you illumination from the heavens. Sound, light, electricity, and bubbles. Camp Sh!tshow... For Science! The name says it all. Look for our literature in the potties. Camp Tasty Tasty Food and Tasty Folk Campzilla! Campzilla! is a collective of friends who are into arts and crafts, smoking meats, and playing games. We’ve created a Godzilla-themed artscape and will be hosting a pig roast. Come visit us! Carnival Camp PDF will play home to a motley crew of revelers who have created a temporary Carnival midway for you to enjoy. Compete for prizes, test your skill, try your fortune, or have it told. Games, art, and surprises await you in the dark of night. Tickets for a song. CLASSHOLES Class is back in session! Come by for a reminder of all those special school times... That hot teacher... that epic school-wide game of tag... that 4th Place Honorable Mention Spelling Bee trophy you still have... that time you swiped your mom’s Arbor Mist and brought it in your water bottle... that time you got caught masturbating in the bathroom with pictures of... Well, maybe not THAT time. But what matters is that you The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. learned something! Check the blackboard for daily activities, and prepare to get schooled! CLUSTERturtle Because someone has to. Crackerjack’s Booty Camp Serving ALMOST all of your booty needs. We will tickle, rub, massage, spank, or brand you booty. We have something for every booty. Decadance Decadance - “Dance with Decadence.” Philly’s Wobblehood is combining sound and decadence to bring home a sound camp called “Decadance.” Stop by. Be lavished with our overflowing, decadent bass and chillin’-illin’ lounge. You may find that our hospitality is simply overflowing. “Hm. Quite.” Featured this Spring 2015: Homecoming Dance, Five-Star Baked Potato Bar, and Beer. Lots and lots of beer. Keep your chaperones at home. Fistful of Grapes Hey there pilgrim. Us cowpokes invite you to stop by at A Fistful of Grapes, the finest, ace-high saloon west of that muddy creek we like to call The Little Rio Grande. Have some wine on us, or if you have the gumption for it, spin our wagon wheel for something with a bit more fire to it. Fuck you I’m a turtle Terrapins for the win. Furry Camp Mind the tail. Giant Mooper IT TAKES THE MOOP OR IT GETS THE HOSE! Your consent is meaningless. IT TAKES THE MOOP! Goddess Retreat A retreat for playa goddesses to come and get pampered by dedicated and loving goddesses. Playa goddesses can pick from a variety of items off of the pamper menu, sit back and relax, feel at home, and enjoy the company of your fellow goddess. We will have everything you need to bring out your inner goddess: jasmine, rose, makeup, nail polish, perfume, natural oils, lavender, mehndi, bindi, and chamomile. Justice Turtle No justice. No peace. Lone Rhino PDF’s longest running self organizing camp of campers searching for camp mates to camp with. Join us in the back field. mahnahmaTURTLE doot (pause) doot (pause) da (pause) do (pause) do (pause) mah pause) nah (wait for it) ma-turtle. National Wildfire Coordinating Group NWCG is an operational group designed to coordinate programs of the participating wildfire management agencies. - NOTICE Effective May 1, 2014 GSA’s wildland fire program was transferred to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). With the transition to DLA it was necessary to develop new, specialized ordering instructions for wildland fire customers. Pandora’s Flowers Pandora and all her flowers invite anyone to stop by for hot tea and live violin. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 39 THEME CAMPS Philly Phreaks Philly Phreak Show brings its traveling Museum of Oddities and Curiosities to Playa del Fuego for its opening debut! Our regionally collaborative projects aims to increase our collection of homemade oddities to travel with us to PEX Fest and onto our final destination of the Regional Midway around the Man Base at Burning Man! Come explore our collection and get in touch with your own inner Phreak! Pigment of the Imagination Pigment of the Imagination is the PDF community paint studio, providing paint and wood to all participants so you can make art at any time throughout the burn. As the community art studio, participants are invited to schedule their crafty event at Pigment, simply schedule your event in the WWW. New for this year - WOOD instead of canvas! All creations at Pigment will be burnable! Pigment is an Art Grant recipient, and all paint and canvases are paid by YOU, the community! Prancing Pony Your neighborhood hole-in-the-wall on playa. Pyramid People We are the Pyramid People. We camp under a giant purple pyramid, we make pyramid necklaces, and we play games with colorful little pyramids. Pyramids are cool. (We also dig cubes and round things.) Quantum Steep We love entheogens: plants with histories of shamanic usage. Two examples: Guayusa and yerba mate, the main ingredients in Pedro’s Burn Brew. We also love stories, chatting, camp fires, food, costumes, hugs, and secrets. ALSO JOKES. We really like jokes. 40 THEME CAMPS Radish No one can explain what it is to be radish; one simply is or is not radish. No radishes allowed. Saturnalia Saturnalia is a Carnival-based camp consisting of various attractions including Freakshows, Music, Games, and Revelry! Stardust Camp Stardust is a burner theme camp at Playa del Fuego. We brew Vietnamese Iced Coffee and host other activities that vary from burn to burn. Super Stoop There is literally no organization for this camp yet. Superstoop started with Snowcones and strangers meeting on a stoop that seemed pretty super at Frostburn 2015. I am excited and a little afraid to see what we turn into. Anyone is welcome. Teapee and GamaLamaDingDong Teapee is an interactive interdisciplinary art installation and theme camp. Herbal tea is brewed over a campfire where all are invited to commune and consume, make music, and tell tales. Teapee is a magic hobo jungle. GamaLamaDingDong is an interactive audio-visual installation. Come bang a gong and sing along. The Boof Lounge at Camp Cunty Cunt Ever wander the Playa in search of a quiet place to boof your boof? Well, dear friends, you have found just the place. Come join us to chill out, wind down, and lounge under some tapestries in a giant tent. Obscenities are welcome. There will be Giant Jenga. There may be strip twister. There will be cunts. The Poly Haven Once again, the good folks from “The Poly Haven” will create space for safe, frank discussions about open relationships, polyamory, communication, boundaries, jealousy, etc., etc., etc. Be sure to attend our discussion workshop(s) or just stop out to see who is around chat. Exercise your brain or your butt. Either way, we have many of your “adult needs” covered. See “Events” for Open Relationship Discussion listing. TIKI TIKI is bringing our beautiful bar, flashing lights, delicious drinks, and the Oontz-Oontzes back to the playa. Swing by for fresh fruit, TIKI’s signature Jungle Juice, bar games, and tear up the dance floor all night - TIKI style! ~Jungle Juice available all day, every day~ Upper Dutch Bumpkin In the late 20th century, there is still one people who are over looked: the fine people of Upper Dutch Blumpkin. They fled their Dutch homeland for French Guiana, only to be forced into the northern part of that country because of their open practice of the Blumpkin religion. They are still oppressed to this day. FREE UPPER DUTCH BLUMPKIN! Videogasm Check out our offbeat video playlist by night and body painting set up by day. Wanna paint? Join in! We’ve got the pro stuff for you to experiment with. W and W And ye shall know us by the letters W and W. THEE Batman Camp DARK KNIGHTS UNTIE! First rule of Batman camp = dress like Batman. Join our weekend-long fight against crime.* (*crime = glass bottles of sustainable microbrews including vegan, gluten-free, and oak-aged varietals.) With so many Bruce Waynes we need lots of Alfreds, so please volunteer to pick up a few Alfred shifts of serving drinks, providing sound advice that will be ignored, and trying not to blow our cover. The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 41 BLANK MAP OF SITE DREAMS/NOTES/AUTOGRAPHS/LISTS 42 The deadline to be included in the WWW is usually 4 weeks before opening Thursday. Final theme camp map not available at time of printing. Sorry. What, Where, When Guide | Playa del Fuego | May 2015 | Educate. Inform. Brainwash. 43
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