2015 1. SONG TITLE ......................................................................................... 6. SONGWRITER ENTERING SONG (If more than one writer please designate 1 contact responsible for all correspondence with Play It Strange) ................................................................................................................... 2. WORDS/LYRICS WRITTEN BY: Tick NCEA box if you are studying music for NCEA. (This is for statistical purposes only.) ............................................................................................................... To have Play It Strange assess your song for NCEA - you need to complete the attached form. PHONE.................................................................................................. M/F SCHOOL YEAR MOBILE (If applicable)............................................................................ EMAIL.................................................................................................... a. ............................................................................... POSTAL ADDRESS................................................................................ b. ................................................................................ .............................................................................................................. c. ............................................................................... Are you studying Music for NCEA? M/F SCHOOL YEAR 3. MUSIC COMPOSED BY: ............................................................................................................. I have read all conditions below and declare that this work is an original popular song (Ref. 2. Conditions), by the name(s) listed in 2 and 3 on this form. a. .............................................................................. b. ............................................................................... SIGNATURE..................................................................DATE....................... c. .............................................................................. The entry is made in conformity with conditions of entry for the 2015 Peace Song Competition. 4. CD OR MP3 RECORDING OF SONG ENCLOSED: If on CD please indicate track number if necessary. Please mark song title and name clearly on CD. Track 5. LYRIC SHEET IS ENCLOSED (compulsory) YES FOR NCEA MUSIC ASSESSMENT YOU MUST INCLUDE A LYRIC SHEET WITH CHORDS or NOTATION Make sure all 7 sections have been completed. ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 24th July 2015 ENTRIES ARE TO BE POSTED TO: Play It Strange, Peace Song Competition, PO Box 137 194, Parnell, Auckland. Play It Strange Thanks You. Secondary School Authorisation of Entry Form - Must Be Complete to Validate Entry. As this is a Secondary School competition, we require the name and signature of the Principal of the school. In the event that he/she is unavailable, the Deputy Principal or Music or English Teacher may sign. This is to authorise the entry from your school. (If you are a home schooled student, this section must be signed by parent or guardian). School Name....................................................................................... Address............................................................................................... Email.................................................................................................... Phone.................................................................................................. Name.................................................................................................. Position............................................................................................. Signature............................................................................................ 2015 Conditions of Entry: 2015 Peace Song Competition 1. The Writers (composers & lyricists) must be: a. Resident in New Zealand or New Zealand citizens b. At secondary school and be under 20 years of age c. Attend school at least 16 hours a week. 2. The work must be an original popular song. It must NOT be an arrangement or adaptation of a traditional non-copyright work or any other original work. 3. Entries The following will be required: a. Completion of an official entry form b. A CD or uploaded mp3 of the work nominated c. A lyric sheet a, b, and c must be received by Play It Strange no later than Friday 24th July 2015. Send all entries to: Play It Strange, Peace Song Competition, PO Box 137194, Parnell, Auckland. 4. General a. Only ONE song may be submitted on an official entry form by or on behalf of any one writer and must comply with conditions 1 and 2. b. The song and the recording of the song can be performed and played by anyone as long as it is on a non-professional basis. It is not necessary for the writer(s) to feature on the recording. c. All decisions of the judges will be binding on Play It Strange and the entrants. d. Play It Strange shall have the right to interpret the above conditions and to determine all issues arising out of this contest. Any such interpretations and determinations shall be final. e. Unless specifically requested the copies of the entry recordings and lyrics will be retained by Play It Strange. f. The entrant shall grant permission for replication, mechanical reproduction, broadcast, internet streaming and downloading and communication of the recording of the song to the public. g. Play It Strange will have the right to print the name and likeness of any entrant in publicity in respect of the competition and all matter incidental thereto. h. The entrant agrees to be bound by Play It Strange’s entry procedures, rules and regulations established in this entry form. The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. Presented by Proudly supported by www.playitstrange.org.nz 2015 NCEA MUSIC ASSESSMENT If you have entered the 2015 Peace Song Competition, these compositions can be assessed for levels 1, 2 or 3 Music achievement standards. You do not have to be in a Music class to have any results you achieve reported to NZQA by your school FOR NCEA MUSIC ASSESSMENT YOU MUST INCLUDE A LYRIC SHEET WITH CHORDS or NOTATION Your song(s) music can be assessed for Composition Standards: Level 1 - AS91092; Level 2 - AS91271; or Level 3 - AS91419 NOTE: Only songs with music written by ONE person can be assessed for the composition standards. Once the 2015 Peace Song Competition has been completed, Play It Strange will provide you with completed Mark Sheet(s). The Mark Sheet(s) will show your results to confirm that you are eligible for credits or give the school evidence that contributes towards the composition or performance achievement standards or English standards. Take your Mark Sheet(s) to your Principal’s Nominee, so they can process your results, or give you more advice about what else you need to do if the standard is not complete. The school will report any results to NZQA with your other school results. You can check your results through your Learner login. If you have any questions about assessment for standards, please email our CEO Mike Chunn at [email protected] Post to: NCEA Assessment Play It Strange PO Box 137194 Parnell Auckland 1151 STUDENTS NAME......................................................................................... LEVEL YOU WISH YOUR SONG TO BE ASSESSED AT: SONG TITLE.................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... LEVEL 1 PHONE.......................................................................................................... LEVEL 2 MOBILE (If applicable)................................................................................ or LEVEL 3 EMAIL........................................................................................................... SCHOOL YEAR: POSTAL ADDRESS..................................................................................... SCHOOL NAME.......................................... ...................................................................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... SCHOOL ADDRESS................................... ..................................................................... STUDENT SIGNATURE.......................................................DATE............... ..................................................................... www.playitstrange.org.nz
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