The Pine Line - Pine Meadows Homeowners` Association

The Pine Line
Pine Meadows Community Newsletter
May 2015
Farewell to the (Once) Lucky Penny
Marilyn Helmer
Find a penny, pick it up;
all day long you’ll have good luck!
Once upon a time, finding a penny really was
good luck. Remember those long ago days when
the glint of a copper coin on the sidewalk sent
you racing to the local candy store. The minute
you opened the door, your nose was
seduced by the tantalizing smells of
sugar, peppermint and chocolate. With
the penny in your hand, you could
legitimately pour over the dazzling
display of mouth-watering treats. What
to choose this time? Spearmint Leaves,
Blackballs, Licorice Whips, Tootsie Rolls or perish, forbid - a candy cigarette. On the other
hand, you could drop your penny into the
gumball machine where, if it was a really lucky
penny, you might also get a charm to add to your
collection. Decisions, decisions – what fun they
The first true Canadian penny, made of bronze,
was issued on January 2, 1908 at the official
opening of the Royal Canadian Mint. Although it
remained a popular coin of trade for decades, its
buying power eventually decreased to the point
where it seemed the only thing worth a penny
were your thoughts. On February 4, 2013, the
Mint stopped issuing the penny. Although, like
the penny candy stores, the penny itself is now a
thing of the past, we should not scorn those
small copper coins. They have an interesting
history and have been associated with good luck
for centuries.
Human beings are a superstitious lot, especially
when it comes to lucky tokens. Among the items
believed to make Lady Luck’s face shine on us
are four-leafed clovers, horseshoes, rabbit’s foot,
ladybugs, wishbones, feathers, jade and acorns,
to name a few.
The humble penny rolled onto the list of lucky
tokens when the Anglo-Saxon king, Offa,
introduced it in Britain in 790 A.D. In ancient
times, people believed that metal was a
gift from the gods and had the power to
protect them from evil. Since pennies
were made from metal, they soon found
a place in the pockets and purses of
luck-seeking people. A small, lightweight
penny might be easy to carry but it was also easy
to lose. The belief spread that a found penny not
only protected the finder from evil, it also brought
him good luck. Under those circumstances, who
could resist stooping to pick up an errant penny?
Ah, but caution is advised when it comes to
actually picking up a found penny. Since the
beginning of time, good and evil have waged a
constant battle over our fate. Be sure to take a
close look before you grab that penny. If the
heads side is looking at you, by all means pick it
up. But if the penny is tails side up, you should
turn it over and leave it for the
next finder.
May 23 is National Penny Day.
With the recent demise of our
penny, actually finding one will
be lucky indeed. To ensure
good luck nowadays, we will
have to depend on four-leafed
clovers, horseshoes, rabbit’s
foot and wishbones.
The Pine Line
Cards Cards Cards
Barbara Cook (November - April) 519 787-0837 and Sue Taylor (May – October) 519 843-8834
Get Well Cards were sent to:
Maurice Verkindt, 123 Bristlecone Court
Helen Gay, 166 Pine Ridge Road
Sympathy Cards were sent, in the past month, to:
James Coates, 96 White Bark Way
Judy McDonald, 93 White Bark Way
Milestones - A Celebration of Life
Pine Meadows Residents gathered on Sunday, April 19,
to celebrate the life of Don McDonald.
Our condolences are extended to Judy and her family.
Mark Your Calendars...2015 Social Committee Events
April 29 – Breakfast
September 12 – BBQ/Corn Roast
May 4 – Hilltop Singers
October 31 – Hallowe’en Dance
May 30 – Spring Dance
November 27 –Christmas Tree Lighting
June 22 – Race Casino Night
December 7 – Christmas BINGO
July 1 – Canada Day/Strawberryfest
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Gala
August 13 – BINGO
Details for each event to follow
Pine Meadows Garage Sale
June 6, 2015
7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Kathy Munro
Get crackin’!!
It is only 5 weeks until the garage sale treasures are found by loyal
Get ready for the annual event. Sign up on the sheet posted in the Community
Centre. A $4 fee will be collected to pay for the advertising and signage.
Contact Kathy Munro 519 994-0214, 176 Lace Bark Lane
May 2015
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The Pine Line
President’s Message…
Fred Dick
As I have been travelling around the community more, now
that the better weather has arrived, I have noticed something
different. I noticed that there are people that I hadn't seen
since last year. The snowbirds are returning home to roost.
To them I say welcome back, it's nice to see you again, even if
you didn't have to suffer through the winter as we did. I'm also
noticing several new faces that have joined our Community.
Your Board has returned to its normal monthly routine and is
dealing with any issues that come under our responsibilities.
At present we are dealing with a situation which, by my reasoning and that of Don Vallery, should
have been dealt with years ago but wasn't. It's the responsibility/ ownership of articles in Pine
Meadows. As most everyone knows, this situation most likely began with the new furniture in the
Library a couple of years ago. By the time you read this message a list of items will be given to Don
and he and I will sit down and make some final determinations as to responsibility/ownership, and
that question will be answered, even if it raises more questions.
I will end with this thought: Every person in this community who volunteers for any position, on any
committee, knows that part of the job is making decisions that sometimes may not be popular, even
causing a lot of emotion by some of our friends and neighbours. I like to think that all of we
volunteers are worth at least HALF of the big bucks that we are NOT being paid.
Musical Memories
Sue Taylor - Social Committee
This was an evening of music, a few entertaining jokes and
ditties, and some sing along. Bill Johnson gave us a little
of everything on Monday evening.
Some 65 residents and friends gathered to listen, to dance and to sing with Bill. Jan, Bill’s wife, gave
some of us a lesson in line dancing. Barry Wyant showed her the ‘correct’ way of doing it, or should I
say ‘another version’! We sang some country songs, some western (which we learned the difference
between), and many ‘old songs’. We spent an entertaining evening with friends and neighbours.
During a short intermission, coffee and cookies were provided. Clyde Henry and Marbeth Mclean
made 3 lucky people a ‘little’ richer with our Share the Wealth draw – namely
Anna de Boer, Marg Thorne and Anne MacPherson (friend of Elaine Boyes).
The next social committee event, ‘The Spring Dance’, is on May 30.
Tickets on sale shortly.
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The Pine Line
Cathy McCabe
....Hot off the press!! Romance is alive and well and
living in Pine Meadows.
Stay tuned for further info. In the meantime, mark
your calendars for June 10 to see the play all Pine
Meadows residents are talking about.
Oops! That's not quite accurate. OK. Quite a lot of
people are talking about it. Well at least five people
I know of are talking about it and that's not an
exaggeration. Did I mention there are five people in
the cast -- draw your own conclusions?
Romance AND Comedy… I don't know about you, but I'm in seventh heaven.
See you June 10. -- Keep smiling.
Golfing Invitation
Joe & Anna de Boer, John & Mary-Anne McKenna
2015 Golf Season for Pine Meadows Residents
Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Golfers
Fergus Golf Club
Tuesdays - Beginning May 5
Ladies Tee Off Start 9:30 a.m. - Men Start 10:00 a.m.
Sign Up Sheet on Golf Board in Our Rec Center
Come Out and Enjoy
See you on the Links
Questions and information contact: Joe & Anna de Boer, 519 787-3843
John & Mary-Anne McKenna, 519 787-6637
Horseshoes 2015 …
Wednesday May 20, 1:30 p.m. start
Sam Plume, John McKenna
Horseshoe pits at Rec Center area, "shoes" provided
All Pine Meadows residents invited to participate
$0.25 for group fun
Come on out and enjoy throwing the “Horse-shoooes”
Information needed?
Contact Sam Plume, 519 787-4335, John McKenna, 519 787-6637
May 2015
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The Pine Line
Pearl Davis
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Doors open @ 7:30 p.m. Music starts @ 8:00 p.m.
Snacks supplied BYOB and glasses
COST: $10.00 per person
Tickets on sale @ K.K. May 6, 13, and 20
Contact Person: Pearl Davis 519 843-6613
Koffee Klatch - May Speakers
Barry Wyant and Vickie Bragg
We are looking forward to seeing you at Koffee Klatch.
April was a busy month at Koffee Klatch with three very informative speakers addressing our group.
Attendance continues to increase weekly and on April 22, we had in access of 70 people in
attendance. "WOW! GREAT SUPPORT". We would like to express our thanks to all those who
continue to come out to make Koffee Klatch the success that it is.
Don't miss the upcoming events presented by our Fergus Senior Centre. On May 20, the Drama
Group will be performing for us. The "Shady Acre Seniors" are at it again, with mirth and mayhem
as they attempt to open an in-house library. Then, on May 27, Melody Makers will be entertaining
us. Please come out and join your neighbours and friends for a coffee and a few laughs.
Thanks again for your support.
Our Apologies
Last month, the Pine Line missed an item on the Wood Carvers.
Welcome to our new carvers, Ann Hurst and Grant Swift.
A Volunteer Opportunity
The Pine Line Committee welcomes any resident(s) who have an interest in writing/preparing the
monthly edition of the Pine Line to contact the Pine Line Committee Coordinator, Paul Lingen
([email protected], 519 843-8856)
The Pine Line is prepared using Microsoft Word, and collects information from a variety of sources
(email, print and website)
If anyone has an interest in becoming a ‘Pine Line writer’, please let us know.
May 2015
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The Pine Line
by Pine Needle Crafts
Betty Davies, President
Betty Coates, Event Coordinator
Please mark June 27, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on your calendar for the
Summer Sizzle. This event is sponsored and coordinated by Pine Needle
Crafts, with lots of help and donations from many residents at Pine Meadows.
Our event will include tables with baked goods, bread & jam (Preserves), crafts
and Nearly New items. There will be a Raffle table and a BBQ, which will
include peameal bacon on a bun as well as hamburgers and hot dogs, and hot
and cold beverages. Also enjoy the live entertainment.
Thank you to the people who have already agreed to help. We still need more
volunteers, donations and vendors to help make the event a success. Please contact the appropriate
conveners below if you are able to volunteer some time on the day of the sale or if you have ideas,
suggestions, questions or donations. Sign-up sheets for donations are posted on the craft bulletin
Craft Table
Bake Table
Nearly New
Bread & Jam
Judy Dick
Vickie Bragg
Ann Hurst
Elaine Hannah
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Betty Coates
Betty Coates
Linda Austin
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nearly New at the Summer Sizzle
Ann Hurst
Have you ever wondered: why you kept a gift you couldn't use? Why you moved some items here?
Why you bought something you couldn't live without but now you can? Please consider donating
these to the Nearly New table at the Summer Sizzle. Items must have no scratches, dents or chips.
Drop off donations at 187 Lace Bark Lane, May 15 - June 19,
or call Ann Hurst, 1 519 375 - 6373 for pickup.
Pine Meadows Garage Sale - L e f t o v e r s!!!
Hello residents, especially those of you who have moved into Pine Meadows over the past twelve
months. Should you have items left over from your yard sale here on June 6, would you please
consider donating applicable items to the yard sale being held the next weekend at St. John's United
Church, Belwood?
Further details nearer the date. Meanwhile, please call Sheila 519 843 - 5509 (192 PRR) for further
information. Thank you.
May 2015
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The Pine Line
From the Chef’s Kitchen…
Lynda Young
Potatoes are a very versatile food. They can be served in so many variations - boiled, roasted, baked, fried –
actually every cooking method I can think of can be used on potatoes. The potato is a starchy, tuberous plant
that is part of the nightshade family. It is indigenous to the Andes and they were introduced outside that region
approximately four centuries ago, and have since become an integral part of much of the world's food supply. It
is the world's fourth-largest food crop, following maize, wheat, and, rice.
When selecting potatoes, choose ones that are firm and plump, avoiding the ones with shriveled skins,
sprouting eyes, soft spots, blemishes and green spots. It is better to buy in bulk where you can choose
individual potatoes than in bags where you can’t see all of the potatoes. Store your potatoes in a cool dry
place and they will keep for up to two weeks or even longer. Do not store them in the refrigerator because the
cool temperatures will convert the starches into sugar and the potato will become sweet and turn a dark colour
when cooked. Do not store with onions because the gasses that the onions give off will accelerate the decay
of the potatoes.
There are many different kinds of potatoes. These are a few of the most common ones:
Russet Potatoes are brown-skinned, oblong-shaped with a white interior. They are low in moisture and high
in starch making them good for baking, boiling and French fries.
Round White Potatoes are a bit smaller than the Russet with a medium level of starch and a finer texture.
These are good for making mashed potatoes.
Red Potatoes have a crisp, waxy texture. They are good potatoes for boiling, steaming, and roasting. They
keep their shape when cooked which makes them a good choice for potato salad, scalloped potatoes, soups,
and stews.
Yukon Gold Potatoes have a light yellow skin and a rich buttery flavour and they are excellent for boiling and
making mashed potatoes.
I have made the recipe below many times with leftover ham but to make it without leftovers you can get one of
the small precooked hams and cut off what you need, or get a pound of deli ham unsliced. This recipe is also
very easy to half or double – whatever your needs are.
Scalloped Potato and Ham Casserole in Mustard Sauce
Makes 12 servings
1 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoons canola oil
2 onions, sliced 1/8 inch thick
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups half and half, heated
1 to 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
2-½ lbs red potatoes, peeled and sliced 1/8 inch
1 lb cooked ham cut into ½ inch dice
½ cup grated cheddar cheese
½ cup grated gruyere cheese
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter with 1 tablespoon of canola oil in heavy skillet over
medium heat. Add the onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are
softened. At this point you can use the onions as they are or you may continue
the cooking process to caramelize the onions. You can do this by leaving the
onions to cook longer, stirring more frequently, until the onions are a deep brown
colour. If the onions are cooking too fast and start to burn turn the heat down.
This process could take up to 25 minutes. Set aside.
Heat the half and half by pouring into a microwave safe measuring cup and heating just until bubbles form
around the edges. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large sauce pan over medium heat. Stir in the flour and
cook, stirring constantly, 1 to 2 minutes or until the flour/butter mixture is bubbly. Add the hot cream, stirring
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The Pine Line
constantly, and continue stirring until the sauce comes to a boil and starts to thicken. Lower the heat and add
the salt and pepper to taste and cook, stirring for 2 to 3 minutes more. Remove from the heat. Stir in 1 to 2
tablespoons of yellow mustard then taste. If you want more mustard flavour, add the remaining tablespoon of
mustard. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Spray a deep 9 inch casserole dish with nonstick spray. Layer half of the potatoes on the bottom of the pan.
Cover with half of the cream sauce. Layer the ham and onions over the potatoes. Finish by layering the
remaining potato slices on top and then cover with the remaining cream sauce. Cover the dish with foil and
bake for 40 minutes. Remove the foil and sprinkle the cheese mixture on top. Return to the oven for 20
minutes longer or until potatoes are tender. You can run the casserole under the broiler to brown the cheese
top if you would like. Cut into squares and serve.
Make ahead notes:
You can caramelize the onions ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator until ready to use. They should be
warmed slightly before putting in the casserole (it makes them easier to spread around). The ham can be
cubed and put in the refrigerator until ready to use. To make the cream sauce ahead, make as directed, cool
slightly then cover with waxed paper to prevent a skin from forming and refrigerate until ready to use. The
sauce should be warmed before you continue with the recipe.
Maintenance Cost Review Committee (MCRC)
April 2015 Meeting
Peggy Barton, Recording Secretary
The Maintenance Cost Report for March 2015
still has us in a favorable position and overall the
expenses for the first quarter of 2015 are less
than those incurred in the first quarter of 2014.
The full report as always is posted in the board
As the snow has now finally all melted the
maintenance team have started their spring
cleanup, it would be remiss of me if I did not
take this opportunity to remind all pet owners
that picking up after their pets is the neighbourly
thing to do even if you are walking in any of the
general areas. We as a community appreciate
all those owners who do pick up, but
unfortunately there is evidence that some do
not. Please keep in mind that the
lawnmowers will be humming shortly
and the cleaning/sanitizing of
those pieces of equipment is
not an easy task.
The final phase of the replacement
of RBC1 will happen over the next few months
and we have been advised that there will be
construction and at times heavy equipment in
and around that area. Please keep an eye out
while driving in that area.
Any questions: Contact the MCRC Chair,
Randy Cook at 519 787-2464.
Did you enjoy April?
May 2015
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The Pine Line
Our New Photo Directory
Photo-taking Sessions
The Photo Directory Project Team
The scheduled dates in May include:
 Wednesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 14
There are two ways to get registered...
1. Go to our website ( and click on the "Book Now"
2. contact either
Vickie Bragg 519 787-8080
Suzanne Parker 519 843-2189.
If you have questions or concerns about this project, please contact one of the team members.
The Photo Directory Project team includes:
Linda Austin, Vickie Bragg, Gary Helmer, Gary Horniblow,
Suzanne Parker and Rick Rock.
Volunteers are needed to assist with
photo session scheduling
and with profile data acquisition.
Please contribute to this project by volunteering!
Ladies Who Lunch!!
Wednesday, May 6
The Ladies Who Lunch do so, on the FIRST Wednesday of each month. We meet at The Gorge
Restaurant in Elora to enjoy lunch and socializing.
Ladies of Pine Meadows: we invite you all to join us!
The sign-up sheet for the May 6 Lunch is now posted on the notice board outside
the Grand Hall.
There is room for 40 people. All are welcome. Please sign up and join us!
May 2015
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The Pine Line
Bridge Results:
Ladies’ Bridge
Mar. 24
Mar 31
Apr. 7
Apr. 14
Apr. 21
Fran Daniels
Vickie Bragg
Ann Vaugeois
Vera Shoemaker
Vickie Bragg
Suzie Parker
Suzie Parker
Carol Doyon
Adrienne Green
Barb Lindsay
Mixed Bridge
Mar. 26
Apr. 2
Apr. 9
Apr. 16
Apr. 23
Not available
Not available
Vera Shoemaker
Randy Cook
Vera Shoemaker
Barry Wood
Barry Wood
Ralph Knowles
Don Roden
Barb Lindsay
Euchre Results:
March 25/2015 Winners:
1st High Score (59) – John Hodgson
2nd High Score (57) – Barry Wyant
Lone Hands (3)
– Sue Langille
– Terry Langille
Lucky Draw
– Audrey Goulding
− Elaine Boyes
Oscar Winner
– John Hodgson
April 8/2015 Winners:
1st High Score() – John Hodgson
2nd High Score ()
– Judy Busch
Lone Hands ()
– Ken Busch
– Terry Langille
Lucky Draw
– Sue Langille
– Judy Busch
Oscar Winner
– Pearl Davis
Bid Euchre Results:
April 1/2015 Winners:
1st High Score (159) – Barb Cook
2nd High Score (151) – Gabrielle Filce
Lone Hands (3)
– Vickie Bragg/Don Sewell
Lucky Draw
– Barb Lindsay
– Elaine Boyes
Shoot the Moon
– Glenn Bragg/Don Sewell
– Barry Wyant
April 15/2015 Winners:
1st High Score (215) – Elaine Boyes
2nd High Score (196) – Mary Drew
Lone Hands (5)
– Judy Dick
Lucky Draw
– Barb Lindsay
– Barry Wyant
Shoot the Moon
– Ken Lindsay/Elaine Boyes
– Mary Drew
Note: Updated Bridge, Euchre, Bid Euchre and Six Handed Euchre results are always
posted on the PMHA website, under the Scoreboard menu – and are usually posted
shortly after the event!
Mixed Darts
Geoff Andrews, 519 787-4696
You are invited to come out.
We get together on Thursday evenings at 7.
If you require some information, please call Geoff Andrews.
High Scores for April:
April: Scores not available at time of printing
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The Pine Line
Notice from the Pine Line Team….
Your comments and feedback on the content and appearance of the Pine Line
are always invited. Please send us an email to:
[email protected]
or contact one of the Pine Line Team members with your comments.
Pine Line – Online
To access the Pine Line online, visit our website
( and select the Pine Line graphic on the right
side of the header image, for the current issue, or
select the Pine Line menu for both the current and past issues.
To discontinue receiving the Pine Line in print, send a message to:
[email protected]
Channel 5 – Online
To access a version of the Channel 5 Notice Board online,
visit our website ( and select the PM5 graphic
on the upper right side of the header image.
The Pine Line Team
The Pine Line is the monthly newsletter of the Pine Meadows residents and is produced for the
Pine Meadows Homeowners’ Association by the Pine Line Team, which currently consists of
Barbara and Paul DeRoo, Gary Helmer, Mary Anne Hill, Barbara Hodgson, Sheila and Colin
Johnson, Paul Lingen (Coordinator), Ian Marr and Jean Pearson.
The Pine Line depends on submissions by the various activity groups within Pine Meadows and
by you, the residents. Submissions should be made electronically (by email) to
[email protected] or can be placed in the Pine Line box in the main lobby
of the Recreation Centre. The submission deadline is the 21st of the month.
While a high priority is to include all submissions, space may require that some
submissions be omitted, or delayed to a future edition of The Pine Line.
A guideline for submitted articles is that they be limited to one typed page or
approx. 500 words.
May 2015
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The Pine Line
Pine Meadows Homeowners’ Association – Events Calendar
May 2015
4 Hilltop Singers-
13 KK
– 10:00
Photo Sessions...
– 7:00
20 KK – Seniors
30 Spring Dance
– 1:00
Photo Sessions...
– 10:00
PMHA Board – 1:00
Bid Euchre
– 7:00
27 KK Melody
- 10:00
(Two of a Kind)
– 7:00
– Elke LIngen
Ch. 5:
– Gary Helmer
Safety/Security: – Glenn Bragg (Coordinator)
– Clyde Henry
Grand Hall Rental :– George and Dianne Smith
May and June:
– Barry Wyant and Barb Cook
Workshop opens
at 7 a.m.
Pool is open
7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Aquafit – Men
Wood Carving
Billiards – Men
Pine Ndle Crafts
Billiards – Men
– 10:00
Ladies Lunch Bunch
Bid Euchre
– 7:00
6 KK
Aquafit – Ladies
Bridge – Ladies
Billiards – Men
Billiards – Ladies
Children may use pool:
8:30 Walking
10:00 Koffee Klatch
11:30 S.M.A.R.T.
1:30 - -Horseshoes
7:00 Bid Euchre (1st & 3rd)
7:00 Euchre (2nd & 4th)
9:00 Aquafit – Ladies
12:30 - 3:30 Pool Cleaning
1:00 Art Club
1:30 Board Games
1:30 Billiards – Ladies
7:00 Mixed Darts
7:30 Mixed Bridge
9:00 Aquafit – Men
8:50 Walking
10:00 Men’s Bridge
11:30 S.M.A.R.T.
12:00 Billiards – Men
4:00 Happy Hour
7:00 Mixed Billiards
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