Republic of the Philippinas Department of the lnterior and Local Government National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Bids and Auyards Committee Camp Crame, Quezon City NHQ BAC SUPPLEMEHTAL/BID BULLETTN NO. 2015PIIILGEPS Bid Refercnce No.3065219 [ I This Bid Bulletin is issued to clarifu andlor amend the items contained in the Bid Documents for the supply and delivery of 34 units HF/SSB Base Radio under Public Bidding No.: PNP-15-01G v.rith an Approved Budget for the Contract amounting to Seventeen Million Pesos (PHP17,000,000.00) as follows: l. Amendments The following are amended to read as follows: 1. No 2. of the lnvitation to Bid The Phiiippine National Police now invites bids for the aforementioned project. Delivery of the Goods is required within ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. Bidders should have completed, within five (5) years before the date of submission and receipt of their bids, a contract similar to the Project. $Cfi 2. Clause 11 of Section ll. lnstructions to Bidders The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Precuring Entity, shall be written in English. lf the eligibility requirements or statements, the bids, and all other documents submitted to the BAC are in foreign language other than English, it must be aecompanied by a translation of the documents in English. The documents shall be translated by the relevant foreign government agency, the foreign government agency authorized to translate documents, or a registered translator in the foreign bidder's country; and shall be authenticated by the appropriate Philippine foreign service establishment/post or the equivalent office having jurisdiction over the foreign bidder's affairs in the Fhiiippines. The English translatisn shall govern, for purposes of interpretation of the bid. - "3. ITB Clause 12.1(a)(iii) of Section lll. Bid Data $heet - The statement of all ongoing and completed govemment and private contracts shall include all sudl contracts within five (5) yealB prior to the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids. 4. GCC Clause 10 of Section V. Special Conditions of the Contract Preparation of Disbursement voucher (DV) shall commence after all the items and accessories were already delivered and acmpted at the PNP Logistic $upport service through a resolution issued by the National Headquarters- Committee on lnspection and Acceptance (NCIA). E c. Sectio,r Vi. Schedule of Requirements of the Biddirrg Document The delivery schedule expressed as days/weeks/months stipulates hereater a delivery date which is the date of delivery to the project site. . r Publie Biddins No. Description Total PNP-15.01G HF/SSB Base Radio with Encrvotisn 34 Delivered, WeekslMonths 90 calendar dayr from receipt of Notice to Proceed Project delivery and completion including testing shall be within ninety (90) calendar days upon issuance of Notice to Proceed and forty-five (45) calendar days installation upon acceptance of items. The bidder/contractor must submit a proposed Project Schedule and Methodslogy for PNP's reviar and aBprovat within one (ii week upon issuance of Notice to Proceed" 6. No. 2 of Bid Securing Declaration of Section Vlll. Bidding Forms lM/e accept that {a} Uwe will ba automatically disqualified fom bidding for any contract with any procuring enti$ for a period of two (2) years upon receipt of your Blacklisting Order: and, (b) l/we will pay the applicable fine provided under Section 6 of the Guidelines on the Use of Bid Securing Declaration, within fifieen {15} days forn receipt of the written demand by the procuring entity tor the commission of acts resuliing to the enforcement of the bid securing declaration under Sections 23.1(b), 34.2, 40.1 and 69.1, except 69.1(f), of the IRR of RA 9184; without prejudice to other legal action the govemment may undertake. ll. Clarifications 7" The 256 bit encryption codes shdll be rcquired and frur {4} programrnlng kits shall be supplied fur the 34 units HF/SSB Base radios as clarification on ltem c under Additional Requirements on Section Vll" Technical Specifications with regard to encryption capability and saftware. ,* 8. The list of locatisns sf installation sit€s is hresy attaehcd. The foregoing shallfomr an integralpart of the Bidding Dmuments. For guidance and information of allconcemed. ,Y NHQ VAfrO, JR *c6, - PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION OF HF/SSB RADIOS OFFICE' PRO No. NHQ 1 2 NUMBER FOR DISTRIBUIIOM oF rE[as INSTALLATIONTO: 1 NOC 1 CENTRACOM ADDRESS NHG Bldg, Cemp Grame, Quezon City CENTRACOM, CES Bldg, Camp Crame, flrrernn Cilv RESERVE CES {coMMUNICATIONE VAN AND FOR RAPID 3 CES Bldg, Camp Cname, Quezon Ci$ DFPI OYMENT} 3 SAF 4 RCEOs I SAF HQ Bldg., Camp Bagong Diwa, SAF HEAD QUARTERS Eicr*an Tenrrin Cifu 1 ALL RCEOs RCEO Bldg., Camp Florendo, Parian, $ar F'emanrlo Citu I a tlnion 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 4B 1 5 1 o 1 7 1 I i I ,| 10 1 Cagayan De Oro Ci$ 'tl I 12 RCEO 8lds., CaffiF Cafitipan, Dav6o ciry RCEO Bldg., Tambler, General Santos Ci$ 1 13 I ARMT4 .t RCEO Bldg., Camp Adduru, Tuguegarac Cihr (laflavqn RCEO Bldg., Camp SlivaE, City of Sar Femendo- Pamoanca RCEO Bldg., Camp Lim, Calamba CftY RCEO Bldg., Camp NsvarTo, Galapan Gny, Oriental Mindoro RCEO Bl&., CamP Ola" LegaspiGitY RCEO Bldg., Camp Delgado, lloilo CIty RCEO Bldg., Camp Osmena Sr, Osmene Blvd, Cebu Cfi RCEO Bldg., CamP Kangleon, PC Hills Palo. Leyte RCEO Bldg., Camp Batalla, Justice RTLin Fllvd Tamboanna Citu RCEO Blclg., Camp Alagar, LaPa*n, I coR 1 NCRPO 1 RCEO Bldg., Camp Rodriguez, Libertd, Butuan City RCEO Bldg., CamP Pendatun, Parang, Maouindanao RCEO Btctg-, Camp Oangra, LaTrinidad, Rannrrel RCEO Bldg., Camp Bagong Diwe, Biantan, Taguig City -"-: 5 NCRPO 1 RTOC (FOR RHQ Bldg., Camp Bagong Diwa, Bictrtan, DEPLOYMENT DURING Taguig City nrsA-qTtrRsr 6 PRO? 1 BATANE$ PPO 7 PRO4B 1 ROMBLON PPO I I pRos 1 RTOC PR06 1 AKIAN PPO 10 PRO1O 1 RTOC 11 PRO1l PROI2 1 12 1 RTOC RTOC 13 ARMM 1 RTOC 1 BASILAN PPO 1 RTOC 14 coR Total 34 Elataaaa uglqrw EIETA r rv Elllla Itt+rr hlariaaal rlquvtrqr EIJ l\v,t ha.r uly,l Kauhulan. Basco Batanes Romblon PPO Blrlo- Rornblon. Romblon RHQ Bldg.. Camp OIa, Legaspi Gity Aklan PPO Bldg., Camp Martdino, Brgy Naur Fhrsurann Kalihn Akian RHQ Bldg, Camp Alagar, Lapasm, Csoevan De Gro Cifu RHQ Blds.. Camp Catttipan, Davao City RHQ Bldq.. Tambler. General$antos Ciy RHQ Bldg, Camp Pendatun, Parang, Meouindanao Basilan PPO Bldg., Brgy Mensi. lsabala Citv. Basilan RHQ Bldg, Camp Dangwa, La Trinidad, Rannrrai
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