Case l;15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 1 of 11 PagelD 1 IN T H E UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR T H E WESTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE EASTERN DIVISION L A W A N D A HUNT, Plaintiff, vs. ) ) NO, 15-1059 JURY T R I A L D E M A N D E D CITY OF JACKSON, TENNESSEE, Defendant. COMPLAINT L JURISDICTION AND VENUE 1. This is an action for damages, declaratory and injunctive relief both preliminary and permanent, to redress the violation o f rights secured by the Fifth and Amendments Fourteenth to the United States Constitution, and tlie Tennessee State Constitution. Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, 1988 and 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Declaratory injunctive relief is authorized pursuant to 28 U.S.C, § 2201 and 2202. A l l o f the actions complained o f herein occurred in the City o f Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee, within the jurisdiction and venue o f this Court. II. PARTIES 2. Plaintiff, Lawanda Hunt, is a thirty-nine (39) year old African-American female and is and was a resident o f Jackson, Tennessee, at all times relevant to the matters at issue herein. 1 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 2 of 11 3. Defendant, City o f Jackson, Tennessee, PagelD 2 is a governmental entity duly incorporated under the laws o f the State o f Tennessee. Defendant City o f Jackson is responsible for the policies, practices, and customs o f its police department, as well as the hiring, training, supervision, control, and discipline o f its officers, deputies, and officials. Defendant City o f Jackson is and was the employer o f all members o f the Jackson Police Department, both named and unnamed herein. The agent for service o f process o f the Defendant City o f Jackson is Jerry Gist, City Mayor, who may be served at 121 East Main Street, Suite 301, Jackson, Tennessee 38301. III. DUTY 4. A t all times pertinent hereto. Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant in this matter owed her a duty to realize, prevent, and/or protect Plaintiff from the harm that its officials, employees, and/or agents presented to and inflicted upon her, Plaintiff further alleges that the Defendant owed her a duty to appropriately/adequately hire, supervise, and train its officials, employees, and/or agents in order to prevent and protect her from the harm inflicted in this matter. IV. STATEMENT OF FACTS 5. Plaintiff, Lawanda Hunt, (hereinafter "Plaintiff) lives in subsidized housing at the Ridge Apartments in Jackson, Tennessee, Plaintiff has a 12 year old autistic son that lives with her in the apartment. Her son has exhibited behavioral problems related to his autism that have at times caused him to be violent with his mother. 6. Officer Rochelle Staten is employed by the Defendant City o f Jackson police department ("JPD") as a police officer and lives and works in the Plaintiffs apartment complex Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 3 of 11 PagelD 3 as a "courtesy officer" and helps to patrol and watch over the complex and its residents in conjunction with her duties at JPD. 7. On or about March 28,2014, Plaintiffs son ran away from home but was located not far from home within a few hours. On that same day. Plaintiff and her neighbor, Betty Henderson, subsequently approached Officer Staten seeking help with the child. Officer Staten indicated that she knew an officer that "was good with troubled children" and she thought he could help with the child. 8. Officer Staten then called JPD Officer Everett Lamont Gray on the telephone while he was on duty and had him come over and introduced him to Ms. Hunt. Upon information and belief Officer Gray had a reputation in the JPD for being sexually aggressive with females. Officer Staten was aware o f this reputation and had foreknowledge that Officer Gray would likely make sexual advances toward Ms. Hunt when she introduced him to her, however never warned Ms. Hunt about Gray's reputation or likely intentions towards her. 9. A t that time, Officer Gray went to Hunt's apartment and helped her get her son to take a bath. Before he left that evening. Officer Gray gave Ms. Hunt his cell phone number and encouraged her to contact him in the future if she wanted help with her son. 10. Believing that Officer Gray's intentions were to help her, over the next couple o f days Plaintiff contacted Officer Gray a few times about her son. On one other occasion he came over again and helped her bathe him. Upon information and belief. Officer Gray was on duty for the JPD at these times and acting pursuant to his duties as a police officer for the Defendant. 11. On April 3, 2014, Plaintiff contacted Officer Gray on his cell phone and asked i f he could come help her with a door alarm she was installing to warn her i f her son left the 3 Case l;15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 4 of 11 PagelD 4 apartment. A t the time, Officer Gray was working as a JPD officer at a function at Lane College with Officer Staten, Investigator Isaiah Thompson and Officer Warren Olden. 12. Upon information and belief, after being contacted by Plaintiff, Officer Gray started talking to Investigator Thompson and Officer Olden about going to see Ms. Hunt that night and about his sexual intentions as to Ms. Hunt when he got there. Upon mformation and belief. Officer Staten knew what they were discussing as well. However, no one took any action to stop Officer Gray or to protect or warn Ms. Hunt to be wary o f Officer Gray. 13. After the Lane College tlinction ended that night. Officer Gray went to Ms. Hunt's apartment and raped her. Officer Gray has not denied that he had sexual contact with her that night; however, he claims it was consensual. Officer Gray has been charged with rape, and his case is currently pending in the Madison County Circuit Court. 14. Upon information and belief, Officer Gray was under investigation by the JPD at the time o f these events for other misconduct while he was employed and on duty as a JPD officer. Upon information and belief, Officer Gray has been involved in other inappropriate incidents at his previous employer, and upper management officials at Defendant either knew o f or should have been aware o f this misconduct, which should have precluded his employment at the JPD. Plaintiff further avers that she was raped by Officer Gray because the Defendant's policymakers acted with deliberate indifference in hiring Officer Gray and in failing to appropriately oversee, train, discipline and/or supervise Officer Gray. 15. Plaintiff avers that the rape occurred because Officer Staten introduced Officer Gray to Ms. Hunt and placed her in the position to be raped, even though Officer Staten was aware that Officer Gray likely posed a threat to Ms. Hunt but never warned her. 4 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 5 of 11 16. PagelD 5 Plaintiff avers that the rape also occurred because Investigator Thompson, along with Officers Staten and Olden failed to take action to protect Ms. Hunt on the night o f the rape after learning that Officer Gray had sexual intentions regarding his meeting with Ms. Hunt the night o f the rape. The Defendant, through its policymakers, acting with deliberate indifference to the rights o f the citizens it protects, failed to adequately train its police officers how to appropriately respond when they learn that a fellow officer has expressed inappropriate intentions toward vulnerable citizens. 17. Plaintiff further avers that she was raped by Officer Gray because the Defendant's policymakers acted with deliberate indifference in failing to appropriately oversee, train, discipline and/or supervise Officers Gray, Staten, Olden, and/or Investigator Thompson. 18. Plaintiff further avers that the rape was caused by JPD's lack o f institutional control and training o f officers living and working as courtesy officers in housing units such as the Ridge Apartments. This increased level o f involvement of officers in the day-to-day lives o f residents creates a greater risk o f abuse by JPD officers, creating a special duty owed to the residents and necessitating specific training and supervision o f these officers, which the Defendant, acting with deliberate indifference to the residents' rights, failed to provide. The officers living and working in the housing units, and particularly Officer Staten, were inadequately trained on how to appropriately respond when they learn that a fellow officer has expressed inappropriate intentions toward vulnerable citizens. 19. Plaintiff further avers that the rape occurred because there is pervasive, known, hostile attitude in much o f the management at JPD and among the male officers in the department toward females, including victims o f rape and sexual assault, that has created a culture o f hostility toward females that facilitates and promotes the type o f behavior that Officer 5 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 6 of 11 Gray engaged in. PagelD 6 This hostile attitude is evidenced by inappropriate comments, conduct, pictures, and documentation o f an offensive, sexual nature being made and exhibited by many o f the male officers, including high ranking officers working at the department. This conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: male officers and supervisors repeatedly making sexually explicit and demeaning statements and "jokes" about females, male officers exhibiting sexually suggestive pictures o f women and, on at least one instance, a male officer exhibiting a photograph o f a female rape victim, in the act o f being raped and asking in a joking manner i f it looked like she was enjoying herself. 20. Plaintiff avers that Officer Gray, Officer Staten, Investigator Thompson, Officer Olden, and other unnamed officers herein were, at all times mentioned in this complaint, officers o f the Jackson Police Department and employees of the Defendant and were at all times complained o f herein acting under color o f law, to wit: under color o f statutes, charter, and ordinances, regulations, policies, customs and us^es of the State o f Tennessee, City of Jackson, Tennessee, and the Jackson Police Department. V. CAUSES OF ACTION CLAIMS PURSUANT TO 42 U.S.C. gl983 21. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the factual statements contained in Paragraphs 1 through 20 of the Complaint. 22. Plaintiff avers that the actions described herein o f the employees and policy makers of Defendant, acting separately and/or conspiring together, under color of law, in either or both their individual and/or official capacities for the City o f Jackson and the Jackson Police Department amounted to a deprivation o f her constitutional and/or statutory rights protected under the United 6 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 7 of 11 PagelD? States Constitution, Statutes o f the United States, and the Tennessee State Constitution resulting in the damages listed below. 23. A t all times pertinent hereto. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant owed her a duty to realize, prevent, and/or protect Plaintiff from the harm that its officials, employees, and/or agents presented to and inflicted upon Plaintiff. Plaintiff further avers that Defendant owed her a duty to adequately and appropriately hire, supervise, discipline and train its officials, employees, and/or agents in order to prevent and protect Plaintiff from the harm inflicted in this matter. COUNT I 24. EQUAL PROTECTION Plaintiff incorporates by reference the factual statements contained in Paragraphs 1 through 23 of the Complaint. 25. Plaintiff avers that the policy makers, officers, employees, agents, and officials, named and unnamed herein, were all employees o f the Defendant City o f Jackson, a governmental entity duly incorporated under the laws o f the State o f Tennessee, and during all relevant time periods, and acting under the color o f state law. 26. Plaintiff avers that as an African-American woman, she is a member of an identifiable class. 27. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant's officer, agent, official, and employee. Gray, specifically targeted Plaintiff for the rape complained o f herein because o f her sex and gender, a discriminatory action. 28. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law, had actual knowledge o f the harm its failure to adequately/appropriately hire, supervise, discipline, and train its officials, employees, and/or agents including but not limited to Officers Gray, Staten, 7 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document! Filed 03/24/15 Page 8of 11 Olden and Investigator Thompson presented to Plaintiff, PagelD 8 As a result o f this actual knowledge, the Defendant could have taken steps to protect Plaintiff from the harm inflicted herein which it failed to do. 29. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color of law, because o f its deliberate indifference as set out above, failed to adequately/appropriately hire, supervise, discipline, and train its officers and employees and failed to take steps to protect Plaintiff from the harm inflicted herein. 30. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, and/or its officers, agents, officials, and employees, because o f its deliberate indifference as set out above, failed to investigate and protect Plaintiff and said failure was a result of the Defendant's intent to discriminate against Plaintiff on the basis o f her sex and gender. 31. Plaintiff avers that as a result of the deliberate indifference of the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color of law. Plaintiffs constitutional right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment o f the United States Constitution was violated. COUNT U 32. SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS Plaintiff incorporates by reference the factual statements contained in Paragraphs 1 tlirough 31 of the Complaint. 33. Plaintiff avers that as a resident o f the Ridge Apartments wherein the Defendant had stationed one of its police officers as a courtesy officer in order to patrol and watch over the area as a part of his/her regular job duties, the Defendant imposed a special relationship upon the 8 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document l Filed 03/24/15 Page 9 of 11 PagelD 9 Plaintiff whereby the Defendant owed Plaintiff a special duty to protect Plaintiffs fundamental substantive due process right to personal security and to bodily integrity. 34. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant's actions and omissions and/or the actions and omissions o f Defendant's officers, employees, officials, and agents, because of its deliberate indifference as set out above, impacted upon this substantive due process right. 35. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law, had actual knowledge o f the harm that Officer Gray presented to Plaintiff. As a result o f this actual knowledge, because o f its deliberate indifference as set out above, the Defendant could have but failed to take steps to protect Plaintiff from the harm inflicted herein. 36. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law as a result o f its deliberate indifference as set out above, failed to adequately/appropriately hire, supervise, discipline, and train its officers and employees and failed to take steps to protect Plaintiff from the harm inflicted herein. 37. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law, acted in conscious disregard and with deliberate indifference as set out above regarding the risk of the harm that Officer Gray presented to Plaintiff 38. Plaintiff avers that the Defendant, by and through its policy makers, officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law, had a custom and/or policy o f tolerating and/or deliberate indifference to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and assault o f women citizens and residents o f the City o f Jackson, 9 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 10 of 11 39. PagelD 10 Plaintiff avers that as a result o f the actions o f the Defendant, by and through its policy makers, officers, employees, agents, and officials, both in their official and individual capacities, performed under color o f law, acting with deliberate indifference, violated Plaintiff's constitutional right to substantive due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. VI. DAMAGES 40. As a direct and proximate cause o f the foregoing deprivations of constitutional freedoms and statutory rights committed by Defendant and its policy makers, officers, employees, and officials. Plaintiff was raped by Officer Gray and has suffered, physical and mental injuries, sexual assault/rape, severe emotional distress, humiliation, inconvenience and embarrassment, other pecuniary and non-pecuniar^' losses and she has had to retain legal counsel to defend and prosecute her rights. VIL PRAYER FOR R E L I E F WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court: a. Declare the Defendant's practices, as complained o f herein, to be in violation of and in contravention of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution; b. Grant Plaintiff any compensatory damages to which she is entitled to under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 as a result o f the actions complained o f herein, including but not limited to damages for her severe emotional distress; c. Enter an Order enjoining the Defendant from engaging in the constitutionally violative policies as set out above; d. Grant Plaintiff a trial by jury; 10 Case l:15-cv-01059-JDB-egb Document 1 Filed 03/24/15 Page 11 of 11 c. PagelD 11 Grant Plaintiff her costs incurred herein, including a reasonable attorney's fee pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988; f. Grant Plaintiff such other further relief both general and specific as the Court deems necessary and proper in this case. Respectfully submitted, W E I N M A N & ASSOCIATES /s/ Michael L. Weinman Michael L . Weinman (#015074) Attorney for Plaintiff 112 S. Liberty Street, Suite 321 Jackson, T N 38302 (731)423-5565 [email protected] 11
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