FIRST READING: ACTS 4:8-12 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter said: Rulers of the people, and elders! If you are questioning us today about an act of kindness to a cripple, and asking us how he was healed, then I am glad to tell you all, and would indeed be glad to tell the whole people of Israel, that it was by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the one you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by this name and by no other that this man is able to stand up perfectly healthy, here in your presence, today. This is the stone rejected by you the builders, but which has proved to be the keystone. For of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved. SECOND READING:1 JOHN 3:1-2 Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God's children; and that is what we are. Because the world refused to acknowledge him, therefore it does not acknowledge us. My dear people, we are already the children of God but what we are to be in the future has not yet been revealed; all we know is, that when it is revealed we shall be like him because we shall see him as he really is. GOSPEL: JOHN: 10:11-18 Jesus said: 'I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep. The hired man, since he is not the shepherd and the sheep do not belong to him, abandons the sheep and runs away as soon as he sees a wolf coming, and then the wolf attacks and scatters the sheep; this is because he is only a hired man and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for my sheep. And there are other sheep I have that are not of this fold, and these I have to lead as well. They too will listen to my voice, and there will be only one flock, and one shepherd. The Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me; I lay it down of my own free will, and as it is in my power to lay it down, so it is in my power to take it up again; and this is the command I have been given by my Father.' Welcome to St Joan of Arc Catholic Church Brighton CONTACTS Parish Priest: Fr Martin Dixon Pastoral Associate: Cesar Lopez Location: 118 New St Brighton Ph: 9593 1703 Fax: 9593 3155 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9.30am - 3.30pm during school terms. School Principal: Tony McMahon 9592 3840. YEAR B 26 April, 2015 SERVICES Sunday Mass: Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 8.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm. Weekdays: Tues evening at 7.30pm. Wed, Thurs & Fri mornings at 9.15am except first Thursday of the month at 12pm in the chapel at Cabrini Hospital, Brighton. Reconciliation: Saturday 5.30pm. Weddings & Baptisms: By appointment. REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS Weddings: William Sully to Joanne Heenan. Baptisms: Remy Baldwin, Francis Bray, Edward Nesbitt, Georgia Nikolaidis & Grace Renouf. Illness: Eric (Tony) Carr, Glynn Desmond, Leanne Ickeringill, Mary Nesbitt & David Vaughan. Recently Deceased: Anniversaries: Edna Daly & Una Meyers. PARISH GROUPS Readings Next Weekend Acts 9:26-31, 1 John 3:18-24, John 15:1-8 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Card Players: First Thursday of the month in the presbytery meeting room from 11.30am. Care Group: Jackie Warden on 9592 5458. Meditation: Mon 10am in the presbytery. Prayer Group: Thursdays at 8pm in the Church. Reflection On The Gospel “Today's Gospel reminds us what Christian leadership should look like. Jesus didn’t liken it to princes in palaces or governors of provinces. His metaphor was of a compassionate shepherd who sleeps in the field with his flock, one who knows them so well and loves them so dearly that he lays down his own life for them. Let’s pray at this Eucharist that we always have the leaders we deserve, ones whose compassion is so transparent that it inspires us to be the same, even towards them. Richard Leonard SJ.” St Joan of Arc Parish News & Events Services This Week This weekend on the centenary of ANZAC Day we remember all those who fought, cared for the wounded and those left behind. May we never forget the sacrifices they made for us. Please keep them and all our defence forces in your prayers. Parish Prayer Group The Charismatic Prayer group meets each Thursday at 8pm in the church. Topic this week is ‘Exploring and Developing Being Holy. All welcome. GodStart Easter Event This Sunday 26th April 9.15am-10.30am Families with young children are invited to this fun activity in the parish hall to celebrate Easter. SMS to Ina on 0421 349 899. ASSIST A STUDENT – IT’S LIFE-CHANGING The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of Australia has set up the lifechanging program ‘Assist a Student’ to provide education for poor but capable students throughout Asia and the Pacific. By donating $70 you will create an educational opportunity for a student who otherwise would remain uneducated and trapped in the cycle of poverty. In return you will receive a certificate with the student’s name and country; and the knowledge that your $70 has changed a life! Brochures and donation forms are in the basket in the church foyer. Please take one and post it to the St Vincent de Paul Society as directed. Many thanks for your support. Today, for $70, you have changed the life of a child! News From The Social Justice Group Next weekend, May 2nd and 3rd, is our next collection for asylum seekers and refugees. They need non-perishable foodstuffs, eg long-life milk, tea, coffee, sugar, rice, pasta, canned tomatoes, chickpeas etc; and cleaning products and toiletries eg soap, toilet rolls, detergent etc. The collection bin is on the right hand side of the church foyer as you enter from New St. Pax Christs is hosting an evening to discuss “Terrorism and the “War on Terror”; What they mean for Australia” with guest speakers Robert Stary, Tasneem Chopra and Prof Joe Camilleri. Tuesday, May 19th, 6pm – 9pm, Kildara Centre, rear 39 Stanhope Street, Malvern. The Human Rights Arts and Film Festival will take place from May 7th -May 21st at ACMI, Federation Square. For details of the many excellent films, see Fr Patrick Gibbons Our First Parish Priest 1921-1935 and Melbourne’s First Naval Chaplain In 1913 Fr Patrick Gibbons was appointed Catholic chaplain to the Royal Australian Navy. His term of service included the four years of the First World War. He was highly regarded by the crew of HMAS Australia and did not discriminate between rank or religion. In 1921 Fr Gibbons was appointed to establish and administer the new parish of St Joan of Arc in Brighton. It was written in our parish history that “on occasions that when the train thundered past on the rail nearby, Fr Gibbons would spring from bed ready for action”. Fr Gibbons served our parish well in establishing the school and church. In 1935 he was appointed parish priest at Camberwell. Fr Gibbons died in 1947 at the age of 65. The current edition of Kairos features Fr Gibbons in the article ‘Melbourne priest first naval chaplain’ on page 6. See: for the full story or take of copy from the church foyer today. Are You A Handy Person? The parish requires a person with spare time and maintenance skills to assist with the management and repair of parish buildings including memorials. In addition, experience with trades and obtaining quotes. This is a paid position with flexible hours reporting to the Finance Committee. Please phone the office on 9593 1703 . JESUIT MISSION Maytime Fair Xavier College Kew. Saturday 2nd May, 9am-5pm Altar Society We have a very dedicated team of parishioners who assist one a month with light cleaning and tidying in the church. There is no vacuuming or lifting involved. If you are free for a short time on a Thursday or Friday morning we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please phone the parish office on 9593 1703. Many thanks. ‘Real Care, Love and Compassion– the Alternative to Euthanasia’ The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has prepared the above pamphlet to explain the real dangers of euthanasia. We encourage you to take a copy, be informed and become involved in the debate on this issue. Copies are in the church foyer today or see online:
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