Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures Category: Campus Life 1. POLICY SUPPORTED Equal Opportunity Policy Complaints Policy 2. APPLICATION All Staff and Students 3. EXCEPTIONS Nil 4. DEFINITIONS Nil 5. PROCEDURES 5.1 Context for these procedures 5.1.1 In reading this procedure, all students and staff need to be aware of the University's Equal Opportunity Policy which states that all students and staff shall comply with all relevant legislation on equal opportunity and that the University will take all reasonable steps to ensure that students and staff are able to study and work in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. 5.2 Strategies and Actions by which the policy is to be implemented 5.2.1 General Principles Discrimination and harassment may occur between staff, between staff and students or between students. It can occur between those of equal or unequal status within the University. It may be intentional or unintentional. Discrimination and harassment are against University policy and both constitute unlawful behaviour against another person based on the provisions contained in all relevant legislation, including the Racial Discrimination Act (1975), Sex Discrimination Act (1984), Disability Discrimination Act (1992), Equal Opportunity Act (1984), Age Discrimination Act (2004) and the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012). Discrimination and harassment constitute unacceptable behaviour. The University may consider disciplinary action if a student or staff member is found to have discriminated against or harassed another student or staff member. The University does not have the right to intervene in personal relationships. It does, however, have a proper concern where discrimination or harassment: creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational and/or work environment; adversely affects an individual's performance in education or work; adversely affects an individual's employment, promotion, or scholarly prospects; G50-746-266 1 results in resignation, unfair dismissal, or withdrawal from units or programs of study; and/or reflects on the integrity and standing of the University. As well as prohibiting the direct discrimination or harassment of one individual by another, equal opportunity legislation states that any person who causes, instructs, induces, aids or permits another person to engage in harassment shall be deemed to have done the action also and shall be penalised accordingly. The University is committed to taking all action necessary to prevent, and where reported, resolve incidents of harassment and discrimination. Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment found in Appendix 1 to these procedures has been developed as a means of resolving complaints. It is the responsibility of all students and staff to ensure that proper standards of conduct are upheld. The University and staff in supervisory and academic positions have a responsibility to ensure that the University is free from discrimination and harassment. Failure by the University to deal seriously with complaints of discrimination or harassment or to take prompt, effective action, or remedial action, to deal with complaints can be seen as condoning or tolerating such behaviour. Managers are required to address any discrimination or harassment they observe rather than waiting for a complaint to be made. Students and staff who become aware of discrimination or harassment are encouraged to bring it to the attention of their supervisor as it may affect other students and staff as well as productivity and working relationships. Confidentiality is paramount when dealing with discrimination and harassment. Confidentiality guidelines should be adhered to, to minimise any legal actions resulting from breach of confidentiality. Allegations of discrimination or harassment must be lodged with the University within 12 months after the date on which the contravention of the policy is alleged to have occurred. Notwithstanding, the University, on good cause being shown, may accept a complaint which is lodged more than 12 months after the date referred. Where, at any stage of an investigation, the University is satisfied that a complaint is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, lacking in substance or relates to an act that is not unlawful by reason of a provision contained in legislation nor in breach of this policy the University may, by notice in writing addressed to the complainant, dismiss the complaint. 5.2.2 Monitoring The University is committed to ensuring an environment free of discrimination and harassment for its students, staff, and other members of its community and bona fide visitors, and supports this by providing a supportive and educative framework. In addition, under equal opportunity legislation, the University has a legal responsibility to protect both students and staff from discrimination and harassment. The University supports the legislation by developing and implementing policies, procedures and guidelines to assist students, staff, and members of the University community and bona fide visitors, in preventing discrimination and harassment and resolving complaints where these occur. The University reports annually to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency on measures taken to prevent discrimination and harassment covered under legislation. 5.3 Resolution of Complaints 5.3.1 Staff in supervisory and academic positions are expected to utilise these procedures in taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to eliminate discrimination and harassment from the University environment. G50-746-266 2 5.4 Procedures for those who think they have been discriminated against or harassed 5.4.1 Individuals who think they have been discriminated against have available to them the Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment (See Appendix 1). 5.4.2 Complainants are entitled to lodge their complaint with an appropriate external authority, such as the Equal Opportunity Commission or the Australian Human Rights Commission but are encouraged to exhaust internal mechanisms in the first instance. 5.5 Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment 5.5.1 Staff in supervisory and academic positions are expected to use the procedures in taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to eliminate discrimination and harassment from the University environment. 5.5.2 The Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment is to be found at Appendix 1 to this document. 5.5.3 Examples of harassment are to be found in Appendix 2 to this document. 5.5.4 Supervisors/Academic Staff with Responsibility for Students and/or Staff is to be found at Appendix 3 to this document. 5.5.5 Responsibility of Students/Staff is to be found at Appendix 4 to this document. 5.6 Implementation 5.6.1 The University will notify all students and staff of procedures for the reporting of complaints of discrimination and harassment. 5.6.2 University Staff Induction will provide information about the resolution of complaints of discrimination and harassment. 5.6.3 University Management training will provide information about managers' and supervisors' responsibilities in relation to the prevention of discrimination and harassment and the procedures for complaints resolution. 5.7 Performance Indicators 5.7.1 The following performance indicators will be used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the policy. 5.7.2 Effectiveness indicators indicate the extent to which the procedures are achieving purpose. Number of complaints on each ground annually. Total number of complaints annually. Percentage of complaints resolved within the University annually. Percentage of staff population reporting awareness of Equal Opportunity Policy and Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures in confidential surveys. Percentage of staff population reporting discrimination or harassment in confidential surveys. Number of complaints referred to external bodies. Resolution process used for complaints resolved as the percentage resolved internally and the percentage resolved externally. 5.7.3 Efficiency indicators measure the relationship between outputs and inputs or inputs and outputs. G50-746-266 3 Targeting of education programs measured as: general staff attending education programs (as a percentage of total general staff population); academic staff attending education programs (as a percentage of total academic staff population); and supervisors/managers attending education programs (as a percentage of total supervisor/manager population) 6. LIST OF SCHEDULES Appendix 1 - Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment Appendix 2 - Examples of Harassment Appendix 3 - Supervisors/Academic Staff with Responsibility for Students and/or Staff Appendix 4 - Responsibility of Students/Staff 7. OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS/LINKS Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwlth) Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cwlth) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth) Disability Services Act 1993 (WA) Racial Hatred Act 1995 (Cwlth) Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwlth) Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cwlth) Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cwlth) Policy Manager Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education Director, Corporate Values & Equity Contact G50-746-266 Tel: 9266 2772 Approval Authority Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education Review Date 1st August 2017 4 REVISION HISTORY Revision Ref. No. Approved/ Amended/ Rescinded Date Committee/Board Resolution Number Document Reference E001/P1.1 Approved 03/01/2002 Academic Senate AS 44/02 Attachment 2 to Document No AS 26/02 E001/P1.2 Amended 07/12/2005 Planning and Management Committee PMC 80/05 Document No 00867/05 E001/P1.2A Administratively Updated 13/06/2006 E001/P1.2B Amended 25/10/2006 Administratively Updated Administratively Updated Administratively Updated Administratively Updated 20/03/2008 12/09/2008 17/06/2010 15/10/2012 Reformatted Council Director, Legal and Compliance Services Director, Legal and Compliance Services Director, Legal and Compliance Services Director, Legal and Compliance Services Amended 21/08/2014 A/Deputy ViceChancellor, Education Administratively Updated 20/04/2015 Director, Legal and Compliance Services G50-746-266 C 150/06 (iii) Document No 01108/06 Reformatted and Amended to Reflect Organisational Chart Minor Policy Amendment EM1408 Amended to Reflect Organisational Change Policy Manager and Contact Updated Unconditional (Approval Authority also updated) Director, Human Resources changed to Director, People and Culture 5 Appendix 1 PROCESS FOR THE RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS OF DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT Individuals who think discrimination and/or harassment has occurred have available to them University procedures for the resolution of complaints of discrimination and harassment. Staff in supervisory and academic positions are expected to use the procedures in taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to eliminate discrimination from the University environment. Whilst complainants are encouraged to exhaust internal mechanisms for dealing with complaints in the first instance, they are also entitled to lodge their complaint with appropriate external agencies, such as the Equal Opportunity Commission or Australian Human Rights Commission, and, in the case of criminal matters, the relevant Police Service. Process for the Resolution of Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment A number of actions are available to individuals who think that discrimination and/or harassment has occurred. These actions may be taken in any order. (1) Solve it yourself. • • • Seek support from the University Counselling Service Decide to do nothing Talk to the person who you think is discriminating against or harassing you. (2) Follow the provisions of the Complaints Policy and Complaints Procedures and/or contact the Professional Standards and Conduct Unit. (3) Access appropriate external agencies. NOTE: State and Commonwealth legislation establishes liability on the part of the University for acts done by those employed by it or under its supervision, unless the University can demonstrate that all reasonable steps are being taken to prevent prohibited conduct. Accordingly, the University, in satisfying this obligation, requires staff in positions of responsibility to observe and implement these procedures so as to ensure that all reasonable steps have been taken to eliminate discrimination from the University. Supervisors of students or staff must be aware of the Equal Opportunity Policy and its procedures and of their responsibilities for the provision of a discrimination free environment. Supervisors have particular responsibility to: • ensure their own conduct is above reproach and that they are aware of the behaviour of others for whom they have supervisory responsibility; • explain to students and staff the University's Equal Opportunity Policy and the Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and student and/or staff responsibilities under the policy and procedures; • encourage and facilitate the participation of students and staff in educational programs designed to identify and eliminate discrimination in the University; • deal promptly and confidentially with any complaints of discrimination and/or harassment; • ensure that persons making a complaint of discrimination and/or harassment are not G50_746_266 6 victimised; and • ensure that once a complaint has been resolved, that the behaviour is not repeated. Confidentiality 1. It is imperative that all information regarding discrimination and/or harassment complaints, or discussions which could lead to a complaint, be kept confidential. The reasons for this include: (a) protection from defamation actions; (b) prevention of victimisation of the parties involved; (c) prompt, successful resolution relies on minimum numbers of people involved in the complaint; (d) students or staff may tend to take sides resulting in escalation of the complaint; (e) the alleged discriminator/harasser has a right, as a requirement of natural justice, to expect allegations to be kept confidential; and (f) in the case of complaints to the Equal Opportunity Commission and the Australian Human Rights Commission, legislation provides protection from civil actions. In the case of complaints made under the University policy, complainants should be protected by qualified privilege, a legal defence against claims of defamation, provided that they act strictly as specified within the policy. 2. Staff with written delegated authority involved in resolving the complaint, should be protected by qualified privilege, as long as they act strictly as specified within the Equal Opportunity policy and the Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures. 3. It is legitimate for those involved in resolving a case of discrimination to seek advice and/or assistance from people with expertise in the area. Details of the complaint can be given, confidentially to: the Director, Ethics, Equity and Social Justice; Director, Professional Standards and Conduct; the Director, People and Culture; or the Vice-Chancellor without violating the defence of qualified privilege. Any documentation is subject to Freedom of Information legislation. Victimisation 1. Experience has shown that sometimes unfavourable treatment of the complainant, subsequent to the placing of a complaint, puts the person under further stress and can escalate the situation beyond resolution. Such treatment is termed victimisation and is against University policy and may also constitute unlawful activity in some instances. 2. Victimisation includes any unfavourable treatment, such as aggression, refusing to provide information, ignoring the person, refusing to renew a contract of employment, dismissal, or lower assessment of student work. 3. Victimisation of people making complaints through this complaint procedure will be treated as seriously as the original behaviour giving rise to the complaint. 4. Supervisory and academic staff are responsible for ensuring that victimisation of the complainant does not occur, either immediately, or anytime after the complaint has been resolved. Reporting The Director, Health and Safety and the Director, Professional Standards and Conduct will include statistics on complaints of discrimination and harassment in their reporting processes. Record Keeping G50_746_266 7 1. The University shall take all necessary steps to ensure the confidentiality of any complaint. Internal disclosure should be limited strictly to those employees who need to have access for official purposes. 2. The need to restrict access and maintain confidentiality affects filing and storage practice. Details of allegations and investigatory notes shall be kept in confidential files. These shall be kept separately from either the complainant's or respondent's Personal Files held in Human Resources and will usually be stored in the Professional Standards and Conduct Unit. 3. All records related to complaints of discrimination and harassment will be stored in accordance with the University’s record keeping and disposal requirements. Publicity 1. The University will undertake an education and publicity campaign to raise awareness of the type of behaviour constituting discrimination and harassment and will publicise the procedures available for handling complaints. The University's Equal Opportunity Policy and Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures shall be publicised in the: • • • • • • G50_746_266 Ethics, Equity and Social Justice website Conditions of Service information provided to new staff and to contract employees who will be working on the University Campuses; Student Charter; Staff Induction; Student Orientation; and Documents explaining conduct requirements at Curtin 8 Appendix 2 EXAMPLES OF HARASSMENT Harassment may include: • • • • • • • • • unwelcome physical contact or coercive behaviour which is intended or may reasonably be expected to be received as offensive, intimidating, derogatory or likely to cause humiliation; insulting or threatening language and/or gestures; interference with a person’s work space, work materials, equipment or property, apart from what would be considered necessary for ongoing work in the particular area or as part of normal student work; continual unjustified and unnecessary comments about a person’s work or capacity for work; pictures, posters, graffiti, electronic images in written materials which are offensive, obscene or objectionable; phone calls, letters or messages on electronic mail or computer networks which are threatening, abusive or offensive; persistent following within, to or from a University site (stalking); dismissive treatment or material expressing prejudice or stereotypic assumptions about the group to which a person belongs or may belong; and continual exclusion of a person or group from normal conversation, work or student assignments, work related social activities and workplace or student networks. (Adapted from the Public Service Commission 1994. Eliminating workplace harassment. AGPS Canberra) G50_746_266 9 Appendix 3 SUPERVISORS/ACADEMIC STAFF WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR STUDENTS AND/OR STAFF Ensure their own conduct is above reproach and that they are aware of the behaviour of others for whom they have supervisory responsibility. Explain to students and/or staff the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy and Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and outline students and/or staff responsibilities. Promote educational programs designed to identify and eliminate discrimination and harassment in the University. Deal promptly and confidentially with any complaints of discrimination and harassment. Ensure that persons making a complaint of discrimination or harassment are not victimised. Ensure that once a complaint has been resolved, the behaviour is not repeated. G50_746_266 10 Appendix 4 RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS/STAFF Ensure their own conduct is above reproach. Students and/or staff need to adhere to the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy and Procedures for the Elimination of Discrimination and Harassment The University can, under the University’s statutes, take disciplinary action against students found to be discriminating against or harassing other students or staff. Ensure that persons making a complaint of discrimination or harassment are not victimised. Ensure that once a complaint has been resolved, the behaviour is not repeated. G50_746_266 11
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