H2 Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS) Strategies for Transitioning to Low-carbon Freight Vehicles NCST/STEPS Webinar 30 April 2015 Lew Fulton STEPS Director www.steps.ucdavis.edu New STEPS/NCST report due out May 2015 2 STEPS is the leading global forum of low-carbon transportation stakeholders STEPS: Generate visions of fuel and vehicle futures grounded in technical and economic realities, a strong knowledge base for companies making long-term technology investments, and sophisticated analyses of future policies. • The leading experts on modeling and analysis of alternative fuel transitions • Preparing scientific analysis and convening policy and business decision makers • Training next generation leaders in transportation and energy 1998----------------------------------------------------------------------------2014-------------------2018 Fuel Cell Vehicle Modeling Program 1998-2002 FCV Technology Hydrogen Pathways 2003-2006 FCVs & H2 Fuel Pathway STEPS 2007-2010 NextSTEPS 2011-2014 Fuel/Vehicle Pathway Analyses & Comparisons Scenarios & Transition Strategies STEPS3 2015-2018 Critical Transition Dynamics 3 STEPS program issues white papers that answer critical questions on low carbon, alt. fuel transitions: How will/won’t these transitions unfold? White Paper Draft Release Public Release Leaders Biofuels April May Lew Fulton, Nathan Parker, Steve Kaffka, Geoff Morrison Electric Vehicles May June Tom Turrentine, Ken Kurani Hydrogen June August January February Amy Jaffe, Rosa Dominguez April 2015 May 2015 Lew Fulton Integrative Scenarios for Low C Sustainable Futures 2015 2015 Joan Ogden, Lew Fulton, Sonia Yeh, Chris Yang CCS 2015 2015 Joan Ogden, Nils Johnson, Nathan Parker Natural Gas Low-carbon Freight Joan Ogden, Chris Yang, Mike Nicholas, Lew Fulton 4 Scope of talk: • Truck characteristics, technology options, GHG reduction potential, costs • Comparison across fuels, present and future • 80-in-50 GHG scenarios for the US and California • Policy implications 5 Research Team/Acknowledgments • Lew Fulton • Marshall Miller • Many data inputs provided by Andrew Burke, Lin Zhu, Hengbeng Zhao • TOP-HDV Model originally built by Ben Sharpe, who provided help in updating his model for the current study 6 EIA AEO 2015: truck energy use rising 7 Intent and Focus of Study • Accept goal of 80% reductions in GHGs by 2050 in US and CA, apply goal to trucking sector • Focus on advanced vehicles (driveline efficiency gains), new propulsion technologies (e.g. fuel cells) and very-low GHG fuels • Outside scope of study – Programs/policies to reduce VMT – Intelligent Transportation Systems (e.g. automation, traffic management), ICT for logistics • Biofuels – Included biodiesel and renewable diesel – Did not include RNG (currently studying potential), though recognize it’s potential importance 8 Punchlines first – what it could look like to achieve an 80% reduction in GHG in trucking... • US biofuels use in Mixed case would be about a doubling of todays levels for all purposes and must provide at least 80% reductions in GHG compared to base fuel • Hydrogen use in the ZEV case would be about twice U.S. production for all purposes and must be deeply decarbonized, e.g. from “waste” wind/solar power US (right axis) California (left axis) 60 4.5 50 4.0 3.5 40 3.0 30 2.5 2.0 20 1.5 BIL GALLONS DIESEL EQUIV BILL GALLONS DIESEL EQUIV 5.0 Hydrogen Electricity Natural gas Biofuels Diesel fuel 1.0 10 0.5 0 0.0 2010 2050 High ZEV 2050 Mixed 2010 2050 High ZEV 2050 Mixed 9 Trucking sector includes many different truck types… Truck Type Description or example Long haul Class 8 long distance travel Very high ~100,000 Medium Short haul Class 7,8 regional travel High ~50,000 Low Heavy-duty vocational Refuse truck Medium 20,000 – 30,000 Medium Medium-duty vocational Trash compactors, bucket trucks Medium 20,000 – 30,000 Medium Medium-duty urban Delivery trucks (UPS, FedEx) Medium 20,000 – 30,000 High Buses Transit buses, shuttles, coaches Medium ~30,000 Medium Medium 20,000 – 30,000 Very high Heavy-duty vans and Class 2B and 3, > pickup trucks 8,500 lbs. GVWR Average Mileage/year Relative fleet size 10 …and technologies/fuels Vehicle Technology Commercial status Efficiency, Range, and Vehicle Cost Barriers/issues Conventional diesel/gasoline Presently dominate all truck (baseline technology) types Relatively heavy emitters of GHGs Hybrid, plug-in hybrid Commercial in heavy-duty pickups and buses. Expected to play a significant role in all types Reduce GHGs but reductions are modest compared to fuel cell and electric LNG/CNG Commercial in almost all types. Significant market in buses, MD urban. Fuel cell Battery electric Increase in efficiency Increased range Increased cost Similar or slight decrease in efficiency Likely decrease in range Near-term Increase in cost Extensively tested in buses Large increase in and cars. Timeline for efficiency commercialization in other Decreased range vehicle types could be 10-20 Increase in cost years Near commercial in some Large increase in applications, mainly efficiency medium duty urban Significant decrease in range Increase in cost At best, modest reductions in GHGs except with RNG. Infrastructure not fully mature. Hydrogen infrastructure lacking. Fuel cells will likely have a shorter life than diesel engines for the foreseeable future. Range of vehicle is short. Vehicles with significant annual mileage may not be able to adopt. Battery life may not last expected truck life. . 11 Trucks vary by efficiency and range… New long-haul Heavy Duty trucks as an example Diesel MPG (diesel equiv) Gal/100 miles (own fuel units) Approximate fuel storage requirement (volumetric gals for 500 mile range) Hybrid Diesel Diesel Max Tech LNG Fuel cell / LH2 2014 2014 2030 2030 2014 2030 2014 2030 6.5 6.9 9.3 11.2 6.5 9.3 10.9 13.3 15.3 14.5 10.7 8.9 15.3 10.7 9.2 7.5 77 73 54 45 140 100 300 225 Sources: Burke and Zhu (2014), Zhou et al (2013), Calheat (2013) 12 How we estimated life-cycle costs • We made estimates of vehicle/fuel costs only for long and short haul heavy-duty trucks • Estimates for 2014 and (roughly) 2030 • Assumed cost reductions as a function of R&D, scale, learning – thus our 2030 cost numbers reflect these, if they don’t happen costs would be higher • Even near term costs assume high volume production for new technologies and fuels • Costs are amortized over 15 years (with 15 years of fuel use) – this could occur over multiple owners • Societal discount rate 4% used • We have only made point estimates but acknowledge a high degree of uncertainty/variability 13 Long-haul truck lifecycle costs: near term and long term Using a societal cost approach, fuel costs dominate 14 Short-haul HDT lifecycle costs Electrics possible but battery costs will be key 15 Fuel requirements and assumptions • By 2030, much lower GHG feedstock production/fuel supply pathways must be well on their way to replacing current higher GHG pathways, with >80% reductions per unit of fuel by 2050 • California has a significantly cleaner grid than the US average, so has a “head start” for both electricity and hydrogen decarbonization 2014 Hydrogen 100% from natural gas reforming Electricity Average grid mix Biofuel Mostly soy-based biodiesel 2030 50% from NG, 50% from electrolysis from grid electricity Average grid mix, significantly decarbonized Renewable diesel, 50% from cellulosic pathways 2050 100% from very low carbon electricity Grid must be almost completely decarbonized 100% very low GHG renewable diesel 16 CO2 emissions over HDT vehicle life Differences across technologies, fuels, duty cycles, years 17 CO2 costs applied over HDT vehicle life Shown with a $50/ton carbon value – not a game changer 18 Truck scenarios using TOP-HDV • Scenarios – fleet stock, VMT by truck type through 2050. Modify sales of new technologies and fuels year by year to reach goals. • Two paths – ZEVs (FCs and BEVs) and biofuels/ZEV mix • Benefits/issues – ZEVs • Significantly reduces both greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants (critical in CA) • Vehicles initially expensive; for FCEVs no hydrogen infrastructure • Requires electricity or hydrogen produced renewably (wind, solar) – Biofuels/ZEV mix • Does not require new vehicle (fuel is drop-in ready) • Not clear how much low carbon biofuels are available (also more difficult to estimate actual carbon emissions) 19 80-in-50 ZEV Scenario Massive changes between 2030 and 2050 20 Comparison of ZEV and Mixed paths (HD Trucks for CA shown here) ZEV scenario: FCEVs must dominate the market by 2035 Mixed Scenario: Lower ZEVs but advanced biofuels w/80% GHG reduction must reach very high blend share by 2050 21 ZEV scenario sales must ramp up very quickly after 2025… 22 Punchlines revisited – what it could look like to achieve an 80% reduction in GHG in trucking... • Maximum vehicle efficiency improvement is a critical underpinning for fuel substitution, cuts fuel demand even in the face of rising truck travel • Hydrogen, electricity and biofuels must themselves be deeply decarbonized by 2050 California (left axis) US (right axis) 60 4.5 50 4.0 3.5 40 3.0 2.5 30 2.0 20 1.5 BIL GALLONS DIESEL EQUIV BILL GALLONS DIESEL EQUIV 5.0 Hydrogen Electricity Natural gas Biofuels Diesel fuel 1.0 10 0.5 0.0 0 2010 2050 High ZEV 2050 Mixed 2010 2050 High ZEV 2050 Mixed 23 Truck policy and research implications • National and CA efficiency/GHG standards will hopefully help offset truck travel growth to keep CO2 stable • It would take major, rapid shifts in propulsion systems and fuels to hit an 80-in-50 target • Do we need ZEV mandates for trucks? Fiscal measures a possible alternative • More research: – Truck buyer decisions and response to fiscal decisions – vehicle choice modelling for trucks? – “Robustness” analysis on both costs and GHG intensities is needed – For CA, regional disaggregation would be useful – which trucks are operating where? Bring in values of NOx/PM – UC Davis spatial model of trucks in CA is in development – Role of VMT reduction and efficiency via ICT, logistics, modal shift, etc. 24 Backup Slides 25 Truck technology costs are critical And future cost reductions are uncertain Purchase costs for long haul trucks, thousand US dollars Diesel Hybrid Natural Gas (LNG/CNG Biofuels Fuel Cell Electricity ) 2014 2030 2014 2030 2014 2030 2014 2030 2014 2030 2014 2030 160 160 185 177 224/ 187/ 183 183 160 160 255 216 NA NA Short 145 Haul 145 170 162 209/ 172/ 168 168 145 145 240 201 466 309 Long Haul Sources: primarily Burke and Zhu (2014), Zhou et al (2013); and analysis undertaken for this paper 26 We built up costs using component analysis Diesel 2,014 2,030 Base truck ("glider") cost Long Haul 145,000 Short Haul 130,000 Component costs Fuel storage 1,000 Engine 9,000 Battery Fuel cell Motor Accessories Total component costs 10,000 Component cost markup 15,000 (1.5x technology costs) Total Purchase Cost Long Haul 160,000 Short haul 145,000 LNG 2,014 2,030 Hybrid 2,014 2,030 Fuel Cell 2,014 2,030 BEV 2,014 2,030 145,000 130,000 1,000 9,000 32,684 20,000 18,158 10,000 1,000 9,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 52,684 79,025 28,158 42,236 7,000 2,000 26,500 39,750 160,000 145,000 224,025 209,025 187,236 172,236 184,750 169,750 1,000 9,000 3,750 23,331 11,666 200,000 100,000 26,250 24,000 16,450 19,200 24,000 19,200 5,600 2,000 21,350 32,025 73,581 110,372 47,316 70,973 224,000 336,000 119,200 178,800 177,025 162,025 255,372 240,372 215,973 200,973 466,000 308,800 Sources: primarily Burke and Zhu (2014), Zhou et al (2013); and analysis undertaken for this paper 27 With some heroic assumptions… Cost per kW or kWh 2014 2030 Units 20 10 $/kWh 75 47 $/kW Fuel Cell Characteristics 35 kg 1167 kWh 350 kW BEV 400 kWh 500 250 $/kWh 15 kWh 500 250 $/kWh 9 5 $/kWh Hybrid LNG 150 gallons 3632 kWh 28 Fuel cost assumptions are important Fuel Fuel cost per dge, circa 2014 $3.45 $2.75 Projected cost, 2030 $3.73 $3.21 Biodiesel (2014) Renewable diesel (2030) $5.26 $3.87 Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) from natural gas LH2 from electrolysis $5.92 $4.39 $11.08 $6.97 Electricity $3.82 $4.07 Diesel Liquid natural gas (LNG) Source/comments AEO 2014 Based on UCD NG model estimates. Infrastructure must be built out and has high near-term capital cost; NREL, 2013; near term oil-seed FAME biodiesel; long term drop-in fuel from cellulosic feedstorck with advanced process such as Fisher-Tropsch or upgraded pyrolysis oil LH2 derived from natural gas reforming, followed by liquefaction; Electrolysis: near term from electricity mix, long term with 50% renewables or waste hydrogen, followed by liquefaction EIA average U.S. retail price 29 What will it take to cut CO2 80% by 2050 for trucks? Baseline long haul: Hybrids and NG 30 Scenarios across all truck types Baseline: steady growth to 2050, hybrids and NG 31 Scenarios across all truck types Baseline GHG emissions decline slowly over time 32 Scenarios across all truck types 80-in-50 GHG emissions decline rapidly over time 33
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