Prince of Peace Catholic Community Summer Camp 2015 The summer program is open to all school aged children that are ages 5-12 years by the first day of camp or entering kindergarten through sixth/seventh grade (or 12 years of age) for the 2015-2016 school year. Prince of Peace Catholic Community Summer Program provides the children an enriching and Christian environment through activities which will invoke imagination, creativity, and excitement in your child. Camp is in session for 8 weeks (Monday through Friday) from June 8th- July 31st. Camp is open daily from 7:45am to 6:00pm. The summer camp is located at 5100 Plano Parkway West, Plano 75093. Additionally, we will venture on daily field trips every morning or afternoon in the Dallas area with the exception of an occasional on campus “field trip”. Camp Director, Kri McGinnis 972-380-2100 ext 172 [email protected] or Step 1. Print, read, sign, complete Admission Forms and signature pages. Step 2. Return signed admission forms and signature pages to Director Kri McGinnis via email, fax, snail mail, or deliver to POP school/pastoral office. Step 3. Pay Registration Fee online at click on WeShare. Campers are not confirmed without payment of Registration. Step 4. Pay tuition for selected weeks/days online (as indicated above). Campers are not confirmed without payment of tuition. Pay in full or weekly, if attending more than one week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 9 10 11 12 THEME: Art Makes You Smart National Scouting Museum pm 15 THEME: The Blue Planet North Texas Municipal Water plant pm 22 THEME: Play Ball! Dallas Museum of Arts Kimbell Art Museum (picnic at Klyde Warren Park) Am/all day Am/all day 16 17 Celebration Park Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History Am/all day pm 23 24 Globe Life Park (Ballpark in Arlington) Interskate Roller Rink American Airlines Center pm Am/all day 29 See July 30 See July 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center 18 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center 25 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center African American Museum pm 19 Texas Discovery Gardens pm 26 Strikz Bowling pm *Field trips subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances Monday June Tuesday June Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 30 1 2 Dallas Children’s Theater “Flat Stanley” pm Bureau of Engraving and Printing 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center 3 POP Summer Camp CLOSED in observance of Independence Day 7 Fritz Park Petting zoo 8 Log Cabin Village 9 10 Dallas Zoo pm Am/all day 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center 14 15 16 17 Perot Museum Klyde Warren Park 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center Sharkarosa THEME: GOD Bless America! George Bush Presidential Library pm 6 THEME: The GREAT Outdoors Dallas Arboretum pm 13 THEME: Weird Science Scit-Tech Discovery Center pm 20 THEME: Just For Fun! pm Am/all day Am/all day Am/all day Picnic and FUN! Am/all day 21 22 23 24 Interskate 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center Home Depot Workshop Going Bonkers! pm Movie theather (movie and location TBD) pm 27 28 29 30 Celebration Park Meadows Museum 9:00 am mass Pm pool Tom Muhlenbeck Center pm pm THEME: Guess What WE Did today? Dallas Star Center pm pm pm 31 The Canyons Rock Climbing Center Ice cream party End of summer celebration! pm Location of movies TBA *Field trips subject to change. ADMISSION INFORMATION Return this form! Operation Name Director’s Name Prince of Peace Catholic Community Summer Camp Kri McGinnis Child’s Full Name Child’s Date of Birth/age/grade Child’s Home Telephone No. Child’s Home Address Date of Admission Date of Withdrawal Email address (es) **Required Parent’s or Guardian’s Name Address (if different from child’s address) List telephone numbers below where parents/guardian may be reached while child will be in care: Mother’s Telephone No. Father’s Telephone No. Guardian’s Telephone No. Cell Phone No Give the name, address and phone number of person to call in case of an emergency if parents / guardian cannot be reached: Relationship I hereby authorize the childcare operation to allow my child to leave the childcare operation ONLY with the following persons. Please list name & telephone number for each. Children will only be released to a parent or a person designated by the parent/guardian after verification of ID. consent for my child to be transported and supervised by the operation’s employees: CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 1. TRANSPORTATION: Walk home I hereby 2. FIELD TRIPS: I hereby give do not give my consent for my child to participate in Field Trips: 3. WATER ACTIVITIES: I hereby give do not give my consent for my child to participate in Water Activities: give do not give for emergency care sprinkler play on field trips splashing/wading pools swimming pools 4. RECEIPT OF WRITTEN OPERATIONAL POLICIES: I acknowledge receipt of the facility’s operational policies including those for discipline and guidance. 5. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE FOLLOWING MEALS WILL BE SERVED TO MY CHILD WHILE IN CARE: Lunch PM Snack (lunch brought from home. Snacks may be brought from home or purchased at camp.) AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ATTENTION: In the event I cannot be reached to make arrangements for emergency medical care, I authorize the person in charge to take my child to: Name of Physician: Address: Ph.#: Name of Emergency Medical Care Facility: Address: Ph.#: I give consent for the facility to secure any and all necessary emergency medical care for my child. Signature - Parent or Legal Guardian List any special problems that your child may have, such as allergies, existing illness, previous serious illness, injuries a nd hospitalizations during the past 12 months, any medication prescribed for long -term continuous use, and any other information which caregiver’s should be aware of: Child daycare operations are public accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title III. If you believe that such an operation may be practicing discrimination in violation of Title III, you may call the ADA Information Line at (800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800)-514-0383 (TTY). Signature – Parent or Legal Guardian Date Return this form! My child attends the following school: Name of school and Address School Ph # CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: His / her immunization record is on file at the school and all required immunizations and/or tuberculosis test are current. Vision and Hearing screening records are also on file. My child has permission to: be released to the care of his/her sibling(s) under 18 years old. Name of sibling(s): IMMUNIZATION RECORD: I have provided the childcare operation with a copy of my child’s most current immunization record. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: If your child does not attend pre-kindergarten or school away from the child-care operation, one of the following must be presented when your child is admitted to the child -care operation or within one week of admission. Please check only one option: 1. HEALTH-CARE PROFESSIONAL’S STATEMENT: I have examined the above named child within the past year and find that he / she is able to take part in the day care program. 2. Health Care Professional's Signature A signed and dated copy of a health care professional’s statement is attached. Date 3. Medical diagnosis and treatment conflict with the tenets and practices of a recognized religious organization, which I adhere to or am a member of; I have attached a signed and dated affidavit stating this. 4. My child has been examined within the past year by a health care professional and is able to participate in the day care prog ram. Within 12 months of admission, I will obtain a health care professional’s signed statement and will submit it to the child -care operation. Name and address of health care professional : Signature - Parent or Legal Guardian VISION R 20/ ________ L 20/ ________ 1000 Hz PASS FAIL DATE _____________________________________ SIGNATURE ____________________________________________ HEARING Date 2000 Hz R L 4000 Hz PASS SIGNATURE ___________________________________________ Signature – Parent or Legal Guardian DATE ______________________________________ Date FAIL Summer Camp Enrollment Request Return this page Please indicate child's name, dates needed, and t-shirt size for each child you are enrolling and return this request with registration forms. Check the appropriate weeks/days needed. One free t- shirt per child. If you would like extra t-shirts, please indicate the number you would like to order and pay online at WeShare for the additional shirts ($12 each). Use this worksheet to assist with online payment. Please note - NO CHANGES to days selected for "By the Day" enrollment. No exceptions. Sample Date Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri June 8-12 x x x x x Date Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri June 8-12 x Child #1 Child #2 x Date Tues Wed Thur Fri Jun 15-19 Jun 22-26 July 6-10 Jul 13-17 Jul 20-24 Jul 27-31 Weekly $235 each No camp Weekly $235 each # of Days $55 each 3 # of Days $55 each Total Amt Due for Week $235.00 # of Shirts: Jun 8-12 Jun 29-Jul 3 1 Tee Shirt Size: Grade entering: Mon # of Days $55 each x Child #1 Name: Age: Weekly $235 each Total Amt Due for Week Total Amt Due for Week $165.00 Summer Camp Enrollment Request Multiple Children Return this page Child #2 Name: Grade entering: Age: Date Tee Shirt Size: Mon Tues # of Shirts: Wed Thur Fri Weekly $235 each # of Days $55 each Total Amt Due for Week Jun 8-12 Jun 15-19 Jun 22-26 Jun 29-Jul 3 No camp July 6-10 Jul 13-17 Jul 20-24 Jul 27-31 Child #3 Name: Grade entering: Age: Date Tee Shirt Size: Mon Tues # of Shirts: Wed Thur Fri Jun 8-12 Jun 15-19 Jun 22-26 Jun 29-Jul 3 July 6-10 Jul 13-17 Jul 20-24 Jul 27-31 No camp Weekly $235 each # of Days $55 each Total Amt Due for Week HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Name of Child: Age ► Vaccine ▼ Date of Birth: Birth 1 mos 2 mos 4 mos 6 mos 12 mos 15 mos 18 mos 19-23 Mos 2-3 Yrs 4-6 Yrs Hepatitis B Rotavirus Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Haemophilus influenzae type b Pneumococccal Inactivated Poliovirus Influenza Measles, Mumps, Rubella Varicella Hepatitis A Meningococcal TB TEST (if required) Positive Date: Negative Signature or stamp of a physician or public health personnel verifying immunization information above. Signature Date Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine is not required if your child has had chickenpox disease. If your child has had chickenpox, please complete the statement: My child had varicella disease (chickenpox) on or about (date) and does not need varicella vaccine. Parent’s signature Date I am excluding my child from the immunization requirements for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. I have attached an official notarized affidavit form developed and issued by the Department of State Health Services. I understand this affidavit is valid for 2 years. For additional information regarding immunizations contact the Department of State Health Services at Signature – Parent or Legal Guardian Return this form! Date Illness and Exclusion from Summer Camp please refer to the following guidelines listed below: Guides for Excluding Students from Return to Summer Camp Guidelines Summer Camp Exclusion Guidelines Oral Temperature of 100 degrees or Fever free for 24 hours above Vomiting Symptom free for 24 hours Nausea, or severe abdominal pain Symptom free Marked drowsiness or malaise Symptom free Sore throat, acute cold, or persistent Symptom free cough Red, inflamed, or discharging eyes Written physician release Exclusion Guidelines Return to School Guidelines Acute skin rashes or eruptions Written physician release Swollen glands around jaws, ears, and Written physician release neck Suspected scabies or impetigo Written physician release Earache Symptom free Pediculosis (head lice) Nit free Other symptoms suggestive of acute Written physician release illness A student must be free of symptoms or illnesses for 24 hours prior to returning to camp. Any student exhibiting such symptoms will be sent home. Prince of Peace Summer Camp General Information SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE Monday-Fridays: Field trips will vary between morning and afternoon departure times. 7:45-9:00 Free play 9:00-10:00 Clean up, morning prayer (Thursday mass), attendance, etc 10:00-12:00 Small group activities, such as gym games, crafts, or computer time/Field trip 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-3:00 Field Trip/small group activities 3:15-3:45 Quiet time 3:45-4:15 Snack time 4:15-6:00 Free time to play in St. James Hall or Gym Absences If your child is going to be absent, please let us know before 8:30 am by leaving camp director a voice mail or email. Camp director is Kri McGinnis and may be reached at 972-380-2100 ext 172 or [email protected] Camp T-shirts/Attire Camp tee shirts will be available to pick up the first week of camp, are to be worn on all field trips except pool days. Campers must wear tennis shoes each day (flip flops/swim shoes for pool days) and comfortable play clothes. A change of clothes is recommended for all campers. Please send a complete change of clothes including socks, underwear, top, shorts, and shoes (flip flops) in a clear Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. We will return it on last day child attends camp. Contact information Parents may review and discuss questions or concerns regarding the camp policies and operational procedures with the camp director by contacting Kri McGinnis, Summer Camp director at 972-380-2100 ext 172 or [email protected]. Discipline and Rules for Summer camp POP Summer Camp follows the same rules that apply to Prince of Peace Catholic School regarding discipline and policies pertaining to Off-Campus Conduct, Behavior at School Functions Outside the School Day(Summer camp hours), School Property, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs, Blogs, Bullying and Cyber bullying, Harassment, Weapons and Firearms . This information can be found at under “About Us” and “Handbook” pp21-23. Drop Off and Pick up of campers Parents may drop off and pick up campers at St. James Hall entrance only (near Bell Tower). Parents or authorized persons to pick up must come inside to sign in/out the child. Authorized persons to pick up child(ren) must be prepared to present a photo ID such as driver’s license or State issued ID card. No other persons will be allowed to pick up a child without written notification from parent(s). Electronics/Toys Campers are not to bring any toys from home unless they are told to bring in an item for a specific activity. This includes all electronic devices, trading cards (Pokemon, baseball cards, kooky pens, etc). Camp staff is not responsible for campers’ personal belongings. Emergency Preparedness Plan POP Summer camp practices emergency procedures for inclement or dangerous weather, fire drill, and lock down drill. In the event of an emergency where the children must be removed from campus to a separate location, all campers will be relocated to the Primacare Medical Center located just across the street from Prince of Peace. The address is 5076 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano TX 75093. A member of our staff will call all parents to retrieve campers from this location. A copy of POP Summer Camp Emergency Preparedness Plan is available on request. Field Trips A signed permission slip must be on file for all field trips in order for campers to participate. A permission slip will emailed weekly as well as a hard copy available at the sign in desk at drop off. Campers must remain with group at all times except when given permission from their counselor. Campers must respect one another and the counselors. Continued misbehavior on field trips may result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from camp. More information regarding behavior expectations and discipline policy may be found at under “About Us” and “Handbook” pp21-23. Hours of Operation Summer Camp is open from 7:45-6:00. Children must be picked up by 6:00pm. A charge of $1.00 per minute per child will be assessed and is payable to the counselor waiting with your child. Illness and Exclusion from Summer Camp please refer to the guidelines listed in the admissions packet. Important Information and Phone numbers Local Licensing office phone/address 550 E. 15th Street Ste 120, Plano, TX 76209 469-229-6900. DFPS Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-5400 or secure website Parents may also find this information posted on the Summer Camp information board. Lunch and Snack Please send a lunch and beverage each day with your camper. It is also encouraged to bring an additional water bottle (labeled). If your child is without a lunch and the POP staff has to provide one, a fee of $5.00 PLUS the cost of the lunch will be charged to you. This is payable in cash at pickup on the same day. This is for emergencies only (i.e. forgotten lunch). One day per week a pizza lunch will be offered as an option. $3.00 includes one slice of pizza, drink and fruit cup/fruit. Additional slices of pizza are $2.00 each. Cash only please paid when you order at drop off in the morning. One day per week a Chick Fila lunch will be offered (provided we are not on an all-day field trip). The charge is $5.00 for a choice of chick fila sandwich or 8 nuggets, chips, and a drink. Cash only please paid when you order at drop off in the morning. Snack time is daily at approximately 4:00 pm. Your child may either bring a snack from home or we will have a concession area with snacks that range in price from $.50-$1.00. A drink will be provided free of charge to each camper. Medical Emergencies In the event of illness or injury to a child during while at Summer Camp, the parent of the injured child will be notified by phone. If parents are unable to be reached, the emergency contact will be notified by phone. In the event of extreme illness or injury, 911 will be called and then a phone call will go to the parents. An accident/illness report will be completed and signed by appropriate summer camp staff and parents. Medication If your child needs to take any medication, it must be in original container with a note from the doctor given to the camp director. A medication form MUST be submitted with all medication. Minimum Standards for School Age Programs Parents may review a copy of the minimum standards for school age programs online at or a hard copy is located at the camp at the sign in desk for your convenience. Parent visitation/participation Parents are welcome to visit and participate in activities at any time while camp is in session and we are on site. Parental Notifications Parents will be notified of any changes to planned activities or field trips, change in policies, or any other pertinent information by email, posted in St. James Hall, and hardcopy of notification at the sign in /out desk. Please keep a current email address and phone number on file with camp director at all times. Pool Days Each Thursday we will be going to the Tom Muhlenbeck Center to swim. On these days the campers may wear a bathing suit under their clothes and bring sandals or water shoes. **Please note that all campers age 7 and under are required to wear a life jacket. Life jackets are available at the Muhlenbeck Center. Be sure to apply sunscreen on your child in the morning before camp. Counselors are not allowed to apply sunscreen. You may send extra sunscreen for your child to reapply. Please be sure your child has a labeled towel, labeled dry clothing (including underwear) and labeled water bottle. REGISTRATION and TUITION/FEE INFORMATION Return this form! Registration: The attached enrollment/admissions forms and non-refundable registration fee of $ must be submitted to the camp director, Kri McGinnis by May 22, 2015, as well as, on line payment of first week’s tuition. There are three options for submitting registration forms/signature pages. 1. You may submit forms via email to [email protected] and pay online for weekly tuition. 2. Return all admission forms and signature pages directly to the school or pastoral office at Prince of Peace Catholic Community. 3. Mail all forms to the school office ATTN Kri McGinnis: 5100 Plano Parkway West, Plano, TX 75093. Tuition: $235 per week (except the week of June 29-July 3-$205) or $55 per day. Tuition is due at the time of registration/two weeks prior to the first day of the week for each week registered. You may register one week at a time and pay as you go. Registrations and payments will not be accepted within 14 days of the week needed. Please note, in the event that your child becomes ill or absent due to vacation, you will not be reimbursed for tuition. No changes allowed for days selected on “By the day” registrations. Absolutely no exceptions! Withdrawal from/Cancelation of enrolled dates: We must have at least two weeks advance notice of cancelation of a scheduled enrollment date to avoid penalty. You are responsible for tuition if cancelation is not received in writing at least two weeks in advance. For example, if your child is enrolled for an entire week but only attends 3 days you are still responsible for the entire week’s tuition. “By the Day” enrollment selected days are final. No changes will be honored. Please understand there are many factors that are considered when planning summer camp that includes but it not limited to pre-paid field trips, scheduled buses, scheduled staff, supplies, etc. TWO WEEKS ADVANCE NOTICE including payment is required for attendance at camp. Drop-ins are not allowed according to the state licensing regulations. PLEASE PRINT AND RETURN THIS SIGNATURE PAGE WITH REGISTRATION/ADMISSION FORMS. I have read the General Information and Tuition/Fee information for Prince of Peace Catholic Community Summer Camp and agree to abide by the rules, regulation, and guidelines set forth within the General Information and Tuition/Fee Information. Signature – Parent or Legal Guardian Date RELEASE AGREEMENT Return this form! The UNDERSIGNED gives to Prince of Peace Catholic Community (the Parish) and The Catholic Diocese of Dallas, its legal representatives, successors, and all persons or corporations acting with their permission, unrestricted permission to videotape, copyright and/or use, and/or publish photographic portraits or pictures of me, and the negatives, transparencies, prints, or digital information pertaining to them, in still, single, multiple, moving or video format, or in which I may be included in whole or in part, or composite, or distorted in form, or reproductions thereof, in color or otherwise, made through any or otherwise make reproductions of images of the UNDERSIGNED, to use my name and make recordings of my voice for the purposes of creating videos and other media used in the development of newsletters, bulletins or publicity materials for Prince of Peace Catholic Community. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and approve the finished product or copy that may be used in connection with an image that the Parish or Diocese has taken of me, or the use to which it may be applied. I further acknowledge that I will not be compensated for these uses, and that the Parish exclusively owns all rights to the images. The UNDERSIGNED releases Prince of Peace Catholic Community and The Catholic Diocese of Dallas, its successors, assigns, employees, and agents from any and all claims for compensation, damages or rights to monies arising out of the use by the Parish or third parties. Date this ________Day of _______________________ Print Name______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent or Guardian on behalf of minor
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